WPW TH B w e s t v a n n e w s May a n t mo. S M IT H 'S M A R K E T ■I'tsis-w isrw '-- A i ' i i a i v e y - S < i i l U i - ' - i i * i i s ; ; w « i t ' w r „ Vvm M ivm f jBbrrk* > Mvatlilf A«eoiaiil • CHORAL SOCIETY ANNUAL ..™..,MBET1N0 A N O .B O C IA L ._ , . ON SALE ERIOAY and SATURDAY, MAY Urd and 4th MEATSl«INKAPPLB-.HtnK«iM»r4> BUcmL2 lariff No, 2 tirm ..........................2lc lt«HJ & WhiU ̂ StK'KKVK SALMON-- f"hu>Ht qualify. No. •/* t i n ............. 20c nONKLKHH CIIICKKN--Nabob. •" 7'/i*ojt. tin .. ...............................25c Itfd Ac While Brand M ABM ALA UK-- •<-lb. fin ................. 39c 'i'KA--JicMNford. Try a .bulf lb. for o n ly ........................................... 3Sc BINHO--iinrire |»kt. ......................... 22c KBIJITH & VKfiKri'ABl.KH LliMflNS--HiinhlHt. 0 for ...... ,14c f)BAN(#liS--Nnvolw. Lurfce «i*c, tf dozen .............................. 25't' I*Bi;NBH--LurKt' .10 to 40 ttizO. 2 IhH.................................................. 23c SAiB I)A'I'K.S wifh pItM--2 liM......17c Ki*d At White BiC'K--l^iiK Kniined. . 2*lb. hack . ........ ,,22c 'i'hu kind that cookH whole and HJiowy white, Bwl & White Brand BBKAl) Fr.OUB-- 7:1b, Hack •■■........................ 25c . 2i-lb.>uck ........................ 70c Went 370 .Free lielirery BEEF PORK LAMB YEAL All («mde A At Al DelicaiaHsen Fresh Fish Daily N.ABOB CUT WAX BEANS-- (all IliiH .̂.............. lie Bed & White CABBO'I'S and BEA.S-- .Scjiiat tin ....... lie Bed & Wliite 'I'OMATOKH-- , 2 No. 2'/j tliiH ..................;............. 25c I'ANCY IMNK .SALMON-- ,No, I tin ................... ;.................... l.'Jc Ited A White CBICKEN IIA D O n^- No. I tin ........................... ............ 14c kj; \?'-r U ' ' y " .4m f' m i i11. "s III!fi(: 5 n}feiSte • 11 "'HIE ENCHANTED EMERALD'; T'hort! was a Rood attendance both on hViday and Saturday iiilflitH at the InglewotKl A udit orium- on the occasion of the pJ'e.sentation of 1'The Enchanted Emerald" by tho W est Vancou- vor Girls' Choir ijnder th<i baton of Mrs. Colin MuoI..eun. The entire proceeds ko to the Red ■Cross and the United Church W.A. "J'he oiMiretta itself, which is based on a fairy tale, is extrem e ly tuneful throughout, having a„ nnml)er of very, pixjtiy solos, duets and choruses. And the youtig iBirformers evidently w ere , very fond of the music, for'with their clear voices and g ^ d dic tion Uiey gave a most pleasing rendition which was much ap preciated by the audience. Their acting, too, was very natural and -they--remembered--thcii^--^parts ( 'rcightoii-- Noakes At 2 o'clock on Saturday after- iiomi in St. Barnabas' Church, . Victoria, Beryl Evelyn, eldest (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0 . Noalfe.s, became the bride of Mr. Donald W. Creighton of Vancou Vt. ■■ ' ~ ^ ton late liam Barton, who had ofiiciated at the vvedding of the bride's parents, and had christeehd the bride, performed the ceremony. (liven in marriage by her ndner, the bride was wearing .slat<' blue tine Wfjol fashioned on princes.s linCs, the short jacket ■lealuring blue fox on its three- Tho West Vancouver Choral Society held its annual general mc^tihgr and* social last Monday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Powell, 2710 Haywood Ave. The election of officers re sulted as follows: President, Gordon Gray; First Vice-Presi dent, James 11. Smith; Second Vice-President, Mrs. J. C. Young, Secretary-lYeasurer, Jack Shef field; Librarian, P. Hardman; Executive, Mrs. J. C. L. Hunt, R. W. Froud. G. E. Bower, L.K. A.M., A.R.C.Mb L.Mus., conduct or, and Mrs. Alf. Ellis, accompun- , ist, were both re-elected un animously. The retiring president, Mrs. J. C. L. Hunt, reported a very suc cessful season and hoped that the coming year would be even more successful. Any desiring to be come member.s should get in touch' with J. Sheffield, West 218-L. The Choir will broadcast at 7:iiQ p.m, on Saturday of this, week. May 4th, over CJOR, in wlficHT con nation a £ull"rehearsaT. of members will be held tomor row (Friday) at 8 p.m., in the Inglewood High School. All mem bers are earnestly requested to be present. Tlie drawing for the lamp will take place at̂ the re hearsal, for which all..3'Gmber8 are a.sked to turn in then their Service X U M B E R -- SASH A BOOJiS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH - -- TBERE-IS-- NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT I nBtIIOTERS'"SBPPnE|^'" ROOFING WALLBOAEO TILE A stslst * ' CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO . LTp. IBth & Marine Drive Phone W est 115 CLASSIFIED A D S Thp rale for CliMi»ifi©<» AdvwrtiMunentw ia L c®nU» per word, minimuui 25 conta. Except in the cose > f Uioee having regular accoubta, aU dasiii. in Van Newa get Immediate reeultn.Remember CloaoiB* GORDON ROBSON -7 Solicitor. 610 W. Hastings, Soy. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. >, ■ m a r c e l SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only host materials used. Exjlert operators. Phone West 304. Royal Eank Building. ,WANTED AT ONCE -- Furniture, Sewing Machines, Stoves. Tools, etc. Cash. Wo buy, sell and exchange. Agents for Fawcett R a n g e s . ■ Vinick's, North 431, CG Lonsdale Avc., N orth Vancouver._________ _ FLOOR SURFACING -- J, Suther- lanij, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 or, youngCHtHOiiof Mrs. Creigh- . . - tiokoi« A hparfv voto on of WcKt' Va'neouver and the iito VV, T„ Creighton. Rev. Wil- ̂t f " isitn PnHfoi whn hii/i Mfripiiif/./! presiduit, Mis. J. C. L. Hunt, for her past services. RED CROSS Glenarbour unit met at "Ten- aga," the home of Mrs. MeComb, Marine Drive, April 29th, at 1 p.m. ' ̂ ■.. ■ The next meeting is to be held h o m e ra t"- ('luarter-sleeves.- - -Hcr-sm all:hat--a't" -Miss - Dash wood's of (lusty pink hand-made straw GaulfeiId ^ Wiis- veiled in matohing silk net. i t jg hoped lo start May with corsage was of Butterdy a full attendance. New membersHer corsage was of ro.ses and lily of the valley. Miss Irene Noakes, sister of will be given a hearty welcome. RE-ROOFING---GENUINL DUROID Shingles, ottractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F. V. Findlay. West 494-R. PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. . (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St.' , TRm. 1271j ■ Local Aglent, ' . , . ^ F Bayliss (Notary Public). 2436 Bellevue. West 522-R NU-BONE CORSETS,'Surgical Belts, Mrs. MacAulay. 1618 Esquimalt. W. 408-R. ________________ WANTED - LISTINGS of all 'descriptions ' H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 646 PERGYi T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY Estate, Insurance . 2446 Marine Drive ij , West 1077"and~West'111 ' r " FOR RENT--Nice large, clean, light ' basement room partly furnished; frbe wood. Cheap to right, parties. 17th an<l Ottawa, West 122-R. ' well. The .stage effects, more par ticularly in Act 1, in which the scene depicted a village green, wei'o really lieautiful, and with dhe charming costumes assisted inatrially in th<j success of th e operetta. At the conclusion of the !>er- formanc(i on Saturday presmita- tlic bride, as bridesmaid, wore violet crepe, wisteria toned fine wool fashioned the redingote. Her hat of imturnl wheat stravV" was trimmed with lilac gros- -graiir ribbon, and - her. flowers- were pink ro.sebuds and mauve "WEST VAN. Y.P.S. The society again has the privilege of going to ,the annual picnic at Newcastle oh May 24th. 'There is a limited supply of ' tickets' to "each s^'iety," so' get" FOR Ba l e --OIl burning cook ' stove ' in good condition. Small drop-leaf dining, table almost newi ^Phone West 272-M. 3 to 5 feet; also "PAlN<riNGrAND"DECORATING~^ Estimates free. J . H. W^edley, West 1 0 2 2 - L . __________________ GORDON GRAY--Insurance, all risks, ....one policy, all locations. SEy. 4091 or West 92-R2. FOR SALia--Child's C.C.M. Tricycle, good condition, $5.00. 'Apply '2492 Marine. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES. All forms of documents drawn and executed. Reginald P. Blower, J.P., Notary Public, 1405 Marine Drive, West Vancouver- Phones: West 21 ^ad 20,4M. PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS --Choice Northern grown stock, reasonable prices. Orders over. $1.00 post paid. W rite for list. GAY- WOOD GARDENS, SORRENTO, .. b . (3. . - WESTERN WOODWORKERS--store and house fixtures, turning, glass,, glazing. West 740, W est 443-R....•■■■-• ....... - - ...... . .... J CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags. Sacks, Metals, Furniture, ' Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too -- smallr"Burrard "Junk"<3ô r W estOh- CHIMNEY SlPFEEPiNG -- Old Coon- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, .Capilano, North 811-R-2. l-HOLLY TREES ____________ __________________ __ W '^659^^*^ '̂' PAPERHANGING, Painting, . Kalso- I* I'f fK. i l , L _ ' . f If , ■'irr-f -- i4f f. lions and bohqucts vvefe given to Mi\s\'lCoh'»rMacLean, Mrs.-G. Sheffiold, who acted as accomp anist, Mrs. J. Haydn Young,'and MIas Beryl Hall, the latter of whom assisted in the-stage ..(llr- ection. The appreciation of the Choir is due to the following for their assistance; Brown and Muhton, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johns, K<Ĥ ve J. B. Loyland, Mr.r:ahd Mrs. J. Haydn Young, Principal J. K. sweet peas. Mr. Frank Creighton o early, those who in- of Vancouve.-.supported his bfo-: Next wffek the members . r . "thelT A re c e p li9n w a s .h e ld a t th e o r en - h o m e of th e b r id e 's p a re n ts , nrmM-^ 1 p ro je c t, w hen th e b rid e 's m o ther, w ear- ^ fo rg e t . HOUSEKEEPING POSITION i^ant- ed by experienced girl. Business -- trome preferred. Phone-We^-916-L~ for appointments. mining; first class work, a t rea sonable. rates. H. Gaines, West 167L. LAWN-MOWERS Special ing spirit ro.se sheer with black lace hat and black accessories, wa.s assisted in receiving by the groom's s i s t e r , Miss ' Isabel Creighton, of West Vanc(iuver. Miss Creighton was attired in coma rose crepe with navy hat and navy accesf^orios. . • ' Later Mr. and Mrs. Creighton , N orth Share ROLLER ARENA 1st Street, 1 block West of Lonsdale NORTH VANCOUVER r*'" ̂' '■** P mrl'f 1 8 1 ' '4' ' H r¥t Pt II' I iw' J*, ||u kI Monday to Friday, 8 to 11 p.m. - . --- , « ............. , ,, V Adults_36c Mitchell, Mrs: Gordon G ra\rancr left-for- their wedding trip on-- Monday to SafuTday, children," ----- a s s is ta n ts , J . K. (Ymdon and Uie V an co u v e r Island and will res id e 6 to 8 p,m. I5c boys o f th e B and , 1st T roop of Q ueen A nne A p a r tm e n ts , N el- Matinee every day, 2 to 4.30......... 26c BoV Scouts. St. Stephen's A Y Street, Vancouver.-Mr. Ken- Matinee Saturday mornings • - - - - - - ' ■ _ nr ^ , 10 to 12, childran under 15... 10c Saturday Night Sessions ,! 8 to 11.80...........;.................. 40c /Spectators--All Sessions.....10c.' Above prices include all service, admission to rink, skates, checking, etc. Private le.ssons arranged on applicatio'n ' For Private Instruction see Floor manager. Phone North 1735 Small, the Y;P.S. of the United Church, Hi-Y Boys and Girls, Norman MacHherson, Mrs. C.' Young, Mrs. A. Proudlock' Will those having tickets Vancouver for the^weddiiig. Mr, and Mrs. A, Cameron of Kerrisdale are spending t h e . , , „ . - month of May in one of the cot- ^ c e retifrns to Mrs. Colin i\Iai>- tages at Wing's Point, Dundar- LiOan iHifore Satunlav? ®ive. VINSON ESTATE SUBDIVISION. •. . ■ ... :■■' ■ ■ - 1 ■ .. •; ■ < '• .. . .-.6 . ■; ...-f . .• ... • ;V ..: -v. > On Goi^on Avenue at 14th St LOVfXY HOMiSlTES LOOK THEM OVER i f . . . . - iM LOVELY CREEK LOT, 85 x 130 ft. Close in. A bargain a t $600.00. SHARPE REALTY ■ JL395 Marine Drive . West 719 WANTED--For the 1st of June, July or. August, furnished or unfurnish- jed. house with 3 bedrooms' or the equivalent thereof. Must be "strictly modern and in quiet locality. No ob jection to outlying district. Wanted for three adults. Best possible type of tenants. ̂ Will take yearly lease. -----Apply wtih"full particulars'and ren t - askeJ to Post .Office Box 61, Holly- burn, WANTED--Girl, to help with house work, five mornings a week. Apply 1433 Bellevue. HANDY ANN SHOP -- 2442 Marine. Ankle Sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup- .. filies, Notions, Chinaware, Hard- ■ ' ware, Baby Garments, FOR SALE--^Folding double camp bed, new. $3.75; Single camp bed^ $2.00; Child's steel crib, 27 x.'61 inches, ex cellent condition, $5.00; jigsaw, well constructed, $5.00; child's wagon, $1.00; wicker porch settee, $5.00; 2 wicker porch chairs, each, $2.00; folding camp chaif, $1.00; Reming ton typewriter. $25.00; Easy Wash ing Machine, practically new, $95.00; double hot plate, $2.00; single hot - plate, 95c. Mrs. HI E.-Whiffin, Cy press Park, West 693-Yl. FOR RENT--Nicely furnished house keeping room for one person, hear ferry. 1358 Clyde Ave. WANTED -- Housework, plain cook ing; sleep in or out. .References. West 1007. FOR SALE--Six hole steel top grand Fawcett range, white enamel back; good condition; also other furniture. -West-438-M;-7--------------------- ̂ f SHARPENED - machine; repairs, psrtF^ West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable rates. West 927-R. J. :^W A R D SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W eshJ53-B-l. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--^Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work; prompt service. West -- 700________-- ________ ,______ A. K. WOOD,, Dustlesa Electric Fkor Surfacing, e x p e r t " workmanship; estimates. Phone W est 1093. GORBlON ROBSON -- Barrister & : Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 403. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, ll()3 Lonsdale. North 822. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block., _̂____ EXPERIENCED GIRL wants" work, , , -mornings... W est. 544-L. Also mind children. LINEN NETTING for Sweet Peas and gardens, 6 feet wide,' l^ fcen ts per foot. Limited amount. Apply 2151 Bellevue. FOB RENT--Suite or rooms in new home, suitable lousiness people. West 1009-R. FOR REINT -- . Room furiiished, un furnished, nice .verandah, fine sea view. 5 minutes to feiry . Box No. 40, -- West Van. News. >"'r. Approved for Buiiding Loans under D: H. Act. C. J. Ar c h e r l t d . W est zi>5 o r C ity Office TRin. 3 0 6 3 . / FOR SALE McClary 5. burner oil stove v?iLh high white ename )ven. Beatty White Cap electric w&<hAr. Both in good condition. W. 971-R. FOR SALE -- 14 hup. Johnston Sea horse. West 159-R2. ■ "Where did you learn that new piece?" not a new piec^. The piano has been tuned.^' -VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SBARLE Phone West_9_ FertiHzers of All Kinds, ADGO Wood, Coal, *BnildeTs!_Swplies