West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Mar 1940, p. 3

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i WKST VAM MKWfi DR." MBF^XiVB'ENTiST Will be. back in his office -- on Tuesday, 26ih March - - after taking a post-graduate course in dentures. ik.ir^lgylisiir < y i | i yC8 J^i lUr, JR» lit 5c ifUl \. nnM migi ngn ^Royal W m ton and other brands $ 2 English China used exclusively m akes our Novelties Useful G ifts dong after th e Easter Season is over. Cute and Artistic Designs-to F it Ey«ry Furse- MAKE YOUR SELECTIoi^ EA liLY ,, ^. R n w r T f i M r m a K 'y r T H i M i i ' . R V ... . Dr. .MoEttu,, d<jntii>i, whp dia» been away in the south taking a post-graduate course in den­ tures, will be back in his oITicc on Tuesday, 26th Mtirch.# it> Verschoyle B. S. Mtirtin has ju s t received word from Queen's College, Kingston, that he has passed with honors in liis ex­ amination for Associate of Can­ adian Bankers' Association. Ver­ schoyle, who is 10> is employed in The Royal Bank, Vancouver, and lives with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . Sterling Marl in,. 2123 Marine Drive. . 4< To Dr. and Mrs. 11. H. Dyble, ^f Seattle, a daughter, Louise. Mr. Perry of GaulfeUd,s.h»s. moved into the Bricker house m Caulfeild. H. A. W hitaker, Rodcliffe Ave­ nue, has puifchased the Hampaon house a t 20th and Fulton Ave­ nue, and will take possession about the end of this month. Mrs. James of West Bay is visiting in Victoria. ̂ / Mr. '^jficker of Caulfeild has moved to Vancouver. Mrs. Blair Clerk, 17th a n d Mathers Avenue, has returned from a visit to Toronto. ... . ♦ . ♦ . 3 Mrs. Philip Curry [ve hosts last Thurs- Ir home on Onslow mo Estates, in honor ilunder Godwin, of Bennett's BAKERY HOT CROSS HUNS 20o doz. .SFlOEl) or IM.AIN SA TU R D A Y S P E U IA L CREAM CAKb'S 20c a do/̂ . Scotch Ihuicakcs, Scones, Aberncihy's and Oat Cakes 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 WEST VAN. NEWS MARCH 21at, 1940 2nd WEST VAN. SCOUTS ST. PATRICK'S DANCE In spite of the inclemency Of the weather there was a large attendance a t the Third ̂ Annual St. Patrick's' Dance of the 2nd We.st Vancouver Boy Scouts. The Orange Hall had been very p re t­ tily decorated for. the occasion with ships' flags, etc., and the many guests thoroughly enjoyed the snappy rhythm of the Tar­ tan Mountaineers' Orchestra, who had charge of the music, the floor being filled with enthu­ siastic dancers for every number. A-feature of the evening was the A U entioii Builders! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT. PREMIX. ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone North 1141 or ALF ELms, West 160-Y jr was born last Sun- ! North Vancouver pital to Mr. and Mrs. okmay, 1886 FultonI NORTH SHORE LOCAL . COUNCIL OF WOMEN ren, 2423, King's Avenue, West Vancouver, on .Friday, March 29th, a t 3 p.m. Mrs. H. A. Hooper was re- e lected president of the North Shore" Local Council of Wjomen a t the annual meeting '•heM in jTi. -------- the N orth Vancouver Glub .As- flag raising ceremony pu t on by sembly Room, North Vancouver ' the Scouts, and the distribution, on Monday, whibh was an all- of balloons and other novelties. session. A t the afternoon helped iir the enjoyment^ of the session visitors, including Mrs. F. J. Rolston, Mrs. D .G. Steeves, M.L.A., and Mrs. A. C. Bagley, were welcomed. In addressing the meeting Mrs. F. J. , Rolston, president of the Provincial Coun- A____ ' cil of Women, urged th e women The society is going on its-an- .to carry on ..peacetime work as , nual Good Friday h i k e . The well as w ar work and inspired group is meeting a t the Church them to fu rther usefulness. The guests. D a i n t y refreshm ents were served in the lower hall during the interval. MUNICIPALITY OF WEST VANCOUVJER Elgar, Jack Froud, rison, Ed. M iller'and id left here a t 7:30 y on th e C.P.R. for ere they will join the orce as aircraftsmen, ieptember they have a course in aeroplane ij wthich they have ted. The boys were il send-off by a large , latives a n d friends the recipients of a f if ts .. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING fson has returned ria to her home in Hollyburh Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY . SATURDAY MATINEE Mairh 21st, 22iul ami 2:<rd 1<EWIH STONE "The Hardys Ride H igh" also THE M()VIE.S MARCH ON" SATURDAY EVENINC ONI-Y March 2\\n\ - 1HN(; CROSHV 'Paris Honeymoon' also 'DESERT ADVENTURE" Monday Matinee and Evn.'ning >'nd Tvie.sdiiy, Marcli 'dhtli, 2(!(h LOUIS HAYWARD .10AN RENNETr " The Man in the Iron M ask" "CAMPUS CINDEREUiA" '•(JOLI) RUSH DAZE" . WEDNESDAY, MAIUMI 27tli GRACIE ITEUDS 'SMILING ALONG' (Once Only, at 8t il)) "PASSPORT HUSHAND r Re Proposed Amendment to the Zoning By-law i'S AMBULANCE 'UNITED CHURCH Y.P.S. Notice is hereby given th a t persu- an t to. the provisions of the -Town Planning Act a meeting of the Coun­ cil of the Corporation of th e . District of West Vancouver will be held in the Council Chamber a t the Municipal Hall, 17th Street and Esquimalt Ave- group is meeting a t the Church them to lu rth e r useiumess • nue, on Tuesday, March 26th, 1940, Hall at 9 a.m. sharp and plan to president, Mrs. N . A . .Hooper, in ^-commencing a t 7 p.m. to consider pro- --------- K --r,.,-- frt +>!£> oY.---------------------pngpH-nmpnflmPTits to Zoning By-law_go lip tbe .22ndITrai-L-,^r-^»^"------ -.ui. „ ^members, come and bring your cellent work of the committees friends., and of the co-operation she. had The next meeting is under the received from all. A t noon. d |- supervision of t h e . Fellowship ed by_the Rev. W. S to t^ who_ DEATH OF WILLIAM ' -RANNELS F. No-.478, as set out in the copy of the proposed Amendment By-law No. 853, quoted below. West Vancouver" Zoning By-law No. 478, 1931." Amendment By-law No. 853, 1940 " w h e r e a s a fte r considering "the recommendations of the West Vancou- oers of West Vaiicou- ivere invited last Fri- 0 the fifteenth Arini- 'bration of the North Branch.of St. John's. Reeve Leyland pre- .^mas to the success- -ancouver-candidates. The H ighlands . CAFE 1393 Marine Drive a t.l lUi ST. S p e c ia l E a s te r S u n d a y C h ic k e n D in n e r , 75c Enjoy our Pleasant Diniifg^oum and ■ .Service. • Victor S. Wai'am, Prop.iT ... took as his subjcct" "The Good Sam aritan." Reports were pre- -------------- ------------------- --------- sented by "̂ the secretaries, trea- ver Town Planning Commission it ap- surer, Wnveners^^ and affiliated pears advisable and expedient to societies. Other officers elected am end/'Zonmg By-law No. 478, 1931,' for the coming year w ere: F irst .er Vance doing the ise from North Van- A. C. Nash, presi- as in the chair, gave: ' ; the association and -^-^d-witff-Uobacco-byi-. as follows: ------------- - - NOW THEREFORE the Reeve and Vice-President, - Mrs. _G e O r g e__Council of the Corporation of the Funeral services for William Francis Rannels, 66, of 1139 v __________- c ,- Marine Drive, who died Wednes- L indsay; Second V ioe^resdicht, day at his home, were held Sat- Mrs. L. Rankin; Third Vice-Pre- urday a t 1:30 p.m. a t Hollybuni sident, Mrs. J. Sheasgreen; Cem- Funeral Home, with Rev. Wflliam re sp o n d in g * purposes as "West Vancouver 'Zoning Vance officiating. Interm ent took F iddes; Recording Secretary, By-law No. 478,̂ ̂ 1^^^ Amendment ■ " ' ■ ■ Mrs. H. V. C ollins;' Treasurer, By-law N o -853, 1940." Mrs.TVI. Seymour; Conveners of Cmnihittees and Child W elfare: Mrs. A. E. District of WesUVancouver In open- meeting assembled ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: "1 1. This by-law may be cited for all b e h a llo f the class :ter through Miss .K. mting corsage bou- esdames -Nash a n d ' Special presenta- iade to Mrs. Barnard .thilL-Gaptain-BateSr nt, also spoke on the lorps he is forming id West Vancouver. 1 impromptu concert, Nellie H arrisan - A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Residence Studio: -- 1955 Inglewood Avenue, • West 10.5()-L place in Forest L aw n . Burial Park. ■■ ■ ' ■ Mr. Rannels was bom in Wis­ consin ^nd had lived here , forv/vxioill XlClLl. .IIVCCI XltJXti-1-LUX . .Wllllvt " rii. 1 four years. Besides his wife, he "Young; Laws and Moral Stand is survive by two daughters and ards, Mrs; George L indsay; Citi a son. d e a t h o p h a r r y FISHER zenship, Mrs. / - - W . Horsfall; Housing a n d - ^ o ^ Planning, 2omb" Last rites for H arry Fisher, ,aged-6l770'f"Hor^esh6e Bay, who died on Wednesday, were held Saturday at 11 .a.m. in- the city, and interments took place a t i^>untain View Cemetery.i 171__ 1 . It*-. 1 Mrs. Brimacomh; Migration, Mrs. F . A. Walker; Cinema and Printed Mfitter, Mrs. J. Hope; Education, Miss Philip ; Cancer, Mrs. W. T. Davies; Industries and Natural Resources, Mrs. J. H. Hall. Delegates were chosen to attend th e Annual Provincial Council Meeting to be held in the 2. The following lots to" be added to and matde part o f The "Local Busi­ ness. Districts." Lots 5 and 6 of Block 6 of D.L. 582, Lot 13 of Block 34 of D.L. 430, Lot 7 of Block 35 of D.L- 430. Lot 11 -»f Block 56 of D.L. 430r Lot 1 of Block 37 of D.L. 430. PASSED tby tbs' Council on the n th day of March, A-D. 1940. RE­ CONSIDERED and finally adopted by the Council. SIGNED by the Reeve and Clerk and SEALED with the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation all on the day of , A.D. 1940. ;» were served, Mrs -I Mrs. Nash-pouring C evening was con- :dancing. ED. BLACK W oqd"aitd"F«eI as usual at 2520 Marine, i Across the road. WEST 6 8 'V lY COMMITTEE meeting this year of ay Committee w a;s esday evening in the mber. The following e r e re-appointed: A. J. Gleam; trea- P .D .Q . CAFE 622 Howe Street (across from bus slop) ̂ Tea Cup Reading, by Marchioness D'Autier de la Rochebrianf Reeve. . Rrxv.u • 1 --; T-L- 1 (Council ivieenng lo oe neiu m tin City Hall, Chilliwack, oh-Thurs nda resided in tnia nmviTip̂ A fnr r • . . T\/r»,r.V- resided in th is pro'vince for Id years. He is survived, by his yife and three daughters. 6th WEST VAN. SEA SCOUTS and WOLF CUB PACK In connection with th e Bridge iuescui, ̂ -Tea^eldd^arelrSthTiVli's. Lester- ■ Hobdem name.-was inadvertently Mr,q. 1 omitted as being the convenor of day, -April 4th, as follows: Mrs. R. Fiddes <offidal),,Mrs. Hope, Mrs. Lindsay, Mrs. A. E. Young, iMrs. W. Woodcock, Miss Philip. (Courtesy votes were proposed by M r^ Lindsay and returning offi­ cers and tellers were Mrs. Rob­ inson, Mrs. Redding and Mrs. Mrs. F. A. Walker, Migration Clerk. I Jiereby certify ;the above to be Ar- true copy of "^ n in g By-law No. ̂4T8, 1931j Amendment By-law No, 858, 1940. W HEREIN, Municipal Clerk. All person,s who deem themselves affected by the proposed amendments will be afforded an ̂ p o r tu n ity to be heard by the Ck)uneil on any m atters Telatingrtheretor „ , , Miss\ Marjorie River.s, UUh W R qrniill •' ^eere ^" <1 Bellevue Avenue, was one of X a m ia n c h a i S ^ 'hree Pro-Eec dancers who pre- R S t e s M o T of sented dknee numbers last Thurs- with day a t the Caricton Chamber of Ion were apportioned Commerce Concert In Vancouver, e .organizations, who ■ ^ ■,*s" have had them in this connection it is nake final arrange- he n e x t meetiing, take place Tuesday, t 8 p.m. in the Coun- r. Jbecause I came home-with this black eye last night." ' She (sweetly): "Not a t all, dear.' You may not rehaember it, but when you came home you didn't, have that black eye." as o of Convener, announced a Tea and the tea, assisted by Mrs.- Gillies Sale of Hom^ Cooking to be held :^nd. Mrjs^Alaleolm.-- -̂--------- -- atHlie-honie" O U 's.'"F. W. W a ^ • Dated a t West Vancouver, B. C,, this 13th day of March, 1940. W HERRIN, _____ Municipal Clerk. . L FINAL CAMPAIGN 1WEETING ORANGE HALL THONDAY7MAReH-25thrar8-p7mT Speakers: iTHY STEEVE.S, M.L.A. - GRACE McINNkS anid the C^aodidate IC. G r a n t M acN eU ... Ijr--;. miim