!r "f T-Viv <-* -̂' ' ' ' \ W. J, > ' - T (-'t'H »•* to'J 4AJ' -f-«S '"•»l(#H"'>II-̂ ; ■■'31 if» S ir #̂'<< >., • ̂ ! J" ̂ » 0 ̂ ^ I wM l i d s W EST VAN NEW Siii|iii|iî ̂ ...-■--T.MiiiaiiiMiii April 1 ,̂ 1940. fWHMl|ilB̂ aii SMITH'S MARKET i i.«« w«t 46 A, H anrey Sm ith M n U --W ntS70 Fre* Uelifory 8«rvkh - MontWy Aeeottut . I.EG10N A c n v i r r u s », ,u K ■ ̂ 4\]̂ iy I'MiI ;f-■%tmu::" WW': i r 1 | i ii ^ ■ ® l >i-*'i T '■ f̂«' I r ; 'PSi S8 I 1 ;i? I f ■/: i; '-: '®:'̂ iSSIsi mmmife icl ; | | i | |s ®I©ISh if - f: i i i i i t e p ^ ^ - M # k » IMUCES GOOD FO R FR I. and SAT., A PRIL 12 and L'l MEATSFlJFKKtJ WHKAT or U lC K -roaHtiHl, A hli( l*oz. |>kt. ............ 5c (H M I'K N U T S -H 'k l...............................He Ked A W hile JA.M---Fur« l(aftiplM>rry, .12-«/. ja r ., ^ c HAIlDINKB--Canadian. T i n ............JHc CHUM SALM ON--Tall t i n ............... l i e I,L X I'LAKHS--Lift*. Fam ily l*kL 22c Kunkihl OKANOKS-- ' '•■ Mi'diiini S l/e, dozen .......... .24c LarKt* Size, do/.en ............................29c California (HIAI'F.FKlJIT-- 4 for 17c |(«̂ d A W hile rOM ATOES-- 2 No, 2'/2 tlriH ..!.... ................... 25c HONHLKHS CHICKEN-- NabolK 7*oz.; tin ............................27c Wed A While SOCK EYE SALMON-- No. (i tin ....................... 20c Itid A While MAUMA*^AI)I4-- .'12-oz, J a r ............ '--..... '....................24c UeM 570 " F rw Delivery R E E F PORK LAMB V EA L AH Grade A 4̂ A1 Delicatessen F resh F ish Daily Ited A While I'LOUU---- - Ml>. Hack 2r»c; 21*11). auck .7<Jc K«>d X While Brand JELI.Y l'OWI)KHS. EiKht Irne fruit flavorw. ;i |)kiH..,......-- ......... .............. .'....1,4c RED CROSS SOCIETY The lollowint? c o m m i t t e e imietluKH of th e Red Cross So ciety, ,We.st Vancouver Branch w ilfhe lield on W ednesday, A pril n t h , a t Head<iuarters; finance (■ummittee a t ,7 p .m ;; executive- com m ittee a t 8 p.m. JOB N CM A RLES THOMAS H ER E ON 17th APRIL The Canadian Legion drive th ro u g h o u t Canada lor funds for Ub AuxlMaiy, Serv ices has already exceeded th e be.st exi>ecUtions of its organizers. T h e Auxiliary ^*rvices a re alremly under way from Vancouver, B.C., to Lon don, E ngland, wlierc hut.s lo r en te rta in m en t, n*ireation and social services are already lunc- tioning. ostels are 4 ^eration in im portant centres in England, where om* Canadian troops a re able to get meals and accom m odation whilst coming and going on leave at the lowest possible ra te s . J'ersonal services, such us correcting difficulties in pay and allowancti.s for soldiers dependants, have b(H.m taken up in num erous instances with the m ilita ry au thorities, and in m ost cases ad ju stm en ts sa tisfactory to the parties concerned have been prom ptly made when hand led th rough the Legion Auxil iary Services departm ent. lYade classes a re being rapidly organ ized in all im iiortant Canadian troop cen tres both a t home and abroad, which khould go a long way tow ards helping the troops in the a f te r- th e -w a r period. These services which ihe Ixigion Service l u m b e r QoaUty SASH & DOOUS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS BUILDERS' SUPPLIES NO SUBSTITUTE g p O ^ G FOR QUALITY WALLBOABD»T>Tf .W* "A ftn ti: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD, 15t h & M a r in e D r iv e : I Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED A D S 25 'Except' a^«ou™f*aH'c C Cla«Sfii!b in Vaa N ew KCt immediaU resultB. V ■at West Vancouver any time by fliuiointment. West 403. _ -- . FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther* land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 MAUCBL SUOl- - Phone Permanents; only best materials PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J , H, Wedley, West ,1022-L. ^ , used. ' Expert operatofs. West 304. Royal Sank Building. ,SC()TTIwSH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY V'ancouvor'.s favorite a r t is t" ,j()|iM Clmrle.s Thoma.s, the emin- undertaken should pay good 4.Ill baritone who re tu rn s here re tu rn s to all concerned -- the m'liin u>r a co n to rt i n th e A udit- public whd .have (Uijtnccd same, A -I tm u u.. fnnv the troops who will benefit byomim Ajiril 17th, has niade f u b e t te r prepared fojr de- iippearances in th is city in the . rnobilization, and the Canadian Lrijgion who will have gained the UE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, . attruetive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti- , mates. R. B. Cripps. West 88-R. F. V. Findlay, West 'IJl-R. , ■ CORNER "l o t , 6(5x122 ft., cleurod and cultivated, ready to build'. Full price, $700.00. C. J . ARCHER LTD. • iPhone W est 226. T.he J'efpilar practice dunce of the B. C. Scottish C ountry Dance Society, W est Vancouver B ranch, will be held a t 8 p.m., S atu rday of this week, April 18th, in the l^egion Hall. PEMBERTON REALTY CORI * LTD. (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St; 1271. Local Agent, „ 8,. v F Bayliss (Notary Public). 2436 Bellevue. ' West 622-R HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Murine- MARSHALL-WELLS PAINT. SALE , "'starts April 6. Turps, Paint Brushqs, Boiled Oil, etc. . ' iiilcii.'^e .schedule here in the pits! being done, sight is not being U'11 years, Vancouver music lov- .lo s t of th e problems still to be cr.s will rem em ber the d e lig h tfu l^ solved on behalf o f, jihe nien of ■"Fijslival of Muskvil Comedy" the first G reat War. la.'̂ t .summer in Stanley P ark WANTED AT ONCE---- Furniture, Sewing Machines, Stoves, lools, etc. Cash. We buy, sell and exchange. Agents for Fawcett R a n g e s . Vinick's. North 431, 66 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES. All forms of documents drawn 'and executed. Reginald P. Blower, J.P., Notary Public, 1405 Marine Drive, West Vancouver- Phones;, Wes,t 21 and 204M. TABIiE TEN N IS LEAGUE when 10 ,0 0 0 patrons , tlookod-to . CORRESPONDENCE lu-ai* tlieir beloved, baritone in-a The E dito r, West Van. News, programme never to be forgot- D ear S ir-- Next week, the S.P. (̂ •11.' ' C.A. will give the citizens of lii.s wide opera e.xperience has ■ V ancouver a good opportunity to NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical Belte, .Mrs. MacAulay. 1618 Esquimalt. W. 4 6 8 - R . ________________ - PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS .--(IJhoice Northern grown stock, reasonable prices. Orders over $1.00 post paid. Write for list. GAY- WOOD GARDENS, SORRENTO, , ̂B. C, P'irst Diviaion D uring the p as t week th e semj-fmuls of the playolfs were made Mr. Thomas fam iliar w ith insixjct th e ir various activities completed, "Dudes defeat in g "th"<r " jUF The pTineipal biWitbne" arias7 r\vhen exh ib its will"be~Qirdisplay and lie has studied long to adap t a t jthe fo rm er "D eutschland WANTED LISTINGS of all. descriptions H. A. ROBERTS ,LTD., 1447 Marine Drive West 646 WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazingl W est 740, W est 443-R. W. V. Sizzlers and Canadiens defeating the Maple lx'afs. In the form er nuatch the Dudes had no easy time, Ijoing forced lo play a I) gam e overtim e session, as th e regulation m atch finish ed in a 0-9 tie. F inal score wn.s, l-L-13. The o ther semi-final was som ew hat of an upset, as Ihc HAULING--Manure, Septic tanks and - -rockpits-installed_and_cleaned. _W^t 187-Ri - CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Mfetals, FuiTiiture, Stoves, Tools, 'etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. CHIMNEY SWEEPING them for concert use. Similarly, Cafe," 615 Seym our Street.^ Full F̂ OR S A L ^W ireF ox-T em erpup- his e ig h t years of work in ligh t details of the ir photographic- p i e s . Phone after 7 p . i t r . - * « • . . . - . . . , , . % ^ ^ O O - x v i . Old Coun try ^way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. . ' operii iiave given liim a remark- competitions for adults and child, able knowledge of the more popu- ren can be obtained from any of for SALE Wood, Coal, Cow. or a r types of singiiig. Aii analysis : the big departm en t stores; of th ree program m es Thom as T here is, of course, little need gave in New Y ork's Town Hall fo r .^uch work- in W est Vancou- reveals an astonishingly wide : ver, w here any possible suffering cellar-dwelling Canadiens nosed, range of selections. There was no to anim als is likely to be caused out the league diam pion Maplo repetitio ii in hi's mimerbiis en- only by lack of knowledge on th e lAUifs 1,0 -8 . The Dude.'rnow meet* cores. Mr. Thomas is able lo s in g p a rt of some owners. The W est the Canadiejjj^ in the fmals, a nt. a mnme.ntFs notice aiTd*with- VancouverR.P.G .A. has however, Horse Manure and Top. S6il. West ROOM, and BOARD available, near bus and fe rry .'W est 1076-L. 51-M. tL FOR SA L E --Axminster Rug, almost new, 9x12. Rose. $35.00. West. 864-R. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or W est 92-R-2. WHITE ""LEGHORN -SETTINGS -- * Heavy, laying stock. Dawson. West 2G5-L. ■ FAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- -mining; first class work, at- rea sonable rates. H. Gaines, Wes1^67L. best two out of th ree senes. " StkoncrDivisioii Fjnal Standings 'Peums.. -S(K*keyes ... „12 lIiUbillies-:T7:^-T,-12 K) 8 8 G '1 ' M . ' 0 T !Hs. 2 0 20 ■ ou t notes some five hundred so n g sr wh ich- -i n d u tie--A mericaii _songs, French songs, German cared or^over' th ir ty "s tray ani mals in th e course-of-t-ho-paBt- year, and will be very_ glad toxo- FOR SALE OR^ TRADE -- »-tube Westinghouse "Radio in first class r̂~~oTder:" West--19-Rv--------* ■ ------ CHESTERFIELDS REPAIRED, re built and re-covered. Free estimates. Beeler; R ussian songs, Italian and operate w ith th e W est Vanedu- 2 2 o o -1 2 6 2 ICf 0 12 0 18 18 14 10 4 0 W estondors 12 Norvanitoif....... 12 Comets / ............12 N ifties ...............,12 Crimpers ..........12 Last week's scores: Sookeyes 15, Comets 2 . Hillbillies 11 , N orvanites We.stendcrs 10, N ifties 8 . The Big Ten P layers ' C ' P A, M asterm an (Cbm) ,.GG 5G 85 G. Sm ith (W) ............ 60 4G 77 G, Bhidiey (H) .. ..:72»55 7G J. Bradley (S- .............72 55 70 F rench operatic a rias old E nglish' ver Council in th e ir p ro jected ef- -and4ta1ian a irs and folk songs of fo rt to keep th e > dogs of W est all nations. • Vancouver under b e tte r control. M r. Thom as is a groat lover of If you value your pet, you should th e out-of-doors, particularly in- surely be willing to pay f o r 'a f.nrcstedjTLgoltmg and yachting, l i^ n s e tag, so th a t J ie _ m a y _ b e _ A t s ix -th ir ty in th e m orning quickly retu rned to you if he when th e last of New York's gay wanders away, p leasure seekers are stragg ling ' D uring the p a s t year, th e So- hom e from n igh t clubs, Thomas ciety has also a rranged ta lk s to is w ak ing up ready to begin the jun io r children in th e sch(X>ls' an o th e r day bristling w i t h organised a pet show and 'show n I WANT a small home, close in, four or five rooms. Will pay $500 cash balance monthly. Box 10, -West Van. • News. ' _______ SEy. .8627; -evenings- West"845-R.- FOR RENT--Attractive housekeeping room, in new home; lovely view. Phone W. 1009-R. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. ̂ ^ FOR"RENT-=^Ma>*-Istr^SmalPhouse -WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT ROL Sure protection; reasonable n :a te s 3 W e s t 927-R. ran g e ,: garage, $20. W est 821-M. CAPABLE GIRL desires service as baby's nurse in "West Vancouver. North 1336-M, " J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l. W M. McDowsill (S). . ,B, Hamilton fN ) . E. Liv.scy (W) .... T. Cardiniiil (Nor) A. Cov (N'or) . .. .. P. K orr (W) ;.... 72 51 71 .M 4G 70 66 45 68 .66 42 65 . 66 42 64 ,72 44 61 activ ity . "I Love L ife" î s one of his favo rite songs--iiud it ju s t about expresses him perfectly. S eats are now on sale a t Kel ly 's Music Store, 632 Seymour S tree t, Vancouver, B.C.*** Once upon a time charity began at home. Now-a-days it don't seem to move around much! A tten tion B uilders! SANU, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT MIEMIX. ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED- Phone North 1141 or ALF ELU S, West 160-Y .an in teresting anim al film to th e pupils of Pauline Johnson School. In conclusion, I would like to w arn all anim al lovers, when th e ir pets fall sick, to obtain remedies only from a qualified \'eleriuarian--ar--the-regulaE-drug- stores. "Quack'.^jremedies m ay do more harm th an good, espcial- ly in the case of verm ifuges and m ange cures. ^ . ■ • : Yours sincerely, ANN RICARDO, (President, W. Van. S.P.C.A. PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY Real Estate, Insurance 2446 Marine Drive West 1077 and W est 111 WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER ̂ SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work) prompt service. 4Vest 700. Looking for a steady income? Want a' future free from financial worry ? Let FAMILEX .show you how easy- it is.4;o get. Write to us today, for __lEE_E_E catalogue and complete' in- fontiaSpriy^ The Familex Products V Company, 570 St. Clement, Mont real. - ' A. K. WOOD, .Dustless Electric Floor Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone W est 1093. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. Buaranteed.SINGER CABINET . $23.75. . SINGER SEWTNG MACHINE CO.r 1529 Marine Drive - ̂ West Vancouver CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. ..The Rov. H. B. A llan will of ficiate a t the moiming and even- sei:Yices._next_.Sund,ay in St. S tephen's Church. . - ; Tile Rev. F . A. Ram sey, who has-beeirihrfeftY cnrTuesiia^w ith HAVE BUYER for small house, be tween Ambleside and Dundarave, with good cash payment, balance m on^y...A .-j;--.Austin_&-Co. I.td., Marine 2431, West ®48-M W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Block. WANTED TO RENT -- Large im. FOR RENT--Nice large clean light basement room partly ,-furnished; free' wood. Cheap to righ t parties. Phone West 122-R. Mrs. Riimsey fo r a few "d ay s' rest. furnished house. W4U lease if suit able. West 23-L3.-̂ WEST VANCOUVER ROLLER SKATERS • GRAND oV e NING of th e N EW ROLLER ARENA INORTH VANCOUVER, SATURDAY, AprU 1 3 th , 8 p jn . J o in t h e c r oAvds in e n jo y in .g S k a tin ig o n o u r E a s t e r n M a p le H a r d w o o d F lo o r , n n o n f t h e fin<>gt a lo n g t h e C o i^ t . I opuhu* M u s ic o f th e d a y t h r o u g h o u r S u p e r b E le c t r ic a l T r a n s c r ip t io n S y s te ih , THE TIME 8 p . NORT»5HORM M DSEM ENTSE" 0AYr"Aprinr3th" 1st and Rogers Ave: Wood, Coal, Sawdust fU E L S U P P L IE S FOR RENT--rApril 15th; three room house with bath, near waterfront. LAWSON. WALKER & PRIDE^- W est 55 > jm_JlENT^UnHlJjulj^-Ilst;-5_rQonL West 582--PHONE--W est 582 SPENCER'S FUELS cottage. P a rt furnished- $25.00 per month. ■ t H. FALLOWS REALTY West 912 812 16th Street Judge: "What's the charge againstu:-. - - - «v«t WANTED.:::;;;;A~young girl fo~cn two small children 2 afternooi one evening a week. Phone 340-Y.this man, officer ? " ___ _____ ___________ _________ 'Bigotry, yer honor. He's WANTED--Strong woman for __ work once'a w eek W. 437̂ -L Officer; got three wives."- Judge;_!Tm.surprised--atl-yoxm-4 t norance, officer. That's trigonometry, not bigotry.". _.___ __ ____ / ___ -- woul d iiKe~hws^ work. Plain cooking and mending r̂ -day or hour. W est 686-R--....-------- 'Mimm