Established over 13 years. A WeeWy Newspaper qirculating in the District of We^ Vancouver-Ambleside, Hollyburn, Westou. ' ' _________ Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc.$1.00 per year. Established over 13 years. l y u f id a n iv e 5c per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAVil APRIL 4th, 1940 No. 51 COUNCIL NOTES The Council, instructed clerk to reply as follows; the GLENARBOUR RED CROSS UNIT WENDY HOUSE TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD awraaif! COMING EVENl'S The pre-school study tfroup B.C.S.Ac .A. (F. E. Bradshaw, Monday, April 8th, a t tho home secretary), March 24th, 1940, of Mrs. Fergusson Officer with official standing. Cove. Mrs. W To reply that the police de- man of the West Vancouver line?' partment will be very glad to Branch of the work committee co:opcrate with their inspector of Canadian Red Cross will be a with a view to seeing th a t no guest and new members will be cruelty is inflicted upon animals, given a friendly welcome, but it is against the policy of the ' Mrs Duncan A. Hamilton of Vancouver will be a special« t the \\cmly House ............ .............................. B 'Smnn ̂ meeting of the Guild itomorrow WeW^ Vnnemivir evening a t the ClachiCii. MEs. b'l'iduy, A p r i l 15)th -- Spring Klaniu'l Dance by Sf. SteplKMi'.s A.V.I'.A., in (ho Orange Hall. Eriday and Saturday, April 2Gth ' and 2711» - - "'riio Enchanted ^EnuTald," in ilio High School Auditorium. WEST VANCOUVER 'TENNIS CLUB Hamilton will show motion pic tures in technicolor of her cruise on the "Empress of Britain." The Book Club will meet at the home of Mrs. T. F. Dundas, \i :m The courts of the West Van- Anrif AT HOLLYBURN HALL Tennis Club at 21st and B?odedck w ifi'revta* ^ Fulton Ave, have 'been put in w tur E. Smith, F.C.V., of ^der and ore now ready dor playl A lZ siness n S n gr. __ ' ... W ith th e uniisua v onW enrimv ... wuaiucas, luecuiig Council at the present tim e to SPECIAL MEETINGS appoint any, special constables. Minnie Hodgson, March 11th, - 1940. Damage to Lot 5, Block 4, A rthur _____ , ul ^ U.b. 1493. , ̂ Toronto, will hold a series of the unusually early spHng , To advise the w riter th a e special meetings< for children n ? (onff.and intere.sting season is party who drove the truck on the and parents a t Hollyburn Hall ' looked forward to by- mem- lot is re.sponsible for any damage from Sunday April 7th to Fri- members inflicted and' the Council do not day,"̂ April 12th both inclusive welcomed, and any desir- understand, the complaint in re- The Sunday servW will stai't a t .ioining can obtain full gard to Douglas Road as this has 7:30 p.m. as usual the other P^ '̂I^Iculars by phoning the presi- recently had its spring overhaul, meetings beinc* from 7 -1.5 n tn - Lidster at West 632-R H. H. Howell wrote the Coun- tb 8:15 p m Mr? Snni'th fs a o'- secretary,' Miss Phyllis cil ri pound. West Vancouver. violinist of unusual ability and a t West 69-R3 of from the composer" of numerous chor uses.;-- - " ■ lEKATION OE BOUUEVARDS 'he ('«)iiiicil on 'I'liesday liight pas.sed (he following resolution: "Ivesolved; 'riiai !i note be in- .serti'd in the local jn'es.s inforni- Jounial-I Mpwrer.i of the' of the Towns- ' -71 1 t Tj 1'̂ 'i'idir.y boidevards for garden and knitting groups, will be held purposoM provided they erect no !̂ '>>ces thereon, and A ■■l'»l•lllcr, Itml an advice be.ifor- ' " " ",_llor.ticulturai So- cieiy Diaf the Council is making a 11 «'ipi)eal for tile 'b'eauiirication ni ' i i * 1 V • " , tliey are at liberty towomens Guild-including sewing ' ......' ............. ' ......> " April 5th a t 2 p.m. .A full a t tendance is requested. MAY DAY COMMITTEE Referred to the municipal soli citor for advice on ;a proposed inter-municipal arrangement. Edward T. Rand w r o t e the council i'e unsightly^ condition of cottages. Cypress Park Cannery. Referred to th e ' building in spector f^r a written report. A petition, was received frbm Mrs. C. S. Jillings, e t lal, re ta r ring of Fulton Avenue, between 14th and 15th Streets. R eferred . to the tarring, program. Mr. Miles wrote the Council re" the opening of' Mathers Avenue, 29th to SOth Streets any of the members. Crabbe--Thompson LIONS' CLUB TO BE FORMED HERE A .-quiet wedding was solem nized on March 25(:h a t St. PauTs Church, PoweIl.--River, by t h e The next meeting of the May Day Committee will be held a t 8 'p.m, next Tuesday, April 91:h, in the Council Chamber. All dele gates from organizations are re- of boulevards and (.heir endorsement.". requesting! > " ! A t a dinner meeting given last quested to be present. Friday evening in the Clachan by --:------ _̂_________ ^ r e e city branches of the Lions' BRITISH-ISRAEL LIK̂ ION NO%̂ S T1u3 next meeting ^ill bp held h'riday, Apjil 51h. Tmp'orUuit business. Will all'members please ■ turn out. , , - Rev. W. E. Gilbert,, when Elda which the Reeve and a Elizabeth daughter of Mr. and ^lumber of members of the Coun G ^ . H. Thompson of Edge- of Com- meeting wil be held a ^ water, B.C., became, the bride of ^.nd other rgiresentative April 8th a t 25th and Marine WiWay E.. Crabbe, son o f 'M r. cRizens were invited^it wa^ de- Drice. The spealter is Colonel and Mrs. Crabbe of Radisson, S in g le . His subject : "The Rape m .i^ rr ia g e .b y , r. of Finland.", Yon are cordially The applicant"was adv i^d-tbat tij® I^^̂ de wore a govm invited to hear this , adclr'esjs. ■•••.;.......... ----- -------- the^cost of opening this roiad with floral satin very^ excellent dinner pro^ Prayer meeting on Thursday Bay on WodiiGsday, Api'iJ 10, a t would approximate $400 and the her accessories were evening was evening and Bible Study Class on T p.m., wheji a full attendance Cou4iron " f W e d n e s d a y a t 2:30 p.m, as usual, of the men,be-,s i.s auticipatod CHAMBER OE COMMERCE : ANNUAL MEETING Special arrangements h av .e b(!cn made by-'the Executive for the annual dinner meeting of the West Vancouvei' Chamber' o f Commerce which will be held a t this address. ■ AVhytecliff Lodge,. H orseshoe funds dn n o t a i - q formed her corsage:, Mrs. Geo. manship of Stanley ̂ Weaver, positiJ to considL expSd? vice-pres.d^nt of the Lions' Cen- iture at the present time,Ro onpnincr nf 91 of Grabber brother of the groom Robinson, the city librariian, De- iuth was best man. A small reception Governor and' Gov-6uth ot Aigyle, the council or- of District 19 ; Percy Gom- -Mrs. Carruthers. The bride and ^yL?astT)istrmt'Gpy^^ groom will reside a t Cranberry, B.C. " „ MARINE GROCERY UNDER MANATGEMENT - dered that the work be done, oast not to exceed $91. . : . ' Re 14th Street sidewalk, the Council ordered th a t the work be done, cost not to exceed $269.'- The proposed subdivision, of D.L, 558 Block "B",. was referred to the plans approval officer. & Sons, ' March 25th, ty4(j. -Re grading la'nd ditching of 49jdway, SV2 NWVi, D.L. 1062 (McQuire property). LEGION.W . A. The general meeting of the W. Emery, Past President of t h e Kitsilano Lions.' Club, -and other high ranking officers of the Lions spoke enthusiastically on its aims and general organiz ation. They stated tha t it was founded in 1914 and h^d now W. T. Lake announces in lliis issue th a t he has purchased Ibe grocery business of Mrs. JIos- _sack ..and . Mrs. ..Wright at 22nd' and Marine Drive, known as "The Marine Grocery." Ho also wishes to inform the many pat rons of the store tha t with the assistance of his son Ronnie he along with many g u e s t s th a t have beeji invitee!, from .Vancou ver Municipalities. A full bnsinesAS agenda includ ing, I'cp'oj'ts from several cxim- niiitecs^ and the clectioni of of? licers for next term will follow the dinner. The main feature'on the social portion of the pro gramme -will be an addi'Css by inspector . J. F. C. B. Vance, scientific investigator for t h e A. Jook plare ori Monday after- wFthToadT^^^^ wi" endeavor 'to kiv<rthcm"(bo Vancouver and Provincial Police noon, March 25th. An extra gen- 3524^brancn€s^withhe^quarters ̂ pnnvf^c.r «nvi ,„h!/.n dpeartments. Musical items andp ' same courtesy-:arid-service-which-e iteeve ana, ,, f,. ..r* brief aflflreHSes by some of the in- all the. other West Vancouver they have.been accustomed to h- yited guests will round out what ̂ - ceive from the former pi-op- . fcuchL.s wm jyunu uul whul eral meeting will be held iS T l^ g te ^ ^ m T a t ^ t h e i f apprô ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ a^LioS^ Club ^i'etoV^Tnduding Trer'deliveTy expected to be the biggest and The Council ordered th a t Tea- Soldiers' Comfort Group will also & service. The store will be open ^mst enthusiastic gather,^ ol roe & Sons' tender of $35 for *«eet. It will take the form of a bv C V i n S ? ! ^ ,on Saturday nights Imt closed on Commm-ce t^ewm'k, be accepted. sociiaJ afternoon, and mothers,- b n d e d b v J P e r c v - B I o . w e r ^ a n d - c a r - - -- ^-^-^^*'ther hifoi:ma-_ , The-offer-pf P- p. Blower & wives"and sisters of p y m em - H e l unanimously th a t'p re p a ra l kindly refer to the advert-' tte ^ m uiner ^ i' isement in this issue. ^ e~offer~of R: P. Blower & wives" and sisters of any mem- Co. to purchase Lot 7 ,Block "C" fighting forces are ̂ D.L 755 E pt. was. accepted. - heartily welcome. . ' --' the effer of Sharpe Realtv"to -----"'I^® W-. -AT-are-liolding-a -St. purchase Lot 18, SE% D;L i051 Geolrge's tea on April 23rd. was accepted, , ' * . i } ■ ---------- ■ Council appointed the foL SOLDIER VOTE owing fire prevention officers tor the 4940 season: Particulars of the soldier vote Constables E. Bell, G. M. Fin- In this riding for tbe recent fed- ^^y^n,'F. Colpitts, T. Lightlv era! election are as follows: Rirsselb-Fire-ehie^-W % c N ' ~ -- ^14-5-af-m-pGlls-- -------- Thompson. - Sinclair <L), 82 (10,450); -------- -------- -- MacNeil (CCF), 75 (9776); Tup- Watts will be the bass 'Per:(NG), 134 (7300). nov4 concert to be given The final recapitulation-of the v o t^ cast both in the riding and ovei^seas will be made tomorrow. tiohs be made-for th e formation of such a branch. The necessarjT. arrangements are now being ^ made with this object in view. CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT Members desiring transporta tion should follow instructioms on their monthly notice card. "MEN WlTH WINGS" AT THE HOLLYBURN the Last Sunday evening Holly- -burn--Theatre-was--filled-on--the- A grand evening concei second of the season, will be given by the_.West Vancouver Choral Society under the baton of G.~E. Bower, L.R.A.M., A.R.G.M.,̂ At. i Y(>untr^Moderns- yGung people interested in war m the Orange Hall. The work from the starlxipoint of en- ing artists will be,Philip Watts, tertainm ent. They have already 20 who. are SERVICE CLUB FOR ^ YOUNG MODERNS There has recently been form-; ed in West Vancouver'a service" club, called "Service Club, f o r eompr-ised-of- nPYf CnT 1 Lo oe givei c o u v i b in the Hotel Van couver b.y;h€ Each" Choir. CORPORATION OE THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER-------- ----- N otice^tior^cllsts .Weycies are hereby nritifipa- that as from April 1st, W e^ Vancouver Bicycle Regulation By-law No. 844, 1940. ' reeH<5frati follows: Registration with number plate 50c, Re- Re^stratkm ° Duplicate. Certificate of cipal^HaU^^n^?! ̂ licences must be made a t the Police Station, Muni- 'fiable t o - ^ ) r o s e c u t i o n * o comply -will render ,the party Hollyburn, B. C 2/4/40. 1W.-HEBRIN.,- Municipal Clerk. occasion of a special benefit per formance given by Mr. Fletcher, the proprietOT, in md of the'W est bass; Miss M argaret Johnston,. Vancouver Red Cross Society, d tv cellist nfembpr of (he Van- teempersHip oi ..a, .....a Tho snecial feature "Men With memD<^ oi inc v ̂ ^ group of .selectedin e special leaLure, men vvitn , couver Symphony Orchestra, and ' ^lavs and Tho mpmhorc:hin Wings" and other-topical pic- fho West Vanoonver Sfrine En- sKU.s. i no membership fares comnrised a procram which- 7 <• 7 will be closed at 25.tures compriseu a p wfuen gemble. Full particulars of the Proti-ram nr^luetion heirurwas much enjoyed by, all those broirram will bnrv.^ar in onr next u ̂>;ogpm proauciion- is oeir gwho attended President J R Program win appear in our next handled by Margery K. Clark, 11 *'• issue. In view of the fine per- vvho is well known in We^̂ t VanMitchell of-the Society made a formance e-iven h v t h e .Societv a t ^ ® wen known in vvesi van-^ hrirf addrc"" of thsnk" to Mr D co u v erfo rh e r.w o rk in th isco m --or-iet-aaaress-oj. tnariics first concertrarfulLattend^--mnWitV":ahd"A;7itb~tb^ Fletcher for his generosity and once of music lovers is honed i * ^-Ti. ^ to all those who had 'assisted in o . Working with Mrs. Clark is Mer- the_sale_. ̂of tickets, etc., also to for. Tickets, 35 cents. the audience present fo r their a t tendance a t 'th e performance. As the Hollyburn, on her 11_W_£(L rily Web.ster, who is well known ji n--Van cou v^rrfor~h er^dramatic/ work with theW ancouver Masq- -uers-and.4Jî fcrt"t"l̂ TKê r̂ J.olmsQn==rEraser jĵ g. th e -p irs t Narrows, she was The .vyedding was solemnized overtaken by the Princess Kath- on Thursday, March' 21st, by. leen outward bound to Seattle. Rev. Dr. W. H. Smith, in ,St. The C.P.R. boat was rather close Stephen's United Church, Van- to the Hollyburn, and, as she couver, of Robert, son of Mr. and swung a little, to port at the time nes^ay of last week, was î igar- Young men interested'in dra- mati'6 work along "these lines may obtain fu rther information by phoning West 468-R or West 384-R. ; ^ G. of- Messrs. C. A. Nicol, W. TMr̂ r~K77rohnson7̂ 8Vl~West~'8th---she-had-ajmô t-passed-the-ferrVr-T̂ Jehnston--and""̂ GT~Lancastei Ave., to Mary M argaret, eldest grazed witKhersTWnThe side of the terry siafi' have leH for Es_ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. the la tter's smoking cabin for- quimalt, having" been appointed Fraser, 1215 Duchess Aye. ward', doing some damage to it. . (lieutenants in the R.C.N.R. : ■' ■' . _■ ; 'I : --J__̂________ £__s... ' ' i , :■>'