f'* r v P R p y i N O i A L lib r a r y Establiahed over 18 years. Established over 18 years. Circulating in the D istr ic t o f West Vancouver-^Ambleside, H ollyhurn, Weston', D ut/darave $1.00 per yewr. Cypress P ark , C aalfeild, W hytecliff, E tc. » 5c per copy VoT. XV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, M A Y 1 6rhV 1940 UNITED W AR WORK FU N D No. 5 The campaigm now being carried on in Greater Vancou- ver and which will be Continued until May 23r^, has for i t s ' ebiect the raising of $200,000 to help our soldiers and sailors and airmen, being Greater Vancouver's share of the total to be raised throughout the Dominion. This will be used to nrovide educational facilities and vocational training for the men of the Canadian forces in order .that they may be the, better prepared to earn a living when returned to civil life, find at the same tim e to make available for them a few per sonal comforts such as do not come within the ordinary prov- ihce of the Department of Defence. These latter include re creation huts, hostels for men on leave both here and over seas, libraries, entertainm ents, etc. ̂ ^ The campaign is an amalgamation of appeals by five dif- , ferent organizations, these being: the Canadian Legion War ' Services Inc.; the Imperial Order, D aughters of .the Empire; the Salvation Arm y Red Shield Hut F und; the Vancouver Co ordinating Council for War Work, and the Y.M.C.A. War Ser vices Fund. Also there is a budget of $30,000 for the regu lar home services work o f t h e . Salvation Arniy, in return for which this organization, has agreed to cancel their five ,usual annual appeals for funds including the Tag Day for Grace Hospital. The campaign is being conducted and the funds will, be distributed under the direct supervision of the Greater Van couver War Chest Comm ittee wjth the assistance of three staff members borrowed up to June 1st from the Vancouver Welfare Federation, the Committee itse lf being a volunteer group of representative citizens formed last September to control forUhe sake of the public ariy-appeals which m ight-be- made for war activities. Campaign expenses, which are being kept at a minimum, will be, o f course, considerably less than would have beenlthe,case had_the.five organizations concerned put on separate appeals, in which conn^tion it should be said that these will, be making no further war calls On the public « this year. The United War Work Fund will go to help our men on activp service in Canada and overseas through the five or- LEGION ACTiyiTIES A short general meeting, fol lowed by a social evening spon sored by the , mi'inbership and the Women's Auxiliary will be held Friday, May 17th at 8 p.ni. Members of both organiza tions together with members of their fam ilies are invited. NOTICE HOLLYBURN HALL Duo t o Friday being May Day, The . Young People's Friday the W est Ynn* N ew s for liext evening services will bo brought ,, week only jWlU be published on to a close this evening and io- Wedmwsday instead of Thursday morrow (Friday) at 7:15 p.ni., ul'tcrnoon. This will make the when Messrs. Jack Anderson deadline for news 6 p.m* Mon- and George Smith, outstanding NOTICE RE ELECTRIC POWER day and for advertisem ents 12 noon Tuesday. g a r d e n p a r t y f o r w a r REFUGEES B. C. Electric Riiilwny Oo. , Ltd. announce that it will be necessary to shut off the power on Sunday, May 19th next, in the following areas at the times stated: W est Vancouver from the eastern boundary to Caulfeild from 4 a.m. tdr7 a.rh. Eagle Harbour, Fisherman's Cove, Gleneagles, Horseshoe Bay and W hytecliff from 2:45 a.m. to 7 a.m,. BRITISH - ISRAEL ganizations referred to above, who again will do this,,rWork , under the direct supervision of the Department of National Defence, to which they .must submit audited statements. Here in W est Vancouver the local Chamber o f Commerce is canvassing the-merchants_and__busmess men,_jvMlfLLiUie.: Homes Division is in charge of a local com m ittee of which Mrs. W. B. Small is chairman;- In view of th e objects for.w hich the United War Work Fund is being raised ~and ̂th e efforts that have been made and which are being made to . reduce all unavoidable expenses to a minimum, it , is hopec^ hat W est Vancouver will g iv e the Fund its most hearty s u ] ^ r t . , ' _________ Mrs. Hamilton is the speaker - at--the-Dundarave Branch of the British-Israel World Federation m eeting a t 25th and Marine Drive,_ on Monday, May 20th. Subject: "̂The Mysteries." Y6u are very-cordially invited. Mrs. H am ilton is always interesting and instructive. Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening ■ meeting^^is-usuaL All are wel come.*** FAMILY W ELFARE BUREAU UNIVERSITY RESULTS MAY DAY DONATIONS i , The regular monthly m eeting of the "V^st Vancouver D istrict Co_nimittee of the ^Family Wel fare Bureau was held at the-of fices, 17th and Marine" Drive, on Friday, May 3rd, 1940. The Com m ittee expressed, pleasure at having Mrs. Ueslie Brooks, ex- officio member, who attended young people's speakers, will give the closing messages. Next Sunday, May 19ih, at 10 a.m., there will be Sunday School afid 'Young People's Bible Class, and at 7 :IU) p.m. a Gospel address by A Garden Party will be held John Wilson. Tuesday at 8 p.m., by the "Playfair Unit" of the, jirayer and Bible study, subject, W est Vancouver Brunch Cana- "l^he Pwilms." , i dian lied Cross Society at* Mr. • ---------------------- ■r--r md Mrs. G. V. Cole's residence, MAY DAY COMMITTEE ' 2288 Mathers Ave., on Thurs- ----- , , , , day, June 6th, from 3 to 6 p.m. 1 he May Day Committee met in aid of the war refugees. V isit- on Tuesday evening, and , good ors will be welcome. The p r ic e d progress was made with the ar- adniission-- one new child's gar*- rangenients for the celebration. , ment d any description, which The usual May Day Ball and will be sent away for the refu- Children's Dance will bo held..^ g«e children. . The oichcstra to play at Ihg ' Mrs. H. A. Ramsden, Chair- May Day Banquet is that o lJ e s- man of the* Provincial-W ork sie Davies and not Mrs. Snel- , Committee, has kindly oonsen^ grove. ed to be present and will speak - ' o n --the--requirements-- of----the-- CHAMBLR--OF--COMMERCE-- ' . ' I If those who wish to come The monthly m eeting o f West : and bring their, friends .would Vancouver Chamber pf. C o m -. phone W est 169-L, it wiU be merce held at Hunter's Coffee greatly appreciataal ̂ Shop on Wednesday last was ex i t is suggested that anyone ceptionally well attendedi and wishing to get patterns of child- proved to be an evening of in- ren's garments can do so from tense interest to all present. The the; Headquarters of the W est Vancouver Branch on Tuesdays .most delightful dinner, included and Thursdays after 11 a.m. reports from special committees ___________ ' . of a possible ob.iective for the -^FLO W ER S FOR vMAY DAY > Chamber of Commerce do under- = ta^keHSowever,--pTr-definite-deci- sion was reached, but the Com- Emest James W ingeU Irish,- The Committee wish to aok- ™son of Mr. and "Mrs: ;E; Irish7™nowledg^with"^ thanks~-the~^ol=r 1461 Hay wood.'/Avenue, receiv- lowing donations arid prizes: ed the degree o f Master p f A rts Canadian Bakeries $5, Naomi tn the University term this. year. " Chapter Eastern Star $5, J. Ed- Irish ihajored in- Eoqnomio ward Sears $5, Vancouver Prov- Geology w ith-a th esis on "The ince $5. Vancouver Sun $5, G; Mineralogy of Some' o f the Gold S. Conway $5, W. H. $2. IT i^ s Mines^of' British" Columbia/'" ^.X^ociated Tlairies ~and' McCldy^^ Other successful students a t & Graham, the University th is year were: Prizes and donations may be Jack E. Meroer, B .A .; Gerald sent to'^Mrs. J. R. Patterson^; Mason, B;A.,; William E. Camp- 2077 Haywood Ave., W est 743, bell, third year; Jean, L. Cush- or to the office of th is news- ing,--third - year; ,Douglas Gi paper ' through th e columns of Watt, third year; A lex J. Mac- which they will be. acknowledg-_, Rae .third y ^ r commerce; Vic- ed; tor R. L. Johiii^n, second year; W ' -------------------------- W. James Murray, second year; i>UPILS OF BETTY ' h. ir------4-u Tr-------- .a CAVENDISH IN CONCERTE. Kenneth ̂ Vernon, second year; Allix J." Dunesan, B.A. Sc. of Electrical Engineering; Allan' R. Fraser, third year Applied Science; Ian T. Richards, third year Applied yScieneleC; Ian..C. M. . The.dance pupils of M issH etty CaYendish will give their Fourth Annual Concert tomorrow even- ill Inglewood Auditorium. T f t prorgara includes national v e S ' n' t ' "'"* and tap dances, and a special b y^ w ay-of-an -or ig in a l thud year Arts. - v- ballet'"Department StefTe." Over ^awreni^ A. Patterson, sec- pupils will appear in the ' pnd year Applied Science] Stan- r ^ fa lfa n d assisting will be the m terso n , seeondr year Vancouver Boys' Band Science; Clifford J. Hill, ,^^er A. W: Delamoht, who will W p % J^cience; pran- recital, and assisting will-be the W est Vancouver Boys' Band Applied Science; Clifford J. Hill, u^der A. W: Delamoht, who will play a short program. Silver co l- . ' lebtion at the door, alLproceeds S r H ^ being turned over to the Band r^icnard E? Gook, first y ^ r r T?nriH Arts; Rocferick: Vaughn, first year Agriculture; John N ; Allan, dirst-year-Artsj--" ......-- ^ ^ listed for services during the m onth of April. There had been 51 "visits made, and,30 interviews held at the office.-^ "Family Social Work Defined. Family social work deals w ith the social needs or individuals, as parts of family, groups and thfi adjustment of their rela- tions to those groups and to so ciety. It concerns itself not only with economic needs of the fam ily but w ith all the complex ities of its social life, good health, educational development,^ character "devClopmeritV. w ith solving difficulties and ■ m is understandings between h u s - . band and wife, between parents ■ and children; with correction of temperamental handicaps; with vocational guidance and. indust rial corhpetency; in the leisure hour activities of all* the mem bers of a family group. It aim s for a larger, better rounded life for each individual, fw . produc ing most of the well being of the world-out of each life,.w h ile a t ' the same time it holds staunchly to tbe belief that the larger- rounded life oan . come only through self -expression temper ed by mutual responsibilities o f family life, itself." ® t ' matter in full and a final decision . TEACHER MAKE FINE reached - ™SHOWING~AT" FESTIV"AL '̂ '"j^piohg the guests were repre- ^ , --------- 1 J sentatives of the United' Ŵ^ Of th e .e leven Work Fund, present to make an> in the recent ̂ B._̂ ^̂ C appeal on behalf of the cam- Festival by Nellie Harrison, tour p^ig-n and solicit co-Pperation of distinguished^ themselves b y Chamber of Commerce in w inning certificates, and seven connection. 'Fred Smelts as_ received -pod adjudications-witn- Chairman of the Service Club 80% or over. , / _ group presentd the details of the Y .W .C .T .U . TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD A meeting p Y the full execu- -tive will ^ f f i d W the HoUy- Business- College, Amble- ?7f t f P-mv.oB.Ptlday, _^thjnst.^--Jnformation-regardr'- mg the Hudson's Bay Luncheon ; on June 3rd may be obtaihed trom members of the Uuild Telei phone Commifete., . The regular m onthly m eeting of the W est Vancouver Y.W.C. T.U. will be held a t the home^of th^ president^-- M iss--Beatrice- . Short, 1324 Clyde Ave., on Tues day, May 21st, a t 8 p.m. As *1h is is the annual m eeting all members are urged to be pre- -seht. -A ll-young-Iadies-interesU - ed in temperance are cordially invited. , ' 1 WEST VANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIETY Asi-a cheok-up is/'being made " o f - th e - m u s ic - o f - th e - a b o v e - s o - - ciety, will members and " ex- members kindly • turn in any Choral Society music before Sat- -hrday^S th--inst.,_fcOL_the_West-- Vancouver Stationers, 1 6 4 4 Marine Drive. -- A""daughter-was-bom- on-M ay- J.5th to .Mr. and M re., R. M. Bailey &ce Laura Crerar), 2616^ Haywood Ave. in the under 10 class, Doro- ^nd Mrs. Small made an th y M p Armstrong, who won ippe^l for local* members to as- the Bach class last year, was ̂ gjgj. canvass. Volunteer again successful m being award- offered their services -ed -First place-with-84r% .-Bev- fpj. i.jjj-p - - ~ - erly B low n received sep n d place Dave Willingdon, Moderator 'with 83%. , ' o f the Baptist Church, address- lu tji® Bach under 12 class, ^d-the m eeting briefly regard- Jean McKellar won second place _ work among slora'e of the ^with 84% and Irene D A oust jggg fortunate ciUzens with third place w ith 88 A. w whom his organization and hirn-' students receiving good adjuoi- jjoriie in contact. J. Twyman cations and high marks presided, at the piano for com- Under 10, June Simpson, 81 A ; munity singing which added, en- Diana W alters, Raymond joym ent to the evening. J. R. Hurry, 81%;; Elsie Iv^ ^ k b Mitchell, Principal, Inglewood " High'School, was guest speaker 83% ; F hyllis T ^ enak a, 80/O, and delivered an intensely inters Under 16, Ruth Pamum, 8 2 A . ^sting addrss on Democracy in The public will have the op- Secondary Education,, drawing portunity of hearing these tal- from ̂ vast fund o f personal " ented children when Miss Ear- knowle.dge of his subject and il- risori' presents her pupils next ustrating . very clearly the month in their annual recital at changes and progress that have th e Hotel Georgiy • , taken place in educational meth- ' ----------------^ ; T t, i,* sohool curriculums duf-A negro was arrested and brought Lawson before a commissioner for having a , ^,^8 an honored birthday .guest, still on A is premises. He was agked having passed the four score _hy_-Ahg^Qj»»»«glg«er* ..^ -.^ -m ile-p osl^ an d --stil l-h a le -a n d -- The Horticultural Society are m ittee in c o n ju u ^ n with the / again-decorating th e May Day exM utive were- Mitructed to stand. WiU anyone having flow- make a full and exhaustive cn- ' ' ers to donate please phone Mrs. Quiry into a l p h ^ e s of the pro- Allen, W est 696-L and a truck posed projebt and report back will pick up any donation. ■ • wh o"wm pivn. up jr membership will again be given an-^pportmiily to discuss tlro"~~ plead?" - hearty. In a brief retrospect he "Ah pleads guilty and waives t e pictured some of the early. . scenes in W est Vancouver when waive e settled here, wJiich_to_ hea;ring," was the reply. "W hat do you mean, Tiearing'T" r;̂ T' ̂ . A the merfibers present w ere both "Ah means Ah don't want to heah interesting and enligh^fcening. no mo' 'bout it." * The very best w ishes of the Chamber were 'accorded him at First Hunters "Looi ̂a the close (ff his i:^marks. It^was w h ^ ° h t w " ^ r a " g ? ^ n d i 5 r 4 « e -- he canie from." members since organization.