. - . « >. f '■- ' -t 7̂̂" 1>̂tWlf * --T--------. U_ . .. ^ J, JMLUIIIIJMI .......... ^ "•'■r ■■- 'ttr'V!5 ' Ŵ4f)*iS»b i~«~'»W.'<sr5 V V- "'■S't ' \\ 'T'̂-*. mMni •piw «MMi« t̂ iPI April 25, 1940. THE B ig f _ ________w ii'.# OMVil ISJII ilt'M, /lot ojiiy ior liitf territory, but and for <-ach onu the o]»t*rutlon of or «jl Ihu.oilR-r hrunchua. Thii» »uc- Truth lm<l proved KuOieient to elimln- -Sv' '̂i K' f̂' 1r - . world tho most pructic*! ftrui «fflc*« oiouft mtaedy fur any busiiu»iji |urob> jidiii "bifis p f (J<h1, uiid ha righU-ouKUOMi atui oU thefco thuit^K shiiii he added uuto you,*̂ ' tSo/iiu tiioe ago 1 Irad au iiitorealitig (otivi-iftuuoii with II young husinoi^g mail, who Is an earncM.r student of , thristiun >Scleiice. i t was his custom to apply ha undersUiuding of this .Svience to ail of ins husincsa prob* leitiH. JJe was one of the youngtati r^aiehiiien foi n tiutloiuiily used prod uct, and shoi tiy after he becumo an eniidoyee ul the imii iiv found that he hcuiJcii an honor list, to which much puhlicily-was given, by ieiuiitig in niilv ov cesH he utinhuted solely to his uppJi cation o i the teachings of Christian .Science, JJul auddenly ho. feit u new rehponhihtiily, u repulution to uphuldi a leconi to niuuiium; und lie began giving 11101 e and. tnuru time ..to his nurtinehs, olleii hUiyiiig up lute u t nigiit. io Ills Hurjiribu his sales begun to iail oil, and heJoie long he was be low the lUaniiatd lie had jireviously set Jhen he reali/.ed that he hud heeii neglecting to seek Hist the king dom ol (iod, and Imd been spending much iesM lime m the study a'nd eon- templalion of ('InisLiuii .Science, For- tuiifiteJy he t'ecogiii/,ed his . mistake, aiid when iie returned to his former practice of seeking Cud lirst/ the Ollier ihiiigii were guain added to him, lie said he had learned u valuable leHsoit which he hoped he would never forget. rratlom 'Hit* Ufmptation came to her that one's understanding too small'"bMr-.--____-- -__, ______ --- -___- ,.,-..1, „ ..... th a t in this case an operation was to m a k e th e s e t r u t h s p ra c tic a l is only motaiary Fur nmay ym ra Mhe JaM a post|wa«meat of that which one reliad uitoii ('hristian Science to meet must eventually prove, 'i'he smallest her every need, and it had never fail- grain of truth has more j>ower than ed, and she womiered why she did not all the arguments of evil put together hlive . a,_heiiling this timo . The sug- for. aJI tim e.W e Can d'^our part, and .................................. .... ..................... .............. , , , w .1 uigeation of an operation was so in sistent that she gathered together all Mrs Kddy's writings, the Bible, and their t*oncordance», and set about to make u thorough analysis, examina tion und dill gnosis of the cose. For saversi days siie iiersisted, and when sh« had llnished shn fplt that she had •pusseil tlirough each of the'm alerial stages attributed to such an operation, ato the argumenU, symptoms, and physical diMomfort attending them. She emerged completely healed, und has hud no return of the difliculty. Moi'liil mind cun only counterfeit the operation of divine Mind. leave the increase to tJod; I t is our willingness to use what v.c do under stand that makes û ̂ receptive, to larger unfoldment. Let us leant to accept the testing times as opportunities to ri.se above error. I am reminded of a story of a man who was traveling in the Hi malayas. He was watching a .spectacu la r storm, and spied an eagle just tis the fury of the tcmi>est reached it. He expected him to be d.̂ t̂ hed about and ■ thrown downward by ilie tumult, but, instead, he was amazed to see the eagle spread his wing.s, .set hinifielf, and use the force of fhe wind to curry him uj> and above it.,He literally used nvercoiiiiiig Limitniion the storm to rise higher. Would you postpone, i I'racliciug Fruyer lOvery discord or inhurmony, be it physical, mental, or linaudul, can be cluMsirM'd a.'t some form of iiniitalion. If, ut iirsl, this Houmls like Urn drastic a statement, let us analyze it, Web ster define.- "Infinite" as "without lim its of any kind." Is it not ]iluin that physicnl inliarmony dainm to limit - the activity.of the, body? Fvery })husu of wrong reasoning would liinit the accompli.sImienL pf good in some di rection, based Miostly ujjon the as- HUmptimi that each one has a liniited amount of health, hu])piness, activ- or turn aside, an opportunity to* gain freedom knd dominate over the dnini.s ..of mortal sense? Would you be tos.sed about in dlsoouragement, fear, (Ic.spair; or will you use the storm, us did the eagle, to curry you higher and higher into the atmosphere of 'peace and har mony? Wo cun bo grateful for the trials that come, if we have the wis dom to u,se them for this purpose. The more severe,the trial, is, tlu; higher it can carry you und the greater will be the ovefcoming. When the storms of huimin expe rience approach, let us not try to plunge through them in nn attempt SCIENCE AND HEALTH Ity, oi; HU|)j)lv portioned out to him, to dispel them by material knowledge 'The A.jm,slle .lames, out Of the rich ness of Ills own exjierieticu, declure'd with conviction, "Diuiv nigh to Clod, Mi' 'vf ,>T ¥"Kv' 111 .Vsi i k ' m i p i WM lii,: illifte l i i ]■ ViV-fesifeg ills 90̂WSi i iS and ho '"will jdcaw nigh to you." W« are di awing"' aigli to God . when we .'liikdt a better understanding of Him. ia the Ciirislmn Science textbook J'ruyer is Hie iTrsL chapter. Thus wo nlay j'eauuuably assume that Mrs. .I'idUy reedgaized that one iieeds lli*st to di avy nigh ,lo God • through pru.yor. in a desire to know and uiiderstami Him. Among oilier things in thi^ cl' ipLer wo are reminded that the struggle, to he good is prayer. This is soiiiewliat dillerent from the ordi nary coiieejiL of jietiLiun or a rehearsal of human needs. We learn also that if" our prayers are sincere, wo labor for., what we ask. This,.then, is the .need of mankiiui--to learn' to practice prayer. Gur work is not linished with the oifering pf iirayers; wo must fol low by jnitting them into jiractice, if wo really want them' to bo unswerod. I t is iaeonsistent ami iuolfectuarto ask for one tiling, and practice another. A man and his wife,-students of Gliristian ,Science, decided that their business and financial success • justi fied their moving into u larger and belter home. Shortly after they hud moved, the- hu.sband's salary was cut, and they concluded they had made a .mistake, and began to ' retrace the steps they had taken, which, a t the liine. hud seemed" to tliom to be prog- re.s.s. "llut condition.'i only grew worse, and their supply was cut off in othev"^ iiirectious. Now these earnest people hegmi to seo that there needed tp bo some mljustment in their thinking about supply. A.** they worked , over the problem they recognized tliat cur- und when )ie has used it up, it is depleted. One may believe that he has used his .share and should nut expect to have any more. It is through the infinitude of divine Mind th a tJ im its are denied and, broken. The antidote for the fear of, and the belief in, lim itation (d)vioiisiy is the understtindirig that ( jod i.'i inlinite, limitless, und that the inexhaii.stible, good which Ho con- tinuoij.sly ,supplie.s for Ills children can never he'diininished, used up, or over drawn. . . I know a young boy who ̂ a number of years ag o , was seized with what,, is culled infantile paralysis, and tvas faced with the argument that hip physical activities could be greatly limited. A large portion of his body became immovable, and distorted. ThTs"little boy had been a student in or development, but use them to lift us higher into the atmosphere of .Spirit. If the fury of the tempest forces us to abandon material methods and seek divine guidance, then we can bo grateful for these opportunities to rise higher. When one comprehends a truth in Christian Science, -the ojiporLunity to prove it often immediately follows; ' and this coincidence may be misun derstood, and not recognized as a blessing. The understanding of Truth, carries with it the resiionsibility, for proving it, and the ability to make it ogr own; and this means progress. Behind each command of Truth , is divine authox'ity','and carries with it an attending blessing,. when obeyed. Christian Science is a demonstrable religion, and unless one is, willing to tho Christian Science'Suiiday "School-- Prove it,- he will have .little part in its for two ycar.s, and had learned some : UulmenL, altIuiugh-somoUmes huinanty ru'ce.ssary, was an element of lack, and Umt they had been practicing luck whihi i)raviiig-f-ou-aiu:itrht- umterstand--- When they had of the truths of divine Mind taught^ there that refuted .such false argu-' monts. A practitioner was called, and the m other dung- to the statement of truth in tlie Bible that came to her; "The Lord ... ; maketh the devices of the jieople of none elfect." When, after, a few days, there was great im- proveiiient, the child insisted that whatever degree of activity he was able to express, would b{5 without any assistance. As he put it, "I want to u.se, vvhat I 'have." He -maintained tliaf Cod wanted him tom ove, and that mortal mind could noL keep him from moving. Within a week he was -lieaied and normally active, and to day i.s a robust, healthy boy. _God never places limitations of any' kind upon His idcui man. In proving this spiritual Tact, the only change that takes place is in human con- There often arises the argument that one is handicapped by piist mis takes, environment, or training. What you think now is all that", counts; oWluit you know of Truth, and prove now, is the only important or neces sary-consideration. The history of error .is as false today as it will be to morrow, or was yesterday,, and can- '■not tauch,, the real man;, who lives in eternity. When you find something helpful in the Bible, or Mrs. Eddy's, writings, or in the periodicals,, or in- a lecture, do you .say, "Why, that was just ■writ-: ten for me; that just exactly fits my case," and make yourself believe th a t this is enough? To'have found the remedy is only the first step. To apply it, use it, means to receive th6 benefits and blessings promised therein. You must make it your own.. WITH KEY TO THE SCKIPTdliES by MARY BAKER EDDY The original standard und on I.v Textlx)ok on Christian Science Mind-healing, in one volume of 70l» pages, may be read or purchased" at CJiristian Science lieading Booms tliroUghout the World. , . The addresses of the Chnstian ,Science Reading Booms- in Bri tish Columbia, where "Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures" mu.v..:bo read, pur chased or ordered by post, arc--• VANCOUVER: G40 West Pender. J482 W. Broadway at Gran-; villel 10th Avc. and Main Street. NORTH VANCOUVER; Church. Victoria Park, E, WEST VANCOUVER; 20th St. VICTORIA: 512 Scollard Bldg. CHILLIWACK: Yale Rd. , COURTENAY: ' ■ Canadian Legion HalK DUNCAN: King's Rd. and Ingram St. HANEY; Lougheed Highway. KAMtOOlPS: Church Edifice. KELOWNA; Beimard and Bertram Sts. * LANGLEY PRAIRIE: Fuller Hall. : NANAIMO; Ckapel St. NELSON: 209 Baker St. NEW.. WESTMINSTER: 541 Clarkson St. PENTICTON: Fairview Rd. PRINCE RUPERT: Church Edifice. TRAIL: Church Edifice. WMd, Cud, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES Wait FHOHE-WiMt S82 SPEN€ER*S~FUELS 812 16th Btre«i ON ^ MME BROWN & MUNTON 1B4» MAKINE DRIVE WIVT SflO <if B.IX NOTICE While the dead line for news is 6 p.m. Tuesday, we should be greatly obliged if organizations and others having news items send them in as early as possible, whenever they can conveni ently do so. This will make for an earlier delivery on Thursdays, and will materi- ally help our boys on their routes. -^Editor. Keep your I . M oney C irculating in V ancouver W est Vancouver Chamber of Commerce Jake Eensterm acher sprained his' back t'other .day lifting his mind out of the gutter. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mebbe the hoop sk irt en the bustle -is coinin' back but we ain't* seen any signs of i t yet. A ttention Builders! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT PREM IX. ROAD MATERIALS LIMllIED Phone North 1141, or ALP ELLIS, West 160-Y I ■ : m f lia i 1 * ' a'-' mg of abundaiioi.!. . ............... rovor.sod tliis false roa.soning, the bus- bimd's tmlary was restored, with the ' deduetioius refunded. And wlien they were again estnblisliod in the xiew home, an miditionar and . xmoxpeoted source of income opened, up. Wo can lu'gin right whore wo arc to practice |)rayoin)y fofusingT"o"vmee error or claim for ourselves tiu! things wc do not wish to manifest. Whnl a cheerful round of conver.satiou tliis old worhl woulil enjoy if this xvere ^mivor.sally obs^crvcd! Just check uj) on yiiursflf for one day, and.see how dednrntions S i i ^ n a n ^ declarations concerning your .^rody, your business, your home, and ^u on, you make Umt you arc really desirous of eliminating, rather Ihiin manifesting in .your experience. .'Vnd . then see how m any times ,>*011 can re.sist tho temptation to voice «̂ vil, and deny its fal.se sugge.stions by: declaring good. Asking Gqd _ for material thing.s co,uld come under the classification given in the Bible as "vain repeti tion," for then; is nothing in .Spirit out of which matter could made. If one longs for abundance, more love, more joy, he may huimuily plan how, he thinks he can obtain them--per haps by more financial security, better healUi, congenial companions, interest- ing work, and .so on. But so long as .he believes that love, joy, happiness, health, and .supply are to be found in material conditions he will never really find them. As soon as he realizes that they are .spiritual quaUties, which ho has a present ability to expre.ss, ho will begin to claim them as his rightful heritage, and as ho does this they art's inevitably brougiR into his human experience. When he learns that man expresses these qualities, . imieiiondtm t-of m atter,--li 0--wl 11-- that no. condition of m atter can give Hciou8neB.s." A false belief is exchanged for a true concept; material knowl edge is exchanged for spiritual un- _-dar.standing4-In-breaking^down-limi- iations, let us romembor wo are deal ing wdth thoughts, beliefs, and that wlien tho 'wrong reasoning has been exchanged Tor right thinking, the re- .sults aro manifested in our outward experiencca. In working to overcome lack of health, contentment, supply, and so on, let us turn from.tho con- --tomplaUon""bf"thcvTliflrorent'"plurses"of lhe.se conditions, and think more about the allnesa of God, and man's oneness with Him, Lot us learn more about the real man, in order to detect the counterfeit and protect our.selves from it. , ^ --MVhv doorrit nnem. ?to_Llifrw»nlf ,n>- tect the fraudulent nature of that -Wheir-Jesus"'had conciuJed the par- able of "The Good Samaritan" * he hud answered the lawyer's question _f'sgarding his neighbor satisfactorily even . the lawyer must have recog nized it as such' But Jesus added an individual responsibility to this rec ognition of truth. He rem ind^ him to go and do likewise. But what -ofj the first question the lawyer asked/ the one which is in ,the thoughts o f ; practically everyone today, as' then: 'iW hat - shal 1--I- d o-to - inherit-eternal- - M K M lOli ftO tl i lO K life?" Jesus gave him hi's answer in the first two commandments: "Thou shall love -the Loi*d thy God with all thy .heart, and with all thy^ soul, and with all thy stiength; and with all thy mind; , and thy neighbour as Thy self"; but to this also he added -anethei-- responsibility--inr^order to Even the m a d d e s t custcnnrbuilt lim ousine ĉ Ger no finery more liunui-* Sows appointm ents than the sm urt new Kenworth Clipper coaches th a t serve th e N orth SHbore nmte.^ whiv'h we call a mortal ? Is it not be cause we have not learned to recog- ,niz(> the real mini? I recently read an interesting article exMaining the method of „counterfeiting\money, and how it might be-.detected. Yhe author -"'iiid that he had proved ' that tho average citizen has only a verxr slight knowledge of genuine money, and when asked to describe if, for in stance, as to distinguishing marks for ililferent denominations will fail nine -time.s out' of ton. That is why, he ex plains, one is so easily deceived by a counterfeit, "If you want to protect younself against bad money, study good money," he advises. ThTj:s" t h ^ really find the answ^er to his ques tion: "This do, and thou shall live." He W'ho - has read these two com- mandments and passed them by as. impractical or too idealistic will find the very windows of heaven open to him if he takes them into his daily life and lets them solve his problems for him. The effort to understand, the struggle to prove, and the courage to niflintain aro so littlo to when the reward is so rich and the bless ings so great that await the desire and willingness To obey them: "This do, and thou shall live." All Pacific Stage b«K»es on the route are modern^ idiedky 8mooth«»ridingy and the last word in luxuriant eaae. Make the heretofore daily oedk^ of the shopping excmeion a pleasure* Actually eu|oy hring taken to yoEir day's wo^k. Ride in safety a trained, afamrifeur a t liie wheel. ' ' them to him or take tliem away fx"om him. AVe mayT'niprovo materia] con ditions by spiriliml thinking, but spiritual ihmkihg is not gained tlu'ough improvetl-material conditions. A student of Christian Science -ivas best way to protect oneself from tho deception of the counterfeit man is to learn more about the real man. ^yhat are some of the wrong thoughts that need, to be exchanged for true ideas? Christian Science teaches . that "the procuring cause and foundation of all sickne^ ' i.s fear, ignorance, Or sin" (Science and Healtli/ p.«.411),. Most of us know well the harmful results of sinful habits of thinking, and 'we know, too, that ig- norance must--bc--replaced--by--under-- standing; but we may y e t 'nee<i to eliminate fear before a healing" is accon^lished. Over and over again Mr.̂ . Eddy reminds.Jtts„tk a t .when fear VERNON FEED STORE Qippera mdk» nound trips to Van- «Mma* from early morning tHl l«<te a t night. Phone West 933 for tlnifn A. C. SEA RLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of AH Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, ------ Hui|(ders~Supplies" ~-- '■ '-■5. is banished the case is healed, and once faced with a Jtihysical-J^proble for which materia, mcdica declares : m, an operation is the only remedy. A friend, who was not a student o f Christian Spieneo, had n similar obstructing grouTh ten'gporarily remov^xi by An that Love, dirine Ifovoris the supreme'-' and lasting remedy fpr all fear and its discordant effects. And^so, again, in order to recognize tho fraudulent nature and powerlessness of fear we need to learn more about Love, its all power and presence.' Sometimes the eonvenieht excuse Biirrard"Launilfy"I:fil~ w ell known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L Place Your Job Printing with The West Van News t m ♦ , i