MaySOth SATURDAY. DANCES a t t h e OLYMPIC CLUB, NORTH VANCOUVER jjsy's ()Iyrapi»n» Admission 25c % I C E n Protect Your H ealth and Save % on Food W astage b y using I Modem Air-C onditioned y Ice R efrigeration from $ 2 7 .5 0 up m y Ice Chests for R ent or Sale ̂ GARVIN I€E & FUEL y Co., Ltd. 2 1 5 7 M arine D rive W est 7 8 8 W WEST VAN MOTORS BU.L GROUT THE STANDARD STATION ■ :/ \ ' i' : ■' ' - ' . . . ' ■ ' ' ̂ ' .Ĉ' - Complejte A u to n io tiv e 'Repair Service" WRECKER D ay or N ight Telephones W e s t 2 6 8 N ig h t C a lls W e s t 1 ,1 4 5 THE TUCK SH O P 2472 Marine Drive - COLD MEATS, BAKED GOODS, Ice Cream and Confectionery L. BOWDERY : 1(̂ 31 Inglewood Ave. Fully qualified hairdresser |,with • dryer 'will give services' a t your home W est'861 The* telephone» number for night calls for West Van. Motors (Bill Grout) is now West 1146.r 0 * ♦ , The roof of Mr. * Davidson's house a t Copper Cove caught fire on Monday just after he had finished painting same, but very littlo damage was done. The fire brigade were called and raced out to the scene.' It was decided a t the meeting of the North Vancouver Kins men Club last Monday ̂ 'evening in the Olympic Athletic Club to form a olub in West Vancouver.« '« m The float has bceiji brought round from Eagle Hai'bour and is now in position at Dundarave Pier. L ast Sunday a s<m otter came in and climbed out on the float. These animals now are ex tremely scarce, although i n . Captain Cook's time they were very numerous on the Pacific Coast. It was recently i-eported in an American, magazine that a herd of them had arrived a t Monterey, California, although from where is not known. The W est Vancouver A.Y.P.A. are holding a sports dance a t the Clachan Hotel Saturday, June 1st, from 8:30 p.m. on. Mrs. W. G. t^iltshire' of West Bay has returned from a visit io_.Parksville, Vancouver Island. Mrs. T. McCarthy, 1825 Es- quimalt, entertained friends on Tuesday evening at a farewell gathering for- - Mrs. William Noble. Those present were lV|es- "dames"A-r~Abrams7~R~Phillips7- G. Vance, H. Neale, R. Tidder- ington, E. Chapman, MacPherp son and W. Gentleman'; the Misses B. Moore, E. Irving, M. Johnston^ D. Warner, M. All wood. Mrs. William Noble, , 3393 -Marin^_Drive,j-JsUieayirtgfcznej^^ Wednesday for Prince Rupert, -to--reside;--Her--hnsband-^ofi- about a month ago. Mrs. Joseph Byatt, 2247 Bol- evuo Ave., West Vancopver, an nounces the"engagement of her daughter, Alice Joyce (Joy) 'Gomyn, to Mr. Robert Norman Middleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Middleton, 1165 Nelson Street. The wedding will take place quietly a t West Vancouver June 8. Mrs. C. R. Goodwin, Argyle Ave., left Wednesday for the east to spend the summer with rela tives in Toronto and Hamilton. The Council sent a letter to Municipal Clerk W. Herrin ex- prcs.sing their deep regret a t his illness and trustjng he would make a spdqdy recovery. Grant--Robbins A pretty spring wedding was that solemnized in St. Francis-r in-the-Woods Church, Caulfeild, on Saturday evening, of Elsie Kathleen, eldest daughter of the late Donald E. Robbins arid Mrs. E. C. Robbiiis' and Roriald Carl, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Grant of Vancouver. The bride entei'ed the beauti- , fully decorated church on th e larni of Mr. Aubrey Clarke, The bride chose a gown of white taffeta, with a shirred bodice and lover's kno»t ̂ *ap- pliquaid on the front and sleeves, Jiad a Jheavily embroidered veil caught with a "halo"~of "orange - blossoms. Her bouquet consisted of white gardenias and sweet peas, pink carnations and roses. She was attended by a little flow- j s r girl, Dorothy Troland, weaî - ing -yellow net and mauve rib bons and carrying a colonial -bouquet of yellow roses and mauve iris. Her maid of hbnbr and one bridesmaid, Miss Olive Robbins and Miss Oaitherine Hirst, wore gowns of pirik and blue flowered net and doll hats of pink and blue flowers and tulle. Their--bouquets--were-pink-;car^--= nations sweet peas and iris. MrT"GIerm~GraTitr"hrother~pf- Bennejtt's BAKERY rKUCRUST URRAl) SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c a doz. Scotch Pancakes, SconeSi Abeniethy's and Out Cakes littrjfo Flour SftckH lOc M68 Marino Dr. Fhoiio W. 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. May 30th, 31«t and lat Juno ('HAS. I.AUCHTON "JAMAICA INN" alao Ni'wm. ('urtoon, oto. SATURDAY lOVKNlNC, and .MONDAY .Inm* iHt and 3rd * .lOHN (iARFIRl.D FRlSt'lLLA LANK "Dust Be My Destiny" ITIKSDAY AND WEDNESDAY Juno 4th and hill ROBERT MON IGOMERY ROSALIND RUSSELL "Fast and-Loose" nlao Joan Caj|:noy - JoHopli Allen "ALI, WOMEN HAVE SECRE'I'S" , Mrs. C. F. Powell, of 2710 Haywood .Ave., and Mrs. ̂ J. ■ Greer of Deep Cove, were jo in t hostesses a t - the form er's ad dress at a bridal shower given -ifl-4tohor of Miss-Betfey-Themp- son, whose marriage ^to l\fr. Gartn Quinn of V a n ^ u v ^ ^Pd_ L^s"Angeles takes'pTace a t Holy Trinity Church on Friday even ing the 31st inst. Dainty pink and white streamers and sweet- ' heart roses gaily decorated the prettily appointed laoe covered T7HtabIe^A^ked-4o-^poui^-tea^wqTS7- Mrs. W. R. Thompson^ mother of the bride, and Mrs. G. Yates, .. of Royal Oak. Invited guests were Mrs. W. Hamilton, Mrs. A. Wallace, Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. W. Mason, Mrs. E. R.-Newman, Mrs. " D. Steele, Mrs-Snlameson, Mrs. ■ D. . .P irestor^"^M rs.J.: Newdorp, Mrs. K. Williams, Mrs. G. Yates, Mrs. W. R. Thompson, Mrs; R. Carver, Mrs..,W. Wagner. MAY DAY DONATIONS AND PRIZES The May Day Committee wish • to acknowledge with thanks the following prizes'and 'donations: Prizes--Handy „ Emporium, 2 . prizes; McLeods Men's Wear,- 2 prizes; J, H. Fletcher, Hollyburn Theatre, passes; Christenson ' Jeweller, cleaning and repairing May Day Trophies.* , Cash -- Cascade, Rock and Gravel Co., $5; Sno-Freze Ice Cream, ̂$5; Canadian . Legion W.A., $2.50: ' ' , If any donations or prizes have not been acknowledged, will the donor please report same to Mrs. "J:"'R7 -Patterson" for-oorrection.^ ■the groom, was best man and David Clarke and Cecil Oxen- bury acted as ushers. The bride's mother imblue sheer and navy Bretjon sailor h a t with pink flowers and the groom's mother in wjne crepe arid navy ' -with white~flowcrs7 , S P E O A L T ^ Snwdust v.....;.$8.50 per unit Dry SlubB ...... .....$B.00,por eprd Inijido F i r ;~ -- froni"Hhod'" "" $G;00-pcr"Cord- from m ill..... ...̂ B.BO per cord Slabs wiih Bark $4,00 per cord Slabs & Edffinica $8.7B per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 „ m f ' o n NY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1B42 MARINC DRIVE WEST SCO .Mt-mhPrH A.K.T. of B.C. received the guests a t the recep tion held ati th e Legion Hall,, WesV-VaheoUver. Mr. Aubrey Clarke proposed the toast to the couple, and Mr. John and Mr. 'iames Anderson,and Mr. Aubrey Clarke were soloists. The three-tier wedding cake -w as-centred--on-a^glass-Center- piece with pink tapers e ^ h s id ^ on the bride's table. The bride and groom will lake up residence J n the city. '•i" ______-̂-------------- - A Narrow J^cape ^ A big: Indian had just ordered a ham sandwich at,_a drug counter, and was .peering between the slices of bread, ' When he turned and said to the waiter: "Ugh, you slie'em ham^IL. The waiter replied: ("Yes, I sliced the ham." ■ ̂ ■ "ijgh," grunted the Indian. "You near missed 'em." Burrard Laundry Ltd. ^ H "k n o w n FAMILYLAUNDRY. Phone North 1310 or West 691L W anted Capilano Golf Club, Men and. Boys to caddy. Trans portation provided f r o m -Taylor Way. Phone West 718, or apply a t Professional's Shop I---2- A man begged alms from a wealthy looking man in the street. "You had better ask for- manners tfian^m^ney" my" man;" replied the rich one haughtily. "I asked for what T thought you had most of," replied the beggar cut tingly. , NEESONS^EADNDRIES LTD; DRY CLEANING "^(Certified as advertised'in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, W est Yancoover Representative Phone Ŵ est 782 ĵ nd Driver , will calL , __ e x p e r t . ^atchland Clock r e p a ir in g . " T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd.,- Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive NOTICE . , --------- j . While the dead line for news is 6 p.m, Tuesday, we should be greatly obliged if -organi:i»tions--M d l-0.thers_ having news Hems them in as early as jpossible, whenever they can conveni- entlyido-so. *11118 wjH make for an earlier delivery on lliursdays, and will maten- ally help our boys on their routes. --Editor. , N orth Shore ROLLER ARENA 1st Street, I block West of Lonsdale NORTH VANCOUVER Monday to Friday, 8 to 10:30'p.m. Adults 85c Monday-to Saturday, children, 6 to 8 p,m.' 15c Matinee every day, 2 to 4,30....... . 25c Matinee Saturday mornings 10 to 12, children under 15,.,.. 10c Saturday Night Sessions 8 to 11.00..,........................... 40c Spectators--All Sessions.....10c. : - Above prices include all service, mission to'rink, skates, checking, etc. Private lessons arranged on application ---- -=--^Por-Pr-ivate^Instruetion-see-------- .Floor manager. Phone North 1735 "Ethel went to an astrologer to find out when was the best time to get married. " "W hat did he tell h e r?" "He took one look a t her and told her to ^ a b to first chance." ®