West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Apr 1940, p. 3

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iwM WEST VAN NEWS --^ «M % »» m M i M ui?\'^ SWEATERS--We aie sliowiiLg a large range of Fancy WocJl <w<>atera Aaaorted atylen and colors. Jfantxen and McGregor aree Range of CAMPBELL'S SUIT SAMPLES for^Spring S?,nimer New Cloths. New Styles, and New Patterns. All gar- ""Ints carry the union label, Orders completed in six days. a a f r n n ' C IM I7M C V U V k U marine drive M c L b y i l S m C lW d W IjA K west Vancouver A. Y. P. A. A nnual Spring FLANNEL DANCE FRIDAY, APRIL 19th, in the Oraiigfe Hall Chic Qualley and His Rhythm M akers Dancing 9 to 1 Refreshments T ickets, 50 cents REVOLUTIONARY MEDUSALITE C E M E N T P A IN T S North Shore Agents' TEAROE & SO N S Easy to apply Variety of Colors Try this effective and economical in terio r Wall Finish for old or new plaster. W EST 4 a n n o u n c e m e n t Ytae-AtnM eiiletie-Goiifectidiiery 1368 Marine Drive OPENING SATURDAY, 7APRIL 13th Mrs. F. Meriritt, Proprietor NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. d r y CLiEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine - and Good Housekeeping) - C. C. FINNEY, W est Vancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. 9f Call by "long distance on Sundays . ....and Save! Take advantage o f th e low week-end ra te s oh long­ distance. calls. Sunday ra tes , w hich a re the same a s th e low n ig h t rates, are in effect every, week-end," from ,7"p.m., S at- _urday, until 4 :30 a.m., Mon­ day. • Save on Sundays! • BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE C O r W aitteiT Capilano Golf Club, Men and. Boys to caddy. T rans­ portation pro\dded f r o m T aylor W ay. ■ Phone W est 718, or apply a t , -, P rofessional's Shop. Luncheons and ' . Teas N ow available at Gleneagles Golf Course Disabled VeterajtiB' Aasociation, West Voncouver Branch TEA an d SALE in their Club Rooms, 1442 Clyde Ave. TUESDAY, APRIL 10th a t 2:80 p.m. All proceeds to welfare activities of the Association firK'iKTiiieT'wlfe of the lato D. P. K ane, who wa.s th e or­ iginal locator of Kaslo, B, C., has been v isiting Captain .and Mrs. W. J . Kane; 1268 Marino Drive, over th e week-end, ,,, ."i|i .....A."'.,, Ill M rs. M arsden of W est Bay has moved in to a suite a t th e F o rtune Cup Inn. Mr. and M rs. Jam es Stevens a re occupying a liouse a t 2463 M arine Drive. Mr. and M rs. Ralph Gordon of .Victoria arrived on Sunday in the c ity and will spend the next few weeks a t th e ir sum m er home in Caulfeild. _i|(̂ ̂ _ A _ i|<. ..................... Bill H un t son of Mr. and M rs. J . C. L. H unt, of 1844 Bellevue Ave., and a m em ber of the 6 th B. C. Sea Spouts, left by plane on Monday, A pril 8 th, for New York, whence h e will proceed to E ngland 'to jo in H.M.S. Conway, las a cadet. H e was the recipient of num erous g if ts from m any frien d s w hich h e deeply appreci­ ated . Besides th e m em bers of ' h is fam ily , w ho saw him off a t Sea Island A ir P o rt were a num ­ b er of friends including H erbert Bibbs, Ken Wells, Doug Hook- ham , E ric P ea rce and Rob'eri F roud. . " ?s. S tephen Garland of W in­ nipeg, is vis,lting her sisters, M rs. H arry Johnson of 21st and M arine Drive, and Mrs. W. W. A dam s, 2169 A rgyle Ave., also h e r niece, M rs. Rex W erts of D/unbar H eigh ts. She will be here ~ fo r "severarTweeks, and is being en te rta in ed by a num ber.of h e r old-G ntario friends both h ere and in th e city. M r. and M rs. Percy W ilson of Sum rnerland, B. C., a re obcupy- n ig a; su ite a t th e F o rtune Clip I n n . ' . i . . T he M isses , M arg are t McIn­ ty re and J . Je n d ^ have moved in to a house a t 25th and M ath­ e rs Ave. • F rien d s of A. H. Albin, w ho is a t th e preseiit^tiine a p a tien t in .^t^jPauTs-JIospiialr-w-iU- ' ■ Miss W illianis is now a t th e Gwendolyn B eauty Shoppe. A fte r m on ths of search ing M rs. Gwen P a rk e r has a t la st' secured a hairdrt^sser who will bo sui'e to please h e r clientele. HShc hopes th e ladies of W est V anocuver w'ill call and le t h e r prove h e r thoroughness, G. R ^A nthony has moved in to a hou.se a t 1B13 F ulton Ave, * * * . ^ Mujoi' H. E. W hiffin of Cy­ p ress P ark , has been called to O ttaw a on W ar w ork and h as loft fo r th e E as t to I'epprt. He expects' to be absen t fo r th e du­ ra tion of th e W ar. 1*1 * 4i E. J . W estlake, who h as been v isiting w ith his fam ily a t th e ir home, 2291 Laws^on. Ave., le f t on Monday to re tu rn to S aska­ toon, going by cai'. H e w as ac­ companied by Mrs. W estlake and M rs. Percy Jenner, of 2283 Law- son Ave., who will re tu rn a t th e end of th e m onth. F uneral services w ere held in L adysm ith on S atu rday fo r IVfrs. Marion, Dunse, who died th e re in h e r 75th year. The deceased w as th e m other of Mrs. C harles Cole of 2434 Nelson Ave. ;____ ■ \ ♦ ■ i(« , îii, ̂ ~ ' ' V ictor Rice, 14th and Bellei)ue ̂ Ayp., a m em ber of th e M erchants • J^ o tb a ll team , becam e seasick ea rly Sunday m orning, w hile en ro u te to Powell R iv e r fo r th e m atch ag a in st th a t tow n's team , . fa lling overboard ju s t off .poin t A tkinson from , th e P rincess M ary. Ross Sm v th e of B urnaby , Bennett's BAKERY BinTKRCRUST BRRAD SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 35c a doz. Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Aherncthy's and Oat Cakes 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ,Mat. April 11th, 12th ami 13th " France is Ready" (A tour of U»c Ma^inot Lino, and othor prupan\,tionB made by I'Yanco) nlau "FIVE LITTLE D E m S R S " • SATURDAY Ey,E,. AND MONDAY April lath aiid IBth RALPH RICHARDSON " CLOUDS OVER EUROPE" .. also MAROH OF TIME" "ARABIAN BAZAAR" ___ TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY April 10th and l7th GINGER ROGERS WAI/TER CONNOLLY 'Fifth Avenue Girl' (Onco only at 8 ) 4 , ' also "EVERYBODY'S HAPPY -herested-to henr th a t h e is doing an o th er rriember of th e t^am , ra ised th e alarm and^ a lifebuoy was" throw n, which Rice w as top exhausted to reach , W hereupon S m ythe j umped overboard and tow ed him t 6 th e buoy, to w hich b o th clung un til rescued tw en ty m inu tes la ter. The boat re tu rn ed to V an­ couver, _where Rice w as taken to S t. P au l's H ospital, b u t h is rescu er was apparen tly none th e w orse, fo r he played a n excellent gam e th a t day a t Powell River. P reviously to Rice being taken to th e hospital, resuscita tion m ethods w ere adm inistered by ►rdon-Mn^^termam Nellie H arrison A.T.QfMf^p&e|al Diploma Teacher^f PIANO and THEORY Residoned Studio: 1955 Inglewood Avenue, West 1056-L CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Offers will be received by the under­ signed up to noon on April 22nd, 1940 for the .purchase: of Lot 4, Block y7A, D.L. 555, known as 2670 Ottawa Ave­ nue, with improvements thereon. Highest or any o^er not iplecessarily accepted. h E|IRIN, . Munmipal Clerk. Hollyburn, B. Ci, J.1/V40. . rrj- RUGS! LOOK! BEAD! Save Now! ^eautifuL^^^ver-sibleJBBOADLOOM Rugs, m a d e from/your worn ^rpets and clothing, in New, Smart Colors, up to 13 it. wide S E A M L ^^ b y any TIT-:__ - ___1- Trr-' T_i___ Cava Vnw! Tine'S arelength. Woven witbin,a week. .W ool going up. Save Now! Rugs are getting higher. , ̂ •• , ' - - v- Gontiiieiital R i^ Co. Ltd. Phone BA'^v7066\fpr information. very favorably and is expected hom e in a few days; He :|e H In th e M arch issue of Cana­ dian A viation appears a very in-' te re s tin g artic le by P ra n k H. E l­ lis, lb457K eitTrEM d7birthe s ta r t of commercial flying in Canada, describ ing particu larly th e firs t fligh t no rth to th e Pas, in w hich th e w rite r partic ipated . T here is also a series of p ic tu res of th e model planes he presen ted to th e V ancouver Civic A irport. * ♦ ,♦ Joe Yowart, 28th "and Bellevue Ave., celebrated his 91st b ir th ­ day la s t Monday. Born a t St.' Bees, Cumberland, E ngland, on 8t h A pril, 1849, he cam e to New Y ork in 1871, and a f te r several y ea rs in the S tates, a rriv ed in V ictoria in 1877, proceeding 6n to Dease Lake, B. C. H e wias. one of th e pioneer se ttle rs .o f th e M ount Lehm an D istric t, o f th e Phaser Valley, w here h e c u t fire­ wood to supply th e bo^ts p lying betw een New W estm inste r and Yale, and was la te r engaged in -■erecting the first te leg raph line betw een th e Lower M ainland and Spuzzum. A t an early date M r., Y ow art topk up one of th e firs t hom esteads on Cortez Island, and fo r the last tw en ty yehrs has been a resident of W est V ahoou. ver. In spite of his advanced age he is in posssession of all h is fa c u ltie s and is highly^respected by all who know him , being th e soul of kindness and possessed of fl. generous h e a r t .______ A d au g h te r w as born on Fri- ' day a t th e V ancouver General H ospita l to Mr. and Mrs. Righton P a rk e r (nee Gwen Clay), of M arine Drive. BUSH WOOD Per Cord Second Growth F ir ............$4.60 : jlreen Alder ......................:.;.$6.50 Cedar Fence Posts ..............$8.00 Cedar Wash Line Posts, any __lengths.___ ____________ J. SMITH Con Eleventh and Mathers Phone West 1060-K NORTH SHORE LADY LAURTER CLUB _____ The nex t m eeting of the N o rth Shore Lady L aurier Club will be held a t th e home of Mrs. L eah-W right, 2774 M arine Drive, W ednesday, A pril 1 7 th , ,1940. T his will be a business m eeting and nom ination of officers will ta k e place. p - S. C. Y. M. NOTES SPECIAL Sawdust ............... $3.50 per unit Dry Slabs ......... ..$5.00 per cord Insidd F ir:-- from s h e d ....... $6.00 per cord from mill ........$5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $3.75 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 W est V ancouver's newly form ­ ed d ram atic group, the,."Service Club fo r Young M oderns," held a very en j oyable social evening a t th e hom e of th e ir director, Marg­ e ry R. Clark, on Thursday, M arch 28th. T he evening was p leasing to all, especially as i t w as a fine opportunity fo r men^- b ers to g e t acquain ted w ith each o th er. ^ 7 T hursday , A pril 4th" saw the club really in action, w ith co­ d irec to r M errily W ebster ably handling ' th e p repara tion of sev­ era l sh o rt plays. G LENARBOUR R E D CROSS UNIT WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Mletal Works Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners Phone West 89 VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, . ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies - ' T he G leharbour un it had a v ery in te restin g a,nd , eventiul m eeting la s t Monday t he Is- TT7-' Place Your Job Printing th e West Van News EXPEET W atch and Clock BEPA1BIN6 T. CHRISTENSON ' (formerly with BirkB Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive____ _ land hm ne of M rs. J . Fergusson, - 'F isherm an's Cove, going over in a row boat. M rs. W. B,. Small, M rs. EeddenLand Mr. jTiL-M tteh- , ell b ro u g h t g ree tings from th e ir d iffe ren t offices. T he n ex t m eet­ in g is to be held a t th e M rs. A. M cGregor, E agle H arbor, GLENEAGLES^------------ ---------- ^ BICYcI e REPAIRS Parts for English and Canadian ̂ Bicycles carried in stock. C.C.M. Bicycles FredJones Bicycle Shop 1439 Marine Auntie-- '̂And what will you do my little darling, when you grow up to -be-a-grreat-hi^-girl-?^^-^------- ------------ Child--"Reduce."