j y tP iJS iib JM yv 4 M.-. . .A t . t O T .S I « I R 3 a j ? l ^ kvierjr Saturday night from $ to 12 K«j'*i Olymplana * AdmlMlon 25c K E Y E S C O N S T R U C n O N We speclallae in Rode DrUling* C^euV BrealdbogMTu ̂ Dynamitinr Stumps and Rodoi (Big or SmaB~W« Do Them AU) The tieory latest equlpmfmt. i 76 Bi«t 48th Are. ' Daj^or NigW Phone Va»cow"'**'» B - C . ̂ ■ Fltiuier 0100 A bridge tea will be held at Miss Hagerman and Misa Mc- the home o f Mrs. Adair, Caul- Kenzie of Vancouver have taken feild, on Tuesday• May 21st, in a suite a t the Fortune Cup Inn. aid of the Eoyal .Oak Unit, Sold- > * , * v ♦ iers' (Comforts. M iss Clayton of Travers Ave., • • * has left for England. A daughter was bom last Pri- • ♦ .day., a t . the North Vancouver Miss Hattie Young, 1466 General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Marine Drive, -left on Tuesday A. D. Walsh (nee Rita Harron), for a tw o weeks' holiday at r II A ifll I llf m m 'E u c R U S T .... SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c a doz. Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Aberhethy's aRd Oat Cakes liurgc Flour Sticks 10c 1468 Murine Dr. Phone W. 27 1807 Marine Drive. *'V" * * ' Grand Coulee Dam.« * * « 4 th A n n u a l C o n c e rt By Danoo Pupils of Betty Cavendish Assisted by the West Vancouver Boys Band. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 47th, 8 p.m. High School Auditorium Silver collection in aid of Btind"'Pttnd s Miss Kathleen Taylor enter tained " infoirmally Saturday evening I at her home, Kew House, Kew Beach.4i 4i 4. I. -f- A daughter was b,orn at Grace Hospital last Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. H; Hilliard, 1075 Duchess Ave. ! Playfair Unit, West VoncouvccaRed Cross .Society garden pa rty for w ar refugees 3 to ,6 p.m., THURSDAY, JUNE 8th, at the roijidence of " Mr. and Mrs. Cr. V. Cole, 2288 Mathers , Ave. VICTORIAN ORDER OP NURSES WELL BABY CLINIC At St. Stephen's Church Hall, 22nd and Fulton Ave.,-on Thurs day, May 23rd, at 2 p.m., a Well Baby Clinic will be opened by the West Vancouver., Branch o f the Victorian Order-of Nurses, Miss Riddell, resident nurse, in charge. , . H€alth talks and general in formation in regard-to dare of infants^ up to five yeiars will be given! jBabies will be weighed and examined. All m others of babies will, be welcoimed by Miss Riddell and also by M iss Cope land from the local Schools. For further inforination please call West 1000. VOLUNTARY AMBULANCE _________CORPS . Hanna-- Moss A wedding of interest to many residents o f W est Vancouver took place at St. Helen's Church, South Wesltminsbd^, on Satur- ' day/evening, when Orville Allan Hanna, son o f Mrs. Hanna and the late A. R. Hanna o f N ew -W estm inster, • ' was .united in marriage w ith Lucille Anne Moss, only daughter o f Mr. and Mrs., Richard Moss, o f Straw berry Hill, and niece o f Mrs. A. Thomas, Marine Drive, the Rev. J. P. Dingle, former rector of St. Helen's, and an, old friend of the bride's fam ily, officiating a t the ceremony. The bride,, who w as given in marriage by her father, had as her bridesmaidl her cousin, Miss 'Edna Thomas, of...West .Vancouver,;; a n d ,. Mr. Eriiest T. Butler of E ast Delta, supported th e groom. During the signing o f the register, the Mrs.^ Edgley is occupying a su ite a t ̂"The Gaiblos,^' W est Bay. Mr. and Mrs. LaUdgraye o f Cy- pm ss Park have^ moved into their house at 1645 Duchess Ave." .... .................................................. Mrs. Lestock B, Reid, 8050 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dewar Proctor Ave., is leaving a t the w ere informal dinner hosts Sat- eM of th is week to v isit her .. urdayJ evening at Greyrocks, d ^ g h te r in the Chilcootin. their home in Caulfeild. * . . ^ . Angus and Donald MacLeod. ; Mx's. Catherine Copeland of who lived at Sunlit Lodge dur- N orth Lonsdale,! a niece o f Mr: ing the winter months, are now and Mrs. Peter Wait, 1067 Jef- with a logging'Bompany in the ferson Ave., passed waay in her Queen Charlotte Islands. 43rd y e a r l a s t Thursday. * ♦ ♦ Funeral services-w ere held .last Mrs. Charles W orthington of si Saturday afternoon from 'th e Niagara Penninsula, Ont., spent North Vancouver chapel of Har- " a month's vacation at Sunlit ron Bros. Ltd., the l^ v . Canon Lodge, W est Bay. Hollyburn Theatre 'niimSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. May 16lh, 17th and- 18th j . JACIvIlS COOI»ER "WHAT A LIFE" also 'T O R I* E I)0 R A ID E R '* J. Thompson officiating, with committal ! s in > Uapilano View Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Taylor of Q ueb^ will arrive in the city in mid-May and wiir be the guests Mrs. Inglis, who has been oc- of the former's parents, Mr. and cupying a su ite at the Fortune Mrs. A. J. T. Taylor, Kew Cup, Inn > for the>past.year, has House, Kew Beach, le ft to join her -, son . in Tuezon, * * * . , Arizona. ' A listair MacLeod has resum- * ■*"' * I ^ ed his work with the B..C. Pulp Mi*, and Mrs: Clarence L. Sor- & Paper Company at Port Alice, ensen entertained last Saturday B. C., after spending th e winter evening a t a bridge at their at Sunlit Lodge, Wesj; Bay, SATURDAY EVE. & MONDAY May 18th and 20th J EAN EITK M ACDON ALD U3W AYRES "Broadway Serenade " Nowa, iilao Cartoon, oto. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY May 21st and 22nd UOUBRT YOUNG ANN SOTIIEKN " MAZIE f f (onco only a t 8:15) also 'HERITAGE OF ' ! ' THE DESERT" hoiihe on Sinblair Ave. John Willman, who spent the winter in - West Vancouver, has joined the Seafd|rbh Highland ers. Eric Allan, West Bay, arrived Tuesday from London, England. The Voluntary Ambulance Corps is holding the first meet^ ing on Friday, May. 17th, at 8 p.m., in the - oldl Dundarave ■School. 27th and Nelson.' T r^n- ing includes advanced: first aid, home nursing, - air -raid- p r^ cautions, transportation. Captain Bates, organizer, will, be pleas- ■^"tc>"m€'et~men"and" women~in-- terested and wjth n ecs^ ry qualifications on pSnday evening. bride's unble, Mr. W. .Moss, of Kerrisdale, sang "0 Perfect Loye," accompanied o nthe organ b y " the Rev. Father Willard Rorke-of-the House o f the Good ■Shepherd. South-W estminster.- A reception, was afterwards held at the home of th e bride's parents, some ■ seventy - five guests being present. .After a rbrief-honeymoon™ Mr-.- and-Mrs.- Hanna will take up residence in N ew W estminster. . Engagement ' Mr. ;and Mrs. V. F. Johncox, of Lynn Valley, , announce the engagem ent o f their younger daughter; iFnancea ̂Muriel to John - a n t i ^ r a r J T i F r W i ^ ^ -- -- ------------- --------------------------------- couVer. . Thp marriage will take Mrs. Ronnie Jackson, 1243 place on June 1st', a t 3 p.m.; in 20th Street, h ^ left for Vic- St. John's' Anglican Church, toria, B. C. North'_yancouyer.-. * **,? , ♦ ♦ 1 * . Miss I Barbara All work, whose ' Miss Estelle Tupper, of-Pen- marriage to Gapt. Huie S; Lamb, ticton, is ^pending the summer takes places on Friday, has been at Sunlit.Lodge, W est Bay. guest of honor at a number of ♦ * , * prenuptial events, among them Two men have 'been arrested ■ avno-host dinner by business _as-^ in connection with -the-burglar- sociates. A group bf'YV^t Van- ies a few weeks ago and are couver friends a l ^ entertained, beirig-hdd for trial. a t - th e hom e.^ f^ ^ rs.- -Thomas ♦ * * , Turner, when a presentation^ Rev. and Mrs. W. L. McKay was made to Miss Allwork. Also SPECIAL Sawdust .............. $8.5Q per unit Dry Slabs .:..........$B.OO per cord Inside Fir:-- / from abed .......$6.00 per cord from mill .̂ ......$6.50 per oord ' Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $8.75 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL -Phone-Nnrth-620- iNY MAKE BRQWN & MUNTON 1^42 MARINS DRIVB WBST 800AlKinliorH A.R.T. of B.O. y and fam ily have^'moved from ;1 FidH - P uchesR Ave. to__1344 Gordon Ave. Their phone num- ;fber is W est 629-R. * * • ' *; ) , Engagement ̂ The engagement is announced of-Elsie- Kathleen, eldest: daugh ter o f Mrs. E. C. Robbins and the late Donald E. Robbins formerly of W est Vancouver, to Mr: Ronald Grant,, second son o f honoring the bride-elect was a tea, given by Mrs. W. A . R. Gaw «at her .home on West Forty-first. Mrs. F. A. Lamb i^presided at the te a table, Mrs. Edgar Grout entertain ed recently at a linen shower at her hoine in" honor of Miss Doris Cleathero, May bride-elebt * 4 <K Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known FAMILY LfU N D R Y Phone North 1310'hr West 691L iviT. Knnmn Htnumn mihi ol ̂ ^ SOn WaS bOHl On F r id a y a t M^' oTid̂ Mr<i T Grant o f Van Vancouver (^neral HospitalMr. and M rs. U. Grant ot v a n - . pV.,h couver. The wedding will take place on May 25th, at St. Fran- cis-in-th€rWood, C hurch,: Caul feild. DEATH OF PERCY ARCHIBALD BEALL Percy Archibald Beall, late of Nelson Ave., Garrow Bay, pass- ............. .. ed away last Friday in h i^ 68th :contingent of Princess Pats. to Mr. - and Mrs. Edward Pratt ( n e e ' Bunny Lang), of 2264 Marine Drive. r * * * CJonsidielrable interest h a s been taken in the announcement of ithe'w edding inMlkindop of Mrs. Grant Morden, well known in th is city and on Vancouver Island, te Leslie .da Fonseca of Kelowna, now overseas with the W a n t e d ^ , Capilano Golf Club, Men and Boys to caddy. Trans portation provided " f r o m Taylor Way. Phone W est 718, or apply at Professional's Shop year, in sid es his wife, a t home he is survived by two sons, Dr. Geoffrey Beall, o f Chatham, Ont.; Dr. Desmond -Beall, of London, England; one=daughter, Molly Beall, Cornwall;'Ont.; and two grandchildren. Funeral ser vices were held at 1:30. p.m., Tnkqday, from the Hollyburn N orth Shore ROLLER ARENA 1st Street, 1-block West of Lonsdale NORTH VANCOUVERThe wedding took place in St.Michael's Church, C h e s t e r Square, London, on May 15th. 'The bride, who is the daugh ter o f the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Henshaw o f Caul feild and Vancouver, has visit- ed th is city many times, making ' Matinee Saturday mornings lier-last-trip-here-in-1937-.-She 1® ^ 12. children under 16... is the widow of Lieut.-Col. W.Funeral Home of Harroir Bros. ' Grant Morden, J.P., of Heathei:- officiatmg, followed Ly crema ̂ Heath, Bucks. tion. --------------------------- - e x p e r t W atch .ahd Ctocfc r e p a ir in g ^ T, CHRISTENSON (formerly - with ■ Birits - Ltd,," ^ Montreal) , 1522^Mariii« B̂ ifTa Monday to FriJay, 8 to 10:30 p.m. Adults 35c Monday to Saturday, children, 6 to 8 p,m. 15c Matinee every day, 2 to 4.30....... 25c ________ lOe Saturday Night Sessions _ 8 to 11.00............. .......40c ̂j Spectators~All Sessions..... 10c. . ~ Above prices include all service, ■admission lo_tink. skates, checking, etc. 'Private lessons arranged on application ?-, 'For Private Instruction see Floor manager. Phone-Norrir-lf35--------- - TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD The Red .Cross Group of the. Townswom en's Guild will meet, ^at-the-hom e--of^-MrSr^Ostrom,_ 1707' Esouim alt Ave.. at 2 p,m., Friday, May 17th. The guest speaker will Jbe Mrs. W. ,B . , i , Small; All members are asked to M iss Rosa Hewett spent last attend. ' * ^ week at Sunlit Lodge, W est Bay.