» - ̂ Ms-̂c ;̂'" ■#/̂<«-/5wi..4 ,-ĝVl» T* J ji-lSflp A f - ,-*»<« ^ - V I v-r f) "t'n 'H;*s -̂'- '̂' .̂, ̂ H.«^V S'";!' ŵw«-.>>"fl.*w w ^ 'w'̂ s;ii<-'f««^^ 'T M»li(»WlM#Wi» ■mmii| »MWWMi mUMh ..May 2ti«L Sl:3li' ;|̂ i.i!tf»!A..W. '■ ' . t , ,̂ |f SSi'lJf'"- M ' W : H U un̂ h A -LF-'t̂<;I-;< II: Mm ;;■# ■■■'Vi psi H i liili \Wh,c'̂ ' ■ Ŝ 'SfSil i i i ® -'4V'? '■ ^ i l Swi i i p fiiS ii m m W W P T A K N B W 8 Ai/|f'«l,̂ f?l'W»Vf>-!|'>l"*'̂ -f* * « WEST VAN. UNITBO CHUttCW ̂Cof<( Blftt 4 Etqoi^fc Am*. NET." W / VANOB;"'a.'Ai' f t iM i# ' 1963 Fulton Aventie Phono We«t 244-K .BuiiilftyS«rirk«ti .Uiuii* AfH$0»Mn< Sirmng«r§ «nd V bitori «r« w«Jcom« ŴPffgT Give her ,, o Duart Permanent for BAPTIST CHUBCH Miahilm- ■'lt#o»"-lV#» hiti,« iMoKbj'ii ■'. R»A»»- BwadMr SerrlcMjUMy 10:00 ®.m.--€htirch School in- eluding AdoJt CUum it 7M pjm ^P rm ^m S«rviee«. ! * O'-*- W-vr i 4.*yWî > 11 a.m. '•rfi Sorricea. A hearty welcome to all 1 9 « . Mothers Dag >Vi? ttre proud of our reputation in wuvliiff g r a y and white hair. Our method remove« all fear# of dirtcolorution and frizzes. Be f»ure your mother gets the Ix-Bt. Give her u Ouart Permanent wave (ertilicate from the Gwendolyn Beauty .Shojipe. All work super- viHC'd by Gwen Parker. -- Gxaendolynh-- Beauty Shoppe Creators of Exclusive PermanenU, 1546 Marine Drive West 117 HOLLYBDRlf HALL 14th and Duchess I ' * ,". Frliay, May 3rd, 705 p.m. Children and Young People's Service illu»trated. with Lan tern .Slides. .Subject: "The Wreck of the Titanic." Speaker: Mr. .Shepherd. ' iBunday, May 5th 10 a.m., Sunday School and' Young Pcoplo's Bible Class. 7:;50 p.m., GoHpel Service. .Speaker: Mr. J, K. Mcl.uron ■ 'ruenday, Moy 7th, 8 p.m. Prayr*r and Bible Study. Study. W EST' VANCOUVER Cltriitian Science Society CHDBOI"EDIFiCB--*#-- 20(Ji and )Bi<t«inaiL HoUyiwm This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church , The F irs t Church of Cbrl.L Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts 11:30 a.m.Sunday Service: Sunday, May 5th SUBJECT: "B3VERUA8TING L PUNISHMENT". I Sunday School at 10:00 a.tn. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The pubUe Is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. ; ■yLaflnli^aN. w .̂ sAgflA whI Air XSJUwiSIP '̂ .Aj .JH AyPi OBY cLEA rnN O (C eriifi« iigT iav*rtu«a to w c s i i a i t a , and Good Houaekeeplnic) .c . .c „ w w « y . .E " '.Je9!® K «ja?^ ^ Phone West 7S2 nnd Driver will ealL . I'ifS'WWiS' I --W c Solicit Tour SAWDUST BUSINESS ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. R^v, Father Van Pastor , ^ THE UNITED [CHURCH '21 Bt and Esq u imalt Avenue ̂ Rev. William Vance, Minister '4 DR. G. D. H. SE A LE D.D.S., L.D.8. DENTIST ' x -u .r Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. OlTico Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. ' Phono West 72 Katabliahed on North Shore 25 Years . (Lady Assistant) HAIIRON BROS. LTDr IPuncral Birectora V. lloUybum Funeral Home ^ 18th and Marino West 134 North Vancouver Parlors - '122 West Sixth Street Phono North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue Elast Phone Fair. 134 . Sunday, May 5th 10 a.m.--lTio Sunday'School. .11 u.m.--Morning.Worahip. Subject: "Can These Bones Live?" . 7:110 p.m.-- Evening Service. Subject: "Make Religion Con-, tagious." (iood music and a welcome. , The regular monthly meetihg / of the Women's As.sociation will l>e hel(| in the Church Hall on Tue.sday, May 7th, at 2:15 p.m. Ijo.stesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. John Reid, Mrs. ' John Richardson mid Mrs. J. D. Rankin. ^ ----- ÎMea.se--note: Canadian Prod- 10:15 7:45 Sunday Services - Low Masa -̂s- -̂S :16 a .m .l. High' Mass and Sermon - a.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m, Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. '"'■■■■ Wqek-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. Fridays-- Rosary, Benediction ■ VI-' : ■ 4 Saturdays --̂ Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:80 p.m. on the FOLLOWING BASIS 1. Manufactured from large, fresh-cut Or logs, , 2. Double screened. 3. Full measure, 60, sacks (200 cu. ft.) to a unit. 4. Tidy and courteous delivery. $3.00 SACKED Place Your Order Now. Price Advancing on April 29th M B . K I N G L I 7 M B E R C O . (N O R T H S H O R E ) L T D . . Nortlfl 1^62 ■-- - Our sawdust is also obtainable from the following reliable dealers : IDEAL FUELS, North 905 . GRANT'S, North 463 STOREY'S, North 370 N. VAN. CARTAGE, North 141 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 9 LEGION W.A. Sunday, May 5th Theij - Canadian Legion W.A. held mSt. (Jeorge's Tea on .Tues- 8 a.m.-- Holy Communion, t 11- a.m.-- Holy Communion and Sermon.ucts lunoheon, sponsored by the W.A.. to be held in David.Spen- 7:30 p.m. -- fevensong and Ser cer's, Friday, May 3rd, a t\l2 :30 , mon. o'ckxik. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1545 Duchess Ave. Monday, 8 p.m. mittee. Church Com- DR. McRAE □ l E N T I S T formariy of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to C -- Evenings by appointment. I860' Marine Drive West 432 Sunday Services: ,11 a.m.--Subject: "The Spirit of Truth." Story and hymn for . the" young worshippers. 7 :30 p .m .-^ u b jec t: "The Rever ence of Jesus." The Lord's Supper wilPbe ad- -mtmstered at the close. St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 3 p.m.-- Evensong and Sermon. . "EVERLASTING PUNISH MENT" will be the subjek^t of the Lesson Sermon in all . m the U gion Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Hall, for which a very I'nterest- Sunday. ' s ing programrne had been arrang- The Golden Text i s : "The way ed, George Brealey gave a violin of the Lord is strength t o p e golo, "The'Caliph of Bagdad" right: but destruction shall be _____ • u u j to the workers • of iniquity." a«o™Pamed by four hands at (Proverbs 10 :29). the piano in the persons of Miss Among the citations which Norma Minions and Miss Alma comprise J;he Lesson-Sermon is Skirton, which was greatly ap- the following from the B ible: pr^iated, and in response to de-1 1.'-- 1. ' .... ......... 'Tt is evil things that we shall be fighting against, brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression and persecution." -- (Rt. Hon.. N e v i l l e Chamberlain,' M.P., Broadcast, 3- SepteirriDerr-iOSO): 'Be hot overcome of .evil, but overcome evil with good" (Ro mans 12-21). , * The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- book, "Science and Health with rriands for an encore he ■ played the duet 'fZampa." Another ^ e a t attraction was the clever exhibi tion of dancing by Georgie Beck. Mrs. T. E. Littleford and Mrs. M. Partington were co-conveners and Mrs. W. Green took charge Nellie H arrison A.T.G.M. Special Diploma --------- T eacherof-------- PIANO and THEORY Keaidonce Studio: __ ^L955_lnglowood_A v e n u e ,____ West 1056-L The Church School and Adult Bible Class will meet at 10 o'clock. Last Sunday the school reached the highest attendance during the present pastorate. Monday, 8 p.m.-- Young People's Society, Charlie Baldwin, of __ the^-United-Young- People, -will- address the m eeting.. Wednesday, 7 ;45-- Prayer meet ing. Jrhe-regulai'-monthly_meeting_ There can be no peace until the menace of Hitlerism has been finally removed. .'il fuat en finir'."-- (Rt. Hon. Neville Cham- _berlain, M.P., Huose of. Com- mons^~"13 September, 1939). . f - - r • y . • 'W l * V ^ X X L /V /V /X V V X X € 4sl. K ey to the Scriptures," by Mary of the floral decorations. The T5 O Ir XT • xrk' O /xt r\^ rt ̂ r\ 1^ rt rt y~k>i/krt A C rt..M _ • • ....... ...... ̂J*. S: H. SRIGLEY 4-i'. ',3____ ________________ Painter and •' V:;/.": ' Decorator ' 1706 Afarine Drive Phono West 938 . - if---',; BUSH WOOD l i r f Pot Cord Second Growth Fir ..........$1.50 5reen A ld e r...... ................. $5.50 Buzzintr Wood ut. atiy length. J. SAllTII Cor. Eleventh and Aiathers Phono Wo.<»t 10G6-R r ' i ■ THE m ' ' s f . ' i ; w . W e s t Van N ew s tl-l?! * ■- / \\ "m i '" V \ ■ ■' i l l ' K l :;7-. MjsM , <; ,.',3-. * Pabliahed Every Thursday Publisher' E. F. LOVEGROVE Phone W'est 3.63 'Business and Editorial Office; - |te-t ,< ' ; 7 t - i l l 'V .....3-?... ....................................... 1704 Afarine Drive ■ Phone West 55 of the Women's Mission Circle will be held in the church Tues day, May 7th, at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Mercer will lead the devo tional period. All ladies cordially invited. SELECT -V lE W S -O F *-aC 's- BEAUTY SPOTS Photpgrraphed and painted by Mr; A, T. Dalton. P.R.G.S. -Subject:^ 'The Greatne.ss of God's Love" WEST VANCOUVEK TABERNACLE Cor. 2.5th and Marine Sunday., May 5th, a t 7:30 p.m. ■ ■ 7.̂ . V .̂7'■.■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ . "X* . VXV--V/V7A,X4»WXV/XiO« , ./XXXV' Baker Eddy : "Christian Science table decorations were very ef- command.^ man to master the fective, the Cross of St. (ieorge propensities,-- to hold hatred in predominating, with the colors abeyance with kindness,., to con- carried out in red and white quer lust, with chastity, Irevenge roses^ h ich were very effective, with charity, and to overcome Ladies pouring tea W r e Mrs. deceit with honesty. Choke these Qronmr Bruce,_Mrs._J_._B.7lieyr_ errors" in" their"" early stages, ff Hand, Mrs. W .. B. Small. In con- you would notr cherish an army nection with the Soldiers Com- of conspirators against health, fort raffle, the jlraw ing for the happiness, and success." quilt and cushion took place on Monday.-April--29,-at^3the-W.A.- James Duckworth, 24th and luncheon. The winning ticket for Ottawa Ave., who has been home the quilt was held by M. Sey- on leave^.for a few days, le ft on mour, 303 8th E., North Vancou- Wednesday night of last week to ver, ticket No. 202, while Mrs E. rejoin his regiment, the P.P.C. Diggon, "The Gables," W est Bay, L.I., in Winnipeg. __ won the cushion, ticket No. 110. VOUR COnTRIBUTIOn IS ESSERURL! Tj^e campaign is endorsed and will be directly supervised by Gn^^er Vancouver's War Chest Committee and has been registered at Ottdvva under provisions of the War Charitlc»3 Act. The fund is strictly an emergency enterprise combining the special financial needs of National agencies who have secured full and proper authority to undertake auxiliary sendees for the armed forces. The Welfare Fed^atioh and its member agencies, the Canadian Red Cross and the War Chest Committee do not "deriveniiy pirolils whatsoever from the campaign. Bank^T" Canadian Bank of Commerce. Auditors: Riddell, Stead, Graham & Hutcliison. '■77? MOfluniiv jfor ik e objectives^of five organiisdHonB* North Vancouver Office.; 123 Lonsdale Ave. Y '-f ■ v' 'V. ! $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail Pi"' f ' UNITED WAR WORK FUND lODE LEGION ĉ o u n V iI " " ̂ YMGA