pppppip - \ j ' tH B WEST VAN NEWS■MM..̂u>m.̂..--.̂...̂^̂.....,.._L........ M*iy 0th, 1040. I f ' • ! Irit iW r.) I 4y 'vi !i! /' «;, .5' i:. ii'.)u;f '!> f I :|: I *I f' ̂ 31 I -.r '•■■!? & U I- , I IiH :-"f fyh: >v |!||&®S'-:.::': J iv r i ?-'f --v i' ir'; ' '■ ' .1 Sr̂-' i-Ĵ y " r '^ r ft>̂ - ■} f ̂'a-'*-'.! 'v't c i i i -!>*■ 4 f' 1 'iV-'r' in,;iMTit ,1'r ' "'•jT 1 '1 V l i l i ' t , i • | ^ ^ T MARKET pki«' w-r«»-- - Ai-HsuPir^- Sniltli-- MSiSiw-afr yrm D*Ufmy Mmwim • . MmtUy Acemut WEST V^tNCOUVER -- MER^HANTC--* FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 10th AND 11th l \ / IF A T 5 5, ". I w I Ihui ,̂1 ,%iir,.H«d 4k WhiU MAYONNAIBIE^«'/i*o*. J*r ......................... ........ 19e HUNHI'UN SALAU DKBBSING-- iH«ox. jar ............. ......................... 1B« Itfd & WhiUs TOMATO JUICE-- JU«oz. ifn 5e; 25-oz. tin .... .......I0c K<̂ & Wlilt« OKAPKFHUIT JUICE UiiNwc'ctoncd. LarfM! 50>oz, , . Kainily Tin ................................. 28o NuMi Hulad AHFAkAt;UB TIFS and ENDH--I0>/fox. tin ........... ipc FUFFKI) WIIKAT--tiuiik«r-- ' 2 pktn...... ............. ............... ;. ..... 16c OK AFEN UTB-Fkieo................. ■......14c COFFEE--Aunt Mary'n--Lb. ' ....33c TOMATOES--Squat tin .......... 10c CHEAMEITEB--(Macaroni) ■ 2 H-oz, |)ktN, ,.,, ............. ,16c Kcd & yVhlUf Krand M ATCH ED .1 larj(e family hoxca ............ 26c I.IJX FI.AKES--Lai;Kt'Mt pkC*tZ22c H. r. Made CHEESE--Lb.............23c West Vancouver supporters will iKt ou t In liumbers on S a t - . ,urday. The local team will meet the Police in the second round of the Provincial ('up. The team has been waiting for tliis one foh a long time and, if they don't ^win I on Saturday, it will not be their fault, The following players are asked to be at Anibleside Park tonight for practice and also a t the game Saturday in Con Jones Park, kickoff at 11:30: Willing- ton, Dempsey, Campbell, blunter, Fiddes, W. Hunter; - Smythe, Cary, Keeley, Uice, Mastcrman, Edwards, Donaldson, Denniston, Forrest. No. 39877. SCOUT NEWS i IhL We«t Vancouver l(St, Slcphen'a) Troop W'ttit 370 Free Delivery BEEF PORK LAMB MEAL All Grade A & A1 Delicatessen Fresh Fish Daily ()ItAN(;i5.S-- Medium Size, doz.................... 26c I-nrjco Size*, doz............ ........... 33c (;i{AI*EFiaJlT--CuIlforiiiu, 4 for 19c ------------, Ai*pr/E.s . KANANAS - LEMONS Last rites wcie held on lues- ( oicry, Udtuco, CucumiH'ra, iiadlHhea afternoon at Lynii Valley (irr<'„ oniiuiH, CubbaKe, CnrrotH,,etc. United Church for John Melvin __ , ■ ■ ______________ Bryan, M.L.A. for Mackenzie, trMirriMi iirA i* w ho died on.Suiulay at his home U N IIE D W A R WORK F U N D jjj Lynh V alley follow ing an ill- . . ness of several months. The Rev. With a large ami enthusiastic q . H. Ballard, who officiated, SCTvice L U M n ilR Qtiality SASH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY BUIIDEHS' SUPPUES ROOFING ^ WALLBOARD tile ' AcenUii" CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD, r " ' \yEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. tlD. 15lh & jHarine Drive Phone West 115 FUNERAL RITES FOR JOHN MELVIN BRYAN rMoUiers, Dads, Sisters, Broth- meeting of the women's Home spoke of the long public service ers, I'riends and muyl)e an oc- Division, Monday evening, and of the deceased, ilnterment was .ca«ionu KW«oth<mrt w«M enter- , „hol(-hcnrt«l cooncrat on of ">"^0 in the family plot, North lamed by members of the troop ̂ umii icu cooiKiaiion pi y Cemetery, Harron on Momlay evening, April 29th, Veneouyer a eight aci vice clubs ' Ltd behig in chLge of the C L A S S IF IE D A D S The raU* for Cloasifieti AdrcrtiMmenta la I conta per word, minimuu 25 conla. Except In the cose of tlioae having regular accounts, all ciosui. fieds are payable atricUy in advanc^ ̂ i * .. Remember Claaoiaeda in the Weat Van Newa get Immediate results. - s a l e -- Large partly cleared lo t Best location and view. $375.00. sNide""'gdml-itadd iroom bungalow, good neighbor hood. B blocks to ferry. $1000.00. .. ;'/S6rno4erms.̂ r̂ <̂'̂ ". LAWSON, WA.LKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburii P.O. West 55 WANTED AT O N jC B P uniiture, Sewing Machines, Stoyes. Tools, etc. Cash. Wo bujv sell and exchange. Agents for Fawcett R an ges;. Vinick's, North 481, , 66 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. FLOOR SURFACING J. Suthcr. land* 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 a t the Parish Hall. The evening started as a regu lar troop meeting with Flag- break, prayers and Inspeotion. The trc>op was then dismissed and chairs re-arranged to view the stage presentation, Bob Footo started with a recitation followed by a shadow play pro duced by the Beaver patrol. Don Thompson tickled the ivories and also assisted in the same cap acity with a. violin quartette - comiK>.sed of N iger SnelgrovCi Brian Jones, Fred McTaggart and Don Ilo.s.s. Two clarinets wielded by John Bayfield and ~ftoiTlon~ThoiTipsoii provi(led~^ .shown in their taking over the, arrangements, canvassing. for . the Business Honorary pallbearers were At- Croiips and assisting in the torney-General .Gordon S. Wis- Special Names Division, mer, K.C.; Hon.'(k^orge M. Weir, linite.1 War, Work Fund cam- Provincial secretary and mmister . - , , „ , " of education : Dr. W. J- Knox oi pa gn, running form May 7 to Kelowna, president of the B. May 23, got off to a speedy start Liberal Association; Harry John- week. aton, J. Howard F o r s t e r , The Homes Division of the Charles , H. Tu])per, Louis Unit< l̂ War Work Fund will be Bourdis and Ed Kenny, respon.siblo for $15,00() and fife Carrying his coffin to its rest- Bijsine.ss Groups and Special ing place were J. McCurrach, Names Division together will Roy Foster, James Sinclair, raise $185,000 to "make up a Judge A. M. Harper, E. Bren- total of $200,000 which Vancou- nan and Charle.s Reid. _v_er_re.^dentfMir-e^baing-asked-to---- rT'he-deceased-vvho-was-aged- GOKDON ROBSON - Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, Soy, 4199 at West Vancouver any time ., by appointment, West 403. ^ MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; .only, ■ best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F. V. Findlay. West 494-R.________ PEMBERTON REALTY COUP. LTD. (Established 60 years) , 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271. . Local Agent, F Bayliss (Notary Public). 2486 Bellevue. West B22-R WANTED LISTINGS of all descriptioi.b H. A. ROBERTS UTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 546 PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY., , ■ Real Estate, Insurance " 2446 Marine Drive West 1077 and West 111 HANDY ANN S H O P 2442 Marine. Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup plies, Notions, Ghinaware, Hard ware, Baby Garments. FOR SALEl--T Model 2 door Sedan Wf'aM " TUrftf Wm-U n< fTin TYii/itt ̂ t Of Cfinsdiftll SOldiclS. R Gbuncillor and then Reeve of Nbj;th Vanoouver Dis- Very little door to door ban- trict, M.L.A. for North Vancou- vassing will be u.sed in this cam-^ ver and a t the time of his death Pjiign, Blair M. Clerk, managing M.L.A- fo r Mackenzie. Long coh- direcLor, says. Instead, the ef- nected with the newspaper world, fort will be concentrated on apy. he had seen many years'-service West', "Dirty Work at the Dude Ranch,*' written and-prpduced by th F irst Tivx>p opera comp"any. All rights reserved. The great love .scene by Sally Busher : (Hugh Addison ) and her fiance, . Ozzie. (Bert Davies) will never be Pi*oaching subscribers .through with'-the Vancouver Daily Prov- forgotten- their business affiliations, under ince, Vancouver Daily Wbrld, the Following the proaframme. sixteen classifications such as Vancouver Sun, and up to a year Foods, Mining, Public Utilities, ........ Public Services, etc. Those who cannot be reached in this way will be taken care of under the St>eei^ lollies ~or the Ilohie Divi- tlic; trixip gathered around the camp fire for a few songs and presentation of badges. After flag {lown. Rev. F. A. Ramaev spoke a few words and then or so ago had been publisher of The Review. ' ' Besides his wife, he is surviv ed by two daughters, Mrs. Law- ren€B~^^4sl^iw^-an4^Mrs. Wilf- Ford.' Good condition. 4906 Marine. CIviL SERVICE CLASS now at Hol- lyburn Business College. West 341. ROOM AND BOARD available, near bus and ferry. West 1075-L. __ FOR SALE--Revenue bearing pro perty. Close in; Good location. Gash deal; Box 56, West Van. News. FOR SALE--Pianlo, beautiful tone, very little used'. Sacrifice for cash.J , West 611-Y.____________________ ^ WANT TO BUY OR RENT small house. Hpllyburn. Box 53, West Van. News. cake and. tea were served to the guests. Sion. Subscribers may red Boulier of Vancouver ;jthree r a d io FOR SALE--Sparton 8-tube designate sons, John Melvin, David Boyd Console, good tone and good condi Seven Dwarfs Inn 871 Hornby St. Suggestion for Mother'a Day Dinner in our ({uaint and attrac tive Dining Room, from --------- 11 VO to -nino p;mr--------- Phone TRIN 1520 Week-end i n "long distance" calls Bargains in long-distance telephone calls are avail able every week-end. Week-end rates, which' are the same as the low night rates, ai^ in effect every week from 7 p.m., Satunlay, until 4:80 a.m-, Monday. Send your "hello" when the rates are low. their subscription to one of the ̂ and Roy Wilbur; two brothers, five war-service agencies ap- Wilbur of Vancouver, and David pealing for funds . if they so Boyd of Manliattan Beach, Cal., wish. The Canadian Legion War and two grandsons. Services will get $40,000; the . = -------------- -̂----------- I. 0 . D. E., $15,000; Salvation GOODLAD HONORED Army Red Shield Hut Fund. ------ -- -$55;000 r Y r M. C. "A71\^aF impressive ceremony took vices Fund, $55,000; Vancouver plac<j on Sunday a t 2:30 p.m. a t Co-ordinating Council,* $13,000; the entrance to Capilano View and the Salvation Army Homes Clemetery. beivices, $30,000. 'The campaign . Captain. James - W att,, p r^ i- is endorsed and will be directly dent Caiiadian Merchant Ser-j Guild, (Wivered a brief Chest Committee dedicatory address a t the un- and has been registered a t Ot- veiling of a granite drinking tawa. under provisions of the - - - i v_: ^ $9.50. 1430 Argyle Ave.-West 506-L. ■ ,______________ . . TO RENT -- 2 bedroom house, 4 "blocks from ferry. Nice view, $27.50. J. T. Watt, West i41. FOR SALE--English" Eram in good condition. West 1007. _______ ____ PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1022^L.._________ . . GORDON GRAY--Insurance, all risks, ....one policy, all locations. SEy, 4991 or West 92-R2, _________ , COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES. All forms of documents drawn and ..executed. _ Reginald. P. .Blower,. J.P., Notary Public, 1405 Marine Drive, " West Vancouver* Phones: West 21 and 204M;- WESTERN WOODWORK^ERS--Store and I bouse fixtures, turning; glass, glazing. West 740, West 443-R. CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Saeksr'iKetals, Furniture, Stoves, ~~^Tools7n^7;"ndtking"̂ t"oo" bigrirr"too~̂ .. small. ^l^rard Juj^ ̂ Co., West 91. CHIMNEY SWEEPING Old Conn- , try way; guaranteed; Jorick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, at rea sonable rates. H. Gaines, West 167L. LAWN' MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts* West Vancouver Machine Shop. 1449 Marine. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- rates. West 927-R. J. EDWARD SEARS, BarristerkSoF icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700.-. • ^ Wiar Charities Act. THE NORTH SHORE LADY LAURIER CLUB fountain, erected by the Guild to the memory of the late sec retary, Andrew Goodlad who ser\"ed the Guild for twenty years, and who, passed away while still occupying the post. Cat deep on the face of the fountain are the words: "Erect- ê l by the Canadian. Merchant Service Guild in memory of the The Annual Meeting of the North Shore Lady Laurier Club will be held on W^ednesday, Mav 15th, 1940, a t 3 p.m., a t . the Clachan, 100 25th Street, West Andrew Goodlad, secretary Vancouver. Election df officers 1918-38." Below the inscription will take place and the principles of the Guild. aiid aims of the club will be dis- ' ..................................... cussed. Each member is request ed to make an effort to attend. Tea will be sei*ved. BUILDING PERMI'TS, $72,145 , , -I- The Municipal Hall last month i s s u e d 41-permits-t<>talIing-^72;^ 145, partioulars of which are as follows: 19 dwellings, $59,580; 1 store, $2,500; 2 garages, $280 ; 8 additions, $4;800Tl0~aIterations, $4,485; L miscellaneous, $500. *11118 is $25,700 more than the figures for March of this year, which were $46,445,^_j________ Up"to~the"enil"bf last moiith $19^10()-worth-DT"building" per^ mits had been taken out during 1940. FOir RENT--Furnished house near water anti bus line. Garage. West 862-Y._______ HOUSEWORK BY HOUR--Care of children evenings; any kind of work. W. 52Q.-R. ^ V E R N O N ~ ^ FEED STORE FOUND--Favm collie puppy, white . feet ,chest and tail point. 2336 Lawson Ave.____________________ WANTED.-- General servant. Good plain cook. „ Sleep out. Middle aged preferred. Box 52,-West Van News.- , FOR RENT*!--Attractive housekeep ing 7 room or. suite in hew home. West 1009-R.'> ............... . ............. ft - ...... • BOY'S 20-inch aC.M. BICYCLE -- Guaranteed like new, $20.00. Fred Jones, 1437 Marine. Residence, W. 712-M. _̂_______________________ WANTED TO RENT -- Furnished cottage bn beach for 1 or 2, months, between West Bay and Hoi^eshoe Bay. Adults. ALma 0713-L. 9-ft. BOAT, OARS, centre board, $9; 57-ft. anchor xhaih__(unused), 3 h.p.-- engine, propeller dnd.' shaft, $18; boat hook, wheel, etc. W. 905-R2. BUSINESS IS GOOD. We invite your listings of houses and summer camps for sale or rent. SHARPE REALTY 1395 Marine Drive.______West 719 FOR RENT -- Attractive 8 room house. Convenient location; several bearing fruit trees, $30.00. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 0pp. Hollyburp, P.O.. . West 55 A. K. WOOD, Dustless Electric Floor Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone West 1093. GORDON /ROBSON i & Solicitor^ 510 Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver 'any tjme_j5y • appointment. West 403. CHIMNEY SW£E3>1N6 --• Sawdust burners installed] furnace; repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. ___________ , W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburu Block. HAULING -- Manure, ■ Septic Tanks and Rockpits, installed and clean- ed. West 187-R_̂ .__________ _ FOR SALE Wood. Coal, Cow or Horse Manure and Top Soil. West 51-M. _ A. C. S^RLB Phone Fertilizers of All Kinds, AD C O ____ Wood, CoaL BuUders* Supplies W ANTED--*Room and two meals by gentleman. Pull particulars to Box 50, West Van. News. FOR SALE-- Portable gramaphone with records, $10; Oak Knee Hole Desk with ' Chair, $15. , Offers. Phone West 487-L, ' FOR SALE -- Ping pqng table and set, complete, $5; child's steel crib, $5; child's wheel barrow, $1; child's wagon (C.C.M.), $1; child's tricycle,: $2; sun ray lamp, $3; electric sand̂ ; wich ' toaster, $1.60; ̂ electric hot plate (double), $3; electric hot plate (single),' 95c. All articles" m excellent ; condition. Also articles not (advertised. ^W'ANTED-- Tent, 12x14 or larger Whiffinr^ypress Park. W. 693=Y. W. 949-L -------- ---------------------------------- --- ^ ^ ^ ^ & WOMEN WANTED--Excel- W A N T E j^^ttage, for first two lent I>IRECT SELLING OPPORT- __June; near_beach.-KErr---------------------UNI-TŶ --exclusive-territory--rights. ---- for live-<wire ambitious- men and TWomen*-selling-a-line-uf-guarante.ed_ WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- Ex perienced girl, general housework, fond of children. $20 month. West 86-R3. _ chair, bed, price $4.50; also walnut bed and coil spring, good condition, $8.50. -West - quality products. Send "for our Plan ,and catalogue TODAY. FamUex Pro- duets Company, 670'. St.- Clement \ S t, Montiei|l.