^.' ....̂d, -,t-V> . . ., v̂ «5» .IV- iMi #î â igatiip liiffeiWigi T H l WEST VAN NEWS April 25, 1940. 4 ieeture' oa CkriiMllaa Sd«iUM»».e^ ̂ titled. ••Christian Sd«»ce, Its.Practice ,Vrwl Proof," tvas delivered last Sun day afternoon, April 21afc in the Holly- burn Theatre by Florence Middaugh, r s of Ix)3 Angeles, Cal., Member ol t i i r board of Lectureship of Tho -vilotht^^hm-ch, The F irst Chureh of Scientist, in Boston, Mussa- ciiusotU under the auspices of Christ ian Science Society, West Vancouver. The lecturer was introduced by Mr. Frank S. Marsh, who said in part: -111 Christian Science wo learn to iindersUind niid put into practice tho \Vav of Life and Saving Health re- f.,vvi'd to in the Psalms, where we Entitled Christian Science: Its Practice and Proof. ' " I'V • ' , FLORENCE MIDDAUGH, C.S.. of Los Angeles, California. Member of tho Board of LeoturcHhip of Tito Mtdher Chinvh, Iho h irs t Churx^h of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, MnssuchusettB, W hat Is Christian Science? idea, man. Some time afterwards she mot this friend again, who joyfully told her that she luul experienced a once, Mary Baker Eddy, in tho Man ual of Tho Mother Church, which runs in part . . . "«nd may Thy Word on- rit'li the uirections of all mankind and govern them." . Tho jiurposo of this Lecture is, to make known this healing Truth and what it cun do for mankind., 1, myself, have received proof, of this heaWng power. A fter 'tho las t war 1 was discharged as physically unfit for,further Military service; later, be- comijig interested in Christian Science and ' having had Christian Science treatment; 1 was able to pass a severe phy.sicul test in order to take out Life Jnsurance. The use of tobacco, social drinking and many other difficulties, have also been overcome,, Christian Science either through ig norance or malice. Then, too, because the mime is new, some may believe th a t its teachings' are new, and dif ferent from the. ' Christianity pre sented in the Bible, and taught by Jesus to his .disciples. Many of tho vital elements of. this demonstrable Christianity had , been lost to tho world, or considered impractical. Among other things, M rsr Eddy has restored the healing of disease, and has revealed that it was a natural; spiritual law which governed the so- called miracles of Jesus. She proved, and students of' Christian, Science all over the .world are proving, that this objects oven a shoi't {lislance from her. • Suddenly, one day, the veil lifted and she, could see clearly, aifd as far as she ever had before. No .specific treat- ment hud boon given her, but tho faith ful application of God's law had oper ated with nrocision, and harmony was restored. Thus wo learn that when wb iden tify ourselves with Principle, wo are able to i>rove that we are governed by fixed rules of peifoction, which hold man forever, inseparable from divine Principle, God. When Jesus declared. "Bo yo'there fore perfect, even us your Father which is in heaven that mortal man is no part of this real, this siiirilual man. Tho belief that Jesus was the only one upon whom this Christ-spirit is bestowed has certainly not been Imsed upon anything that ho has said re garding it. During hiu ministry and teachings he emphatically pointed 'out that everything he said or did was to ona.blo us to follow his examjile, to prove our divine sonship as he did. "That whore 1 am, there yo may he also" doscribt'H in Ids own words (he import of his mission, and the. thing ho sutrorod to give tO' us. Pt'rhups his grcntesl sorrow was ciiused by the thought tha t mankind might misin terpret his mission. The Discoverer and Founder of Christ inn Science ■ A number of years ago, in our own time, a little girl enjoyed tho close divine law, governing every activity wmen is in neaven is perfect," was companionship of ^her, gnmdmot.liei', of man, is just as potent today, and a positive declaration who was a spintually-imn'jlcd woinaii. incif 51K- Avnr-^r»omfivn' na in Tncina* thttt -llfl&n 18 tlircttcly, US • pGrfcct US'tho ' OnC.iluy tllG (j,*IUpdU10lll01*.<. W Mankind is faced with problems to day that need to be-i&elved. Christian, Science explains Jesus' method of .solving them by recognizing divine Mind as the only intelligence, and .that Trii'th succeeds where error must ahyays fail, and that nothing can bring right results but righ t motives, _ spiritual consciousness, and a__. cpm-_ ' plete dependence upon God. The 'world is asking for a w av-out of its diffi-- culties, and it is asking for something that only the understanding, of God, Spirit, can give. . , Christian Sicience is teaching* man- just as' ever-eporative, as in Jesus time. Christian Science is fundamentally based upbn the Biblical declarations in both the Old and New Testaments, tha t God is. the only creator, and that everything" He made is good.. I t pro- claims and proves the allness of God; good, and the nothingness: of evil. , Christian Science" teaches that since evil is nothing, claiming to be some thing,- it is destroyed by a recognition of its . unreality. This recognition comes with a comprehension th a t God is the only creator, and that - this creation consists only of good. I t , , like wise, accepts, the Biblical teaching already Mind that created him ? Christian Science mpkes: it clear that perfect God and perfect man is the basis' of demonstration and healing, and that one needs* to start, continue, and fin ish with this perfect divine Principle in order to know anything of tho true nature of God and man. Jesus , ■ her about the early American sottlei .-,, _ ,who dosirod freedom of religion. ""What is religion?" ' Mary Baktu' ' asked, and little did she know (1ml one clay she would give to the thei filial revolution of the Scriptu |by, which the Bible, in the light o f this spiritual illumination; "heulcih all, thy diseases" ! o . During .'her girlhood she glimpsed ' . . ; . some of the t ru th a o f the Biblp, o f Jesus began in early youth to prove "which she was an absorbed studeiiL. and make practical the truths con- experienced the healing ]iow(M' of. tained in the Bible. As- a young boy Proving His loving cars unci pro of t-vyelvehe-tarried in the temple with tection. For imsiunce, once, when she the doctors,and wise men, asking and suffered from a, foVer, she was eii- answering^ qiiiestions 'That astounded couragecl by her .mother to , ask Cod t o m a " k e h o V w o |: ; " s h r a „ K development and spiritual grow th., I t is turning thought from the con templation of relief in m atter to ,the attainment of harmony in Spirit. The pursuit of material development:comes from a false concept of God,, conceiy-' ed by the material senses--the five physical-, senses, , that testify to a material personality 'and 'mind " l i i '• matter. ' Spiritual grmvth is not dependent upon education; vocational training, personal„rinfluence, opportunity, pres- : tige, or wealth. It. is the unfoldment ■ of spiritual ideas, in human, conscious- * ness. It is the awakening.-from- mab^ erial beliefs to an understanding of . God. ..It is a mental process, involving t iroufelinut things,-and-oaR-be-reatiz--- . understood by a thorough study of its textbook. I t invites you to approach , the problems tha t confront you*: from ah entirely different viewpoint and one froni which they can, be solved as one ' studies this textbook, the unreality of evil should, beccime evident to him, and as .the allness, of God is unfolded, the? Y'e'velation of Truth appears. Each one: may begin- a t once to prove this for: hjmself, - with its inevitable 'good re sults! God as Principle : Mankind is too likely to judge prog r e s s by-m aterial results, and believe "c d here and now, In one of the most remarkable hooks ever ■written this-, arresting statement is made, "T h e 'tim e fo r thinkers has come." Some may won der why such a statement should be . made when the world has always-had • good thinkers even-spiritiiplly-minded . men and women who have*- grasped something of the-, fundamentals of spiritual creation; not only as, separate from materiality, but essentially the _p_nly reality. ' ' ' ... When Mary Baker Eddy,-the Dis- - -coverer-and Founder 61 Christian th a t material development is neces- sary for spiritual growth. I t is said tha t Sir Isaac Newton, in the latter years of his life, compared himself to a little child who had been playing on the; beach with pretty shells; making sand' castles, whem the vast ocean lay. before him unexplored. The earnest inquirer -may aSk, "HoV and: stature, and in favour with God and man.?' I t is recorded that when he came: out- of the water, he heard a voice from heaven, saying, "This is my beloved, Son, in whomi I am well pleased," and; immediately after he was led into the; ■wilderness to be tempted of the devil. He must have recognized:' then* the mission, th a t ' was his, and' he;was tried: from every angle as to the best way. to fulfill tjiis mis sion., One;.,by one hp rejected all material methods and. jiieans; and ac cepted S p irit' as th e . only power and , authority. I t was then he .began his three years' healing ministry. -- When--we--ar*e--f^edhwitli-4rials-and-- temptations, let us remember that Jesus met and mastered, through the power of God, every form of evil which mortal mind might promulgate not be deceivedTnto believing th a t the pi^blem^thatrfa6es"y6u is : ju ^ different, and more: difficult tĥ ^ •which anyone else has to meet. Per- can I begin to > distinguish between sense would individualize evil, material, knowledge and divine Sci^ f the.devil, which gives it and to learn more about God; I t was her persistence in this quest that led to her discovery of djiristian Science, and the ever-presentV healing p< of God, as taught and demonsti by Jesus. She spent many year an invalid, but- was; restored to health through the realization of the power of JVfind, and was able to refute-the fata lity of a serious accident, which neither surgery nor materia medica could reach. A t first she could not explain what: had -happened, biit she was determined to -share this discov- -ery with all mankind--^with all who were willing and. ready to receive it. She knew' that she had found the tru th , the Jaw of Life, the. unfaiJing law of'God,; that is ever present and operative for all, which governs the universe and man in -pei'l'ecl har mony. the textbook of Christian Science, "Sck'iico amt Health with Key to the SeriptuivM," which was Kivoa to her through spiritual revelation, step by -step, during Uireo years of eonao- eratod devotipn to this purpose, to ' tho exclusion Of all else. S till tUl^hliif * to Goil to direct her every activity, slio I'oumled the church llmt would tiring this truth within reacit of all luaiiKind; established a I'ubUshing Society for t)io iirinting and diatri- hutioii of a weekly, and a numthly - iimgaKiiie; lauglil mctaiiliyslcal clas ses; and, a t a time when most people lose all interest in activity of nay kind, am i focu^ thoir expecta tion U|)un a future reward, slio was led (e establish an inlurnatumal daily nevvspapor, "The t'livistian Science iMonitor." This gives you some iilea of what kind of tliinker sho was, and to wliat kiln! of tliinking slie referred , when.she said, "'I'hu time for thinkers lias come." t , i'lie same suggestions of OVll trU'd tii slop tho woi'k slie was doing that ti'ied lo make Nehemiah cease huilil- iiig the Willi at Jei'usalem, umleqmu- devvn. Hlu> j'lirried the needed weap- oiis for pi'()teeUen in one Imml and luiiiL with (he others, even as tho . workers liid then. She knew thiik her , weapons" wciu not "carnal,"* but.the Word of God, which is "quick, jiiul poweriul, iiiui sliarpej* than any two- edged sword." Wo can be gnitcful lor tlieso exiimples of steadfastiiesH to inirpose (hat liave been given us. Who Is My Neighbor? 1 Lliiiik Jusus' favorite .inetliod of painting, a picture, and pointing a nnw n,... luivo. bocii tile parable, h« XV - ■ ' I'i ' olmbly one •rtni n >.« p. l"n l>aral)les is:nptures, "The Good Saniatitan." Neighbor- liness is a part of^that universal hm- guago of Ijovo which is understood and aiiiireeiatoil whei'ever and by whomever it may be expi'iissed .1 think we are justified in considering tlufci parnblp Uu» nunst coiniiloto and comjii'ehensive story ever written on tile subject, iind one wliicli the world very much needs to t h i n k a b o u t today. 1 ;( - .Je.sus clearly and distinctly rebiikes the lakso standard of class and caste, preaching; without precept, creeds-r" and^ rituals, and recommonds. inipar- tial lovcT'j universal kindness, and eoiisideration for the welfare of oLli- implies that it is not always ig powei-. nhe question, "Who is my neighbor?" onstrated but, "To whom can i .show myself a years as neighbor?" . To love one's neiglibcu-. ps oneself nieans to soo Jiim. as God sees him, and think of liiin only in terhis i9h of good. Jt nieans looking, beyond the ica evidence of the material senses, dis- 1̂?̂ * '-ounterfoit for tho rea l Christian Sciimce teaches that we may minister to everyone upon whom our - thoughts rest by lifting our. thbiight about them 'away, from the mortal ' concept to the iiierfcct idea of~God. • i put difficult to imagine what •(̂ e_ wor](3 would be today J dividual; held ■ a s hence a toying, attitude ^Towards his n I have found ^th|^Ja:uHt~4ii^lTristianJ;!0mTL. ZZ. 1 I _ _ 1 . . .. '.̂1 f*. . . * J. . ' 'fa-m m . ence?" Mrs; Eddy explains that "the startingrpoint of divine Science is tjhat God, ' Spirit; -is. All-in--all, and that there is-no other might nor Mind, pience, in the beginhing o^ her-text- --that.pod is .Love, and therefore He book, "Science and Health .with. Key ' Principle" (Science and le Scriptures*?' wrote (P ref n vii), "The time- fo r. th in W s 'has then,, th a t- th e great need of .to the Scriptures," wrote VPref n Health, p. 275). Is it not quite evi- vii), "The time- for th in W s " has then,, th a t- th e great need of come," is there aov fini.ht mankind is to know and understand meant .that spiritual thihking is ' the only real thinking there is ? I he aim of. uni-yersities and -col leges IS to train m en.and women to MniV. p consistently. Multitudinous and-- various- a re t.hp all the power it "seems to have tp - harm you, or anyone else. By demonstrating every step of the -way qut-of mortality, into immortality, ' Jesus has given us a n . irrefutable ex ample for our instruction '^and guid ance. who accept Christ Jesus as the. "Way-shower, should - really make his teachings a. guide and example for daily living. Men: depend, entirely upon mathe matical calculations, from the mak ing. of a . box- to- the building of a bridge. When they realize th a t the law. governing numbers -points: to the The-Christ What may we assume that Jesus comprehended when he heard the voice Science?" Obviously, by-Tts fruits. One has but to look about him today to see iho results of Cfiristian Sci ence. One cannot fail to .see the ■fruits if he is willing to look, and wants: to see. Thousands of tc.stimo- nies, both verbal and printe(i,__every day pour forth from grateful liearts, 'for there is no part of the Clhristian- ized world today where the light of thi.s tru th does not .shine. Tlie Bible has' been illumined, and has become the textbook it rightly should be. I t has been .-brought into active use in i thousands of homes. Mr̂ i.-- Edd.y_ declares (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 363) th a t "the Bible is the learned uian's masterpiece, the ignorant man's dictionarv. the wisfi' friM n'« i : iiness or mismanage- : rp. , , , -- government, m ere would bo .one common intore.st, , rile kingdom of righteousnes.s would reign on earth, a's it doe.s in heaven. While men have workefrimlividu- ally and collectively through the ages lor the, eause of peace-on earth, yet the majority have comsiKtently looked upon the kingdom of heaven a.s .some thing J,o he reached or attained in' ■Some future ..state of existence. Men ol ideals and Jiumanitariun motiye.s look with ap/ii-ohension ii[)f)n : the cnaotie world condition,s today. Ihoy. deplore tlie ignoranee, lawless- hatred that impel the cruel ty, 'and merciless destruction of thinking ,but too little attention fhint- g:ivefi,'toA spiritual ' On page. 195 of Science and "Academics-of the 'this: Frinciide|t6*;s61ve eyery-!^ ̂ of; whatever m that* may; confront them, and be just as sure of right God as Principle, invention, study, and original tbonp-M sounds cold and abstract, let us re- are expansive In i sLuTd prdmote «^ember tha t Mrs. Eddy says that . enowth of mortal S oSf S iL p?/ "God is Love, and therefore He is of J 1 t h S mortal " H e?i Principle.-Since this Principle . • e, s the th a t governs man iA Love, then: man> 'has nothing to fear, but every joy and happiness to experience now. ■ Let me give you a simple illustra tion. -A student of Christian Science said that one -day a friend passed her on .the street without speaking to her. At first she: was filled with resent- -which one may decide/ So thp f the righ t sort, ta? iiIinH P^°™otethe growth, of mor- '■ai mind out of. itself ? ments^^S and: reasoning are ele- nal miTiri mind, this car- the Bible tells .ns is God." Spiritual think-the manifest^^^^^ nient and a ^ n s e of injusri^^^ Then fHnd, expressed, in true thoni^hf« ^ she decided tha t since she knew some- Since man is the* id e ^ f ^ thing about God as Love, it was her all that bp of God; work to annlv this- governinirLbcjf i, r luea. oi:.iioa; siSs of I ? "™ « >-eal or true o '; f r .y a c r - o r "m in d r" she:^^^ an d ^ i ^ ^ e n s e ^ o l d s the^ereat true thmicrKfc_x p r^S only - Ood Tmvp and man was facts of exKsfmce. Thus.̂ ^ŵ ^ work^to apply this, governing Principle to the sitniation, in order to gain her never allow the assumption th a t he considered the hum an'Jesus the Soni of God. Did he not. behold the only real man--spiritual man, di.stinct and separate from a material concept -- as the idea of God? Perhaps it was during these forty days in the wilder ness that he realized there could be no compromise, but a complete sepa ration between the so-called material man and spiritual man. When he saw himself a spiritual idea, a t one with God, he never again recognized a material man as a reality, but con sistently maintained his divine .Son- Shipl even-until he rose above all mate riality. One of the definitions of "Wilder ness," given in the Glossary of Sci ence and Health (p. |597) re a d s . as follows: "th e 3 'estibulle in which a material sense of things disappears. mayopens its treasures to all vvlio choose to" look for them. One of the familiar storic.s of the 01d--Testament i.s the rebuilriing of the wall of Jerusalem, by Nehemiah. In order to comp.lete the wall of de human; i-lgin.s-aiiTnrvc.s, "y e t a clo.se i'Gvoaln tli.ali Lhc world con- but the- aggregate maniJ'oH- the.se evil traits indulged in vidual thinking. When one earnsetly and honestly seeks, to know what i.s b is 'p a r t in helping to improve national ami iri- affairs, b(>. must realize that first and hint, ju.st a.s in hi.s own fiu.siness,,,his woi'k Jie,s in In's - own : S V i r f m T m r j e " ^ A n to e r C th e i ; Je^us, proved his unbroken matter with intelliUne. ' man must be lovingr, l-wable, and love- - P'!?; P J 'S S l undertaken to rebuild, it was neces sary for: them to maintain eouraj?e, perseverance," steadfastne.s.s to pur pose, and a determination that the work wp'ujd go forward in .spite of any-obstacle that might vre.sent it self.-H ad . they listened fin'"'one rno- .ment to the sugge.stions of failure, or yielded to its influence, they, and the wall too, would have been destroyed. We may safely imply that Nehemiah felt th a t obedience to God's law. ■was even more, important than the accu- rac of the construction of the m ate rial wall of protection. It i.s true th a t what..o_nc-_b-ui Ids. of.-a-'-tha^terial.-s tru c ^ ^ h d \ epntih scientific right thinking w his own consciou.s- nesH. Proportionately as he ejects think-; TT ̂ immediate /affair,s improve ;Hisf business;; h human relation hone/ited, drid' nm scientific righ.t ,thinking: becomes ®? A9ti'Ve factor fo fiis community, the nation of which he eitizhn, and, in its measure, inevit- aoJ.V a healing influence in world a ffairs. ture is of little account unless char-- we each l»i< acter- is- being buil.t a t tho samo time, a duty to lunselvos and S 'mankiS One may say th a t h"s b u l t S ami of thZ. 1 teami changed be ex- ^Pirifual facts of being m Science, comforted, and her thoughts w e re a t peace, for she was no longer believing in evil as real or belonging to God's , -bestowed heritage of completeness and perfec tion. Christian Science makes i t plain which had been impaired by the storms of the ages . Under:.divine guidance and 'inspiration- she'.wrote contributing to the undesirable conditions in the world todiiy.^ Jesus of Nazareth has given to the ■ JB_____ _