West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 May 1940, p. 4

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W-J ■1̂ ' U . ■ 1 .1'.; ,,U:.-:. t'n M'.rI * m . '4 !'<' H'- V' - I v' if* "'-, , r f"Ir >hi -I ' . I t # f s iPli'i ' I 1̂" mm̂Sil i f i l 1% *" i¥ > C> i l i f t s hm r i it'*" ■ j f' ■h,}' • J-" \ I' t i ,: -v" ' ^V B i l lWrf J- vft ;r I." 'i ft >5 f ' -ie"'ft . f r a4r:,Vif I f f '. ' '*' '(| § 0 W f4MM' ■̂■■ j w S j W ^ ^ y ^ J S S m May 16th. 1040 ■|irr i^>5| ft.; # |- .f i 'l 'i ! f e | ; ;-:?f'-11" i II ft . III p 5 ■*&ii ■ V'li'i" ft 1 " #'f'|- -lift-?.'&,v\f," - "ft. feM__ft££ftISe V t i m m .-Iljl SMJTH'S MARKET PbmB W m t 46 ̂JU 87» Fret Dtlif«ry B0nrkm - Mwothly Aecoont I'RICES GOOD FOR FRI. and SAT., May 17th and 18th MEATSCloverlraf HEIUUNG8 in O U ^No. 1 tin .................................. 10c IUhI & Whit« PORK & |}i5AJ^K~> 2 Htjual tin* ....................... 17c IttMl A WhiU* TEN OKU PEAB-- i Hiovc 5. 2 No. 2 tlna ..................23e PKAUH--H«lv«m, Ull tin .............. 10c niitck l.uM PINKAPPUJ-Cubcd, Hlfccd, (.'runhcd. Tin ................15c lied & While JELLY POWDBUft- Eiifht truC'fruit fluvourM, .1 pkU. 14c SllitEDEDElJ WHEAT or MUFFETrS --Your choice, pkjfe, ................11c lied & White f'LUM JAM--Pure. 4.1b. tin ........................... :.........32c lied k W hite Brand HO UP--Tomato or Veifetable. .'I tiim .................. 25c ClIEEHIi--.Monlerey Tiny Cheddar. Approximately M*ox; each ....... 22c WILD IIOHE PASTRY FLOUR-- lO'lb. Hftck .........' ............... .........41c (Packed in B. C.) West 370 Free Delivery II£EF PORK LAMB y E A L Ail Grade A A A I Delicatessen Fresh Fish Dally Brimful SHORTENING-- 2 1-Ib; cnrtonH ............. / .................. 25c lied & White MOLASSES -- 20-oz. tin ................. 11c MKEBl'OV SOAP--.3 cakea ......... 20c Jl̂ OIlAS--(Munniiijf'K. H-o*/. pktH. lOc lied A White CUT GREEN BEANS-- tall tin ........................................... 12c JAPAN RESCUE MISSION Tlie regular monthly prayer m eeting of the Japan Mission will he held (D.V.) in it l ie homeftrf L. Jlibberd, 1136 Jefferson Ave., at ,8 p.m.,, on aSaturday, May 18. All interest­ ed are cordially invited. ■ RED CROSsT ̂ Glenarbour Unit met at the home o f Mrs. It. Harris, Eagle Harbour, Monday, May 13th. The next gathering is to be held in M rs./L . C. Stevens' home, Gleneagles. Service L U M B E R QnaUty SASH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE iS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY BUILDEBS* SUPPUES ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th & Maiin® Drive Phone West 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate lor Ciaaaifled Advartlaementa la L centa per weird, tnlnimam 26 centa. Except in the case of ,thMe haring regular accounta, all claaal- fleda are payable atricily In advance. . ft Remember ClaaiJfleda In the Went Van Neva get immediate reaulta. The News 'fax notices are now being LAVyitENCE TIBBE'fT AT, prepared at the Municipal Hall. , V^iVNCOUVER AlIDITORIUM Th« rate is 61 mills on the full uHse.ss^ed',value of the land and 61 mills on 10 per cent, of the V'aliJc* of improvements. CHILI) REFUGEES In aid of the W est Vancou­ ver Branch of the Canadian Na- Lawrcjice Tibbett, c^minent baritone of the Metropolitan 0|)<;ra, who was forced to post­ pone* his engagement in Vancou- \'or last M,arch due to illness, will return on May 20th to the Vancouver Auditorium t<^H the cancelled date. In v ie w \o f the heavy demand for accommoda.- tionul U<3fugee Fund for the lion, for this, attraction, addi- Child Refugees now in England, tional .seats are b ein g ,added to., a delightful afternoon tea w a s . the normal capimity of the held at the home of Mrs. W. K. auditorium, with the result that Woodcock, Dundi^rave, on Fri- a limited number of seat.s at all day, .sponsored by the Refugee piacp-Ssare now , Committee. Mrs. Woodcock was . The magnificence of lib b ett s assisted in receiving the guests ' . |)<M'tormarice.s by Mrs. F. A. Walker, Convener, lieak pOiiii.s -of the Metiopolitah who al.w gave a formal wel- Opera, season, lib b ett is the idol of New York opera-goers and Prior to introducing the guest always sings to big crowds. Ex­ speaker, Madam Askaiiasay, Dr. f P^^tancy runs high vvhen ho is W. G. Black, President of the ' hil ed to api^ar. It is hia numit-. B. C. Section of the Canadian able originality in doing things, Natioual Committee on. Refu- which has aroused this feeling. ____ ;i«.i Pnlifu*nl Tibbett is no believer in art for art's-sake. but j'ji art for the r>eopIe's Sake. Everywhere that ho has sung o~vat-ioms-haveftrwa.it-- gees and Victims of Political 'Pcr.secution gave an outline of the findings of the Committee iHJgarding the Child Refugee ami , , mu i was gratified with the help he wno rei'eivmo- from lartre wo- bett s i^citajs _ are Diffeient! ^ .fto There is something i n t i ^ mentioned receiving offers of ^ adoption of children into a luige them. One can almost . t h e number of the best .homes. - .hand of an audience ieach out Madam AskanasaY of Vienna . ^ d clasp his and hold it linger- iiP her talk started with the There GORDON ROBSON -- Barriater & Solicitor, 610 ,W. Hoatiasrs, Soy. 4199 a t Weat Vancouver any time by appointment, West 408. ......... :---- -- ----r MARCHL SHOP -- Tbermlque Steam Permanents; only beat materials used. Expert operators. Phone, West 804, Royal .Bank BuJldina. KE-ROO'PING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free eati- mates. R. B., Cripps, West 88-R. F. V.. FindlayW est, 494-R.________ . PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 60 years) 418 Howe St. ' TRin. 1271. Local Agent, F Bay lies (Notary Public). 2486 Bellevue. Weat 522-R WANTED LISTINGS of all descriptio..i. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 54(J HANDY ANN SHOP -- 2442 Marine. : Ankle; Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup­ plies, Notions, Chinaware, Hard­ ware, Baby Garments. CI VIL SERVICE CLASS now a t Hol- lyburn Business College. West 841. ROOM AND BOARD available, near bus and ferry. West 1076-L.4,,__ BOY'S 20-inch C.C.M. BICYCLE -- Guaranteed like new, $20.00. Fred Jones, 1437 Marine; Residence, W. 712-M.________________ ' FOR RENT -4 Attractive 8 room house. Convenient location; several" -bearing fru it' trees, $30.00. LAWSON, .WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburn F.O. 'West 55 FOR SALE -- Large partly doared lot. Best location and view. $876.00, ̂ For Sale -- Nice semi-modem 4 room bungalow, fî >od neighj^r- hood. 6 blocks to ferry. , $1600.00. Some terms. ' , LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburn P.O. West 66 WANTED a t o n c e -r- Furniture, Sewing Machines, Stoves, Tools, etc. Cash. Wo buy, sell and exchange. Agents for Fawcett R a n g e s . Wnick's. North 481, 66 Lonsdale Ave,, North Vancouver. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- Ifmd, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 ' PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. ft_____ VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLIb Phone West 9•* * • I Fertilizers o f AU Kinds, ApCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies GREATER VANCOUVER WATER DISTRICT -- --1""""~..-- TAKE NOTICE that the undersign- GORDON GRAY--Insurance aU,riaks, ed will on the 81st day of May, 1940, )ns. SEy. 4991 make application tb /The Honourable....one policy, all locations, or Weat 92-R2. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, .turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, W est 448-R,; , CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags. Sacks. Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, e ^ ; nothing too big o r too ̂ small. Burrard Junk.Do., West 9L CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- OM Coun­ try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. PAPElkHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, a t rea- -sonable rates. H. Gaines, West, 167L. LAWN MOWERS SH A R PE N ]^ -- Special . machine; repairs^,.3-parts- West.Vancouver Machine'Shop, 1449 Marine. . ' ̂ ft~ LET ME KNOW if your property is for sale or rent. Percy T. Master- man, Real ft Estate, Insurance, -Notary.- 2446 Marine. West" 1077.-- WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- - ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable fates. W est 927-R. WANTED- 686-R. -Work by the hour. West basic reason^ of refugees and is another, point which FOR SALE -- 22̂ 'foot reconditioned power launch, $85. West 871-R. J. EDWARU~SEARS, Barrister. Sol- icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 658-B-);.'ft ft t h e Lieutenant-GoVernor-in-Council. tha t the following properties being highways situated in the Municipality of North Vancouver, in the Province ,of British Columbia, group One (1), New Westminster District, he aban- : doned and transferred to the under­ s iz e d , namely: (1), tha t rportion of District,! Lot Five hundred and nine­ ty-four (594) shown as Capilano Road which lies North of the, production of the Easterly Boundary of P a rc e lA ", 'Reference Plan filed in the Land Registry Office, Vancouver, B; C., uhderi number 1187; (2); tha t portion ' of District Lot BMve hundred and'nine- ty-three (593) shown as Capilano, Road on Plan filed in the said Land Registry Office under No! 1756;„(3) those portions of District Lot Five hundred and ninety-three (593) shown as roads on. Plan filed in the-said Land Registry Office under number bi^v; {4; that portion of District Lot Five hundred- and ninety-two (592) shown as (Japilano Road on Plan filed in the said Land Registry Office under number 5737; (5) those portions 4if-ahyf-e4FCapildiio Road in District " ■kHv'STT Ki-apmir7lc®rpltion--of----T*bbe.tU^manJy_^odesty^ TO b e n t -- r room modern cotti^e t h e dreadful conditions in allow him to add. As the great • . . . . European countries. Many ques- tion.s were asked and answered some points receiving, consider­ able discussion. Mrs. W. G. Black presided at ~ th ^ X ea " tabIei:The centre piece was vory picturesque, consisting of a large bowl of lemon coloi-ed polyanthus and delicate violas^, Mrs. A. 15. Young was in charge of the dining room the^'so»'vit- eiirs being Miss Philip, _ Mrs,- Seymour," Mrs. Bingham and Miss Doris Martin. The Refugee Comihittee mot at the home of Mrs. L. Rankin, ' Inglewood Avenue, on Monday afternoon, when reports ^yero recNBived and further plans made. singing actor that he is, he cfin bring to his command without' aid of scenery, costumes or affy other trappings, a picture that he.cohjures up with voice, heart and^souK To see, hear and feel Law­ rence 'nbbett's inspirational presence in a concert hall, is an experience for which there is no substitute. . Tickets are now on sale at J, \V. Kelly Music Store, 632 Sey­ mour Street.'?** in good condition, close in. Phone W. ,591-L. MEN WANTED -- A good business paying good income and with future possibilities. Selling Familex Pro-, ducts men and women all over Can- --ai^a-have-fouhd -the-secret ,-of. suc- Lots ' Five hundred and ninety-three (593), Five hundred and! m .(592),ftSixfthundredftan^^four (604),' ----------------- --3----------------------- i------- Six hundred and six (606) and Six WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER hundred and five ( 60p) shown oh any SERVICE--Parcels. BagOTge. light other plan or plans filed in the'said transfer work, prompt SOTricer West Land Registry Office anofft"(6) fKose ' portions of Capilano Road in District S O r a i A I .L With a barrage of ,16 hits be­ hind the steadv pitching of Dave Bird, the Inglewood softbnllers "took a 12-6 decision from.Oliver Giirage at Mahon Park -last Thursday. The same teams mot .again at Am bleside-Tuesday evening, Tlie Tnglewoods--tor­ rid at Mahon Park-- were horrid at home. The unipii'e threaten­ ed to call the whole thing off in the fourth aj\d liand the entire field over to the spectators, who ali'eady had possession of the -base~Iines--It would be~useless"to \ TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE Last Thursday .saw th^ com­ pletion of the semi-finals and finals of . the League singles' championsliips of both division^ The contests Rcld in aid o f the West. Vancouver Branch of the (Canadian Red-Cross took place in the Legion Hall, and were witnessed by an appreciative auc^ience. Harold Jones and Bill Macintosh of the Burrard Table Tennis Association playedi an ex­ hibition set of singles and also teamed up to beat two local boys in a set o f doubles. The evening was, concluded by the presenta­ tion of trophies won by the var­ ious team s and players during th e season's play. Presentations were as follows: . F irst Division League win- cess. Why don't you get in on it too? NO OBLIGATION. Ask for FREE catalogue describing 200 necessity products and plan. Familex Products, 570 St. Clement St., Mont- real._______ ______ ' , ■" TENDERS AVANTED--West Vancou­ ver United Church, decorating, sawdust burner--Tenders will bp received on o r ' before 12 o'clock . jrioon, May 25th, for decorating the .iintei'ior bf the Church, also for supplying and installing Sawdust Burner' on. Furnace. Plans and particulars may be obtained fropi H. L. Thompson, West 445-L or Al. . R. Hindmarsh, West 913-L.| All tenders to be forwarded by mail to the Secretary of the Board of Management, J. N! Gillies, 1365 Clyde Ave., Hollyburn, B; G. The lowest tender .not necessarily ac- cepted. ______________ COMPLEfE NOTARIAL SERVICES All forms of docum ent drawn and executed. . Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD:. 1405 Marine Dr., West\Vancouver Phones: West 21, 204-M, 913-L SUNLIT LODGE ~ Summer Guests, Transient and Permanent. 3673 Marine Drive. West 889-L2. W.ANTED---Housework \>y the lii^r or day. West 1007.___________ _X GHIL-VVANTS -DAY- WORKv-mind children evenings. W. 95-R2. 700.__________________________ A. K. WOOD, Diiatlesa Electric Floor Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone W est 1098. " , I |- I I I I ' '|,PII * 0 ..... ., r IIMI ' Ml" lii • ira:: GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & -ft Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199- a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. ,. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- ) Sawdust furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1108 Lonsdale. North 822._____________ W. H. VASS. Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. FOR SALE -- Wood. Coal, Cow or Horse Manure and Top ^ i l . West 61-M.___________ - . ■ TO R RENT-^Fumished house near water anid bus line. Garage. West 852-y. HOUSEWORK BY HOUR--Care of children evening; any kind of work. W. 620-RL.,_______ ̂ * ~ FOR SALE--Remington typewriter, first class condition, real snap, $25f hot plate, 95c; 2 tables, $2 each. W. 693-Yl. ,_________ " • - WANTED--̂ Modorh' pianist ifor orch- estra work.- Phone-W. 473-R, -- OR SALE -- Baby buggy in good condition. Cheap. W :. 407-R. Lots Five hufidred and ninety-three (593), Five hundred and ninety-two (592), Six hundred and four (604), Six hundred and s ix , (606)! and Six '.hundred and five' '(605) hot shown or ineffectively shown ^on Plans filed in _ the--said-Land-Regiatry--Offieeft A Map or Plan showing the prop­ erties above describedvhhd" their loca­ tion may be mspected a t the' offices of the. undersigned, 1308 -The Sun Building,; 500 -Beatty Street, Vancou­ ver, B. C., a t any time during busi­ ness hours. • - I ' ' Representations in connection with this matter must be filed with the , Minister of Municipal Affairs at the office' of the .Deputy-Minister of Mun-,_ icipal Affairs, l^m inion Bank Build­ ing, Victoria, B. C., on or before the said 31st day of May, 1940L DATED a t Vancouver, B. C> this 14th day of May, 1940. " GREATER VANCOUVER - WATER DISTRICT, - E. A. CLEVELAND, Chief CJommissioner. NAVIGABLE WATERS . i PROTECTION ACT R.S.C.I1927, CHAPTER 140 vicinity Bellevue 428-R. Reward." and 25th. W. 1 AU ' . n o r, M ap le l ^ a f s ; F i r s t D ivision p iQ te s t to th e Ivoague th a t th is p jay o ff w in n e r , D u d e s ; F i r s t w .vT w r* * is % n old W est V ancouver cus- D iv ision S im rle s' C h am m o n sh io ' ' ANTED--Capable girl for.gm ieraltom . d iv is io n o in g ie s u n a m in o n sn ip , housework, good home; sleep out. --------- -̂------------------------- -- The f i naLsc<mr-^vaS-- mohfh--Ŵ k- ends~of f ^Phone-- p g r RENT-^Smali-furnished-house- xiiv liiwu o in j^eague Winner, Sockej'es; S ^ - evenintri w ooi ----- -- Olivers. Mriter s Division playoff winner, cramp pre\ented an acemate gockeyes; S e c o n d Division errors. The High Championship, M. Mc- School lads can play better ball DmShll and will trj*̂ to prove it when • - _____ - ,^^ursda> evening at Ambleside adults. Apply 1520 Argyie ivftFark. '-Ave, ■ . evenings W. 294.________________ FOR SALS-^Fawcett Range; white , enamelled, good condition Cheap, WL 365-R. ; ___________ 2 FOR RENT -- Near'Canlfeild, Tully . furnished house, 3 bed rooms, fiye- THE-BRITISH COLUMBIA TELE­ PHONE COMPANY hereby gives notice, that, i t has, under Section 7 the said Acti deposited with the __ ister of Public Works a t Ottawa, and N iv d t , ' gold Itok bracelet Westminstejr , a t Vancouver, British Oolumbia," a description of the site and ' the plans of . a telephone svbrft marine cable , proposed to be > across Howe Sound from Britannia FOR RENT-- Comfortably., furnished Beach, a point on" the east side of beach near ferry. W. vHowe Sound, t o , Woodfibre, a 350-M. On the west side of J3owe Sound, Iwth in the Province of British (Jolumbia. ^YHdftgSelSpt^ FOR RENT -- Garage. 1420 Argyie Ave., $2,60. SEv. 6264.'__ ft_ j____ keeping suite -near ferry.' Suit one person. 1358 Clyde.____________ f o r RENT---Rpom, fdnmsliedd un- piration of'bnfe 'iholith from the date of the first publication' of this notice,, the British Columbia 'Telephone Gom- furnished. nice v e r a ^ j under Section 7 of the ^ ^ew , five minutes to ferry . Box 40, 4 ^ appiy^to ^ e Minister of Public ̂ p ^ > .Works a t his office in the City of i,tawa,iftforfttheftapprQval-of-^the_sm^West Van. News. place, furnace, newly decorate^.„t^OST -- Lady's fo u n ta in 'p ^ ire e n site and p l ^ and for leave to-lay the ?45,. yearly lease. West Shaeffer, tvm week's ago/Reward. telephone submarine cable. 693rYl. West 712-R. \ -Dated this 16th day of .M$y,