West Van. News (West Vancouver), 21 Mar 1940, p. 1

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EstabHshed over 18 years. Established over 18 years. Circulating in the District o f*^est Vancouver--Ambiesicle,\Hoilyburn, Weston, Dundarave Cypress Park, Caul/eild,Whyteclif^ Etc.$1.00 per year. Sc per copy Vol. XIV HOLLYBURN P .p ., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH. 21«. U>40 N o . 49 EASTER i Next Sunday is Easter, when we celebrate the final victorv nf the Master over evil. That victory was won, as are all irrcat victories, a t a price. Nothing worth while; is ever ob­ tained for the asking, a tru th which was never more a fact than now, but which was never so little appreciated as in this atre of fi'ds and spurious philoMphies. Today we .war against evil, for, whatever may be .said about the conflict of empires, a t the back and .overshadowing all is the age-old struggle of good and evil translated into the international arena. The real issue is w hether all th a t this civilization of ours stands for shall survive or, give place to a brutal and atheistic savagery worse than any tha t ever pre­ viously existed, in th a t it is scientific. Many of us in those democracies may only, give lip service to Christianity, but .the ideas governing democracy and on which the foundations of true democracy rCst have as their b a ^ Christianity. Of th a t at least there can be no reasonable doubt. No Easter triumph could have been possible without Geth- semane, where the M aster made his decision to meet the cross. in ,this our day have shouldered the cross of war# in order that evil may not triuihph in the world, and. we must carry it until the spirit of atheistic savagery is brushed. 111 At present the Hun is ony beginning tv be afraid th a t ' in the end we may triumph. LIBERAL CAMPAIGN MEETING SUNRISE SERVICE EASTER SUNDAY C.C.P. CAMPIAGN MEETING A Liberal Campaign Meeting was held last Tuesday evening in the Legion Hall, tliere being over one hundred present, w h e n James Sinclair, Liberal candi­ date, Paul Murphy a n d Ken. ^ e ck e tt were the speakers. ' James Sinclair said he would . There was a small attendance Plans are now complete for „t the C.C.K Campaign-MccUnit this Easter^service from 7 to 8 laat, Thursday night in the U>- a.m. Rev, Arnold Bennett, Well «;ion |t«ll, Mark Philips acted as known radio minister, has con- chairman, and the siicakcra wore ... . . , . ............... jicKcnzio of the C.C.F. Youtli G loup IV n d Wallace Lefeau x, C.C.F. candidate iiil Vancouver Centre. , 1 , _ ' R. McKenzie stated the Lib­ erals and Conservatives b o t h sentcd to speak. The music is in charge of the Mount Pleasant Salvation Army Band directed by Bandmaster Mills. Their MaJb Voice Party will s in i. Munioipal authorities have kindly allowed not indulge in personalities, be- the use of Ambleside-Park fodf for Id tn,, wm* eau.,e the jo ^ w a s to^win "I S . toe"M S c M h 't t S ;S iio r::? MAURICE ANDERSON . KILLED IN CRASH PACKED HOUSE HEARS BOYS' BAND The sincere synipathy of the Maintaining its h i g h. excel- whole community will go out to lence of performance, the West Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson of Al- Vancouver Boys' Band gave its tamonrin the tragic death of tenth annual concert Saturday in their son Maurice" this "morning the Inglewood auditorium, which as the result of an -auto crash was again packed to the doors, on the Lions' Gate bridge. Short- The beginners' group gave a de; ly after 7 a.m., while crossing monstration of the training re- the bridge to town, he allegedly ceived and showed the progress turned out to pass a car in frpnt, made*in such a short period. The and in the fog came into a head-' saxophone duet by .Edward Wal- on collision with a Pacific Stage, Jaqe-^nd Leonard,Taylor drew- glbing north. Hig c'a r w a s l fniion applause, also the seren-" smashed to-pieces land himself ade, "Ferns and Flowersi," These instantly killed. The bus, was boys,are pupils of the two ele- I also damaged.' ' ' mentary schools.. The j u n i o r ; The dteceased, who was only--i 5oyr^e^ed '~ theiT -part^o fH :he- 24, w as well and favorably program with a march "Honor known in West Vancouver and d^uhd," followed by a baritone had~wbn a number of cups at ~£fio and clarinet quartet and the swimming galas here.'* waltz "Jasmine," played by an ____________ J ______ ensemble of the two groups. The improved whicih should entitle them" to continue in war. As a result of t h e . establishment of the Price Commodity Board, which pre­ vented war profiteering in food and clothing, and of the Foreign Exchange Control Board, which kept Canadian capital in Canada, there had been no disturbance in general conditions, and war loans had been taken up a t a much less rate of in terest t h a n in the ,Great Wari Mackenzie King had had the four term s usual in Can­ ada, and had left the result to the people to decide. The follow­ ing charges had been levelled against the Liberal r e g i in e , which needed answering: (1) and going east. promised unemployment inslir ance, but both old parties had Ha I • ̂ ' J * J J employment with litfle actual » Sesults, and ag a conseiiueiica t o e T a t h S ^ ^ iforce had been uaed. Ah Old Age Pension Scheme had been adopt- i!!f «<! i" 1926, but nothing nlbro. ■ kSL™ *-1™ T hL a -' W ^ sw o rth had auggegtod, the old parties represented;/believe "and receive . the risert, reigning Saviour. C.C.P. FINAL CAMPAIGN , ; MEETING The C.C.F; will bold th e ir i® ^ Campaign l^eeting^ a^ next Monday, M ^ch 25th, in th^ ________ Orange H a j l.^_M problems, did not take the in- _____ ______ --------- c- Steeves, M X A ., G r^ e Mojn itiative in starting the war, that Unpreparedness. In 1937 $17,- and the C.C.F. candidate. G rant b^ing done by England. BritisH 000,000 had been used for the MacNeil, will be the speakers, policy was governed by wealthy men and the same k i n d con- wealth and not the common peo- i plc,,^nd so h a d , for years beeri^" fighting off the attacks of the C.C.P. and Socialists. The Lib­ erals, who hisd issued the De-, fence of Canada Regulations and ' were not interested in domestic defence of our two! coasts, while from 1937-1939 toe. Conseiwa- tives had been and refused to help. The. number of destroy- .... ____, A Conservative C am paign ers had been raised from 2 -to 12, Meeting will be held a t 8:15 p.m. and aeroplanes from 22 to- 300. tonight (Thursday) in the Le- (2^ Unreadiness fOT_expedition- gionj^^ ^peaker^w ill be Ma ary force. Canadians would hot ' W. W. Lefeaux said he had known Grant MacNeil for six or seven years and had'found him always on the job. The-real op- have stood for large preparations for war until it came, so a skele­ ton force had been created in advance. ' (3) Sabotaging Em- HORTICULTURAL ASS'N. A~Tneeting oT" the"" West Van- jcouver Horticultural and, Agri- [cultural Association was h e l d .Tuesday evening when the fol- lowiifg offioers were elected : Jas. Mitchell, president; Mrs. D. Mc- I Tavish, secretary; Mrs. H. P . : rAjlen, treasurer r^Rorand~ Jack7 I vice-president; directors: Miss A. M. Barrow, Mrs., P. E. Rch- berger, A. .,S...Huntingford, Mrs. M. 0. Jones, C. H. Shuker, Mrs. Wm. Green, A. J. Capon, Mrs. I Sylvia McDonald; ' The association is planning an interesting program th is year I including two shows, in June and I September. They are also decor­ ating the May Day s t a n d as ! usual. sehior band played the march "Centennial," and several num- bers showing the capabilities- of these boys, also several popuIaF niittibef's ns encores. Seventy- nine boys took part in the pro­ gram' showing th a t in the ten -.yeairs the band has (not only maintained its high standard of play inglbutihas-ajso jn creased' in m eib l^rsh ip r^V e r ̂ D elam ont, with ' xylophone selections, and Watkin Mossman, guest soloist, were -well received-by the-large audience. _ ' BRITISH^ISRAEL jo i-R rH . Tubperr Conservative^ position_to_the C.C.F. was the candidate supporting National Liberals. ,Mr. Sinclair had not Government, and other speakers, much experience either in poli­ tics or business, and Mr. McGeer had twisted the verdict of the "Commission into the Bren gun TEA AND s a l e "home cook^ ish offer had been accepted on condition it was under Canadian ing will be held a t the home of contract to make out the Govern- Mrs. F. H. Warren# 2423 King's m ent was blear of all blame. B ut -oontrol,~Canada-being.a.d!Qmiriion-L^A-venue,-on-Friday,-March 29th,--^ChiefL.J.us.t.ice_JJa.\ds,_W-hile™nQt ̂ and not a colony. (4) Not play- from 3 to 6, in aid of child re- finding any gfaft, had recom­ ing fa ir with soldiers and de- fugees now in England. Come mended th a t a purchasing board pendents. The pay_of_ a. soldier and help the. British Empire solve be formed responsible t o ' t h e was $35 in 1914 and $79 now. a problem. An interesting speak- Minister of Finance add not to As to the after-war problems er will discuss the refu|ree qiies- the Department of Defence. He wo must have unemployment in- tion. Admission, 25 cents. A quoted from a book published by s u rraznce,^retiring_.insurancfe,=^^musical-programme=will _be-pro-.^.-theXiberalsJniwhich Conserva- minimum wage regulations, etc. vided. ' tive g raft in the Great War was A Canadh- which could spend for ---------------------------- exposed. Major Tupper, while vvar oould equally s p e n d for THE "CRUCIFIXION" absolutely honest and trust- peace. Already several schemes Stainer's "Crucifixion" will be w orthy,'w as a typical example had.been organized to help youth given a t 8 p.m, tomorrow (Good of the British officer type, who The King-Government h ad .ihe__Friday)' in;S_t._Stephen's Church, had made.jfche Versailles Treaty, On . Monday, March 25th, a t the regular meeting of the Dun­ darave Branch, 25th and Marine Drive, the speaker will be Mrs. Brereton of North Vancouver. She- will take as her topic "The Adversary of Israel." You are cordially invited. O ther weekly meetings as usual.*** confidence * of the British a n d French authorities and should be re-elected., Paul Murphy stated Socialism was the object of the C.C.F. who could not form a Government, having only 96 candidates. The Conservatives' idea of a union government would involve call­ ing on the services of Liberal and C.C.F. members they h a d condemned. Ken. Beckett referred to Mr. Sinclair's qualifications a n d quoted from the Manchester Guardian and Conservative pa­ pers endorsing the Liberals' war efforts, also from Mr. Bennett's* Minister of Defence as to the poor condition of the forces in 1935. by th e united choirs of t h e which l a t t e r had resulted in ' United a n d St. Stephen's H itler. Regardiing war, t h e Churches, under the direction of C.C.P. took the wider view that N. Newman. TTie soloists vfill be capitalism creates imperialism, Messrs. Easton and J. Fiddes, which results in war for corn- tenors, a n d A. J. Addy, J. H. mercial reasons. There was con- Smith and J. Sheffield, basses. ..siderable "patriotic profiteering." J. Haydn Young will be at the The industrialists had refused to organ. HOLLYBURN HALL -Cŷ R A N ^ M ocNEU t- - C.C.F. Candidate The usual Chikfa-eri's la n d Young People's Service will be be held tomorrow (Friday) in Holly bum Hall, when Tom Mc­ Laren will give an illustrated ad- dress7~Next"SuTtday--t-he-24th~ inst., the services will be as fol­ lows ; 10 asn. Sunday School and Young People'̂s Bible Class; 11 a.m., Breaking .of B read; 7 :30 p.m., Gospel Address. N ext Tues.; . , _ ̂dayr'at-B-pxrii.,-prayer m eeting JAMES SINCLAIR, M.A., Supporting National Government and Bible study. Liberal Candidate m anufacture on--a 5% profit basis on turnover as passed by the Government, and the regu­ lation had b e e n rescinded by •Qrder-in-CfeuniciL Now on t|he cost plus contracts <they made 120% profit. He contrasted this with the lot o f the incapacitated soldier. MUNICIPAL BY-ELECTION A. Harvey Smith was elected to. the Council by 2 votes to fill the vacancy caused by the resig­ nation of Councillor Tom Brown owing to th e la t te r 's absence on war service. It was a very large vote for a by-election, the figures beingJLA_._Harvey Smith. 526; J. M!AJ0R R. H. TUPPER CbiiBervative-Cmididat^ Edward Sears, 524; spoilt ballots, 1; unmarked ballots, 1 ; total, 1,062. -- Four (ballots are in dispute, and a recount will be hel dat 2 B.Sc. ', p.m. next W edn^day, .before Judge Harper.