West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 May 1940, p. 3

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£6 îV T<Uv 22nd. 1940 SUMMER MERCHANDISE FOR MEN We art* now showing a large range of th eN ew Jan tren Swim Trunks. Assorted styles and colors. Sixes 80 to 42. Priced a t .......$2.05 and $3.95 "}jfnixett*"aKd'-"Mc<3tegor*'Bweat«rsifH'*ip^r**^?it^le^itt*'irlarp""l'iW#̂ ^̂ ^ calors. Price .... ......................................... ................................................ $4 .9 5 Men's Polo Shirts 'in Button and Crew neck stylos. Price ..,.75c to $1.45 Order a Campbell's made to measure su it now and save. McLEOD'S MENS WEAR bocal and Perkomi "" WbMt;^lthnnbiSata"ehgIit^^^ Which, witl^ other valuable is havinsr a house built at 16th prizes will be given away at the and Ilaywood Ave. _____ Canadan Legion rVolic on Wed- « « « - ■ . Richmond Bailey, 14-year-old n tf/^ P o2!i ' uini* K BaileyDay P a r a ^ and will be on dis- q|!' Black Cat Tea Rooms, play at Ambleside 1 ark during w^est Bay, last week went out H a v e L u n c h D o w n T o w n o n t h e Z 4 t h at th e P E N G U I N D A I R Y L U N C H 1533 MARINE DRIVE Soft Drinks Hamburgers "OWN-MADE" ICE CREAM SATURDAY DANCES AT THE OLYMPIC CLUB, NORTH VANCOUVER Every Saturday night from 9 to 12 Kay's Olympians . , Admission 25c K E Y E S C O N I^ T R U G T IO N . We specialize in Rock Drilling, Cement Breaking, Tunneling, f;' . ..D y iu m itin g Stumps and Rocks •, . ' (Big or Small---We Do Them All), . The very latest equipment. , 476 East 48th Ave. Day or N ight Phone , Vancouver, B.C. ̂ ̂ ̂ FRascr 0100 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF W EST VANCOUVER P O L I C E D E P A I R T M E N T B t iR N I N G P E R M I T S ISSUING HOURS -9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Monday to Friday only. -N O PERMITS W IL L BE ISSUED O N SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS or HOLIDAYS A. W, KRUGER, Acting Chief Constable. the afternoon. V. ♦ 1. ' Municipal Clerk W. Herrin was taken suddenly ill on Sat­ urday and is 'a patient in the North Vancouver General Hos­ pital.' " •. ■... ■' * The Sharpe Realty report the sale of the Eaish house at 29lh and Marii^e Drive, also of the Bland house at Caiilfeild. : * * i|< Mrs. W . G. Wiltshire,, of W est Bay is v isitihg iu Parksville, Vancouver 'Inland, the guest of Miss Morris. " Douglas Brown, Bruce Al- lertpn and ^Bob Rolston were driving along Marine Drive about 7:16 p.m. last Tuesday, when a big black bear crossed the roadway from the .Indian , , „ « ; Reserve between Anibleside Park and Capilano Bridge. The Tho wedding will take animal, which was quite uricoii- P*' im cerned, was evidently returning a uJjf to the mountains. While several , r̂r .-ftYlr years ago beats used to be seen Arni?o at odd tim es crossing Marine Drive i t is a long time since any fraternity, while Mr. have been seen so far away J ̂ Gamma from their haunts up the higher slopes.^ ' A son was born on May 9th at the Vancouver General Hos­ pital to Mr. and Mrs. "Leslie, T. Willoughby (nee Eileen Tomlin of Victoria) o f Hadden Drive, Capilano E states. ••■' ♦ ♦ ♦ . The attractive bungalow.now . being built by C.' M. Sharpe at 22nd. and Lawson Ave. will be open for inspection n ext Sunday vfrom 2 to 6 p.m. Miss Pitm an is a grand-daugh­ ter of Postm aster and Mrs. John Lawson. ♦ ♦ ♦ Jessop-- Peterson , A . marriage of wide, interest iDOth in British, Columbia and in Toronto, where the father of the groom resides, was solemnized at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the W est Vancouver home of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Lang, when Helen Dora ,dldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl 0 . 'Peterson of Copper Mountain, becam e the Charles You will enjoy your Luncheon, Afternoon Tea or Dinner at " rtTfae HIGHLANDS- 1393 MARINE DRIVE We serve Your Favorite Cold Drink, Ice Cream, etc., , in a Cool, Clean Place VESPER GROUP The regular monthly m eeting iPf ..the__Vesper Group of the Unit^~"Church will be held on Tuesday, May 2 8 th ,. at 8 p.m., at the home" of Mrs. C .'Sm ith, 1358 21st Street. V isitors wel­ come. Ti/r 1 ^ 1 1 Ti/r ci i brldo of Dr. Charles Peterson Mn and Mrs, Charles M. Skel- j^ssop, son of Dr. E. T. Jessop Vancouver, have moved the late Mrs. J esso p of To- ipto. the Bingham house at 2175 j-ojito. Jefferson A ve. ' drawing-room was ,a bower of pink and wh ite snap-y I F T E R 1 HARD DIFS W O I K -- wm T h e deep, slu m b rou s seats w ith their clean lin en headrests, o f our K enw orth Clipper buses,; w ill be th e m o st w elcom e th ou gh t in th e world; Y ou leave your cares behind a t th e c losin g o f th e office door^ w hen you travel h om e in a cool, sh in in g , air-conditioned bu s. I t takes 15 m in u tes to com e from Vancouver. M ake th ose 15 m in u tes ones o f com p lete relaxation and com fort. .. ' Be good to yourself. Travel by Clipper buses and sm ile . A daughter was born on f r i - dragons mingled witu» tulips and day at the Notrth Vancouver narcissi for the cerepiony, which General Hospital to Mr. and v̂vas performed by Rev. G. Har- Mrs; Dick W right (nee Anne rison V illett before a firepUice MacLean), of 2433 Lawson Ave. flanked by tall standards of the -̂--------- colorful blossoms. -- Lamb-- Allwork A heaven blue woollen ̂ e e r , A gainst a background of in a dressmaker model, was the __ ;__ choice of the bride^ who was Jf* Ghurch ca rr ia g e by her father; Cathedral Friday at 7 p.m. the was' .in m a tc h in g felt, marriage too_k,jplace of Barbara and accessories were dusky rose. Ethel Josephine, daughter of Orchids:-forhied-l^ corsage. -M rsv'M 7--H---Allwork-- to Gapt;------Prof;--S--̂ ep p eler;-- an old' Huie Stuart Lamb, son of Mr. .fam ily friend, played the wed- arid Mrs.-T. W. Lamb. Major the ding m u sic ./ ̂ • Rev. C. G. F. Stone was the of- ' Mrs. Lang and the bride's ficiating clergyman. mother assisted t h e bridal Given in marriage by Col. E . oouple in receiving the guests at W. Savory, the bride w as attir- the quiet reception-which fol- ed in a white-. afternoon dress lowed the ceremoriy. The former worn with a 'matching "turban wore navy crepe with a wide- and white accessories. Her flow-, brimmed h at'in, harmony, while ers were pink Talisman roses. -Mrs. Peterson had chosen dusky Miss Ida Allan as bridesmaid, rose triple sheer in afternoon was. wearing a poudre blue dress length,, lace-trimmed, with a with m atching turban and navy matching hat. accessories. Her bouquet w s o f ' An heirloom lace cloth cover- stocks and sweet peas. Lieut, ed the bride's table, which was Sidney Buxton was best man and--ushers w ere: -Lieutr Lee Salter, Capt. George Knox, Lieut. Douglas Bonnallie and Lieut. Robert Chambers. A t the reception, held at ,the home df the groom, 1937 Hos- mer, Mrs. - Allwork in a rose tailleur w ith navy accessories, was assisted in receiving the guests 'by ' Mrs. Lamb, the centred with the, wedding cake embedded- in- sweetheart-. _ roses, and lilyrof the valley and flank­ ed by tall w hite tapers. . When Dr. and Mrs. Jessop left by motor- en route through the United States to Toronto, where they will live, the bride travelled in a black pin-striped tailleur with dusky pink accessories. They will reside at 474 Dover- Bennett's BAKERY MUTfKRCRUBT BRKAD SATURDAY sp e c ia l ; CREAM CAKES 25c a doz, Scotch Paitcukos, Sconce, Abernethy's and Oat Cakes l.arni' Flour Snekn lOc M6H Marine Dr. Plume W. 27 in a motor boat and rescued two boys wlio were clinging to their upset canoe in the Waters off West Bay Beach.* * * * A surprise Birthday l^ r ty for Mrs. Grisedale, a former pioneer resident of W est Vancouver, was given recenty at the hom<* oL h er son, J. Grisdale, 3726 B uriis^ treet, Vancouver," where she was entertained by a num -,, ber of friends. . '* 4i ̂ Engagement ()f interest here and in the iu"- terior. is the engagement an- gugement announced on Mon­ day 0 f Gertrude Davidson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. , Pitman of; Prince George, to Mr. Ridgeway William Wilson of Shorridon, Man., son of Mr. and Hollybura Theatre T I U m S D A Y , FKIDAV AND b / U U U D A Y M A T . m id lOVlO, M a y 23rd , 2 . t t h 'u n d 2 5 th " BEAU GESTE" alao The Battle Fleets of England M O N D A Y , T U K S D A Y A N D W F D N I O S D A Y M ay 2 7 th , 2Sth a n d 2!)lh ■ D K I T K D A V I S M I R IA M H O P K I N S (JK O R C H U R U N T " THE OLD MAID" (o iu 'a o n ly a t 8 p .in .)* . also "THIS R L i n ? D A N IJ IH 3 " " I N F O R M A T I O N P L F A S K " For yoar Holiday Footwear a t rea a o iu ib lo pricoH t r y . Elliott's Shoe Store 14(52 Marino Dr. S P E C IA L Sawdust ........... $3.60 per unit Dry Sla6s .. ...... ..$5.00 pdr. cord Inside F ir:-- from shed $0.00 per cord from mill j^S.SO-per-cordr Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord . Slabs & Edfirings $3.76 per cord ' PRITAM ^ FUEL " Phono North 620 NY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1B42 MARINE DRIVE WEST 960 >l4'inl»erH A.n/P. of D.O. Bjurrard Laundry Ltd. w e l l k n o w n FAM ILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 69 fL W anted Capilano Golf Club, Men .and Boys to caddy. Trans­ portation^ provided f r o m Taylor Way. Phone West 718, or apply at Professional's Shop groom's mother, who wore a lav- road, Toronto, ender dress. "* " ^ ; th e Lhlde DEATH OF WALTERFor travelling, donned a poudre blue ta illeur with navy afid poudre blue ac­ cessories. ^ GALLIENNE EXPERT. W atch and Clock r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montr^) 1522 Marine. Drive PS-4_ Walter Gallienne, late of 2487 King's Ave., passed away on May ' 10th, aged 74 ' year's. Funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m. last Tnursday, from the Hollyburn Funeral Home of Harron^Bros. Ltd., the Rev. Wil­ liam ^ a n ce officiating, and Jn- term ent w as made in. Capilano View CJemetery. N orth Shore R O L L E R a r e n a • "1st Street, J block West of Lonsdale - 'l^ORTH VANCOUVER' Monday to Friday, » to 10:30 p.m. Adults 85c Monday to Saturday, children, 6 to 8 p,m. 16c Matinee every ,dayj_2 toJt._80.,...____2Bc_. '"Matinee Saturday mornings ' 10 to 12, children under 15.., 10c Saturday Night Sessions 8 to 11.00............................... 40c Spectators--AirSessions..... 10c. Above prices include all service, admission to rink, skates, checking, etc. Private lessons arranged on application For Private Instruction see Flopr manager. - " ' Phone North 1735