̂ !-,«# » *#«! ti< - >$n̂ m*i»' «" ̂ ' ' ■ - <* t " I " "t ....... .f«,M,W.i..UUH.UJUM ................... i r . - H ^ , r \ J- ( ? *-!j' e> -.MS* *t p'̂ r M-U!< s *! t/ lfl«)l> f H ̂ ^. '-'i > ̂ ' >1- ' «̂' %.'•!» / ' . ^. i . r î 't̂ TP). r ' '-S' ̂■̂'S*"' '5~I .<*•»'-yo*., I - s 4 .;f*̂ w w * TBE WEST VAN NEWS May 2 2 » i B40., r,i- . ■ IK - ' .K'-' K..|' - l i |ii : f H ■■'Iif "f i ; ;: fe, f * '3 ' P* I-P ■5K": '1̂ :k - f !'.rp d HEP%:-: • '1 IS .v'?iii".--v.-.-i ■ :r» ' s i lIt..' fivJrt".4i t rl PIS:'fea; ~'ii ?}( 54vi K'T^" 'Ck' - ?' 7 . . J (f'C'rKfii?wa.7"': I i& i. b' 'f F) f-< % j . i '̂■-f: s -rj p iir;i • 14,8 K-- ■ p i « :|lii, i t i lr '« s*i| ■ I l i ® i 4 ' j! ̂ j 11 l̂ #'- V̂<Srf44>KMV5»«ir'-«V.-«.i>i»«. w«t M ^ H arvsqr" Sm ith-- Hiiiiiiwatwr' Pre« Delivery Servic* - MantWy Account F U G H T -U E U T . E. I'A I^ E R „ RBI'OUTEI) MISSING SUGGESTIONS »X)Il THURS. and SAT., May SKI and 25 M E A T S»c r'HKlMHKD MUHTAItli-- Frt'nch'n, fi-o*. Jar ........... Htfd St WliUe llrand CATHIJI*-- J2-0*. Ixitllc ................................ 14c PAl'Klt NAI'KINH--Fancy while, , l^arKe I'M.......................... ..9c Red St WliUe HOCKKYK HARMON-- No. tin . ..................................20c FUhI & While 'I'OMA'J'OKHr- 2 No, 2Vi tliiH ....... 2,'ic Llprfie 25*oz. tin, only COl HARDIN KH-~( 'a nad in n. 'I'i n MI); 2H K(hI NHD HF.liF--'I'in 151) IM(:KLI5H-.IIn|)|»yvule. Hived, plain or miiHtard. •o/„ . Jar Ac While HpuKhelti- 2 'lO'O/. I ilia (X)UN FRAKI5H--(luuker. .'I pkta. 2Ic W.t'Ht 370 B E E F FOUR LAMB Flight-Lk'Ut«iwinr Eric or, non of Mr. and Mra, Ritlpn 4 ^ * v r-F a rk er ,.^ o t-i2 8 |.J te Ave„ has been reported missing Hinco 10th May,, and it is hoped he is a prisoner of many. He joined the Jl'AF. five years ago ami .since September 2nd had been in Fm nw with the 15bth Squadron, being one Free Ddlrcry of tho,se who <lrop[>e(J the urst pamphlets on Germany. Edu cated at the Inglewood High School, he was 2i>, and last June married Joan lA*mercier of Southampton, England. S e r v i c e E U M B E R ^ ^ ^ H v a U t y SASH A DOOHS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH 'TMESl* IS BOTElSlflRS*'*S1IPFQ,ES* HOOFING 'WALLBOAED'-'̂ ::--:"' .JL JLInAJm̂ A fciitij CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY W E S T V A N C O U V E R L U M B E R C < > - E I D . 16th & Marine Drive Phone W est 116 VEAL . All Grade A & A1 1K)WNSW0MEN'S GUILD M .lOc .16c IX'licatesHcn Frcah F ish D aily«> < ...6c JA.M--SlrawIXTty witli Apple, Mb. III! ................................ ...;j9c .2;k TEA -Auni Mury'H. Lb. .. . 52c HI NLIGin' SOAP--Cake ......5c 17c Bid S White TOILEJ' BOLl.S-- 21c 1 rollh ........................... ........... ' Bert Albin, Jli2n(l and Mathers AVe., and Bob Jiutlson, 15th and EKijuimalt Ave., are leaving Saturday morning in the Prin cess liOuise for Dawson City. They expect to stay there until froeze-up. MEETING LICGIOJ ̂ NOTES Tile 1'egulur monthly meeting of I lie North Shore Local Coun cil of Women vvill be held in the iloai'il of Trade Boom, North Vancouver, oh Monday next, May 27Ih at 2 p.in. Mr. Morri- soji of the Alexandra Neighbor- liood lloijso will be the guest After a sliort business session sin-aker and uwing to anoihe the Legion I membership and <;ngagement will be heard at 2 Ladio.V Auxiliary and friends o'clock. A good turnout ot dele-...ixiliary ----- ---------- si)ent a very enjoyable evening ̂ gates is reijuested. r n.f^"s7" N O im i SHOKK LOCAL ■crow lw fis pr" COUNCIL OF WOMEN Harry Idati, Secretary, left . "7 T, ,,, , , 6n Saturday, last for Montreal, A very enjoyable le a Mu- IUjv. F. a . Ramsey has ex tended an invitation to Town.s- women's Guild menioers to at tend a 8iK*cial service at bt. Stephen's Church, Sunday, May 2Gih, at 3 p.m., this day having been .set aside by Royal pro clamation in lh<' United King dom, and by the Canadian Gov- ernmehi as a day of national prayer. Tickets are obtainable Irom members of- the Executive, for the luncheon in the "Canadian Rohm," 5th floor, Hudson's Bay,. Monday, June 3rd, at 12:30. A showing of summer styles, and conducted tour of the stbr ĵ. will be special .features. M em bers'are reminded tihat nomination slijis must be in the hands of the committee, Mes- dames H. G. Barker, R. Ford and W. Thompsoii by May 25th. Afternoon session of the An nual Meeting w ith' election of officers, Will commenoe at 2 o'clock, Friday, June 7th; even ing sessiono, 7, at the Clachan. Special speakers vvill 1"" an- ■ 0. C L A S S I F I E D A D S Thu raU» for CIa««lfied Advortlwmients Ib L coiitB per word, minimum 25 cJSS. E^ccpt in cbbo of tho«e Imving regulnr nccount., nil cIumhI. ^*^IUmemVJr**an8Sk^^ iu i e W eS Van New. get Immediate resultn. GORDON ROBSON - i qS Solicitor, 510 W. Hdstingu, boy. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. FOIt KENT--July 1st, year's lease, 4 I'oOm partly , furnished modern houAe, $25.00. ,,,STr\t7i LAWSON, WALKER &■ l'U p p „ Opi>. Uollyburn P.O. W°»t 66 WANTED AT ONCE -- Furniture, Sowing Machines, Stoves, Tools, etc. Cash. Wo buy, sell and exchange, Agents for Faw cett R a n g e s . Vinick's, North 431, 66 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouv()r.__________ FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suthcr- .land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam ■ Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304. Royal Bank Building. POINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West '1022-L. ■ ■ ~ ____ RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F. V. Findlay. West 494-R._______ GORDON GRAY--Insurance, all risks, ....one policy, all locations. i SEy, 4991 or West 92-R2. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. West 740, W est 443-R, PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) r 418 Howe Str'"'"": TRin. 1271. Local Agent, , ^ F Bayliss (Notary Public). , 2436 Bellevue. ■ West 622-R CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, -- Tools,- etc.;- nothing -too-big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. WANTED LISTINGS of all description.!. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 546 CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Ojd Coun- . try way; guaranteed; brick_ and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts' West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. ' ' ' Legion Convention,in Montreai. (.Mtizenship Committw of the Next meeting Friday, June Niiidh Shore l.K)cal Council ol \ ̂ »i'll 11 I'I /H ill* 1 M x\ I /YTi TT rl 1T1 In a softball game at Amble- side Park Thursday-evening the LEGION OF FHONTIERSMI me i'-v'iLM ----------side i arK inur.suuy uveimiii lĥ .Women under the (Jonvenership intriewood High School team - ot Mr'.Sv J, W. H orsfall. Rec^iv- vvas given a i 2-2 drubbing' by iiiK the guests were the Pr^si- yan. Florists. The HANDY ANN SHOP-- 2442 Marine, . Ankle.Sox, Wool, Embroidery S u p - ___________ ____________ ___________ plies, Notions, Chinaware, Hard- VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ware, Baby Garments. . - ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable CIVIL SERVICE CLASS now at Hoi- rates. West 927-R. . ̂ ----- lyburn Business College; West 341. The smoker under tiie aus pices of the l./egion-of Frontiers men o f North Vancouver recent ly held in the Legion Hall, wa.'̂ a very successful affair. This. organi'/iiUion made up of those ovei' thirty-Jive years of ■do.nt, Mrs. -H .A. Hooper, assist- ed Jiy Mrs. 11. V. Collins. White students-- appeared-- to-- suffer fi'om stage fright in the early innings but looked like a ball team ih the making when they settled, down. The ihfield flound ered aiid flashed while the out field didn't flash. . Insun'ection LET ME KNOW If your property is for sale or rent. Percy T. Master- J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister. Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive;. Phone' West 21, or W est 553-R-l. and crini.son rhododendrons d^c- oi-ated the rooms. The tea table vvas covered vvith a .handsorne Ihce cloth; and w bowl o f pink carnations, presid- jieiu uiun t im»n. xiiauxx̂ utiWLL -ixLpver by Mrs. F . S. Campbell fhi-ehtehed^ m̂ and Mrs.i R. Fukles. fh e varied ^vhen a Florist showed an iii- clinatibn fpiK fisticuff h0wpvei', siieedily: and artistical ly subdued by a oSeler-headed F lo r ist' who became the real hero of the game iivthe-eyes of those speetators who went to see a ball game only..The offend er was transplanted to the running around in circles. As bPnQh.^The necessary change of ■'XUi .suitj ui AcxAu*.. .. , ...., .............. , 'ir , • i S f J f ' w K r i O ? r '̂ -W EST VANCOUVER M E S S B N G R ^ Notary. 2446 Marine- West 1077. . SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage; light. COMPLEXE NOTARIAL SERVICES ' All forms of documents drawn and ■ ____________ ;_______________ age, is composed of men with a keen sensi^of duty who are pre- paixid to giVtKsomo of their spare time to.military training in the lielief that in these Iroubkxl times it is , better, much h ettef, to pixipare for any emergency than to wait until the emergency arises when everyone would Ik; running around in circles. As executed^ Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine. Dr., W est Vancouver A. K. WOOD, Dustless Electric Floor Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone West 1093.* . programme^was much enjoyed and appreciated consisting of piano solos by Miss Eleanor Burns; vocal solo by Mrs. Garcl- -ineVj--accompanied- by Mrs. G. B ailey; solo Mrs." Wilson and duets by Mrs. Evers..and Mrsr Wilson of Christ Church Cath edral Choir accompanied by Mrs, Fnones; West 21, 204~=My 913-L- SUNLIT LODGE -- Summer Guests, Transient, and PSrmanent. 3673 Marine Drive. West 889-L2. ^GORDON ^ROBSON -r ̂ Bar rialer A Solicitor, 510 Ŵ . Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West 'Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. FOR-SALEp^Large-cleared lo tr Close" in, $475.00. LAWSON, WALKER .& PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburn P.O,' West 55 CHIMNEY -SW EEPING------ Sawdust burners installed;'furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. - ' - FOR RENT--Cosy thre© room fur- ... nished suite with garage. June 1st. West 686-R. W. H. VASS, Chiroi)^acU>r, Suite 4̂ Hollyburn Block., ! aro K -eattanach. Votes 'of thanksarc, thcretoic cloinK a Kooi joh. proposed by Mrs. Gcorsc As Is to bo expoctod, a large £i,idsiiy. percentage of theso men arc ox- J ________________ aervico men, but the organiza tion is open to Briti.sh subject.s of good character over thirty- five. Fifteen recruits-- wore re cently obtained in West VaiKxni- ver. ;i)EAT»"O f ;;m r s . ' ' M. O. HARRINGTON ■The death occurrred on May 17th at her home, o855 Nicola St., of Marie Otis, Harrington, "V , w ife of the late Dr. F. G. Har- ̂ For further particulars phono nngton. ^he leaves to survive Sergeant b, Black, W. 5l7. daughters, Muriel at home, and Mrs. L. C. Reid of WcvSt Vancouv^er. The Itev, Dean Ramsay Armitage officiated at the funeral services which were Inglewood's. Thus justice was served and it was all, nice and friondly-like after that. A carton of ic<2 cream was offered by Penguin Dairy for the first home--run and was narrowly SALESMEN WANTED -- Familex Quality Products becoming b e tte r -known every-day,--we-need more salesmen to insure the best p o s s ib le service to satisfied custom'ers. A n y ' active and honest man can make a living seliin'T 200 necessities whichf FOR SA LE.-- Wood. Coal, Cow or Horse Manure and Top Soil. West 51-M. FOR RENT-- Comfortably furnished cottage on beach near ferry. W. 350-M. missed by Y k Vaughn who trip- ' i llpled in the second inning.. The game was only a nice workout for the ,Florists, who didn't ap pear to need it, and a better one for . the Inglewoods who did. - living selilncr 200 necessities which! HAULING -- Manure, Septic Tanks bring repeat oi-ders by themselves. Rockpits installed and cleaned. There is no risk with our Sue- ■ Wf»<af 1R7.P cessful Plan. Ask for FREE cata- ' ________ c S ™ y r " ' 5 T ^ T " aeL*;nt"" l t r ' PAPERHANGING. Paiatina ' k S f Montreal - ™mmg; first emss work, a t r^spn- able rates. H., Gaines, W est 962-R. MAY DAY DONATIONS Oh the Pacific Coast sea planes have bo<ni found" to -be very .effective for fisheries patrol work. During 1938 (he time of flying in this work was 303 hours and 3 0 -miiiutas,- In 1037 the Jiatrol planes wore in British Columbia's 1989 sal mon pack totalled 1,5?3,515 cases (48 pound cases or their equiva- followed by cremation at th e_ lm it), was 184,315 cases less Mountain View CiHuna.torium. than the. 1.707,830 case pack of 1938. It was another case of the the air 257 hours and 3.' utes. > myi- -Yf- My w ife says she who stay& at .......... ,i . . . . , a bridge party the longest gets ^ downward swing in talked about the least. fisheries, with a reduction in the sockeye and chuni output the main contributors to the drop.. The 1939 pack of pinks, 618-701 cases ih all, was the largest since 1930 but failed to compensate , for the lessened pack of other varieties. - " Canadian Legion W est V ancouver B ranch M A S S M E E T I N G T O N I G H T ( W e d n e s i l a y ) , in th e Legion H a l l s 'a t 8 p .m . t e t e r n a l l E n e m y A l l e n s a n d _ -- ^ -K A y m p a tib u s e c s --- -- For GENUINE J E R S E Y MILK Harbqttl^'s Jersey --^Pfoducts^tldri^: The Committee wish to ack nowledge with thanks the fol lowing donations and prizes: Cash donations, K. -Sf! Bell-. Irving $5, Dr. K. Mcil^e $2,( Terminal City Iron Works $5. Prizes, Mrff. Busst, Handy Ann Shop, West Van. Stationers,: . Brooks' , Dry Goods, Towns- V'omen's Guild, W. Van., Mrs. J. D. .Donovan, D. Spencer Ltd., (Cunningham Drug Stores,'W est Van. Florist, bonquets for 2 May Queens;. W est Van. Gleaners, Mr. T. Scott, cleaning 6 large capes and 7 small capes for May Queen party. Prizes and donations may be sent to . Mrs__^J._Jl.__Patterson,- 2077 Haywood Ave., W est 743,' or to the offioei^-of--this--news paper, through the oolumns of WANTED -- Transportation to (he city from 20th and Marine -Drive, a t 5:45. a.m. W est 837-L. FOR RENT'--Garage a t 25th and Bel levue Ave. West 56-Y2. SPLENDID 50-foot LOT, suitable for D.H.A. loan, close in. $200.00 . SHARPE REALTY 1395 Marine Drive. W. 719 WANTED -- Reliable help 3 days weekly, 9:30 to 5:30, plain cooking, $12.00 monthly. Give references. Box 2, West Van..News. ____, FOR SALE condition, 696-R2. , -- Canadian piano, g f^ reasonable. Phone W. YOUNG WOMAN WANTS W,ORK by the hour. West 686-R. ___ _ GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK by the day or hour. Phone West 708-R- LOST--Little Girl's Navy Blue Zipr -- ^per--coat- last-F-riday--Reward.-Y est-- 244-L. ___ which, they will ,be acknowl- idg 'edged. 'This was sprung at a dinner in Amarillo, Tex., by the presi dent o f the University o f Texas ;̂ "A -Longhom speech- is two FOR SALBJ-^ahoe. Fully equipped with sail, etc. A.l. condition, $50. W. 567-L, FOR R E N T -^uIy 1st, unfum ish^ 6 room semi-bungalow Rent, $30.00. West c 280-Y. points far apart, With lots of bull between." FOR SALE ^ Radio and Electric R a n ^ , cheap. , J TO RENT--Garage. 2487 King's Ave,