West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 May 1940, p. 1

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Established over 1$ years. A-^Weekly-Newspaper Established over. 13 years. Circulating in the. District of West Vancouver-^Amblesidĵ , Hollyburn^ Weston ̂ Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 5c per copy **THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FEAR" PARADE ASSEMHLY "There no such thing as fear'." , These were the words .i.i/.hrated novelist put into the mouth of a British Secret L r v fe o t o T dire^peril up the Khyber, and there ought , to be no fear am ongst us sprung from such forebears - ^ a ie o u r S ; even if it is the end, which a little qumt Ihouitht should convince us is v p y tar from the truth Do ..nt those, who go around openly expressing doubts of our 'rmni victory, yet realize that to inspire terror is one of Ger- ma^n ^ of offense?*^ The Hun is a terrible h actoard but he is not a terrible fellow. , Indeed, apart from . ,1- tural streak of fieldish cruelty in his character, it is be­ cause he realizes he is not really a terrible, fighte^. that ho S e s himself such .a terrible blackguard to make up lor his^ capacity in th is respect. Hence .his use of poison gas, his abu4 of air the la^Vs of God and man, his wholesale murder of the helpless wherever he finds them, and all the deviltries hv which he has dirtied war on sea and land and in the air. For all of which as a nation he must be destroyed from ofl; the Life is and always will be a battle for the nation as for' Ij the individual, and it is because we allowed ourselves to be deluded by all the modernistic bilge about th e power of speech to settle all things in. dispute that we now find ourselves not so ready as we should have been. It was,m vain that Winston Churohill and a few other leaders- with a faith in sin and no faifh whatever in the German-told us just what was being prepared for us. Even we in our insignificant role here tried editorially to do our, bit in the same way, and only achieved for our pains, as did they, unpopularity and the name of "militarist." If in the. past we peoples of the Empire have preserved an ostrich-like attitudfe to the disagreeable, let us ■ now face the deluge we have brought upon ourselves in the spirit of our forefathers, because, i f w€-d,o, we have un- , questionably the capacities and the resources to ride the flood to final vcitory. - i. The German Navy can scarcely again be a serious factor, and the bomber 'h a s proved its o|wn impotence against "the battleship. The Hun, it is true, ha's made progress in France, but at a price, he cannot afford to pay, even although he m ust win quickly or not at all. For the British and French arm ies have so far only retired in good order, th e y have not yet struck, and the extended bulge presents possibilities in the way of a, counter ^stroke.-vyhich .plight, very well result in a . third Marne. '• * , Above all, the ..British N avy is stronger than ever, and Boys' Band at Memorial Arch. Decorated Bicycles, Tricycles, Scooters " and Wagons will take up their places along west side of Playground. FELLOW CITIZENS OF WEST VANO O UyER MAY DAY CELEBRATION At this time, when the A llies are fighting with their backs to Full Day's Progruiiiine iuv ----------- Commencing at about 9:30 the wall and the thought of a.m. the finish of tltb Inter-High ......... bombing raid.s on the homeland Relay race from North Vancou- Patriotic Couples, Iluimb'ous is on our mind, it behoves us as ver will take place nt Marino , costumes a n d Advertising Britishers to keep our chins up Drive and Mtli Street.. Sports Costumes, riloing north side of and not get over-pessim istic . ])rogramme at Ambleside Park Playground. a s to the final outcome. The deS: commences at 9:45 a.m. Junior Original Costumes, Rest Dress- pioable Hun is using every dirty Raw's, Boy's and Girls Inter- ed Girl, Best Dressed Boy, and trick that a madman's mind can School Relay Races, Sunday Character Costumes along invent, and aided by the treach- School Relay Races and Novelty east side of Playground. cry of those who were suppos- i'aw;s, All the.sc events are oium Children with Floral Display ed to be loyal citizen:!* (naturaliz- only to residents of West Van- CO,liver 12 p.m. Assembly of Pari,ide at 20th Street, and judging of decorated bicycles, tricycles, scooters, wagons, floats, patri­ otic couples, comic, advertising, original and charaoter costumes will take place . 1 p.m. Parade leaves 20 th along south side of Play- ed or otherwise),.has made short, ground. ~ work in disposing of defending May Queen, Reeve and Guests, troops.. . r i May Queen-elect (21st Street In m ost/^ases these JudaseS; North of. Marino Drive). as underno^ddshed children, had Decorated Floats, i Decorated been taken in, fed, and well • Autos, . Fire Truck (21st cared for by those whoni t h e y . Street South of Marine Drive, have now stabbed, in the back. , All entrants must bo in their In Canada today, we nave ̂ ...... . -- -------- ----- places at 12 noon on Children's quite a' number of enemy adieus Street. Tree planting ceremony Playground at 20th Street. who would gladly sell their very, by May .• Queen at Memch'ial J u d g i n g w i l l commence souls to fi^rther th e cause o f Park. ' \ \ nrnmotlv at 12:15 n.m. Over at the madman's dream* Maybe j- Ambleside Park. March past 12*45 p m jgome of these are our friends, 'o f Parade; arrival of May Queen, Parade ^ ill move off a f ' l p.m. maybe some are true and loyal Maids of Hoimr* and Escort^, Canadians, but, after hearing of Ceremony of breaking the Flag, the tretichery practised by the Arrival of May Queen-elect and so-called "Fifth Column" in her entourage. Address of wel* other countries, the only safe come and Crowning Ceremony^ way is to denounce them all and introduction anff̂ ^̂ ŵ ̂ have them ;iiiterned.. ' guests, presentatioh of prizes by Under t h e circumstances, "May Queeh^ t^ winners of the therefore, it is bur duty tovdraw Inter-High road race. Folk and to the attention of the authori- Maypole DancesAcby students of INFORMATION being defeated. ' It is a tim e for. prayer, because in spite of our many personal and national sins we do now truly fight very manifest powers o f ev il ; for trium-ph Thirteenth S t i r e e t f r o m Marine Drive to Bellevue South will be closed from, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. J f 1 Parade will enter Ambleside Park at 12th B t^ e t , ies the "seriousness of the whole West Vancouver .schools. Gym- situation. > nastic display by Pro-Reerca- at So that all our Idyal citizens tion Centre. May Queen leaves entries from D ^orated cg,n voice theijr' opirilion in no for tour of Municipality. m n rW s at Uncertain term s and thereby, 6 p.mi May Queen Supper at will fa ll in on^tteir. m ^ baCldnsf 'to the' de- ' United CHurch Hall, 21St'Street. East end o f Park f ® ,Corona- sweeping Canada " " ' tion Ceremony and Review y W est Vancouver Branch of the .9 p.m. Grand May Day Ball at Inglewood High Sohool Audit- evil; ̂and for the utm ost e f f o r t ^ the.,part of every one of us in such ways as lie open to our hand. So shall we, after many days, possibly some o f them darker than any* we have so far experienced, at last attain unto victory. Decorated hereby^ invites you to a rnas^ r n »? pvtrp^p W p sf end m eeting to: be held in the Legionball Field at extreme W est end ^ tonight. -of-T*ark;--------------------------------- BETTY CAVENDISH PUPILS IN CONCERT complete entourage will open the .ball and Marie Abrams Orch-^ Ml ai, (j y.iii, estra will b em attendarice. This Fellow ciU zens;^ iis- .meettiTg i ^ h e dance of the year and the U a . . .n i l /vi/v.r»rl riTriiain :Arrvro*pr»iifl H o .o .nvfl- THE NORTH SHORE LADY LAURIER CLUB 'SPEND^THE HOLIDAY :AT CLIFF HOUSE The Fourth A m m ^ Dance Re­ cital m e n by the pupils o f'Miss B ettjf Cavendish last Friday evenipg^ in. Inglewood Audit- should be well attended. Remem ber that prevention! is much better than cure. Chas. F. Smith, President. Canadmir Legioiv W est Vancouver Branch. At the annuaPmeeting Mrs. J. Sheasgreen was re-elected Persi- dent with the following officers Those w ishing to spend an en- ofiurm was a great \ success, the B. I. FEDERATION to help her during the year,: joyable holiday should go to Auditorium being packed to the Cliff House, W hytecliff Park, doors with an enthusm stic audi- from wiiich beautifuLviews can enceZwho applauded every nurn- be ' obtained of Howe Sounds be^ The young, dancers^ vdibse Rev. C. E. JBatzold A t the regular Monday even- -- -------------- _ ing m eeting on May 27th, at side Park during the celebration 25th and iM arin^^ with tea, ioes and soft drinl<s 'at good music, ^gorgeous decora­ tions and the!glamour of the oc­ casion prove irresistible to lovers of good dancing. Tickets 50 cents, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. " "THTUmidren's-D ance "will"be- held the following ev e n in g . at the same place at 7.30 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tickets 10 cents. Dainty refreshments will be served on the grounds at Amble- ig tne year: be obtained' o i riowe k'sounu. oer. in e young wnvyox. ijotn anauviarme xvcv. witn tea, luca Mrs. H. Darling Mrs. Turner, Delicious luncheons, tea s and ages ranged all the way from , u . Batzold will be the speaker, popular,' prices. Grand btand ' t s . J. L. Hughes ara served, and musicriS"H'ni]r vears up to the la te .'teens, Thi.c; k a verv special, occasion seats will be on sale at 2o cents, !ars, Mrs. L. Wr C. Grover Mrs. J. L. Hughes, Mrs. J. E. dinners are served, and musi<riS-Mour years up to the late, teens. This is a very special occasion Sears, Mrs. L. W right, Mrs. W. "provided for after-dinner danc- looked charming, in their color- and you are invited to come and C. Grover. Mrs. H. Coulter, ing; Parking facilities are avaiLI ful dresses, which was enhanc- h ea r , th is outstanding speaker Presjdent of . the V ancouver able, also bathing accommoda.-; ed by the pretty stage setting, ^ discuss current events. Other Lady Laurier Club, gave an in- tioiii and boats for hire. _ In hd- while the rhythm 'and a^ uracy pieetings as announced, teresting talk. Norma Minion'S ditipn a daily ferry service con- with which they w ent througn -- -------------- --tain. iNuriua iViimuuo u iu y ii a uaii.y ----- ---- ----------- ^ a ¥ t and Alma sicerton, pupils ofi necis with Bowen, Island, ef- their Various routines HOLLYBURN HALL Mrs. Knigfht-Hodg©, & f6otiv6 Msy 23rd fl̂ nd 24tli. Ask showed th© ©xc©U©nt trHiiiin£f N-sxt Sund&y> M^y 26vh>ivTiignL-iioag©, gave a leouive iviay ^oiu bixLfwt:u - piano duet which was much ap- . f o r Cliff House folders which in- they had recevied from their Hollyburn Hall there, will predated by th^ members. Mrs. elude ferry schedule dr tele- teacher ̂sneciallv pleasincr .dnndnir .̂ pVmnl and Youmr H,. Richmond poured tea which phone W hytecliff 75-M or TR in fxiafnrp . was served on the sunny porch 1321 for party^nd club reserva of the Clachan. tioris .. seats will be on sale at 25 cents, on Wednesday and Thursday next at Cunningham's Drug Store, For further jnformation. phone the Secretary, W est 42-Y3.- •; " i f It Rains In case of rain on May 24th, tfie Sports Programme and Par- GORPORATION OF T H f f DISTRICT OF c W EST VANCOUVER - M a y D a y F e r r y aad B its S c h e d u l e teav.e W. Van. 6:30 a.m. 7:30 S:00 " 8:30 ■" 9:00 " 9:30 " -10:00 10:30 " 11:00 " ll:'30 " 12:30 p.m. --1:30- " 2:30 " 3:3d p.m. .. Leave City-- 7:00; a.m. 3:00 4:00> p.m.(( 4:00 ft 8:00; " .4:30 4:30 if 8:30; " . . 5:00 5:00 it' 9:00 " 5:30 5:30 it' 9:30' " 6:00 6:00 ft 10:00 " 6:30 6:30 ft 10:30; " ■ 7:00 " z' i7:00 tt 11:00; " 7:30 7:30 ft, 11:30': " 8:Qp : ft ■■ •■■■■■:■ 4. 8:30 tt ■ 12:00: " 9:00 - ft.:-' 9:30 it 1:00 p.m. 10:00 . (t ■10:30 ----2:00, " 11:00 11:30, - tt 12:00 5t Bay - Ambleside Bus-- . \ i.*. l^ V e Ambleside, 7. a.m. and every half hour until 12:80 midnight. ^ a v e West Bay 7:15 a.m. and every haK hour until; 12:15 midnight. -n.aci. AIL. . - . ! ' ^ r .e---- \l:lb p.m.)(Last bus from West Bay"to connect with ferry, 11: Upper Level Bus--Holiday ^ rv ic e --(See timetable). , _.Lity_Bas--^HoITday :Scrvice^(See~ timetable )̂^ The assisting artists were the W est Vancouver Boys' Band iunder A. W. Delamont, who de­ lighted the audience w ith sev­ eral well'played numbers, includ­ ing soirie encores. A t the con- when the speaker will "Ve A. will, be held at 4 p.m. at Ingle- Beaumont. Tuesday at' 8 p.m. wood High School, and the Sup- Prayer and Bible study, subject, per and Ball wilL ̂ be held as "The Psalm s." scheduled. ijig »uAiic ---------- Under the auspices of the elusion of the concert Miss Ca- Greater Vancouver Girl Guides vendish and her mother, the lat- Council, and, made possible by ORDER OF PARADE venuisii uriiu iicA , v*/vuixuAA, ckiAu, : Chief of Police ter of'whom acted as accompan- thp gracious generosity of. the Decorated Bicycles 1st were the recipients of sev- owners, some exquisite gardens. Patriotic Couples ■ will. be. open to the public every Tricycles Wednesday and Saturday after- Humorbus Costumes noon during May, June, July and Scooters A u g u st ■ • ' Advertising Costumes Gardens open in May are as W agons ' follows :■ On Saturday, H^y 25th, B est Dressed 3 o y the garden of Mr. anci Mts. Bon- B est Dressed Girl _______________________ aid Wilson at Cau lfe ild. W^st Original (3o.stumes in the Municipal Hall, where Vancouver, and on Wednesday;^^^^U^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lO-vy WCXi^̂ L • tf A 11 eral g ifts and bouquets. All pro ceeds were turned over to the Band i-Fuhd. ■ -- BURNING PERMITS Burning permits can "now be -ebtained-from_the_FoJice Office they are issued from 9 a.m. to 6, May 29th, the gardens o f Mrs. Children with Floral Display p m. Mondays to Fridays only. W illiam Farrell, 1870 S. W .' W est Vancouver Boys Band XT„ '-- nan he nhtained on Marine~"Drive, and Mr. and Mrs. Legion, FVontiersmen and' Sea Gordon Farrell, :~1890 Scouts ■ / Marine Drive, Vaheouver. Decorated Autos Decorated Floats p.rri. muiiuo-jo ... . No-permits can be .obtained_^ Saturdays, Sundays o f holidays. "Last year she was an old fashioned girl who darned her husband's socks . , . This year Did you ever notice how big a May Queen husoanas . . . . aaao quarter looks when it lies with R ^ v e Council and Guests ia a new-fangled girl who dim es and nickels on a collection May Queen-elect socks her darned husband^ ̂ at churclT? F ire TVuck. mSBSM