mmm WEST VAN . IC £ . ciUEL4M . d F i r i U | l < a y e r „ C M a ^ Solve your dessert problem by serving them to-night. Special orders tliken -- Phone West 1057 |̂|L <pĤ ........ 16S3 Marine Drive Rexall O ne Cent SALE A pril 3 - 4 5 - 6 , SAVE WITH SAFETY ^ 'M T ^ C I T I ? 1402 MARINE ORIVt JyMwiI^®^SSi(rfliVML^rfL#Ki : ■, _ West Vuncouviiif' ,'■ FERGUSON'S MOVING AND STORAGE ̂ r, k u k n it u iie m o v in g v a n s a t y o u r d is p o s a l "A Business Built on Service" City Office: North Vancouver ' West Vancouver 154 Alexander St, Phone , i 1528 Marine Drive TKiniiy 0429 . West 85 ̂ Dr. and Mrs. A. Primrose of W. S. Noble* 1731 Bellevue Toronto were weelv^oncl i?uests Ave., has left for a trip to Prince oi Mr. and Mrs. A. J. T. 'Paylor, Rupert. Kew Hbuse, Kew Pouch. ,i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ....' Mr. and Mrs. H arer26th and A son, Edward Roland was Bellevue Ave., have moved to born on Wednesday, March 27lh, Fisherman's Cove, a t the Vancouver General llos- ■ , . * * * pital, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Mr. Dove, of Vancouver, is Pierrot (nee Cicely U."Hnn()^ of building a house a t 12th and Ei- 1325 Hanvard Ave. Charles Seagravu 1250 Esqui mau Ave., is a patient in the Vancouver General Hospital as the result of being injured last Saturday in a motor accident at Gibson's Landing. If! »)< Benoett's BAKERY BUITKIICUUST SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c a doz. Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Abernethy's and Oat Cakes 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 ANNOUjNCEMENT * u n d e r NEW" MANAGEMENT " Ihiviim' purchased the Grocery Business of Mrs. Hossack and Mrs ̂Wright, known n.s "THE M A R R ^ GROCERY," we wish to inform the many patron.s of this store tha t we will endeavor to give you the same courtesy and service,us extended you by Mrs. W right and Mrs'. Hossack. Wc Welcome Former Patrons . . . We Welcome the New Make M A R IN E G R O C E R Y FR EE DELIVERY SERVICE NOTICE ! This Store Will Be Closed on Sunday, of each week, but we-will remain Open Saturday Nights. ___________' ■ _______ Mrs. Graham Watson and Miss Allie Redpath who have been re siding in Victoria for the year have returned to their home in Gaulfeild. Miss Margaret Wat son who has been spending some time visiting in Eastern Canada, will return to the Coast on Sat urday. ■ ♦ ♦ ■ ' ii< plumule. ♦ * ♦ Mr. and Mrs., Summerflold have movetj from 24th and Mar ino Drive into a house a t 25th and HaywOod^Ave.« 4I 4i ' Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Van couver, liavc moved into a house a t 3rd and Keith Road. Jerry Mathisen, of Vancou ver is having a new house built a t 19th aiurHaywood. Ave., i|i. 4i ■■ ■ ♦ ♦ # 1(1 Mr. and Mrs. Saunderson, 628 11th Street, have moved to Ker- risdale. Mrs.' George Blick, of Winni peg, is visiting her sister, Miss Hollybura Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY M at.. April '1th, 5th and 0th JASCHA HEIFE'TZ "They Shall ' Have Music also i Nowh, Cartoon, ett?. BLACK CAT TEA ROOMS Lunches, Teas, etc. West 611 , Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van SneJ- lenberg announce the* engage ment of th e ir , youngest daugh- i t L ter, Mary Joanna, to Mr. Morley * . * ■ * ' ' Roy W hitaker, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, 11th :MrVand"MrsrH."ArD.--Whitakerr" '"itl"M^^Tine"Driver:^have-^moved- 814 20th Street. The wedding into a at 15th and Esqui- Everything that is worth while will take place in Kyersm malt Ave. , has a fence around it--but there A i!"'p.m., Rev. E. D. Braden olhoiat- ing.a re ' always a gate and a„key.It is not who is right, but what is righ t tha t is the ipiport- ant thing in this life. ' ' BURGLARY INSURANCE Have .you had strange men' tak ing temporary possession of when you are- away ? ■ Get our Rates_(m_Burglary' In surance and be Safe. R. P. BLOWER,& CO.'LTD.- 1105 Marine Drive W est 21 BICYCLIES F or 1 9 4 0 Come in . and see our Spring Stock of new G.C.M. Bicycles at e ity ' contract prices. We offer easy term s; liberal trade-in and free up-keep service. 1439 Marine RUGS! LOOK! READ! Save Row! "Be"aiitifulrrevefsiBlF"BROADLOOM ■Rugsr'ma^eTfdm^blJi'~wofn'qafpets" and clothing, in Newy Sm art Colors, up to 13 ft. wide SEAMLESS by any length.' Woven within a up. Save Now!'. Rugs are getting higher. - 'v . _ C ontinetital R ug Co. Ltd. Phone BA y 7.066 for information. Complimenting Mrs. George Sheppard, who, with Mr. Shep- phard is leaving to m'uke their home oh Vancouver iMahd, . a number of friends met at the home of Mrs. J.*T.jWatt, Sincair -- Street on M onday'last, and en joyed a cup of tea and a chat. Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard .have made West Vancouver their home for over tw.enty years and they will be missed, by many friends who ha've^ known^rauch-- •of their keen in terest in the wel fare of the municipality. 'An Edinburgh graduate nurse of capable efii^i^cy, Mrs. Sheppard has a t all i ^ e s been helpful w herever-isheiSaw M ' will be remembered by many who were quietly helped through trying times. On. behalf of Mrs. A. II. lluycke of Granth am's' Landing, is thei^uest of her sister Mrs. R. Peel Doherty. -■ ■ : 4j Ik Ken Green was the guest on Tuesday of-Mr. and Mrs. G. W; -Kissick" of""T326--Hiayvvood "Aver,' on his way from Palo Alta Cali fornia to Prince Rupert. M r.' Green, who is a nephew of Mrs. Kissick, has ju st obtained his M.A. degree a t,S tam ford Uni versity. . ' . ■■■Hi-- ■ ■ ."'Ik .... Mrs. B. Greenwood, of Seattle, accompanied by"' her nephew, Glen Rdlston, is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carmen B. Greenwood, 1442 Marine Drive. Ik Ik >k Miss Massey, 2898, Bellevue ■Av .̂,~hn's"'m'oved into a house at 1433 Bellevue Ave. Ik Ik Ik - Three houses were broken into SATURDAY' EVE. ONLY April Kith* DOItOTHY LAMOUR AKIM TAMIROFF 'Disputed Passage' nlt<o " •'MOMENTS OF CHARM" MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY • - April 8Ui, S)th and 10th (iARY COOPER ANDREA LEEDS "The Real Glory " (Once only at 8) ' also. ope liour of short subjects • TEAKETTLE INN 2462 Marine Tea Cup Reading Aftrirnoou Teas - Lunches Mrs. R. C. ClilToi'd, Prop, N e llie ^ a rrlso fi A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Residence Studio: 1955 Inglc'tvood Avenue, West 1056-L friends present Mrs. (Rev.) J. P. ^ ̂ i i i. ̂ v n Dingle presented Mrs. Sheppard Saturday between the hours ol 7 a mff nf r-hino A vp>n. ^nd 10 p.m., entraiicG in each base b'eiffg'"dbta1ned"by ̂break] ng the glass in a door and then n: MAKE rOUR K(TCHEN with a g ift-o f-ch ina.-- A.-.very happy time was enjoyed by the company. • * Ik Ik ■ In St. John's Church, Nanton Ave., a t 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, the five-months-old daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Lionel Clarke received the names Esme Dianne. Rev. W. T. Keeling of ficiated. The baby is The .grand child o f M r . and Mrs. J. L. -Clarke of Whytecliff and of'Mrs. TVeedale of this city and the ; late Gat)t. Cyril Tweedale. God mothers were Miss Phyllis Twee- dale and-M iss-M argaret -Dysem, while -the godfather was Mr. Dudley Tweedale of Pioneer, for whom Mr. Carmen Bowen acted as proxy. An informal reception atMrhe"honTe'^~the7haby's par- ents followed -the ceremony. reaching insideiand. turning the catch. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Har rison, 675 21st Street, were rob bed -ofi silverware and jeweli-y, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sinclair of ~2379 NeFson Ave. also -sufi'ered the loss of their silver. In the case of.-the third robbeiy, th a t of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Elgar, 22nd and Marine Drive, men's cloth ing and jewelry were taken. ---- - - * _♦__ rk , THE AMBLESIDE CRIBBAGE CL The A-mbleside Cribbage Club played its last games of the sea son a t Mrs. Carley's Tea Room last Thursday. The best averages for the season w ere: Mr. R. Fid^ des, 58%"jTMF'Sewefl, 57%,-Mr. Cox, 52%;. Mr. Fiddes also won -BUSH WOOD Per Cord Second Growth F ir ;........$4.50 Ireen A ld e r ......................... $5.50 Cedar Fence Posts ............. $8.00° Cedar Wash Line Posts, any lengths. / J. SMITH Mathers Phone West 1066-R where pink: hyacinths and car- most prizres including one turkey, nations were the floral motif. two'boxes cigars, and one can o f. * * * tobaceb. Play will begin again Miss H. M. Callender, who has the first Thursday -in 'October, been looking after the store of Here's real news for West ̂ \^ncouver housewives -•__•- -- a. "cottage'-' type-electric - range-that_has_ everything! Standard size oven, .5 cooking speeds,' automatic tem perature control . yet it takes'only half the floor space of a colnv^ntional size range. ~Aml~the~pri^'k otJv $ll6f5j0. a s a ^ ^ n e^ ly aT third^ Ask aboiut this sma rt hew range a t your B ^ . Eflectric showroom; ■ J) her sister Miss H. J. Harvie, at 2444 Marine Drive during the la tter's absence due to sickness, ' has returned to her home in the "city. Miss Harvie having now fully recovered. '> Ik Ik Ik " I Signalman -R. T*- D ohertyy'of Calgary, Alta., .who y has been visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. -- R, Peel- a t -2568 M athers Ave., - left this morning, to rejoin 'h is, u'nit in the east. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY SOCIAL CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OP WEST VANCOUVER Offers will be received by the under- s i g n e d *up to noon on Anril 8th, 1940, for the purchase of Lot 14, -Block 24-, D?L. 655, known-as 2615- Marine Drive, w i t h improvements thereon. Highest or any offer not necessarily raccepted. ----------- " - W.M HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. Hollyburn, B. C., M a rc h 27, 1940. ' - EXPERT - •Watch an d Clock r e p a i r i n g ^T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with B irks-Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive " The W^st Vancouver Branch of the B. C. Scottish' Country Dan cb Society held its final social of the sea.son^'ast,Saturday even, ing a t the Legion-Hall, the Ladies'-Group being invited to ° participate together with other friends: A very interesting pro- ' i gram of Scottish and other old- time dances had been prepared, which was much enjoyed by the many present. A dainty supper was served irT'the interval j a t tables centred with daffodils and wallflowers in the. lower hall, whep C. B. Clegg,' President, made a. brief address of welcome to the hiembers of the Ladies' Group, to which Mrs. E, L Lane, their President, replied. SPECIAL Sawdust ............... $3.50 per unit'] Dry Slabs ........... $6.00 per cord Inside P ir ;~ from sh ed ....... |6.00 per cord from mUl ....... $6.60 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings $8.76 pe»i cord - r 7 PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North ̂ ^ '---Townswomen's C u M d 7 Regular Monthly Meeting Friday, April 5, a t 7:46 p.m. a t the ::V7i7: \