West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Apr 1940, p. 2

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» .f* . ^ ' ;„ \ iW < ) o -mm 'j*«wM,,y-.jp-i -. >>b i \ t ̂ „i iK »*» ) S ilwlS#pii®if 'Xvft }^< î.~ I Hr' r̂ll,,(,»' "u .?r I'v Mr '.: p ' !f'i •i,>l-i#'I II .Mi':m;iiî If-: f)l?-Wt; ̂'HH ' ! y' >i l l l liill 4 j: if ' M is® l l i i i' ; Mimfii'"'"' "!s*f 5 I W f f r$! ;rIf fcH ' 6 : I 'mm||j-|_r.tL _ _ _ *111 '" ,H . ppif m S : WEST VAN. UNITED CBUECT "cof. 2fit 4 'Ei<idittiarAv«r'" - u m , W* VANCB; a A n Mlnlft^r- 19f>3 Fulton Aveirnw , . , . - j»|(0,5e-4Weilt"'M4 Sunday S«rrlc«*t 11 n.m. A 7;80p;ra. Sir«nir«ra and Vlaitora are welcome Whi; N o t N ew Hoir§t0le*i BAPTIST CBWBCH Hin f,p Ursv U#T. IT. U McKay. BLA ̂ BJ> Sunday Serricea 10:00 B.mr«-Chureb School In- dudiniT Adult Claaa II a.m. & 7:80 p.m.--Preaching S«rvieai.j A hearty welcome to all 'riiirn* in nothing like a new coliruro to fumpleLf your Hprim; outlU. Don't let JiihL year'a huirSdo' Hpoll your new hut. Gwendolyn's - Beauty Shoppe Creatora of ISxduMlve, l*erinanonta, 1646 Marino Drive WcMt 117 HOLLVBDRlf. HAU 14th and Ducbesa . I r id u ) , A p ril lOlli, 7:15 p.m . rhildrcn and Young People'B Si rvleo with I„untern Slides. Si.i aki r: Mr. Jude' Cochrane. Suiuiuy, April 2IhI 10 a.m., Sunday School and Vwuiu" I'eoplo'u Ijible CIubb, I ! a.in, Dreuking of Bread. 7;;}() p.m,, Co»pel AddrcBB. SiM-aker: Mr. A. Morning 'J'ueHduy, A pril 23rd , 8 p .ra . Prayer Meeting a n d Bible Study.;, W EST VANCOUVER Christian Science CHUKCU KDIFICE 20th ahd Ea«|ttlittalU Ilollybum 'This Society Is a Branch of The Mother Church The Firat Church of Chri.H, Sdentlat, in Boston, Ma»8achuH*tts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. S u n d a y , April 21st SUBJECT: "DOCTRINE 01' A'lONE- . : MEN'r Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. , The public Ib c o r d ia l ly in­ vited to attend o u r s e rv ic e s and meetings. W est V an M o to w The Staniiartf Station WRECKER AND-ROAD SERVICE Phone ZrVVest 2 6 8 Have your Radiator and Cooling System Drained and Conditioned lor the 19d:0 Season. Canadian U'gi6n W.A„ W est Vancouver Branch St. George's Tea ',j TUESDAY, APItlLi 23rd, In the Legion Hall Blurting n t 2:30 p.m. P ro c c o d s f o r jnoviding Soldiers' Comforts ST. STE PH EN 'S CHURCH Rev. F. A . Ranisuy, Roclor BA PTIST CHURCH Rev. W. IJ. McKay b a p t i s t c h u r c h Rev. W. L. McKay 1545 DuchesyAve. i '* CORRESPONDENCE D R . G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., I..D.S. i. d e n t is t X'Hay Iluy Block, 14th and Marlnii^Dr. OlTico Hours 1) to 0 p.m. Evenings by ajipointment. Phono Wcrtt 72 THE UNITED CHURCH 2lHt and Esquim alt:A venue itev. William Vance, M inister liutahlished on North Shore 25 Years (Lady AsHiatant) HARRON BROS. LTD. jfuiierai Birretors Ilollybum 'Funeral Homo 18th and Marine ̂ West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 134 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 184 . Suiulay, A pril 21st ]() a.m.--The Sunday School. , H ii.m.-- M orning W orship. . SulijecU "Overcoming Evil." 7;:B) p.m.-- Evening Service. , Kov. Wm. S to tt, B A ., of St. Amii-ew's Church, N orth Van­ couver, will xjreach. Welcome to all our services. Sunday, April 21 «t 8 a.m ,-- Holy. Communion.' 11 a.m.-- M atins and Sermon. 7.30 p.m.-- Bven.'^ong and Ser- ' mon. T hursday , 10:15 -- St. Mark s Day, Holy Communion. , -Tuesday, 2:30-- W.A: , . St. Francis-in-lhe-Wood Caulfeild 3 p.m.-- Evensong and Sermon. JA PA N RESCUE MISSION WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE M arine ah ti/25 th St. Pa.stor: Rob^-t H, Birch DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 9 to 6 -r- Evenings by appointment. 1860 Marine Drive West 432 9; I5 ji.m.-- Sunday School. 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. -- Sunday SeryieCH. \ Wcdne.sday, 7:30 p.m. -- P ray er Fellowship. Kev. H erm an B. Centz will .s])eak a t th e M orning'Service. Horseshoe Bay & V icinity Thursday Bible Fellowship, 7 :45. Etitngelical Indei^endent ST. ANTh 6 n Y'S CATHOLIC CHURGH The reg u la r m on th ly p rayer m eeting on behalf of the Japan "Resoue Mission will be held (D. V.) nex t Saturday, April 20th, a t 8 p.m., a t the. home lOf L. Hib- berd, 1136 Jefferson Ave. All frien d s of th e mission and those in terested in the work are cordi­ ally invited to attend. Sunday Services: 11 a.m.-- Subject; "The Tragedy • ot Bethany." Stoiy and hym n for the young worshibP<2i'-̂ ' 7:30 p.m.-- Dr. C. C.,M cLaurin, of Calgary, Ex-Superintendent of B aptist Missions for W est­ ern Canada, will preacli. The. scb'vice -will begin wffh a b righ t sing song. _ Church .School and adult Bible class will m eet a t 10 o'clock. I t is hoped th a t every -scholar ' will be on hand. , ■ Monday; 8 p.m.-^Young People s , Society. Elmore Hum phreys will .speak on the subject "B ^ ing a C hristian on One's Job." Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. -- Mid- ■> week m eeting of p rayer and praise. * Box 34, Holly burn , p.o. To th e E d ito r, ^ • The W est Vancouver. News. S ir: I note in your issue of l l l i i an item re w a te r supply, and that in struc tions have been given to' investiga te in takes of creeks. We a re p articu larly interested in B ro thers Creek, run n in g through, Block 1045. The flow, since we' bought a i4 block some six years ago, is scarcely h a lf w hat it then was. A sh o rt tim e ago, the Brit! . ish P roperties secured a grant of w ater. L a te r th ey applied for a fu r th e r supply. Owners on creek p ro tested and th e application was . w ithdraw n. B u t the flow h as gradually decreased. Why? P roperty ow ners have an invest­ ed in te re s t in th e creek. • George Carter. .T 'aint always the hen with the Jeb Pearson sez religion is like a nicest feathers what. lays the biggest wagon wheel--Heaven is the hub. en . ' there's a mi&hty lot ô spokes. 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. F a th e r Vam.. ^as to r N ellie Harrison. A.'l'.C.M. .Special Diploma Teacher of P IA W lT m rT H E O ir r Itc.sidlimcc Studio: -- I955-.liiKlmvood_Avenuc, , ' West' rOSiVL Sunday Services Low M ass -- 8:15 a.m. H igh M ass and S e r n ^ - -amriT Mil ALL-BOUND LEADER JRosary_a.D.dJ3_en€diction p.m. in P e ifom ance C atechism and Bible Class-- 2:00 _ : p.m. i I S. H. SRIGLEY Painter and Decorator- 1706 Marine Drive Phono West 938 W eek-day Services M ass ~T 8 a.m. F ridays-^R osary , Benediction -7 :45 . and Econpmv... S atu rd ay s -- Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:3(j p.m. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST CARD OF TIIANIvT^ The. family of,Miss K_ L, Beve­ ridge wish to thank her many rHends for their great kindness during her illness, for the beau­ tiful lUnvers' sent in tribute to her luemory nnd the expres-sions of sympathy which accompanied Uu'm. 1. Beveridge. The News 8 THE W est Van N ew s Publinhcd Every Thursday "DOCTRINE^ O F ATONE­ M EN T" will be the subject of4 th e Lesson -r Sermon in a jl C hurches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. .. The Golden Text i s : "The Son„ . of m ^ n cam e-not to be m in ister­ ed unto, b u t to m inister, and to give his life a ransom for m any" (M atthew 20:28). A m ong the citations which com prise th e I..iesson-Sermon is ' th e following from th e Bible. "L e t y o u r ligh t so shine before men, th a t they may see your good w orks, and glorify your F a th e r which is in heaven." (M atthew 5:16). Tlie. Lesson-Sermon also in­ cludes ' th e following, passage fro m th« ̂ C hristia ii Science te x t­ book, "Science, an'd~Health~'with" 50 MODELS 10 WHEELBASES ■ 6. X I HZ I I I ® Publisher F. F . LDTCGROTYE r Phone W est 363 Business and Editorial OtTico: Key to th e S crip tures,'! by Mary ' B aker E dd \' : "The scientific un ity which ex ists between God and m an m u st be w rought out in " li^fe^piwticeTTnKi'Goff'srwillni^^^ be universally done.," Everywhere in Ganada, you find thousandis of satisfied Chevrolet T ruck ow ners, each with his own very good reasons for choosing, the All-Around Leader in perform ance-and sa'vings. Such nation-wide popularity m eans something. I t means that you, too, will dis­ cover the thriftiest answer to your hauling problem in one of the W n e w C h e v r o X s i Models for 1940,m J2ARDJiEJCHANKS_ |.iVs«s4'- IS$J ■ 1704 Marine Drive Phone W est 55 N orth Vancouver Office: 123 l^onisdale Ave, ,We wish to express our sin­ cere thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors . who were so kind to us during our ree'ent bereavement and also rto thank them for the beautiful -floml-olferings..- ♦1.00"«'Tearby-caiTiexxTj2J)0"irTe«r-- 0 by mail -Mrs.- S, Smith-and Joyce,- GTJg M cM illan M otors L td. 3 rd a t f d ^ ^ i l a l e N orth V ancouver