West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Mar 1940, p. 2

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< ■ ■. ' '- * ^ * w •)*, ̂ I' « - 1iy .vp.? ^ -V4P5l..(!>v/i^^,^«g^^ -H,̂ ..«. 1.V. t t •' s ' ! (' ' '■g ■"' / » W • Ji'-'Jf t- K| , -itsl,' " S^"-i'"i {•5V-V * 1JI1? S .* wivf*<jf. rvi-' • •! r -'n " ' IJ .. 'I *«C MARCH 21st, 1940 V < "? -f nWEST VAR. UNITBU CHURCH Cor. 2Ht A E*<|aimm}t Aw. REV, W. VAJiCE» J.A*. *MI«lrt<^' 2047 G<)rdott;\Av®nu« Sundiiy S«nric«»/11 «.i». A 7:80p.m. HtranK«rt and VUitom are weleomo '\ ̂ hi Announcing a New Kreem Waoe. :■ BAPTIST CBUKCB *" Mlnitter {ter. W. I* McKay* 0.A.* B.D. Sunday fcknrlcte 10:00 a.m.-*Church School in.« eluding Adult Class 11 a.m. & 7;ao p.m.--Preaching Services. A hearty welcome to all 'I'hiH CKMAM- AI)o)i»heH tliu UHo ot liquid HOlutioilH. Puts an end to drying and frizzing, (JiveK a curl wlUi a Bnap, yet Hofl, limlroiJH, H,hliiing and alive witli beauty. Make your Easter iVave a KREEM WAVE Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe HOLLYBUfilf HALL 14th and Duchess I'mDAV, Mardi 22ml, at 7 p.m. ( hi).iron and Young I\*oj)Ie'B Service with Lana*rn Slide.M.' .Speaker: 'I'orn McLaren SNDAY, March 21th 10 a.111. Sunday School and Young People'H Hiblc CIubh. 11 (Mil. Hreaking of Hread, ■;:{0 plin. (jo.sj)ql.,Addi«*^H, I IIKHDAV, .March 2(>th, 8 p.ni. rrayer Meeting and Sihlo Study WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society 20th and Eaquinialt. Ilollyburn This Society is a Hrarich of The Mother Church _ The F irs t Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachu'*etts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.rn. Sunday, March 24th StfBJKCT:. " MATTER" / Sunday School at 10:00a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 P-jn. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our Bcrvices and meetings. WEST VANCOUVER TABEUNACi.E Cor. Marine and 2501 Ave. ■.Pastor: Rev. Ralxii t 11 . Birch Anibleside Park -- 7-8 a.mj .. Speaker: REV. ARNOUi) B EN N EIT , Radio Minister Salvation Army Band and Male Voice Party Directed by Bandmaster Mills ' Special Bus Service' ■ ............... ..... .. . . . . W . . . . . 1-- Leaving West Bay, 6:45 a.m. 2-- Leaving 25th and Mathers, 6:45 a.m., going East on upper levels., COME AND JOIN IN THIS BRIGHT, INSPIRING SERVICE m Creators of Ksclusive* Permanents* 1546 Marino Drive . West 117 i'HE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esiiuimali Avenue Rev.'William Vance, Minister r̂ ir; "\:- DR. G. D. H: SE A LE D.b.S,, L.D.S, DENTIST XKay Hay Block, 14tli and Marino Dr, ORico Hours 0 to,.0 p.m. Kvonings by appointment. Phono Wcfit 72 Easter Sunday Servires Sunday Family Service--11 a.ni. - Evening Service'--7:30 p.m. Subject: "The Christian's At­ titude to This Election/' Wednesday Prayer Fellowship ' 7 :80 p.,m. _ , y- Horseshoe Bi\y and VicinityKiuwers, music and themes all , * ooniljiiie to make Easter Services, iiible Fellowship J hursday, 7.45 unusually interesting and inspir- 'S iT- 'Ws ̂ EHtahliahed <m North Shore 26 Veare (Lady AuHiHtant) IIARRON BROS. LTD. IFunrral flirretora 111jiv!;' Iini-' Ilollyburn Funeral Home 18th ami Murine West 184 North Vancouver Parlors 122 Woat Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 134 mg. 10 a.m.--The Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject, 'T he Grounds of Our Hope." Reception of new mem­ bers and Easter Communion. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Service. Subject, "Our Concern With J0a.sU:r." ■ , p.m. Evangelioal -- Independent EASTER FLOWERS Carefully Selected, Carefully Handled Carefully Delivered anywhere in ^ : VVest or North Vancouver J THE WEST VAN FLORIST WEST 3 0 5 18th a n d M a r in e w e s t .3 0 5 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van • "a fetor Sunday Services lie one'of the many who wend _ Low Mars -- 8:15 a.m. Uicir way to thc~place of wor- . High Mass and Sermon -- .ship on thih ga*eat day--Easter: • a.m. The Vesper Group will hold Rosary and Benediction * 10:15 -.7:45 its regular monthly meeting a t the home of Mrs. T. A. Johnston, 1011 Clyde Avenue, on Tuesday, March 26th, a t 8 p.m. New com­ ers cordially v^elcomed. IS'. kh: <■ u :-i. '■ mmm The French B eauty Salon i |F o r P e r m a n e n ts o f lastin i^ b e a u ty . Wo'Bpecialixo in lino, grey and white hair. 1.562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1545 Duchess Avenue p .m ., Catechism and Bible Glass--2 :00 p.m* Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. , ' ' Fridays--Rosary, Benediction. 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. RIDE TO THE POLLS and ' VOTE FOR SINCLAIR If you are West ,of;22pd call W est 1077 for car If you are East of 22nd call W esL '1074 for car , Etuster Sunday J J --a.m.-- "Out, of Dead Hopes.' story for tho-young worship- pei*s. Tlie, choir will render th^ ̂ f ollowin^r^ithe m s: CHURCHES OF CHRIST, ----------SCIENTIST___ ^ TTER" will be the sdh" _"Jesu,-Word of God Incaimate" Lesson-Sermon in all A. Harvey Smith Desires to thank all those who supported him in the election for Councillor. :|'V Wood, Coal, Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES Wost 682--PHONE--WcHt 682 SPENCER'S FUELS 812 null street (Gounod). Churches.of Christ, Scientist, on "Awake Up My Glory" (Barn- Sunday. by)i."_ ^ '^The^Golden Text is: 'T ay not 7 :30 p.n^.---Sub3eot: Is 1 here a' up for yourselves treasures upon fu tu re L ife? . Pictures of the ^arth, where moth and rust doth resurrection will bo shown; , uol u uu A nthem s: "0 Gladsome Light'.' corrupt, and where thieves break (Sullivan). through and steal" (Matthew 6 : "Hallelujah! Christ Is Risen" Place Your Job Printing with The West Van News =(Minshall)=:= 10 a.m. -- Church School and =Aniong=t-lYe --oi t-i ons-^wh ich i i ; ; Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phono NorIh 1.110 or W est' 691L Adult Bible Class. Wednesday, 7 :45 xi.m.--Prayer Meeting. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector I ' i p S. H. SRIGLEY Painter and Decorator Good Friday 9 a.m.--Children's Service. 10:30 a.m. -- Mattins" and "Ser­ mon. J, 2-3 p.m.--Watch Hour.- 8 p.m.--Stainer's "Crucifixion." Easter-Day 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 11 a.m. -- Holy -Gommunion.-^ comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from t h e Bible; "For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of _the-body7 ye shall live"- (Ro­ mans 8 : 13), - The .Le.s.^on-Sermon also in­ cludes the folowing passage from the Christian Science textbook, "Science -and Health with Key to t «h e Scriptlires" . by Mary Baker Eddy: "Emerge gently from matter into Spirit. Think not to thwart the'spiritual ulti­ mate of all tliingis, but come Juilm:ally__i-ftt-o--SpiH ^-hrough 1706 Marine Drive Phone West 9.38 THE 7:30 p.m.-r-Evensong. and Ser­ mon. . '■ Monday, 10:15 a.m.--Holy Com­ munion. Tuesday--W. A., 2:8b. better health and morals and as the result of spiritual growth. LEGION NOTES 1 ii II W est Van News Published Every Thursday St. Prancis-in-the-Wood, Caulfeild Good Pi'iday, T0-:30 a.m. tins. I % h any one having particulars of West Vancouver men enlist­ ing for Active Service Overseas Mnf forward name, number, and - unit to the secretaiy, Legibn, .» VVest V ancouver, we will endear '̂ iM r Publisher F. P. LOVEGROVE -- ^Phone-West'363-- ? tLem in t o u KComniunion. home. 3 p.m.--Evensong, * Business and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive ■ Phone West 55_____ Nortji Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale'Ave., ' $1.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year ̂ by maii BUSH WOOD Per Cord -SecondiChowUi-Fir Sreen A ld e r ........ ;____ ^̂ ......$5.50 Cedinr Fence Posts .............$8.00 Cedar Wash Line Posts, any lengtlns. J. SMITH ' Cor. Eleventh and Mathers "i Phone West 1066-R 1: €x-service man who ̂en­ listed f r o m West Vancouver during the Great War and whose name does not appear on the Honor Roll at the Municipal Hall. -piease-A\Tite secretaiy^ahd g i ^ full particulai's. Mr. Menzies of Vancouver has .purchased the W hitaker house on Radclifte Avenue, also the Ed­ mond house wliich adjoins the former proj]ertv.' -C