West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Apr 1940, p. 6

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•*Mili *'V »%»««'* . !«(> V vv [ I f fi ;'f %',. ■. ;I,...U- Ul!. •i i'*,l Vrf^>"--j~ ■' v' 5'!]' '/ •! I' '1""'"..'-: S Lir'sF ■ * ;Ifl,' I '/'. " ', f i' Jf' ' "4i J j'..... illKlSSts.j i f f } . : i l l l m : f I ̂ .1 ■ :jK<. .. ._̂y M i t?B€Sifea J,, ,S1iSC, 4 k ,; ; I k ! 3 'Sif#.: isdsti m m i ff 7\y I'.*' >̂'̂*'>'!3-"<5*s"" » ifh:'̂ p l l 6 THE w m r VAN NEWS April 25, 1940. SMITH'S MARKET PlMMM»W««i'>4f ».K,-«-.A#,,WESMr.l!^B |̂^E0U il^ M«it*»o»Wi«i 414#.. Fre* Delivery Serric# • Moathly Aecount PIUCES (iOOI) FOR FRI. and SAT., April 26th and 27th MEATSHUKKKA m.KACll--2 liirfe btb, ir,cK<d ik White imOOMB--A 5>»Uina Ur(M>m. madium weight/ iiDong, end dumhic. Each ....... 64»c Ued A White CLEANSEH-- Hifter tin .......................... .Ac tL'leanx tile, ainka, bath tuba quickly, ,«tid thoroughly HUI.M80I/--Dranulattd Soap-- , . Large pkg. ,. • ........................... IHc SlJNLItillT SOAI*--Cake ...............Ac IIECKHTH' m .lJE --l*kg. r»c FLOOIt WAX-rMb, tin .................2#cEMCOIt.N FLAK liS--Kellogg** Giant Package Economy Size, 2 pkta. 19c CpFFEK--Aunt .Mary'a, lb......... 3Jk Red ik White Hruitd HTKAWJIEURY PURE JAM--32-oz. jar ...r....... 29c Rwl & White Brand SOUP--Vegetable or Tomato. Two favourite Houpa for quick mealH. Serve them Uigether for a change. 3 tinM --...... ....... 25c RwJ & While SPAGJIEITI--With Cheeae and Tomato Sauce. . iNo. 1 till ............ .....................I .9c W'e«t 370 Free Delivery REEF PORK LAMR VEAL Ail Grade A & A1 DelicatcHHcn iVcHh Fish Daily R«i A White PEACHES--Sliced or Halved. Tull tina ......................... L'ic Red A White (iOLDEN CORN-- Tin ................................... JOc R«mI tV. W hite TENDER PEAS-- Slew I. 2 tillH ............................. 23c Nabob DICED BEIiTS--Ifi.oz. tin 9c Red A Wliite TOMATOES--Choicest (piality. 2 M|ual tinn ....................19c RED CROSS NOTES (Continued from pag^ 1) COUNCIL NOTES A, (jlojim wa.s pre.sent at the mei'liiiK relative to .seating ac-At the 'laat Monthly Meeting , . . , .. th<* Purchasing Committee re- c'ofiimoclation at Amble.sido Park, ported that during the month o f . May Day celebration, 24th May. .March they had purchased 84 poundrt of sock wool, 36 pounds of sweater' wool, -1068 yards of material for hospital supplies and 100 yards of surgical mat­ erial. During last month four ladies attended inspection at Divisional lleadtiiiarters for u i>eriod of fourteen days. The Work Committee reported that 16 units are now working on hospital supplies and 12 on knitting. The beautiful home of Mr, (Hearn stated that if the accornniodation were provided tile May Day ('ommittee were projHJsing to charge 25c. per .seat and they would be willing to ri'imbiir.se the Council to tfie ex­ tent of 50k' of the firoceeds., It wa.s agreed that the accom-i modation he jirovided on the basis that the May Day Conimit- Referred to the Kn^ineer to lake the m atter up with the writer, F r ^ . S. Rurfield wrote the Council re Watershed Inspector. T ieferm i to t he Chairman of tho W ater Department and the Engineer for consideration and report. The Engineer's reports w'cre dealt with by the Council a.s fol­ lows: M. E* Samlxd's application, March 28th, 1940. Opening of lane from 13th over to Imperial Oil Station. The work, to l>e done co.st not to exceed $i00.00. Frame of King, Truss Bridge, Cypress Creek. The truss to be di.smantled as proiK).s<?d.. Mrs. E. G. Stevens, April 18th, 1940. Use of Amble.side Park for Sunday School picnic, June 22nd, 1940. Mrs. E. G. Stevens to be noti­ fied the Cedar (Jottage United Sunday School may have the use of Ambleside Park for their pic­ nic on Saturday, June 22nd, 1940. Health Inspector, April 22nd, 1940. Refuse, corner 14th and Marine Drive, a n d E.squimalt Avenue we.stof 21st Street. The Chief of Police to be re­ quested to Jiave, his officers co­ operate with the Municipal Of­ ficials in seeing th a tlh e Sanitary By-laws are observed and that should They notice conditions which are a menace to health or con.stitute a fire risk, they be in­ structed to warn offenders. I,vetters were received and dealt with as follows: ' F. A. Walker, April 15th, 1940. Offer to purchase Lot 1, SEV4 D.L. 1053. .......... . . . ..... A Offer accepted under .usual 'Service" tCMBER--«™itty SASH A DOORS PLYWOODS LATH -..THERE NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTV PAINT BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ROOFING WALLBOARD lIXuu A fcn tfi CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Driv« Phone West 115 C L A S S I F I E D A D S Th« r*t» for Cloaalfljxi Adrartiaementa is L <®nta per word, minimutn 25 centa. Except In the caae of thooe having regular accounts, all claNvi. fieda are payable atrictly in advjmc^ , j , . , Remember Claasifieda in the West Van Newa get immediato results. GORDON ROBSON Harrialer & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Soy. 4199 a t West Vancouver ' any by uDDointment. West 403. _______ FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suthcr- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only bes t̂ mat^riala used. Expert operators. Phone , West 304, Royal Bank Building^__ . PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West I022-L. FOR SALE--8-foot clinker rowboat, $9. West 169-R2._______ Rlii-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti­ mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. P, V. Findlay, West 494-R. PEMBERTON REALTY COUP. LTD. (Established 60 years) 418 Howe S t . ' ,TRin. 1271. Local Agent, • F Bayliss (Notary Public). 2436 Bellevue. West 622-R BARN DOUBLE F O R YOb' K EFFORTS! -- E a s y , interesting work, in a district chosen by you. Products well known throughout Canada -- sure sellers, all. ■ GET STARTED AT ONCE! By RE- TURN MAIL drop, a line to The . Familex. Products Company, 570 81. Clement, Montreal. WANTED AT ONCE -- Furniture, Sewing Ma'chines, Stoves, Tools, etc. Cash, We buy, sell and exchange. Agepts for Fawcett R a n g e s . Vinick's, North 431, 66 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver,. LIS'ITNGS OF ALL KINDS of Prop- erties wanted. A. E. AUSTIN & CO. . LTD. Marine 2431 or West 648-M GORDON GRAY--Insurance, all risks, ....one policy, all locations. SEy. 49!) 1 or West 92-R2. i 'Colonel and Mhs, II. M. Tristram ," known as "Tlie llock;" has been tee i-eimbursc the Council to the exteiit of 50v; of their receipts., conditions The C:ierk was instructed to. ; p. A . Walker, April 9th, 194Gfe .r.tdjJyji.s ---- --- -- Offer-to purchase-Lot-lS^-Block- Mi.ss H. II. McKee, April 17th, 31, D.L. 430.̂ . NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical Belts, Mrs. MacAulay. .,<-1018. Esquimalt. W. 408-R. WA HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 M arine- Marshall-Wells Paint Sale ends Sat­ urday, April 27th. kindly lent for the work of the Whytecliff unit. During March the supplies cut and distributed ' to local units amounted to 533 garment|s, while 770 were returned compltiied. A total number of 2,055 have"lK?en completed during the first six months of operation; There are still. 712 in the hands of variou.s uniLs in course of completion. It is expected tha t 539 hospital .supplies and 222 pairs of socks will have'also been completed during'lust month. A total num­ ber of knitting supplies distrib- 11 ted 1940. OtKiiiing of 23rd Street to Beach: 'fhe applicant to be advised the Council regret there are no funds available for the purpose at the piTsent time. Jaitie.8. Richardson and Sons, April 15th^ 1940. Bond offer. Writers to be informed the (k)unoil are not in apposition to accept their offer a t the present time. under usbalOfi'er accepted conditions. ' Sharpe Realty, April 10th a,nd 16thy,J 940. Offer to purchase Lot 21,,NEi/i, D.L. 1063. Offer accepted under ' usual conditions. John T. Fox, April 22nd, 1940. Oarage on , D.L. 556, Bloek 32, Lot 3. Applicant to be advised tha t the garage on D.L, 556̂ ,.Bloke 32,. LISTINGS of all descciptioiib H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 646 PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY Real Estate, Insurance 2446 Marine Drive West 1077 and West 111 -COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES. All forms of documents drawn and executed. Reginald P. Blower, J.P., Notary Public, 1405 Marine Drive, West Vancouver- Phones; West 21 and 204M. FOR RENT--Nice large, clean, Ught ■ basement/ room partly furnished; '-free wood. Cheap to righ t parties. 17th and Ottawa. W est 122-R. PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS : --Choice Northern ' grown ^tock, reasonable prices. Orders over $ post paid. W rite for list. GAY- WOOD GARDENS, SORRENTO, B.C. 'lin;ing M'utIi 1'mo.mfwt to Xuiklilies a t the present time buf 82 pouiKts (jf --OZ. sock wool ami wou|(j consider continuation . of the lease on a yearly basis sub Hollyburn Ski Camp. Undated. Lot 3 can be rented for $3.00 per Renewal of lease. . month, subject to the proviso To advi.se the writers the . that . the arrangement cease on Council is not in a position to 15 days notice'from any given -'sanction construction of any new daL> from eithpr sirlA______ FOR RE3NiT--rTwoiiroom suite, fumish'l' ed or unfurnished, on beach. Holly- burn, Box 24, West Van. News, WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store -_^nd house fixtures, turning, g la s v glazing. West 740, West 443-R. '̂ MORTGAGE MONEY -- $1000 avail­ able on good security or for'build­ ing. C. J. ARCHER, LTD. ----:West 225 or TRin. 3063 ^ CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc:; nothing too big or too smaU.,, B iarard Junk Co,, West 91. ,16 pounds of .l 1-oz. .sweater wool. JRLs'.\Tat<yi:syvm:eJiorapletetLdui:r. ing January and February. To date 01 samples of hospital mitts have been completed- by West Vancouver for Provincial Ilead- (juarters and becau.se of the ex­ cellence of the work the Local TRANSPORTATION -"jcct-'--4o-canc'ellat1diT7"sh"buUl the" Provincial Gownmenf make any other arrangem ents with the Municipality. is. W. H. Walker. April 6th;' i940. Extension of lane situated be- The following changes in ferry rates . were authorized by the Council on Monday night: Dating from May 1st, $2 red ferry commutation WANTED--Small unfurnished suite, or room; quiet home, near ferry. Summer-mo'nihsv-W'.-686-R?-- , --- CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coon- I try way; guaranteed; brick and stone _^eplairs. Palmer, Capilano, ^.N.orth:]811-R-2___________ HAULING -- Manure."^ Septic Tanks '.and Rockpits installed ;and cleaned. West 187-R. PAPERHANGING, Painting, -Kalsor mining; first class work; a t rea- sonable rates. H. Gaines, West 167L. FOR SALE -- Wood, Coal, Cow or Horse Manure and Top Soil. West 51-M. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, partS' west Vancouver Machine Shop. 1449 Marme.------------------------------------- - ____ ticlccsl/S _________ .................... . 'Vill be issued for 24 rides instead Branch ha.s now been askecLlo,. I^wscm^ Mat hers, west^of_23_ag a tp _______ _______________________ _ supply 90" sam ples'of four dif- vSide o t 2oth bu-eet. (^hove date new strip^^ickets giv- WANTED-^Housekeeper, Good Cook; - ferent ty|>e.s o f garments to be Applicant to be advised th at H n d e s for $1 will be avail- all electrical appliances. No wash- WEST w a n c g u v e r - NIGHT PAT- usod for refugee clothing. the section o f the lane-which is-- Th-e-presenLstrip^icketrof----- ing-Ehone West 1023. between 8 R O L S u r e protection; reasonable I f a n y c itizen h ap p en s to l.uive . n ow .open w as opened by p r iv a te ^ ndes,. fp ii5 0 _ c £ n ts -A re -s till_ to__ gnd.j, mornings. ..................-- rates. West 927-R.__________ . a spare Hot Plate which lie. owners and the Council regret issued^ FOR RENT -- Attractive twn^ronm 7 " ̂ " -- suite "in new home; Lovely view. Barrister, Sol-would like fo donate it will- bo-- they have-no fuiKls-civailable xtC very-'acoeptable 'i f " handed in to' ' p resen t'fo r extending" same. West 1009-R. Headquarters. • citizens are reminded of a siHKHa! Concert being put on by Mrs. CoHn MacLean at the Ingle­ wood School on Friday and Sat­ urday. A p r i r a th and 27th, 77ic tickets,ar« to\be sold for 35c. each. This ev.ent/n\diich is put on young i>eople, will he one of great musical charm. The Boy Scouts and the meml)ers"of the High School Band are assisting, and it is hoped that (Capacity audiences will pay tribute to Mrs. Maoluean and her pupils. A very happy evening spent in a good cause is already assured. North Shore ROLLER ARENA North Shore Press Ltd. April 22hd, 1940. Illustrated Develop­ ment edition. ,, To advise the writer the Coun­ cil have no allocation for pub­ licity purposes for this year. A letter was received from the Monday to Friday, 8 to 11 p.m. 1st street, 1 block West of Lonsdale n o r t h VANCOUVER FOUR ROOM BiUNGALOW --- Full basement and furnace, good locai tion and view. Close to transporta­ tion. Full price $1850.00. SHARPE REALTY 1395 Marine Drive W. 719 or Evenings W. 598-L icitor, 1405 Marine -Driye;--Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light toansfer work, prompt service. West RAND AUXILIARY MEETING T'ho regular metffing- of the Band Mothers' Auxiliary wiipbe held in the lunch ix>om of the Pauline Johnson School on Wed- May 1st, a t 2:30 p.m. All-mothers are-welcome.---------- Minister of Public Works, Apiil 12th, 1940, re Sandy Cove and Cypress Creek Bridges and Clas- sificiition of Keith Road from 13th Street eastward to the Boundary of North Vancouver as a. Prim ary High way, and was ordered filfed. A le tter was received from Fi'aiik Simmons, Corner of loth and Clyde Ave. Referred to the Oiling pro­ gramme. A letter was received from R. R. Leigh re float a t Eagle Island. Referred to the^ Engineer for report, ̂ " A le tter -was received from Francis"Millerd re gravel. ^ Adults 35c Monday to Saturday, children, 6 to 8 p,m ,' 15c Matinee every day, 2 to 4.30......... 25c Matinee Saturday mornings ' 10 to 12. childron under 15... 10c. Saturday Night Sessions 8 to 11.30.............................. 40(. Spectators--All Sessions..... 10c. Above prices include all service, admission to rink, skates, checking, etc. Private lessons arranged on. application _ For Private Instruction see Floor manager. Phone North 1735 1, Drop'Head Singer, $16.50; 1 Drop Head Singer, $24.50; 1 Singer Cab­ inet, $21.50. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 1529 Marine Drive ' Phone W. 1041 K* WOOD, Dustless Electric Floor Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone West 1093. FOR SALE--White enamelled Fawcett Range in good condition. Cheap. West 365-R. GORDON ROBSON --- Barrister & Solidtor, 510 W. "Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 403. FCm SALEV-^ttee, $4; Table, 75c; Gramophone, $2.50; Garden Shears, 35c; Ironing Board, 50c;' Electric Stove, - 60c; Cedar :Wardrobe; 40c. ; W, 821-M. CHIMNEY SW EEPIN G -- Sawdust burners instaUed; fumAce repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollyburn Block. R E V O L U T IO N A R Y MEDUSALITE C B W E N T P A IN T S North Shore Agents T E A R O E & S O N S Easy to apply Variety of Colors Try this effective and economical ~ Interior Wall Finish for " old or new plaster. W E S T - 4 ^ FOR SALE Gramophone, bicycle, hiking boots. W. 151-Ml. W anted Capilano. Golf Club, Men -anti- portati'on ^ r ^ d e d f r o m Taylor Way. Phone West 718, or apply a t ^ -- Professional's Shop--77-- FOR REINT -- Comfortable furnished home, May to September. Good loca- tion. Box 30. West Van. Ne'ws. F®E SALE -- Handsome, Mahogany Davenport of French origin in good ,'* condition. $50. Original cost $150. 2323 Bellevue., --English Pram. Good con-, dition, and play pen. W. 355-R. J$A?DLBD=^-Ome_secon<L=liandUwaterF We aiht .got much use fe r figures-- sometimes three is more'n four^--■wheii it beats two pairs. pipes, 1^-in, or, %-in. West 159-R2. SAIUE -- Vidofia 6 .Ring Cook Stove. Good condition. W. 971-R. WANTED ~ Fourrrf^ r̂oom furnished house w th fireplace, verandah. WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works IRemge:;; ^outh-of-iM arino-Driv^--3-months- ' June 1st; also small house for July only MArine 4088 Furnace and Range Repairs, _______Sawdust Banters Phone West 39 H i 1 ̂ :