■ .' --t?*t»-J-n«»;/' ."WOT /'0,̂cvMv̂',5(!V-î 1 ,̂«/4.iirtPV, m ■■ . OJ , ^H'-, V ̂ ,. - miM «H>|l»|W» IM" v«ii*-< % js:ii, J o ^ m m c m w d m Cor. 2!»t A EftqfalmaJt Arm, REV. W. VANCE; B.A,, WaMmr .Xrtnŵ i, jP1boii« Wtifc 244*R Siuul«y Bmrrlemi llft.m . A 7:80pjn. Straoffvrs •nd VUiitora «re weleom# .̂ 4 //o u e poll planned vaiation ? '-' "■"' '■ (BAiPTTMŴ ' CJMIJBCB-w .~4..».~ lilictirtiM' R«v. W. h McE«r» B JU BJ>. 10:00 a *~{«S»SVlf 1* ii Sĵ- •JvWfî'^8ttaAiyi^%Rat|lMi............ i.m.-><;hareh Sdbool cladlnff A4ol« Cliuii 11 B.m. A 7:80 pj».>~I r̂Mtelil»A S^nricet. A hearty welcome to »U <(#vW au" 4. t >f . I'i-k; ;'t" ■• I- S i :. ■ » iind ■ had that new ixirmancnt at Gwcd'h? 'I'hen add to Ihia one of her lefroKhinK' facial# plu« an Invlgorat- iiiK Hcalp treatment, and you will be off to a real Mtat I of that buay Beaeon. .Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusive Permaneata, 1646 Marino Drive West 117 HOLLYiniRlf HAU 14th and Duchess Ihuraday and Friday evenings May 16th and 17th, at 7:15 will bring to a close our Young I'eople'a Friday «\vening ser vices for the present. Mr. Jack Anderson and Mr. Geot̂ ge S m i t h outstanding ydung tM-'ople's speakers, will give the closing messages. Hunday, May 10th, at 10 a.m. • .Sunday School and Young people's Hiblo Class. Sunday evening at 7:30 i , Gospel address. Speaker, Mr. John Wilson. * ■. Tuesday at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. Subject. "The Psalms."^ WBBT-.VANCOUVKE Christian Science i i ' * A " ' ijO C lclJ CH0BCB EDIFICE *<KJi and Baqulmalt, Hoflybum.. Thla Society is a Branch of Mother Church Tha Firrt Church of ChrUt. Sclontiat, in Boston, Haasnebasetts Sunday Service; 11:80 a.m. Sunday, May 19(h SUBJECT: ^MORTALS AND IM M O R T A I^ " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. .Teatimony Mhetingi Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public Is cordially in vited to attend our services and meeUngs. « SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK. EOAD MAIEBIALS UMITBI) Phone North 1141 w ALF ELLIS, West 823-L NELSONS LAUNDRIES DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised In the Chatelaiae and Goad Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Bepreaentative Phone West 782 and Driver will c a ll ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van « Castor DR. G. D. H. SEALE « D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST I X-lia, Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. >horPhono West 72 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Itev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, May 19th f-f: i f p Vi*-: t*:i! i 1 i fliitE r : / : . / ..........Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. ■vv V:f f u n e r a l S i r e c t o r a .l! « • ■ , v' '■ ' • ' . ' llollybum Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 184 North Vancouver. Parlors . 122 West S ix^ Street Phone North 184 ' ■!' . Yancouver Parlors -_ 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone.:Fair. 134 . 8 a.m.---Holy Communion, l i a.m.-- Matins and Sernioh. 7:80 p.m.-r-Evensong and Ser mon. 1 ►' Slv Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 8 p.m.-- Evensong and Sermon. THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquim au Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:16 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -" 1 0 :1 6 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :46 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class-- 2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. •M days-"Rosary, Benediction 7:46. : Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:80 p.m. WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch 9:45 a.m.-r-Sunday School. 11 ta,m. and 7:30 p.m. -r- Sunday Services. Evening Subject, "National Repentance." . -- Wednesday, 7:30. p.m.--Prayer Fellowship. Horseshoe Bay & Vicinity , Thursday Bible Fellowship, 7:46. * Evangelical , , Independent ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ST. STEPHEN'S A.Y.P.A. NOTES W. M. S. Sunday, May 19th ■ Sc'--: -- '- i ..,..- - ir'ci DR, McRAE D E N T ^ S ^ T formerly of 70S Medical-Dental Building Hours: 9 to 6 -- Evenings by appointment . I860 Marine Drive West 432 10 a.m.--The Sunday School. 11 a.m.-- Morning Worship. Itev, Thomas Key worth of the B. C. Corfference Will be"th^ preacher. ^ 7:80 p.m.-- Evening Service. The minister will be in charge. Welcome to all services. The Iregular mtonthly meet ing o f the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held oh. Tuesday, the 21st May, when reports bn Christian Stewardship will, be -readk The final talk on the Study Book will be by Mrs. Rush, and the word for roll call is "Ready." It is hoped that there will be a good! attendance of members and friends in the congregation. A t the recent annual elections . of St. Stephen's Anglican Young People's Association, the follow,- ing officers were elected for the ensuing year: Honorary President, Rev. F. A. .'Ram sey; Honorary Vice- President, Rev. .fcanon G. C. d'- E asum ; President, V i n c e n t Brace well; Vipe-President, Alan Low e; Secretary, Dorothy Hal stead ; Treasurer, Bill A lb in ; Refreshment Convener,, Cynth ia Haslam ; ■ Deanery Gopncil Reprseentatives, Lucy Smith, Edward Tearoe, Alan Lowe, Hazel Borgal; Editor of the "An nual," Lucy SmUh. The following candidates were successful in passing* the St. John F irst Aid Examination held on Thursday, May 9th: Mrs. Bainbridge, Ursula Bain- bridge and Jane Kirk, Mrs. Kitchener, Andrew Littlejohn. Mrs. Lowden, Mrs. ' McLaren, Josephine Marshall, Mrs. Part ington, Cecil Anne Reynolds, Lorna Thomson, 1st year certi ficates; S. Burfield, -0 . Britton. N. J. Davis, Mrs. E. M. Hard man, Hugh Lang, Mrs, Marsh all, J. D. Rankin, S. Steadman; L. C. Reid and L. Stone, 3rd year medallions. Dr. A. C. Nash was the lecturer and Dr. W. G. Saunders and Dr; Gi A. Mc Laughlin the examiners. W illiams--King The wedding was solemnized on April 18th in Vancouver of Agnes Cathrine, only .dauhgter of Mr. and Mrs. A. King, 994 22nd Street, to Mr. Barrie Wil liams, only son o f " Mr. and Mrs. Williams o f Newcastle; EJngland. m i l Mr. and Mrs. Murray, 2129 Bellevue Ave., have moved, into a nev̂ r house at 1462 Jefferson Lve. '* SMORGASBORD Lunches, Teas, Dinners 871 Hornby St. TRin. 1520 BAPTIST-eHUR43H Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. «:P; p: ."f JNIeUie-iiaffcIsoi A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of PIANOand-THEORY- Itoaidcnco Studio: 1955 Inglewood Avenue, West 1056-tr Sunday Services: ,11- a.m.-- Dr. W. S. Reid will .. preach. There will be a story and hymn for thp yQung_wQr^ 4:1 w v m rrA g E w tr E X W B A n o z M M ts n m W O K v s F " ! shippers. 7:30 p.m.-r-Rev. A. J. Bambrick of A lta Vista Baptist Church, -"T~will~preach. i i i i s S. H. SRIGLEY i l i l Painter and Decorator f e i l 1706 Marine Drive Phono-West 938 'The Church School arid Adult B ib le . Class meets at 10 o'clock. Monday, 8 p.m. - r Young Peo- ' pie's Society. J J . . B: Hold- ̂ croft will '"speak on the sub- -- :ject,-- "Photography in its Prayer \ 'f WS&Vff. 'msK•ill'V.'/ -iii: i i iS i ■ sti;* iH iij ' p i IsS&l M BUSH WOOD Per Cord Second .G row th F ir • ..........84.60 Ireon Alder ...,,..85.50 Buzxing IVood at any length. J. SMITH Cor. Eleventh and Mathers Phono West 10G6-R Christian Aspect." . Wednesday, 7 :45 meeitng. - The Annual Birthday meet ing of the Women's Mission Circle will be held in the Baptist Church Friday, May 17th; a r 8 p.m. Mrs. A, W. Ward o f Jack- son Ave., will be the speaker, and a fine musical program has been arranged. Refreshments at the close. A very cordial invita tion is extended to all friends. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST '■4 "So yovrr .son is going to town to look for work?" "Yep. -Don't know'.-̂ I blame him. Everybody feels tike gettin' away and lookin' for work occasionally, ,'st.id o'. atayin' where he ktiows it'll bo waitin' for him regular." " THE % W est Van N ew s Pohliahed Every Thursday m . Publisher "MORTALS AND 1MM0R-. TALS" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches o f Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, 'The Golden Text i s : "This corruption must put on incor- ruption, and this mortal must put on immortality" (T Cor. 15: 58). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: "And t his is the promise that: l ^ O U G H T t r s A L L m i s JSXTRA VALVES^ pSSf|S® 8 p p i i i * ! F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone Wi&t 363 -Business~an(h-EditortaI~'0<Fic^ 1704 Marine Drive jPhone West 55 he hath promised us, even~ eternaMIfe" (1 Johft 2:25). The Liessori-Sermon also in cludes__th e following--passage-- E X t n A S IZ E I Im td e and o u t, O lds- m ob ile, is B IG -- -p len ty o f room for six husky p assen gers Costre tcE ^ iita n d r ^ - ~ 3 r io itig " u p fron t" . E2CTBJHL S T Y liE f T h ere's a i^ s o n for c a llii^ O ld sm ob ile **the b est look ing car bn th ex o a d ." I t sets the fetshion for bebuty • E X T B A Q U A L IT T ! D ozen s o f extra features, fou nd o n ly in h igh er priced.cars, are you rs in th e new Cfidsm obile a t no extra co s t. T h aP s typ ical O lds value. E X T R A C O M F O R T I O ld s is th e low i»t.t>riced car w ith th e fom ous R hyth m ic Rider--m odem co il springs a ll around! E X T R A P O W E R ! O ldsm bbile features b ig , pow erfol six- and eight-evU nder -eM gm «._A n'd_advanced-O Ids.e«guiecriiig provides th is extra power a t n o increase In op eratin g costs. .E X T R A P R E S T IG E I E verybody know s ^ d resp ec ts^ e O lds r(^ u tation . F or o v er forty y ^ . O lcbm obile hgs been , fom ous fo r Iead e«h i> m style and en g in eetiiig . p lu s ECONOMY THAT -C O B IP A R E 'S -^ T B -T S D E R E S T ! M m m i Noi^h Vancouver Office: 12s Lonsdale Ave. #1.00 a year by carrier: |2.00 a year ____ by tasg______ Ji:______ from, the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health^ with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker .Eddy: ,*This mortal seem ing is temporal; it never merges into immortal being, but finally, disappears,-and immortal man, spiritual and etem aL 'is fbund - _to4)e-the-jr^ man." XOpUjPW® - GAB. 'dw.' TH E ■ M o ai* j«* r'McMILLAN MOTOr I LT1>.." 3rd and Lonsdale. NORTH VANCOUVER . i