West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Apr 1940, p. 2

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V. \ /r-i ̂ > * • i i ' K ■ i V '■ j w s - ' r , J » * iA J i r A . i l > , ¥ ■ _ 0*#»̂«s»{iilf VV5T-'-ff"'T. v.Jte,g-r(;,!Ww„-», -tV"r̂ «M<»i'.,r«-fWMW -i-.) •nB"V!?l#-t;(»-.<h*' , li '-I i V\ \ ^s>j t ir ' f 4 f ? ,i t« Ii5» rfls 4. --n'Vi'O'WA. > ¥>=»*-» l̂ ̂1!JV4.«S ».■».,£ i- >- -1 I * « MfilW wiiiiiwitiiMwt* A p ril 1 1 > 1940. ] l'f;i. ri'.'h' ls{lfe,4« ' 1 ' ' " i I > ) f ',¥ 4 1M-1\|i H.VtfiTi M'A V ■ 11 i II;!'* l!l' - i i l fm V':f.l i l l i-'A:ill:*' r"1' ' rt;.' m V. -i m- m-\ 1-- !il:is# .V ' ' isS'-f •"■:■fc ̂ .iiHs i®ti IS SSJi UmA . 4 9 ;a '-. 11*ilif i l*s. *;ililpf' p H i l itJiS, rv- li.l.1* 1}iip# pfejllffi ■ •■■ "'iMv', I#||i 'Wj« t v : ^ r t i i i t i i » " < » i m ' €or. 21st & Esqiiinmlt Af«« > KKV. W. VANCB, B.A^ M lakltr Phoas W«»t j!44-R Suodsy Hsrviess: lls.i». 4k 7:80p.m. StTMOgen snd Visitors srs wsl<»»ia« Introducing Miaa Wiiliama ^Bm^m~"cmwasT' Mlslsisf Kot, W, U MdCsy. M , 10:00 s.m.--<?bttrch Schorf ia- dndiag Adttlt CImui 11 s.tn. & 7:80 p.m.~PrmwWiMr , 8 #nri«Sf. A hearty weleome to sll fornu-rly of lIu<l«on'» Hoy ond David .SiJcncor'a Ik'outy Holon. N(..*w on our HtoiT, but old to tho hoir- droHHiriK' profoHHion, havinif been o biuiulitian in Vancouver lor the post 12 yeut-H, Mih» WllliumB will Htylo your ball- in the Home taj»erlnK: method used by (Jwen,Parker. .'"' 1. Gpifndolyn's Beauty Shoppe HOLLYBURII HALL 14tb snd Duchess Friday. April 12th, 7:15 p.m. a.ildred and Younif People's Service with Lantern Slides. Sunday, April 14th lo a.m., Sunday School and Younjf People's Bible CluHS. , j l a.m, Breakintr'of Bread, i 7:;i0 p.m., GoHpel AddrcBH. Speaker: K. Elliott McAjliatcr. . Tuenday,.April 151|j», 8 p.m. Prayer MeetlnK on d Bible Study. . , ' WEST VANCX)UVEH Christian Science CHtlBCB EDIFICB 20tli andi Ssquinslt, HoUybum This Socisty is s Brsiwb of The Mother C h u r^ . . The F irst Church of Christ, Sdentlst, in Boston, MASSBchuaetts Sunday Service: 11:80 s.m. ' Sunday^ April H ih SUBJBCTt ^ARE SIN , DISEASE AND DEATH REAL?" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday St 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially In­ vited to attend our acrvicca and meetittga.; j r s B acm M 0 i . y . j B i K f i « T , LIFE PERMANENT WAVE now )>eln,r featured a t V } e < J u U u I t '» new--the only permanent tha t Imports the full beauty of natural lustre and loveline.s8 throughout the entire life of the vvave. 1370 Marine Drive **Acro»s from Safewa/* Phone West 331 BA PTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay Creators of Exclusive Permanents, 1546 Marine Drive West 117 THE UNITED CHURCH 2lBt and E squ im au Avenue Itev. William Vance, M inister DR. G. D. H. SEA LE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Rar Huy Block, 14ih and Marine Dr. OtTico Hours 9 to 6 jp.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono WcHt 72" Established on N orth . Shore 25 Years' (Lady Assistant) H A RRO N -BRO Sr-U TD i" IFuneral i i ^ c t a r a Holly burh Funeral Home 18th and Marino West 184 North Vancouver Parlora 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Pair. 184 Sunday, A pril 14th n) a.m.--The Sunday School. J 1 a.m .-- Moi-ning W orship. Subject: "How F ares the W o r k of M issions in Times like these?" 7:.'10 p.m.-- E vening Service. Subject: "Positive L iving as against 'Doing no harn i'." . Tho Daffodil T ea held on April 'dtli under th e auspices of th e United Church W.A. was a g rea t Sunday Services: 11 a.m .-- S u b jec t:" A Good Ap­ p e tite ." S to iy arid hymn for young worshippers. '7:30 p.m .--B astor E u ert W ard of th e H asting 's E ast B aptist Church will preach. The service will open w ith a b rig h t sing song. 10 a.m .-- Church School and adu lt Bible Class. Monday, 8 p.m .--Young People's Society. I t is question night, and Rev. A. C. Bingham will '* be on hand to answ er quest­ ions sen t in by th^ yoiing peo­ ple. W ednesday, 7 :45 p.m. -- P ray er M eeting. Continuing a study of E phesians. CORPORATION OP T H E DISTRICT OF W E ST VANCOUVER . Notice to C yclists Owners of all bicycles are hereby notified that as from April l.st, 1940, all bicycles in the Munkipality must be registored under the provisions of West Vancouver Bicycle Regulation By-law No. 844, 1940. Fees are as follows: Registration with number plate BOc, Re­ registration. BOc, Transfer 2Bc, Duplicate Certificate of Registration 25c. Application'for licences must be made at the Police Station, Muni- cipal Hall, Hollyburn, B. C. Failure to comply will render the party liable to prosecution. Hollyburn, B. C.. 2/4/40. W. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. DEATH OF ELIZA L. BEVERIDGE Eliza Lam bnt Beveridge, R.N., form erly of the ' M argaret Scott N ursing Mission, Winnipeg, p a s ^ ed away last Saturday; She is survived by th ree brothers, and four sisters. Miss I. Beveridge, Mrs. Fred Steele and Mrs. F. W . Hadwin residen t here are sisters. I. O. D. E . The Duncian Lawson Chapter I.O.D.lS. m e t a t th e home of Mrs. Small on Monday, April 1st. th is being th e firs t m eeting in th e New Year. success. Mrs. P". J. Rolstbn gave a m ost ~m COTst1rrgr~ ta l k" "o n ~ ^o m en ^ S- Htanding th roughout th e ages and Mrs. Bert-Stockdale delight­ ed the audience w ith her season­ al vocal selections. ST. ST E PH E N 'S CHURCH Rev. F . ATRamsey, Rector ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Aye.* Rev, F a th e r Van . . P as to r ' ' DR. McRAE . d e n t i s t formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Buildlng-7----------------------------------- ---- -̂- tH ours: 9 to 6 „-- Evenlngar-by appointment. [^860 Marine Drive Wea(t 432 , Sunday Service^ Low Mass -- 8 .: 15 a .m .'; ." H igh Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 ----- Sunday, April 14th- 8 a.m.-- Holy Communion. 11 a.m.-- M atins and Sermon. 7:30 p.m .-- Evensong and Ser- . mon. 2 :30 p.m., W ednesday -- ̂ Ingle- wo(^ W.A. m eeting. ' S t. Francis-in-the'-W ood Caulfeild '9:46 a.m .-- M atins arid Sermon. 6 th WEST VAN. SEA SCOUTS AND W OLF CUB PACK - w j m . The regu lar m onth ly .m eeting of the M others' A qxiliary to th e above Group and T a c k will be held a t 'th e home o f Mrs. W hite, 14th and Lawson Ave. b n T hurs- - d ay rA p riH 8 th-at-2 ': SO-p^mr-t Up­ per / Level Bus leaves Fertry _Wharf_':at_2 p.m_.) _̂ __ DEATH OF MRS. LILLY FRANCES HAW TIN a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 Mrs., Lilly F rances Hawtiri, =wife of^ .W . M. S. The M arch m eeting pf th e W. M.S. of th e U nited Church w as also the E as te r Thankoffering and took place on 'Tuesday, 19th March. Th guest speaker fo r th e oc­ casion was D r. N eaye. H e spoke of the work o f th e Church in China em phasising th e splendid C hristian courage and fo rbear­ ance b f th e C hinese converts. The nex t m eeting w hich will be held on Tuesday; 16th inst., is Burrard Laundry Ltd. w ell k n ow n FAMILY LAUNDRY Phono North 1310 or West 691L Catechism and Bible Class--^2 ;00 p.m. W eek-day Services M ass -- 8 a.m. F rid ay s--Rosary, Benediction , 7 :4 5 ..' S a tu rdays -- Confessions;. 7:30 to 8:30 "p.m. S. H. SRIGLEY P ain ter and Decorator 1706 Marine Drive Phono West 938 W EST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE . M arine and 25th St, " P a s to r: R obert H. Birch away last PYiday a t h er home, 1041 K eith Road, aged 67 years. Besides her husband, she is su r­ vived by one son, Percy W. Haw- tin, here, and tw o grandsons. Funeral seiwices _^ere held a t 11 a.m; Monday fro ril^he H ollyburn Funeral Home o f H arron Bros. Ltd., th e Rev. J . P. Dingle of­ ficiating, and in te rm en t w a s , m ade in Capiliano View Ceme­ tery . Teriiperance day^ w hen Mrs. Grey, P residen t of th e W.C.T.U., will be th e guest speaker. Special invitations are ex tended to mem­ bers of the W.C.T.U. and th e Young W om en's A ssociation . --- Reports w ere g iven by th e con­ veners of th e w ar w orks commit­ tee. Mrs. Clerk reported on the Red Cross unit.. M rs. Gordon G ray reported 200 books were sen t to: Vancouver fo r the soldiers. The C hap ter is collecting any old leather in purses, gloves, etc. to be used to line coats fo r the sailors on m ine sw eepers. These -could-be-left-at-any-of-the-drug-^ sto res un til fu r th e r notice and would be very m uch app_rec_iated._ M em bers volunteered fo r the G reater V ancouver U nited War Fund Drive. M rs. H illbom gave qu ite a leng thy rep o rt on Edu­ cational work. M rs, Fiddes at­ tended th e annual m eeting of the Local Council. Mrs. Small w as appointed conr vener .of th e May D ^y Commit­ tee. - The Duncan Lawson Chap­ te r will again ta k e over th e May Queen's party . A very g ra tify in g rep o rt was given on th e S t. P a tr ick 's tea, th e broceeds.to be used fo r war workP^ A new^ mem ber, Mys. Wilson, was welcomed. Following tea th e m eeting was adjourned w ith th e singing of -the-N ational A nthem . 9:45 a.m .-- Sunday School. 11 a.m . and 7:30 p.m. -- Sunday . Services. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST U BROWN & MUNTON 1B4X MaRIWt DRIVC WtST 9M >lrit\l>cr*i A.n.T. ftf B.C. W ednesday," 7 :30 p.m. -- P ray er Fellowship. H orseshoe B ay & Vicinity T hursday Bible Fellowship, 7 :45. Evangelical , , Independent 'ARE SIN, D ISEA SE, AND DEATH R E A L ?" will be th e -UNITED CHURCH_Y._P._S. The News THB W est V an N ew s On Sunday n ig h t the Society w'as invited to th e St. A ndrew 's Y.P.S. in N orth Vancouver." The tw o ̂societies competed in a Bible Baseball gam e in which N orth Vancouver was victorious by tw o runs. N ex t Monday th e Society is hav ing a potiuck supper, ̂ in which each m em ber b rings one item bu t enough fo r his supper. I t begins a t 6 :30 so it is urged th a t th o se a tten d in g be on tim e. subject of th e Lesson-Serm on in all Churches of C hrist, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden T ext i s : "The Lord is our judge, th e Lord is our -law giverr-theTx)rd-is"O ur-K ing; he will save us" (Isa iah 33 :2 2 ). PACIFIC STA6ES lAFORMATION S : li' Publkhed Every Tharsday SYDNEY SM ITH PASSES "Publisher F . F . LOVEGROVE Phone W est 363 ^ . Business and Editorial Office; .1704̂ Marine D rire . Phone W est 55 Sydney Sm ith o f 2337 Lawson Ave., passed^-away last S atu r- N o rth V a n ^ u v e r Office: .. 128 LohWale Ave. day in Ris 56,th year. The deceas­ ed is survived by his w ife; one daugh ter, Joyce; th ree b m th ers and one s is te r i n England. F uneral services w ere held a t 10:80 a.m . la s t Tuesday in th e city, in te n n e n t tak ing place in Ocean V iew B uria l Park . Among th e citations which coniprise the Lesson-Serm on is th e following from th e B ib le: "And the p ray e r .c f fa ith shall save th e sick, a n d ^ h e Lord shall raise him up; and. if he have com mitted' sins, th ey shall be forgiven him " (Jam es 5 :15). The Lesson-Sermon also in­ cludes th e following passage from th e C hristian Science te x t­ book, "Science and H ealth w ith Key to th e Scrip tures," by-M ary B aker E ddy: "T he p ray e r th a t reform s th e sinner and-heals th e sick is an absolute fa ith th a t all 4h ings-are-pessibIe -to Ged^ Whim you w ant details of .our servioo betw een' Weet' Vanoouver, VanoouvoTy H orseshoe Bay, N orth VancouTm: o r ^ t e r m e ^ t o points . . . ju s t phone 393* Charles Jo rdan , o u r a g e n ^ w ill be pleased to answ er questiim s u your phone o r call a t 1864 M arine Drive. Xnng d istanoe travel enquiries m ay be d irec ted to' M r. Jo rdan or to *t»e B us le rm in a l, Seym our a t Dunsn&uir street^ 'phon~ > s p A u a l understand ing .o f Him, an unselfed love." V ancouver, phone SEym our 7131. ^^^^**^^^9hUa-^maQt-be-ehUtmed-lFom-ang/ ̂ driver or tho agent. $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail '*'Mabel is goingr about telling lies about me,'* , .) "Don't worry now, dear. W ait till she s ta rts ielhng the tru th ." CARD OF THANKS .We wish to express to our many friends our heartfelt thanks for their very kindly sympathy ex­ tended to us in our recent sad bereavement, also fo r the bean- Uful floral tributes. W, W. Hawtin and Family.