4-4 A SHOWING o£ "MEN W ITH WINGS" ...... -■■■-- -jit--t-p;«irnext"€UNbAYrMAROH"8l8t-'--*«"-- '--" a t Hollyburn Theatre Throuifh the courtesy of Mr. J. H. Plctcher, proprietor of the Theatre Kntire proceeds to West Vancouver Red Cross Society' i TICKETS . - 2 & Cento Local and Personal IMŴ R exall.O ne Cent SALE April 3 - 4 - . ^ - 6 SA V E W ITH SA FE T Y M cN e I l - M c G U i West Vancouver The West ̂ Vancouver Choral - St. Andrew*s-Wesley Women*s Society, under the leadership of Association has already forma- Mr. Bowers, were heard in an lated plans for th e ahnual garden enjoyable broadcast over CJOR tour to be held in July. This year Easter Monday night. The So- some of the beautiful gardens in d e ty rendered the program of West Vancouver will shown, miscellaneous music chosen with • * * • excellent tone and d id ion ,.the , Mrs. Sydney W. Welsh a n d West Vancouver Mule Quartette Miss Dorothy Cope entertained also giving several well s u n g recently a t a kitchen shower a t numbers. I t is understood the the West Vancouver home of the Bennett's BAKERY BUTTKRCRU8T BREAD SATURDAY SPEGlAl^ CREAM CAKES J5c a doz. Scotch Pancakes, Scones, Abernelhy'g and Oat Cakes 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 \ _ . ip I Q I mm A ' FRUIT LAYER CAKES They arc delicious, Solve your, dessert problem by serving our Tayior-made Fresh Ice Cream. Treat t h e family tonight. Special orders taken -- Phone W est 1057 the p e n g u in d a ir y l u n c h 1533 Marine Drive Society Have been a s k e , d t o broadcast again at some later date. ,, * * * , . The Misses McBain have Vfini- ed Blaisdell House and Blaisdell Cottage and are leaving on Sat urday for Sechelt for six months. Dr. G. E.'Bayfield. 2004 Ingle- former in. honor o f Miss Mar garet Milburn, whos6 m arriage to Dr. F. 0 . R. Garner took place last Saturday. Mrs, B. F.^^ r̂C^ ̂ presided a t the urns and serv- iteurs were Miss Mary-Alice Mil- burn and Miss Blanche Crlck- mer. , ̂ , ̂ i . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Hampson, wood Avenue, has just returned 814 20th Street, moved on Tues- from a 'trip to Australia on th e , day into a cottage on Lawson R.M.S. Niagara. He states tlijat, Avenue, west of 22nd Street, when he was in port in Sidney, which they will occupy for three the tem perature wa|s 111 de- months while their hew home is grees in^the, shade with a hu- being built on a lot they have purchased on Fulton Avenue im mediately e'a s t of the U nited Church Manse. Nursery School and Kindergarten - • ...... Dancing l>y June Roper - Dramatics by Dadye Rutherfplrd Piano - Rhythm Band - .Supervised Play - . Handwork ' T ran sp orta tion • Medical'Supervision: Dr. H. Spohn Full or part time arranged ' ̂ , 2GG7 H a y w o o d Avenue • . West 516 SUMMER TERM OPENING APRIL 3rd (WEDNESDAY) midity of 81.41 * « Mr. and Mrs. Zie^el h a v e moved from Dundarave into a house a t 22nd iand Marine Drive.4t 41 Mr., and Mr6. H. A.,, Whitaker Last Thursday night burglars broke iAto the houses of Mr. and ^ r» j A , , Mrsi Bill Stratton, 14th a n d Avenue have ^^ved Bellevue Avenue, and of Mr. and into the Hampson house a t 814 20th Street, which, they recently purchased.- '* . / . A daughter was born on Mon day a t t h e Vancouver (General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. E. Aid- hem-White (nee M aj'garet. In gram) of Piccadilly Street, CauL feild. ," ■ ■ .■'4« ■ ,-,,4<, ■ 4< Mr. and-M rs. .George Perree,:, 2456, Hayward Avenue, have left ST. STEPH ia^'S INGLEWOOD W. a ' ANNUAL DORCAS TEA and PLANT SALE To be held THURSDAY," i^ R I L 4th, 19,40, at: the ' home of Mrs. T. E. B atchelor, 1374 Gordon Avenue,-2:30,to .6.p,m.. Tea, 25c - Home Cookinjr and G ^dy . , Furniture Polish BUSH WOOD - , Per Cord Second Growtk F ir ............$4.50 jreen Alder ./...::....r.:....:;n7:::$5v503'̂ Cedar Fence Posts :;..i...J:.;.*$8.00 Cedar Wash Line Posts, any ---- l̂engths;̂ ------------------------ J. SMITH Cor. Eleventh and Mathers Phone West 1066-R TEAKETTLE INN 2462 Marine, -Tea CuprJReading-- Afternoon^ Teas - ' Lunches Mrs. R. C. Clifford, Prop. P A C I F I C S T A G E S Mrs. H. Crimp a t 1075 Fulton Avenue, stealing a q u a n ti ty o f silver in e a c h instance. Mr, Crimp was also robbed of linen. Mrs. Rogers of Vancouver wAs the guest over the E aster holi day's of her parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. A .IE . Young, 14th a n King's Avenue. I , V , ; ■; ' ' "4i ■ * . for 'Victoria, where they expect the house guest of her sis- \ h ^ o reside in future. , Misses MoBain of Blais- 4. 4. 4. dell House last week and was a A t the-inquest last Saturday »t their bridge party on into the death of Maurice Ander- Thursday evening, son the coroner's jury returned a verdict of accidental death. * * I* Jim M urray of U B. C. starred in the 16-pound shot event a t the track meet last Monday between the U. B. C. and. the College of Puget Sound, Wash., a t the Uni versity Stadium; throwing it 40 -feetT ^l-inehesr^E ^s-w a^^ith in--------------------^ ^ ^ ------- 3 inches of the university official Mrs. Nancy Paisley Benn and -record:--He also cam e^ 'eoond^ Mrs. C. Norman Boyd were co- the discus throw. Jim Murray hostesses recently a t a tea a t the^ is a son of Mr. and Mrs. ,E. J. West Vancouver home* of the 'Murray, 25th and Ottawa Aye. former, when members of the St. -------- --4c--^ -- --------------(TJeciliaGhoristers-honored-MissT Jeffery Ajello of the Royal Air Ellen Elm er Marc^ bride-elect. Force arrived here on Saturday Daffodils, flanked 1^ white ta- from Kamloops to spend a few pors, formed the floral centre- days with his parents, Mr. and piece for. the table ^ which Mrs. Mrs. A. J. Ajello, 1670 29th Uickson, Mrs. C iw , M r^ Street .He will be returning on. Knowles, Mrs. R. McKinley and Sunday.------------- ----------- -------- ̂ Mrs. G. Jarvis were asked to pre- Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Mo- Rae have returned f r o m the south, where the formej* h a s been t a k i n g a' post-gradjuate course in dentures. Dr. McRae resumed on Tuesday his , prac tice of dentistry a t ' his office, 1860 Marine Drive. , ' .'UHVll.tl, ■aui ff If H M n iW4 W' t H M . Hoilybura Theatre THURSDAY, MARJOH BBth ^G R A C IE FIELDS Smiling Along (onej) only at 8 ;ill) also "PASSPORT HUSBAND*' . FRIDAY, SATURDAY Mat. and Evo. Muivh 20th and 30th • JOHNNY WEISSMULLER "Tarzan Finds - a Son" also carefully soloctod shorts MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY , April 1st, 2nd and 3rd NORMA SHEARER ' TYRONE POWER "MARIE ANTOINETTE" also . , I'ono hour of short subjects The Higlilaniiis 1398, ^Marine Drive Excellent Meals,, Moderate Prir®® Pleasant Appointments Tea Gup Reading ' Victor S. Warath, Prop. Nellie ̂ Harrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma i I' Teachier of ;PIANO and THEQRY Residence Studio: I955 Inglewood Avenue, -----------------------WestrlOS^^ side. Sefviteurs were Miss Hilda Sluman, Miss P. McNeil, Mi.ss M. Williams, Miss V. Murray and Mrs. C. Dobelll Miss Joan Win ning was in, charge of the dining- -room._____________i___________ HOLLYBURN HALL When you want details of our service between West Vancouver, Vancouver, Horseshoe Bay, North" Vancouver or intermediate points , . just phone West 393. Charies Jordan, our agent, will be pleased to answer questions if youf phone or call^at 13^ Marine Drive. Long distance travel enquiries may_he_ directed to Mr. - Jordan ~or to the Bus Terminal, Seymour at Dunsmuir street, Vancouver, phone SEymour 7131. Tim etables m ay he obtained frotn^ any ^driver^orJthepgent.____1, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sorensen, West King Edward Ave., Van couver, entertained a f a dinner party last Saturday'evening in honor of the birthday of their son Clarence, of Sinclair Ave. ♦ 4< ' ♦ -- John-R edpath-of -Victoria is---------- -- ---.-- ^ visiting his mother, Mrs. Alice children and Young Redpath, Caulfeild, prior ̂ oleav- peopig'g Service-illustrated with- ing for Winnipeg en route over- ia„tem giMes to- be held a t 7 :15 seas. , ; » p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in Hol- - , , Tir 1 u - lyburn Hall the speaker will be Miss Margaret Watson, who Cohhrane. Services next has been visiting in Winnipeg en Sunday will be as follows: 10 route to her home in ^ u lf e i ld a ̂ Sunday School, and Young a ^ f t^ -^ n -^ n d e d visit in -th e people's Bible .Class; 11 a.m.. East, has been widely entertain- Breaking -of B read; 7 :30 p.m., ed in - the Manitoba capital. 'Qospel address by'John Wallace. Among those arranging pariies Tuesday, Prayer meeting and for her have t e n Mrs. R. K, Bible study. Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, String- ~ _______ ■ .. - er and Mr. Robin Strang. Te send 'Ji call by " long distance" . If the person to be con gratulated is too fa r away for a.personal visit, call by long-distanpe telephoned - You'll find_Jhat - the _best_ lubstitu te for yotf is your voice. B irth or birthday, wed,- a 4 li g or. anniversary -- a time for congratulations is % 'tim e ' for a long-distance call. ~ . . . BAND AUXILIARY CHRISTIAN SCIENCE AND . THE-CHRiSTIAN GOSPEL r t e mothers of th e band boys ' Tbe above will be the subject will meet in .the lunch room of of address a t the W est Vaneou- the Pauline Johnson. School on Wednesday--April r3rd a t -2:30 BRITISH. COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. ' p.m. Airmotiiers are welcome. ver Tabernacle on Sunday even-- ing. -To announce -such -a-sub^ Mri and Mrs.; E. McBain of -Edmonton- visited their^ ,sisters,. EXPERT W atch and d o c k ' e e p a i m n o t T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd,, Montreal). 1522 Marine Drive PSL-i ject does not pre-suppose an attl- the Misses McBain of Blaisdell tude of biased contention. It is House, AltattioKt, oh Sunday. the responsibility of the Chris- ----------- ---------- - fian m inistry to «*Prove all things__ TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD and hold fast th a t w h i c h is Mr87~Duncan A Hamilton of good." I t is with the sincere de- Vancouver will show| motion pic- sire to know the tru th that we tures jp technicolor of her j^ruise trea t th is subject. Questions are on the Empress of Britain when/ invited. " the Townswomen's Giiild hold its ̂ The other services of the week regular meeting on Friday, April will be-asm sual.^ 5th a t th e Clachan, a t 7 ;46: '