West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Mar 1940, p. 5

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i r r s ^ r T O i g r o WEST VAN NEWS ANNOUNCEM ENT! DR. MCRAE. DENTIST W ill be back in his office -..... .........'bn Toc8dayr-2^th March"----- -------- after taking a post-graduate course in dentures. T'" Ifweaster n o v e l t ie s g a l o r e _̂____ n>py^ W inton - $2 and other brands I , *' . I English China usefl exclusively m akes our Novelties Useful Gifts long after th e Easter Season is over. t'ul© and A rtistic Designs-to F it E w ry Furse • ■ MAKE YOUR SELECTIOJ ,̂ B A l i L Y , bon t o n c o n fe c t io n e r y '•I Two Doors from Hollyburn Theatre ' Dr.„MoIlatv deiilist, wIiq has j^lr. l^crry. of Cttulfeild, has beon away in the south taking moved into the Bricker house ni a post-graduate course in den- Cnulteild. ytures, will be back in his olTicc * * * "'^on Tuesday, 26th March. H. A. Whitaker, Radcliffe Ave- * * * nue, has purchased the Hampson Verschoyle B. S. Martin has house a t 20th and Pulton Aye- just received word fi'dm.Queen's nue, and-will take possession College, Kingston, that h e lm s about theend of this month, passed with honors in his ex- ♦ «k ♦ ^ amiimtion for Asswiiito or Can- ■ Mrs. Jam es, of W est Bay is adian Bankers' Association. Ver- visiting in Victoria, schoyle, who is 10, is employed ill The Royal Bank, Vancouver, and lives with his pai-ents, Mr. and Mrs. J . Sterling Martin, 2123 Marine Drive. ♦ ♦ To Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Dyble, of Seattle, a daughter, Louise. Bennett's BAKERY HOT CROSS BUNS 20edox. SPIOKI) or ri.A lN S A T U R D A Y S P E C IA L C R E A M C A K ES 25c a doz. Scolch l»ahcakt\s, Scones, Aliernethy's and Out Cakes 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 * JUST ARRIVED For Spring and Summer, 1940, Campbell's Suit and Topcoat Samples for Men and Young Men. Hand tailored to your individual measure. All gar- nionls carry the union label. New styles, new cloths and new patterns. Orders eonipleted in six days, fit guaranteed. Price range $28.,'>0 to $37.50 McLEOD'S MENS, WEAR JOINT CHOIRS, of the UNITED and ^T. STEPHEN'S CHURCHES ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH "T h e C ru cifix ion " a t 8 p.mi;"GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 22nd , You.are invited to attend iand listen to th is inspiring music Mr, Bricker of Caulfefi haB moved.. to' :Vancouver. ...... Mrs. BlaircCIerk, 17th a n d Mathers Avenue, has returiied from a visit to Toronto. r Major and Mrs. Philip Curry A. H. Albin, 2234 Mathers were after-five hosts last Thurs- Avenue, had the misfortune last day a t their homo on Onslow week to fall pff an 84oot ladder Place, Capilano Estates, in honor from the first lahdihg and down., of Mrs. Philander , Godwin ol the staircase a t Paujine Johnson New York. School; sustaining serious,- back * ♦ m, injuries. He was taken to St. A daughter was born last Sun- Paul's Hospital, where he is mak- day at the North Vancouver ing as good, progress as can be General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. .expected. The accident was doub- 'T. B. K. Criokmay, 1836 Fulton ly unfortunate, as Mr. Albin was Avemie, ^ just re tiring upon superannua- •. . ■ * *' tion a fte r having- been school Desmond Elgar, Jack Proud, janitor for many years. Eriiest Harrison, Ed. Miller and . . * * * Ted Sheffield left here a t 7:80 Miss Wilson of 1901 Inglewood p.m. Tuesday bn th e C.P.R. for Avenue, has moVed into a house ! Toronto, where they will join the at 2924 M athers Avenue. Royal Air Force as aircraftsm en. ', * * * Since last September they have ;" A son was born on March 13th been taking a course in aeroplane I at the Vancouver General Hos- construction, wihich they have pital to Plying QH'icer and Mrs. now completed. The boys were J. I. M. Beddall (nee Heather given a royal send-off by a large d) of 960 Fulton Ave. • party of relatives a n d friends * * * ' and w e r e the recipients of a ■ Maitland) ; NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN TEA AND SALE OF HOME COOKING from 3 to 6 p.m., FRIDAY, March 29th , / . , at the home of Mrs. F. H. W arren, 2423 'King's Avenue, in, aid of Child Refugees now in . England Speaker and Musical Program ' ' Admission, 25 cent's' ' 'Mrs. George Bennett of Moose number, of gifts. Jaw, Saskatchewan, is.the guest - , . * * * of her sister, Mrs. E.- Latham, 2446 Marine Drive. ENGAGEMENT The engagement has Leen an­ nounced by Mr. and Mrs. A rthur 0. Noakes of Victoria , of their eldest daughter, Beryl Evelyn, to M rs .' Watson returned fro m . Victoi'ia ,;to her home in Caulfeild. Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINEE March 21h(, 22nd and LEWIS STONE "The H ardys' Ride High" also "T HE MOVIES MAHCII ON" V'ATUKDAY KVENINC ONLY March 23rd IIINO CHOSHY 'Paris Honeymoon' also "DESEKT ADVENTUKE" Monday Matinep and Evening >11(1 Tiio.'(day, March 25th, 2()lli LOUIS UAVWAUI) .10AN UENNE'IT " The Man in the Iron Mask " "CAMIHJS CINDERELLA" "(JOLI) RUSH DAZE" " WEDNESDAY, MAIU'II 27tli , (IRACIE KlELi)S 'SMILING ALONG' I ■ «. (Onco Only, a t 8:15) ■ "PASSPORT IIUSRANI)" ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE The memhers of West Vancou- 1730 Marine Drive . , . .West 562* G W E N 'S G O W N S H O P P Y COATS SUITS DRESSES m i l l i n e r y -reasonable price - TIT VI TirMi- /-( • I.J. ver Branch were invited last F rUMr. Donald W d l ^ . te ig l j to n , . fifteenth Anni-^ youngest son of Mrs. Creighton ^^i-sary Celebration of the North Vancouver Branch of St. John's I „ of West Vancouver. The wed- Ambulance. Reeve Ley land pre- dmg will ta l^ place quietly a t gented diplomas^to^the-sueeeas-^ St: Barnabas Church on April 27. BUY; N 0 W!: as Prices are on the Up wal'd Trend Come in, we are always glad to show you , The Highlands - - -CAFE 1393 Murine Drive at MlJi St. S p e c ia lE a s t ie r S u n d a j; Chicken Dinner, 75c Enjoy our Pie,usunt Dining Room ■ and Service. ------ VicTor .-S-. -Waraini-I-rop^i-- --^ CHORAL SOCIETY OVER RADIO T WEST VANCOUVER UNITED CHURCH W. A. Annual Daffodil Tea at 2:30 p.m., TUESDAY, APRIL '2nd, in the Church^Hall .Speaker: Mrs, F. J.'Rolston Vocalist: Mrs. Bert.Stbekdale Admission, 25 cents ^ - Commissioner Vance doing the same to those from North Van­ couver. Dr. A. C. Nash, presi­ dent, who was in the chair, gave a history of the association and was presented with tobacco C. Reid'"drr"behalf of the class here, the la tte r through Miss K. Seeds presenting corsage bou­ quets to Mesdames Nash a n d The HDllyburn-Pacific Ski Club and Barbarians Riigby Club Extends to You an Invitation to Attend The' West Vancouver Choral Society will be hea^rd in a broad- " cast^ovqr CJOR on E aster Mon-' day,*the 25th March, a t 9 :30 p.m. All members are requested to meet a t the home-of Mrs. Wil­ loughby , 1717a Bellevue Avenue, jPreemahtle. ^ presenta- on Monday, a t 7.45 sharp for a were made to Mrs. B arnard tinaji practice. ̂ __arid_Miss Tothill. Captain Bates, ri^riTnivf w A vice-president, also spoke on Hib Li^ixiUJN w . A. ambulance corps Tie is- forming The tea given by Mrs. T. E. in North and West V ancouver. Batchelor, 1374 Gordon Ave., for Following an impromptu concert, handkerchiefs for boys in the refreshm ents were served, Mrs. forces was a great success. A .Leyland and Mrs. Nash poui'ing very enjoyable time was had by and the evening was con- all; ^The general meeting o f,the eluded w ith dancing. Legion ,W . A. .will be held next -------------------------------------- Monday, M^ 25th, at- 2 p.m. MAY DAY COMMITTEK sharp. T he Red Cross unit wilL ' -------- - not-meet until April 1st. • The first meeting.this year of N ellie H arrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of PIANO and THEORY "Residence Studio; 1955 Inglewood Avenue, West 105G-L ED. BLACK W ood and Fuel as usual at 2520 Marine. ' . ° ' Across the road. W E S T 6 8 DEATH OF T. A. SPENCER th<e; iJVIayJ ■ D ayepm r^ ■ w a s : held Ja.st 'Tuesday e v ^ in th e ; Council Chamber. The following Thomas A rthur Spencer, di- officers w e r e re-appointed: rector of'D avid -^efneer Ltd., • Chairman, A. J. Gleam; trea- .. and a pioneer resident of West surer, Mrs. W. B. Small,; secre- Vancouver, where he was very ta ry P. D. Q. CAFE 622 Howe Street (across from bus stox)). Tea Cup Reading by Marchioness D'Autier . de la Rochebriant Miss Marjorie Rivers, 13th and Bellevue Avenue, was one of three Pro-Rec dancers who pre- to be heid in the Hollyburn Pavilion, W est Vancouver ■' . ■ - ' ■}' - ' ■ - . M onday, M arch 2 5 th in honor of our friend W.11 known, passed away sudden- of &nrnce; " S ', t o ™ of Vancouver. a heart attack a t his home. The out. to those organizations who Z" 'deceased was an ardent golfer,__ in past years'have had them in . He; Well, I suppose you ̂ his other hobby being gardening, charge. In. this connection it is because I came home w> and his hbme at. 21st and Math- hoped to make final arrange- eye last night, ers Ave. w,as one of the beauty ments a t the n i-ex t meetiing. She (sweetly): "Not a t all, dear, spots of Greater Vancouver. He which will take place Tuesday, You may not remember it, but when was born in Victoria.m 1874 and April 9th, a t 8 p.m. in the Coun- you came home you didn't have that leaves his w ife; one sonT'David, cil Chamber. ' black eye." three brothers'and seven sisters. Honorary President of t h e Hollyburn-Pacific Ski Club and F irst Coach of t h e Barbarians' Rugby Club ■ ^ ■>' ' ... r r " ■ . - ^ Dancing, 9 to 12 , No admission "At the time of gottig to press t h ^ funeral arrangem ents had not" been; announced. EXPERT - W atch anil Clock JBEPAIBING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly 'with Birks Ltd., -Montreal)' 1522 Marine DriTe C.C.F. FINAL CAMPAIGN MEETING OKAN(lB HALL ___ MONDAY, MARCH 25th, a t 8 p.m. Si>eakerB: DOROTHY STEEVES, M.L.A. - GRACE MeINNIS and the .Candidate C G r a n t M a c N e il ' ̂