Established over 18 years. Circulating in the District of West Vancouver^Ambleside, Hollybum^ Weston, Dundarave . j Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc.$1.00 per year,• ■ Cli 6c per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O.* WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., TH URSDAY, APRIL 11th, 1940 N o. 52 SCANDINAVIA TlnksH th e re is som eth ing vital in th e situation which is . nf orallv known, H itle r 4ias, m ade a stHategic blunder m H k in ro en m ark an d 'a tta c k in g N orw ay. H itherto h is sudden If K e lt which have n e tted G erm any so much te rr ito ry , have , i .n made on th e land ag a in s t com paratively poorly equip bmd t t ces. H is Scandinavian j|Venture, on the o th e r hand, has be >11 launched o ver th e seh. w here, he is w eakest and addition has involved th e few forces he h a s w ith th e Ttrongest, the best equipped, and th e m ost efficient navy in the world t(>tlay^either no'r"the land batteries to m ain- lain a t minefields he m ay have laid in the-S kaggerak and Kalteirat which m eans th a t his troops in N orw ay are;^ in d a n t r of being cu t off, n o r could th e o c c u p a ti^ of Sweden S thorn, even supposing th e la t te r coun try subm itted w ith out a lig h t And he is due fo r a v e p r ru d e awakening, if he still h o l t to his old opin ion th a t su rface ships have been pu t- rlitod bv the subm arine land th e aeroplane.. F o r i t is and • ivvavs has been axiom atic thlat one elem ent canno t ^ con trolled from ano ther elem ent. , F o r-in stan ce , th e surface of , fhp ^oa can only be controlled from th e surface of th e sea, th e ih- f?om the air, an d so on. Even N apoleonjrefused to send troops across th e -E n g lish Channel to inviade^England no t b ^ cause it would n o t have been possible to slip th rough th e B rit ish naval cordon in th e T h is ty w ea ther so common there , bu t for the reason th a t , 'a s h e said, he knew many w ays of g e t ting into England b u t no t one o f g e ttin g out. n 1 Worst of all from th e G erm an viewpoint, an ^unwaU^ side door has been apparen tly opened in to Germany itself, now that Denmark has become a p a r t of th e Reich. W ith th e ' British fleet in com m and of th e seas and in a positiim to J^op UD any German minefields, i t would seem to be en tire ly pos sible to land and m ain ta in a B ritish expeditionary force smne- where on the D anish shores. W hich would be nothing sh o rt o t disastrous fo r Germany'. ' . . ' , One is tem pted to w onder w hether th e sudden G erm an onslaught was ju s t th e n a tu ra l outcom e of the den ial to them of vital supplies a s a f e s u i r o f th e ex tension of th e blockade, or if they fell perchance in to a deliberately prepared trap . At any ra te , while bn th e su rface H itle r nm y ap p ear to have made ano ther ,s.ucce9&ful coup< .ip reality..andicatipns p o in t to its being a serious .b lunder w ith boomerang , qualities m i t out of all proportion to .any tem porary , gains which m ay have • been made. , x. ' i u , - ' connection i t m ig h t b e m entioned tlm t each o f h is former coups w ere m ade a g a in s t th e best ^ y ic e o f h is f>rals, but TiAVAH-.TieleRs prove A. successful.---Jh is tim e, liKe ail gamblers, he appears to have played his luck once too o tten rr: • Althuogh doubtless h e h a s called on; Stalin, w ith whom it is obvious G erm any has a m ilita ry agreem ent, to step in to " the breach, th e la tter, is ev iden tly h e s ita tin g .. T he r inn ish campaign, no t so m uch from w h a t i t cost in 'm en an d m ateria l as for its"revelation-of lack of generalship, would m ake.anyone pause. _ , . „ j - ' j. 4.U 4. Meanwhile, i t o u g h t to b e a great satisfaction to us th a t the war will only end w hen G erm any, if no t Russia, is c ru sh ed into helplessness. A s th e d ic ta to rs and th eir peoples have , shown no mercy, so no m ercy will be shown them. The wheels of th e m ills o f God-are beginning to tu rn . R E E V E CHAIRMAN , OF CITY e n t e r t a i n m e n t C9 ITNCIL Reeve J . B. Leylaml lias been appointed Program m e Chairm an o f th e V ancouver Summer E n te r-' ta in m en t Council. The Council consists of representatives of Civic O rganizations and semi- public bodies, tlio object be ing to p r o m o t e and co o rd inate to u r is t entertaiiim ent in The C ity of Vancouver, to study T o u ris t Relations, and to e lim inate factors which are an ir r ita tio n to tourists. The C hairm an is compiling a lis t of en te rta in m en t for sum m er events, w hich a re now being planned by established Vancour ver organizations, endeavouring to co-ord inate th e events into a balanced program m e, and to see th a t fu ll publicity is given both locally and in points across th e line. D uring th e year, a complete survey will be made from to u r is ts V isiting th e Province to, ob ta in reaction to ex isting laws and regulations, and to ' obtain public opinion w here changes m ay be deem ed advisable. -- TRA NSPORTATION COMING E V E N l'S T here was considerable d iscus, sioii a t M qnday n ig h t 's Council m eeting over tran sp o rta tio n , du ring which it w as repo rted th a t a rep resen ta tive o f th e Public U tilities Commission will bo here on A pril 15th to look in to th<> whole situation .' F igu res given oi th e passengers carried fo r th e firs t q u a r te r of th is y ea r by th e m unicipal buses to and from th e city w ere: Jan u ary 8,533; F eb n i- ary , 8,360; M arch, 10,513 In M arch 45,185 persons had used th e ferries, as com pared w ith 85,278 du rin g MOarch 1938. Councillor Ray, ch a irm an o f tran sp o rta tio n , suggested th a t , as th e Commission had expressed th e opinion th e re w as no t room fo r tw o tran sp o rta tio n o rgan iza tions they apply fo r an exclusive franchise . He sta ted th a t a f te r a thorough investigation he w as satisfied W e s t , V ancouver could handle all th e trave l betw een th e City and W hytecliff by p u rch as ing ten m ore buses a t $8 ,0 0 0 '̂ ' each w ith a fu r th e r expend itu re ̂ o f $1 0 ,0 0 0 fo r term inals . W A TER SU PPLY l"riday and S atu rday ,'A pril 2 Gth ami 27th -- "The Enchanted Em erald," in the H igh School Auditorium, BRITISH - ISRA EL Mrs. Hamilton will y bo the speaker a t the regular'.M onday evening m eeting, 25th a n d Marine Drive, April 15th. Sub- jeo t: "The House of Joseph a Flanui." Mrs. Ham ilton is always an in teresting .speaker and you are cordially invited to h ea r her. Prayer moeting, w ith anointing, on Tluii'sday, a t 8 p.m. Bible, study group on W ednesday a f te r noon a t 3 o'clock. AMHLEDENE CON FECTIONERY TO 0I»EN D. V. A. U nder th e auspices of The W est V ancouver Branch, Dis^ abled V ete ran s'} A ssociation a Tea, Sale- of - Honle-Giioking, G arr den P lan ts etc., will be held a t th e ir Club Rooms,, 1442 Clyde ■Avenue, Tuesday, A pril 16th, a t 2:30 p.m. M rs. J . B. Iteyland will p reside a t th e opening Tea. .All proceeds to be devoted' to th e "wei The Councir has been endeav oring sinbe O ctober 1938> to ob ta in a loan from O ttaw a fo r $150,000 a t 2 per cent. V ictoria endorsed th e application and i t wias forw arded to O ttaw a, b u t th e la tte r, did .not accept it. L ast week a delegation from th e Coun-i cil v isited V ictoria regard ing th e above. .Councillor R ichardson, C hairm an o f the. W ater Board, repo rted to th e Council la st Mon day n ig h t th a t th ey had been by th e au th o ritie s th e re Mrs. F. M erritt announces in th is issue th a t she will oixjii the Ambledene Confectionery a t 1368 I Marino. D rive on S atu rday o f th is .,wock, April 13th. A full line of confectionery, ciandies, ice cream, c ig are ttes and tobaccos will be carried ' and leas will 'be .served. _ ̂ , , T h e p a tro n a g e "o f" the;; public, r is solicited. . i TO GOLFERS tio n . . F v ery o n e welcomeT; R A TEPA Y ER S' ASSOCIATION WEST VANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIETY IN GRAND EVENING CONCERT The West Vancouver Choral Society under the baton of G. E. L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L. Mus., will be heard in its second concert of the season a t 8:15 p.m., Wednesday, April 17th, Hall The assisting artists will be Philip Watts, bass; . Johnson, city 'cellist and m em ter of the Vancouver Symphony / and the West Vancouver String Eiwemble. On account V lence of its first concert and the acclaim with which it was re the Society hopes for a large attendance next Wednesday i The program is as follows: O Canada , CHOIR--"The Dance" ....... ...................................... -...... . .................... STRING ENSEMBLES--(A) "Pavahne" ...... ................................... -W A r Miss Margaret McIntyre, Mrs. Knight Hodge, Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove, Mrs. L. C. Reid, Misses W:. Brealey, M.cMurray, I. Gracey, P. Weeden, J. Davis, Mr. ' A., McIntyre. Mrs. J. McIntyre at t piano. Director, J . Haydn Young. _ / SOLO-(A) "Where e'er You W alk" ........ -.................................. - PH ILIP WATTS ,. ■ -K „ . CHOIR-(A). "Deep- RiVer" ........ .......... '.l^l/.-.-Arr. by Burleigh (B)- "An Eriskay Loye Lilt" ...... ....................... Arr. by Roberton 'CELIX) SOLO--Sonata in G^.Major..................... ............. - ..............Pmnelli Villanelle. - . , - Allegro. , ' , MILDRED JOHNSON.;l :R.S.M., A.T.C.M. . - Evelyii Kitchesbn. A.T.C.M., a t piano • CHOIR.^(A) "Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal" ....... ....................... (B) "A Sweet Country Life" .......... ................:............... • ̂ ; TNTBRMISSlbN^ & \ CHOIR--(A) "I Hear the Soft Note" ........................... ........ v ^ 7 (B r"Roinfigl5bwn to . s t r in g ENSEMBLE-- (A) "W aterlily" : .:.................... (B) "Dargason" (from St. Paul's Suite).-Holst BADffiS' CHORUS--"The Wind's m the L u th To-day"................... ^ o t t (B) "Shepherd! See Thy Horses Foaming Mane"............ -Korhay (C) "The Fisherraeh of England" ..... ................................ Phillips . ;PHILIP WA'PTS ; w - Love Dwelt :in .a .Northern^ Land" - ........ *................. CELLO SOLO--Sonata in A Minor. .... .................. ..................... Allegro. Agitato. / ' t --------- --------^ -- MILDRED^JOHNSON--------------------- ----------------------- ' . Evel3m Kitcheson a t piano . CHO^R--"Land of Hope.and Glory" ..................................................... . _ GOD SAVE TH E KING _ , , _ . _ T here will be a m eeting of th e W est V ancouver R a tepayers' A s sociation a t 8 p.m; tom orrow (Friday.) a t ' H u n te r's Coffee Shop, 2423 M arine Drive. ERIC BRODERICK W IN N ER IN E M PIR E ESSAY COM PETITION F our B ritish Columbia s tu dents are resting today on hard - won lite ra ry laurels. They a re C harlo tte Maiden and Shirley Duvall, of Lord L is te r Ju n io r H igh School, New. W e stm in s te r ; E ric Broderick o f W est Vancou v er H igh School and Doreen M ugford <yf Oak B ay H igh School. . . , C harlotte. Shirley,; D oreen and E nV are fou r of five CanadiM L -of -sym pathetia-cooperation__and suggested i t be taken up again w ith O ttaw a. Incidentally also V ic to ria h ad expressed th e opin ion th a t th e ra te s charged for w a te r in W est Vancouver were no t adequate and th a t those should b°e inbreased to" a point w here in th e ir estim ation the p ro jec t would be. self liquidating. A renew al application is being m ade :to O ttaw a asking w hether a loan a t 2 per cent, is still avail able.^. :___ The lollow ing resolution was also passed : T hat" the three w a te r in takes, i.e., B rother's Creek, Nelson Creek, and (Jy- p ress Creek be given sufficient pro tebtion by su itab le barriers, th a t a m an be employed to in spect N elson and Cypress Creeks from M ay to N ovem ber inclusiye, and th a t W. Russell's activities be ex tended to give full p^* tion to B ro th e r's Creek intake .^ d J ir ih j i ta r ie s .________________ Of in te re s t to golfers is the aiinounbem ent o.f M iss J . F orest e r th a t she has taken over th e ca te ring a t Gleneagles G o l f Course and is prepared to m eet th e heeds of p layers w ith lunch eons land teas. - HOLLYBURN HALL , . The usual (jhildren and Young People's 'S erv ice illu stra ted with lan tern slides will be held a t 7 :15 p.m . tom orrow (F riday ) in Hol- lyburn Hall. The followifig ser- vices will be held nex t Sunday, A pril i4 th , in H ollyburn H a ll: 10 a.m . Sunday School and Young People's Bible C lass; 11 a.m. B reak ing of B read ; 7:30 p.m. Gospel address, th e speaker b e - ' ing R. E llio tt M cAllister. Tues day, A pril 16th a t 8 p.m.. P rayer m eeting and Bible Study. G LEN EA G LES GOLF CLUB scholars who received top ran k ing in an Em pire essay com peti tion sponsored by T he Royal E m p ire Society for boys and g irls th ro u g h o u t the B ritish D om in ions. - T he 'resu lts of th e 1939 com pe tition , announced recently , plabe C harlo tte in second place in h e r entry, class. E ric Broderick, S h ir ley Duvall and D oreen M ugford w ere top of the lis ts fo r honor able mention.' T he only o th e r Canadian studen t com mended is N orm a P o rte r of S m nt John, New Brunswick. __i- Subjects fo r th e essays con- cern^d Em pire problem s, and th e highschoolites com peted fo r hon- - ors w ith boys and g irls o f New Zealand, A ustra lia and B ritish Guiana. <« This m arks the second tim e in suebession a W est V ancouver studen t has won th e .sam e honor E ric has received, ̂ h e y ea r be-^ fo re Jhek McDonald, now a sen ior m atricu lation s tu d e n t . o f W est Vancouver H igh School, re ceived honorable m ention. The reg u la r m onthly golf ̂ to u rn am en t of th e Glenca,gles G olf Club will be held Sunday m orning, A pril 14th. S ta rtin g tim e is 9 :30. AH' m em bers vyho in tend to e n te r th e com petition a r e asked to please telephone th e ir nam es to th e C aptain, Mor- jd ft_C erk ill, a t W hytecliff 496. TO A L L DANCE LOVERS! A colorful and interesting evening is an ticipated a t th e O range H all on F riday , April 19th, w hen th e A.Y.P.A. is pu t tin g on^ i ts A nnual Spring F lan nel D ance w ith F ra n k Prebble and G. Sim m onds las Leap Y ear conveners. Chic Qualley and his popular R h y th m M akers will supply thCi m usic from 9 till 1 a.m.; during w hich re fre sh m en ts will be serv- _ed.'T ickets can^be obtained D any m em ber o f th e A .Y .P.A ,' A CCID EN T TO THE? HOLLYBURN C om petition will )>e m edal play, w ith handicap, fo r prizes. Lady m em bers, a re also invited to p ar tic ip a te In th e tournam ent. W E ST V A N. R E SID EN T O PEN S N EW MODERN -R O LLER RINK R esiden ts of W est Vancouver* will be keenly in te rested to learn t h a t S tephen M urphy o f 2203 Bellevue Ave., i s o p e n i n g - one of th e finest ro ller rinks (along th e coast in N o rth Vanr couver. T h e A ren a itse lf will h av e its G rand Onening. S a tu r- ' A le tte r w as read from the C ., P .R . a t M onday n ig h t's Council m eeting, in w hich th e company adm itted fu ll liability fo r the re-^ cen t collision between th e Ifolly. ^ ' b u m and th e P rincess K athleen, joymenf^ d ay "evening, a t 8 p:m. M r .M urphy's h o s t of friends in th is m unicipality extend to h im th e ir sincere best wishes in g iv ing th e N o rth Shore another, new en te rp rise , and a re confident h e will be favored w ith a ready response from all Roller Skaters in tak in g advan tage of having th e plelasure of sk a tin g on a floor th a t ' m akes sk a tin g a real en*- . - 1: