m m m m m '̂4 THB WEST VAN NEWS £11£L5!!!» 1940, 1 1 t .« S M I T H 'S M A R K E T I l w " w i a T r '™ '"A r i l a i T '< g r-- 'S m ltll-~ -* 'M « i^ FfM OtUvWf B«rv<M - MonUll)' Acc««ltt' ' ST. FRANCIS' .- SCHOOL SFORTS ■•JtlCB.S GOOD FOR FRL and SA'l'j, June 7th and 8 th m e a t s15t f V * L r.u t 'y, i <(' 11 f: ̂ !V;'.; '|. ■ f:: ?« T i/i'!Av , r 2l5:-;.i; ril-STS , M i,4 : 5f|-; ;:• 'I y j ' '■f ffc: i 1 " :-|:: /- t ; IMJFKKI) WIIKAT-- (iu»k( r̂» 2 pktH, ................. 1 K«fd & WhiUt Unind POUK & l)E A N t^2 wiuat Unit .........?.......17c COHNKD HliEF--till ......................Uk ItiMl & White BOlJF>-CIUcken mid Itlce.'Tlii .......... .....lOc BWANHDOWN CAKE FM>UU-- Fkt................. ;............... '............... ;.27c K<>d & WhiU* IlItKAI) FLOUl^:^ 7-lb. Hiick 25c; 21-lb. Hack ........70c 49-lb. NiK'k .....................................11.49 l(<>d & White IIAKINO FOWOEll-- 12-oa:. till ........... 17c Ued A White BlIAKHU BALT-- Fliiiii or lodizi'd. 2>lb. carton 9c Red & White TOMATOES-- 2 No. 2'// lltiH .............................26c Nabob CU'l' WAX HEAN8-- 2 tall tliiK ............................. ;......^̂ 25c Red & While (iOLOEN CORN-- tall tlna ................ 11c Nabob RED PLUMB--tall tin ........10c Went 370 B E E F PORK LAM B The Annual SiKirtB P^y Francis ^hoo l was held on May 24 and'"th'0 vandi)¥"Wiht^"' '̂ffi^ hotly contested Ijy the^ boys. S tarting a t 7:10 s.hL with a 440 yd. inWjr-house relay; the day was brought to a successful con clusion wdth a .«ix, mile country for .senior.̂ ! in the cool Vrm Velirery of the evening. A generous cold lunch a t noon, and a bun and ice cream feed in the afternoon fail- iVEAL All Grade A & A1 ed to cramp: the .style of the „ boys, who put UR a splendid show, brealfine .several .school re- S e W ic c " L U n A B E !lt '~ ~ '" Q ^ SASH A DQQHS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THpE.IS.^. NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT BUlLHEfiS* SUPPUES ROOFING ^ WALLBOABO TILE A fc a ta : CANADA P A IN T CO M PANY LTD. ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive - Phone West 115 D eH catcssen F re s h F is h D aily show, breaking'.sever. . . , . cords. The lioy.s w ere d iv id ed into four grou p .s, a c c o r d in g to age and w e ig h t , thd.s e n a b lin g every boy to c o m p e te w ith an even chance o f w in n in g t l ic school sports c h a m p io n cup. H«-d ^ W'hitf G R APEFRUIT JU IC E -- Main results o f th e .sp rin g m e e t U'liHWiHjtnied. 60-oz. tin, each ..23c are as follows: CLASSIFIED ADS^ I'hi. rate for ClBSsIftwi Adv«ctl»«ment8 la L centa per word, minimum 26 c™li. K xcptin U > f '5. ' " «n cl„,|. in th« W « t Vm N .w . get Immediate reeulta. Bwi'fl or Unaweetenod, 15-o*. tin, 2 for .............. ......... :............. 17c Dolt's PINEAPPLE JUICE-- •2 l.'Loz. tills ....................... 23c Shower Miss Ann Spairrow, whose marriage* t oMr. P'runk S. Yates takes place this ,month, was^ guest of honor a t a miscel- luneouH , shower given a t the home of Mrs. S. Derrick, 2425 Nelson Ave., last Thursday even ing.' Mrs. Derrick and Mrs. Charles Hurbridge were oohost- e.sHOs at this delightful alfuir. 'riie many lovely gifts, arrang ed oil u charmingly decorated tea wagon, were wheeled in by Miss Barbara Sparrow. During the evening delicious refreshments . were served. Those pre.sent were Miss Anp Sparrow, Mesdumes Sparrow,' Millard. Gisby, KamBey;TDin,gle, PRIMROSE TEA Inter House 440; yd. relay -- School Hs. Tteam : Dodman, Ly- nas-Oray (Major) Prittie and Dunn. Class A ,100 yd. .sprint--Ro.s- setti, Jackson, Prittie. Class B, 100 yd. sprint GORDON ROBSON -- UnfHster & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, boy- 41J9 at W est Vancouver any tim e by appointment, West 403. ^ FOR SALE--5 acres, $1250.00. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburn P.O._______ W. 55 FOR RENT--Cosy three room suite, lircplace, central, lovely view, with traraae. West GSG-R.' « FLOOR SURFACING - r J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon A.venue, North 678 A I'limiose Tea and Meeting Lynas-Grey (Major), King. Ly- Will he hold at the home of Mrs. nas-Grey (Minor). FOR RENT--Furnished houses, $2o arid $50. Percy T. Masterman, 2446 Murine. West 1077. _______ FOR SALE--W ell located building lot. Short block from waterfront. Under cultivation. Owner 190 21st St. Phone W est 494-R. A. 10. Young, 14th and King's Avenue, at 2:30 p.m ,̂ Monday, .hine 10th, for patrioUc pur poses. Mrs.i F. tBufton, Mrs. Keginald Tupper and Mrs. J. A. Clark will bo present, and Mrs.' F. Burden will form the club. Anyone Interested will be more than w elcome. ' ' l Mrs. S. Smith and family, 2337 Lawson Ave., have moved,, into tlie-VVebb hou.se at 2463 Marine Drive." Nash, Cornish, IIarnilton-Sriii]Lh, Gourlay, Brucewell, Wall, Simp son, Bernard, Crickmay, Phil lips, Daw.son, Blanchford-Gray, Burge.HS, Shirlaw, Gillison, Bru ton, Brenton, Derrick and Bur- bridge; and the Misses 'E d ith Derrick, Joan and Barbara Spar row uiui Joyce Burbridge. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR SHE W ILL SAY PHONE TO Class C--75 yd. sprint--Dent on," Van Oudenol, Downey. Class D, 50 yd. sprint -- La Bissdniere, Grisdale, Reid. Broad Jump--Class A : Ros- .setti, Jackson, Dodman Glass B: Lynas-Grey (Major), Bern- ardine, Bolton; Class C : Denton, Powly, Baldwin; Class D: La Bi.ssoniere, Lyn'as, Reid. . Hop,. Skip and Jump -- Class A: Rossetti, Jackson, Prittie; Class B: Lynas-Grey (Major), Bernardine, Lynas-Grey (Mi n o r) ; Class C; Van Oudnol, Bald en, Powly ; ClassrD:^La Bisson- iere.lReiduI'XUiis.x__ ___________ High Jump--Clajs . A: Rosset- MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only, best m aw nala used. Expert operators. P hone West 304, Royal Bank Building. FOR SALE--1939 Ford Delux equip., ped with radio; will sacrifice! Phone W. 1041. RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUEOID Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F..V. Findlay, West 494-R. AOCOMMODATIION f o r Paying Guests, transient or permanent. W est 686-R. PAINTING AND DECORATING- Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West .. 1022-L. PEMBERTON REALTY COUP. LTD. GORDON GRAY--Insurance, all risks, (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271. Local Agent, F Bayliss (Notary Public). . , 2436 Bellevue. West 522-R .!one policy, all locations. SEy. 4991] or W est 92-R2. - WANTED LISTINGS of all descriptio., ___IL_A._EOJBER.XS_Lm_ WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, taiiAng, vlass, glazing. W est 740,-West 443-R, 1447 Marine Drive West 546 ^CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, :Sacks,jrJHetals,_JElurnitur.e,_Stoy.es,. ti, Dunn, P n ttie ; ,,Cl^ss;'B .. Ly- aNn SHOP -- 2^2 Marine. Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. MORROW FOR YOUR 1 1 ^ TODAY MUNICIPALITY OF WEST VANCOUVEIt -NOTICE OF nas-Grey (Minor), Bolton, Ly nas-Grey (Major) and Bernard ine; Class C: Campbell, Denton, Welsh and Murphy (tied ); Glass D :, La Bissoniere, Lynas; Reid. Standing Broad Jump---Glass A :. Rossetti, Dunn, Jackson; - Class--B-:--L^yiias-Gr-ey77^a-jer)7 Bolton, Jones. ' Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup plies, Notions, China ware,\ Hard ware, Baby Garments. _________ "t. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES All forms of documents drawn and executed. Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals "-R.-P. BLOW-ER_&-GO^LT-D.------- 1405" Marine Dr., West Vancouver CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun̂ try w ay; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, . North 811-R-2.. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop. 1449 . Marine. i PUBLIC HEARING 100 yd. Hurdles, -- CIas§ A: Rossetti, Dunn; Class B : Lynas- Grey (Maj.), King, Jones and Lynas-Grey (Min.). ̂ 7 5 'yd. Hurdles -- CUass C: Denton, "Balden Campbell. • Sack Race--Class D: La Bis- Phones: West 21, 204-M, 913-L SUNLIT LODGE -- Summer Guests, Transient and Permanent. 3673 Marine Drive. West 889-L2. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable " rates. W est 927-R. J. EDWARD SEARSi Barrister. "Sol- COACHING--High School Subjects. R. P. Poisson, M.A. ■_________ _ icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone We^t 21. or West 553-R-l. F O inS A X E ^F our Cedar planKsT^r 12x14 Apply, W est 212. " b Rfl Propoaed Amondmont to tho Zoning By-taw u> tJu' pmvlMlun.s of Iho Town i'ia.nnln.f Ac'i II im-i'tinn: <if tho Omncll of iLlio C'orpuiatlon ni llu> DUlrlct of West anooiivi-r will Ik< hold in tho CoimclJ ^Miainhoi- at tho Mnnloliv l̂ Jlall, IVtli Slroot aiul l:Ls()ul»tmlt Avoiuns on Mon- ' day, Jniu* lith. ID-IO, ctmunoncln/yr at 7 ixniahh-r ]»n>poHOd amoiUhnoiUa to ZonliiK Uy-law No. -ITSv- Juii-aol out' In -- tho copy ('f tho proposuHl Amondmont Ity-luw No, StiD, Quotofl holow. W«at Vancouver "Zolning By-lnW No. > , 478. 1931." ^ Amendment, Bvlaw No. 869, 1940 WllK.UKA.S after couHldorlnK thu roconnnfiulatk>iu<-Of-1 ho-\V*oaL_Miu»cou--__ vor Town I'isutnlUH' Conunlaslon It up W e st'4 5 6 * MORROW COAL & ICE company limited soniere,'Lynas, Reid. ,r . Wheel Borrow, 100 yds. -- -Class A : Dunn and Dodman; Cjass B: Bernardine and Lynas- Grey (Min.). 75 yds., Class C and D : Balden and Walsh. - Three legged Race, 100 yds.-- Class A: Dodman and Dunn; WEST; VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. FLOOBt SURFACING--J. Sutherlaiul West 483. GORDON ROBSON___Barrister Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 , a t West Vancouver any jtime by appointment,* West 403. DON'T FORGCT the Big S^le start ing June 15th, a t Crawley and Barker's Store, 1648' Marine Drive. Phone W. 577. Cjass B:.Boldon and Lynas-Grey CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust i b bi 1 ' • 'll . ' 1 ' I f pwu'H advlHHliU) and tvxiKHUout to amend VZonlUK Uy-hvw No. -tVS, 1931," tux I'ollowa; NOW THKimh'OIlK the lUK^v -̂'iuui Cuumdl i5f tlu* Cor}Ki|-iLtloh of ,tl)o Dlat- • riot of \V«.v<t \".MiUH>uvor In open inoetin t̂j itsaeinblod K.\At'*rS AS FOhlAlWS.* 1. 'I'hla hy-huv may he elted for ail pnriMeH'.-i a« ."Wo.Mt .Vancouver 'Zonjnjr Jly-law No, 17s, 193V Amendment liy- liiw No, s^9, 1910," 3. The fidhnvhur lots to 1k> added to and made i»art of" the "UKht In- dustihU' Districts." lx)ts 1 to ifi inohuslve, of Hknik H«̂ >C District l.A)it 337. IjOta lt> to 30 Inclumlvo, of lUocU i;h Of DUtrlot Doî .2S7, VAS.SKD hy tho Council On Ukc 3rd day of June, "A.IX' 1940. KbX:;ONi>lD- IdltND ujul I'ln.'iUy jidopteil by Uio ('ouiudl. SKJNND by tho Hoove and t?lork and HM.V1.14D with The Corpontte SgjU of the said Oonn'ratfon all on Ute of' (Maj.); Class C: Denton and Campbell._____ ________ Egg and Spoon Race Class CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST D: Lynas, La Bissoniere, Reid. Blind Man's Race, 100 yds.-- Glass A: Dunn and DodiSrian; Glass B : Lynas-Grey (Min.) i and Bernardine; Class C: Walshi and VANCOUVER BaTdenl-:C4k'^~D"b E y ria s ; and 1 " Reid. ' Offers will bo received by the under-' Potato Race, 200 yds. -- (jlass signed up to noon on. June 8th for A: Rossetti, Dodman, Dunri. yds--Class B: Lynas-Grey 783 W ^i, with improvements thereon. (M ai ) RerViJirtliTu^ 100 Highest, or nity offer not neces- ' .b J -L ^ e rn a r a in e . lUU sarily accented. . R A. HARRISON, burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North -:-822. .FOR SALE -- Small chest drawers, settee, small oak round table $10; ' or will sell separately. W. 759-R3. W. H. VASS,-Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block. FOR s a l e ;--EiXceptionally attractive ---4% -acre~block--reduced to' ball price. Apply Box 14, West Van. News. • - . , ' ___ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, a t reason- able rates. H. Gaines. West 962-R__ FOR s a l e --4 roomed modern cot tage, i minute' to ferry and -buS) - $1200, $500 cash. Phone W. 131-M. YOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK by the hour.. West 686-R. ,iSTORE FOR RENT--Splendid, loca tion, reasonable,' possession 1st , July. West 8S6-R. FOR" S A L E ::^ Ja n is r j^ li^ ih canninr jars, also empty jars, chest ot . drawers, chairs, man's rubber work suit, -radio. 1232 Esquimalt. West 712-R. ' 1 yds.--Clâ ss C: Denton, Bolden, Murphy. >50 yd$--Class D: La Acting Municipal C l e r k . Bissoniere, Lynas, Reid. HoUyburn, B. C., Wrestling -- Class A: Dunn, FOR .SALEl--Miniature, piano as new Bargain. West 480-R. FOR SALE--1928 Poiitiac iSedan in good condition. West 98i: 4/0/40, NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1927, CHAPTER 140 A.D. 1910. -------- -- Uc-ove.-- /Cl ^ ' \ • ■ ' , d'lwk. ■\ 1 htMvhy eortlfy Uio alwvG U> Ixs a tmio-copy of Bj^aW No. 478, y i 1931, Anu>ndim>iu By^kiw No., $69. 1940. ' M A. UARRISON, . -Acting MunlcJiivirciork, !~T~----- -"A.11 iH>nsons who doom--thenisolves affoctoil by the proposed amendments win be' affordvHl n.n opi>ommlty to bo heanl by the Council on any nvattero ' ' relatinir tltcirotvv "S' . Dated nt Woi?( Vnneouror, B, C., tills Mh day of June, 1940. R. ATmtARKTSON;----- Actlnsr Munlelpiil Clerk. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA TELIT- PHONE COMPANY hereby gives notice that it has, under Sectipn 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Min ister of Public Works a t Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry, District of New m.. tt..-------- W estminster a t Vancouver, British Race, Towne House, 12-3: ^ lu m b ia , a description of the site Rossetti, 2nd Balden, 3rd and the plans of a telephone sub- Dodman, 4th Lynas-Grey (Min). for School House; Clas^B: Ly- nas-Grey (M aj), for School House; Class .CJ: Downey, for Toivne House; Class I>: La Bis- toniere, for Towne House. Inter House events: Football match. School House 6t4. Hand-b^l match. School House 14-7. Cricket match, Towne House 54-51. Three-mile -FOR RENT--Attractive upper half of new home. Lovely view. West WORK WANTED*' -- Rock Pits, Re pairs, Lawns, etc. Ex-service man. Phone W. 502. ' _____ _ 1009-R. HAULING -- Manure, Septic Tanks and Rockpits installed and cleaned West 187-R. ; WANTED by elderly lady, an unfur nished r o o m f o r light housekeeping- Reasonable; fo r July 1st. Phoî ® West 337-L. _____ FOR SALE--3 coal and wood'ranges Al condition. Gapilano Barbecue Drive, phone North . A I ...... WANTED--Delivery boy with bicycle. Must know district. Box D. West Van. News. ^ -marine'̂able--propoŝ--to-b̂laid--Ipter-HoûCfosŝ uSfeŵacross Howe Sound from Britannia >r_ MEN WANTED -- A good business paying good income and with future Selling. Pamilex Pfb- 4ucts men and women Can ada have found the secret of suc- on if HAVE ROOM a n d b o a r d for bus| ness men Convenient location. 16, W est Van. News. ~ -- f o r SALE-^1933 Chevrolet Truck, , with power hoist, $450 cash, we :^527.___________ _̂___________ Beach, a point on the east side o f . House 1 7 -1 3 p t ^ Junior Howe SbundrTb^Yo^fibre7T"Wmt" ^f^" "̂ f^^«e-Tnile5 :~C am pM on the w est side o f Howe Sound, both V aji Oudertol, Powly. Senior OBLIGATION. Ask_ for SUMMER CLASSES now r Kh/L catalogue describing ' 20n HoUyburn Business College, West nece^ity-products and plan. Familex Products., 570 St. Clement St 341., Montreal. model only used 1 in the Province of British Columbia, team , six m iles : B olden, L y n as- And take notice tha t after the ex- G rey (IM ai.). Jo n e a piration of one month from the date ' , . of the first publication of this notice, ------------------------- the British Columbia Telephone Com- . U N FFED W A R 'W O R K F U N D pany will under Sect^^ ̂ _ _ _ _ _ Act apply to the Minister of Public , i_____ __ W^orks a t his office in the City of Ot- „ r ia n g e m e n ts h a V e b e e n -- ....... tawa, fo r the approval of the said ." ^Ve som ebody a t th e WANTED by business co im W p r site and jplans and for leave to lay the B. C. E le c tr ic S to re ^on M a rin e able girl. I^ok after child ^ul-tB lephono-subm anne cable.--------- n n v e -+ o n -M te s f f l ) ^ p H M s - - f o r ------ ^E '® ';r-'«>a™ »A 7-cook'^ ROOM AND BOARD available, near bus and ferry. W est 1075-L. J, T> ' $25.00; ' ^ e e f , nearly new, epicycle Shop _i ' for LADY R l^ U IR E S ROOM and Boa^ FOR SALE--English Baby Buggi- just like new. W est 6 5 0 -R .__ near w aterfront. Reasonable., Re* 25, West Van. News.- -____ _ Bated this 16th day of May, 1940. th e .F u n d i DON'T PORGET-the Big-Sale-sta '̂ ing,, June 15th, a t Barker's Store, 1648 Marine Pn'"- Phone W. 577. . .. ^