West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Apr 1940, p. 4

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!r "f T-Viv <-* -̂' ' ' ' \ W. J, > ' - T (-'t'H »•* to'J 4AJ' -f-«S '"•»l(#H"'>II-̂ ; ■■'31 if» S ir #̂'<< >., • ̂ ! J" ̂ » 0 ̂ ^ I wM l i d s W EST VAN NEW Siii|iii|iî ̂ ...-■--T.MiiiaiiiMiii April 1 ,̂ 1940. fWHMl|ilB̂ aii SMITH'S MARKET i i.«« w«t 46 A, H anrey Sm ith M n U --W ntS70 Fre* Uelifory 8«rvkh - MontWy Aeeottut . I.EG10N A c n v i r r u s », ,u K ■ ̂ 4\]̂ iy I'MiI ;f-■%tmu::" WW': i r 1 | i ii ^ ■ ® l >i-*'i T '■ f̂«' I r ; 'PSi S8 I 1 ;i? I f ■/: i; '-: '®:'̂ iSSIsi mmmife icl ; | | i | |s ®I©ISh if - f: i i i i i t e p ^ ^ - M # k » IMUCES GOOD FO R FR I. and SAT., A PRIL 12 and L'l MEATSFlJFKKtJ WHKAT or U lC K -roaHtiHl, A hli( l*oz. |>kt. ............ 5c (H M I'K N U T S -H 'k l...............................He Ked A W hile JA.M---Fur« l(aftiplM>rry, .12-«/. ja r ., ^ c HAIlDINKB--Canadian. T i n ............JHc CHUM SALM ON--Tall t i n ............... l i e I,L X I'LAKHS--Lift*. Fam ily l*kL 22c Kunkihl OKANOKS-- ' '•■ Mi'diiini S l/e, dozen .......... .24c LarKt* Size, do/.en ............................29c California (HIAI'F.FKlJIT-- 4 for 17c |(«̂ d A W hile rOM ATOES-- 2 No, 2'/2 tlriH ..!.... ................... 25c HONHLKHS CHICKEN-- NabolK 7*oz.; tin ............................27c Wed A While SOCK EYE SALMON-- No. (i tin ....................... 20c Itid A While MAUMA*^AI)I4-- .'12-oz, J a r ............ '--..... '....................24c UeM 570 " F rw Delivery R E E F PORK LAMB V EA L AH Grade A 4̂ A1 Delicatessen F resh F ish Daily Ited A While I'LOUU---- - Ml>. Hack 2r»c; 21*11). auck .7<Jc K«>d X While Brand JELI.Y l'OWI)KHS. EiKht Irne fruit flavorw. ;i |)kiH..,......-- ......... .............. .'....1,4c RED CROSS SOCIETY The lollowint? c o m m i t t e e imietluKH of th e Red Cross So­ ciety, ,We.st Vancouver Branch w ilfhe lield on W ednesday, A pril n t h , a t Head<iuarters; finance (■ummittee a t ,7 p .m ;; executive- com m ittee a t 8 p.m. JOB N CM A RLES THOMAS H ER E ON 17th APRIL The Canadian Legion drive th ro u g h o u t Canada lor funds for Ub AuxlMaiy, Serv ices has already exceeded th e be.st exi>ecUtions of its organizers. T h e Auxiliary ^*rvices a re alremly under way from Vancouver, B.C., to Lon­ don, E ngland, wlierc hut.s lo r en te rta in m en t, n*ireation and social services are already lunc- tioning. ostels are 4 ^eration in im portant centres in England, where om* Canadian troops a re able to get meals and accom m odation whilst coming and going on leave at the lowest possible ra te s . J'ersonal services, such us correcting difficulties in pay and allowancti.s for soldiers dependants, have b(H.m taken up in num erous instances with the m ilita ry au thorities, and in m ost cases ad ju stm en ts sa tisfactory to the parties concerned have been prom ptly made when hand­ led th rough the Legion Auxil­ iary Services departm ent. lYade classes a re being rapidly organ­ ized in all im iiortant Canadian troop cen tres both a t home and abroad, which khould go a long way tow ards helping the troops in the a f te r- th e -w a r period. These services which ihe Ixigion Service l u m b e r QoaUty SASH & DOOUS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS BUILDERS' SUPPLIES NO SUBSTITUTE g p O ^ G FOR QUALITY WALLBOABD»T>Tf .W* "A ftn ti: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD, 15t h & M a r in e D r iv e : I Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED A D S 25 'Except' a^«ou™f*aH'c C Cla«Sfii!b in Vaa N ew KCt immediaU resultB. V ■at West Vancouver any time by fliuiointment. West 403. _ -- . FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther* land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 MAUCBL SUOl- - Phone Permanents; only best materials PAINTING AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J , H, Wedley, West ,1022-L. ^ , used. ' Expert operatofs. West 304. Royal Sank Building. ,SC()TTIwSH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY V'ancouvor'.s favorite a r t is t" ,j()|iM Clmrle.s Thoma.s, the emin- undertaken should pay good 4.Ill baritone who re tu rn s here re tu rn s to all concerned -- the m'liin u>r a co n to rt i n th e A udit- public whd .have (Uijtnccd same, A -I tm u u.. fnnv the troops who will benefit byomim Ajiril 17th, has niade f u b e t te r prepared fojr de- iippearances in th is city in the . rnobilization, and the Canadian Lrijgion who will have gained the UE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles, . attruetive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti- , mates. R. B. Cripps. West 88-R. F. V. Findlay, West 'IJl-R. , ■ CORNER "l o t , 6(5x122 ft., cleurod and cultivated, ready to build'. Full price, $700.00. C. J . ARCHER LTD. • iPhone W est 226. T.he J'efpilar practice dunce of the B. C. Scottish C ountry Dance Society, W est Vancouver B ranch, will be held a t 8 p.m., S atu rday of this week, April 18th, in the l^egion Hall. PEMBERTON REALTY CORI * LTD. (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St; 1271. Local Agent, „ 8,. v F Bayliss (Notary Public). 2436 Bellevue. ' West 622-R HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Murine- MARSHALL-WELLS PAINT. SALE , "'starts April 6. Turps, Paint Brushqs, Boiled Oil, etc. . ' iiilcii.'^e .schedule here in the pits! being done, sight is not being U'11 years, Vancouver music lov- .lo s t of th e problems still to be cr.s will rem em ber the d e lig h tfu l^ solved on behalf o f, jihe nien of ■"Fijslival of Muskvil Comedy" the first G reat War. la.'̂ t .summer in Stanley P ark WANTED AT ONCE---- Furniture, Sewing Machines, Stoves, lools, etc. Cash. We buy, sell and exchange. Agents for Fawcett R a n g e s . Vinick's. North 431, 66 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES. All forms of documents drawn 'and executed. Reginald P. Blower, J.P., Notary Public, 1405 Marine Drive, West Vancouver- Phones;, Wes,t 21 and 204M. TABIiE TEN N IS LEAGUE when 10 ,0 0 0 patrons , tlookod-to . CORRESPONDENCE lu-ai* tlieir beloved, baritone in-a The E dito r, West Van. News, programme never to be forgot- D ear S ir-- Next week, the S.P. (̂ •11.' ' C.A. will give the citizens of lii.s wide opera e.xperience has ■ V ancouver a good opportunity to NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical Belte, .Mrs. MacAulay. 1618 Esquimalt. W. 4 6 8 - R . ________________ - PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS .--(IJhoice Northern grown stock, reasonable prices. Orders over $1.00 post paid. Write for list. GAY- WOOD GARDENS, SORRENTO, , ̂B. C, P'irst Diviaion D uring the p as t week th e semj-fmuls of the playolfs were made Mr. Thomas fam iliar w ith insixjct th e ir various activities completed, "Dudes defeat in g "th"<r " jUF The pTineipal biWitbne" arias7 r\vhen exh ib its will"be~Qirdisplay and lie has studied long to adap t a t jthe fo rm er "D eutschland WANTED LISTINGS of all. descriptions H. A. ROBERTS ,LTD., 1447 Marine Drive West 646 WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazingl W est 740, W est 443-R. W. V. Sizzlers and Canadiens defeating the Maple lx'afs. In the form er nuatch the Dudes had no easy time, Ijoing forced lo play a I) gam e overtim e session, as th e regulation m atch finish­ ed in a 0-9 tie. F inal score wn.s, l-L-13. The o ther semi-final was som ew hat of an upset, as Ihc HAULING--Manure, Septic tanks and - -rockpits-installed_and_cleaned. _W^t 187-Ri - CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Mfetals, FuiTiiture, Stoves, Tools, 'etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. CHIMNEY SWEEPING them for concert use. Similarly, Cafe," 615 Seym our Street.^ Full F̂ OR S A L ^W ireF ox-T em erpup- his e ig h t years of work in ligh t details of the ir photographic- p i e s . Phone after 7 p . i t r . - * « • . . . - . . . , , . % ^ ^ O O - x v i . Old Coun­ try ^way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. . ' operii iiave given liim a remark- competitions for adults and child, able knowledge of the more popu- ren can be obtained from any of for SALE Wood, Coal, Cow. or a r types of singiiig. Aii analysis : the big departm en t stores; of th ree program m es Thom as T here is, of course, little need gave in New Y ork's Town Hall fo r .^uch work- in W est Vancou- reveals an astonishingly wide : ver, w here any possible suffering cellar-dwelling Canadiens nosed, range of selections. There was no to anim als is likely to be caused out the league diam pion Maplo repetitio ii in hi's mimerbiis en- only by lack of knowledge on th e lAUifs 1,0 -8 . The Dude.'rnow meet* cores. Mr. Thomas is able lo s in g p a rt of some owners. The W est the Canadiejjj^ in the fmals, a nt. a mnme.ntFs notice aiTd*with- VancouverR.P.G .A. has however, Horse Manure and Top. S6il. West ROOM, and BOARD available, near bus and fe rry .'W est 1076-L. 51-M. tL FOR SA L E --Axminster Rug, almost new, 9x12. Rose. $35.00. West. 864-R. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele­ phone Sey. 4991 or W est 92-R-2. WHITE ""LEGHORN -SETTINGS -- * Heavy, laying stock. Dawson. West 2G5-L. ■ FAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- -mining; first class work, at- rea­ sonable rates. H. Gaines, Wes1^67L. best two out of th ree senes. " StkoncrDivisioii Fjnal Standings 'Peums.. -S(K*keyes ... „12 lIiUbillies-:T7:^-T,-12 K) 8 8 G '1 ' M . ' 0 T !Hs. 2 0 20 ■ ou t notes some five hundred so n g sr wh ich- -i n d u tie--A mericaii _songs, French songs, German cared or^over' th ir ty "s tray ani­ mals in th e course-of-t-ho-paBt- year, and will be very_ glad toxo- FOR SALE OR^ TRADE -- »-tube Westinghouse "Radio in first class r̂~~oTder:" West--19-Rv--------* ■ ------ CHESTERFIELDS REPAIRED, re­ built and re-covered. Free estimates. Beeler; R ussian songs, Italian and operate w ith th e W est Vanedu- 2 2 o o -1 2 6 2 ICf 0 12 0 18 18 14 10 4 0 W estondors 12 Norvanitoif....... 12 Comets / ............12 N ifties ...............,12 Crimpers ..........12 Last week's scores: Sookeyes 15, Comets 2 . Hillbillies 11 , N orvanites We.stendcrs 10, N ifties 8 . The Big Ten P layers ' C ' P A, M asterm an (Cbm) ,.GG 5G 85 G. Sm ith (W) ............ 60 4G 77 G, Bhidiey (H) .. ..:72»55 7G J. Bradley (S- .............72 55 70 F rench operatic a rias old E nglish' ver Council in th e ir p ro jected ef- -and4ta1ian a irs and folk songs of fo rt to keep th e > dogs of W est all nations. • Vancouver under b e tte r control. M r. Thom as is a groat lover of If you value your pet, you should th e out-of-doors, particularly in- surely be willing to pay f o r 'a f.nrcstedjTLgoltmg and yachting, l i^ n s e tag, so th a t J ie _ m a y _ b e _ A t s ix -th ir ty in th e m orning quickly retu rned to you if he when th e last of New York's gay wanders away, p leasure seekers are stragg ling ' D uring the p a s t year, th e So- hom e from n igh t clubs, Thomas ciety has also a rranged ta lk s to is w ak ing up ready to begin the jun io r children in th e sch(X>ls' an o th e r day bristling w i t h organised a pet show and 'show n I WANT a small home, close in, four or five rooms. Will pay $500 cash balance monthly. Box 10, -West Van. • News. ' _______ SEy. .8627; -evenings- West"845-R.- FOR RENT--Attractive housekeeping room, in new home; lovely view. Phone W. 1009-R. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. ̂ ^ FOR"RENT-=^Ma>*-Istr^SmalPhouse -WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT­ ROL Sure protection; reasonable n :a te s 3 W e s t 927-R. ran g e ,: garage, $20. W est 821-M. CAPABLE GIRL desires service as baby's nurse in "West Vancouver. North 1336-M, " J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol­ icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l. W M. McDowsill (S). . ,B, Hamilton fN ) . E. Liv.scy (W) .... T. Cardiniiil (Nor) A. Cov (N'or) . .. .. P. K orr (W) ;.... 72 51 71 .M 4G 70 66 45 68 .66 42 65 . 66 42 64 ,72 44 61 activ ity . "I Love L ife" î s one of his favo rite songs--iiud it ju s t about expresses him perfectly. S eats are now on sale a t Kel­ ly 's Music Store, 632 Seymour S tree t, Vancouver, B.C.*** Once upon a time charity began at home. Now-a-days it don't seem to move around much! A tten tion B uilders! SANU, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT MIEMIX. ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED- Phone North 1141 or ALF ELU S, West 160-Y .an in teresting anim al film to th e pupils of Pauline Johnson School. In conclusion, I would like to w arn all anim al lovers, when th e ir pets fall sick, to obtain remedies only from a qualified \'eleriuarian--ar--the-regulaE-drug- stores. "Quack'.^jremedies m ay do more harm th an good, espcial- ly in the case of verm ifuges and m ange cures. ^ . ■ • : Yours sincerely, ANN RICARDO, (President, W. Van. S.P.C.A. PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY Real Estate, Insurance 2446 Marine Drive West 1077 and W est 111 WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER ̂ SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work) prompt service. 4Vest 700. Looking for a steady income? Want a' future free from financial worry ? Let FAMILEX .show you how easy- it is.4;o get. Write to us today, for __lEE_E_E catalogue and complete' in- fontiaSpriy^ The Familex Products V Company, 570 St. Clement, Mont­ real. - ' A. K. WOOD, .Dustless Electric Floor Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone W est 1093. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. Buaranteed.SINGER CABINET . $23.75. . SINGER SEWTNG MACHINE CO.r 1529 Marine Drive - ̂ West Vancouver CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. ..The Rov. H. B. A llan will of­ ficiate a t the moiming and even- sei:Yices._next_.Sund,ay in St. S tephen's Church. . - ; Tile Rev. F . A. Ram sey, who has-beeirihrfeftY cnrTuesiia^w ith HAVE BUYER for small house, be­ tween Ambleside and Dundarave, with good cash payment, balance m on^y...A .-j;--.Austin_&-Co. I.td., Marine 2431, West ®48-M W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Block. WANTED TO RENT -- Large im. FOR RENT--Nice large clean light basement room partly ,-furnished; free' wood. Cheap to righ t parties. Phone West 122-R. Mrs. Riimsey fo r a few "d ay s' rest. furnished house. W4U lease if suit­ able. West 23-L3.-̂ WEST VANCOUVER ROLLER SKATERS • GRAND oV e NING of th e N EW ROLLER ARENA INORTH VANCOUVER, SATURDAY, AprU 1 3 th , 8 p jn . J o in t h e c r oAvds in e n jo y in .g S k a tin ig o n o u r E a s t e r n M a p le H a r d w o o d F lo o r , n n o n f t h e fin<>gt a lo n g t h e C o i^ t . I opuhu* M u s ic o f th e d a y t h r o u g h o u r S u p e r b E le c t r ic a l T r a n s c r ip t io n S y s te ih , THE TIME 8 p . NORT»5HORM M DSEM ENTSE" 0AYr"Aprinr3th" 1st and Rogers Ave: Wood, Coal, Sawdust fU E L S U P P L IE S FOR RENT--rApril 15th; three room house with bath, near waterfront. LAWSON. WALKER & PRIDE^- W est 55 > jm_JlENT^UnHlJjulj^-Ilst;-5_rQonL West 582--PHONE--W est 582 SPENCER'S FUELS cottage. P a rt furnished- $25.00 per month. ■ t H. FALLOWS REALTY West 912 812 16th Street Judge: "What's the charge againstu:-. - - - «v«t WANTED.:::;;;;A~young girl fo~cn two small children 2 afternooi one evening a week. Phone 340-Y.this man, officer ? " ___ _____ ___________ _________ 'Bigotry, yer honor. He's WANTED--Strong woman for __ work once'a w eek W. 437̂ -L Officer; got three wives."- Judge;_!Tm.surprised--atl-yoxm-4 t norance, officer. That's trigonometry, not bigotry.". _.___ __ ____ / ___ -- woul d iiKe~hws^ work. Plain cooking and mending r̂ -day or hour. W est 686-R--....-------- 'Mimm