West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Mar 1940, p. 6

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I I -"̂ f f " 'I t ' ! 'hi iri,' i'« :■ f f| ?>'■ 1 jj' '*' ̂r,'■-?'•ij- <1 ■!, ■|; I !ft, T'l*' '. I !•( $WS> THE WEST VAN NEWS M S C T 2 i s t r i 9 4 0 SMITH'S MARKET ■pi«««-w««-M " ' A - H a r v ^ - S n a l t l i -- m V tm D«Uverj 8«rvlc« « Monthly Aeeoimt f ' I'rIceH C;«>d for Thursday and Saturday, MARCH 21st iind 23rd M E A T SH/KFKD WIIKAT--ttuaker ... pkt. t r QUICK OATS--(jluttk^ r̂, Larifi* Family P B tk t t ................... m HONKV--Clover Hraiul . . 4-II>. tin 49e t;OHNKI> IIE K F ................................ tin He Hed & White FOKK and IlEANB-- 2 IH-o*. Una .I9c MEAT aA tlvH -jiffy »/ia Una 9c LIFEIUJOY SO A I* i rakea 20c Callfornitt UHAPEFKUIT .1 for J7c Hunklat OKANUKS-- Medium Size .....................doz. 25c Ijirtce Size .............................doz. 30c SunklHt LEMONS ................ 6 for !5c H<*d & While IIAin L E lT I'EAIIS-- 2 17-oz, UiiH ............ 25c CUT WAX IIEANS 2 17-oz. tiim 23c IUmJ & WhiU- IIAN'I'AM COHN-- The F, A. WaJkiT nKiitioned in t h e Liom* (iate Times as b^ing M ^jter o f , CVremonies at the Conservative social for Mr. and Airs, Tapper on Saturday nifirhi in the Legion Hall is not the F, A. Walker who is organ­ izer for Mr. J. Sinclair. Frompt Delivery > Rhone Weal 370 M'rcHh killed IlOILING FOWL COrrAUB HOLLS lk>nt» in HAMS r,.l'OlN'r BONELESS HAMS FI(%NIC,HAMS BEST I'OUK - LAMB - VEAL All Tops FrcHh FISH Daily CORRESPONDENCE Use James' Canadian Tested Seeds lor best results COUNCH. N m 'ES ResOlutloni^ Regarding garbageTonlainers and systematic collection; That this be left for the a tten ­ tion of the committee, compOHcd of Councillor Richanison a n d Councillor Dickinson in regard to a proposed bylaw embodying • similar features to those of the City of Vancouver, the commit­ tee to make a report at the next meeting of the Council, The question of the inoiiier- ator was left w i t h Councillor Ray and the engineer. Secretary, T o w n Planning ('ornmission, March Cth, 1940. M. V. Jones' and H. Thorpe's ap- Dear Mr. Editor: I Would like to express my jjersonal pleasure in having the great privilege of listening to Mrs. Ramsden, when she spoke a t the meeting of the Works Committee last night. I feel cer­ tain. that all who wc*re present realized with a sense of grati­ tude how good it was of her to come. Every moment of her time tnust be taken up with her duties, ,and I feel it was more than a privilege to Wi*st Van­ couver to listen to iler inspiring talk. For those of the various ............ " -----̂---- ::--------rrrrrrrr-.-irrrrr. Ulllts WhO WGre Umlblo tO attend, Mairh'Oth, 1940. Applications I HOve they, mis.sed a unique S e r v i c e : l u m b e r -- Q u a U t y SASH A DOORS SHINGLES ' PLYWOODS LATH NOSOSSTITOTE FOR QUAUTY ' . .Agtoslit CANADA tAJNT COMPANY LTD. ^ E S T VANCOUVER LUMBER COv LTD. l^jlh & Marine Drive Phono Vlfest 115 17-0/. lin ....................... Hcil A WiiiU- SI'AfillKITI. and Uiinuto Kuiicv. 2 Ul-oz. Uns .................. -lOc CLASSIFIED A D S Th*. rat« for CIoslfl*d Adrortlooinonti !■ L cento per word, minimum 26 eJnto. Kzeept In the emm of Uumm hoving reguUr nccounts, ell cUmii. 1" W«*t Vnn Nowo get immedioUi reiuIU. with .I9c for leases of ,. P. G. E. right-of- way: ' . 1 1. Miss Walton's application, lot 12-, block 3, D.L. 775 W-100. That the (.Council have no ob- jedir)!! to .Mi.ss Walton , being given permission by the Pacific Gre.'it hiastern to clean up about 20 feet of. the P.G.E. right-of- advantage tOj learn a great deal about the work and ideals of the Red Cross, which would help and encourage them in t h e work which they themselves are do­ ing;, , , ■' I cannot doubt that the high standard which Mrs. Ramsden has asked for will be carried out Remember CUeeif______ ___ GORDON HOBSON - - Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 .at West Vancouver any time -*by appointment, West 403. FOR RENT--Upper part of house., ($10). Phone West G84Y, evenings- WKECKING HOUSE-- Lum ^r :all, kinds, windov/B, doors, natures; brick, for sale. See Mr- Todd a t Matheson's, Caulfeild. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES. All forms of documents drawn and executed. Reginald P. Blower, J.P*» Notary Public, 1406 Marine, Driven West Vancouver- Phones: West '21 and 204M. , g lU) leiice or- puuuiiig "IS mTdecI, and tjiat t^e public ac­ cess is not interfered with . 2, Dr. J, A. Camerbn's appli­ cation, 2340 liellevue Avenue: (Lot 17, black "F," D.L. 554.) That no lease be granted as plication ami petition re permar the present unsatisfactory drain neni comlmercial zone. Cypress Park District. The. following recommenda­ tions of the Town Planning Com­ mission was approved by t h e Council .and the clerk instructed to arrange accordingly: 1. "That lot 13, block 34; lot 7, block 35; lot 11, block 3(5, and lot 1, block 37, all in district lot 430, Iks regarded as local busi- wiiv n.r' thu purpose of improv- renewed enthusiasm a n d Inu her Karllen amenities, pro- ' *>y, ali members of • Viciiutr no fence or- buiidjiiK is [*J« S c X m ^ T a m Yours sincerely, ' _ (Mrs.) F.:S; M. TIOWDEN. 947 Esquimalt Ave., ' ; Hollyburn;, B. G., ; ^ March ISth, 1940. Note.-^Mrs. H. A. Itamsden is Chairman of, the Provincial Work Committee. FOR .SALE -- Apply: West Marine DriV.e, 31 FORD COACH. Van. Motors,, 1613 age situation would be seriously aggravated theij(iby. ■ ■3.. John Hall's application, ------ , ... ...... ------ ,3(503 Marine Drive (lots 13 and the Corporation a deed, to the Id, block "C," *D.L. 558 W-Vi), necessary road allowance t h e That the (Council have no ob- work be authorized and subject jection to public access being to W, Blair posting a bond the granted acrosis lot 13 and con- plans approval officer ,be .in- neoting wuth P.G.E. right-of- structe'd. to authorize the sub- .way, but are of the opinion no division plan of D.L.-1062 SE-54. defin ite lease should be issued to ness property and recommend to . Hie portions of lot 13 and 14 in- the Municipal Council that they dicated ,1)0 I.c-Z0)ied M such: ' C. J. Archer Ltd, $1175. ̂■ ' 2, "That lots 5 and .6, block 5, M istiiclJot 582, be regarded as imnrHjusiness property and re- R. P. Blower & Co.. Ltd. $1150. The tender of C. J. Archer Mr. .Miles appeared, before the Council re the opening of Math­ ers Avenue from 29th to 30th Styeet. , Referred to the engineer for a report. - ______ _________ HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 MARINE --Easter (^ards. Novelty Notiojtis, Wool, Knitted Baby Garments^ l o s t -- PARTIAL PLATE FALSE Teeth, 'between 14th and 21st on Marine. Reward. West 365-R. ■ FOR SALE -- DOUBLE FRENCH - ,i Doors; two Single. French ,Doors; Set of Electric Light Fittings, 5- light centre and 3 side.. West 519-L.' FOUND -- LONG HAIRED BLACK ' Mongrel, slightly brindled l e g s . West 414-Rl. Also young Male Col­ lie: West 270-Y2. Mrs. Ricardo. RE-ROOFING--GENUINE D U R O p Shingles, attractive, pernianeht. Have roof measured .now;,free esti­ mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F.' V. Findlay. West 494-R. ODD JOBS -- LAWNS LAID OUT, Stone Fences Built. FencesiRepaired etc. West 172-Rl. *_____ FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suther. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 678 EXPERT FURRIER AND DRESS- maker--Kay Russell. West 447-L. PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 60 years) ' 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271. Local Agent, P Bayliss (Notary Public). 2436 Bellevue, " West 522-R WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and ihouso I fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. W est 740, West 44S-R, CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags; . Sacks, Metals, Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91..................... CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick ) and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele­ phone Sey. 4991 or West 92-R-2. -LOVELY ROOM--Available by night, week or month. Meals if desired. West 686-R. --^ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class work, /nt rea­ sonable rates. H. Gaines, West 167L, WANTED--rHousework West 686-R. by the hour. CHESTERFIELDS REPAIRED, re­ built and re-covered. JYee estimates. United Upholstering, 26 Water St., SEy. 8627; evenings West 846i-R>' LAWN; MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. commend to the Municij^l Coun­ cil that they be re-zoned as such." 1 Permission was given by the Council for the use of Ambieside Park for t h e Easter Sunrise Servitxr," an(r that the matter of -Ltd77-foi t̂-he-siHn-(>f-.$-Ll-75T- -accepted. W. Blair and II. Minions came before the Council in refer­ ence to overllowing of water on D.L. 1062 SE-54. ---This=applijC.ation hinging on . , 1 1 -ii .1 the question of the grading of pioyuling a bus be lett with the Avenue westward from chan of the 1 ransporlation Street it was resolved; That I epaiUPeiU, wiilyK)wor providing Mr. MacQuire gives Paciiic Great Eastern Railway, . Overhaul, r t l lM C IC W Paint Job & Repair Work FRED JONES BICYCLE SHOP C.C.M. Dealer ■ 1439 Marine -l 'A \ 4̂ t.r' . ' II I f ' 'M | | 1' ' II '4' i $ d i ■■ LIBERALS Ar e BEATEN! A vote for the C.C.F. is a vote to scu ttlethe British Em pire in the face of th e enem y Don V Waste Your Vote The Forces of National Government are on the -------- march-- Ttre"swiirg^iS"QiDn^ayv^----- :-- jwas--pres-- ent at the Council meeting to draw their; attention to the fol­ lowing m atters: 1. Condition of house and sur_ roundings situated on D.L. 775 ■(7-^2), b loo l^ l^ lo t 7.______ 2. Sighs, etc:,', along Marine Drive at Dundarave. Spraj^ing of oil on stag­ nant -water .on P.G.E. track be- tw ^ n 25th and 26th Streets. He; was informed the m atters mentioned should have attention . as far as practicable and th a t the attention of the P.G.E. Railway authorities would be drawn to the condition of their t r a c k throughout the municipality as being a menace to health and in summer time a fire hazard and also to its condition being a det­ riment to the assessed values of the property contiguous." FURNISHED SUITE, 4 ROOMS; back and front entrance; semi-private bath. 668 16th St. FOR SA L l^C heap , Upholstered Da­ venport, good condition. Ph . o n e West 869-R. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ROL -- Sure protection; reasonable' rates. West 927-R.______ LISTINGS OP HOMES AND PRO­ PERTY WANTED.' Clients waiting. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive West 546 NOTICE While the dead line for news is 6 p.m. Tuesday, we should be greatly oblig^ if organizations and others having news items send them in as early as possible, whenever they can conveni­ ently do so. 'This will make for an earlier driivery on Thursdays, and will materi­ ally help our bftys these dark days on their routes. --Editor. VOTE T U P P E R Tram poiOation W est 1 0 6 7 \ - Keep your Money Circulating in W m t i Vancouver ------- '-West-Vancouver ,-------- Chamber of Commerce PERENNIAL AND ROCK PLANTS --'Choice Northern grown stock, reasonable prices. Orders over $1.00 • post paid. Write for list; GAY- . WOOD GARDENS, SORRENTO,, B.C. ' MEN, WOMEN.--- HERE'S WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! A S T E A D Y-^INCOME financial security for life---guaranteed you with a Familex Agency of your own̂ Inquire TODAYv without obligation. THE FAMILEX PRODUCTS COM- ' PANY,/570 St. Clement, Montreal. LADY AVAILABLE TO MIND CHIL­ DREN any time. Apply: Box 70, West Van. News. - - FOR, RENT -- 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Also For Sale good Range, with sawdust burner attached; other furniture optional. Phone W e s t , 619-Y. FOR RENT--TWO HOUSES, FULLY Modem, 5 rooms each; best loca­ tions, $30.00 and $35.00. H. Fallows Realty, 1429 Marine, Wes,t 912, 50-POOT FRONTAGE BUILDING r Site, with view, light clearing. Re­ duced for quick sale to $260.00. C. J. Archer Ltd., West 2^5 WANTED--Board and room or room only, ̂ between West Bay and Sandy Coye. Have own furniture. Box 53 - West Van News- ___ - >■ • ■ -FOR SALE)--̂jrood McClary - range With sawdust burner. Essex sedan cheap. West 49R. ' FO R -^E N T ^^our-room suite. 1257 Clyde Ave. , J. INWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- . icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or West 553-R-=l.•• ■" ■' _ ...-• • '• -......... ' • WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light U*ansfer work, prompt service. West 700. ■■ _....... A. K. WOOD, Dustless Electric Floor"" Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone West 1093. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings. Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. _ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. „ G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, Hollybnm Block. MARCEIL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank' Building. PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY, Real Estate. Insurance, all branch- es, Canadian (Company. West HL PAINTING AND DECORATING -- , Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. V NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical. Belts, Mrs. MacAulay. 1618 Esquimalt. W. 408-R:'_____________ - f o r SALE 40-foot roll unused chicken wire, 6 ft. wide; painted -- book-ishelf;-^large-~8pfing-and niat- tress; kitchen chairs and utensils. . West 558R1. - FRIDAY ' FEIRRY SCHEDULE Leave W e^ Vancouver. 6:30 a.m,^ 7:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., and every Half Hour until 5:30 p ja.. then every Hour from 6:30 to lliSO p.m._______ Leave a ty , 7:()0 a.m., 8:00 ^m ., 9:00 a.m., and every Half Hour until ........from 7:00 to i2;00~midnight. . "