I I -"̂ f f " 'I t ' ! 'hi iri,' i'« :■ f f| ?>'■ 1 jj' '*' ̂r,'■-?'•ij- <1 ■!, ■|; I !ft, T'l*' '. I !•( $WS> THE WEST VAN NEWS M S C T 2 i s t r i 9 4 0 SMITH'S MARKET ■pi«««-w««-M " ' A - H a r v ^ - S n a l t l i -- m V tm D«Uverj 8«rvlc« « Monthly Aeeoimt f ' I'rIceH C;«>d for Thursday and Saturday, MARCH 21st iind 23rd M E A T SH/KFKD WIIKAT--ttuaker ... pkt. t r QUICK OATS--(jluttk^ r̂, Larifi* Family P B tk t t ................... m HONKV--Clover Hraiul . . 4-II>. tin 49e t;OHNKI> IIE K F ................................ tin He Hed & White FOKK and IlEANB-- 2 IH-o*. Una .I9c MEAT aA tlvH -jiffy »/ia Una 9c LIFEIUJOY SO A I* i rakea 20c Callfornitt UHAPEFKUIT .1 for J7c Hunklat OKANUKS-- Medium Size .....................doz. 25c Ijirtce Size .............................doz. 30c SunklHt LEMONS ................ 6 for !5c H<*d & While IIAin L E lT I'EAIIS-- 2 17-oz, UiiH ............ 25c CUT WAX IIEANS 2 17-oz. tiim 23c IUmJ & WhiU- IIAN'I'AM COHN-- The F, A. WaJkiT nKiitioned in t h e Liom* (iate Times as b^ing M ^jter o f , CVremonies at the Conservative social for Mr. and Airs, Tapper on Saturday nifirhi in the Legion Hall is not the F, A. Walker who is organ izer for Mr. J. Sinclair. Frompt Delivery > Rhone Weal 370 M'rcHh killed IlOILING FOWL COrrAUB HOLLS lk>nt» in HAMS r,.l'OlN'r BONELESS HAMS FI(%NIC,HAMS BEST I'OUK - LAMB - VEAL All Tops FrcHh FISH Daily CORRESPONDENCE Use James' Canadian Tested Seeds lor best results COUNCH. N m 'ES ResOlutloni^ Regarding garbageTonlainers and systematic collection; That this be left for the a tten tion of the committee, compOHcd of Councillor Richanison a n d Councillor Dickinson in regard to a proposed bylaw embodying • similar features to those of the City of Vancouver, the commit tee to make a report at the next meeting of the Council, The question of the inoiiier- ator was left w i t h Councillor Ray and the engineer. Secretary, T o w n Planning ('ornmission, March Cth, 1940. M. V. Jones' and H. Thorpe's ap- Dear Mr. Editor: I Would like to express my jjersonal pleasure in having the great privilege of listening to Mrs. Ramsden, when she spoke a t the meeting of the Works Committee last night. I feel cer tain. that all who wc*re present realized with a sense of grati tude how good it was of her to come. Every moment of her time tnust be taken up with her duties, ,and I feel it was more than a privilege to Wi*st Van couver to listen to iler inspiring talk. For those of the various ............ " -----̂---- ::--------rrrrrrrr-.-irrrrr. Ulllts WhO WGre Umlblo tO attend, Mairh'Oth, 1940. Applications I HOve they, mis.sed a unique S e r v i c e : l u m b e r -- Q u a U t y SASH A DOORS SHINGLES ' PLYWOODS LATH NOSOSSTITOTE FOR QUAUTY ' . .Agtoslit CANADA tAJNT COMPANY LTD. ^ E S T VANCOUVER LUMBER COv LTD. l^jlh & Marine Drive Phono Vlfest 115 17-0/. lin ....................... Hcil A WiiiU- SI'AfillKITI. and Uiinuto Kuiicv. 2 Ul-oz. Uns .................. -lOc CLASSIFIED A D S Th*. rat« for CIoslfl*d Adrortlooinonti !■ L cento per word, minimum 26 eJnto. Kzeept In the emm of Uumm hoving reguUr nccounts, ell cUmii. 1" W«*t Vnn Nowo get immedioUi reiuIU. with .I9c for leases of ,. P. G. E. right-of- way: ' . 1 1. Miss Walton's application, lot 12-, block 3, D.L. 775 W-100. That the (.Council have no ob- jedir)!! to .Mi.ss Walton , being given permission by the Pacific Gre.'it hiastern to clean up about 20 feet of. the P.G.E. right-of- advantage tOj learn a great deal about the work and ideals of the Red Cross, which would help and encourage them in t h e work which they themselves are do ing;, , , ■' I cannot doubt that the high standard which Mrs. Ramsden has asked for will be carried out Remember CUeeif______ ___ GORDON HOBSON - - Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 .at West Vancouver any time -*by appointment, West 403. FOR RENT--Upper part of house., ($10). Phone West G84Y, evenings- WKECKING HOUSE-- Lum ^r :all, kinds, windov/B, doors, natures; brick, for sale. See Mr- Todd a t Matheson's, Caulfeild. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES. All forms of documents drawn and executed. Reginald P. Blower, J.P*» Notary Public, 1406 Marine, Driven West Vancouver- Phones: West '21 and 204M. , g lU) leiice or- puuuiiig "IS mTdecI, and tjiat t^e public ac cess is not interfered with . 2, Dr. J, A. Camerbn's appli cation, 2340 liellevue Avenue: (Lot 17, black "F," D.L. 554.) That no lease be granted as plication ami petition re permar the present unsatisfactory drain neni comlmercial zone. Cypress Park District. The. following recommenda tions of the Town Planning Com mission was approved by t h e Council .and the clerk instructed to arrange accordingly: 1. "That lot 13, block 34; lot 7, block 35; lot 11, block 3(5, and lot 1, block 37, all in district lot 430, Iks regarded as local busi- wiiv n.r' thu purpose of improv- renewed enthusiasm a n d Inu her Karllen amenities, pro- ' *>y, ali members of • Viciiutr no fence or- buiidjiiK is [*J« S c X m ^ T a m Yours sincerely, ' _ (Mrs.) F.:S; M. TIOWDEN. 947 Esquimalt Ave., ' ; Hollyburn;, B. G., ; ^ March ISth, 1940. Note.-^Mrs. H. A. Itamsden is Chairman of, the Provincial Work Committee. FOR .SALE -- Apply: West Marine DriV.e, 31 FORD COACH. Van. Motors,, 1613 age situation would be seriously aggravated theij(iby. ■ ■3.. John Hall's application, ------ , ... ...... ------ ,3(503 Marine Drive (lots 13 and the Corporation a deed, to the Id, block "C," *D.L. 558 W-Vi), necessary road allowance t h e That the (Council have no ob- work be authorized and subject jection to public access being to W, Blair posting a bond the granted acrosis lot 13 and con- plans approval officer ,be .in- neoting wuth P.G.E. right-of- structe'd. to authorize the sub- .way, but are of the opinion no division plan of D.L.-1062 SE-54. defin ite lease should be issued to ness property and recommend to . Hie portions of lot 13 and 14 in- the Municipal Council that they dicated ,1)0 I.c-Z0)ied M such: ' C. J. Archer Ltd, $1175. ̂■ ' 2, "That lots 5 and .6, block 5, M istiiclJot 582, be regarded as imnrHjusiness property and re- R. P. Blower & Co.. Ltd. $1150. The tender of C. J. Archer Mr. .Miles appeared, before the Council re the opening of Math ers Avenue from 29th to 30th Styeet. , Referred to the engineer for a report. - ______ _________ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 MARINE --Easter (^ards. Novelty Notiojtis, Wool, Knitted Baby Garments^ l o s t -- PARTIAL PLATE FALSE Teeth, 'between 14th and 21st on Marine. Reward. West 365-R. ■ FOR SALE -- DOUBLE FRENCH - ,i Doors; two Single. French ,Doors; Set of Electric Light Fittings, 5- light centre and 3 side.. West 519-L.' FOUND -- LONG HAIRED BLACK ' Mongrel, slightly brindled l e g s . West 414-Rl. Also young Male Col lie: West 270-Y2. Mrs. Ricardo. RE-ROOFING--GENUINE D U R O p Shingles, attractive, pernianeht. Have roof measured .now;,free esti mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F.' V. Findlay. West 494-R. ODD JOBS -- LAWNS LAID OUT, Stone Fences Built. FencesiRepaired etc. West 172-Rl. *_____ FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 EXPERT FURRIER AND DRESS- maker--Kay Russell. West 447-L. PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 60 years) ' 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271. Local Agent, P Bayliss (Notary Public). 2436 Bellevue, " West 522-R WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and ihouso I fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, West 44S-R, CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags; . Sacks, Metals, Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91..................... CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick ) and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. -LOVELY ROOM--Available by night, week or month. Meals if desired. West 686-R. --^ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, /nt rea sonable rates. H. Gaines, West 167L, WANTED--rHousework West 686-R. by the hour. CHESTERFIELDS REPAIRED, re built and re-covered. JYee estimates. United Upholstering, 26 Water St., SEy. 8627; evenings West 846i-R>' LAWN; MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. commend to the Municij^l Coun cil that they be re-zoned as such." 1 Permission was given by the Council for the use of Ambieside Park for t h e Easter Sunrise Servitxr," an(r that the matter of -Ltd77-foi t̂-he-siHn-(>f-.$-Ll-75T- -accepted. W. Blair and II. Minions came before the Council in refer ence to overllowing of water on D.L. 1062 SE-54. ---This=applijC.ation hinging on . , 1 1 -ii .1 the question of the grading of pioyuling a bus be lett with the Avenue westward from chan of the 1 ransporlation Street it was resolved; That I epaiUPeiU, wiilyK)wor providing Mr. MacQuire gives Paciiic Great Eastern Railway, . Overhaul, r t l lM C IC W Paint Job & Repair Work FRED JONES BICYCLE SHOP C.C.M. Dealer ■ 1439 Marine -l 'A \ 4̂ t.r' . ' II I f ' 'M | | 1' ' II '4' i $ d i ■■ LIBERALS Ar e BEATEN! A vote for the C.C.F. is a vote to scu ttlethe British Em pire in the face of th e enem y Don V Waste Your Vote The Forces of National Government are on the -------- march-- Ttre"swiirg^iS"QiDn^ayv^----- :-- jwas--pres-- ent at the Council meeting to draw their; attention to the fol lowing m atters: 1. Condition of house and sur_ roundings situated on D.L. 775 ■(7-^2), b loo l^ l^ lo t 7.______ 2. Sighs, etc:,', along Marine Drive at Dundarave. Spraj^ing of oil on stag nant -water .on P.G.E. track be- tw ^ n 25th and 26th Streets. He; was informed the m atters mentioned should have attention . as far as practicable and th a t the attention of the P.G.E. Railway authorities would be drawn to the condition of their t r a c k throughout the municipality as being a menace to health and in summer time a fire hazard and also to its condition being a det riment to the assessed values of the property contiguous." FURNISHED SUITE, 4 ROOMS; back and front entrance; semi-private bath. 668 16th St. FOR SA L l^C heap , Upholstered Da venport, good condition. Ph . o n e West 869-R. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable' rates. West 927-R.______ LISTINGS OP HOMES AND PRO PERTY WANTED.' Clients waiting. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 546 NOTICE While the dead line for news is 6 p.m. Tuesday, we should be greatly oblig^ if organizations and others having news items send them in as early as possible, whenever they can conveni ently do so. 'This will make for an earlier driivery on Thursdays, and will materi ally help our bftys these dark days on their routes. --Editor. VOTE T U P P E R Tram poiOation W est 1 0 6 7 \ - Keep your Money Circulating in W m t i Vancouver ------- '-West-Vancouver ,-------- Chamber of Commerce PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS --'Choice Northern grown stock, reasonable prices. Orders over $1.00 • post paid. Write for list; GAY- . WOOD GARDENS, SORRENTO,, B.C. ' MEN, WOMEN.--- HERE'S WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! A S T E A D Y-^INCOME financial security for life---guaranteed you with a Familex Agency of your own̂ Inquire TODAYv without obligation. THE FAMILEX PRODUCTS COM- ' PANY,/570 St. Clement, Montreal. LADY AVAILABLE TO MIND CHIL DREN any time. Apply: Box 70, West Van. News. - - FOR, RENT -- 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Also For Sale good Range, with sawdust burner attached; other furniture optional. Phone W e s t , 619-Y. FOR RENT--TWO HOUSES, FULLY Modem, 5 rooms each; best loca tions, $30.00 and $35.00. H. Fallows Realty, 1429 Marine, Wes,t 912, 50-POOT FRONTAGE BUILDING r Site, with view, light clearing. Re duced for quick sale to $260.00. C. J. Archer Ltd., West 2^5 WANTED--Board and room or room only, ̂ between West Bay and Sandy Coye. Have own furniture. Box 53 - West Van News- ___ - >■ • ■ -FOR SALE)--̂jrood McClary - range With sawdust burner. Essex sedan cheap. West 49R. ' FO R -^E N T ^^our-room suite. 1257 Clyde Ave. , J. INWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- . icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or West 553-R-=l.•• ■" ■' _ ...-• • '• -......... ' • WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light U*ansfer work, prompt service. West 700. ■■ _....... A. K. WOOD, Dustless Electric Floor"" Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone West 1093. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings. Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. _ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. „ G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybnm Block. MARCEIL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank' Building. PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY, Real Estate. Insurance, all branch- es, Canadian (Company. West HL PAINTING AND DECORATING -- , Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. V NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical. Belts, Mrs. MacAulay. 1618 Esquimalt. W. 408-R:'_____________ - f o r SALE 40-foot roll unused chicken wire, 6 ft. wide; painted -- book-ishelf;-^large-~8pfing-and niat- tress; kitchen chairs and utensils. . West 558R1. - FRIDAY ' FEIRRY SCHEDULE Leave W e^ Vancouver. 6:30 a.m,^ 7:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., and every Half Hour until 5:30 p ja.. then every Hour from 6:30 to lliSO p.m._______ Leave a ty , 7:()0 a.m., 8:00 ^m ., 9:00 a.m., and every Half Hour until ........from 7:00 to i2;00~midnight. . "