E stab liB hod o v e r I S .y a a w . Circulating in the District, of West Vancouver--Ambleside, Hollyhum, Weston, $1.00 per year. , Cypress Park, CauIfeild,WhytecHff, Etc. Dundarave 5c jyer copy Vpl. HOLLYBURN P.Q., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C.. THURSDAY, MAY 30th. 1940 N o . 7 MHn f if t h c o l u m n ACnVITIES .11■ - -... t..... ry^rman successes in the present war, ad m itt^ jy very S m b le have been, obtained almost^ more by F ifth Col- nnm'^actW?ties than by the operations of their armies in the S ri Bv the time German agents, German aliens and " nat S e rs residen t'in the .coun try to be attacked, and i r d had done their dirty: work, there was not S more for H itler's regular forces to do than to march n md take possessioh. In those cases where tho^i»»yaded did n it uu a & ht; th e if .efforts were so neutralised by the F ifth r l n 1 in their midst, whom, they had up to then re p rd e d as ^ S Germans and friends, tha t certain defeat was matter of a few days or hours. I t was so in N o rw ^ , was so in Holland and indications point to something of the kind having taken.place a t the Meuse, where* the failure tS blow up the bridges had such tragic consequences for t o m a n s the internal combustion engine have t h m S l e d all chivalry and decency in warfare. To- ,h t Uio civU^population is a s much' the o b j ^ . of attack as thoir protector^ 'the armed forces, in fact often-very much m o re so ^ a u s e o f/the ir helplessness.. A nd we peopl^ of C Emt)ii!?are 'beginning to r e a l i ^ a t last what the.S tench Imo^alvvays told us,, namely, tha^wijfeh. .a capacity for steady rrl work and.an apparent quierFespectability there is m the ferman a certain tiger, ruthlessness,).which in^-war k ^ p s no- rulirand i t not content w ith killing, but must^ a SQ_ destroy, even S little or nothing to his- there is much too strong an inclination to rely on the United States fo|r, protection. I t is quite true, of course that our neighbors to the south are for their ovm safety much interested in ours, but in th e oase m point it has to be remembered th a t they have in the, Germans ̂ n d German-Americans a minority stronger pro ra ta in numbers and certainly in influence, and wealth than the, German rnm- S y in^almost any country m Euroj^., And ̂ there is only the^odd'one, be he German born or of a family six g en e r^ tions in the country, who is, really loyal to the United S t ^ s * n Germany becomes involved. Therefore, Unde Sam has nuite enough to do. to look afterrh is own knitying. ^ There is a largem um ber of Germans resident in Greater Vancouver and throughout the^vrovince^som e o f j ^ ^ quite large groups. N ot~every-G ^3^|i, of - oQurse m disloya., or likely to-cause troublerr-Sonie,-indeed,- have- reft^hei^0OT__ country to get away from Kaisensm or Nazism, but H itler has established a system by ^^ch^,®^ery German out the world is card-indexied m Munich and, i f j e ^ d ^ s not do his bit for:Nazism in jh e country of his adoption, his relatives in Germany Suffer accordingly. Consequently, pmy those, who have no relatives there or do not care w hat hap- "^ n s to their relativesr-are-^ally-free^to . follow their inclina- tions. - With them are the many who are openly or sec i^ MASS M EEllNG Local Defense Corl>s Formed CHANGE OF DATE MAY DAY CELEBRATION The Legion Hall was crowded bn Wednesday evening of! last week for the Mass Public Meet ing called by the Canadian Legion, West Yancouver Branch, to consider,what steps should be taken in the municipality to com bat any possible activities of "The F ifth Column." President Charles Smith was in the chair, and Reeve Leyland and Acting Chief of Police Kruger, were on the platform. Reeve Leyland stated that, while it was hoped vve were in ,a favored .position as^ regards ' these activities ,we did not know . whether such was actually the case. He thought, therefore, tha t something should* bKdone on a legal basis, and th a t theijs- should " be nationel registiation. with investigation of allepemy aliens and naturalised enemy aliens, who should not be allowed* to have arms and report a t regular intervals. A Provincial Civil Pro tection Committee has been established, and West Vancouver had been divided into, three sec-* tions^ w ith /a warden in each .to take over, if required. The police also should be given authority to act in regard to under-cover activities. . , Acting Chief of Police K ibg^r said th a t any complaints, regard ing enemy aliens^ would be fully investigated and turned over to the R.C.M.P. President Charles Siriith_stat- - e d --th ja t-€0 jO O fP-m ^ The Red CroSvH Group o f the West Vancouver's May Day Townswomen's Guild will hold a success- busincas meeting a t the f„l Aw!, a t l^ lm . M d ly , May 31st. -Wealhe.' eowiitiona were ideal, Alii members are requested to Uu* sun shining throughout the attend. HOLLYBURN HALL Sunday School and' Young People's Bible Class will be held a t 10 a.m. next Sunday, June 2nd, in Hollyburn Hall, and a t 7:30 p.m. a Gospel Service, when the speaker will be* Eric Hunt. Tuesday at 8 p.m. prayer and Bible* study, subject: ' The Psalms." 1.0; D. E. The June meeting of the Dun can Lawsons Chapter LO.D.E* day but not too strongly, and a record crowd of about 7,000 ])oo- ple assembled at tlie Park for tlio May Queen ceremonie!^, wliere tlio new grass oval aim crowded bleachers made a pretty "setting. , North'Vancouver High School once more won the intor-higli road race in the fast time of 19 ihinutes 18 seconds, their last nniner doming in over a minute ahead of the local boy. Accord ing to reports West^ Vancouver lost ItOO yards in the first lap and wei'o unable to make it up. riie parade was better and, TV ----- 1 ne paracie was ueuer , nnu will be hold on Monday evenir^, • foi- several years June 3t'd; a t 7:45 P*mi afc-tne., Uoth in oualitv and miantitv and. Masonic H all in the 1700 Block on Bellevue Avev GRAND RALLY Greater Vancouver Girl Guidos> both in quality and quantity and, played to the Park along Marine Drive'by the West Vancouver Schools Band, made A brave showing. May Queen Lois plant ed a tree a t the Memorial Arch en route, as is the'custom.\ „4. en luubu, UM IS me T i^ e ts a re ^ o w on s a l e - a t * jyj Qu^^n Lois with her eii- th e - B .C . piW tourage, arrived a t the T*ark to M a rm e J^ r iv e , fo r t ^ Gi;*! Gjim^ llouri.sh of trumpets, and the National Anthem was'iplayed asGrand Rally at* the^ Forum, HasL ings Park, Saturday, June; Ist^, a t 8 p.m. ' R E b CROSS Reeve Leyland escorted her to the throne. When May Queen- elect Jean and her entourage arrived after another flourish of tions. witn tnem are m e m*uiy v Nazis, and there are quite enough of these to constitute a serious problem, besides those who are anti-Canadian or an Empire for A variety^ of reasons. ■j'. It is quite certain.?4-thah.; the Government through trie !R'G.MtP. and th e intelligence! S e r v ^ c e /have vsuch.. persons . under strict observations and know, muoh more- about ̂ e i r . activities thanrthey or the/public generally suppose, in e. remains the facty however,v th a t im: Europe, w here county- espionage is a fine-cart and heavily iimnnd andj weilipaid,..t German Fifth Column was:stillahl& to achieve decisive results. ; That by itself should be sufficient to put us on our g u a rd ,. and at once.- For there.are enough:enemy aliens.m ourim iast to make a fifth: column and*.plenty of ways in whicnx.tney: could do the kind; of dirty* work'im which they exce.. i t to us now to see-they do not g e t 'th a t opportuniiy, always remembering that, th e only* thing:*a German understands is force.j , COUNCIL. NOTES V. G. Strople was present at. the Council meeting to' .speak/to a letter from H. Jones re pro posed box lacrosse. iniWfest Vanr couver. He stated thertwoIocaL-. teams, having, no'ground* here?* went to North'Vancouver, to^? practice. In reply to hiA^-r^quest.]- for assistance,'the .Council asked^i. for further infoimation re cost and area required,"; etc$;.,alsoj.an.- assurance as to any- other* fin ancial assistance^'other than., what the (kiuncil in igh t be ^ k - - ed to consider. 1-15,■ inclusive, and D.L.. 237, Block . 13;. Lots 16-30, inclusive, 'Were-received' by the Council,- requesting th a t said areas zoned zo n ^ ras ' 'light industrid ̂ th is z o n ^ 'a s "light indusrtial,-_this being -approved by the Town' planning'Commission.-TheiCoun- cii iapproved..the change irig 75% of the owners'airejeted wouWMuly sign/a petition- The Council., thankedi. West": Vancouver Too Hrfor i t s offeritb undertake im pipvem ents'ip ' th e . -^Children's Playground'in ;:MAiii-'- prial Park, and said that..every;v effort would bemade*by:thA En»-- gineeringi, Depafftmentii-itOL^co---^ operate. THfe/Oity, of Vancouver was adv i^d % the Council th a t the la tte r had appointed*;^ Commit- teef' composed *: o f Reeve ̂ and- ^ . X l l Council . to4*meefc..tM^ City Council'Committee* andcdis-* CUSS- Lioiis' Gate E fidge taxa tion.- W. Partridge e t al.vsent. a. petfc. ' the Council re condition of Bellevue Ave,. w est , of . 22nd otreet. deferred, to the E ngineer! - With power to act. A petition of 75% o f .the own ers of DX. 237, Block 14 ,'Lots (■ Ihconnection w ith'the interim , report on'-the" w ater'sch^eme the- Ghairman -of--the.--Waterworks.. ftTid-thp E ngineer w eretautnor- • iz«|7by the^CouncXtO'proceedlo . Vidtoria* to place v b ^ r e ^ the^: proper authorities, plans and specifications re waterworks mi- provements and . to ascertain it t h e ^Provincial Government would: approve of ^ 2% loamfor^ th e amount required with a view ti>; fu rther presenting' same to Otthwa* for*appr£>val. their services "when- Gleneral W,. W. Foster had called, but nothing had been heard of the m atter. In his opinion all known aliens should be interned. The Cana dian Legion was not a fighting bc&y, but were willing to serve C.ar\fif]a: in anv oapacity; fighting or otherwise, if cailea upon, thought th a t the Government should^taljeJmmediaie.a;ctlon as regards the enemy'^in our midst. A number of residents took part in the discussion which, fol lowed, all stating categorically th a t there should be: no fu rther delay in taking spme * drastic steps. t o .. combat' enemy .actiyi-'v ties in Canada. I t was decided to form, a body of volunteers for locaL defence to be known as the W est'V an couver Volunteer Defence Corps, quite a number of those present signing their names on" the roll. The. following resolution pro posed'b y Comrade F; F. Love- grove ^chairman of the' resolu tions committee, andseconded by Comrade I. T. Meglaughlin was passed unanimously: " "A t a m ass meeting held under the aii^pioes of the Can adian Legion, West Vanocuver Branch, it was unanimously re solved th a t it be; demanded of the Dominion Government th a t they take immediate action to curb the subversive influences, which have been proved , to be abroad in our province and which are preventing our .efforts to win the 'w ar, by (a) Interning immediately all enemy aliens; (b) Interning enemy sympathis ers against whom known charges of subversive talk or action can be proved; (c) All enem aliens naturalised; within the last 25 years be thoroughly investigat- -ed ~immediately--by : com petent- authorities ; Xd)_Jip_aii€n jy h a t- soever to be allowed, offensive or . sporting weapons of,any kind." Two ' other resolutions were also paW d as follows: 1. "That a national registration be made immediately of all persons! male and female, over the age of 16 years." 2. "That units be formed , * XT -i i. 1 xuu' trumpets,' she was escorted by Chairman A. J. Gleamyto the A fte r the" latter had her address of welcome and hiiiided back the golden k ey to Reev mg [e-HAphoiir. The next mdet- w iir be" held at:^"Ealm y Beach," home of Mrs. F. W. Smith, Monday, June 3rd a t 12 noon. Leyland. The new queen's reign was heralded in by the playing DEATH OF TOM A. HARDON ' c ln ad a " by the West Vancouver Schools , Band and The -death occurred on^Thurs- of a rooket. Then fol- day in h is "52nd y e a i - ^ --Tom low^d her address, the presenta-- Alec Hardon, late of 1074 I ui- ^er of a silver bracelet ton Ave.. He-is survived by his Chairman Gleam-and of the wife, a t home, and two sisters- g^j^en key by the Reeve, the in England. Funeral services signing _ of the parchment roll were held a t 1:30 p.m. Saturday concluding the ceremony, from the Hollyburn Funeral Mayor Telford and Gommis- . Hoiii6 of HErron Bros. Ltd., W. gionor Vetico, who J. Rae officiating, followed by pjatform , each made a brief ad- cremation. BRITISH - ISRAEL John Graham of White Rock will be the speaker a t th« next Monday evening, June 3rd, meet- ^nd maypole idancing on ing of the Dundarave Branch at ; t.n the music of the drosj3̂ « ■RoundiS' of applause greeted th e , school children, who under the direepon of the Misses Eileen Hampson and Clara Wil son gave a wonderful.exhibition 25th and Marine Drive. The Schools Band. X ater a finished subject: ? "Parable of the ien display by the Pro-Rec gymnasts Virgins." You are cordially in- * Director Mathesen and vited to hear Mr. Graham as he ^x^^cises and dances by Pro-Reo applies this parable to p re s e t Keatley great- day conditions.* Thursday even- the crowd assembled, ing. meeting for prayer. aYed- ** Queen and her en- nesday afternoon meeting at 8 tourage' led the grand march a t p.m. for Bible Study, You will p^y which took be welcome a t all these meet- place in the Inglewood Audit ings.*** . Prium. There was a very large 777-- 7~, o attendance, and the floor was Mr.:^,W crowded throughout the even- group of five cottages on Uxiey dancers, who enjoyed Ave. to thd -full, the music of Marie Abramis Orches<jra. Mention should be made of the decora tion, of the Auditorium, which w ith the graceful festoons of colored paper and hanging flow* throughout Canada of ex-servi^ men and others, who shall be authorized to drill and prepare themselves for any emergency and th a t arrangements, if pos- baskets looked really beauti- sihle, be made by which they work of Mr. can be supplied with arms. and Mrs; Tom Turner and their These resolutions were sent sons. Refreshment4' were served Thursday to the Prime Minister in. the lower hall ̂ during the -with-bopieS -to--James-Sinclair,--.-intervaL M.Pw, R ^ v e Leyland. arid H. J-; The Children's Dance on Sat- P latt, secretary of the Legion urday night in the^Ingleword- Branch here, who is attending ^Auditorium, for which Sino the Canadian Legion Convention Shepherd's-Orchestra played the in Montreal. ' music, was much enjoyed by the The same day the Rebve wired mariy youngsters present. The the Prim rM inister, an(tsent Iet-_.M ay Queen, who with her en- t e r s 't o J . Sinclair, M.P., and H. .,tourage led the grand march, G P latt endorsing the th re e , .also presented the float prizes to m otions'in question. school winners. turn