, ■ 3 m ■<i^ ;; 1 ' ■\\] \ ̂ ,'i 'i' ■:,t,f .' M I tl i - »■ : ir*>.I f .::f ^ 1 '^ i f f i '^ P -Mmi ^ n 'i2;. . - . '4-4 , > i i4--.rt, -r--̂ .-X'{i'l -'\t 3̂,? It ̂• ■X-»i 4i {€M?:;'v 3 '. ' '•.' - ^ M«3SS«fe IEp?viaspw 1̂ I r/ p H ';! i l i I * l^ lW I '?I # t ' ̂ V̂A? H'- 2ES IfSilil!: f ' ' r ' I iL,te=(j®"SSA': h-: TOE WEST VAN NEWS MAEOH 2 t § t i 1940 FrM Uellrery S trrlc * • Mmtliljr A ccaut I'lUCKH «OOI> FOU KIHDAV & SATUIIBAY, March 29 & 30 M E A T SH«d & WhJU* TOMATOES--2 l»r({c 2'/i tin* ........... -.............. 25c BuitklHt OKA NOBS-- Medium hIxc, doxim ............ |......25c E»r*« «latc# dmtcn -..... .i<....J0c CallfttrnJ* OKAI'EFKOIT, i for 17c Kcd & White Brand 80U P8-- Veaetebte or Tomato, S t in * ......2,*k COUN KEAKES-tluakcr. 5 pkte. 20c Ited & White l'urc^ BTKAWIlKUItV j a m --1-lb. tin ............................ 40e REACHES--LyMU Valley, HC|Uat (In ..'................................. 14c PINEAFKUi^--SiiiKaporc SIIcch, large No. 2 t i n ..................... 11c I'KAS--Aylmer, mIcvc 4, !t I0*/i-ox. t in * ............................... 26c HAKOINEB--King OHcnr, tin ........15c HOOA8--Mjinning'*, H-oz. pkt. ,.I0c AM. HKAN--Kellogg'*, large pkt. I9c SOAK--Buniigbt) cuke ..................... 5c Weht 570I .Free O eliw yj BEEF l»OUK LAMB .VEAL j ■ All Orade A & A1 »■• •■• ■'» ■■ • ■ ■; ■' •••■• "■'■■■*"■■■*■ ' " "I;.'.'. ' :■,. ' V .•'■■ . ■ DoHcatesBcn Fresh Fish Daily J oIimhoii'h (ll.O-COAT-- . •(fi;ii'il I'int lin, each .. . Korkhill IIEAI.TH MEAL lurgj* 2*lb. pkge.............. ...69c ...23c Use Janies^ Canadian Tested Seeds for best results FILI.S OWN BOATO THEN LOADS RIVAL'S CRAFT Her<*'H a .story of co-operation in tlu' Koiieral interost that spoils a l<jH.son. Hocontly, according to roports mati<* to the Dominion Department,of Fisheries by their resident inspector, a heavy run of hen*in«r struck in a t Kwak- shua Inlet on the Pacific Coast. These fish lllled the nets of the seiners to overtlowiiifj: and theriu by rose a problem. It was. in some instances, im possible for an individual oper ator to load his entire catch in his own boats. If he abtindoried, the excess, wastage would result, and in addition the herring killedi in^Mirailing" or removal of the .sages written between lines of fish from the seine, would sink apparently harmle.ss letters or on to the bottom where, the dead blank sheets of paper, immacu- T i » H iw J i iy R s ' 'P E E Y ^ j^ Probably the majority of jp ^ "ple.ha^o '̂noWr. seen a bear Ji»n- . during the aalmon runs bears m Britiah Colui^bis put in consider-, able time Ashing along the banks of various small creeks. They are subcessfuh too, in sv far as mak ing heavy icatcheg are conceited. As a matter o f fact, the clever animals are far too successful and in more than one stream their depredations deplete the supplies of salmon reserved for spawning, to almogt the vanish-^. Ing point. . To combat this evil the Domain- ion Department of Fisheries has authorized its officers to destroy these salmon marauders when they are encountered during pat rol work in the spawning areas. ■ During 1939 seventy;;^© bears were killed by two patirowen and ah in sp eto f In the course of their duties on Queen Charlotte Isands, Thirty-nine bears were killed at one point alone. ___________________ _ The animals do the most " ■ ' •.......... ... " ....... " damage when the fish first start INfiENIOUS METHODS USED, up the creeks. Standing along the BY I>RlSONERS TO banks or in the shallow reaches CONVEV m e s s a g e s of the creeks the bears prove 1 ; _ adeptj I Ashers as they sooop op ■ Pri.soiKirs of war in Canadian the unfortunate salmon with Inlormnent oamps live up to the^ their great paws and toss them bc.st traditions of dime fiction' to higher ground. More often "thrillers" in their attem pts to than not the day's catch is not H'ceive or send messages meant to <;scape the |.watchful eye of military censors. 'riie well-known invisible ink method is' still very much in Fat files in the office of .ieiil.-Ck)lonel i l . Stethem, As sistant Director of Internment Operations, testify to the fact. Lien 1.-Colonel Stetham double checks all suiTiicious communica tions. Wî th the help of powerful vio!<'t ray lamps and .various chemicals, he has detected mes- S e r ^ c c SASH A DOORS SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH NO SUBSTITUTE FOR OUAUTY PAINT" BBILDEBÎ ' SUPPUES ROOFING WALLBOARDmff ;4ili& AgmtMS j, CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTf>. ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 1 5 th & M a r in e D r iv e Phone West 115 CLASSIFIlgiD ADS 26 c i t e . I n * are payable aUrietly In " Remember Claaaiflod* b 26 cent*. JSJtcepi. lu v--- -- - - - - fled* are pny*Ulf. s - th e W**t Van New* get immediate.reault*. touched again. The bears apparr ently from sheer love of Ashing capture Ash : far m excess ""of their immediate food needs. The Asheriei officers find bears troublesbm^' in other ways too. How Hvould̂ y^ like to face four huge shaggy jBTiiizlies angered at^ being disturbed at their meal of fresh riih salmon ? Such was the ex^rience of one inspector in British Columbia last fall a t a remotef poinf ioru the mainland. ■ Discretion was the better part of vailour and the inspector re tired. Victory went to the griz zlies but not for long. The in spector returned armed for the fray and two- Of the savage animals Ipit^ t^ dust" to feast no more on salmon. Natural messages into the camps. Inno- enemies including bear a n d cent puhlicatiom cloak other in- wolves take a heavy toll from ed he would then load the sur- ^renious tricks. Religious papers, salmon breeding stocks. Where plus of his.'catch into boats bo- were found, upon close inspec- possible, measures of control are longing to rival operators. . lion, to be pricked here and there undertaken to curb the animals This, co-operation hot o n 1 y with pin points under key letters, involved. Often the control.exer- 'made su re the protection of the When assembled con.seoutively, cised ' can only be of a limited fi .s heiMes hy_ji VO ifli M C" a - i*es if I iie -- t-hesrf*-4ettors wore found ttr-speA fish would likely adversely affect further fishing in the locality. Co-operative effort was t h e answer. According to the in spector, when a seine fisherman found his own fish carriers load- file , until subjected to the tests. Reverse sides of stamps ,and address stickers have been used often in attempts to smuggle of dead fish on the fishing grounds, biit also ensured a full utilization of the catches. . .... out secret messages in German. ~ All nations smile in the_.same language. , More minerals have been taken out of, the earth since 1900 than in all previous" history, by con servative estiniate. iiatuiHi.- is but-one reason emphasizing the Care and supervision required in-measures' regulatory and otherwise, de signed for the preservation of the vauable fishery resources of Canada. . GORDON KOB80N - * Solicitor. 610 W. HMtlngi, Scy. <W8 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403.' FOR SA LE^^ large lote, each G6 x 131. Will sell either m block or separately. Good location and view, T /w r o r W A L K E l t & PBIDK om». Hollyhorn P.O. WMt 66 FOR RENT--4 room modern bunga- low, near beach. West 641-R. ■ _ FOR RENT -- Furnished waterfront, house, 7 rooms, 2 baths, hot water heat, $50.00. ̂ ' Unfurnished 4 rooms, furnace, tire- place,.nbath, $27.50. ' , r̂̂ TT-wn LAWSON, WALKER & P ^ f p E 1704 Marine Drive_______ West 56 FOR SALE--English buggy and play pen. Reasonable. Phone West 347rMt. FOR SALE --• C.C.M. Bicycle. Good condition, $15. Phone W. 494-R. FOR SALE --̂ Moffat Bange, $6.00. Phone W. 820-L. ..... FOR SALE -- Green Mountain Seed potatoes; also some strawberry plants. Apply 17.0 24th St. , FOR SALE -- Modem dining! room suite, $35. Phone West 8T9-̂ L. : LOST--Dundarave; wire-haired pup, white With black head. Answers to "Skippy." W. 776-M.' ' ^ RE-ROOFING--g e n u in e DUROID Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti- nfates. ;R. B. Cripps, West 8^-R, ; . F. V. Findlay, West 494-R. " FURNISHED SUITE, 4 ROOMS, back and front entrance; ' semi-private bath. 668 16th St. . PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther- land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 578 FOR R'ENT--Garage, corner 26th and Bellevue. West 004. _____■ FOR SALE^Bicycle, 3-speed. West 033-R after 5. _______ ■ ■ 2 ROOM FURNISHED SUITE for rent. 16th and Waterfront. Phone W. 624-R. - " • SWIFT--SURE RESULTS! For am- bitious men and women! Faniilex will show you how. 900 successful dealers now on our list! Inquire for further details and FREE catalogue today. {The Familex Products Com pany, 570 St. Clement St.. Mont- ' .rea l... , ; ; COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES, , ..All forms of documents drawn and executed. Reginald P. Blower, J.P., ! Notary -Public, 1405 I" ' West Vancouver- and 264M. Marine Drive, Phones s West 21 EXPERT FURRIER AND DRESS- maker--^Kay Russell. West 447-L. PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. llTD. ' (Established 50 years) ' 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271. Local Agent, - F Bayliss (Notary Public). " , ,2436.Bellevue..... \yest 522-R WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, West 443-R. CASH FOR JUNK Bottles, rags. Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; .nothing too big or too ^smaU. Burrard Junk Co., West ,94. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Conn- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2.~ ore reasonable prices. Orders over $1.00 post paid. W rite for list." GAY-. WOOD g a r d e n s , SORRENTO, , B. C. I FOR RENT--TWO HOUSES, FULLY Modern,' 5 rooms each; best loca- ti£ps, $30.00 and $35.00. H. Fallows . Realty, 1429 M arine,,West 912. LOST-- March 21; brooch, set bril-. Hants, blue centre, on Keith or Marine. West 337-L.' . f o r RENT_ Burglary, AutomobiIe, rEt. Tele- ^phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class »work, at rea-' sonable rates. H. Gainesy West 167L. WANTED--Housework by the. hour. West 686-R. CHESTERFIELDS REPAIRED, re built and re-covered. Free estimates. United Upholstering, 26 Water St, SEy. 8627;. evenings West 845-R. W id i . Values 7 B is Days' Sale Values X u p s a n d ~ Saucers 6 for 49c. VACUUM B01TLES ; 37c MEASURING CUPS .........7c REFRIGEI^ATOR JARS 19c ROLLING i>lNS" GLASS WASHBOARDS 59c TO T^TR Y S K I'S ......... 9Sc SPRING CLOTHES PINS-- 3 pkgs. ............................ 24c TEA PO l'S ..... :.....35c 34-ini- LPRONG CUL3'IVATpR..49c LONG HANDLE SPADE 89c LONG HDL. SHOVEL ..-89c GARDEN HOES ................ 69c GARDEN PORKS.......... ...98c g a r d e n WHEEL b a r r o w :............. ..$3.50 ENGLISH SMALL KITCHEN TOOLS ..........9c Best Value Ever Offered bE^iON-OHT^OfcisirTrrroc^ Floor Mops 95c SCOTCH GREY ENAMEL- WARE (Only One to a Cus tomer) CURTAIN RODS, FLAT-- 2 for ............................... 23c 4 rooms,-unfurnished,- $16. Phone West T064-L. h o l l y 't'REES ifOR, SALE^-Suit- : able for hedges or separate trees. , $1 'per , dozen. Ph6he-W. 659-M., WANTED-- F u rn ish ^ house on or _ near waterfront-from' May 1 to. Sep-- tember. Phone SEy. 5583-Y.______ WATERFRONT BARGAIN -- 2 cot tages and lot. For quick sale $2500. -- -------rCrJ. ARGHER LTD... .-------- _________ Phone West -225 v; ' . HAULING--Manure, septic tanks and rockpits installed>nd cleaned. West 187^R-________ -L- ' WANTED--Maid daily from 3 to 8 p̂ .m. Cypress Park. Phone 311 -Georgia Hotel. -trAWNMOW.ERS-SHARPENED-- Special maclfihe; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Ma^ne. WEST VANgQUVER NIGHT PAT ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable __rates. West 927-R. LISTINGS O F HOM ES AND PRO PERTY W ANTED . Clients waiting. H . A^ ROBERTS -LTD. 1447' Marfne Drive -West 646 J. .EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone- West 21, or West 553-R-l. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer-work, prompt service. West 700. , . . , . ________ FO UN D--Young, female terrier, part , airedale, long /West'414-Rl. HANDY ANN ■SHQdB/r244&^sMarin". Notions, Jknitjtedsftoby ,gar- , ments, statiohe^,,.,}^iuC"^ard\vare.. WELL ROTTEftf MANUlMEp-S.'? Cow ' |2.25 peryaixi;>i^-iyardk $6. Phone FRaser 0338-L. . A. Ki vWO0D.ejX)aBtfes8 Electric Floor S u r fa S n ^ c g x^'C^r t ' workmanship; est^atesf?sPhoi»£^ West 1093. G O j W W S & 6 l s t ) N - B a rr is te r^ & Sey. a t ^ V a n c o u v e r • any time by appointment. W est 4 0 3 .------------ BtiUE ENAMELWARE-- Just, the thing for Camp use .l9c DON'T PAIL TO SEE OUR BIG SIX-PAGE BROADSIDE FOR MORE RARGAJNgLL From APRIL 1st to 8th CRAWLEY BARKER, Hardwajre CARD O FTH ANKig'^^-,. "~We-wish to-extend'mir thanks and appreciation-fPr the acts of kindnhss and . i n e s - sages. of__sympathy-and^eauti^ fu^ flowers received .from our many friends- in West Vancou- w tragic death of bur .son fliaurice; especially tn Mr _ -^M n^KT-^^arry Hughes-Rnd Bruce Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson - t^and Peggy. ■ CHIpi^^^!j§y|iEiEPING -- Sawdust burndrs, installed; furnace Gi Meldiumr4-lf)3 Lonsdale. Nortn -8 2 2 ;t , ■' W. H. V A ^ S rG & p rac to r . Suite 4. _i_HplIy_b_urn_Block._ __________ MARCEL SHOP -- The'rmique Steam Perniaheiits; only best material? U8ed:-̂ "-1gjrper£_opegators,-- , 3097 BIT. HIGHWAY Phone: North 517 1648 IVrARINE Phone: West 577 55 LONSDALE AVE. Phonei North 177 The News W e s t-304,-'Boyal_Bank BuUding._ PERCY T. m !aSTBRMAN, NOTARY, Real Estate; Insurance,-all hwn^* Company. West PA IN Tm (i AND DBCORAWNG- Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, W 1022^L:y-r-r^----- NU-BONE .CORSETS, Surreal BeltJ MacAulay. 1618- Esqui W.408-R. H