West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Apr 1940, p. 5

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FREE Adm issio n 'll f/ssi -^> WKW ^ S '-* '■ i^ / WffiMMSdMMt M. pro^Rec. C ham pionsh ips THUItSDAY NIGHT A p i « - | i S t h . ; , S i , : :i: Hastings P a rk Forum Followed next night by the 1940 Pro-Rec. Mass Demonstration, Forum FOR SALE All kinds of Bedding Plants and Cut Flowers, many varieties of tiliuiitjliis. Begonias, TuHj)S, etc. Specializing in Rosea dnd Shrubs. * ti'ardening and Landscaping by day or contract. Agents for Eddie's NurserieH. ■ ■■ ...... ' j" ' 'Mj' •'■ JL JESJEli III An mmAmi S9r. ^ ;{.{8() Marino Drive, West Baŷ i Visitors welcome a t any time. Phone West 364-Ml P. I. FULLER, Prop'r. WEST VANCOUVEStt HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY GARDEN LECTURE ' •■■■' .....' ' ' by " , ■ ^ ........ •'..... v ■ MR. W A LTER LOCH Past-President, B. C. Professional Gardeners' Ass'n. D; V. A. HALL, 14th and MARINE FRID A Y , Al'RIL 19th, 8 p.in. QUESTIONS ANSWERED Admission Free. All, Garden Loverij Welcome , RUGSI LOOK! READ! Save Now! Beautiful, revereible BROADLOOM Rugs, made from your worn carpets and clothing, in New, Sniart Colors, up to 13 ft. wide SEAMLESS by any length. Woven within a week. Wool going up. Save Now! Rugs ai'e getting higher. ■ '■ v; ' ■, . -"v' ' - C dntinen tal R ug Co. L td. Phonei BA y 7066 for information, . ANIMAL WEEK THE WEST VANCOUVER S. P. C. A. PRESENTS SOME DO'S AND DON'TS FOR ANIMALS.4- L Don't keep your dog on a leash o r ' in a confined space for long V periods. Animals need exercise and companionship as much as • ,iyou do. ̂ . 2. But don't let' your dog follow you ion.a bicycle. Apart from getting tired, he may be run over, or cause a serious traffic accident. 3. ■ Always leave a bowl of clean drinking, w ater where your dog or cat can get it. >> 4. Never rear kittens or puppies that you do not mean to keep. Drown or chloroform them immediately they are born. I t is kind to leave one for the -.mother; , , 5. Don't take young animala from their mothers too soon. They should be eight weeks old a t least before ■ being separated from their 'm others. . , ' ' "7 6. If you think yoiiT- dng.:iha.«L-̂ dijd-.ftmpeTV-4fi ro t le t--it--nea '̂^-^vt-hey- animals. I t is highly contagious. Keep him warm and d ry .;. __ __1. _ Doif t let your dog "run a t large without, identification on his collar.^ 8. Don't J e t fleas or lice get a start.. Groom your animal'daily. - 9. Remember that m eat is the natural food of . both dogs and cats; see that they get~an adequate quan tity of it. .. 4,U. . -Always get' advice from a qualified veterma'fy'"surgeon" wheri'^aur " animal is sick. „ ,Mr. and . M rs. II. C . M. GartU ner of Kelowna are the house Kuests of Charles Moon, 1313 . Fu lton Ave. Mr. G ardner is a brother-in-law of Mr. Moon..... ■ E. J . W illiam s of Vancouver has purchased the Di'aper prop­ e rty a t 2435 Marino Drive. P. T. M astcrm aii acted for both parties, . . #...' .. ♦ IK Mr. and M rs. AVright gave a fancy d ress party bust Saturday evening a t th e ir lionio on Sin­ clair Ave. . ♦.... ♦ . . >«< ' , Mi'i and M rs. Davidsoiv of Van­ couver have moved into th e ir sum m er hom e a t Cnulfoild for th e season. -V ancouver's 'eartln iuake man, M ajor E . G. Thrupp, will be guest on th e Greater, Vancou­ v er's Y outh Council's first pro­ gram of its new "Hostess Series" today a t 8:15 p.m., over CKMO. CKMO, <■ ii« ♦ ii( M rs. Charles Pisohel of Seattle w as th e .house guest over th e week-end of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. V ass of th e \ Hollyburn ' Block, 16th and M arine D rive...............♦ ♦ * Mrs; H ow ard Gane and Miss Lila Wood en terta ined recently a t th e fo rm er's home, in Vancouver, a t a m iscellaneous shower in hon­ or of Miss M ary Van Snellen- berg, w hose m arriage to Mr.. Roy W hittaker, of W est Vancouver, takes place A pril 27.. A ssisting in serv ipg th e were Mrs. S H. Anderso'S^Vliss Chris A n­ derson and M rs. Paul D. M urphy. " The old W. C. Thompson prop­ e r ty a t 20 th and A rgyle Ave., one of th e landm arks of W est V ancouver, has recently been purchased by th e Misses Abel of Vancouver, who will have i t renovated and remodelled before tak in g up residence th e re . L. -E. Kyle of H; A. R oberts. L td., a c t­ ed fo r both parties . ' : - i Brooks-- Dingwell The m arriag e took place in St. Jo h n 's M anse, M arch 22nd, - a t 7:15 p.m., of Doris Yaida, daugh­ te r of Mr. and, Mrs. A. Dingvvell, to Mr. John W ilfred Brooks, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Brooks, Rev. A. E. Cooke officiati;ng." ' -Given i n; im arriag --by heir - f a th e r, -the-bride-worea-pale-blue- ■ n e t ja ck e t gown-^ over m atch ing taffe ta ; and her blue veil was held in place 1)7 a c lu ste r o f pink and w hite forget-m e-nots. H er bouquet was of pink carnation^ and hea ther, -----M iss F red a -L itt a s bridesm aid was. a ttired in . p ink chiffon and carried a bouquet of spring flowers. Mr. Rae R utley w as best • m an. . ' A t th e reception held a t the .hom e of M rs. B ert S tevens, 2284 M athers avenue, W est Vancou­ ver, Mrs. DingwelL received th e guests, w earing la black; floor- leng th lace gown, w ith m atch ing flowered hat. F o r h er wedding tr ip to Vic­ to ria th e bride donned a blue dress, topped by an airfo rce blue wool coat trimmed., vrith g rey squirrel, and a s traw b erry h a t and accessories. --.....Mrs«' E. Cragg-Jobiison;-'vwlio# ha.s spout th e pa.st week, the house g u est of M r. .an d M rs. H arvey Sm ith, le ft fo r h e r homo iiUNakusp, Tuesday. il> 4< 4i E ngagem ent Mrs. E, C loathero of the city bu t a form er residen t here, aii- nounces"i:he engagem ent of her daughter, D))riiy to Mr. Jack II. McljOiin,, son of M r. J . McLean and th e late Mrs. M cL ean,. 'rin* m arriago will take place quietly May 15, « 41 Id David W illington,, of 1331 Clyde Ave., w as elected m odera t­ or of the G reater V ancouver and Lower M ainland Association^ of B ap tists a t th e annim l m eeting in "Point G iU y 'B ap tis t Churbh. H e succeeds Rev. H enry Knox. 4* ♦ 4< - George D raper, 2435 M arine Drive, is leaving a t th e end of th e week fdr Kelowna, w here he will Visit his g randdaugh ter. ♦ ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. O tto Lund, who have been holidaying in W est ' Vancouver, th e g u es ts of Mrs. L und's unole and au n t, Mr. and Mrs. H arvey Sm ith , le ft on S a t­ urday fo r th e ir hom e in Bruce, A lberta. i . ♦ 4< ♦ Glen MoDohald, son of C aptain and Mrs. C.'A. McDonald qf 2627 O ttaw a Ave., who la s t sunrimer figured in a life sav ing episode a t D undarave P ier, w as again in­ strum en ta l in sav ing life, th is tim e a t P o rt Chalm ers, New Zea­ land. Y oung McDonald, who is a cadet on one of th e F u rn ess W ithy Line steamers,; rescued a longshorem an who had b e e n knocked unconscious by a sw ing­ ing bale; of cotton and ^w ept in to ■; th e w ater du ring loading opera­ tions. In th is connection h is fa th e r, C aptain McDonald, who is stevedoring superin tenden t fo r th e E m pire S tevedoring Co. L td., in Vancouver, has received th e following le tte r from Jam es Bain, P resid en t _of th e P o rt Chalm ers W a te rfro n t W orkers' A ssociation : "This young m an (Glen Mc­ Donald) v isited th is p o rt on Fcb- * ruary 20th,^and w hile here di.s-, H:inguished-Kimself by saving, one~ Bennett's BAKERY HurrKRCRiisr ItUEAD SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c a doz. Scotch Pancakes, Scones, A bernethy's aiul 6 a i Cukes H 68 Murine D rive Phono West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY. F im U Y AND SATURDAY Mat. Aiirll ISlh, llUh and 20th 1. AD RED AND HARDY "SWISS MISS" , ■'BUSY M'lTMC BEARS" . . SATUItDAY RVE. AND' MONDAY April 201 h iiud 22nd BETTE DAVIS ERROR FIiYNN " THE SISTERS" idHO '/ N i-'W.'4, Ciartoo.n, ntr. I'U ICS I) A'Ŝ A N D WICI )N IC.M 1) AY A'|)i'il 23rd and 24th ' HEO. SAMDERS WENDY BARRIE " The Saint Strikes Back " ' • . (at 8:ir))'" ' ' . also "THE (URL Ii'ROM MEXICO" T E N N I S Rac(iuOits, Bulls, KosirinKS.' Softball "and .l..acrosse Eciuipnient I FRED JONES Bicycles & Sporting Goods 1439 M arine LEGION ACTIVITIES Short regu lar m eeting Friday, th e 19th in.st., a t 8 p.m. Sm oker under the auspices of th e Legion of F rontiersm en will follow. All m em bers are invited to' a ttend . of the members o f our union 7from'drowning:-In-Tecognition of his effort the men working this ship took up a small oollection, and I expressed appreciation to th e chief officer. "A t th e la s t m eeting of the union, th e secre ta ry w as instruc t­ ed to w rite th e local branch of th e Royal Humiane Society w ith a -View to -o b ta in in g -a -medaLfeiL th e young m an. In conclusion, I w ish to cong ra tu la te you on be­ ing th e p a re n t o f such a fine specim en of young m anhood." Miss Chi'is Anderson en ter­ tained a t tcaj.irecently a t Capi-7 lano Golf an d 'C o u h tiy Club in • ' honor o f Mis.s' M ary'V an Snellen-~ berg, whose m arriage to Mr. Roy W hitaker of^ ._Wc,it_ V ancouver ta k e s place A pril 27. G uests included Miss K ay Fol- kins, Miss Lennic Price, Miss Lilia Wood, Mrs. Paul M urphy, M rs. Stanley Anderson, Miss M arjorie Lockie, Mrs. Leslie Young. Mrs. D . McCaughey. Mrs. T. Van Snellenberg, M rs. A. Mil.'- sud, Mrs. Reemcyer, Mrs. IT. .Gane,'.Miss Marion W engell and M rs. R. M acIntyre. CLEAN-UP W E E K MRS. M ABEL GERTRUDE STEMSON P A S S E S ' 7® How do joD like yoor Waffles? Do you-like H am W affles w ith P in eap p le Sau ce? .,.or sw eet Sw eet P o ta to W affles? There are so w;ays to m ak e w affles. Sm art h o ste s¥ ^ ' lik e th is n ew -sty le w affle iron . . , sm a rt, gle'arning, m o d ern istic T . i ^ h heavy ^ s t " alum inum i grid w h ich --oh w onder!-- req u ires n o g rea s in g / - - - - - - $ 5 4 ^ M rs. Mabel G ertrude Stem son, w ife of E. R. Stem son of 2636 M arine Drive, passed laway la s t S a tu rd ay a f te r , a lingering, ill­ ness. Besides h er husband, she is survived by one son, Gordon,-- a t home, also two sis te rs in E ng­ land. Canon G. C. d 'E asum of-\ ficiated a t th e funeral service, ̂ which was held a t 3 p.m. .Tues- day-from -the-H oIlybum -Funeral-- Hom e of H arron Bros. L td ., fol­ lowed by in te rm en t in Capilano V iew C^emetery. ̂ W est V ancouver is holding th is week th e Annual Clean-up W eek to synchronize w ith the "M iss Clean-up and Paint-upffor 1940" cam paign being held in G rea te r Vancouver. , E v ery sp ring N atu re in th e tem pera te zone stages a clean up "̂ by re-clo th ing th e trees and bushes and g rass with a new su it of g reen to hide the, ugliness caused by the ravages of w inter. And civilized man ha.s alw ays followed her exam ple. . W e have had a very wet if a m ild w inter, which i.s h ard on th e p a in t of our houses. T here is m uch work to be done in th e g ard en in o rder th a t it m ay be ready fo r the sum m er blooming. -Also, because an overgrow n or unkept boulevard takes aw ay from th e beauty of th e garden adjacent to it, som e labor m ay be required there . T he. to u r is t in d u stry has been fo r years one of C anada's g re a te s t sources of revenue, and th is y ea r th e 'O ttaw a au th o ri­ tie s a re expecting an unusually la rg e influx of visitors. F o r due to th e w ar i t is figured th a t to th e norm al flow of A m eri­ cans who yearly spend the ir holidays in Canada will be added those thou.sands w h o usually go to th e B ritish Isles or Europe^ fo r th e ir vacations. o This province owing :to its n a tu ra l .scenic bcanty wiil certa in ly receive h e r share of them , m ost of whom will v is it W est yan co u v er, whMh has been m uch before th e A m erican publio's eye la tely on account of th e publicity given i t by th e Capifano E s ta te s and th e Lions' G ate Bridge. L e t us be.ready fo r them ,. E a s y te r m 6 TP - ............EXPERT;------ W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON STORES r(formerly-with-Birks-LtdirMontreal) 1522 M arine D rive ------ ---------------------------------------- HEAR ■ / . ^ ^ : R EV . HERM AN B. CENTZ i * • Ru.ssian Christian Jew on **The R u sso ^ e rm a n P a c tin Prophecy a t Canadian Legion Hall - ' (Cor. Duchess and 18th St,, W est Van.) •f SUNDAY, A P K nr2Ist, a t 3 p.m. (Chairman. Robiert H. Birch) u A VITAL MESSAGE ON THE QUESTION OF THE HOUR