West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Apr 1940, p. 1

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EstafeliiKiil' o v e F lS 'l^ w T ' Established over 18 years. Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-Amblesidey Holly burn, Weston, Dundarave Ji.oo per yew. ' Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. so per copy Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY,. .APlRIL 18th. 1940 No. 1 ■ma OUR F IF T E E N T H Y EA R RUSSO GERMAN PACT W'itli th is issue we s ta r t o u r fifteen th of continuous publication. In th e life o f la young m unicipality like W est Vancouver it is la long c ry back to A pril, 1926, w hen th e W est Van. News first saw th e lig h t o f day. In. th a t sp rin g also w as born the new W est V ancouver w hich we now have, th a t is to say, the old sum m er colony days had ended and th e new sub­ urban era of our m unicipality w as ju s t beginning. In 11)27 th e re occurred a boom consequent upon th e offer by two engineering firm s to bujld a F ir s t N arrow s Bridge, and, wlien the plebiscite in V ancouver w as defeated . W est Vancou­ ver suffered a setback, w hich w as intensified by th e closing ' of the Second N arrow s B ridge la te r as th e re su lt of an acci­ dent. Came the depression and still h a rd e r tim es, w hich w ere ended by the pu rchase of o u r upper level lands by th e B ritish Pacific P roperties and th e build ing o f th e L ions' G ate Bridge. We have given th is b rie f resum e of th e h is to ry of th e municipality, because i t is la rge ly th e h is to ry of th e W est Van. News. For all th ro u g h th ese y ea rs we w ere try in g to do our bit as a cominunity new spaper in keeping th e conim unity sp ir it alive by serving a s a o learing house fo r th e new s of th e social and organizational life of th e m unicijiality. W e fo u g h t fo r West Vancouver th ro u g h tw o F ir s t N arrow s B ridge cam paigns, ill the firs t ag a in st th e w h o le .c ity p ress, and in th e second, which was successful, one o f our ed ito ria ls w as specially se n t for and published in the, Viancouver S u n -ju s t before th e vo te was taken. There w ere also o u r tw o la rg e special issues, w hich wont a ir over the w orld . We have tr ied alw ays to produce a clean p ap e r on th e ' lines of sound conservative jou rnalism , n o t believing in sen­ sationalism, which breeds un re liab ility an d so eventual death . We have never knocked and have only critic ized w hen w e could offer something construc tive Jn _ su p p o rt. _ A lso _as_ th e re su lt .̂ of a long schooling in finance, "w e h av e n ever gone off a t h a lf " ; cock and have a t tim es suppressed new s w hich in our opinion was not in the public in te re s t, a s incidentally is done a t tim es by every responsible new spaper and governm ent. Looking back over th e y ea rs , and som e o f th em have been .weryJiard years, we have no reg re ts ; - W e w ish to th a n k all those advertisers an d read e rs w hose generous su p p o rt h a s made ■ the publication of th is new spaper possible. In r e tu rn we have always done o u r b e s t to k ^ p 'f a i t h w ith W est Vancou­ ver, as we shall h ( ^ to con tinue to "dd fo r such tim e as W est Vancouver keeps fa ith w ith us. " "The Russo-Germ an P act in P rophecy." This tim ely question will be th e supbject of an ad- A TTENTIONI GARDEN LOVERS I THE ENCHANTED EM ERALD" F. I. Fuller, p ro p rie to r o f "The ^ - .. P a l's ," 8880 M arine Drive, W est J ^ ̂ 'TT II rH . Bay, announces in th is issue th a t a t the Legion Hall on Sunday aP k inds of b e d - . afternoon a t 8 o clock. Mr. p lan ts and cu t flowers, The public is asked to ixmicni- bor the coming pi^j.^entation of the |̂>pei\?Ua "The E nchanted Eniewild," to bo given a t th e High School on April' 2Gth and 27th. riiia M being presented by Centz, th e son of a highly placed orthodox Jewish fam ily, w as born i n . R u s s i a and was reared and educated in the city of Odessa, in its tim e a m any varie ties of Ijladiolas, be gonias, tulips; etc.i also roses and shrubs, in which he spccialiBOS. ___ ___ ^ H e is prepared to do gardening th a t (lelightfiil group of young , n u . and landscaping by th e day o r singers "The Jun ior Choir," cen tie of cu ltu re and l^ e .se a t of con tract, and is th e ag en t fo r under the baton of Mrs. Colin* aT am ous university . D uring 'h is E ddie 's N urseries. V isito rs will ; MaoLoan. This group of th ir ty - s tu d en t days in Russia he oame welcome a t any tim e, w here 111 con tact w ith vital C hristian ity they will see w hat Mr. F u ller has which m ade ̂ a deep im pression been able to accomplish in a year- upon him. A fte r coming to th e by way of tu rn in g uncleared, U nited S ta te s the m in istry of lapp in to beautifu l landscaped th e la te D r. Leopold Mohn w as, grounds filled w ith flowers. H is used to, b ring hiin to a. definite telephone num ber i s - W e s t decision fo r C h ris t . Since then , 364-M l. • . A n advertisem ent re la tiv e to th e above appejars in th is issue. 'fb r . nearly tw enty y e p s , he has been actively engaged in C h ris t­ ian w ork in th is country and in Europe. Prophecy, i t has been said, is h isto ry w ritten in advance. This has been so often verified th a t th irty - eigh t girls iii(jjlude.s th e Glee Club a.s well, which m eans girls from 8 to 16 years. The story of "The E nchan t­ ed Em erald" is a delightful one and is embellished by sol,os, chor- U.SOS and dances, charm ing cost­ umes and the, jOnthusiasm th a t only youth can give to an lulfair of th is kind. HOLLYBURN H A LL The en tire p ro c ^ d » 'go to 'th a Red Cross and th^W.A^ of thi) United Church, >•; Tickets can be' purchased from1-% ... -I /'•i -rr li ̂ ■*-•1 ■ the choir. TRANSPORTATION The regu lar C hild ren 's; and __________ _ . Ml , 1 . Y oung People 's Service will 1^ the Red Cross Uni^si'B. £!'■ Elec th e wise m an will order h is life held a t 7 :15 p.ni. tom orrow , (F ri- trie Store, and the m em bers of and affairs according to th e day) in Holly burn Hall, w hen - • • Bible's prophecies;of p resen t and th e speaker will be Jack Coch- fu tu re events;' Do no t miss, th is rane. T he service will be illust- v ita l m essage on th e question of ra ted w ith lan tern slides. The , ______ th e hour. services nex t Sunday will be as ̂ p - . Mr. Centz represen ts the Am- follows: 10 a.m; Sunday School th ^ erican B oard of M issions to th e and Young People's B ible Class'; ̂ ^ jfews ^ v . R o ^ r t H. B irch will , u a,.m. B reak ing of B read ; 7jS0 r e p r^ ^ L te g toe PubUc be _chairmap..of th e m ee tin g - ■ p.m. G ^ p e l add ress by A^M orri- i V t S t ' n L -- --------------------------- -̂--------------ing. - N ex t Tuesday a t 8 p.m ., PRO-REC CHAM PIONSHIPS S. P . C. A . W This is S.P.C.A. W eek, w hen we a re especially asked to remember the dum b anim als. In th e case d f W est V ancouver, which is a suburban a rea an d n o t a fa rm in g com m unity, we ire ' ■ ----- " ■ ----- a re - ' Though it is only fittin g th a t C anada's g re a te s t dem onstration of N ational Physical F itn ess -------- r- should be viewed by an overflow G arden L ectu re under th e audience in th e H astin g s P a rk auspices of th e W ^ t Vancouver F orum , on F riday n igh fe A pril H orticu ltu ra l Society will be -ii „ .i. ----- V g i v e n by W alte r ̂ Loch,. P ast P re s id e h tp f H 0 B . C. P r ^ al G ardeners' A ssociation a t 8 p.m . tom orrow (F riday) i n :the Htilities^Gommission, h as-b een prayer m eeting and Bible study.. p o rta tio n system . .He particu lar-HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY I L E C T U R E 26th, it does not seerh wholly fa ir th a t hundred^ of in te rested persons should fail to -g a in .ad­ m ittance to th e unique M ass Dis- p lay of th e Provincial R ecreation ly wished to find out th e cast per m ile of both the m unicipality 's local and city, buses.. Mr. Ray ex ­ pec ts th a t th e hearing before the Com m ission will take place as soon as Mr. Mellish has made his rep o rt. __ --. BRITISH - ISR A EL i4 th a n d - M a r i n e ------ two points which seem to be ou tstand ing . T he fo s t, o f course ,' .Centres ju s t because V ancouver Drive. Q uestions will be answer- regu lar weekly m eeting of IS that our..dogs^m L oats-an (L b ird& -ar€^um h.---T hey-caH ^^s----- -lioes-not-boafet-^a-larger-arenaT-------edT-ThereTs-noTadmijsion-chiarge--^^^-^^^^j^Jg^-Y^^^j^l^ ^tfue, inJheilr..own -wayy-express~pleafeure and-pain^appreciation and disgust, affection and dislike, b u t only to a very lim ited . extent. The second p o in t is t h a t m an took them frorh th e wild, where, if exposed to enem ies, th e y a t least'doiew how to fend lor themselves, and m ade th em e n tire ly dependent on him fo r food and shelter. - - • - If any of us hum an beings \yere both dum b and dependent, jve should requ ire-a-good-deal-o f--kindn€ss~ and-sym pathy-to - make up fo r our evil fo rtu n e . Y e t th a t is th e case w ith all of pur animals. They m ay a t tim es b e .a care, b u t th ey do ap­ preciate any th ing th a t -is done fo r them , m ore particu larly dogs. And th a t, we shall h av e to ^ m i t , is by no m eans always t] ue of nmn, who som etim es by soirie quirk of hum an n a tu re £opays a kindness by in ju ry . ' j 'an d "a ll" garde7r welcome. lo v e rs will"l)e f in a l FEDERAL ELECTION FIG U R E S "W elcome mews™ is™ "therefore' contained in th e announcem ent m ade b.v I^ii E isenhard t, "P fo- d ^ c " d irector, th a t no adm ission will be charged to th e C en tres' annual G ym nastic Cham pion­ ships fo r T hursday evening, ___ ^ p r i r 2 5 t h ,"alsorin th e Forum . home7of M rsr O strom on Thurs- W hile adm ittedly n o t a s s p ^ - day, A pril 11th. The following, tacu la r as the C en tres 'f in a l D is- com m ittees w ere form ed: Fin- play. P ro - Itec C ham pionships anoe, M rs. J . B. Leyland, H. _Qst- have come to be recognized as rom , W. B. Small, Mrs, T. A. th e continen t's m ost o u ts tan d in g Johnston , Miss L. McCallum; gym nastic ' contest and a re well N ursing , M rs. H. Irv ing , Mrs. W. w orth seeing on th e ir own ac- B. S m all; Publicity , Mrs. J, H. count. W ith hundreds of special- Redden, M rs. W. T. .Davis, Mrs. l y tra in ed young m en an d women L. A. W ainw righ t; N urses' Sup- on-^Moh-- dayT---Aprtl^22hdr-^at^ M arine Driye.7^^1^^ th e speaker. She will continue h er ta lk on "Rem em ber th e ______ T hings of Old." You a re very oor- '=The reg u la r m onthly meeting invited* R egular rh u fsd ay of th e V.O.N. was held a t the ^ o clock and W ednesday afternoon m e e tin g ^ t 3 p.m. V O LU N TEER AUXILIARY DRIVERS' CORPS (Continued) ? majority of 664 votes over h is opponent according to me,Jina] federal election .figures ^or this riding, w hich, have r e ­ cently been made public. These CANADIAN LEGIO N W.A. T he Canadian Legion W.A. is from various p arts o f B. C. com- plies, M rs. G. E. Seon, Mrs. E. H. hold ing a St. George's Tea in th e peting fo r th e coveted individual Jupp , M rs. H. A. P h ilp o tts ; Baby th e personnel of the dealer S er iT wi-- TT<r%11 '-A T\Vll . _ J- .1 "U yw :TV/Tt»0 Q 1^ 1\/Tv*t! T/ , _J_ CO T he lectures and practical classes in all cases are held in G eneral M o t o i;* s dealerships, w here in th e practical sessions Tam 0 * 1 * ' x lO lU ir ig ci O t . V jrtJU Igc o i l l p ^ U l I l e lO x t l lC ix iu iy iu ^ xiiipi-fL/Uo > James bm clair w as elected by • Legion H all on Tuesday, April, and team honors in rh y th m ic ex- Clinic, M rs. S. Mackay, Mrs. L. 23rd, s ta r t in g a t 2:30 p.m. The ercises, dancing ,tum bling, and A. H. W ainw right. proceeds are to be u sed .to ca rry appara tu s activities, th is y ea r's on th e ir w a r work in providing cham pionships prom ise to be figh ting men w ith com forts such even m ore colorful th a n th e fo u r as socks, sw eaters, etc. M rs. J ". B. o thers which have p re ^ d e d i t to CH RISTIA N SCIENCE LECTURE I^llf>ws: J , Sinclair,. 10,- Leyland, M rs. A. Crornar B ruce p MacNeil, 9,83,2; . an d Mrs.*W. B. Small have been -Af '1,186. I t is w o rth y asked to pour tea. or note th a t only a to ta l ;pf 22 .The general m eeting of th e ̂ res were c a s t.th ro u g h o u t th e A uxiliary will be held on Mon- nhri^ ̂ in th e advanced day, 29th in s tan t, a t w hich a l\r , X alm ost equal- luncheon will be held in th e club room , preceeding th e m eeting a t l2 'p.m ^for_m em bers-only.,------- -- lir i. ■, .vvcie cuiuost euuai- between th e th re e candidates. T he C hristian Science-Society. W est V ancouver, announces a free public lectu re on Christian Science: en titled ■ "C hristian Sci- Tomorrow night, F rid ay , A pril ^ c e , i ts P rac tice r a d Proof," by 19th, is th e A.Y.P.A. S pring R o ren ce M iddaugh GS of Los _________ _______ Flannel Dance a t th e O range Angeles, naem ber of th e bM rd of of C anada, Lim ited, in revcalinh Hall. . . . le c tu re s h ip o j. t h e M other deta ils o f th e Cnnrsh - w hiof w ere ca rried on w ithou t th e date. ' LAST M INUTE R E M IN D ER vice D epartm ents w ith th e lecturers in dem onstrat- , in g and teach ing th e actual m echanical work. ' ' - .. "T h e V olunteer A uxiliary D riv ers ' Corps has been organiz­ ed and conducted as th e contribu­ tion o f General M otors to th e cause o f preparedness am ong C anada 's civilian population," de­ clared J , E . Johnson, V ice-Presi- . d en t o f General M otors P roducts CORPORATION O F TH E D ISTRICT-O F ̂ W E ST VANCOUVER A be received by the undersigned up to 12:00 noon Pnl 22nd, 1940, for the position of pound keeper in West Vancouver. -^ p r-L5rii?Mis_to_furnish.fuIl-paiticuIars in-writing re pound facilities will.be provided, location of,sam e and remuneration re4uired. W . H E R R I N , Hojlybum, B. C., _ April 12, 1940. Municipal Clerk; L ecturesh ip o f t h e Mother; "̂ w is n - d - M r s r J r B r K y I a n l l~ e h u r c h ^ th e - H F i r s t - e h u r c .... _ E«v, and M rs. F. A. K am sey and C h n s t, & ie n tis t, m Boston, Mas- know ledge o f th e general public - " ' 'U ntil y e ry recently, anda s " T ii6atrc, a t 3 p.ni > caiii/i Ho'Kf o Mr. and Mrs. D. A. J a y have been s ^ h u s e t ts , invited to honor th e .dance, a s ' f^ , pa trons and patronesses. » - \ A pril 21st. public is invited --- Dancing---win rtak e . p lace _fr.om _Jtoattend ,^D qqrS^^^^ 9 till 1 a.m., w ith Chic Q ualley 's o clock. - ' O rchestra in attendance, d u rin g : ' -W hich^^ovelties--and'--refre sh -------------- WEM>YJEIO_USF----------- jnehts-wJILhejenjoyed. J;_:------:__T he-Pre-SchboI S tudy^ro u p ~ ^v er^^^--ad d ^^M fy ij^ iS § M ;^ cam e to lig h t when a new spaper rep o rte r happened to v isit a dea lersh ip -w hen a -c lass-w as-in TENN IS CLUB will m eet a t th e W endy House on Tuesday, A pril 23rd, atv 3 p.m. Miss E llio tt will l e ^ th e fdis-: session. "W e shall be fully repaid fo r ou r tim e and-expend'iture, how-_ ever^"7-add€^ Mr7 Johnson, -fif^ even a few of ou r g raduates, as a re su lt o f th e ir tra in ing , become uiore skilled and carefu l drivers' ^The -W est .Vantouver__Tennis_. cussion o n JiT em p er, T a n t r u m s . _ at_ the-w heels-of-arm y^ Club is holding a "G am bling. . -vehicles o r in th e alm ost equally -î ight"-on-Priday-eveningr-ApriI-̂ -- A^H.-Cue-of-Hay v̂-ood-Avo.,--,responsible-task-ofrdriving-cars" -26thi-m^Jic-Clachan,-for-old-and r̂eceived.rintimation-on-16th_of_J[n_their-own-communities7wher€-new members to become better the death of his mother in Win- our V.A.D.C. schools exist as a acquainted. All interested . in . nipeg, who would have been, 85-definite and valuable contribution tennis are invited. / . had she lived until the jlSth. to the cause of public safety."