West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 May 1940, p. 4

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pppppip - \ j ' tH B WEST VAN NEWS■MM..̂u>m.̂..--.̂...̂^̂.....,.._L........ M*iy 0th, 1040. I f ' • ! Irit iW r.) I 4y 'vi !i! /' «;, .5' i:. ii'.)u;f '!> f I :|: I *I f' ̂ 31 I -.r '•■■!? & U I- , I IiH :-"f fyh: >v |!||&®S'-:.::': J iv r i ?-'f --v i' ir'; ' '■ ' .1 Sr̂-' i-Ĵ y " r '^ r ft>̂ - ■} f ̂'a-'*-'.! 'v't c i i i -!>*■ 4 f' 1 'iV-'r' in,;iMTit ,1'r ' "'•jT 1 '1 V l i l i ' t , i • | ^ ^ T MARKET pki«' w-r«»-- - Ai-HsuPir^- Sniltli-- MSiSiw-afr yrm D*Ufmy Mmwim • . MmtUy Acemut WEST V^tNCOUVER -- MER^HANTC--* FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 10th AND 11th l \ / IF A T 5 5, ". I w I Ihui ,̂1 ,%iir,.H«d 4k WhiU MAYONNAIBIE^«'/i*o*. J*r ......................... ........ 19e HUNHI'UN SALAU DKBBSING-- iH«ox. jar ............. ......................... 1B« Itfd & WhiUs TOMATO JUICE-- JU«oz. ifn 5e; 25-oz. tin .... .......I0c K<̂ & Wlilt« OKAPKFHUIT JUICE UiiNwc'ctoncd. LarfM! 50>oz, , . Kainily Tin ................................. 28o NuMi Hulad AHFAkAt;UB TIFS and ENDH--I0>/fox. tin ........... ipc FUFFKI) WIIKAT--tiuiik«r-- ' 2 pktn...... ............. ............... ;. ..... 16c OK AFEN UTB-Fkieo................. ■......14c COFFEE--Aunt Mary'n--Lb. ' ....33c TOMATOES--Squat tin .......... 10c CHEAMEITEB--(Macaroni) ■ 2 H-oz, |)ktN, ,.,, ............. ,16c Kcd & yVhlUf Krand M ATCH ED .1 larj(e family hoxca ............ 26c I.IJX FI.AKES--Lai;Kt'Mt pkC*tZ22c H. r. Made CHEESE--Lb.............23c West Vancouver supporters will iKt ou t In liumbers on S a t - . ,urday. The local team will meet the Police in the second round of the Provincial ('up. The team has been waiting for tliis one foh a long time and, if they don't ^win I on Saturday, it will not be their fault, The following players are asked to be at Anibleside Park tonight for practice and also a t the game Saturday in Con Jones Park, kickoff at 11:30: Willing- ton, Dempsey, Campbell, blunter, Fiddes, W. Hunter; - Smythe, Cary, Keeley, Uice, Mastcrman, Edwards, Donaldson, Denniston, Forrest. No. 39877. SCOUT NEWS i IhL We«t Vancouver l(St, Slcphen'a) Troop W'ttit 370 Free Delivery BEEF PORK LAMB MEAL All Grade A & A1 Delicatessen Fresh Fish Daily ()ItAN(;i5.S-- Medium Size, doz.................... 26c I-nrjco Size*, doz............ ........... 33c (;i{AI*EFiaJlT--CuIlforiiiu, 4 for 19c ------------, Ai*pr/E.s . KANANAS - LEMONS Last rites wcie held on lues- ( oicry, Udtuco, CucumiH'ra, iiadlHhea afternoon at Lynii Valley (irr<'„ oniiuiH, CubbaKe, CnrrotH,,etc. United Church for John Melvin __ , ■ ■ ______________ Bryan, M.L.A. for Mackenzie, trMirriMi iirA i* w ho died on.Suiulay at his home U N IIE D W A R WORK F U N D jjj Lynh V alley follow ing an ill- . . ness of several months. The Rev. With a large ami enthusiastic q . H. Ballard, who officiated, SCTvice L U M n ilR Qtiality SASH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY BUIIDEHS' SUPPUES ROOFING ^ WALLBOARD tile ' AcenUii" CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD, r " ' \yEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. tlD. 15lh & jHarine Drive Phone West 115 FUNERAL RITES FOR JOHN MELVIN BRYAN rMoUiers, Dads, Sisters, Broth- meeting of the women's Home spoke of the long public service ers, I'riends and muyl)e an oc- Division, Monday evening, and of the deceased, ilnterment was .ca«ionu KW«oth<mrt w«M enter- , „hol(-hcnrt«l cooncrat on of ">"^0 in the family plot, North lamed by members of the troop ̂ umii icu cooiKiaiion pi y Cemetery, Harron on Momlay evening, April 29th, Veneouyer a eight aci vice clubs ' Ltd behig in chLge of the C L A S S IF IE D A D S The raU* for Cloasifieti AdrcrtiMmenta la I conta per word, minimuu 25 conla. Except In the cose of tlioae having regular accounts, all ciosui. fieds are payable atricUy in advanc^ ̂ i * .. Remember Claaoiaeda in the Weat Van Newa get Immediate results. - s a l e -- Large partly cleared lo t Best location and view. $375.00. sNide""'gdml-itadd iroom bungalow, good neighbor­ hood. B blocks to ferry. $1000.00. .. ;'/S6rno4erms.̂ r̂ <̂'̂ ". LAWSON, WA.LKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburii P.O. West 55 WANTED AT O N jC B P uniiture, Sewing Machines, Stoyes. Tools, etc. Cash. Wo bujv sell and exchange. Agents for Fawcett R an ges;. Vinick's, North 481, , 66 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. FLOOR SURFACING J. Suthcr. land* 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 a t the Parish Hall. The evening started as a regu­ lar troop meeting with Flag- break, prayers and Inspeotion. The trc>op was then dismissed and chairs re-arranged to view the stage presentation, Bob Footo started with a recitation followed by a shadow play pro­ duced by the Beaver patrol. Don Thompson tickled the ivories and also assisted in the same cap­ acity with a. violin quartette - comiK>.sed of N iger SnelgrovCi Brian Jones, Fred McTaggart and Don Ilo.s.s. Two clarinets wielded by John Bayfield and ~ftoiTlon~ThoiTipsoii provi(led~^ .shown in their taking over the, arrangements, canvassing. for . the Business Honorary pallbearers were At- Croiips and assisting in the torney-General .Gordon S. Wis- Special Names Division, mer, K.C.; Hon.'(k^orge M. Weir, linite.1 War, Work Fund cam- Provincial secretary and mmister . - , , „ , " of education : Dr. W. J- Knox oi pa gn, running form May 7 to Kelowna, president of the B. May 23, got off to a speedy start Liberal Association; Harry John- week. aton, J. Howard F o r s t e r , The Homes Division of the Charles , H. Tu])per, Louis Unit< l̂ War Work Fund will be Bourdis and Ed Kenny, respon.siblo for $15,00() and fife Carrying his coffin to its rest- Bijsine.ss Groups and Special ing place were J. McCurrach, Names Division together will Roy Foster, James Sinclair, raise $185,000 to "make up a Judge A. M. Harper, E. Bren- total of $200,000 which Vancou- nan and Charle.s Reid. _v_er_re.^dentfMir-e^baing-asked-to---- rT'he-deceased-vvho-was-aged- GOKDON ROBSON - Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Soy, 4199 at West Vancouver any time ., by appointment, West 403. ^ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; .only, ■ best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti­ mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F. V. Findlay. West 494-R.________ PEMBERTON REALTY COUP. LTD. (Established 60 years) , 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271. . Local Agent, F Bayliss (Notary Public). 2486 Bellevue. West B22-R WANTED LISTINGS of all descriptioi.b H. A. ROBERTS UTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 546 PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY., , ■ Real Estate, Insurance " 2446 Marine Drive West 1077 and West 111 HANDY ANN S H O P 2442 Marine. Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup­ plies, Notions, Ghinaware, Hard­ ware, Baby Garments. FOR SALEl--T Model 2 door Sedan Wf'aM " TUrftf Wm-U n< fTin TYii/itt ̂ t Of Cfinsdiftll SOldiclS. R Gbuncillor and then Reeve of Nbj;th Vanoouver Dis- Very little door to door ban- trict, M.L.A. for North Vancou- vassing will be u.sed in this cam-^ ver and a t the time of his death Pjiign, Blair M. Clerk, managing M.L.A- fo r Mackenzie. Long coh- direcLor, says. Instead, the ef- nected with the newspaper world, fort will be concentrated on apy. he had seen many years'-service West', "Dirty Work at the Dude Ranch,*' written and-prpduced by th F irst Tivx>p opera comp"any. All rights reserved. The great love .scene by Sally Busher : (Hugh Addison ) and her fiance, . Ozzie. (Bert Davies) will never be Pi*oaching subscribers .through with'-the Vancouver Daily Prov- forgotten- their business affiliations, under ince, Vancouver Daily Wbrld, the Following the proaframme. sixteen classifications such as Vancouver Sun, and up to a year Foods, Mining, Public Utilities, ........ Public Services, etc. Those who cannot be reached in this way will be taken care of under the St>eei^ lollies ~or the Ilohie Divi- tlic; trixip gathered around the camp fire for a few songs and presentation of badges. After flag {lown. Rev. F. A. Ramaev spoke a few words and then or so ago had been publisher of The Review. ' ' Besides his wife, he is surviv­ ed by two daughters, Mrs. Law- ren€B~^^4sl^iw^-an4^Mrs. Wilf- Ford.' Good condition. 4906 Marine. CIviL SERVICE CLASS now at Hol- lyburn Business College. West 341. ROOM AND BOARD available, near bus and ferry. West 1075-L. __ FOR SALE--Revenue bearing pro­ perty. Close in; Good location. Gash deal; Box 56, West Van. News. FOR SALE--Pianlo, beautiful tone, very little used'. Sacrifice for cash.J , West 611-Y.____________________ ^ WANT TO BUY OR RENT small house. Hpllyburn. Box 53, West Van. News. cake and. tea were served to the guests. Sion. Subscribers may red Boulier of Vancouver ;jthree r a d io FOR SALE--Sparton 8-tube designate sons, John Melvin, David Boyd Console, good tone and good condi Seven Dwarfs Inn 871 Hornby St. Suggestion for Mother'a Day Dinner in our ({uaint and attrac­ tive Dining Room, from --------- 11 VO to -nino p;mr--------- Phone TRIN 1520 Week-end i n "long distance" calls Bargains in long-distance telephone calls are avail­ able every week-end. Week-end rates, which' are the same as the low night rates, ai^ in effect every week from 7 p.m., Satunlay, until 4:80 a.m-, Monday. Send your "hello" when the rates are low. their subscription to one of the ̂ and Roy Wilbur; two brothers, five war-service agencies ap- Wilbur of Vancouver, and David pealing for funds . if they so Boyd of Manliattan Beach, Cal., wish. The Canadian Legion War and two grandsons. Services will get $40,000; the . = -------------- -̂----------- I. 0 . D. E., $15,000; Salvation GOODLAD HONORED Army Red Shield Hut Fund. ------ -- -$55;000 r Y r M. C. "A71\^aF impressive ceremony took vices Fund, $55,000; Vancouver plac<j on Sunday a t 2:30 p.m. a t Co-ordinating Council,* $13,000; the entrance to Capilano View and the Salvation Army Homes Clemetery. beivices, $30,000. 'The campaign . Captain. James - W att,, p r^ i- is endorsed and will be directly dent Caiiadian Merchant Ser-j Guild, (Wivered a brief Chest Committee dedicatory address a t the un- and has been registered a t Ot- veiling of a granite drinking tawa. under provisions of the - - - i v_: ^ $9.50. 1430 Argyle Ave.-West 506-L. ■ ,______________ . . TO RENT -- 2 bedroom house, 4 "blocks from ferry. Nice view, $27.50. J. T. Watt, West i41. FOR SALE--English" Eram in good condition. West 1007. _______ ____ PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022^L.._________ . . GORDON GRAY--Insurance, all risks, ....one policy, all locations. SEy, 4991 or West 92-R2, _________ , COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES. All forms of documents drawn and ..executed. _ Reginald. P. .Blower,. J.P., Notary Public, 1405 Marine Drive, " West Vancouver* Phones: West 21 and 204M;- WESTERN WOODWORK^ERS--Store and I bouse fixtures, turning; glass, glazing. West 740, West 443-R. CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Saeksr'iKetals, Furniture, Stoves, ~~^Tools7n^7;"ndtking"̂ t"oo" bigrirr"too~̂ .. small. ^l^rard Juj^ ̂ Co., West 91. CHIMNEY SWEEPING Old Conn- , try way; guaranteed; Jorick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, at rea­ sonable rates. H. Gaines, West 167L. LAWN' MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts* West Vancouver Machine Shop. 1449 Marine. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- rates. West 927-R. J. EDWARD SEARS, BarristerkSoF icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700.-. • ^ Wiar Charities Act. THE NORTH SHORE LADY LAURIER CLUB fountain, erected by the Guild to the memory of the late sec­ retary, Andrew Goodlad who ser\"ed the Guild for twenty years, and who, passed away while still occupying the post. Cat deep on the face of the fountain are the words: "Erect- ê l by the Canadian. Merchant Service Guild in memory of the The Annual Meeting of the North Shore Lady Laurier Club will be held on W^ednesday, Mav 15th, 1940, a t 3 p.m., a t . the Clachan, 100 25th Street, West Andrew Goodlad, secretary Vancouver. Election df officers 1918-38." Below the inscription will take place and the principles of the Guild. aiid aims of the club will be dis- ' ..................................... cussed. Each member is request­ ed to make an effort to attend. Tea will be sei*ved. BUILDING PERMI'TS, $72,145 , , -I- The Municipal Hall last month i s s u e d 41-permits-t<>talIing-^72;^ 145, partioulars of which are as follows: 19 dwellings, $59,580; 1 store, $2,500; 2 garages, $280 ; 8 additions, $4;800Tl0~aIterations, $4,485; L miscellaneous, $500. *11118 is $25,700 more than the figures for March of this year, which were $46,445,^_j________ Up"to~the"enil"bf last moiith $19^10()-worth-DT"building" per^ mits had been taken out during 1940. FOir RENT--Furnished house near water anti bus line. Garage. West 862-Y._______ HOUSEWORK BY HOUR--Care of children evenings; any kind of work. W. 52Q.-R. ^ V E R N O N ~ ^ FEED STORE FOUND--Favm collie puppy, white . feet ,chest and tail point. 2336 Lawson Ave.____________________ WANTED.-- General servant. Good plain cook. „ Sleep out. Middle aged preferred. Box 52,-West Van News.- , FOR RENT*!--Attractive housekeep­ ing 7 room or. suite in hew home. West 1009-R.'> ............... . ............. ft - ...... • BOY'S 20-inch aC.M. BICYCLE -- Guaranteed like new, $20.00. Fred Jones, 1437 Marine. Residence, W. 712-M. _̂_______________________ WANTED TO RENT -- Furnished cottage bn beach for 1 or 2, months, between West Bay and Hoi^eshoe Bay. Adults. ALma 0713-L. 9-ft. BOAT, OARS, centre board, $9; 57-ft. anchor xhaih__(unused), 3 h.p.-- engine, propeller dnd.' shaft, $18; boat hook, wheel, etc. W. 905-R2. BUSINESS IS GOOD. We invite your listings of houses and summer camps for sale or rent. SHARPE REALTY 1395 Marine Drive.______West 719 FOR RENT -- Attractive 8 room house. Convenient location; several bearing fruit trees, $30.00. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburp, P.O.. . West 55 A. K. WOOD, Dustless Electric Floor Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone West 1093. GORDON /ROBSON i & Solicitor^ 510 Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver 'any tjme_j5y • appointment. West 403. CHIMNEY SW£E3>1N6 --• Sawdust burners installed] furnace; repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. ___________ , W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburu Block. HAULING -- Manure, ■ Septic Tanks and Rockpits, installed and clean- ed. West 187-R_̂ .__________ _ FOR SALE Wood. Coal, Cow or Horse Manure and Top Soil. West 51-M. _ A. C. S^RLB Phone Fertilizers of All Kinds, AD C O ____ Wood, CoaL BuUders* Supplies W ANTED--*Room and two meals by gentleman. Pull particulars to Box 50, West Van. News. FOR SALE-- Portable gramaphone with records, $10; Oak Knee Hole Desk with ' Chair, $15. , Offers. Phone West 487-L, ' FOR SALE -- Ping pqng table and set, complete, $5; child's steel crib, $5; child's wheel barrow, $1; child's wagon (C.C.M.), $1; child's tricycle,: $2; sun ray lamp, $3; electric sand̂ ; wich ' toaster, $1.60; ̂ electric hot plate (double), $3; electric hot plate (single),' 95c. All articles" m excellent ; condition. Also articles not (advertised. ^W'ANTED-- Tent, 12x14 or larger Whiffinr^ypress Park. W. 693=Y. W. 949-L -------- ---------------------------------- --- ^ ^ ^ ^ & WOMEN WANTED--Excel- W A N T E j^^ttage, for first two lent I>IRECT SELLING OPPORT- __June; near_beach.-KErr---------------------UNI-TŶ --exclusive-territory--rights. ---- for live-<wire ambitious- men and TWomen*-selling-a-line-uf-guarante.ed_ WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- Ex­ perienced girl, general housework, fond of children. $20 month. West 86-R3. _ chair, bed, price $4.50; also walnut bed and coil spring, good condition, $8.50. -West - quality products. Send "for our Plan ,and catalogue TODAY. FamUex Pro- duets Company, 670'. St.- Clement \ S t, Montiei|l.