W-J ■1̂ ' U . ■ 1 .1'.; ,,U:.-:. t'n M'.rI * m . '4 !'<' H'- V' - I v' if* "'-, , r f"Ir >hi -I ' . I t # f s iPli'i ' I 1̂" mm̂Sil i f i l 1% *" i¥ > C> i l i f t s hm r i it'*" ■ j f' ■h,}' • J-" \ I' t i ,: -v" ' ^V B i l lWrf J- vft ;r I." 'i ft >5 f ' -ie"'ft . f r a4r:,Vif I f f '. ' '*' '(| § 0 W f4MM' ■̂■■ j w S j W ^ ^ y ^ J S S m May 16th. 1040 ■|irr i^>5| ft.; # |- .f i 'l 'i ! f e | ; ;-:?f'-11" i II ft . III p 5 ■*&ii ■ V'li'i" ft 1 " #'f'|- -lift-?.'&,v\f," - "ft. feM__ft££ftISe V t i m m .-Iljl SMJTH'S MARKET PbmB W m t 46 ̂JU 87» Fret Dtlif«ry B0nrkm - Mwothly Aecoont I'RICES GOOD FOR FRI. and SAT., May 17th and 18th MEATSCloverlraf HEIUUNG8 in O U ^No. 1 tin .................................. 10c IUhI & Whit« PORK & |}i5AJ^K~> 2 Htjual tin* ....................... 17c IttMl A WhiU* TEN OKU PEAB-- i Hiovc 5. 2 No. 2 tlna ..................23e PKAUH--H«lv«m, Ull tin .............. 10c niitck l.uM PINKAPPUJ-Cubcd, Hlfccd, (.'runhcd. Tin ................15c lied & While JELLY POWDBUft- Eiifht truC'fruit fluvourM, .1 pkU. 14c SllitEDEDElJ WHEAT or MUFFETrS --Your choice, pkjfe, ................11c lied & White f'LUM JAM--Pure. 4.1b. tin ........................... :.........32c lied k W hite Brand HO UP--Tomato or Veifetable. .'I tiim .................. 25c ClIEEHIi--.Monlerey Tiny Cheddar. Approximately M*ox; each ....... 22c WILD IIOHE PASTRY FLOUR-- lO'lb. Hftck .........' ............... .........41c (Packed in B. C.) West 370 Free Delivery II£EF PORK LAMB y E A L Ail Grade A A A I Delicatessen Fresh Fish Dally Brimful SHORTENING-- 2 1-Ib; cnrtonH ............. / .................. 25c lied & White MOLASSES -- 20-oz. tin ................. 11c MKEBl'OV SOAP--.3 cakea ......... 20c Jl̂ OIlAS--(Munniiijf'K. H-o*/. pktH. lOc lied A White CUT GREEN BEANS-- tall tin ........................................... 12c JAPAN RESCUE MISSION Tlie regular monthly prayer m eeting of the Japan Mission will he held (D.V.) in it l ie homeftrf L. Jlibberd, 1136 Jefferson Ave., at ,8 p.m.,, on aSaturday, May 18. All interest ed are cordially invited. ■ RED CROSsT ̂ Glenarbour Unit met at the home o f Mrs. It. Harris, Eagle Harbour, Monday, May 13th. The next gathering is to be held in M rs./L . C. Stevens' home, Gleneagles. Service L U M B E R QnaUty SASH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE iS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY BUILDEBS* SUPPUES ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th & Maiin® Drive Phone West 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate lor Ciaaaifled Advartlaementa la L centa per weird, tnlnimam 26 centa. Except in the case of ,thMe haring regular accounta, all claaal- fleda are payable atricily In advance. . ft Remember ClaaiJfleda In the Went Van Neva get immediate reaulta. The News 'fax notices are now being LAVyitENCE TIBBE'fT AT, prepared at the Municipal Hall. , V^iVNCOUVER AlIDITORIUM Th« rate is 61 mills on the full uHse.ss^ed',value of the land and 61 mills on 10 per cent, of the V'aliJc* of improvements. CHILI) REFUGEES In aid of the W est Vancou ver Branch of the Canadian Na- Lawrcjice Tibbett, c^minent baritone of the Metropolitan 0|)<;ra, who was forced to post pone* his engagement in Vancou- \'or last M,arch due to illness, will return on May 20th to the Vancouver Auditorium t<^H the cancelled date. In v ie w \o f the heavy demand for accommoda.- tionul U<3fugee Fund for the lion, for this, attraction, addi- Child Refugees now in England, tional .seats are b ein g ,added to., a delightful afternoon tea w a s . the normal capimity of the held at the home of Mrs. W. K. auditorium, with the result that Woodcock, Dundi^rave, on Fri- a limited number of seat.s at all day, .sponsored by the Refugee piacp-Ssare now , Committee. Mrs. Woodcock was . The magnificence of lib b ett s assisted in receiving the guests ' . |)<M'tormarice.s by Mrs. F. A. Walker, Convener, lieak pOiiii.s -of the Metiopolitah who al.w gave a formal wel- Opera, season, lib b ett is the idol of New York opera-goers and Prior to introducing the guest always sings to big crowds. Ex speaker, Madam Askaiiasay, Dr. f P^^tancy runs high vvhen ho is W. G. Black, President of the ' hil ed to api^ar. It is hia numit-. B. C. Section of the Canadian able originality in doing things, Natioual Committee on. Refu- which has aroused this feeling. ____ ;i«.i Pnlifu*nl Tibbett is no believer in art for art's-sake. but j'ji art for the r>eopIe's Sake. Everywhere that ho has sung o~vat-ioms-haveftrwa.it-- gees and Victims of Political 'Pcr.secution gave an outline of the findings of the Committee iHJgarding the Child Refugee ami , , mu i was gratified with the help he wno rei'eivmo- from lartre wo- bett s i^citajs _ are Diffeient! ^ .fto There is something i n t i ^ mentioned receiving offers of ^ adoption of children into a luige them. One can almost . t h e number of the best .homes. - .hand of an audience ieach out Madam AskanasaY of Vienna . ^ d clasp his and hold it linger- iiP her talk started with the There GORDON ROBSON -- Barriater & Solicitor, 610 ,W. Hoatiasrs, Soy. 4199 a t Weat Vancouver any time by appointment, West 408. ......... :---- -- ----r MARCHL SHOP -- Tbermlque Steam Permanents; only beat materials used. Expert operators. Phone, West 804, Royal .Bank BuJldina. KE-ROO'PING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free eati- mates. R. B., Cripps, West 88-R. F. V.. FindlayW est, 494-R.________ . PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 60 years) 418 Howe St. ' TRin. 1271. Local Agent, F Bay lies (Notary Public). 2486 Bellevue. Weat 522-R WANTED LISTINGS of all descriptio..i. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 54(J HANDY ANN SHOP -- 2442 Marine. : Ankle; Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup plies, Notions, Chinaware, Hard ware, Baby Garments. CI VIL SERVICE CLASS now a t Hol- lyburn Business College. West 841. ROOM AND BOARD available, near bus and ferry. West 1076-L.4,,__ BOY'S 20-inch C.C.M. BICYCLE -- Guaranteed like new, $20.00. Fred Jones, 1437 Marine; Residence, W. 712-M.________________ ' FOR RENT -4 Attractive 8 room house. Convenient location; several" -bearing fru it' trees, $30.00. LAWSON, .WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburn F.O. 'West 55 FOR SALE -- Large partly doared lot. Best location and view. $876.00, ̂ For Sale -- Nice semi-modem 4 room bungalow, fî >od neighj^r- hood. 6 blocks to ferry. , $1600.00. Some terms. ' , LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburn P.O. West 66 WANTED a t o n c e -r- Furniture, Sewing Machines, Stoves, Tools, etc. Cash. Wo buy, sell and exchange. Agents for Fawcett R a n g e s . Wnick's. North 481, 66 Lonsdale Ave,, North Vancouver. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- Ifmd, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 ' PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. ft_____ VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLIb Phone West 9•* * • I Fertilizers o f AU Kinds, ApCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies GREATER VANCOUVER WATER DISTRICT -- --1""""~..-- TAKE NOTICE that the undersign- GORDON GRAY--Insurance aU,riaks, ed will on the 81st day of May, 1940, )ns. SEy. 4991 make application tb /The Honourable....one policy, all locations, or Weat 92-R2. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, .turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, W est 448-R,; , CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags. Sacks. Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, e ^ ; nothing too big o r too ̂ small. Burrard Junk.Do., West 9L CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- OM Coun try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. PAPElkHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, a t rea- -sonable rates. H. Gaines, West, 167L. LAWN MOWERS SH A R PE N ]^ -- Special . machine; repairs^,.3-parts- West.Vancouver Machine'Shop, 1449 Marine. . ' ̂ ft~ LET ME KNOW if your property is for sale or rent. Percy T. Master- man, Real ft Estate, Insurance, -Notary.- 2446 Marine. West" 1077.-- WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- - ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable fates. W est 927-R. WANTED- 686-R. -Work by the hour. West basic reason^ of refugees and is another, point which FOR SALE -- 22̂ 'foot reconditioned power launch, $85. West 871-R. J. EDWARU~SEARS, Barrister. Sol- icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 658-B-);.'ft ft t h e Lieutenant-GoVernor-in-Council. tha t the following properties being highways situated in the Municipality of North Vancouver, in the Province ,of British Columbia, group One (1), New Westminster District, he aban- : doned and transferred to the under s iz e d , namely: (1), tha t rportion of District,! Lot Five hundred and nine ty-four (594) shown as Capilano Road which lies North of the, production of the Easterly Boundary of P a rc e lA ", 'Reference Plan filed in the Land Registry Office, Vancouver, B; C., uhderi number 1187; (2); tha t portion ' of District Lot BMve hundred and'nine- ty-three (593) shown as Capilano, Road on Plan filed in the said Land Registry Office under No! 1756;„(3) those portions of District Lot Five hundred and ninety-three (593) shown as roads on. Plan filed in the-said Land Registry Office under number bi^v; {4; that portion of District Lot Five hundred- and ninety-two (592) shown as (Japilano Road on Plan filed in the said Land Registry Office under number 5737; (5) those portions 4if-ahyf-e4FCapildiio Road in District " ■kHv'STT Ki-apmir7lc®rpltion--of----T*bbe.tU^manJy_^odesty^ TO b e n t -- r room modern cotti^e t h e dreadful conditions in allow him to add. As the great • . . . . European countries. Many ques- tion.s were asked and answered some points receiving, consider able discussion. Mrs. W. G. Black presided at ~ th ^ X ea " tabIei:The centre piece was vory picturesque, consisting of a large bowl of lemon coloi-ed polyanthus and delicate violas^, Mrs. A. 15. Young was in charge of the dining room the^'so»'vit- eiirs being Miss Philip, _ Mrs,- Seymour," Mrs. Bingham and Miss Doris Martin. The Refugee Comihittee mot at the home of Mrs. L. Rankin, ' Inglewood Avenue, on Monday afternoon, when reports ^yero recNBived and further plans made. singing actor that he is, he cfin bring to his command without' aid of scenery, costumes or affy other trappings, a picture that he.cohjures up with voice, heart and^souK To see, hear and feel Law rence 'nbbett's inspirational presence in a concert hall, is an experience for which there is no substitute. . Tickets are now on sale at J, \V. Kelly Music Store, 632 Sey mour Street.'?** in good condition, close in. Phone W. ,591-L. MEN WANTED -- A good business paying good income and with future possibilities. Selling Familex Pro-, ducts men and women all over Can- --ai^a-have-fouhd -the-secret ,-of. suc- Lots ' Five hundred and ninety-three (593), Five hundred and! m .(592),ftSixfthundredftan^^four (604),' ----------------- --3----------------------- i------- Six hundred and six (606) and Six WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER hundred and five ( 60p) shown oh any SERVICE--Parcels. BagOTge. light other plan or plans filed in the'said transfer work, prompt SOTricer West Land Registry Office anofft"(6) fKose ' portions of Capilano Road in District S O r a i A I .L With a barrage of ,16 hits be hind the steadv pitching of Dave Bird, the Inglewood softbnllers "took a 12-6 decision from.Oliver Giirage at Mahon Park -last Thursday. The same teams mot .again at Am bleside-Tuesday evening, Tlie Tnglewoods--tor rid at Mahon Park-- were horrid at home. The unipii'e threaten ed to call the whole thing off in the fourth aj\d liand the entire field over to the spectators, who ali'eady had possession of the -base~Iines--It would be~useless"to \ TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE Last Thursday .saw th^ com pletion of the semi-finals and finals of . the League singles' championsliips of both division^ The contests Rcld in aid o f the West. Vancouver Branch of the (Canadian Red-Cross took place in the Legion Hall, and were witnessed by an appreciative auc^ience. Harold Jones and Bill Macintosh of the Burrard Table Tennis Association playedi an ex hibition set of singles and also teamed up to beat two local boys in a set o f doubles. The evening was, concluded by the presenta tion of trophies won by the var ious team s and players during th e season's play. Presentations were as follows: . F irst Division League win- cess. Why don't you get in on it too? NO OBLIGATION. Ask for FREE catalogue describing 200 necessity products and plan. Familex Products, 570 St. Clement St., Mont- real._______ ______ ' , ■" TENDERS AVANTED--West Vancou ver United Church, decorating, sawdust burner--Tenders will bp received on o r ' before 12 o'clock . jrioon, May 25th, for decorating the .iintei'ior bf the Church, also for supplying and installing Sawdust Burner' on. Furnace. Plans and particulars may be obtained fropi H. L. Thompson, West 445-L or Al. . R. Hindmarsh, West 913-L.| All tenders to be forwarded by mail to the Secretary of the Board of Management, J. N! Gillies, 1365 Clyde Ave., Hollyburn, B; G. The lowest tender .not necessarily ac- cepted. ______________ COMPLEfE NOTARIAL SERVICES All forms of docum ent drawn and executed. . Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD:. 1405 Marine Dr., West\Vancouver Phones: West 21, 204-M, 913-L SUNLIT LODGE ~ Summer Guests, Transient and Permanent. 3673 Marine Drive. West 889-L2. W.ANTED---Housework \>y the lii^r or day. West 1007.___________ _X GHIL-VVANTS -DAY- WORKv-mind children evenings. W. 95-R2. 700.__________________________ A. K. WOOD, Diiatlesa Electric Floor Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone W est 1098. " , I |- I I I I ' '|,PII * 0 ..... ., r IIMI ' Ml" lii • ira:: GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & -ft Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199- a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. ,. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- ) Sawdust furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1108 Lonsdale. North 822._____________ W. H. VASS. Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. FOR SALE -- Wood. Coal, Cow or Horse Manure and Top ^ i l . West 61-M.___________ - . ■ TO R RENT-^Fumished house near water anid bus line. Garage. West 852-y. HOUSEWORK BY HOUR--Care of children evening; any kind of work. W. 620-RL.,_______ ̂ * ~ FOR SALE--Remington typewriter, first class condition, real snap, $25f hot plate, 95c; 2 tables, $2 each. W. 693-Yl. ,_________ " • - WANTED--̂ Modorh' pianist ifor orch- estra work.- Phone-W. 473-R, -- OR SALE -- Baby buggy in good condition. Cheap. W :. 407-R. Lots Five hufidred and ninety-three (593), Five hundred and ninety-two (592), Six hundred and four (604), Six hundred and s ix , (606)! and Six '.hundred and five' '(605) hot shown or ineffectively shown ^on Plans filed in _ the--said-Land-Regiatry--Offieeft A Map or Plan showing the prop erties above describedvhhd" their loca tion may be mspected a t the' offices of the. undersigned, 1308 -The Sun Building,; 500 -Beatty Street, Vancou ver, B. C., a t any time during busi ness hours. • - I ' ' Representations in connection with this matter must be filed with the , Minister of Municipal Affairs at the office' of the .Deputy-Minister of Mun-,_ icipal Affairs, l^m inion Bank Build ing, Victoria, B. C., on or before the said 31st day of May, 1940L DATED a t Vancouver, B. C> this 14th day of May, 1940. " GREATER VANCOUVER - WATER DISTRICT, - E. A. CLEVELAND, Chief CJommissioner. NAVIGABLE WATERS . i PROTECTION ACT R.S.C.I1927, CHAPTER 140 vicinity Bellevue 428-R. Reward." and 25th. W. 1 AU ' . n o r, M ap le l ^ a f s ; F i r s t D ivision p iQ te s t to th e Ivoague th a t th is p jay o ff w in n e r , D u d e s ; F i r s t w .vT w r* * is % n old W est V ancouver cus- D iv ision S im rle s' C h am m o n sh io ' ' ANTED--Capable girl for.gm ieraltom . d iv is io n o in g ie s u n a m in o n sn ip , housework, good home; sleep out. --------- -̂------------------------- -- The f i naLsc<mr-^vaS-- mohfh--Ŵ k- ends~of f ^Phone-- p g r RENT-^Smali-furnished-house- xiiv liiwu o in j^eague Winner, Sockej'es; S ^ - evenintri w ooi ----- -- Olivers. Mriter s Division playoff winner, cramp pre\ented an acemate gockeyes; S e c o n d Division errors. The High Championship, M. Mc- School lads can play better ball DmShll and will trj*̂ to prove it when • - _____ - ,^^ursda> evening at Ambleside adults. Apply 1520 Argyie ivftFark. '-Ave, ■ . evenings W. 294.________________ FOR SALS-^Fawcett Range; white , enamelled, good condition Cheap, WL 365-R. ; ___________ 2 FOR RENT -- Near'Canlfeild, Tully . furnished house, 3 bed rooms, fiye- THE-BRITISH COLUMBIA TELE PHONE COMPANY hereby gives notice, that, i t has, under Section 7 the said Acti deposited with the __ ister of Public Works a t Ottawa, and N iv d t , ' gold Itok bracelet Westminstejr , a t Vancouver, British Oolumbia," a description of the site and ' the plans of . a telephone svbrft marine cable , proposed to be > across Howe Sound from Britannia FOR RENT-- Comfortably., furnished Beach, a point on" the east side of beach near ferry. W. vHowe Sound, t o , Woodfibre, a 350-M. On the west side of J3owe Sound, Iwth in the Province of British (Jolumbia. ^YHdftgSelSpt^ FOR RENT -- Garage. 1420 Argyie Ave., $2,60. SEv. 6264.'__ ft_ j____ keeping suite -near ferry.' Suit one person. 1358 Clyde.____________ f o r RENT---Rpom, fdnmsliedd un- piration of'bnfe 'iholith from the date of the first publication' of this notice,, the British Columbia 'Telephone Gom- furnished. nice v e r a ^ j under Section 7 of the ^ ^ew , five minutes to ferry . Box 40, 4 ^ appiy^to ^ e Minister of Public ̂ p ^ > .Works a t his office in the City of i,tawa,iftforfttheftapprQval-of-^the_sm^West Van. News. place, furnace, newly decorate^.„t^OST -- Lady's fo u n ta in 'p ^ ire e n site and p l ^ and for leave to-lay the ?45,. yearly lease. West Shaeffer, tvm week's ago/Reward. telephone submarine cable. 693rYl. West 712-R. \ -Dated this 16th day of .M$y,