West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Jun 1940, p. 4

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m m m m m '̂4 THB WEST VAN NEWS £11£L5!!!» 1940, 1 1 t .« S M I T H 'S M A R K E T I l w " w i a T r '™ '"A r i l a i T '< g r-- 'S m ltll-~ -* 'M « i^ FfM OtUvWf B«rv<M - MonUll)' Acc««ltt' ' ST. FRANCIS' .- SCHOOL SFORTS ■•JtlCB.S GOOD FOR FRL and SA'l'j, June 7th and 8 th m e a t s15t f V * L r.u t 'y, i <(' 11 f: ̂ !V;'.; '|. ■ f:: ?« T i/i'!Av , r 2l5:-;.i; ril-STS , M i,4 : 5f|-; ;:• 'I y j ' '■f ffc: i 1 " :-|:: /- t ; IMJFKKI) WIIKAT-- (iu»k( r̂» 2 pktH, ................. 1 K«fd & WhiUt Unind POUK & l)E A N t^2 wiuat Unit .........?.......17c COHNKD HliEF--till ......................Uk ItiMl & White BOlJF>-CIUcken mid Itlce.'Tlii .......... .....lOc BWANHDOWN CAKE FM>UU-- Fkt................. ;............... '............... ;.27c K<>d & WhiU* IlItKAI) FLOUl^:^ 7-lb. Hiick 25c; 21-lb. Hack ........70c 49-lb. NiK'k .....................................11.49 l(<>d & White IIAKINO FOWOEll-- 12-oa:. till ........... 17c Ued A White BlIAKHU BALT-- Fliiiii or lodizi'd. 2>lb. carton 9c Red & White TOMATOES-- 2 No. 2'// lltiH .............................26c Nabob CU'l' WAX HEAN8-- 2 tall tliiK ............................. ;......^̂ 25c Red & While (iOLOEN CORN-- tall tlna ................ 11c Nabob RED PLUMB--tall tin ........10c Went 370 B E E F PORK LAM B The Annual SiKirtB P^y Francis ^hoo l was held on May 24 and'"th'0 vandi)¥"Wiht^"' '̂ffi^ hotly contested Ijy the^ boys. S tarting a t 7:10 s.hL with a 440 yd. inWjr-house relay; the day was brought to a successful con­ clusion wdth a .«ix, mile country for .senior.̂ ! in the cool Vrm Velirery of the evening. A generous cold lunch a t noon, and a bun and ice cream feed in the afternoon fail- iVEAL All Grade A & A1 ed to cramp: the .style of the „ boys, who put UR a splendid show, brealfine .several .school re- S e W ic c " L U n A B E !lt '~ ~ '" Q ^ SASH A DQQHS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THpE.IS.^. NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT BUlLHEfiS* SUPPUES ROOFING ^ WALLBOABO TILE A fc a ta : CANADA P A IN T CO M PANY LTD. ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive - Phone West 115 D eH catcssen F re s h F is h D aily show, breaking'.sever. . . , . cords. The lioy.s w ere d iv id ed into four grou p .s, a c c o r d in g to age and w e ig h t , thd.s e n a b lin g every boy to c o m p e te w ith an even chance o f w in n in g t l ic school sports c h a m p io n cup. H«-d ^ W'hitf G R APEFRUIT JU IC E -- Main results o f th e .sp rin g m e e t U'liHWiHjtnied. 60-oz. tin, each ..23c are as follows: CLASSIFIED ADS^ I'hi. rate for ClBSsIftwi Adv«ctl»«ment8 la L centa per word, minimum 26 c™li. K xcptin U > f '5. ' " «n cl„,|. in th« W « t Vm N .w . get Immediate reeulta. Bwi'fl or Unaweetenod, 15-o*. tin, 2 for .............. ......... :............. 17c Dolt's PINEAPPLE JUICE-- •2 l.'Loz. tills ....................... 23c Shower Miss Ann Spairrow, whose marriage* t oMr. P'runk S. Yates takes place this ,month, was^ guest of honor a t a miscel- luneouH , shower given a t the home of Mrs. S. Derrick, 2425 Nelson Ave., last Thursday even­ ing.' Mrs. Derrick and Mrs. Charles Hurbridge were oohost- e.sHOs at this delightful alfuir. 'riie many lovely gifts, arrang­ ed oil u charmingly decorated tea wagon, were wheeled in by Miss Barbara Sparrow. During the evening delicious refreshments . were served. Those pre.sent were Miss Anp Sparrow, Mesdumes Sparrow,' Millard. Gisby, KamBey;TDin,gle, PRIMROSE TEA Inter House 440; yd. relay -- School Hs. Tteam : Dodman, Ly- nas-Oray (Major) Prittie and Dunn. Class A ,100 yd. .sprint--Ro.s- setti, Jackson, Prittie. Class B, 100 yd. sprint GORDON ROBSON -- UnfHster & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, boy- 41J9 at W est Vancouver any tim e by appointment, West 403. ^ FOR SALE--5 acres, $1250.00. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburn P.O._______ W. 55 FOR RENT--Cosy three room suite, lircplace, central, lovely view, with traraae. West GSG-R.' « FLOOR SURFACING - r J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon A.venue, North 678 A I'limiose Tea and Meeting Lynas-Grey (Major), King. Ly- Will he hold at the home of Mrs. nas-Grey (Minor). FOR RENT--Furnished houses, $2o arid $50. Percy T. Masterman, 2446 Murine. West 1077. _______ FOR SALE--W ell located building lot. Short block from waterfront. Under cultivation. Owner 190 21st St. Phone W est 494-R. A. 10. Young, 14th and King's Avenue, at 2:30 p.m ,̂ Monday, .hine 10th, for patrioUc pur­ poses. Mrs.i F. tBufton, Mrs. Keginald Tupper and Mrs. J. A. Clark will bo present, and Mrs.' F. Burden will form the club. Anyone Interested will be more than w elcome. ' ' l Mrs. S. Smith and family, 2337 Lawson Ave., have moved,, into tlie-VVebb hou.se at 2463 Marine Drive." Nash, Cornish, IIarnilton-Sriii]Lh, Gourlay, Brucewell, Wall, Simp­ son, Bernard, Crickmay, Phil­ lips, Daw.son, Blanchford-Gray, Burge.HS, Shirlaw, Gillison, Bru­ ton, Brenton, Derrick and Bur- bridge; and the Misses 'E d ith Derrick, Joan and Barbara Spar­ row uiui Joyce Burbridge. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR SHE W ILL SAY PHONE TO Class C--75 yd. sprint--Dent­ on," Van Oudenol, Downey. Class D, 50 yd. sprint -- La Bissdniere, Grisdale, Reid. Broad Jump--Class A : Ros- .setti, Jackson, Dodman Glass B: Lynas-Grey (Major), Bern- ardine, Bolton; Class C : Denton, Powly, Baldwin; Class D: La Bi.ssoniere, Lyn'as, Reid. . Hop,. Skip and Jump -- Class A: Rossetti, Jackson, Prittie; Class B: Lynas-Grey (Major), Bernardine, Lynas-Grey (Mi­ n o r) ; Class C; Van Oudnol, Bald­ en, Powly ; ClassrD:^La Bisson- iere.lReiduI'XUiis.x__ ___________ High Jump--Clajs . A: Rosset- MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only, best m aw nala used. Expert operators. P hone West 304, Royal Bank Building. FOR SALE--1939 Ford Delux equip., ped with radio; will sacrifice! Phone W. 1041. RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUEOID Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti­ mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F..V. Findlay, West 494-R. AOCOMMODATIION f o r Paying Guests, transient or permanent. W est 686-R. PAINTING AND DECORATING- Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West .. 1022-L. PEMBERTON REALTY COUP. LTD. GORDON GRAY--Insurance, all risks, (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271. Local Agent, F Bayliss (Notary Public). . , 2436 Bellevue. West 522-R .!one policy, all locations. SEy. 4991] or W est 92-R2. - WANTED LISTINGS of all descriptio., ___IL_A._EOJBER.XS_Lm_ WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, taiiAng, vlass, glazing. W est 740,-West 443-R, 1447 Marine Drive West 546 ^CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, :Sacks,jrJHetals,_JElurnitur.e,_Stoy.es,. ti, Dunn, P n ttie ; ,,Cl^ss;'B .. Ly- aNn SHOP -- 2^2 Marine. Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. MORROW FOR YOUR 1 1 ^ TODAY MUNICIPALITY OF WEST VANCOUVEIt -NOTICE OF nas-Grey (Minor), Bolton, Ly­ nas-Grey (Major) and Bernard­ ine; Class C: Campbell, Denton, Welsh and Murphy (tied ); Glass D :, La Bissoniere, Lynas; Reid. Standing Broad Jump---Glass A :. Rossetti, Dunn, Jackson; - Class--B-:--L^yiias-Gr-ey77^a-jer)7 Bolton, Jones. ' Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup­ plies, Notions, China ware,\ Hard­ ware, Baby Garments. _________ "t. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES All forms of documents drawn and executed. Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals "-R.-P. BLOW-ER_&-GO^LT-D.------- 1405" Marine Dr., West Vancouver CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun̂ try w ay; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, . North 811-R-2.. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop. 1449 . Marine. i PUBLIC HEARING 100 yd. Hurdles, -- CIas§ A: Rossetti, Dunn; Class B : Lynas- Grey (Maj.), King, Jones and Lynas-Grey (Min.). ̂ 7 5 'yd. Hurdles -- CUass C: Denton, "Balden Campbell. • Sack Race--Class D: La Bis- Phones: West 21, 204-M, 913-L SUNLIT LODGE -- Summer Guests, Transient and Permanent. 3673 Marine Drive. West 889-L2. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable " rates. W est 927-R. J. EDWARD SEARSi Barrister. "Sol- COACHING--High School Subjects. R. P. Poisson, M.A. ■_________ _ icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone We^t 21. or West 553-R-l. F O inS A X E ^F our Cedar planKsT^r 12x14 Apply, W est 212. " b Rfl Propoaed Amondmont to tho Zoning By-taw u> tJu' pmvlMlun.s of Iho Town i'ia.nnln.f Ac'i II im-i'tinn: <if tho Omncll of iLlio C'orpuiatlon ni llu> DUlrlct of West anooiivi-r will Ik< hold in tho CoimclJ ^Miainhoi- at tho Mnnloliv l̂ Jlall, IVtli Slroot aiul l:Ls()ul»tmlt Avoiuns on Mon- ' day, Jniu* lith. ID-IO, ctmunoncln/yr at 7 ixniahh-r ]»n>poHOd amoiUhnoiUa to ZonliiK Uy-law No. -ITSv- Juii-aol out' In -- tho copy ('f tho proposuHl Amondmont Ity-luw No, StiD, Quotofl holow. W«at Vancouver "Zolning By-lnW No. > , 478. 1931." ^ Amendment, Bvlaw No. 869, 1940 WllK.UKA.S after couHldorlnK thu roconnnfiulatk>iu<-Of-1 ho-\V*oaL_Miu»cou--__ vor Town I'isutnlUH' Conunlaslon It up W e st'4 5 6 * MORROW COAL & ICE company limited soniere,'Lynas, Reid. ,r . Wheel Borrow, 100 yds. -- -Class A : Dunn and Dodman; Cjass B: Bernardine and Lynas- Grey (Min.). 75 yds., Class C and D : Balden and Walsh. - Three legged Race, 100 yds.-- Class A: Dodman and Dunn; WEST; VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. FLOOBt SURFACING--J. Sutherlaiul West 483. GORDON ROBSON___Barrister Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 , a t West Vancouver any jtime by appointment,* West 403. DON'T FORGCT the Big S^le start­ ing June 15th, a t Crawley and Barker's Store, 1648' Marine Drive. Phone W. 577. Cjass B:.Boldon and Lynas-Grey CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust i b bi 1 ' • 'll . ' 1 ' I f pwu'H advlHHliU) and tvxiKHUout to amend VZonlUK Uy-hvw No. -tVS, 1931," tux I'ollowa; NOW THKimh'OIlK the lUK^v -̂'iuui Cuumdl i5f tlu* Cor}Ki|-iLtloh of ,tl)o Dlat- • riot of \V«.v<t \".MiUH>uvor In open inoetin t̂j itsaeinblod K.\At'*rS AS FOhlAlWS.* 1. 'I'hla hy-huv may he elted for ail pnriMeH'.-i a« ."Wo.Mt .Vancouver 'Zonjnjr Jly-law No, 17s, 193V Amendment liy- liiw No, s^9, 1910," 3. The fidhnvhur lots to 1k> added to and made i»art of" the "UKht In- dustihU' Districts." lx)ts 1 to ifi inohuslve, of Hknik H«̂ >C District l.A)it 337. IjOta lt> to 30 Inclumlvo, of lUocU i;h Of DUtrlot Doî .2S7, VAS.SKD hy tho Council On Ukc 3rd day of June, "A.IX' 1940. KbX:;ONi>lD- IdltND ujul I'ln.'iUy jidopteil by Uio ('ouiudl. SKJNND by tho Hoove and t?lork and HM.V1.14D with The Corpontte SgjU of the said Oonn'ratfon all on Ute of' (Maj.); Class C: Denton and Campbell._____ ________ Egg and Spoon Race Class CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST D: Lynas, La Bissoniere, Reid. Blind Man's Race, 100 yds.-- Glass A: Dunn and DodiSrian; Glass B : Lynas-Grey (Min.) i and Bernardine; Class C: Walshi and VANCOUVER BaTdenl-:C4k'^~D"b E y ria s ; and 1 " Reid. ' Offers will bo received by the under-' Potato Race, 200 yds. -- (jlass signed up to noon on. June 8th for A: Rossetti, Dodman, Dunri. yds--Class B: Lynas-Grey 783 W ^i, with improvements thereon. (M ai ) RerViJirtliTu^ 100 Highest, or nity offer not neces- ' .b J -L ^ e rn a r a in e . lUU sarily accented. . R A. HARRISON, burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North -:-822. .FOR SALE -- Small chest drawers, settee, small oak round table $10; ' or will sell separately. W. 759-R3. W. H. VASS,-Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. FOR s a l e ;--EiXceptionally attractive ---4% -acre~block--reduced to' ball price. Apply Box 14, West Van. News. • - . , ' ___ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, a t reason- able rates. H. Gaines. West 962-R__ FOR s a l e --4 roomed modern cot­ tage, i minute' to ferry and -buS) - $1200, $500 cash. Phone W. 131-M. YOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK by the hour.. West 686-R. ,iSTORE FOR RENT--Splendid, loca­ tion, reasonable,' possession 1st , July. West 8S6-R. FOR" S A L E ::^ Ja n is r j^ li^ ih canninr jars, also empty jars, chest ot . drawers, chairs, man's rubber work suit, -radio. 1232 Esquimalt. West 712-R. ' 1 yds.--Clâ ss C: Denton, Bolden, Murphy. >50 yd$--Class D: La Acting Municipal C l e r k . Bissoniere, Lynas, Reid. HoUyburn, B. C., Wrestling -- Class A: Dunn, FOR .SALEl--Miniature, piano as new Bargain. West 480-R. FOR SALE--1928 Poiitiac iSedan in good condition. West 98i: 4/0/40, NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1927, CHAPTER 140 A.D. 1910. -------- -- Uc-ove.-- /Cl ^ ' \ • ■ ' , d'lwk. ■\ 1 htMvhy eortlfy Uio alwvG U> Ixs a tmio-copy of Bj^aW No. 478, y i 1931, Anu>ndim>iu By^kiw No., $69. 1940. ' M A. UARRISON, . -Acting MunlcJiivirciork, !~T~----- -"A.11 iH>nsons who doom--thenisolves affoctoil by the proposed amendments win be' affordvHl n.n opi>ommlty to bo heanl by the Council on any nvattero ' ' relatinir tltcirotvv "S' . Dated nt Woi?( Vnneouror, B, C., tills Mh day of June, 1940. R. ATmtARKTSON;----- Actlnsr Munlelpiil Clerk. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA TELIT- PHONE COMPANY hereby gives notice that it has, under Sectipn 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Min­ ister of Public Works a t Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry, District of New m.. tt..-------- W estminster a t Vancouver, British Race, Towne House, 12-3: ^ lu m b ia , a description of the site Rossetti, 2nd Balden, 3rd and the plans of a telephone sub- Dodman, 4th Lynas-Grey (Min). for School House; Clas^B: Ly- nas-Grey (M aj), for School House; Class .CJ: Downey, for Toivne House; Class I>: La Bis- toniere, for Towne House. Inter House events: Football match. School House 6t4. Hand-b^l match. School House 14-7. Cricket match, Towne House 54-51. Three-mile -FOR RENT--Attractive upper half of new home. Lovely view. West WORK WANTED*' -- Rock Pits, Re­ pairs, Lawns, etc. Ex-service man. Phone W. 502. ' _____ _ 1009-R. HAULING -- Manure, Septic Tanks and Rockpits installed and cleaned West 187-R. ; WANTED by elderly lady, an unfur­ nished r o o m f o r light housekeeping- Reasonable; fo r July 1st. Phoî ® West 337-L. _____ FOR SALE--3 coal and wood'ranges Al condition. Gapilano Barbecue Drive, phone North . A I ...... WANTED--Delivery boy with bicycle. Must know district. Box D. West Van. News. ^ -marine'̂able--propoŝ--to-b̂laid--Ipter-HoûCfosŝ uSfeŵacross Howe Sound from Britannia >r_ MEN WANTED -- A good business paying good income and with future Selling. Pamilex Pfb- 4ucts men and women Can­ ada have found the secret of suc- on if HAVE ROOM a n d b o a r d for bus| ness men Convenient location. 16, W est Van. News. ~ -- f o r SALE-^1933 Chevrolet Truck, , with power hoist, $450 cash, we :^527.___________ _̂___________ Beach, a point on the east side o f . House 1 7 -1 3 p t ^ Junior Howe SbundrTb^Yo^fibre7T"Wmt" ^f^" "̂ f^^«e-Tnile5 :~C am pM on the w est side o f Howe Sound, both V aji Oudertol, Powly. Senior OBLIGATION. Ask_ for SUMMER CLASSES now r Kh/L catalogue describing ' 20n HoUyburn Business College, West nece^ity-products and plan. Familex Products., 570 St. Clement St 341., Montreal. model only used 1 in the Province of British Columbia, team , six m iles : B olden, L y n as- And take notice tha t after the ex- G rey (IM ai.). Jo n e a piration of one month from the date ' , . of the first publication of this notice, ------------------------- the British Columbia Telephone Com- . U N FFED W A R 'W O R K F U N D pany will under Sect^^ ̂ _ _ _ _ _ Act apply to the Minister of Public , i_____ __ W^orks a t his office in the City of Ot- „ r ia n g e m e n ts h a V e b e e n -- ....... tawa, fo r the approval of the said ." ^Ve som ebody a t th e WANTED by business co im W p r site and jplans and for leave to lay the B. C. E le c tr ic S to re ^on M a rin e able girl. I^ok after child ^ul-tB lephono-subm anne cable.--------- n n v e -+ o n -M te s f f l ) ^ p H M s - - f o r ------ ^E '® ';r-'«>a™ »A 7-cook'^ ROOM AND BOARD available, near bus and ferry. W est 1075-L. J, T> ' $25.00; ' ^ e e f , nearly new, epicycle Shop _i ' for LADY R l^ U IR E S ROOM and Boa^ FOR SALE--English Baby Buggi- just like new. W est 6 5 0 -R .__ near w aterfront. Reasonable., Re* 25, West Van. News.- -____ _ Bated this 16th day of May, 1940. th e .F u n d i DON'T PORGET-the Big-Sale-sta '̂ ing,, June 15th, a t Barker's Store, 1648 Marine Pn'"- Phone W. 577. . .. ^