West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Apr 1940, p. 5

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^ /WfrVfJ ̂ ̂ h ̂ « , , !f / V- •msM ' .-»(.',«•l̂ -̂, i.î .«(,̂ ,t«. , . -J.̂ f* ' 1, n. < Y-v«"'fr"'*'" 'xyi ""I- ■ :;itH'>;.);f'jr//iî'.i'V,yxvs:t,..\'/<Ai;';,;'.r; «M«| April 2 !̂ 1940. w e st VAN. KBTO ofAll kinds of Bedding Plants and Cut Flowers, many varieties Oladiulas, Specializing in Koses. and Shrubs... Gardening and Landscaping by day or contract. AgonU for Eddie's Nurseries. . . . . THE PAL'S :O.H0 Marine Drive, W est'Bay. Visitors welcome a t any time. Phono West 364-Ml . P. I. FULLER, Prop»r. Bocal anil Personal Donald Howieson Entertained M rs; Pau^Mu^phy:'H rsrS tall- a number of his follow students ley Anderson and Miss Maiiorie from Nornial School prior to the Lockie entertained Monday even- A.Y.P.A. dance last IjViday oven- ing a t a kitchen shower a t the inSf, > t dinner a t his home on form er's home in honor of Miss Duch^fl^Ave. Mary Van| Snellenberg. Mrs. c h o k a l s o c ie t y c o n c e r t Tiiore was a large attendance of music lovers a t the Grand Evening Concert given on Wed- imsilav evening of last week by the West Vancopver Choral So- fidy under the baton of G. E. Bowel-, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.'M., L. Mils., in the Orange Hall. The nrosi(leni;"i'M»'s. J. C. L. Hunt, niiule a brief address of welcome at the beginning. The Choir were heard in a number of choruses,' 'llieir diction and balance being very good and their rendition mai'lied with plenty of light and shade. Particularly pleasing to NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN ■ ̂ , Peter Van Snellenberg, Si*., and C. B. Jordan of Williams Lake Mrs. H. W hitaker' piHJsid^ at is spending a vacation with his, the Urns and serviteurs Were family a t their home 2756 Law- Miss Lila Wood, Mrs. Howard Bennett's BAKERY BtHTERCRUST BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 35c a dog. Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Abernethy's and Oat Cakes 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 the audience was their singing «'■ "An Eriskay Love Lilt" andol "I hear the Soft Note," as was the ni'imber "The Wind's in the South Ttxiay"^ by the Ladies' Chorus,, for which an encore was demanded. Mrs.'A'lf-Ellis was the Choir's capable' accompanist: Two ' well played instrum ental groups were also given- by the West Vancouver S tring En­ semble with J.' Haydn Young as. conductor, and they were called upon to repeat their rendition of "Uargason." ■ Philip Watts,, the well known Vancouver bass, \yho was one of the assisting artists, delighted his hearers w ith 'tw o groups of songs, and was forced to give an ■ encore number •"a t '̂ t.hcir" con-~ elusion, his accompanist being Miss Williams, Miss Mildred Johnson, of. th e ' B. C. Symphony Orchestra, the other . assisting artist, was also called upon for an encore'for her ,very fine 'oello solos, Miss Evelyn Kitcheson act­ ing as accompanist. - - The thanks of the Choir are -■ due to the B. C. Electric Store for their lo a n "of lamps, the West Van. Florist for the potted plants used in the decorations, and to J. C. Young, who took tickets a t the door. . The North Shore Local Coun­ cil of Women held its regular monthly meeting in St. Stephen's Church Hall on Monday after­ noon. The guest speakers, Mrs. K. Bernadine and Mrs. Myers, spoke on Moral lie-Arnmment, the determined effort to build a, better world, in which each man starts with himself. It stands for an a ttitude and an effort th a t is deeply needed in all the seats of public and private power to-day. Mrs. J. D. Hobden read an Essay by Miss Joan Edwards of Stev- eston on "Hovi ̂can the League of Nations be strengthened tp guar­ antee World Peace." This essay was awarded Firpt Prize ($20) by the P ort Elpliinstone Branch of the League of Nations, A re­ port of the Annual Provincial meeting held rebeiltly in Chilli­ wack '^as given by Mrs. R. Fid-.^ des. \ * Mrs. F.""A. V/alker reported on the successful tea held a t Mrs. ■Warren's last month in aid of the Child Refugee Fund. Announce-, ihent "Was made of another to be held a t the. home of Mrs. W. K. Woodcock, 2414 Bellevue Avei on May 10th. Madame Askanasay will speak on the Refugee Prob­ lem. ---The-Convener-of-Citizenship, Mrs. J. W. Horsfall," outlined son Avo. M. H. Bruton of Diihdarave, has purchased the Bowman home on Haywood Ave., between 26th and ^ fth Stix>ets.♦ * >•< Gane, Miss Christie Anderson and Mrs. A. Mifsud. Friends of Miss Doris Cleath- ero, formerly of W est Vancou­ ver, a bride-elect, entertained at a tea in her hopov Saturday at Safeway Stores liavo purchas- Sylvia Court. Presiding lat the ed two-lots, one at the north- urns were Mrs. J. E. Smith and east corner of 16th and Marine Mrs. E. D. Grout. Drive from T. J. I'each and the Guests included Mrs.. E. Car- lot adjoining, which was owned son,'Mrs. P. Clarke, Mrs. H. D. by A. Filmer. We understand Eccleston, Mrs. R. A. Fraser, they will erect an up-to-date Mrs. G. Field, Mrs. M. Goode, m arket on the property. The Mrs. William Hudspeth, Mrs.,C. Sharpe Realty Company acted Inglis, Mrs. F. W. Jackson, Mrs. for all pajrties. B. Lorimer, Mrs. A. Marsh, Mrs. * C. Marsh, Mrs. E. H. McColl, Mrs. M argaret Harrington, of Mrs. J. Pitcairn, Mrs. H. H, Rea. North Vancouver, mother of Mrs. T. Shields, Mrs. N. Wat- Frederick , Harrington, 1302 son, Miss. Muriel Beaton, Miss Clyde AVje., passed away on Mon- Dolly Brydges, Miss Jessie Field, day of last week. Funeral ser- Miss Nellie Fraser, Miss Doro- vices were held last Thursday in thy Gillham, Miss Marcia Harris, North Vancouver, interment be- Miss Doris Hacking, Miss Phyllis ing made in Capilano View Ceme- Lambert, . Miss Jo an ' Lambert, tery. ̂ ' Miss Norah MacLaohlan, Misii * * * . Jessie McLean, Miss Nellie Ne- The last practice dance for rOhi, Miss Esther Paulin, Miss this season of the B. C. Scottish Marge Robinson. Country I Dance Society, West Miss Laurel 'Rowntree, Miss plans of her committee and an­ nounced a tea to be held a t the home of Mrs. Olga Witton, 254 6th Street West, North Vancou­ ver, on May 17th. A splendid pro- gramine is being arranged! Dele­ gates and friends are asked to ieep^fhese-^dates in mind. . Vancouver Branch, will be held Kathleen Simpson, Miss Marjorie at 8 p.m. on Saturday of this' Steeves, Miss Elsie Thornton, week, A.pril 27th, in the Legion Miss Ella Todd, Miss Betty Vin- Hall, cent. Miss Chris Wonder and Dpde Wood. Miss Cicely Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davidson Tonge spoke, and Miss Mary Wel- havp _nioved to their summer lings contributed a .vocal selec- home a t Caulfeild. Mrs! Ellen tion. Pieser will join them shortly. ♦ ♦ ♦ * * * ' Mrs. F. J. Vinnicombb of Ver- Mrs. Harvey of Vancouver has non, B. 0., sister-in-law of Mr. moved into a suite a t the Fort- and Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge, 1332 Hollybiirn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Mat. April 25th, 2«lh and 27ih NEUVO & KNOX FLANAGAN "ALF'S BUTTON AFLOAT" al«o KONGA THE WILD STALLION" SATURDAY EVE. April 27th CLAUDETTE COLBERT JAMES STEWART *1t's a Wonderful World" MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY April 29th, JJOth and May lat BETTE DAVIS ERROL FLYNN OLIVIA DE IIAVILLAND "Elizabeth and Essex" une Cup Inn for the season. MAY DAY COMMITTEE Duchess A ve.,. was the ir guest during last week-end. Philip Watts, a « c " Bass - Baritone Singer and Teacher West 892-L or TRinity 2418 1GC9 24th S t/ 059 Granville St.- FIRST WEST VAN. SCOUT TROOP (St. Stephen's) A farewell party," in honor of Miss Bessie A. F ry announces an exhibition of colour-prints and water-colors a t the^Vancou- .ver Art Gallery, 1145 W est Geor- -gia-- Street,--Vancou ver^~^7froni~ Tuesday, April 23rd, to Sunday, May 5th, inclusive. The members of the Mothers' Auxiliary to the above Troop and^Pack ■will niieet a t th e home of Mrs. S. Mackay, Oxley Ave., on Thursday, May 2nd, a t 2:30 o'clock. ------------- ------ -̂------------- The May Day Committee met Mrs. Jack Anderson,-was given on Tuesday'^ night in the. Council Tuesday evening a t the home o f ' Chamber, when good progress Mts . Ev S. Chapman, 1782 Marine WJas reported by all the delegates. Drive. The guests included Mrs. As in previous years a list is G. Vance, Mrs. Vera Denton, being opened for donations _and ,Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs. T. Hughes, prizes for the May Day Celebrai- Mrs. J. Bowden, Mrs. F. Corbett, . i tion.. The local merchants will be Mrs. T. McCarthy, Mrs. Wm. calle^--on-'~-~by--̂ isemlbers * '*p£~--a--̂--Gentleman, Mlrst--RrrrPaiJ^dn, .IMi Sr-- SPECIAL Mrs. C. L. Warner, 951 16th Street, en te rta in ed ^ ® week"at~ a luncheon, when covers were ■laid for six. committee from the W est Van- Marion Lineham, Mrs. A. Watts, couver Chamber of * Commerce. Mrs. R. Plfillips, jMrs. W. Court- Any~dt.Kers~dFsirtirg~toT^nt^f ib'^"~Trey7~Miss~E th[el"R(5berts: Sawdust ............... $3.50 per unit Dry Slabs ....... ...$5.00 per cord Inside F ir:-- ^ from shed ........26.00 per cord from mill ........$6.60 per cord Slabs with Bark |L 00 per cord Slabs & Edgrings $8.7& per cord PRITAM'S FUEL -Photte-"North-620- West Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club zLherGceen=wilkbe-Officially-Opened--for-pIay-by-- Reeve and Mrs. J. B. Leyiand on*; Saturday N ext, A pril 2 7 th , a t 2 .30 p.tn. WET OR FINE Gather permitting a mixed draw game will take place immediately the ceremony._.-There- is-_accommodatiorL. for__a_few_ more_ niember-s-and old bowlers 'or novices wishing to join will Be made welcome. Application may be made to any . member or to P. C.. Chapman, Sfeeretary, West 42-Y3. ute iare asked to kindly send their donations to the W est Van. News, 1704 Marine Drive, Hol- lyburn, B.C. Acknowledgement will be made through th is news­ paper. " TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE DISABLED VETERANS' ASSOCIATION An afternoon tea with a sale of home ePoking and plants was F irst Division Last week the Dudes copp^ the playoff finals, beating the "Canadiens two^traighFln=^^^ two out of three series. Scores of both-matches were 13-5. .Second Division . Q uarter finals of the playoffs held in the Disabled Veterans' have been completed with the ~Hall~on~Tuesda3̂> April" ~16th -- f ollowingrteams: being viatorioiis te n n is BICYCLES R acquets, B alls, C.G.M. R estrings, E tc. 1940 M odels FRED. JONES BICYCLES FOR RENT 1439 MARINE DRIVE GOMPLETE-SFLLOUT-AT FRIDAY'Ŝ Pro ̂Rec. D em onstration IN HASTINGS PARK FORUM . necessitates A R epeat P ^ o rm a n c e SATURDAY, A pril 2 7 th , a t 8 p.m. General.Admissioa Ohly: Adults,. 25c; Children, 15c During the serving, of tea ad­ dresses were made by the suc­ cessful candidate in the recent federal election, Mr. J. Sinclair.- Mr. Darlington, *of Vancouver, and'^Mr. Parkinson, of Revel-, stoke. Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mrs. Rivers,. Mrs. Cromiar Bnice and Mrs. McKay poured tea. Mrs. W. B. Small drew for the raffle and Mrs. J. E. Knight held the lucky number. The organization wishes to express its appreciation to all those who h e lp ^ to make this afternoon such a success. Hillbillies beat 'N ifties 12-6, Crimpers beat Comets 14-4, and Westenders beat Norvanite.s 10- 8. Hillbillies now play Crirripers in one half of the semi-finals, and "Westenders play Sookeyes in the other half. Winners of these matches will meet in the finals, la best two out of three series. SCOUT NEWS Ever try makin a batch of cookies with a dime or a quarter in each en giving them-to some poor widder with a bunch of hungry kids? You'd be .surprised. We seei) a lady (? ) give a trac t to a poor feller who asked fe r a cup of -coffoe.-He-could'n!t_eat, the derli-thing_ --mebbe cause she didn't give eny coffee to wash it down. We specialize in Rock Drilling, Cement Brealdhg, Tunneling, Dynamiting Stumps and Rocks (Big or Small--We Do Them Ail) . East 48th At*. W atch and Clock. BEPAISING , T. CHRISTENSON Day or Night'Phone .Vancouver, RC. FRaser 0100 (formerly with Birks Ltd. Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive 1st West Vancouver (St. Stephen's) Troop A cordial invitation is extend­ ed to all parents and friends of the troop to attend a little enter­ tainm ent to be held next Monday evening, April 29th, a t 7 :30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. The boys have been working hard on the programme which gives every in­ dication o f being good. Come' along and enjoy the fun. A r ^ l F ifstT ^igH t^ " programme with" first-class actors. And you should, see our actress! If it hurts you to-laugh^-you-had-better-slayLat-^ Week-end " "long distance" rafes___1 are cheaper Bargains in long-distance telephone calls are available every week-end. Week-end rates, which are the. same as the low night fates, are in effect from 7 p.m., Saturday, until 4 :30 a.m., Monday. Send your "hello" when the"'rates are low.' BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. i Tiome and w e ^ fKe garden, but • y* - V ■" -- ■ ■ -- i j-Lvyj-L-ET,if you do come, we might eyon serve refreshments. Chas. E. Wintle wrote the GounciLre-iipen-oulv-ert,-corni3r of- T4th and Haywood. "So George has made a fortune." "Yes. he invented a chocolate bon­ bon wjth a lettuce, centre ^for women on a diet." Referred to the Engineer to place a guard rail if necessary. Benjamin H. Bowles wrote the Council Te Duchess Avenue and 19th Street. Referred-^to the Tarring Pro­ gramme. ► ..4 . .... '