' ̂. ?« «- Sr J s,¥i*» 'i s*®** ̂. i.> «.«̂4Wp- r,«,|r >j.«, 1 95jiSr>.̂,.ŷJ< mmmmom mmm i**W**Wi i*N«« WteiiiMi»«iiiWW«W April 8S, 194H „WIWT, .». <?»|UICW. Cor. 21*t 4k I^oiinim Av«* HBV, W. VANCK, aA., Mkirtor 1963 Fulton Avenue Pibonii W ett tU -U Sunday Bervicee; J1 «,m, A 7;80p.ra. Strenfrere *nd Viiftore nre weleonto Why Not he Daring Iter. BAPTIST CHURCH Iflfliadir W. 1. MeK«/, BJL. aO< Vo'.™ / ™ ^ f c .5 S 7 'f t S .« r l ilUlUO nt.tOt'- ^ a w x u ocoooi in- cladinii: Adult CIm s 11 «,m. A 7:30 p.m.->'PrMehinA Senriees. A heerty welcome to mil (;hjtnKi' your hahutylo to muit your new hut. 'I'he new cuiflTurcH are omeily worn, luid Ntyled with our tapering irietliod, Vou eiin drcMH your hair eiirtlly In a variety of btyloB. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Crcatore of Bxclualve Perittaiientii, 1640 Marine Drive West 117 HOLLYBDKN HAU 14tb and Ducbese Friday, April 26(h. 7:15 p.m. Children and Young People's Service with Lantern Slidea, Speaker: Mr. Jack Cochrane. Sunday, April 28th 10 a.in., Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class, 11 a.m, Breaking of Bread. 7:30 p,tn„ Gospel Address. Speaker: Mr.' A. Beaumont 'ruesday, April 23rd, 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. -..WBSTarANCOUVSR- Christian Science Society CBURCU EUIFICB 20tli and Ksouimalt, HoUybum Tbis Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irat Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service:' 11:30 a.m. SuiuIa>% A pril 281h .. r ■,aifnivir^a " F H O B A 'nO N A F T E R D E A T H " <f> I Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday ̂ at 8:16 p.m. The' public is cordially in*- vited to attend our services and meetings. WEST VANCOUVER GIRLS' CHOIR . In the operetta ' The Enchanted Emerald at 8:15 p .m ^ FRIDAY & SATURDAY, A fril 26th and 27lh in the Inglewood Auditorium Entire Proceeds to the Red Cross and United Church W.A. Performance timed to connect with upper level bus service Tickets, 35c; Children, 15c at door I AiTnarnitffirci d r y c l e a n in g (Certified aa advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINN FiY, West Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will caR. COUNCIL NOTES ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Tather Van ' "'̂ ^astor pi '■'S" ' ■ 1" ■ . i'i ■ ' Dd. G. D .H . SE A L E ;i; . ■■ :•, " D.D.8., L.D.S. D E B n r i s T ........................ X-ltay , Hay Block, 14th aud Marine Dr. -iL-.:; OfTIco Houra 9 to 0 p.m. Evoningfl by appointment. Phono WcBt 72 '■ ■.....' ■ • ' ." ■ " " " KutabliMhed on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Auaistant) J 1i IIARRON BROS. LTD. f u n e r a l B f r e i c t a r s -i-vri' . , ,:'■■■■ '.* ■ ■' ,'/jt ̂ ' 1 ■ ■ ,•i! '■■ ■' f 4* ■' - ■ ,, ' ' llollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marine . ° West 134 ! 4 " -js T " North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 184 1 ;i , DR.MCRAE D E N T I S T t V: - - ® ̂ if f -r . - • . formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building . Hours: 9 to 6 -- Evenings by appointment. ' 1860 Marine Drive - W^t 432 N e l l i e H a r r i s o n ' A.T.C.M. Special Diploma ' ̂ r Teacher of P iy ^O and THEORY UeHldence Studio: 1955 Inglewood Avenue, - . Wo.st 1056-L THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister c: Sunday, April 28th 10 a.m.--The Sunday School, i J u.m.--Morning W orship.. Subject: "Being Made Over." 7 :.'i0 p.m.--Evening Service. Subject: "What are We Learn ing?" , Welcome, to all our services. Member.4 and friends are fusk- ed to keep in mind the Canadian Products Luncheon, sponsored by the W.A., to be held on Friday, May 8rd, at 12:30 o'clock, in Da'vid Spencer's Store,. 10:16 7:45 Sunday Services Low Mass ~~ 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon - a.m; Rosary and Benediction p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass ~ 8 a.m. Frldays^Rosary^. Benediction 7:46, , Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :80 to 8:80 p.m. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST The m atter of the dumping ,of garbage 100 feet west of 21st Street on Esquimalt Avenue, southwest corner of 14th and Marine Drive was referred, by the Council to the Sanitary In - ' srxjctor. The Building Inspector wrote the Council re unsightly, condi tion of cottages, Cypres.s Park Cannery. The Clerk was instructed to request the, Great Northern Can nery to co-opjerate with the Council in remedying the present exposed condition by, erecting a suitable picket fence behind the buildings. M. E. Sambel wrote the Coun cil re lane in rear of 1300 Block. Referred to the Engineer for report. ■ ; TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD NOTES A t the April nieeting o f the Guild, Mrs. Ford,,.,Mrs. H. (j. Barker' and Mrs. W. Thompson were appointed aa a N om inating Committee fo r the June election of Officers. ' , ' Mrs. T. Turner kindly consent- ed to act as Chairman of a Com- mittee 'to convene the May Dav Ball. , Mrs. J. H. Smith has sewing matei'ials for soldiers' comforts. Those wishing to assist in this work kindly phone W. 99-> ̂ ■ Please note th a t half yearly fees are due and payable -by members registered.,before June of last year. These should be paid to the Treasurer on or before the next meeting date, May 3rd, in order th a t nomination slips may be mailed. ■ ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey^Rector 8 a.in.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. ^ Thursday, Ascension Day, 10:15 a.m.,'Holy Communion." St. Francis-in-thc-Weiod „ C aulfe ild 9:45 a.m.--Holy Communion. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W, L. MdCay 1545 Duchess Ave. "P R O B A T I O N A f t e r DEATH" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon in a l l Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. "The Golden Text is: "The Lord will perfect that which con- cerneth me: thy mercy, 0 Lord, endureth, for ever: forsake^ not the works of thine own hands" (Psalms 138 ;8). Among the citations' which comprise the . Lesson-Sermon is the followinipr from 'th e Bible; "Now if Christ be preached, that he rose from the .dead, how say some am ong. you th a t there is _n.o resurrection of the dead?" (1 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Sunday Services:' 'Unreliable Cor. 15:12). The Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the - following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Evening tickets interchangeable betweeri Lions' Gate Bridge, Second Narrows Bridge and North Vancouver Ferries, will again be available during the summer months from May 1st to Septem-. ber 30th at the special round trip rate of .40 cents for the car, driver and up to six passengers, between the hours of 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. NATIONAL HARBOURS BOARD (Second Narrows Bridge) THE FIRST NARROWS BRIDGE COMPANY LIMITED ; (Lions' Cate Bridge) ---- rNORTH VANronVER JERRIES 11 a.m. -- Subject, Supports." Story and hymn for the young aoience and Health .with worshippers. ̂ Scriptures" by Mary 7:30 p.m.--Subject: "The Cry of Eddy: "Jesus' unchanged ■ Victory." physical-tiondition after what The service will begin with the se^^sd to be death was follow- and S. H. SRIGLEY Painter and Decorator 1706 Marino Drive - > Phono West 938 ___ usual bright .sing song. 10 a.m. -- Church School adult Bible class. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's Society. Miss Marjory Vernon will sp^ak on the subject "The objections raised against For eign Missions." Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting. "" ed by his exaltation above all material conditions; and this ex- Q If Q -f 1/\n :1a r . ^ : RUGS! LOOK! READ! Save Now! Beautiful, reversible BROADLOOM Rugs, made from your worn'vcarpets and clothmg, in New, Smart Colors, up to 13.ft.,jyide SEAMLESS^by any ̂ length. Woven within a week. Wool going up. Save "Now! Rugs are getting higher. > Continental Rug Co, Ltd. ____ Phone BAy 7066 for informatipn.- altation explained his ascension, and revealed unmistakably a pro bationary and progressive state" beyond the grave." IC E V .O .N . BUSH WOOD Per Cord Second Growth Fir ......... $4.50 Irben Alder'............. :....:..$ri,50 ^Buzxing AVood at any length. J. SMITH Ck>r. Eleventh ariH'̂ Mathers Phono West 1066-R WEST VANCOUVER t a b e r n a c l e Marine and 25th St. ̂ Pastor: Robert H. Birch The News 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. -- Sunday Services. Evening subject; "Another Bible Bleitzkreig;" Wedne,sday, 7 :30 p.m. -- Prayer Fellowship. THE Horseshoe Bay & Vicinity Thursday Bible Fellowship, 7 :45. Eyatigalical Independent o f i i^ f e r a f t l r 'w h ic h 'M ^ ^ Quaig, d is tric t The West Vancouver Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses met at the home of Mrs. J. B. Leyland on Thursday, °April 18th to mret Miss E. Smellie, Chief Superintendent from Ottawa. Those present were Miss M. Hackett, Miss E. Riddell, Mes- dames W. T. Davis, H. Irving, E. H. Jiipp, T. A. Johnston, S. Mac- kay, H. Ostrom, H. A. Philpotts, F. Rivers, J. A. Redden, W. B. Smalf L. A. H. Wainwright, ^ v . Wm. Vance, G. Gleinmill and Dr. T. A. Johnston. Mr. Vanbe open ed the meeting wti'h a. few words m ICE BOXES FOR RENT CHAS. RIDLEY 2877nBellevue Avenue JVest 456 W e Solicit Your SAWDUST BUSINESS West Van News Publiahed Every Thuroday S.C,Y.M. NOTES mtroduced ^the guest of honor, Miss Smellie spoke about the yietprian Order history and the Publisher F.TCXOTEGROVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial C 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. P f il ' WM $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year ------------- -- by mail The "^Service Club for Y^oung Moderns" is soon to begin the activities of Head Office in 6 t- many duties that lie before it. tawa. Arrangements are now under ~way ~for~the plub to; present - dram atic evening a t Shaughnes- sy Hospital in the near future. I t is also hoped th a t similar ais rangem ents may be-made with various arm y units now in bar racks. The club was honored this >veek by an invitation to be a "Listening Gi*oup" to the U.B.C. Itedio Drama Worship, which will be bi.*oadcasting ,during 'the month of May. fo r GENUINE JERSEY I . ̂ on the ' FOLLOWING BASIS .1 . Manufactured from large, fresh^cut fir logs. 2. Double screened. - . 3. Pull measure, 50 sacks (200 cu. f t j to a unit. 4. TOy and courteous delivery. ,^3.00 SA C K ED ̂ Place Your Order Now. Price Advancing on April 29th M JI.^KING EUMBER CO. MILK (NORTH SHORE) LTD. W est 115 Harbotde's Jersey Products Ltd. rjf#: : i m. - N o r t l r t 2 6 i Our sawdust is also obtainable from the following \ . J T'eliable dealers: IDEAL I FUELS, North 905 GRANT'S, North 463 N. VAN. CARTAGE,' N orth 141