i" ,' p ■. ̂t i'*.'!?t f "I > fv, ,w ̂ -, % >fP ̂ t e ̂V" «> 14 -1- ĴPV 'w P'V ' ' *. ̂n ̂ ' ' -4 ft ' , »t . . =4- t. - 5 ̂ (t.fvr ■> i, ft ̂ rtf" /•! 'w-̂ •'-*'f-̂( ̂ - i J lU WBST VAN NEWS May 80th. 1940. S i- -*•<*,-t-ujnH. J. fr^-- K ' ' * M t .i- * WB0T VAN. UNITBD CBU8CB . C®r*-21«l A„aMiiiiJiMat.,At«.*,,. KKV. W. VANCE, RA-, MfadMiir 1068 Fulton Avenu* ̂ Phone West '244.B „ ̂ SttttdAy Herdeee: li«.m. A 7tS0pfiu Strengers end VUltore ere weleom* fc :' f fIN'̂V f ir 'f (Ifî.ntp'fW um. p I 't If? b I ? ̂n V -' k' '.I i t i l J-, ■' _- îlp?57' . if§f I#!#: v...., t i i i : fe'5|: PP fk|:Mi'i-'Mk p i t i l i imM■#i#L ■• V M'i ;/:l i i l i»:r PW® Shorter C o i f f u r e a for Sum m er ! Her. B A p n a r c b v b c b ■ wr'ir^ffly, 'bj^' m Sundtir Serviceeiitdiyr JU:00 «.w.--phureb School in- ' '■"""'̂ "̂ "llodihif lUiaW'CSiuii'* 11 e.m. A 7:80 p,m.-»Pr6«ehing Service*. A hearty welcome to *11 iSutmncr HjiorlH duuiund a hairatyle which Ik cuHily managed. Tapeircd endn which /all into ploco whether they are wet from a »wim or blown by Uh) wind. IIuvo one ot thcac practical, ahorter cuta and a soft lJuurt Permanent. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Exclusive Permanenta, 1546 Marine Drive West 117---( .. ■■ I...................... .............- ..-- l.i-,i. .ji-.-:.L --f. HOLLYBDRH H A U ' 14th and Duches* ■Sunday, June 2nd. at 10 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class. Sunday Evening at 7:80 (iospel Service. .S|)eaker: Air, Eric Hunt,' Tuesday at 8 p.m J'rayer and Bible Study; •Sul)ject, "The Psalms." ' WEST VANCOUVER C h r i i t i t n S c i e n c e .S o c ie ty , 20th and Eaquintalt, Hollyhora. This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The Firat Church of Christ, Sclentlat, in Boston, Masaachuselts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday, .lune 2nd SUBJECT: "Ancient and MtMicrn jSfe« cromancy, Alias McHmerism and Hypnntlsni, Denounced" Sunday School a | 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in-' vited to attend our services and meetings. ' .i,. A ttention B uilders! 'i»|> tV|- >«NiJ(T'.e()i«jrV(i,.iJ, (ipfairt (\|■y-p•w«y,«nv̂ it,.. .S"A'*4 SAND, GRAVEL. NAVVY JACK, ASEHALUeREMIX..™..____ ____ r Ua d m a t e r ia l s l im it e d Phone North l l4 l or ALF ELLIS, West 823-L-Z4 CHUHCHES OF CHIUST SCIENTIST a SCRAMBLED SOFl'BALL At Ambleside Park Tuesday re-arranged Inglewood team ancy "Ancient and Modern Necrom- lost a 10-9 decision to Capilaiios. cy. Alias Mtsmer s VP shake-up but to the notism. Denounced will be the sp ^ ta to rs it was a mystery.,, s u b j e c t o f t h e 'Lcsson-Sermotr in gob Shaokelton who looks like all Churches of Chri.st, Scien- a find a t 3rd base was moved to tist, on Sunday. ' short, and turned in y h is only' T»1„ rnhipn 7VYii U- "Sing performance to dak \ Jack to the Lord, praise ye the .i i„ ononirh -was moved tn l.<5f ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 2 3 rd In g le w o o d Ave. Rev. Father Van '^astor unto the Lord, praise y« enough -was moved to 1st Lord: for he hath delivered the base. Flies were dropped all .soul of the poor from the hand over the outfield *where Vic. of evildoers" (Jeremiah 20:13). Vaughn used to snare,them, but Amnncr ihi^ ̂ Htations which Victor wasp t there.. He was Among the citations wnicp doing his best a t 3rd base. Dave BAPTIST CHURCH Rev, W. L. McKay 134i Cordon Ave. D R . G . D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST . . X-Ray Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Ogicti Houra 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono WcBt 72 Sunday Services: DR. McRAB D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Med leal-Dental Building ' Houra: 0 to 0 -- Evening* by appointment. AftOO-Marlne DtLve_._.We«Jt_A32- I J a.rn;--Subject. "Continue To Pray." ■ • I'he Lord's Supper Will be ad ministered. 7:30 p.rn.--Rev. Henry Knox, of -- ^Vancouver Heights Baptist Ciiurch, will preach. 'fhe Church School and Adult Bible Class will meet a t 10 o'clock. Monday, 8 p.m.-- Young People's 'Society. Program:, A house to house Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m .„ High Mass and Sermon --- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7:45 , p.m. , Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. . Week-day Services Mass -r- 8 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:3.0 p.m. ̂ " comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following 'from the Bible: "Aw'ake to righteousne.s.s, and s in , n o t; for some have not the knowledge of God: 1 .speak this to your shame" (1 Cor. 15:34). The Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- lx)ok, "Science and Health with Key to th e . . Scriptures," by Mary aker Eddy: "In a world of sin Bird pitched his usual fine game and m ight have won even witl] imj;. the new fielding, set-up but a 'U weirdly arranged batting order failed to click in the pinches. Gordon Lynn turned in a ■ much improved performance be hind the plate. Doug Clark, a new-comer, added punch to" the team by h itting a couple a little short of a mile. Missing' from . th e . line-up wâ ̂ A rt Twigg, ̂ and sensuality, hastening to a grasg^ating 1st baseman, who greater development of , was gathering splinters on the it is •■wise earnestly to wn^ider Gibson also-collect- wheiher it is the human mind or splinters when he might have the divine Mind which is infl e - more effective collecting ing-one.: - - - flies"inMthe"outfield7-------- -̂------- UNITED CHURCH W.A. c N ellie H arrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma ' 'i< -■ ■ Teacher of PIANO and THEORY a UeHldenco Studio: ' ' » * ■ n- r •. ■ ■ ■ ■ 195jS Inglewood AYcnuo, , J West 1056-L missionary meeting. Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m. -- Px'ayer meeting. WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Mai'ine and 25th St." Pastor: Robert H. Birch 9:45 a.m.--Sunday S ch^l. IT aTn.and"7:30 p.ra7^/^Sunday Services. Batabliahod. on North Shore 25 Year* (Lady. Aasiatant) HAIUION BROS. LTD. fuiirral fiirectora Sunday evening su b jek : "Did w'o Pray o r - 'Say our P i t e r s ' last Sufiday^^ Wednesday, ^ 3 0 p.m.--Prayer Fellowship. . Horseshoe Bay & Vicinity The United Church Women's Association will hold the annual .V Talent 7'ea in the Church Hall - oh---^Puesdayr-Junc--^tT-,--at--r2T-l 5 - p!m. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Paul, Smith, M.L.A., and the vocalist for the afternoon .will be Mrs. R. Howio.son. It is always interesting and amusing when members Include with their talent money, verses describing how the money was earned, and it iVhoped there w ilP be a large number of jiDetic ef- VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coak Builders' Supplies The popular Inglewoods are drawing ^ood crowds, and the gentleman with the hat is by "way of being a rattling success. Friday a t l 6 : l5 the students! play at Mahon" Park, with Gib- ■nsom'^lated"i:onpitch;~Next'~'rues: day it's Inglewood and Florists a t Ambleside. forts. Donationos wjlJ also be gratefully accepted. A large-iittendanee of mem bers and friends is hoped for. - -ILUlyhiirn Piinarnl Home -I8th and Marine ____ ^ Weat 184 North Vancouver Parlora 122 Weat Sixth Street Phbite- North 184 ^ Vancouver Parlora 66 'fenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 184 . Mr. and Mrs. Lang, 3050 Proe-'- .Thursday Bible Fellowship, 7 :45. ter Ave., have moved to Cypress Evangelical Independent Park. IM M -.Lunches r Teas P in n ers SMORGASBORD 871 Hornby St. TRin. 1520 The Council askfed the Public Utilities Commission to arrange, f or a public hearing of the trans portation problem as soon as possible. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Fae Harden wishes to express her sincere thanks to the many^ friends for ■ their kindness and their beautiful floral offerings' during her re cent sad bereavement. .Special; thanks to Dr. Therrien, Mr. and Mrs. Wi Rae and the pMlbearers. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, June 2nd tf S. H. SRIGLEY A'C'-'-'i' ■ •; *■' "-I V.S'.'lf; '•l-,'--; Painter and Decorator V..-/', 1706 Marine Drive ,'V r-'-'"' , " IMioiic West 938 __ _________-.................................................. ■ •'. ■■'■I'..'-' , • B U S H W O O D C' . ' Per Cortl SecJml Growth Fir ...........$-1.60 Ireen Alder ........................ $5.50- Buzxing W-ood at any length. J. SMITH Cor. Eleventh and Mathers J'hono West 1066-R 8 a.m^--Holy Communion,. 11 a.m.--Holy. Communion and Sermon. T :30 p.m.r-r-Evensoiig and Ser- " mon. ; ' Monday, 8 p.m.--Chuveh Com- St. Francis-in-thc-Wood Caulfeild 3 p.m.--^Evensong and Sermon. THE, UNITED CHURCH !21st and Esquimau Avenue Kev, William Vance, Minister "Sunday, June 2nd The . News THE West Van News Published Every Thursday Publisher F ~ F n : 0 VEGROV E Phone Weat 363 Business and Editorial Ogice: 1704 Marine Drive - Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale 10 a.m.--The Sunday School. 11 a.m.:--Morning Worship. Subject: "Thirty years in the Ministry of the Church." 7 :30 p.m.--Rev. Stanley A'. Red man will preach and Mrs. Red man will sing. "Seek ye the Xord." The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S.'was held on TuevS- day, .2'lst'7hsi. Mrs. Reid .was in the chaii' ,̂ as Mrs.-Vaiice, the President, is not yet fully re covered. Arrangements were m ad e for the June meeting which, weather permitting, will be held on tUe Church lawn. It is hoped there will be a gener ous- response to the request foi^ hospital supplies on that occa sion, Mrs. McPherson took the final portion of th<4. study book, and Mrs. Hobden gave , an in spiring address on Christian Stewardship. iiJ t o w is F ^ ^ J p D GAR iN CAW ari^ S ee i t - O w n i t • D rive i t - N O W ! Comfort - :̂.5afety -- Poiver ■■■ Economy--'AU are combined in the new WILLYS for 1940, the oaî that has caught the fancy of motor show crowds everjrwhc^. ' Created by engineers of long experience, the 1940 WILLYS is built by an organization that owners reporting no to 40 miles a gallon. They give it new, lithe lines of beauty . . . protective, aU-steel h^ y . ,. • safety glaiss* in all windows . i . over-size hydranUc: brakes. In Deluxe moddls, steer* ing post gearshift and ventllat- has made satimed buyers for Ing window wings. »7 y^rs.-------------------- -- ------------The new-WILLYS7for-19«Hs These engineers have built into the 1940 WILLYS power for su sta in ed h igh speeds . . . for fast acceleration • • • yet with gasoline economy-- nowon display. You are cordially invited to exijoy a •demonstra tion ride today. - WlUYS-OP CANADÂ LilllTIDr̂ WINDSOR, ONTARIO 11.00 a year by carrier: 02.00 a year by mail ' I^Ir. and Mrs. D. McDonald ha\^ m o v ^ from Radcliffe Ave. into their new home on Creei*y Ave. , ' O isnibutoK : M eredith M otors Ltd., V ancouver .^N O U N tlN G THE APPOINTMENT OF A NEW DEALER ! ^ ; " W . L. GroUt, W M t Van. M otors, W est V ancouver Phone W est 2:68