West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Mar 1940, p. 4

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^ 4 irf . * , - ̂ ̂ , I' . ̂ . . ' -* j ̂ f ̂ ^ ji * -if ' >!?»< i ' ' • ' ' . ^ . -s ̂ ,-r "- '=y. ̂ m ' 1 '>, 4 * / i - ' " « -V ? .> 1 s * -r % -.VP mtimM m4mn*itm.m;B"m i : i m S tl '.' f l : I-;: I-:?:|i w-m M i pm 'Mdl ^'i • ¥?̂-::j-rv '1.' ,t' pfp. li Vi- SI « : fei; mpi iSi# Sfsfpfe-*se mis* i f ' V f||; fllft î "'-*■' }i H-fc: WB8T VAN. UNITED CHURCH -s-" Ckrr." S|t( 41 Ei^iit«yi. - REV. W. VANCR; RA., MfaO«t«r 2047 Gordon Avenno Sundiy Sorvicoi: n*.m. A 7;80p,m. 8tranjr«rg and Vi»itor» aro weleomn - ? Announcing a New Kreem IVaoe riib CHKAM BAPTIST CHURCH 1̂. ', 1̂ , I ii#r. W. L. McKay. BJU RD. ,1U;00 Sunday Scnrlcc** ijn.--Church BcbotLJux. dudintf Adult Ctaaa 11 a.rn. & 7:30 p.m.--ProacbiaR Sorvicea, A hearty welcome to all AholiKhoH the UKe of liquid HolutiotlH. I'utM an end to dryinjf and frizzinif. Given a eurl with u aruip, ' yet ftoft, luMtroufl, Hhifiinf; and alive wiUi beituty. Make your Easter Wave a KREEM WAVE Gssoendolyn's Beauty Shoppe Kicluaive Rermanentll; HOLLYBDRN HALL 14th and Ducbeaa I'KinAV, March 22nd, at 7 p.in. riiildren and Younif People's Service with Lantern Slidtlen. Speaker: '1'om McLaren SNliAV, March 24th 10 u.m. Sunday School and VouiiK Peoplo's Ilibl\ r'lx ».. WEST VANCOUVER Chiiitian Science r .. . Society CHUItCH EIIIFICB 20tT and Eaquimalt, Ilollyburn This Society is a Uranch of The Mother Church , The FJrat Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachu.setts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday, March 24th ovn>DUtMlS ÎS* " MATTER" Sunday School at 10:00 a.ni. Teatimony Meetlnif Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is ̂ cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. Ambleside P ark -- 7-8 a.m. REV Speaker; ARNOI.l) B EN N EIT, Radio Minister Salvation Army Band and Male Voice Parly Diivdt'd by Bandmaster Mills 1-;- ' Special B ui Service -Leaviiur West Bay, 6:45 a.m. 2_-Leaving 25th and Mathers, 6:45 a.m., goinj^ East on upper lovcl.s. 1 a.m. I Breaking ol 7:.'i0<p,m. (loHjiel A J'LKSDAy, March 20 Prayer Meeting and B , ""I. f i t f Creators of 1546 Marino Drive West 117 MARCH 21.st, 1940 i'lIE UNITED C) 21 Hi and Esciuimai J{<;v. William Vance L WEST VAN NEWS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DR. G. D. H. SE ALE U.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Ilay Ray Block, 14th and Marine Dr. OfTice Hours 0 to G. p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 Established on North Shore 26 Years (Lady Assistant) HAIUION BROS. LTD. funeral fiirrctars Ilollyburn Funeral Home 18th and Marino ^ -West 134• '■ ........... North Vancouver PaHors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 , _ Eaatcr..Sund . * Flowers, music aliid (ymibine to make Eas' unu.sually inlterestjug iiig. ■ I 10 a.m.--The Sunda- JI a.m.--Morning W Subject, "The Groi Uoiie.',' Reception o bers and Easier C< 7:50 p.m.--Evening Subject, "Our , Coi Eu.ster." Be one of the man.' tlu'ir way to the pli shij) on tiiifc, gi*eai da; 'I'he Vesper Grouj its regular monthly ill e h oine of Mrs. T. I 1011 Clyde Avenue, < March 26th, a t 8 p.m ers cordially welcom- Th^ monthly dinner meeting of the West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, held at the High­ lands Cafe last week, was 0." ceptibnally interesting as well as entertaining-evening. Apart en- -, iirely from the social pot'tion of the programme, arranged by the programme commit'tee, the busi­ ness session following the dinner developed into a genei'al di.scus- sion on possible objectives for , the Chamber to undertake for community puiTJose.s a n d im- NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. DRY CLEANING (Certified as advertised in the Chatelaine and Good Housekeeping) C. C. FINNEY, West Yancouver Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will call. RECEPTION IS HELD FOR R. H. TUPPER A very successful, social even­ ing was held on Saturday, March l(3th, in t h e Canadian Legion provemeiit. • S o m e suggestions Hall, where a large number of ' " that,^ iM3oeived comsiderable sup- friends had the pleasure of meet- port JnoJuded the erection of a ing Mr. Tupper, National Gov-. club-lfeuse for the younger sport- ernment candidate,- a n d Mrs. ing element of the community" Tupper. Whist and dancing were with a view to the ultimate de- • much enjoyed and a dainty sup- velopment of .a real community per served. The conveners were ■centre, ̂ including an assembly- Mrs. P. C. Chapman and Mrs. hall and free library in connec- E, Young.' CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER The French Beauty Salon _JtFarJPeEmaneats_ BAPTIST CHI • Rev. W. L. Mi 1545 Duchess A of lasdng beauty. Wo specinlite in line, grey and white hair. 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 . Eiister Sunc 11 a.m.--"Out of. D< __story for the voui pers. The choir wil tion. Still another suggestion that Warranted attention was the development of the much talked of slough a t the easterm end of the municipality, with a view to ci-eating a suitable basin a n d harbour for small boats owned by many of the citizens of West -Vanqoiivei-- MRS, AMELIA MEYER , PASSES Offers will be received by the under­ signed lip, to noon on March 2Gth, 1940, for the purchase of Lot 14, Block 24, D.L. 555, known as 2515 Marine -Drive, w i t h improvements thereon. ' . Highest or any offer not necessarily, accepted. 'W.M HERRIN, Municipal Clerk, Hollyburn, B. C., March 14, 1940. Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES West 582--PHONE--West .582 SPENCER'S FUELS 812 Ifith Street following anthems "Jesu, Word of Got (Gounod). "Awako Up My Gl Whatever may be the ultimate comnipnity effort sponsored by . the Chamber of (Commerce, and a decision on some objective will most likely be reached a t the an- Mrs. Amelia Meyer, late of 11th and King's Avenue, passed away last Saturday in her. 78th year. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. P. Hulbert, Van- Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1.710 or We.st C91L 7 ;30 p.m.--Subject: Future Life?" Pic resurrection will b Anthem s: "0 Glad (Sullivan). , "Hallelujah! Chrii (M inshall).____ 10 a.m. -- Church Adult Bible Class. Wednesday, 7:45 p Meeting. -iiuaLm^ting- in ApriPor'shortly-__i co-uyer, and Mi's. Mary Foster,, Prescott, Arizona; two sons, E. H,j here, and A. Meyer of Chase, B.C. ; also eight grandchildren. Funeral services__.\vere„:..held at_ after, it was... evident-from--the--? "?'°^*-^l^®s^^y bity,™and discussion at the last meeting made in Mountain that the members are fully View Cemeteiy. The Rev. W.-R, SPEOAL Sawdust ............ $3.50 per unit Dry Slabs ........... $5;00 per cord from "shed ........$6.00 per cord fromi mill- ........$6.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per-cord Slabs & Edgings $3.76 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL --------- Phone North~620------ prepared to undertake some­ thing of a worthv^hie char­ acter and see it through. With this in mind a committee-was struck to make preliminary in­ vestigations into one or more of Brown officiated. TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE First Division Team s-- P 'W the schemes suggested and re- Maple Leafs...... 18 10 port back in April. The evening' -W;..y- Sizzlers ..18 10 was rounded out by a pictorial Dudes ..............19 9 L T P ts 3 5 25 5 3 23 5 5 23 ON NY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1542 MARINE DRIVE , WEST 36B îMiibors AiR.T. of B.O, ST, STEPHEN'S ______ trip througlrAlaska and the.hin- Canadiens......... 19 4 12 3 11 Rev, F. A. Ramse Good Fridi terland of British Columbia " 'L a s t week's scores: . which was greatly enjoyed by Dudes 12, Canadiens 6. all present. 9 a.m.--Children's S Matti S. H. SRIGLEY Painter and Decorator 1706 Marine f Drive Phono West 938 'M. THE W est Van News PublUhod Every Thursday 10:30 a.m, mon. 2-8 p.m.--Watch Ho 8 p.m.--Stainer's "( Easter Da 7 a.m,, 8 a.m., 11 a Communion. 7:30 p.m.--^Eyensoi: mon. Monday, 10:15 a.m.- munion. Tueisday-^W. A.. 2:,' BROWNIE PACK Second Division TeAms -- P Westenders ..... 9 Sockeyes............10The Fii'st West Vancouver tt.,,.-ii* Brownie Pack are very busy col- :^^Bbillies .......... 10 lecting silver paper, lead paper, Norvanites ........ 9 toothpaste and shaving tubes ....... ....... ^ and would be glad of the co- ^yU es ............ 9 _ _ _ ^ operation of everyone in saving ' Grimpers .......... 10 0 10 0 0 . the above items. Any informa- week's scores : tion about above will b« gladly yestenders 17, Crimpers 1. given "by Mrs. K. B. Forster Norvanites 7. W 7 8 6 5 3 1 L 0 2 2 3 5 T P ts ' 2 16 0 16 2 14 1 11 1 7 8 0 2 VERNON FEED STORE A, a SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizecsjof All Kinds, " ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE jPho_neJVe&L863 St, Francis-in-(h Caulfeild Good Friday, 10:30 tins. E aster Day, 9:45 a Communion. 3 p.mi.--^Evensong. (Brown Owl) West- 494-L, or Miss M. Murray (Ta^vny Owl) jA^st, _9_5rR3, and arrangements will be made for collections by the Brownies. Hillbillies 11, Comets 7. The News The Big_Ten Players-- . - p % "Your wife m ust mave a change or A. Masterman (Com) ..48 41 85 she'll not live long.- Salt air will cure G. Smith (W) ............ :42 34 81 the doctor told Sandy.. G. Bradley (H) ............ 60 47 78 When he made his next call he Business and Editorial Office: 1704M arine Drive Phone West 55, North Vancouver. Office 123 Lonsdale Are. $1.00 a jiyear by carrier: $2.00 a year by BUSH , The teacher had written 92.'7 on the -r -r, ,, - . , ............. . ----_ - blackboard, and, to show the effect of (S) ...............60 47 78 touiid Sandy fanning his'wife with a multiplying by ten, had rubbed out S ' ......:.-.1.54 40 74 hernng. ^ the decimal,point. - • ' B; ) ................ 54 39 72 ' ' ------ ^ M r J f c D ^ a i r tS ) ..........60 41 68 f 'ather.--'TTes, hiy boy. Pm a sei^ Second Growth Fir ^jrreen7AJder"T::.„„..„.r "Now, Alfred," she said, "where is the decimal point?" "On the duster," replied Alfred. T. Oardinall (N or)-..... 48 32 67 Made man." ̂ . B. Hamilton (N) 48 32 67 , "Gee, pop, that's what I kh. \A Cov (NnrY ..... AO an Lr. about you. You always take all the ................ 48 29 60 blame for everything." ! . Cedar . Fence Posts Cedar Wash Line I lengths. J. SMITH . Cpr. Eleventh and.»"' ' Phone West 1<