> r - . . , . 4 , . A . 1 , , . -- 'n»wf|!f.i»' a«.j;^.-' ̂H- '-i "• sx,.̂ ••/ -r.»,!(.-|,v / '■ S V % D "' 6 A l t V SMl ;:lUr JWl» :>;:y;i3MtMibM»̂Mwi All kinds of Bedding Plants and Cut Flowers, many varieties of Gladiolas, Begonias, Tulips, etc. Spedslislng in Roses and Shrubs, Gardening and landscaping by day or contract. "A gents lo r Eddie's N urser ies . _ ' ' iw i j p m « k « n 9|gi 3380 Marine Drive, West Bay, Phone West 364>Ml Visitors welcome .at any time. P. I. PULLER, PropV. L ocal an d P e rso n a l Gwen Parker,Jia.s returned to Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe and is supervising-all work.■ a i * ' Mr Engagement The engagem ent is announoed of Barbara, only daughter of Mrs. M. H. Allwork, 1045 Haro on.u Streiet, 'to 'Capt. Huie S. Lamb, 29th M d Q u^ n s Ave.. have loft eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A Attention Builders! \ SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVV JACK, ^ ASPHALT PREMIX. -AOAD JMATERIALS lilMlTfX) .Phono North 1141 or ALF ELLIS, West 8'23-L for Gun Lake in the Cariboo, where they e x ^ t to I'eside in the future. Lamb7 1937 Hosnuer A ve, Cap:. Lamb is a mepiber of th e Irish Fusiliers, Vancouver Regiment. , s.r , May 17th has been chosen as the Mr. and Mrs. Foniside, 1184 date for the wedding, which 'will ir.hi.oa Axrn h«t,s. ChUl'Ch Cathedral' ' ■ :',■■■■ ■ ■* v', '■ ■" Whitaker--:Van SneUenberg " * Tall cathedral tapers markM Bennett's BAKERY BUTTKIiCRUST BUEAO SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 35c a doz. Scotch Pancakes, Sconce, AlM>riicthy*B and Oat Ciikcs 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 •W" Duchess Ave., have moved into their home at 11th and Marine Drive. i(N 4< i)> Mr. and Mrs. Brazil of the h^vl^^v^fnM?/vf West Bay, chancel rail of Ryerson Unit- holidav in Edmonton. ^ . . . * r t S .1 1, .. CHILD REFUGEES - « t 2:30 p.m. FRIDAY, MAY 10th at the home-of Mrs. W. K. Woodcock, 2414 Bellevue Aye. Speaker, Madam Askanassay. Admission 25c Proceeds in aid of Chi'i Refugees now in England ' at 8 p.m*, Thursday, May 9th, in the Legion H a ll Exhibition, match by B., McIntosh and H. Jones of Burrard Silver Collection for W e s t, Vancouver. Red Cross. • f T o w n s w o m e n 's ̂ G uild Regular Monthly Meeting Friday, May 3, aV7:45 p.m. . at the Clachan RECONDITIONED BICYCLES on EASY TERMS a t FRED JONES Bicycle Shop 1439 Marine Drive The News Leave Vancouver 10-12 noon and 3 p.'m. Leave Vancouver Sat. only 10 a.m., 1 p.m. Phones: TRin 0429, West 85 holiday in Edmonton. 4i >!• 4< dragons and iris formed the T o A f i , 1 iloi'al sotting for the marriage Ottawa Saturday 'a t 8 p.m. of Mary Jo- /G.. who ha.q loind Rovni youngest daughter o f Mr. TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE Semi>*Finals and Finals Aye., who has joind the Royal Air Force, le ft hero last Monday night for Trenton, Out. , , . I ( ' . ' , i - ' >i' ■.■■♦,«■.•■...', .i' ■■ ■ . . I..'. . ■ «.1 . . « . . Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, 2372 Marine Drive, have moved to Vancouver. ■ Ik ■ Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ellis and family have moved from 7 s i 17th Street into a house at 24th and Marine Drive. and Mrs. Peter Van Snellenberg, to Mr. Morley Roy W hitaker, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. D. Whitaker, 814 20th Street. Rev. Dr. E. D. Braden was the officiating clergyman. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose an ivory faille- silk gown eii train with sweetheart neckline. A period headdress of orange blossoms held her long illusion net veil in P'«<?e and she carried a_ bouquet W anted Capilano Golf Cliib, Men Boys to caddy. Trans portation provided f r o m Taylor W^y. Phone W est 718, or apply a t Professional's Shop beautifu] home of Mrs. Romans and her son a t 1315 Haywood, was the scene of, a very enjoy able party in honor of Manley's birthday. The hostess, in artery dainty dre^s of floral design, re- of lily of the valley and Killarney roses. i Mrs. A. Mifsud was matron of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Chrissie Anderson and Miss Len- nie Price. All three wore period ceived her guests, numbering p-owna sivled alikG on nrinppqq about thirty-five ,to her home with full sWrts. M?s. M if which was gracefully decorated with flowers. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Metzger, Mr. and Mrs, Kokus, Mr. and* Mrs. J. Utterback, Mr. and Mrs. A rrett, Mr. and Mrs. sud was in rose blush taffeta and carried a> bouquet o f pale pink sweet peas. Miss Anderson and M i^ Price^Were in turquoise blue taffeta ■ and pink sw eet peas formed their corsages. Their Hollyburn Theatre TilUltSDAY, May 2nd BUITK DAVIS KUUOL FLYNN " The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex" alao . ' "VOTE TUOUBI.E- FKIDAY and SATURDAY Mat. May 3rd and 4th HAN DOLIMI SCOTT *Coaŝ ' Guard' alHo "NIGHT WORK" SATURDAY EVE. &, MONDAY May 4ih a'ud (Hh DEANNA DURBIN "Three Smart Girls'̂ Grow Up" al.su .™.-."r!^'lSlIlNG . TUESDAY & "wEiiNESl^AT ■ ' ' ' May 7th and 8th BARBARA STANWYCK ADOLPHE MENJOU "GOLDEN BOY" (once only a t 8) A ls o 1 h o u r o f s h o r t s u b j e c t s FERGUSON'S MOVING AND STORAGE ALSO DAILY FREIGHT SERVICE TO & FROM VANCOUVER -Leaw-^^&t-rVaReotrver 8 a.m. and 3 pM, Jack.Paterson, Mb', and Mrs. Joe rnitt^i wGr>G in contracting colors ' Titq, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lowe, S v I r t e r W h it a t o of the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gaud well, Mr. M.? d S f o ^ p t e m S d by Tier shepherdess hat. Her col- bouquet was- of pink and ^ n , Mr. and Mrs. A l^ McKenzie, w hite sweet peas . Mr. James Laniie, Mr̂ and Whitaker wag best man and ush- M. Cunningham, Mrs. Urquhart. ĵ,g were Mr. Laird McCallum, A delightful evening w a s Mr. Paul Murphy, Mr. Dick Til- spent in progressive^ whist, etc., ley and Mr. Harry Langford. Mr. for which suitable prizes were Archie Runcie sang during the given. A_ bountiful buffet sup- signing o f the registerv per was .served in qjiite-ar-novel------ Spring-flewers--enhanced---the-- 'style, and later in the evening rooms .at the reception held at ■ his friends presented Manley Point Grey' Golf and Country .with a garden statue. The guests Club. Mrs. Van Snellenberg, in dispersed in the early hours, all floor-length queen's blue French having voted the party a huge suede lace with matching loiig-- success; _ - _ ,. _ Isleeyed. jacket_and_darker tonedi^ , hat, was assisted in receiving.the THEl_PURPOS_E._OF-THE-^V^R-' -guests"by~the" groom's~"mdther; . who was attired in burgundy silk We are called with our Allies crepe with navy and white ao- to meet the challenge o f a prin- cessories. Mrs. W. Roach and ciple which, if it were to prevail, Mrs. H. Hanselman presided at would be fatal to any civilised t he u rn s . __ _______i_______ order in the world. For her wedding trip to Mount "It is the principle which per- Hood and the N ^ n U g a n the mits a State, in the selfish pur- bride donned a two-piece black suit of-power> to disregard iis tailleur of English boucle fa.sh- treaties ,and its solemn p ledges; which sanctions the use o f force or threat of force against the sovereignty and independence of other States." -- (H.M. K in g" George VI, Broadcast, 3 Septem ber, 1939). Philip Walts, a R c« Bass - Baritone Singer and Teacher West 892-L or MArine 3810 1009 24th St. Room 01, FaiiMlold Bldg., 445 Granville St^ -I-'; S P E C IA L Sawdust per unit DryiSlabs ............$5.00 per cord Inside F ir:-- •from shed ........30.00 per cord __from mill ....... $6'1>Q P̂ *̂ Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord I Sla bs A Edgings $3.76 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL ' 620 I INV MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1842 MARINE DRIVE WEST 300 AlnnliorH A.Jl.T. of B.C, She: "You deceived me b&fore our marriage. You told me you wre well off." He: "L was, but I didn't know it." LETTER OF APPRECIATION We would like to thank the many kind friends of both North" and West Vancouver for the^ continuous messages and flow- ; ers and cheer and assistance rendered the late Norman Rodg ers, since coming.here 17 years ago. Most particularly do we wish to thank Dr. and Mrs. Mc- Carley,--who--have-- stood-- by-- through the years and the I.O. O.F. officers and members who have never missed visiting him at least twice a week during his last seven years of almost con stant pain. Mrsr-Rbdgers-and~BiIIy." ioned with a, box coat trimmed with silver fox. W hite and patent accessories and a corsage of or chids completed her ensemble. On their -return Mr. and Mrs. -W hitaker will reside in the city. ♦ ♦ ♦ "We do not seek aggrandise m ent and we do not seek to re draw the map in our own inter ests, and still less are we moved., by any spirit of \iengeance. If Germany is able to restore the confidence which she has des- ..troyed,' we aim! at a settlement whioh will encourage her to take her rightful place in Europe." -- "Lord Halifax, House of Lords, 5 December, 1939). WodnISCoal, Sawdust UEL 1FUEL SUPPLIES West 582--PHONE--West 582 SPENCER'S FUELS 81216th Street Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L Mr. and Mrs. Mills have moved from . 1347 Clyde Ave., to. the city. , r H O L L Y B U R N B U S IN E S S C O L L E G E • In d iv id u a l T u ition ■ ■ ' --1/ ■' ■ • Phone W est 341 . . 14th and Marine 1 EXPERT, W ^ B = a f i i l = ? ^ I d c l c ^ REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON ^ (formerly irith Birks Ltd.,' Montreal) 1522 Marine DriiIre UKVW S C O N S T R U C T IO N ■J: We specializeJn Rock DrillingrUement Breaking, Tunneling^ Dynamiting Stumps and Rocks (Big or Small--We Do-Them All) The very latest equipment. , 476-East 48th Ave. ̂ ' Day or Nijjht Phone Vancouver, DC, _________ FRascr 0100