West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Apr 1940, p. 6

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W3»PiiiliBtj m̂mm mmrn THB W E S t VAN NEWSamiiBii Thmilday, April I8th. 1S|0 I 1'̂ .i 1i ; " I-'I 4*' I"5" f ;i' k,,«,,.■• if.iAi'i ■ Mf'V̂i'̂Wv ¥0 Im i'^' 'r i- "'-.̂ ̂ i k / , ; . , : I'S ■; ■- i i |liKJ- ' J * 3 i i l i ;---'Tr knk; S r :,};̂.";,-S'*.V;•;;r;• /;Ik î" "■s ̂ ^ IM ■̂- V? ? ^ 1 1 1 "a ' *: iili :;-̂ i isi ^©ISIt I *sm  Wurvejr Smith--ĝû^̂ ŵSitTir' Pr«t 0#llfi«rf'fiksriHto* Monthlj Ac«<mitt PIIICES GOOD r o l l FIU . and BAT,, A PRIL 10tb and 20th M E A T S W « t %n :/:/'k':":,;'\ I'CJItE LAIU)~8wJft*» Sllverleaf, 2 Mb. carlorw .......................... I9e QUK K OATB--<iu}il(;«r, N<m- l*rc*miuni, l«r(j:«* pbt.......................I7e COKNEI) n m i '-- i j i m ................. 27c lied & Wliiu- Brand ('OHK & BEANS 3 1H*<m(. tlrw , .............. 25e PICK l,EH~-Ilam»> val**, kww?i MUed or Hwi't't MuHtnrd. I.arK** family jar * •......... 23c HKfiE IT 18? KdloKK'h COHN l'Oll'.H-™.HonifthinK >NVw, 2 pbKK. 23c BUrk I.aiM>l 1'INEAIM'M ^-S llffd , (,'ulM*d. CruHlu*d, «in ......................16c Hid & While PKAIIS--Bartletta. 2 17-oz. fi(iH . 25c SulM>b UKI) H'1"J KI> niKUH IKS-- Hi|Uut lln .. 15c HAKDINKH--KInjf Oacur, Norweifian. t i n ........................................ -•••.,......15c K.II. l ANCV IM.NK HAE.MON-- No. I tin Me Free Bell rerjr Iili*!? Hi' ' • PORK LAMB V E A L All Grade A & A1 Delicatessen F resh F ish Daily Clotrrh af HKKKING8 In Oil-- No. 1 tin ..... .............- .................... 10c l*.U M JAM, I'liU E--Mb. ( i n ___ 35c flO N K V -- Ciovc r B ra n d , 2-lb. t in ....24c U r K l iC O V SO A I 3 cukcH ......... 20c 'rOWNSWO.M,EN'S GUILD COUNCIL NOTES A miMiliiiK o( the small exocu- 'riu* I'ollowinjf resolutions were tivt! will be held a t the home of pass<*d by the Council. Mr.s. K. K. Fox, 8020 M urine J. F. Condon, April 8 th . Boys' i)riv<\ tomorrow evening a t 8 Band Camp; K eats Island, Aug. p.m. . 2 ^tli to Aug. 31st. ---------------- !------:------ 'J'hat th is m a tte r l>e referred S.C. V.M. NOTES ' to tli<; Chairm an of T ran sp o rta ­ tion and the F erry M anager w ith T hat the bond ofrer^i be pur- ch a sed ' fo r Sink u^g t und PUT54 poses a t a price ♦•I p im accrued in te rest, . , ̂ W est Vancouver Agricultural "and H orticu ltural Association. Aprli 6 th . G ran t. . , , , T h a t th e Association be a s M to forw ard a copy of their y d J F inancial S tatem ent and the ir request will th en U* wnsidered. T h a t the Clerk be/instructCHi to com m unicate wiih North \ an- couver ask ing fo r a reduction m th e ren t of th e We.'<t Vancouver Fen-y Term inal in Vancouver and th a t th e Chairman of '} raiis- po rta tion interview Commission­ e r .Vance in regard to the same. T hat th e Chairman of IVarks : be appointed on the May Day Celebration Committee. John Orixjy, April 2 nd. Con­ venience a t Whytecliil. • ■f T h a t th e equipim nt be provid- 'ed and th a t the appointm ent be made. Board of Ccmeteiy Trustees, A pril 3rd. Trustee. T h a t Councillor Kay be ap­ pointed to replace Councillor T. J. Brown resigned on account of W ar Service ' .That the local press be re ­ quested to advocate a clean-up cam paign week to co-incide if ' possible w ith the one being held "Service....... l u m b e r ^ Q ^ t y SASH & BOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH p a in t BUILDERS* SUPPLIES NO SUBSTITUTE 5 P J ? ™ G FOR QUAUTY CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. & Marine Drive LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED ADS IL. fnr ClMsified AdvertiMmeots is 1 cents per Word, minimum 2 5 c i u . '* K « . p b ^ ^ ^ r » « "•« •« in the West Van News get immediate reuullb. GORDON ROBSON --: ^ Solicitor, 610 W. Hastings, bey. 4 J a t West Vancouver any time by nmiointmcnt, West 403. ---- FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suthcr. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J . H. .Wedley, W'ost 1U22-L. used. Expert operators West an-r Roval Bank Building Phone h a n d y ' ANN :SH<bi;'2442 Marin^I • MARSHALL-WELLS FAINT SALE RE-ROOFING-- GENUINE DUK(3ip Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti­ mates. R. B' Cripp.s, West bb-R. F. V. Findlay, \Vest 49J-K. - ' ■ sta rts April 5. Turps, Paint lirushus, Boiled Oil, etc. in the C ity o f Vancouver and PEMBERTON REAL'rY CORP. LTD. th a t a copy of thi.s resolution be fo rw arded to th e West Vancou­ ver C ham ber of Commerce with a reciuest fo r the ir support. Sharpe, Realty, April 51h. Of­ fe r to purchase Lol 2, Block 24, D.L. 556. Offer accjepted. ,dH[. V.' O. C hatterton wrote th e Thursday evening so.ssion.s of power to act. The .same arrange- airiateur (Iriimatics continue in m< nts hs in the y e a r 198,9 to ap- full .swing a t the Service Club, ply.' . AlreadyM he yoting players a re 'l.'liat the"le tter of Reeve Ley- eagcrly anticipating the first pro- land dated A pril 8 th, 1940, and ductioir now in preparation. 'A addros.sed to th e Hon. C. S. , , x v __ fme .s<dectioi,i of sh o rt plays, Ltniry, M inister of Public Wopks nK®4} skits, . short comedies, and a re wi.st of bridges and w idening 2U, Hlock o, u.L. { 'a.C l phantasy, promise an a ttra c tiv e of Marino Drive be and is here- Ih e w rite r was advised th a t program m e when the club com- by approved, mences its servic'c duties in th is . liidge Insi)ect6 r, April 4th, community. » PVibruary and M arch report. Rememb(*r everyone, th e "Ser- 'f'hat the Cabin S ites asked fo r vice Club o f . Young M oderns" be limited to the first five ap- aim s to play its p a rt in com- plicant.s on paym ent in advance rnunity service, so don't fail to of the usual fee.s. follow the progre.ss of th is fak e s & Co. Ltd., A pril prom ising group of ta len ted 2nd, $ 1 0 0 0 W est Vancouver,:bond young pefople. clue 1953. (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St. TKin. 1271. Local Ageiit, F Bayliss (Notary Public),. , :243C Bellevue. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SEIi VICES. All forms of documents drawn and executed. Reginald P. Blower, J.P., Notary Public^- 1405 Marine Drive, West Vancouver- Phones: West 21 and 204M. West 522-R WANTED AT ONCE -r- Furniture, Sewing Machines, Stoves. Tools, etc. Cash. We buy, sell and exchange. Agents for Fawcett K a n g e s . Vinick's. North 431, GO Lonsdale ■'"Ave., North Vancouver. PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS . --Choice Northern grown ' stock, reasonable'prices. Orders over $L00 post paid., Write for list. GAY- WOOD GARDENS, SORRENTO, B. C... WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and 'house fixtures, turning, glass, • glazing. West 740, ,W®st 443-K. th€f Council have no funds avail­ able a t th e p resen t time fo r work on boulevards. NU-BONE CORSET'S, Surgical Belts, Mrs. MacAulay. 1618 Esquimalt. W. 408-R. ■' WANTED CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags. Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, • <■ Tools, etc.; nothing too big or ̂ too , sinall. Burrard Junk Co., W est 91. SWIFT--SURE RESULTS! For am: bitious men and women! Familex will show you hovk̂ 900 successful dealers now on our list! Inquire for further details and FREE catalogue today. The Familex Products Com- LISTINGS of all descriptions H. A. ROBERTS LTD. ■ ̂ 1447 Marine Drive West 546 "pany.j 570 St. Clement St., Mont- PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY Real Estate, Insurance '2446 Marine Drive West 1077 and West 111 CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coim. try way; \^a ran teed ; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. . ' real. HAVE BUYER for small house, be­ tween Ambleside and DundaraVp, with good cash payment, balance monthly. A. E. Aus_tin & Cp. Ltd., Marine 2431, West 548-M_____ GORDON GRAY-- - Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele­ phone Sey^W99L^orWS^^ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, at rea­ sonable rates. H. Gaines, West 167L. LOS'F -- Four Keys on Cord, Friday, vicinity Ambleside. W est -718. LOST--Gold Red Cameo Brooch, be- tween St. Stephen's Church and CHESTERFIELDS REPAIRED, re­ built and re-covered. Free estimates. United Upholstering, 26 Water St., SEy. 8627; evenings West, 845-R. 15th. Reward. West 652-Y. LAWN ■ MOWERS- SHA-RP BN ED - Special machine;--repairs, parts- Outside, inside, anyway you check upon it-- you*rc im» By WANTED--^Youlh.-18 Or over, able to drive car. ApplyvBox 20, West Van News. West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. pressed oy Oldsmobite's un­ usual size. B ig is the word for Old.<i, whether you're look­ ing at the low-priced Sixty . . . the popular-priced Seventy . . . or the most 'glamorous car of the year, ~ the Olds" Custom"8 CruiscrI Oidsm obiie is Canada's B ig g e s t Money's Worth* ROOM AND BOARD WANTED] -- : Vicinity W_est Bay, near _ water. Business . gentlenian. Reasonable. : Private home'preferred. By May 1st. ■ Box 22, West Van News. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT­ ROL----Sure protection; reasonable rates.' West 927-R. LOST'--Saw, hammer and chisel, be­ tween Cypress Park and north end . of"bridge. BAYview 8437. J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, Or West 553-R-l. F0R._-SALE -- Men's-̂ and women's clothing cheap^i also stand brass clock. W. 75y-R3. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work,;prompt service. West 700. - Spactolu is the word fo|r Olds- mnbile's wide, roomy Bodies by ;|-Fi8her----luxurious is the word for their finer fittings and upholstery. The wider front' seat, simplified controls and unobstructed Boors permit the driver and tw o pai^ngers to ride "up front" in uncramped ease. And, the rear compart­ ment is a revelation o f roomi­ ness and solid comfort. I OR RENT--Nice large, clean, light basement room partly furnished; free wood. Cheap to'right parties. . 17th and Ottaw'a. West 122-R. A. K. WOOD, Dustless Electric Floor Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. iPhone West 1093, „ FOR SALE -- Windows unframed, frames complete with trim. Cheap. West 367-R3. GORDON ROBSOaN -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 Wi Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouv^er any time. by appointment. West 403. FOR SALE ' Radio and AVringer- Iritro '2537 Marine Drive. 'W: 457-Ll. CHIMNEY S W E ^ IN G -- Sawdust burners < installed; furnace repairs. . I ■ G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. FOR RENT--Two room suite, furnish­ ed or unfurnished, oh beach. Holly- burn. Box 24, West Van. News. W. EL A'ASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybum Block! . B I G W H E R E V E R BIGNESS I I S BETTER MORTGAGE MONEY -- $1000 avail­ able on good security or for build­ ing. C. J. -ARCHER, LTD. ' .AVest 22a^'oY\TRin. 3063 AV ANTED -- ...A est 33-R. Girl as mother's help. NEAV, ALL ENAMEL McCLARY Range, with Bunsen Oil Burner, oil pump included, C-all AA'est 1015, ill m BIk Tir«».Okl«m»bile'* low* better tractioo. tonser wear. HiieBy C oli SerlllS#^ IMs*S*e*T™r rr««iie. «%igiQ? tflK Engb.-.prcMure lire* are e ttra Urge M odtm caila ix rtiyvftU arp^ X -m em ter detiKn. Box aec- priced oId»mohil-R!*r»».-.- -provide wDi xr t bemdt ae-- -- t ^T! a a l t n i e d«nui d~di i c ob^ ^ h.p. tt* . . . . . . reatftit Rl>ytl«nlcRide. v » t . j j - ------ kvnly Flraini*. Hi|^: itaer-derign.; Boi ̂ iitni«i«r*aa~di^__ poorocrbrmcet add atreaigth. CitKina. Even lbelow - > Domical tuper-perfbrmaoce. r . l .\A DA *.v n / f ; a f : s r S 'W S t ' f ) / f T I i _McMlLtAN°MOTORS LTD. 3rd and Lonsdale Ave. NORTH VANCOUVER 0~*SB ̂ N orth Shore ROLLER ARENA FOR RENT--Attractive upper half of new home.' Lovely view'. W. 1009-R- THE LADYTN BLUE--Did you knovt .you said something in your sleep- 1st Street, 1 block West of Lonsdale NORTH VANCOUVER Monday to Friday, 8 to 11 p.m," , Adults 3.5c Monday to Saturday, children, ' 6'̂ -8Ti,Tn-:T"i6(i": b u il d in g . Alterations, Repairs. Estimates free, plans prepared. Con,-_̂ suit Harold A. Eager, 825 22nd bt., . . AVest 442-L. ' Matinee,every day, 2 to 4.30....... . 25c Matinee Saturday mornings 10 to 12, childran under 15... 10c -Saturday-NightrSesaioiSs 8 to 11.30.............................. 4t)c Spectators--All Sessions......10c. Abov'e prices include all service,- adthi^ion to rink, skates, checking, etc. ' Private lessons arranged on applfcation For Private Instruction see Floor manager. IPhone North "|l 735 W an ted Capilano Golf Club, Men and Boys to caddy. Trans- p o rta tio n provided f r o m Taylor.W^ay. Phone \ 'e s t 718, o r apply a t P ro fess io h ars Shop