|« '(i'i i'ij' f 1) • I ■I'f t\ ^ i?' -:>Ht HtR- . t< 0 -r V i! , i i l I .fr. ■Wfm" l l i i : piS if:ii'» <i'i MM 'r r̂ r im rii:::i- llii •. i t f i i •j/' ' ^ ■. /k i :' ■ ■ i f |#®6IIH ii m i P k ■ i i i ^ its^ m: Mm SiSpS'sm̂ IflU l - i '4 . l / ' S ,II ! j P i S I S &'i§; M 'S'- :iM~ A •WiiW wwm VAM, vnrrm mvBcm Cor. Slot A £w|Biauiit A m RHV. W. VANCi; aA.» Mfttlotor if>53, Jf u| t«n JAy Plumo Wen 244'R Sttfidoy Serrieoe; 11 e.m. A 7:80p.m. Strengere end Vbitori ere weleomo G & 4 ie r a Duart Permanent for BAPrmr cbvbcb . •- MIttiner Her. W. a MeKey; a A.. RD. Stuufey-Servkee 10:00 e.m.--Qburcb School In- d iloding Adult Cless 11 e.m. A 7:30 p.m.~>Preeehing Servlcee. A hearty welcome to ell May &th; 1940. Mothers' Dag We iiro. proud of our reputation in waving grey and white hnir. Our method removee ail foore of diHculoration and frizzoa. De auro your mother geU the beat. Give her u Duart Permanent wave certificate from tlie Gwendolyn' lioauty Shoppe. All work auper- . viaed by Gwen Parkef. HOLLYBDRN HALL 14th and Duebeas Kriday, .May lOth, at 7:ir» p.m. Y oung PeopItf'H S erv ice illun t-Youiig I'eopitf a ru led by vicYi-M, S p e a k e r:, M r. M arah a ll S hep - h i'id . Huiiday, May 12th, at 10 a.m. S unday Scliool an d Y oung People'H B ible CIubb. Sunday evening at 7:30 GoBpei teHtimonicB by the H. C, Dowpei McBBcngerB. ■ i TuoHday, a t H p;ni. P ra y e r , and B ib le S tu d y . W S»T VANCOUVEE Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Enqulmnlt, Hollybum ThU Society in a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Chriat. Scientist* in Boston, Massaebusetts Sunday Service; U :30 s.m. Sunday* May 12th SUBJECT: "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" Sunday School at 10:00 a.ni. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 3:15 p.m. The public I s , cordially in- vjted to attend our services and cotings. SURPRISE ' ■ « ■ ■ ■ ....... oo Siiiidav* M av 12 Take home a carton of oiir smoothly ddiclous ........ "WWIa>wg»MUi WE MAKE IT OURSEILVES FRESU DAHLY Hamburgers • - - Dairy Products THE PENGUIN DAIRY LUNCH I5M Muiiu. Drive. DEUVERY Phep. W. 1057 nelsons l a u n d r ie s l t d . DRY CLEANING (C ertifl^ as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) , C. C. FINNEY, Weet, Vancouver RepreeenUtIvo Phone West 782 and Driver will call. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rov. Father Van Vaster Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W.'L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. Creators of Bxcluafve Permanenta, 1546 Marine Drive Weat 117 Sunday Services: DR. g: D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.8. DENTIST X-R,y ■ Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. 0(fico'*IIours 0 to. 0 p.m. Eveninge by appointment. ■*hoPhone West 72 Ifiatabliahed' on North Sbori ̂ ' r 25 Yeara i ( L a d y Aaaistant HARRON BROS. LTD. fu iurai Sirretora Hollybum Funeral Home' ------ 18thrnnd~Marine-- West 134 N or th Vancouver Par lore 122 West Sixth Street . Phone North .184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue Esat Phono Fair. 184 ' 11 a.m. -- Subject, "Mothers, Builders of the Race." Story for the young worahip- l>ers. 7 :3() p.m.--Subject, "The Es sentials of True Religion." The Churcir School and adult Bible Class will mc^et a t 10 o'clock. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's Society. The Hastings East Baptist Young People's So- ^ ciety will be guests of the young i>eople and will be re- sponsible' for the progmm.- A social hour will be enjoyed at the clase. " Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m. -- Prayer • meeting. ' ' Sunday Services Low Mafts -- 8:f5 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:16 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 Catechism and Bible Class--2 :0Cl p.m. '• Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. " Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. REVOLUTIONARY MEDUSALITE C E M E N T PA IN TS North Bhore Agents Easy to apply Variety of Colors Try this effective and economical Interior Wall Finish for older new plaster. . TEA R O E 8c SO N S W E S T 4 lO .D .E . WEST VANCOUVER ---------TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch 9 :45- a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.i3i- and 7 :^0 p.m, -- Sunday Services. t Evening subject; "Through Tragedy to IViumph." Wednesday^--7-;30~p7n7=Prayer Fellowship; _____________ The Duncan Lawsop Chapter I.Q.D.E. gave a very enjoyable te.a last Thursday afternoon at the Clachan, when Mrs. Frank Lee of Vancouver reviewed the book of :the month, "Mr. Skef- fington," by Elizabeth, and ' "Adolph in Blunderland." Mrs. Lee is a reviewer of note^ and her remarks proved very, inter esting and illuminating to her many hearers; Mrs. Blair Clerk, who was responsible fq(r the presence of the reviewer, was in charge of arrangements, and Mrs.' 3!, E. l^on and Mrs. J. Hi ■ Redden poured tea, while Miss Lettner,--Mrs.-Lightly-and M rs.. Bert'Thompson acted as sefv- iteurs;-A t the conclusion of her •review, Mrs. Lee was^ the re cipient of a beautiful spray of flowers. LEGION RED CROSS UKiT The next meeting ̂ of the ;<^n- adian ' Legion Unit o;f the Red Cross will be held a t 10 a.m., Mbnday,, the 13th instant- Will those who attend kindly- bring their lunch. The unit would ap- p r^ ia te the loan of two sewing machines, of which every care will be-taken. New members will be welcome. Phone West 22-M or West -218-R.-- ----------• .* A ttention ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ,Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Whitsunday Horseshoe Bay St Vicinity Thursday Bible Fellowship, 7 :45. Evangelical ;> Independent 4 S A N D 7 ^ R A \^ i:rT S IA V V Y ^ JA X ;K 7 ASPHALT PREMIX. DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly- of 706 Medical-Dental Building Houra: 0 to 6 -- Fvenihga by- appointment. I860 Marine Drive- West 432 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m,--Holy Communion" and __Sermon._____________ 1 _ _ _ _ CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST. r o a d : MAIRRIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 or ALF; ELLIS, West &23-L 'ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" NeUle Harriso|ii A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Beaidence Studio: 1956"IngIe*irood "Avenue; Weat 1066-L 7:30 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Tuesday, 2:30--W.A. Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. -r- Ingle wood W.A. meeting.^ ' St. Francis-in-the-Wood „CauIfeild 9:45 a;in.--Matins and Sermon. will be t.he_subject of the Lesson- Sei*mon in all Chprehes of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. - W e SoUcit Konr THE UNITED CHURCH 2 1 s t and Esquimau Avenue Rev. Williarii Vance, Minister S. H. SRIGLEY Painter and Decorator 1700 Marine Drive Phono Woat 938 BUSH WOOD Per Cord Second Growth Fir .......... $4.60_ Jreen A lder .................. $6.50 Bugging Wood at any length. J. SAUTH Cor. Blovcnth and Mathers Phono Weat 1066-R Mother's Sunday ^10-a.m .------The- Sunday -School- will meet in open session and will have a program im com mon. 11 ia,m.--Mprping Worship. Subject, "Mothers." Baptism of children a t this • service, 7 :30 p.m.--A niusical service. . Miss Uim Knipe of Vancouver will, be , the sp^ ial soloist. ■ Under Mrs. CJoliu Maclean's direction a Ladies' Choir will give the following program: "Incline Thine Ear," from E lijah; "God, tha t madest earth and heaven," to the Welsh . NatiQiial Hymn with Descant; "I Lay Sins on Jesus" ; solo, Miss Una Knipe. The Golden Text is: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh'; and tha t which is bom of ■ the Spirit i> spirit" (John 3 :6). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from ' the Bible: "He that overcometh shall in herit all th ings; and 1 Will be his God, and he shall be my son'" (Rev. 21^7). . --The--Lesson-Seimon..also in- the SAWDUST BUSKNEffi dudes the following pjsssage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "(3od is the creator of man, and, the divine Principle of man remaining perfeet, the divine idea or I'eflection, man, re m ains'perfect.-M ^ is the expres sion 0|f God's being." v- on the __ FOLLOWING BASIS 1. Manufactured from large, fresh-cut fir logs. 2. Double screened. 3. 'Full measure, 50 sacks (200 cu. ft.) to,a unit., 4. Tidy and courteous delive^^ _____ ^ ^ $3.00 SACKED , Place t Your Order Now. jPrlce Advancing on April 29th Gk RED CROSS i •bour. Unit met Monday May 6th, a t the hpme of Miss D ., -Dashwood, Caulfeild.-. The next, meeting will be a t Mrs. R. Harris, Eagle Harbour, a t 1 p.m. New members will be given a friendly welcome. MdBd K ino LUMBER CGd ■ (NORTH SHORE) LTD. North 1 2 6 2 W est 1 1 5 " .Ciur sawdust is also obtainable from the follpwingi reliable dealers: IDEAL FUELS, North >905 GRANT'S, NoYth 463 STOREY'S, N o^h .370 , N .^ A N . CARTAGE, North 141 THB West Van News Publiabed Bvocy Thuradaif PuWlaber^ JP. F. LQVEGRaVE- Phone West 363 Boainaas and Editorial Office: -- i_'- 1794 Marine-Drive Phone Wesi-55 T H E N E E D IS U R G E N TI A s n p a tr io t ic d u ty , every lo y a l C a n a d ia n m u s t m a k e sa cr ific e s . W e w h o h a v e n o t ^joined up? c a n r fa y o u r p a r t b y su b sc r ib in g g e n e ro u sly t o le s s e n - t h e w ar h a r d sh ip s o f th o se fig h tin g s for th e A llied Gause". $ 2 0 0 ^ 0 0 0 for,:,,;_the--objaetivea of five' organizatlont N orth Vancouver 123 Lonsdale Are. $1.00 a year by. carrier: $2.00 a year by-niai! - - ■ -- ' m mm