'M - im w m c iA Q ,A ..«, Establiahed over J 8 years. Established over 18 years. Circulating in the District of West Vancouver^^^Ambleside ̂ Hollyburn^ ̂ Weston ̂ Dundarave $1 .0 0 per year. Cypress Parh, Caulfeild^Whytecliff^ Etc.. sc per copy V ol. X V HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1940 No. 8 wmmmtn WN GARDENS Peace broods over a garden. A sunset can be very Lrorgeous, especially in the dust laden a ir of the desert. There 18 ill a sunset over a cialm sea, wbnderful beauty and a certain attraction drawing us westward along the red track, in the waters, which may have something, to do with the fact th a t man's migrations have usually been in th a t direction. And, as wo Who live in this province of B ritish Columbia know, the high mountain ranges have a m ajesty unsurptfesed by even the most violent of tropical storm s on th e ocean. But in a garden is peace. ■ ■■ ̂ ■ " That is why civilized man has a ll .down the , ages en deavored to make his. gardens beautiful. Uisually also, in order that the peace within may not be disturbed, he has fre quently surrounded them with high walls or placed them in ' a iiatural am phitheatre of high ground. Even the birds recognize th a t a garden provides an asylum for them from , th e ir enemies, and so they come and build their nests there, in order th a t they may raise their young undisturbed by. the animals and other birds which prey on them in th e world outside. ; ! We live in a world th a t , has gone mad. A modern Ghengis Khan but w ithout that, leader's greatness is oiit to conquer and destroy civilization and everything th a t civilization s ta n d s^ for. And he is backed by a, host of followers equally as crueP and ferocious as the T a rta r hordes which swept across Europe in that testing tim e centuries ago. To-day there is little bu t disturbing news in the news papers and over the radio. And, because the sea is no longer an insurmountable obstacle and distance has been largely "eliminated,-we:W.onder-how"long-it-willbe-before-the-lightning-- may possibly- strike - u s , on -this- continent.---- , --------------- -̂------ For such an eventuality we m ust be prepared, which. ANNUAL FLORAL FESTSIVAL THE CANADIAN RED CROSS , SOCIETY COMING EVENTS . The annual Floral Festival of the W est Vancouver Horticul- B riiish Columbia Division tural Society will be held in the Re: National Appeal--Blankets Inglewood High School Sutur- For France. ■day afternoon and evening, June The Canadian Red Cross So- 15th. The usual classes for i\)ses ciety has received an urgent re- and o ther flowers, small fruits quest for blankets to be used in and spring vegetables. ,' Also IT'ance, either for th e 28,000 classes for gardens, rockeries hospital beds for the ir own and display sections. . . .. 'riiiirsday, June 27th X Recital , by pupils of Mrs. F. Knigh.t- Hodge ill St. Stephen's Par ish ilall; proceeds to St. Ste phen's Cubs and Scouts' Aux iliary. imiTlSH-lSRAEL ____ ___ Brereton of North Van- ;u Bcut.uiu'i. wouiided, 01' for the five milli<m couver will be the speaker a t th(i Exhibitors are urged to make refugees from devastated coun- next meeting a t 25th and Ma-. their , entries Friday evening tried to the north who are eon- Drive on Monday, June from 7 to 9 a t the ITgih School, verging on Paris in thefr flight. 10th. The subject: "Remember The exhibits may be placed up Directions for Donors: the Things of Old." You are to 11 o'clock thei morning of the i This appeal is for woollen cordial^ incited )to hear till is show , , „ ; blankets, not flannelette, Or' IntercstinB speaker. Catalogued and , fu rther m- quilts of any kind or any sec- Prayer meeting on Thursday ond-hand or used clothing. evening m id ; Bible Study on 2. The woollen blankets Wednesday afternoon at 3 p,m. should be Uew or "as good as \ , new"; thh t is, no stained, tom , moth-eaten or threadbare blank- A social meeting of formation from the secretary, from 7 to 9 a t the High School Mrs. McTavish, or any of the directors. * / HOLLYBURN HALL N ext,'Sunday, June 9th, a t Hollyburn Hall, there will be Sunday School and Young Peo ple's JBibleY^ss_At_liLa a t the 7 :30 p.m. service a Gospel address-w ill-be-given by-Peter ^McGregor. Tuesday, a t 8 p.m., having done, we can go mto our gardens.and absorb some of ^ Bible study, ^:he sub the„pweAsdljyehj^n^^^ :^ a s te r „,..:_,-ec.t_being^T-he--Thi aicA into tho Garden of Gethsemane to ra th e r strength , ^ 'also Went into the Garden, of Gethsemane to gather strength for Calvary. In such fashion shall we learn th a t "there is no such thing as fear." ' Diggon--Careless ________________ A social meeting of the e ts accepted for^overseas ship- Women's Auxiliary of the Can-, mejjit. . • adian Legion will be held in the i f If contributing ) j o t h U gion Hall on Wednes*^^^^^ ̂ "new" and "used" blankets, keep 12th a t 2 p.m. Phe lad^^ of the them separa te ;. , auxiliary are ento(;aining the A ~ ---hi«,nket- a---̂ ^̂ ^̂ t̂ed _me the -Canadian: o Z n f 9 L Legion-H ut a t the Seaforth one corner, and m ark it "new'̂ „?"r evening, ■"T.imi.raM " ™ e West -Vancouver Boys' -- ^Band-under-A,-MCDelaraont-and or cleanea. , Ted Sewell, w hose.w ife will be'cleaned: 5. Blankets may be fof any weight, size or color, either, sin LEGION, NOTES SCHOOL ENROLMENT On Victoria day a t St. Luke's . gie bed or double bed, eiiiier Parish Church, Sion, Alta., the single or in pairs, bu t m ust be m arriage took place of Bessie, woollen^ clean, and in good re- his accompanist, will help in the entertainment. COUNCIL NOTES The next regular m eeting of qphe W est Vancouver B o a ^ members of the W est Vancou* of School 'lYustees announce, in ........ ... -- -- ver Branch No 60' Canadian ^t^his% sue that^pupils'will be^-en- Diggon o f'W est Bay.'M r. Wolfe Legion. B.E.S.I ■ w in'hA te . roUed in G : ^ e 1 in September pf Barrhead performed the cere- daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. W. A. Careless, of Sion, and Leonard A rthur, only son of. Mrs. H. R. wvho-shattHiave--attained--theiii--mony. sixth birthday before the end The pair 6. S^ond-ihand b l a n k e t s m ust be washed. W here Send Donations A receiving . depot has been There were p resen t: Mr. D. Sewell re several m at ters a t Horseshoe\ B a y .. ' Mr. Sewell stated th a t he morrow .Friday evening a t 8 gj^th birthday before the end The bride, . who was given p.m. All members are risked t o r of December, 1940. Parents are away by her father, wore a make a special effort -to be pres-p requested to notify elementary^ w on prin- ent as several item s of in te rest school principals of prospective cess lines with shoulder length and im portan(^,are to /be con-. Kegiinnpr.t; as ,gnnri.^s ^ j J o s s ib k L ^ ^ -- H ^rrlaott^ttet-Tvas-of-T^ ciriovArt ff T Piflti- ]v[edical exxamiuations will be aud yellOw snapdragoHs, vvhich arranged by the schools' nurse. ' - A receiving ' depot has been wished to ask . the Council if -se lru p -fo r-t-h e -l^ tA ^ an co i^e r--gomethtng-could-be doneHo^elinr^ Branch of the- Canadian ' Red inate the noise, particularly slotCanadian 'Red Cross a t 1944 Marine Drive, and music machines. He also request- all who w ith to make donations ed a.shortening of the time tha t are asked to deliver their blank- fr.nffV y/ns sidered Secretary M. J. P la tt, who attended ; the Canadian Legion Dominion Convention a t Montreal, as delegate froin the North. S h c^ branches, is ex pected home th is week-end. W att-Ljohneqx A gainst a floral background , earned out the color scheme- of the two. bridesiriaids, Miss. -W._ ebsens, cousin of the groom, who wore a flowered dress of old rose ets to th is address, or communi- oate by telephone with the Red Cross"'officials a t W est 1018. SOFTBALL the loop road, and wished' to know if anything, could be done to banish barbecues rind hotdog stands in the Bay area. Mr. Sevvell was advised that- the Council would do all in its O f « s t " n s a o h ^ ^ Jrith ha t to match and ^ ' d;^::^^d Inglewood Tuesday even- of th a t locality. The Municipalcises of the W esF Varicouver ̂ Arnglican Church, N orth Vari Voluntary Home. Guard U nit of couver, Saturday, a t 3 the newly-formed - Flying Col- Frances Muriel, daughter of Mr. limn of Greater, Vancouver, was a n d . Mrs. V. F. Johnw x, was --hdd-oh-Wednesday last^week^at-- united in-=marnage to Mr.-Jorin- Ambleside Park urider the direc- Turner W att, son of Mr. and ed by Miss Mary Ritchie. A reception to 40 guests fol lowed ; Mrs. Careless, the bride's mother, receiving in . a navy en- J,'- J .9-1 a t Ambleside Tuesday even- of th a t locality. The Municipal whose flowered ing, in a.gam e featured by good Solicitor, would be asked if the match were (^ f^ r iw o se y w. p itch ing ,'w eak h itting and* ^ M unicipality has ariy control R. Careless) b ro k e r oi the ' erirors-- 8 of them by the stu- over the. use of loud speakers, bride,^was,^b^st_-ma_n._QxgajL.m^ Jim -- Gibson-- "oir~ the - etc.,- and" a~copy~of ~Vancouydr' sic for the ceremony was play- mound for Inglewood, pitched a City's By-law relating to barbe- good game, but the Inglewood dues and restauran ts would be •odtfield ju s t didn't co-operate, requested with a view to draft- The sun is bad out there. I t's ing a suitable by-law for this ' mean too; I t allows th e Florists Municipality. As fa r as the one- tq^-eatch-i-thei^hally^but--not-thei^w ay--traffic-wasrconcerned--that- w as a ' m atter for. th e Public tion of C. Smith. There was a Mrs. J. T. W att, of 880 Sinclair very good attendance, and sev- Ave. "Rev. W. H. L. W est was fl(ral new members i^jgned up. the officiating. clergyman. Membershio in th is unit oDen Given in m arriage .by Jier --------- , _ ^ -to -a ll-m en % te th er-ex ^ery fce-- father,J;lie_ :bridejrP re_a najjy_^sembJe,^mtlLJvhrte . .. men or not who wish to be of d r e s s m a k e r suit w ith large navy Mrs. Diggon was dressed' m a Inglewoods. _ -- ----------- ------------- help fo the authorities in times ha t and dusky pink accessories, gown of navy blue crepe relieved If Bob Wilson, subbing tehm d W orks Dept, and on their in of emereenev should the ir serv H er corsage- was of white gar- by touches of white. Mer hat the plate, surprised himself, the . struction signs were erected, ices be required f denias. Mrs. K. M. L opat^k i, as was of navy blue straw . th ing's unanimoqs. H e ; did a ^ * •' ' * . „ The next asseirbliT" wil1~be-- matron~of-honorr-was-attired m A fter spending.a brief hone^- , ^opd job, and so did the ,whole Mr. Russell representing Cy- held at Amblesdde Park on Wed- a, 'grey dressmaker suit with moon in Alberta the, bride and infield with the exception'of one press Creek Logging Co. Ltd. re nesdav .Tune T5>th 7*^0 Tvm nale blue accessories. Talisman groom, will re tu rn to W est Bay spot which, however, was ably Agreem ent for hauling logs o v e r '■ ne^gay, June I2tn, a t 7.jO p jn . corsage. Mr. -where they will reside. plugged by Takeshi, who came' Municipal roads. George C. W att was best man . --------- --- -- ----- ' /.in late in 'the game. Bo;b Shakel- Mr. Russell explained th a t his and ushers were Mr. W. Reiohert ■ WEST VAN. CHAMBERSUMMER CAMP West Vancouver College, 1475 r. u + Gordon Avepue, announces .'5n A t the reception, held a^ this issue thrit it is holding dur- Ljiinwood, the home of the ing the month of July a Summer bride's parents, Dover roady OF COMMERCE The' June, m a tin g Chamber of Commerce of the will be ton, a t third, was better than company^had taken over the old ever, which is pretty-^gqodT Heeps righ ts and was ready to Tw igg'and Vaughn rounded out haul logs. He presented a speci- a snappy infieldr" M t~ th ^ boys 'm"en"a'gre^m M ^^^ use weren't h itting the kind of of. and liability for damage tomg the month of July a Summer bride's- parents, Dover p a a , Chamber of U on^erce wm oe - - .xx. Camp for Bovs a t Sechelt B C Lvnn Valley, Mrs. Johncox m an held a t the Highlands Cafe, Hi .1® i ^ ^ There w i l l i ^ o r t e d em to id ered navy dress Ma and Fourteenth B lonst pitcher, who deserved featu res th a t the Ckiunml wished ing, ; o r M ~ e ^ : » a h g l pink h a t and n ivy a c - , street, on Wednesday June 12 t h c t^ h e v " ^ s h e l t ) e r t 1 d " '" " (inclusive) are $5 per week. Pa- cessories was assisted in receiv- a t 7 p.m. when, in ^ d i t io n to {" £8wooa P " s e »y getting wftmn they wished inserted. rents and others Interested can ing the guests by the ^ o o m s im portant b u s in e ^ to h e con- Tno-lpwoods nlav a t North obtain full particulars by phon- mother, who chose a French sidered, the pro^am m hi ccgn- . mgWest367-M. - model of king's; blue georgette m ittee will present an inferqst- Vancouver I^riday a t b.io. ---------------- ^ ^ ____ with l a r g e leghorn hat. 1 i n g and entertaining social hour. « i j j-u j- SPEriAT MTTQTrAT '■ Mr. and Mrs. W att wilLreside A full attendance is specially re- The ,-Council^ resolved th a t a t Clifcoe Lodge,. Thirteenth quested on this occasion to as- owmg to a serious shortage o f _________^LKVICE ______ i_A-ve_____ ̂ • _______ sist in a decision on club 6b- w ater on th e high,level system,̂ The ■ m atter was referred to the Chairman- of the Board of Works, Engineer and Solicitor to complete satisfactory ar rangem ents.' ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ The Public U tilities Commisr iipctive Supper will be served in accordance with Byrlaw"~No. sion have sugge'sted June 12tn ■ ' . 472, Clause 25, sprinkling is tp 'a s th e .d a te o f fh e irp u b l ic .hear- ------------------------- be prohibited until further notice in g 're transportation. p,m.-- S a tu r d a y ^ a J ;_ tA |^ ^ ^ m _ ^ ,p ^ ^ j^ g ;y O M E N ! S - lG U I L -^.andLth^HthLe._employmient=6J^^ Choir of St. Stephen's ' , _ / r. u a t 7 o'clock sharp Church will be heard in a spebdal Funeral services were held on ______ MusicaL^firvicg--a t--7-:30--p.m.__Sa,turday;=_a_t__t h e __Hoflyhinm -next SundayTi June 9tlL~Tliere Funeral Homie~of"HaTron IBro^ be sung" Mendelssohn's Ltd. of Alexander G. I^ ille r of . ^ ^ r My Prayer," "O Saviour. .P o rt, Washington jB.C., who ^ t h e World," by, Goss, "Angels passed away in a nursing home. Ever-Bright and F a ir" (boy's, here. The Rev. F. A. Ramsey L®®Lo)v-_-"Creation's__ Hymny" hy officiated, and interm ent was_ Beethoven, by the Junior Choir, miado in Capilano View Ceme- and flee ted hymns. The Annual M eeting^ ill take place a t the Clachan . tomorrow. :E- .Walker;to_m.Qtify^the__users is hereby approved. Thejfinal m eeting of the West V ancouver May Day Committeep lac e a t ^v.aiicuuvtjr m a y x fay i_/omxmttt:tj Afternoon session, 2:00 o'clock; H arry W right of the Royal "fo r thje receiving of reports will (basket lunch)! evening . 7:00 Canadian Navy is home on his be hel,id a t 8 p.m. next Thursday, -o'clock.--Election~of_officers-for--twp-weeksMeave--He-expects^to--J.une-jL3thy7in-tbo-Courioil-Gham-- 1940-41. be leavipg la ter on the Robert; ber. | , ■It--'