3X May 9th i B e d d U n e P l s u i l B ^■ r - • • .HP-- ip w For the best Ip Beading Plants, Hanging Basket8» Etc. th e w e s t v a n f l o r ist W E S T 3 0 S I 8 th a n d M a rin e W E S T 3 0 5 - Local and Personal SATURDAY DAHCXS at t h e . OLYMPIC CLUB, NORTH VANCOUVER Bvury Saturday night from 9 to 12 , H .y, Oljnipl.M ' ' Admissloi. 25c KEYES CONSTRUCTION Wo spcciollzo in Rock Drilling,* Cement Breaking, Tu^oling, Dynamiting Stumps and Rocks (Big or Small--W© Do Them , All) The very latest equipment. 476 48th Avp. ■ , B »y_« Ni*ht Phono Vancouver* B-C. FRaser 0100 4 th A n n u a l C o n c e r t By Dance Pupils of Betty Cavendish Assisted by the, West Vancouver Boys Band FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 17th, 8 p.m. „ High School Auditorium Silver collection in oCjSarid Fund ______________ TOWr!^SWOMEN"S GUILD Idr, Oliver of Vancouver is having: a new home built a t Cy press Park. Jack S tratton of Port Alberni ,is spending a holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mns. J. M. Stratton, 1468 Marine Drive.' Mrs, Williams and daughter returned from the Orient on Monday to their home a t 31st and W aterfront. , ♦ * ♦ Mr. Prain of West Bay is hav ing a new! home built at Cypress, Park. . ' 4(' ' 4i 4< Mrsr Halley and daughter of Vancouver are occupy ing a suite a t the Fortune Cup Inn.4t « ♦ Mrs. Russell A. Palmer with her infant daughter, Lynn,| has returned to the city from Caul- feild, where she spent some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j , L. Davidson, during the ab sence of Dr. Pialmer in the E ast ern States. .. Lieut, C. Hubbs and L iou i A, Elmsley, R.C.O.C., arrived Sat- ui*day from Victoria and are the guests of Ml'S. Graham Watson at her home in Caulfeild. Mr. and Mrs. Newman and daughter, 'Barbara, have arrived from the city and are a t the Fortune Cup Inn. North Shto!) ROLLER ARENA 1st Street, )1 block West of Lonsdale NORTH VANCOUVER Monday to F r id a y , 8' to 10:30 p .m .: Adults 35c Monday to S a tu rd ay , ch ild ren , 6 to 8 p,m. '̂ Norway and its People" formed • the subject of an in- folrmal though comprehensive talk by H. Rindal, guest Speak er a t the Guild meeting at The Anderson property ̂ con taining sixteen. aOres and resi dence at. 29th, and Roseberry Ave., has been sold and the new owner, is now in pbssession, It is understood th a t the firm of H. A. Roberts Ltd. completed the transaction-for both pa:rties. ' V ., ♦ , * ♦ Mrs. R. W. Reid of Vancou-' ver, who is a former iHisident of the municipality, is leaving next Sunday for England. * * * Mrs. S., Sveinson of the Fair- bridge Farm School, Vancouver Island, left on Monday to I'oturn there after a visit to her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray, 26th and Mathors Ave. Mrs. Colin M aclean, 889,20th Street, entertained a t a.delight ful afternoon tea last week a t her home in honor of Mrs. S. Svein son, of Vancouver Island, who TWfis the guest of her sister, Mrs. Gordon Gray. Those invited were the members of Mrs. iMacLean's old glee club. . . '♦ * ♦ ' G. Stephenson of Vancouver has joined the sales staff here of H. A. Roberts Ltd- WEST VAN. Y.P.S. 15c Matinee every day, 2 to 4.30.'....... 25c Matinee Saturday, moi-nings 10 to 12, childran under 15... 10c ~S aturd ay~N ighirSessions-------------------- 8 to 11.30.............................. 40c The m eeting next Monday is under the supervision of the -- -- -- V T rrv ;; Citizenship ̂ Group. The St. the Clachan on PYiday last. The George's Y.P.S. from town is speaker's word-picture of Nor- visiting the local group and -way- only-- emphasized--.the. -ex-^ :̂ bringing w ith them -a-speaker- treme tragedy of the ruthless^ from the Youth Counioil AU .breaking up of a country so ^lembers are urged to attend nearly apppaching the ideal in ^^is meeting as it is the last of "national-- l̂i-fei--E arlier--in;--the - fhe^^season. •-- ---- --------------̂ The friends of Dick Makov- ski, 2441 Ottawa, will be glad to hear th a t he is .making a good reebvery in the Vancouver Gen- ei'al Hospital, after a mastoid operation. i(« ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. J. G. D. Wollen of CypressliPark, have-left for ,~the rnterior-and-will spend tbo summer* on their ranch in the North Okanagan. Spectators--All Sessions......lOc. • Above prices include all service; admission to rink, skates; checking, etci Private- lessons arfanged on application For Private Instruction see Floor manage. Phone'North 1735 meeting, a tribu te .to the mem- ory of" M is^E Z ^everidge, was" expressed by Mrs. S. McKay. The Book Club will 'm eet a t the home of Mrs. W eb^ , 2696 1Miss V. Waram of the Nan- MAY DAY G()MMITTEE K ^ S " S U 2 ^ k N N E - B L A C K l i V Q f l D Teacher o f P iano and T heory 'All committees reported goodj xxv/xxxx. --------progress a t Tuesday evening's Bellevue, Monday, May 13th, a t meetings of' th e May Day Com-< 2:30 p.m. Selected poems will mittee; The Barbarians Girls^ be r e ^ and discussed. Auxiliary has'undertaken to dec orate the' May Queen's car. Mrs. T; E. Snelgroye's Orchestra will, hp. in attendance a t th e May Day aimo General Hospital is visit- i,ng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Victor S. Waram, Hollyburn STUDIQ8; 1591 Haywood Ave and 5736 University Blvd.,. University Hill PHONE; WEST 744-L again 'consented to establish a first aid station^ Block, 16th and Marine Drive. Peter Thornton was a host yesterday evening a t his home in Caulfeild, his guests includ ing* Mrs. P e t e r . Muschamp Thornton,' Mi^s Anne Griffin,. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wanton, Miss Peggy Thomas, M ip Butty BARBARIANS GIRLS' AUXILIARY Jukes, Miss. Kathleen T'ayloti', Mi^s^N'dra Walsh, Mrs. Stanley -Kappel, David Rothwell, Wil liam Cameron, Geoffrey Wood ward and Geoffrey Wootten. N o in lT o d u c tio n s n eed ed * L es S u m p te r , a b o v e , h a s d r iv en t h e 'N o r th 'S h o r e r o u te fo r th e la s t te i» i y e a ra ..I lis fr ie n d a .a r e m a n y .' H e 's a N o r th S h o r e c it iz e n .'.L iv e s .a t . 1360 M a r in e D r iv e . S e n d s , h is . 9 -y ea r -o ld "'R o y ,'- to C a p ila n o . ■ S c h o o l. H a s- a n o th e r "3 -y c fa r -o ld ' a t h o m e . M rs. S u m p te r d o ea aH 4^ er,'b u yin g , <m t h e l^ r th n S h o r e . L es is j u s t o n e o f m a n y o f o u r d r iv e r s w h o . a r e fr e s id e n ts h e r e .-A ll t h e r e g u la r m e n o n t h e N o rth - S h o r e r u n s , l iv e o n .t h e N o r th Sh<w e. T h e ir jo b is t o b e c o u r te o u s , c a r e fu l a n d eo o L ̂ K n o w in g , y o u p e r s o n a lly m a k e s i t e v en b e t t e r . n c i FlC STl t (* P.S -8 -• The GUrls' Auxiliary to the Barbarians' Rugby Club will hold . its regular sewing meeting in the- Red Cross Headquarters on Tuesday,. May 14th,.at 8 .p.m. MAY DAY DONATIONS S: C. Y. Mi NOTES : The "Service Club for Young Moderns," like all young people's groups, is a very spirited organi zation. With several, short.plays now in preparation, in terest is a t its height. . , The club invited all who are interested in dramatic a r t to join with them in listening to the U.B.C. Drama Workshop over station CBR, on Friday, May 10, and 17, a t 8 p.m. The Service Club:has already enjoyed listen- nig to one broadcast on last F ri day. Show, your interest in this club by joining with them, then, next Friday evening in listening to the feature production. The May .Day Committee wish to, acknowledge with thanks the following.,donations and prizes: DundanTDawson""I.C:^ $10; B.C, Concrete Co. Ltd., $5; West Van. Council, $25; Canadian Legion Post 60, $5; Safeway Stores $5; J. M. Dent &.Sons, Anonymous; $2.50; Mr. and 1 F ' Eatock, $2. Prizes: Jad Furnishing S t o r e , Robertson Bakery, C. P. Foster & Co., Woodwards Ltd., Hudson's Bay Co., B.C.E. Ry. Co., Clarke & Stuart Co. Prizes and donations may be sent to Mrs. J. R. Patterson, 2077 Haywood Ave., West 743, or to the office. of this newspaper through the columns of which they will be acknowledged. Beaaett's BAKERY BUTl'ERCRUST BREAD 's X f u k D A F V p E G I A L CREAM CAKES 25c'adoz. Scotch Pancakes, Scon^, Abernethy's and Oat Cakes 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 Hollyburn Theatre TU U U SD A Y , F R ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y M A T. M ay IHh, 10th am i . l lU i Z O R IN A "On Your Toes" a lso Now s, U artoon , otc. SA TU R D A Y KVU. & M O N D A Y May nth am i 13th MY UN A I4OY W II4I4IAM P O W E L I4 "Double Wedding" also •M A R C H O F T IM E " T U E S D A Y & W E D N E S D A Y M ay M ih and 15th FA Y B A IN T E R F R A N K C R A V E N "Our Neighbors the Carters" (onco only a t 8 :1 6 ) a lso "S O M E L IK E IT H O T " WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Range Ropairn, SawdustHBurnern --Phone--West--89- SPECIAL Sawdust ...............$3.50 per unit Dry 'Slabs ............$6.00 per cord Inside JFir:--' from shed ....6...$6.00 per cord from mill .-....-$5.50 per'cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord \ Slabs & Edgings $3.76 per cord | --------PmTAMM3-WEL-- -̂------- 1 Phono North 620. B R O W N & M U N T O N 1B42 MARINE DRIVE " WEST 300 Burrard Laundry Ltd. well-known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phono North 1310 or West 69IL TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE 6 . E. S. SPRING TEA The "annual Spring tea of Na omi Chapter No. 26, Order of the Eastern Star, will be held a t the Masonic Hall on Wednesday, May 15th, a t 2:30 p.m., and will be officially opened by Mrs. Hazel Freeze, Grand Secretary. .A cordial -welcome_is--extended-_to_, all. S a l e of home cooking. ,, Tonight a t 8 p-m., the-semi finals and finals of the League Singles' Championships will be held in the Canadian Legion Hall. There will also be exhibition doubles and singles matche.s: featuring Bill McIntosh and JIar- W anted Capilano Golf_-:_CIub, Men and Boys to caddy, t r a n s portation provided f r o m Taylor Way. "Phone West 718,. or apply a t Professional's Shop NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN "EXPERT W atch and Clocic r e pa ir in g T. CHRISTENSON X..XXX ____________ _ The Citizenship Committee of d d J o n S d r th e Burrard table the North Shore Local Council of Tennis Association. The-public is Women under the convenership _,cordially_Jnvit^d-_„tO-_a^ n d , ^ | --of-TV[rsT^J-W.-Horsfall-is-sponsor- .this e v e n t i n g a Tea MusicaJe a t the home Vancouver Branch of the C^ana- » ok;i Q,vfb dian Red Cross Society. of Mrs, Olga Witton, 254 Sixth -Street-YYestTHNort^hTy-aneouw-,- e=S® ' (formerly with^BIrka Ltd., Montreal) 1522 marine Drive ' . SecondTlivision League champion Sockeyes on Friday a f to o o n ,.May defeated Hillbillies in the fma s No 3 car .s withm a « h o rr of the playoffs. They garnered distenw. Stage leaves AmW their second, title of the season a t 1.26 p.m.- ̂ A ®P*ond p by defeating their opponents m pam m e istwo straight matches by t h e large.turnout-of delegates, and scores of 18-5 and 11-7. , fnends is requested. ,