» '̂.'n?'VJ > /̂,!'k,;,1 tf 1̂- V >■ L.,' «,n' j,.J'J '!■ K.(tff.| i*!" J-T'-I>'fî !'".«>-.4».I'«'-j'p̂ -»i.-«-̂ rt»̂ Pa>i p s s s s i i a s ■.M-. v; ■o!-v:v̂:>̂v; V , *„.J, awfa MW T H E . W M f 1^AN, NEW8_ MAT HAY SFORTS WINNEItS M a y 8 0 th . 1940 .."""" '̂̂ .iiii*jiia|. - ^ A i - H a n p c j r - S n i i i l i .-- H m = - w ,i tmi*fkom W««t 4#„ ' Frm D^Ufiorf 8«rri«t - lf«>ttiltly Accoaiil ■•IUCI<» FOK FKIUAY and ElATUKDAY, May 31, June 1 M E A T S Hwl A WhiUi MAYONNAISK- 3'/j-ojf. j«r I Or; H'//*o)i;, J«r ,.|9f 16-oz. jar ...................... 35« SIJNSHiN SALAD DRESSING-- t-ut. Jar lOr; 8-0*. ja r .......lOc IC*«/. Jar .'KJf:; 32»oz. j a r ........ 49c lUd & WhiU* GARROTH aitd REAS-- , Squat tin . IJc Red K. WIilU ClJT GREEN BEANS-- 'I'ttll tin ............... 12c Red & White REAS-- lender, Hleve I, tali tiiia ., '*•................. 12c' R«^ & While WHOLE KERNEL C ()U S^2 tall tiiiN ............... -....25c DelidmiH ARRICOTS--DeaHcrt lialveN, 2 tall tiiia .....................23c HiiiKuiMire RINEARRLIi--Hllred, J(i-OZ, till .............................. lie Red At White Briimi Ruro RLUM JAM -l-ll>; tin 32c RON El,ESS c ilKJK EN--Aylmer. 7.-OZ. tin .......................................25c IW't.'i: Wi^Ht 379 BEEF FORK LAMB lnter>Hiirh BoacI : < ,r"y f North Vancouver Hijfb Schwi; 2," W€st 'Vanctmver-.High School '(Boh- '■■ Wilson;' ■■' Et?iW""ttrnuirn? LJoyd Breoden^ Ken Cole), . 26 yda. Boya 6 and u n d e ^ l . Jimmy Murphy; 2. Gay Bur rows,« ' ' " ' '■.... 25 y d s . G irl» 5 and u n d e r-^ L E le a n o r M ay R a y ; 2. S h irley Free Dalivary W elsh. .. . y,- u, ! 26 yds. Boys 6 and 7*7-1. Rich ard Gaines; 2, Jim Burrows. 25 yds. Girls 6 and 7--1. Mary une Jo rdan : 2. (Jwen Fearnside. L D H m B a ' - Q u U t y PAINT .̂ ■-THEREwlS «̂-"«*^BBII»6EBS»"SUPPaES""' NO SUBSTITUTE ROOFING FOR QUAUTY WALLBOAEDTILE ....SAS1I-&.,BOORS..... SHINGLES PLYFOOBS LATH , ^ ' >̂ 'AcinLis-" ■ CANAD ̂PAINT COMPANY LTD ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD 15(,h & Marine Drive Phone W est 115 .VEAL A ll G ra d e A A A1 Delicatessen I'Vesh Fish Daily SARDINES--KInif Oacar, TJn ........L5c Red A White Rraitd REACHES-- Sliced or Halved, t i n ........... '......... 15c Dl< ED REErS--NalMih. 'i'all tin .. .9c Red AL White MARMAI.ADIi-- j ;t2-o/:, jar .............'............................ 25c COrrEK--Aunt Mary's. Lh...........33c fIM ' HENRY H. LEMON i>ASSES TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD I f f Menibers ar« invited to bring June Jo rdan ; 2. (iwen............ 25 yds. One-legged, Boys, C and 7-- 1. Thonuis Sm ith; 2. Raymond Beck, i 25 yds, One-legged, Girls C and 7-- 1. Mary June Jordan;,*2. Gwen P"eamside. Boys' Inter-Soliool Relay lUce (elementary)--̂ ]. Pauline John-, son: Henry Hall, Ted Minkleyi George Ericlcsen, Ken Murphy,, Pat Murphy, Ernie Thygeseii, Don Meyer, Leil WtiU, Ronald Kelly. Earl Holgate. Girls Inter-SelKK)L Relay Race (elementary) -- 1. Hollyburn: Lilly Williamspn, Elaine Bar^ hour, Shirley McIntosh, Blanche" Summers, Do,rotli>* Sloan, Dorb- C L A S S I F I E D A D S Th« r a ta fo r Claaalfiod A c Iro r tiw m e n U is 1. c o n U p e r w o rd , m inim um 25 c w Z E x c e p t In the c a ^ of OiOie h a v in g r e g u la r a c c o u n ts , a ll cU ssi. fieds are p a y a b le /" v a n N e w s g e t im m e d ia te re su lts .Remember Classlflods in GORDON KOBSON -- FOR RENT -- Room funtished, uh- . Solicitor. 510 W. Hastinga, Sey. 4iuy furnished^ lUce verandah, lino soa at WoBt Vancouver anv time Dy minutea to ferrv. Box Nn .in appointment. West 403 West Van. News. FOR RENT--Cosy three room suite, WANTED TO RENT -- Pour or live ■ liroplace, central, lovely view, with roorn bungalow. W est ■702-L or 1825 garage, West' 680-R. Duchess: irly of 22nd and Marine* Drive btt.skcL lunches to the afternoon r^- t recently resident in the city, se.ssion of the Annual Meeting ^ K̂<'d away op .Thursday in St. at the CJachan;' Friday, June iVv ^ ^ f Hi Henry Hamilton Lemon, for mei but pasK<'(j away op/rhursday in oi. ui me oiacnau; rnmuy, uun« , Mnxiia Wowi Faiirs Hospital, aged (53 years. 7tli. beginning at 2 o'clock. Tea n/i q 1 Pal Funeral services ..were held Mon- will be provided. _ 50 yds. Boys 8 and J--1. 1 at day afternoon in the city, the 'JTiere are stilt a few-tickets Rev. N. D. B. Larmouth ofheiat- available from the telephone ing, and interment was made in committee, for the B.G. Products Capilano View Cemetery. The Ldnclieon, at Hudson's Bay, a t pallbearers were Lance Gar- 12:30 Monday, June 3rd. thorne.jC. H. Lawson, John Law- ------------- son. anil F. Butcher, and ĵthe NORTTI SHORE LOCAL . . Jley._aiRl_Mm_.J._P.JJ^^^^ _______ --COUNCIL J)F _ WOMEN tended, the deceased having _____ been rector's warden when Mr. , The North Shore Local Coun FOR RENT--Furnished houses, $25 and $50. Percy T. Mastermnn, 2446 Marino. West 1077. FOR RENT--Six^oomod house, July Ist. Adults preferred. West G31-K. Gruchy, r e n t--J uly , 1st, year's lease, 4 " Bent- .. i> Rathje; 2. Douglas Fraser. 50 yds. Girls 8 and 9 -- 1. Yvonne Jack ; 2. Barbara Nield. 50 yds. Three-legged, Boys 8 and 9 -- 1. Billy Davidson and Mickey Meslo; 2. Joe Cobb and Robert Smith. 50 yds. One-legged, , Girls 8 -aiid-9--l.-Barbara-Nield ;-2.Jer-- ry Robertson. 50 yds. Boys 10 and l l 1. room \ )artly furnished modern house, M 125.00, ..-x-r)' LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE Opin Hollyburn. P.,0. West. 66 FOR SALE -- 40 cedar posts, 7 ft.; average 7 inches. Reasonable. West 798-R. FOR SALE--2 cord alder stove wood. •West. 798-R., MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only *-best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building^_ FOR SALEl-~WeU' located ,building lot. Short block from waterfront. Under cultivation. Owner 190 21st St. Phone W est 494-R. , RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles,*,; attractive, permanent. Have roof measured .now; free esti?' __mates. _R. -B._Cripps,_West_88hR----- F. V, Findlay, West 494-R. AOGOMM.ODATJION-- f o r -- Paying. Guests,, transient or permanent. West 686-R. .Dingle wa« in ^oharge .of S t cil of Women,held the regular Robert oW eri^2 Nĉ il̂ ' monthly meeting on Monday, . , 50 yds.. Girls 10 and 11 -- ,1. I.!?' i tmfU'. n ̂ I'f ' ' I ? ago, IS survived bŷ a son, room North Vancouver when - ro , i a i ' V Robert; and a, daughter, Mrs. w. a ! Moi-rison of the.Alexandra l i^ /c h a d ^ ^ ^ e d ^ ? /a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ bmahson (A^ncO. ' Neighbourhood Housi was the s t b l r g f l H a r l ' I I t guest speakei. I ,Gordon Sangster. -Mrs. .Arthur 'Williamson of ■ In his lem aiks.M i. Morrison 50 yds. Ar-mlock Girls 10 and' 151 31at Street returned home stated that since the project j Coleen Black and P e g ^ PEMBERTON REALTY COUP. LTD. (Established i 50 years) ' 418 Howe St. . .r 1 TRim 1271. ^Eocal~Agentr FOR SALE--High location, stucco ""homef 3"years" oldr" Through~hall, living room,' small dining room; kitchen, ' laundry, Pemfo room,: 2 bedrooms. Owner, ̂ West 183-R. F Baylisa (Notary Public). 2436 Belleyue. West 522-R 1 f )T T ^ T E ;^ t9 $ 9 :^ equip ped with radio; will sacrilice. Phone W.1041.V recently from Hong-' Kong u tter ' started the membership has in- Benth'afn; 2. Julia Clifford aud •dage of her creased t o2b00. ^About 400, at- Jeannine Wa WANTED LISTINGS of all descriptio..y H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 546 tiid some of the activities are -Brit-Jsii-=-i-amiIiesp-there-are"also Waite: 75 yds. BoyB 12 and 13 --" 1.- Goi'don Alexander; 2. Gordon HANDY ANN SHOP -- 2442 Marine. Ankle Box, Wool, Embroidery Sup- -plies,-Notions, China ware, Hard- warer Baby Garments. ,_____ ' if i t "i ' : a tte n d in g th e m a rr ia g e e ld e r d a u g h te r , R u th M arg are t, = tTrH eniT"F rd d m g 7 G reen ,. w hich ....... - ......... .*--------------------------- iju m u n ^ _tiia](:.:iPlae<> op April-TQt.h The Polish, H indu. Ja p a n e se an d ,C!ĥ lla rd . young coupJe will re s id e in Hong- C h in e se , fam ilies a tte n d in g . 75 vds . . ...... . . . ___________ - o S i z e d t u K l s ? M a.-jo rie -M cT av ish ; 2,. F l ^ i n c e cO M PtBIB NOTARIAL. SERVICES . . P a rk e r . . A l l forms of documents drawn and BRAND NEW 5 Room Bungalow, all. ■ the latest fea tu res | excellent loca-r tio a with view:, Price $3650.00, with $500.00 cash,'balance as riant. . SHARPE REALTY 1395,. Marine Drive Phone W. 719 WANTED--Maid fo r housework; two adults in family. W est 386-Yl. hrhnrT,. iUDiners neiper, vicmiiyGirls 12 and 13-___1. lyburn Business College.: Weat.=341 or^ ..........; attendance. Craft groups are ^ CD /I C ; sponsored by some of the city ^ o r K jv e d l ^ p o r t . ,i , -Clubs, but the leaders are all voluntary. Mr. Morrison adHp_d_ that^therie are huihef01̂ calls for West Bay; sleep out.. Box 10, West Van. News. t h e ^ u e s t S h ^ a / i c h e s -(^&t u fttlt it 25 yds. WheelbaiTow, Boys 12 and 13r--l. Gordon Shellard and Reid Mitchell; 2.. Vei*he Fallows and Geoffrey Cue. executed:: Real Estate,7lnsurance, Rentals R. P..BLOWER & CO: LTD. -JjiQ5--Marine Dr., Wes t ■Vauconver' Neighbourhood Houses in vafi- m i^parts of the" city. TTie" CiHzenship (3olnm ltt^ 50 yds.\Annlock,v-Girlsf,12 and 13--1. Catherine Whiteside and j^un€jPenn_;_2..Winnie..Tur-vew-and Phones; W est 21, 204-M..913-L WANTED AT ONCE -- Furniture, SewingjMachinesv Stoves, Tools, etc. Cash. ,We buy, sell; and exchange! Agents_fcttl-JEawcett--R-arUrĝ ĥr- Vinick's. N orth . 431, 66 Lonsdale ^UNLIT LODGE ■-- Summer Guests, Transient and Permanent. ^̂ 3673 Marine Drive. West 889-L2. Ave., North Vancouver. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther* land, 2144 Mahon A venue, North 578 .T J 1 i*. 'r" / Unvi a n d '15 -- 1. _ FOR SALI^Large cleared lot. Close^n^n-the-Junioi-High-Schoo^^^^^ ----- m, $̂475.09. ------- ^1 schools on the North ,75 yds. (finds' i 4 ^nd' 15 - 1. will be awaided Jessie Allan; 2..'Jennie Quinn. _______________ ^ ^ k s thaf'^?o^to P^ck-a-baok, Boys 14 J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol-t h a t _ g ^ o make a .and. l5.--L^Gordon^Morison-aml- Heitor, 1495̂ D biTF^hside; 2." Victor Vaugh- West 21. or West 653-R-l. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburn P.O. West 55 PAINTING -AND DECORATING - i__-^Estimates_free._J._H.J\*;edley,_W_est_ 1022-L. GORDON GrRAY--^Insurance, all risks, .--one. policy, all locations. ,SEy. 4991 or West 92rR2. Gobd-Gitizen."'ml*' II J, ^dx Hoiiiti •' 'V IuLO Ih e following emergency re s- an and Kenny Murphy. "I ? - 50 yds. Thead and AT .31 ^fgJ'^^C O U V ER MESSENGER Walker oonvener of tliA Tnimio- n -T jNeedle, SERVICI]--Parcels, Baggage, light wnvenci 01 tne _ JjMs_14_and_15--1. E-Velyn-Gook *̂ »®sfer work, prompt service. Westration Committee was passed and Jessie Allen: 2 P am H a , . ™0- Ptaervioe. W e„ and has b ^ n forwarded to the lam and Eva T u r W ------------------------------ National-gounc-ih - - SundaySghfom-Tfolay; U iarT5~ WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, .glazing. W est 740, West 443-R, "Believing that the present and under--1 St^tAnViS,'f method of admitting, immig- L bt. btephen s.. rants other than farmers, by -A* R.7WOOD,-Dustles8-Electric-Floor" Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estunates. Phone West 1093. CASH FOR JUNK -- l^ ttles, rage, Sacks, Metals, . Furniture, Stoves, - Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small.--B u rrard 'Ju n k Co., West 91r i ' • -■JE-.rt' ■ I'l ■ if 'fL P For »port With iwl aixf b*«k«t . . . for a grandly invigorating vacation on sure - footed trail-wise range horses . . . try the Guest Ranches of British Columbia. (Set up 'on' the benches, where the i4r is cl^ar and keen ar>d bden with the health-giving fragrance of spruce and pine, where the , I a k es a re f u 11 of v i go rous Rainbows and Cut-throets. A. Order-in-Council, does not meet the situation and results in Can- j - ̂ Rlhsmen Club, who ada losing mnay valuable citiz- «^stnbuted the $10 prize among ens, the 'N orth Shore Local competitors ROBSON -- Barrister & Hastings, Sey. 4199i at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. . CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. ̂ Council begs to submit the fol lowing resolution: "That the Immigration Laws of Canada be broadened to ad mit from, ampng the Refugees and Victims of Political Persecu tion, such technical experts^ as ' are needed to help develop -our^ natural resources and establish 2nd,' Hy-Y, West Van School, Smartest Child'-- 1. Will Finney ; 2. Frances Ramsey. Original--1. Ann Leuchte; 2. Bob Seeds. Scooter--1. Qhristy Taylor; 2, Trevor Morris., Children's Floral--1. Sandra LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts-CHIMNEY awT?ipPiMr' a J "Pecial machine; repairs, parts- ^ u r n t , Machine Shop.J44? J Jfurnace repairs. . h . W ^ . Meldrum,Tl03 Lrasdafe.^lJorth tr „ Chiropractor, Saite 4 Hollybura Block. ' WEST VANCOUVER. NIGHT PAT ROL.-- Sure protection; reasonable rates. W est 927-R. Kalso- m ining,^rst class work, a t reason- --able rates. H ,: Gaipes, West 962-R: NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1927, CHAPTER 140 new industries; and such men of > Richardson, note, in, the Arts and Ri'ipup/h.s .. Wagons--L Hersey Sewell, w o m a n WANTS WORK bythe hour. West 686-R ^ Sii:;•II, note, in, the Arts and Science^, -x Hersey Sewell, "-- =------- ------------------- ;is will add to the cultural life 2. Bob Foote, Ray WANTED--Exof Canada." • Wilson. - ^ lent direct Reports were received of the j B^J '̂^Qipus--1. Mary June Jor- teas held a t the homes of Mrs "̂ ^fi.Lougheed. C haracter^!. Ruth Dean; 2. ygSi -■1#̂ »lAnd of ̂wide horizons, and ..................... . julijs. r>v: --------- 1 te«nicbayend dMcfioMan____ Woodcock, West Vaneojivcr and ■ Dean; 2.K»»eo.yof>ao«e«ptio«. . S t ^ Rowe,_ Doug Harvey Smith. ^ cuover. The Refugee Coninut- o p^'^^^'Gsing--l. Dainty Maid; -- -------THIS~YlAit~ ------------------------------------ t ^ - - w i l l - i ^ t - a t - t h e --h o m e--of---- S I I B R IT IS H C O L U M B IA " " ........................... T>>e V ^ a lio n lan d th a t h a t p .m . ju ie n e x i m e e tin g o f t h e • i"*;;*' r a ne e s J Vancouver C liib A ssem b lv room fricy c le s -- 1;: Maur€ THE BRITISH COLUMBIA TELE PHONE COMPANY hereby ^ v e s ' notice that i t has, under Section 7 of lent -X® deposited with the Min- DPPGRT- ister of Public Works a t Ottawa, and . f ir office ef the .District Registrar , womPTt ^rnbitiobs. men and the Land Registry, District of New GuaHtv'k,.nd^^4.^ rî ® ^^eranteed Westminster a t Vancouver, British and ' C o l u m b i a , a " description of the site Produpt<5 t o d a y . Pamilex ®nd the plans of a telephone sub- St Element niarine cable , proposed to be laid ■ " across-Howe-Sound-from -Br-itannia_^ TNC f o r s a l e - 12-ft. V-bottom sail ■nmSH COLUM9IA GOVtRNMlHT TRAVEL RUREAU. TfMlf MMI hMlSky. -.-VkfMto..-: Vancouver .Cliib Assembly room, ^ Maureen Me- June 24th. • Ewan: 2 Gwem-:Sewe!I. ̂ ........ ---------------- ------- ■ • ~ S,PC.A„ B a r b ^ _°ffer. W. >>«t eash Decorated Car ^ 1 st, GW Tn r...., ' p L'b ijsh e r „r ua&a-uuuce inau aiLex me piration of one. month from the date of the first publication of this potice, the .British- Columbia Telephone' Cozn- pany will .under Section 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public h ^ ' ̂ , \ l ^ o r a t e d C a r --̂ 1 st, G irl T« Rpa.},*., «v. l , *- p u b l is h e r ©f Nailnnai apply to the Minister of Public Gui d^_^d^„Wes . t J Vr anc6uver -- has-open£«or^^d^^^^College. and s u b s c r i p S H L i S t l ^ tawa. fo r the approval of the said Bonald :Mld L^lckle Pope. , prefen-ed ̂ bi ®^ ̂®ad plans'and .for leave .to lay theexperienced preferrpY "̂ " .ana piansrand.for leave .to la sential. Box 5, ®®' telephone submarine cable,west.Van. News.. lx.,--Dated this 16th day of May, 1940. 1