West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 May 1940, p. 2

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■ .' --t?*t»-J-n«»;/' ."WOT /'0,̂cvMv̂',5(!V-î 1 ,̂«/4.iirtPV, m ■■ . OJ , ^H'-, V ̂ ,. - miM «H>|l»|W» IM" v«ii*-< % js:ii, J o ^ m m c m w d m Cor. 2!»t A EftqfalmaJt Arm, REV. W. VANCE; B.A,, WaMmr .Xrtnŵ i, jP1boii« Wtifc 244*R Siuul«y Bmrrlemi llft.m . A 7:80pjn. Straoffvrs •nd VUiitora «re weleom# .̂ 4 //o u e poll planned vaiation ? '-' "■"' '■ (BAiPTTMŴ ' CJMIJBCB-w .~4..».~ lilictirtiM' R«v. W. h McE«r» B JU BJ>. 10:00 a *~{«S»SVlf 1* ii Sĵ- •JvWfî'^8ttaAiyi^%Rat|lMi............ i.m.-><;hareh Sdbool cladlnff A4ol« Cliuii 11 B.m. A 7:80 pj».>~I r̂Mtelil»A S^nricet. A hearty welcome to »U <(#vW au" 4. t >f . I'i-k; ;'t" ■• I- S i :. ■ » iind ■ had that new ixirmancnt at Gwcd'h? 'I'hen add to Ihia one of her lefroKhinK' facial# plu« an Invlgorat- iiiK Hcalp treatment, and you will be off to a real Mtat I of that buay Beaeon. .Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusive Permaneata, 1646 Marino Drive West 117 HOLLYiniRlf HAU 14th and Duchess Ihuraday and Friday evenings May 16th and 17th, at 7:15 will bring to a close our Young I'eople'a Friday «\vening ser­ vices for the present. Mr. Jack Anderson and Mr. Geot̂ ge S m i t h outstanding ydung tM-'ople's speakers, will give the closing messages. Hunday, May 10th, at 10 a.m. • .Sunday School and Young people's Hiblo Class. Sunday evening at 7:30 i , Gospel address. Speaker, Mr. John Wilson. * ■. Tuesday at 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. Subject. "The Psalms."^ WBBT-.VANCOUVKE Christian Science i i ' * A " ' ijO C lclJ CH0BCB EDIFICE *<KJi and Baqulmalt, Hoflybum.. Thla Society is a Branch of Mother Church Tha Firrt Church of ChrUt. Sclontiat, in Boston, Haasnebasetts Sunday Service; 11:80 a.m. Sunday, May 19(h SUBJECT: ^MORTALS AND IM M O R T A I^ " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. .Teatimony Mhetingi Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public Is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meeUngs. « SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK. EOAD MAIEBIALS UMITBI) Phone North 1141 w ALF ELLIS, West 823-L NELSONS LAUNDRIES DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised In the Chatelaiae and Goad Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Bepreaentative Phone West 782 and Driver will c a ll ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van « Castor DR. G. D. H. SEALE « D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST I X-lia, Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. >horPhono West 72 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Itev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, May 19th f-f: i f p Vi*-: t*:i! i 1 i fliitE r : / : . / ..........Established on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. ■vv V:f f u n e r a l S i r e c t o r a .l! « • ■ , v' '■ ' • ' . ' llollybum Funeral Home 18th and Marine West 184 North Vancouver. Parlors . 122 West S ix^ Street Phone North 184 ' ■!' . Yancouver Parlors -_ 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone.:Fair. 134 . 8 a.m.---Holy Communion, l i a.m.-- Matins and Sernioh. 7:80 p.m.-r-Evensong and Ser­ mon. 1 ►' Slv Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 8 p.m.-- Evensong and Sermon. THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquim au Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:16 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -" 1 0 :1 6 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :46 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class-- 2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. •M days-"Rosary, Benediction 7:46. : Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:80 p.m. WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch 9:45 a.m.-r-Sunday School. 11 ta,m. and 7:30 p.m. -r- Sunday Services. Evening Subject, "National Repentance." . -- Wednesday, 7:30. p.m.--Prayer Fellowship. Horseshoe Bay & Vicinity , Thursday Bible Fellowship, 7:46. * Evangelical , , Independent ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ST. STEPHEN'S A.Y.P.A. NOTES W. M. S. Sunday, May 19th ■ Sc'--: -- '- i ..,..- - ir'ci DR, McRAE D E N T ^ S ^ T formerly of 70S Medical-Dental Building Hours: 9 to 6 -- Evenings by appointment . I860 Marine Drive West 432 10 a.m.--The Sunday School. 11 a.m.-- Morning Worship. Itev, Thomas Key worth of the B. C. Corfference Will be"th^ preacher. ^ 7:80 p.m.-- Evening Service. The minister will be in charge. Welcome to all services. The Iregular mtonthly meet­ ing o f the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held oh. Tuesday, the 21st May, when reports bn Christian Stewardship will, be -readk The final talk on the Study Book will be by Mrs. Rush, and the word for roll call is "Ready." It is hoped that there will be a good! attendance of members and friends in the congregation. A t the recent annual elections . of St. Stephen's Anglican Young People's Association, the follow,- ing officers were elected for the ensuing year: Honorary President, Rev. F. A. .'Ram sey; Honorary Vice- President, Rev. .fcanon G. C. d'- E asum ; President, V i n c e n t Brace well; Vipe-President, Alan Low e; Secretary, Dorothy Hal­ stead ; Treasurer, Bill A lb in ; Refreshment Convener,, Cynth­ ia Haslam ; ■ Deanery Gopncil Reprseentatives, Lucy Smith, Edward Tearoe, Alan Lowe, Hazel Borgal; Editor of the "An­ nual," Lucy SmUh. The following candidates were successful in passing* the St. John F irst Aid Examination held on Thursday, May 9th: Mrs. Bainbridge, Ursula Bain- bridge and Jane Kirk, Mrs. Kitchener, Andrew Littlejohn. Mrs. Lowden, Mrs. ' McLaren, Josephine Marshall, Mrs. Part­ ington, Cecil Anne Reynolds, Lorna Thomson, 1st year certi­ ficates; S. Burfield, -0 . Britton. N. J. Davis, Mrs. E. M. Hard­ man, Hugh Lang, Mrs, Marsh­ all, J. D. Rankin, S. Steadman; L. C. Reid and L. Stone, 3rd year medallions. Dr. A. C. Nash was the lecturer and Dr. W. G. Saunders and Dr; Gi A. Mc­ Laughlin the examiners. W illiams--King The wedding was solemnized on April 18th in Vancouver of Agnes Cathrine, only .dauhgter of Mr. and Mrs. A. King, 994 22nd Street, to Mr. Barrie Wil­ liams, only son o f " Mr. and Mrs. Williams o f Newcastle; EJngland. m i l Mr. and Mrs. Murray, 2129 Bellevue Ave., have moved, into a nev̂ r house at 1462 Jefferson Lve. '* SMORGASBORD Lunches, Teas, Dinners 871 Hornby St. TRin. 1520 BAPTIST-eHUR43H Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. «:P; p: ."f JNIeUie-iiaffcIsoi A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of PIANOand-THEORY- Itoaidcnco Studio: 1955 Inglewood Avenue, West 1056-tr Sunday Services: ,11- a.m.-- Dr. W. S. Reid will .. preach. There will be a story and hymn for thp yQung_wQr^ 4:1 w v m rrA g E w tr E X W B A n o z M M ts n m W O K v s F " ! shippers. 7:30 p.m.-r-Rev. A. J. Bambrick of A lta Vista Baptist Church, -"T~will~preach. i i i i s S. H. SRIGLEY i l i l Painter and Decorator f e i l 1706 Marine Drive Phono-West 938 'The Church School arid Adult B ib le . Class meets at 10 o'clock. Monday, 8 p.m. - r Young Peo- ' pie's Society. J J . . B: Hold- ̂ croft will '"speak on the sub- -- :ject,-- "Photography in its Prayer \ 'f WS&Vff. 'msK•ill'V.'/ -iii: i i iS i ■ sti;* iH iij ' p i IsS&l M BUSH WOOD Per Cord Second .G row th F ir • ..........84.60 Ireon Alder ...,,..85.50 Buzxing IVood at any length. J. SMITH Cor. Eleventh and Mathers Phono West 10G6-R Christian Aspect." . Wednesday, 7 :45 meeitng. - The Annual Birthday meet­ ing of the Women's Mission Circle will be held in the Baptist Church Friday, May 17th; a r 8 p.m. Mrs. A, W. Ward o f Jack- son Ave., will be the speaker, and a fine musical program has been arranged. Refreshments at the close. A very cordial invita­ tion is extended to all friends. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST '■4 "So yovrr .son is going to town to look for work?" "Yep. -Don't know'.-̂ I blame him. Everybody feels tike gettin' away and lookin' for work occasionally, ,'st.id o'. atayin' where he ktiows it'll bo waitin' for him regular." " THE % W est Van N ew s Pohliahed Every Thursday m . Publisher "MORTALS AND 1MM0R-. TALS" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches o f Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, 'The Golden Text i s : "This corruption must put on incor- ruption, and this mortal must put on immortality" (T Cor. 15: 58). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: "And t his is the promise that: l ^ O U G H T t r s A L L m i s JSXTRA VALVES^ pSSf|S® 8 p p i i i * ! F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone Wi&t 363 -Business~an(h-EditortaI~'0<Fic^ 1704 Marine Drive jPhone West 55 he hath promised us, even~ eternaMIfe" (1 Johft 2:25). The Liessori-Sermon also in­ cludes__th e following--passage-- E X t n A S IZ E I Im td e and o u t, O lds- m ob ile, is B IG -- -p len ty o f room for six husky p assen gers Costre tcE ^ iita n d r ^ - ~ 3 r io itig " u p fron t" . E2CTBJHL S T Y liE f T h ere's a i^ s o n for c a llii^ O ld sm ob ile **the b est look ing car bn th ex o a d ." I t sets the fetshion for bebuty • E X T B A Q U A L IT T ! D ozen s o f extra features, fou nd o n ly in h igh er priced.cars, are you rs in th e new Cfidsm obile a t no extra co s t. T h aP s typ ical O lds value. E X T R A C O M F O R T I O ld s is th e low i»t.t>riced car w ith th e fom ous R hyth­ m ic Rider--m odem co il springs a ll around! E X T R A P O W E R ! O ldsm bbile features b ig , pow erfol six- and eight-evU nder -eM gm «._A n'd_advanced-O Ids.e«guiecriiig provides th is extra power a t n o increase In op eratin g costs. .E X T R A P R E S T IG E I E verybody know s ^ d resp ec ts^ e O lds r(^ u tation . F or o v er forty y ^ . O lcbm obile hgs been , fom ous fo r Iead e«h i> m style and en g in eetiiig . p lu s ECONOMY THAT -C O B IP A R E 'S -^ T B -T S D E R E S T ! M m m i Noi^h Vancouver Office: 12s Lonsdale Ave. #1.00 a year by carrier: |2.00 a year ____ by tasg______ Ji:______ from, the Christian Science text­ book, "Science and Health^ with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker .Eddy: ,*This mortal seem­ ing is temporal; it never merges into immortal being, but finally, disappears,-and immortal man, spiritual and etem aL 'is fbund - _to4)e-the-jr^ man." XOpUjPW® - GAB. 'dw.' TH E ■ M o ai* j«* r'McMILLAN MOTOr I LT1>.." 3rd and Lonsdale. NORTH VANCOUVER . i