wiiwaiJWiiMa THE WgaST VAN NEWS i r * I § mmW'^w« Iwmmp*** I i i ,, SMITH'S MARKET f̂ iNit D tU vttf flkMrvic* • Hwtthiy Atxm m i SUCjKiKSTIONS for FltlDAY & SA'J'IJKOAY, May 15lh & 16th M E A t X S i h f ' i l}f i-j •f iJ 4"- \ i' ;.■I 'll ;;; %' Pi ̂ vs . s f i-'u i l< \ Wild H m t PAHTIty FIX)UE-- 10*lb. Bark ...... . ........... .....4I« K*d & Whilr KX raACTB-- Vanilla, l,rmon, tic., 2*ot. b<Htli» 18c & WhiU- liAKING l»OWI)HIU- 12-oa, (in .......................:........ I7c Camida (X)I(N H'rAKCH-- l-ll>, pkl. ..............................10c l(«>d & While HAKING SODA-- l«ll>, pkt. ...........................................9c Homelhinjf New! " 1̂ x1 Heal'* SHOB B'l'IGNG I'O'I'AI'OKS -- Viicuum parked, K«iUr Kcneroua ivcrvintj^a in u tin ............................2 tina 2Gc H<xi A While GKAl*KFltUIT JUICB-- I'nre Unsweetened Kloridn Juice,. r»0-o/. tin ................ 2,'jic IlwJ A While MAlfMAGADB-- Glh, tin . , 42c Auhl Mary'H COI KKK .......... .|(>. 3!k liodlund'H MKAT I'ASTIi-- :P4h Hum ....... |9c Nrthoh DICHI) HKBrB--l«-i«. tin 9c IIHinfuIi 8IIOUTKNING--Purely VeKetuble ...........2 1-lh. cartonit 26c l»roropt DeMviary rhone We^t 370 TRANSPORTATION ELEaiON DAY Phone W eat 1067 ' ■' ■■ . V ■ ^ VOTE FOR T U P P E R LIBERAL CAMPAIGN f ' Special for Friday and Saturday The speakinj? itinerary of James Sinclair, Liberal candi date, swung back from the northern section of the constit uency Monday, when he address ed meetings at Lynn Valley, Lynnmour and We.st Vancouver, the' three in one evening, "^es- day be spoke at K.P. HalT'lYOrth Vancouver, supported by Hon. Ian Mackenzie. All Mr. Sinclair's meetings have beC*n thronged with people. t Last week he vi.sited Britan nia, holding meeting.^ at | the I f w% n rt r t n H^ach and the M ine Townsite,We Kecommend James Bros. B.v. Grown Seeds enthusiasm boini? shown in i . . . i,marked degree in both places. His candidature is very, popular at Britannia, where he wof^ked as a miner in the days when h e , was working hi.s way through • the University of British Col- ........................... . umbia. tea on Friday,* Malx̂ befon; 8 a.m. on Monday, when ̂ He covered in this tour the Tea was convdi0(1 by M r s ' J N in riding his bicycle on to Marine other points on the east and (l'iili<*.s. and Mrs.' G. F/Malc()lm' ' from 23rd Street he , weSt shores of Howe Sound. During the af.terno'on Mrs J C* cnilided head-on with a munit Gibson's Landing, where he, L. Hunt entertained with « vnr-«i < hnd bus which was proexieding spent his boyhood years, turned west on the Drive. The driver, out en masse, to greet him, and ^rvice L0MBEKr Quali^ SASH A DOORS SHINGLES ..PLYWOODS LATH NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY PAINT BUILDBRS* SUPPLlKfi BOOPINQ WALLBOAED TILE Afcsntiis " CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ^ E S T VANCOUVER LUMBER £0. LTD. 15th & M arine Drive Rhone West 11^ (*rade A, Fresh killed ROAST ING PUI.LE'rS -- 8 months old, 5 to G lbs. Per lb........27c BEEF--Grade A PORK--Grain fed. LA.MB--Top Quality. VEAI.--Milk fed. Fresh FISH I>aily l.l \ KLAKE.S ...........Larjfo pkt. 22c 1*10A III. SOAP ................ t cakcH 17c C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for' ClaaBlBod AdrtrtfloinenUi is 1 c®nt« per yrord, inlnimmn 25 cent*. Except itt the caee of thoM h»Ting regular accounts, all clu«i. *̂ *̂ **Roinember̂ ^̂ ̂ the Wcat Van News get Immediata result! SIXTH B. C. SEA SCOUTS AND WOLF CUB PACK WHJ.IAM SCOTT ACCTDENTAI.LY KILLED TIu; Mothers"Auxiliary to the * \vniiam Scott, of 2321 King's Gth TVoopand Pack held a bridge tally injured .shortly "GORDON ROBSON -7 & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, bey. 4199 ot West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. HAULING -- Manure, Septic Tanks ' and , Roekpits installed and cleaned. West 1H7R._______ ' ________ WILL PAY CASH FOR GOOD LOT. State location and legal description, price and terms. Box 40, West Van. ; News.'_______________" ------ FOR SALE--Showcase, 8 /c«t by 26 by. 30 ins. Good order- H. lOlUK. . WANTED - rock pits, I West 50Y. - Garden work- fences, general rep^j^rs. Phone, :1 \ -- '• V" f i ' . J T Ik ■ t ' solo accompanied by Mrs. R. P. (Jruchy. Two prizea, donated by Mrs. H. JL Wallace and Mns. J. C. L. Hunt, were drawn for, t h e winners b<jing Mrs, Stokes and Mrs. Gleam. Thanksliire extend- dielped to m.'ikii the afternoon so. succe.ssful on J'ejvy Hawtin, pulled his bus northward along the highway acro.SH the Drive to avoid the toward Half Mooiii Bay he re collision, hitting the hydrant on ceiyed" a warm , welcome from the south side of the,:,roadway in the people a t Rol>erts Creek and Iront of Geo. Gourlay'jS .office, Sechelt. From thorc he went to but.to no avail. According to re- Pender Harbor. In that litte ports^ tlui youth, who had" only'" fishing commuiiity eighty people' celebrated his twentieth birth- turned out to hear him. They re- The next meeting of the Aiix- Sunday,'hit the bus head quire a very much larger hall at iliary will be held on Thursday <>*U**id was caught under the Pender -Harbor for Sinclair March 21st, a t 2:30 p.rn:, at the s^f'fci'iug fatal in-__meetings.* , home of Mrs. G 13(55 Fulton Ave.- H. Malcolm, MUNICIPALITY O f WEST VANCOUVKIi juries. On Wednesday of this week 'Hie sympathy of the whole he was supported on the plat- community will go out to the form a t K.P. Hall; North Van- mother of the deceased,/whose couver, by lap MacKenzie and at husband, the late E. H. Scott of Powell River by G. G. McGeer, the Daily Province situff, passed K-C. The paper town the Oi,/ NO'I'ICE OP PUBI.K HEARING_ Re PrupuHed AinendmcnCto the Zoning By-law. N o l i c f in lUM-ehy g iv tm th n ( away suddenly only a few months ago, also to her other son, Jack, publicity director for GBR. . The coroner's jury at the in (luest--^yesterday-- morning re turned a verdict of accidental centre of a large community, people driving in to the meeting from Stillwater, Lang Bay, Westview, Cranbeifry Lake, Wildwood, Lund, and coming down-fromyBHss-Landmg--- ^ From then dn his itinerary in- WANTED--Six or seven-room hous^ above Mathers (high location). (3uote price, terms and Tocfatioii. Box 52, West Van. News. . HOUSE FOH RENT--1313 Fulton, 7 rooms. Front room hardwood floor, fireplace- Basement, new furnace, sawdust burner. Garden, fruit trees, garage. View. Vacant March 15th. West 734R. --- ---- ---- . V, ^ , Fo r RENT-^Uppdr part of house. ~~ T( $16)7-Phone ~Wesr684Y;' evenings-" FOR.SALE--B^hstein piano, reason- ablc. Phone West 419M. ^ 8-TUBE WESTiNGHOUSE RADIO, in good order. $10. West 19R. WRECKING HOUSE-- Lumber, all . kinds, windows, doors, fixtures, Ht)rick,-for sale. See Mr- Todd at Matheson's, CaulfeiLi. DUN DA RAVE LIBRARY, 2476 Mar ine Drive. Easter Cards and Gifts. Library subscriptions, 65c month. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suthw. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 57g EXPERT FURRIER AND DRESS- maker--Kay Russell. West 447.L. PEMBERTON REALTY COUP. LTD. (Established 50 years) . 418 Howe .St. , TRin. 1271, Local Agent, F Bayliss (Notary Public). 2436 Bellevue. West 622-fi WESTERN WOODWOliKERS-Store and house fixtures, turning, glass glazing. West 740, We.st 443-R, CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, r ^ i Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too. big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91, CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- 01d~C^ try w ay ;,, guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. )lQ ^ I'iSrriSfa^e.' iJvelty Notions, i i f l t ant to the provi.slons of the Town Planning Act a meeting of the Coun- eil of the Corporation of the Di.striet "of Wt̂ sv Vancouver will be^iold in tlu; ('ouncil Chnmlier nt tlio death, exonerating Percy Haw- eludes a joint meeting with Tom tin, the municipal bus driver, of Reid. M.P., at Grandview all blame. They also, in express- cue Hall, Grandview Highway; ing their deepest sympathy to ?n the same, date Coquitlam and -the-mothei--and--family---of--the--^Mailard.ville;... March--~ T ^ a deceased," recommended that meeting at K.P. Hall, 2:30 p.m., HANDY ANN SHO Easter Cards, N, Wool knitted Baby Garments. FINE VIEW LOT, cleared, 64x155- A real bargain at $450. Sharpe Realty 1395. Marine Drive. Phone West 719' or -evenings West: 598b:---------- ------- si- GORDON GRAY Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele phone Sey. 4991 or .West 92-R-i LOVELY ROOM--Available by night, week or month. Meals if desired. --• West 686-R.------- - --------------- PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class wofk, at rea- sonable rates. H. Gaines, West 167L. FOR SALE -- Stove, good condition, with new sawdust burner. : Phone West 684-Y.__________________ WANTED TO RENT -- Furnished house or opartment.---Reasonable., West 86-Yl, between 6 and 8 p.ni. WANTED--Housework ibyr. the hour. West 686-R,__________' CHESTERFIELDS REPAIRED, re- built and re-covered; Free estimates, United Upholstering, 26 Water St, SEy. 8627; evenings Wegt 845-R. - LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, pai -̂ West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 -- Marine:-------------------------- ----r -- s s.J ■■I: / M 1 ? propo.si-d Amendment By-law No. 85.3 --miOteiMwloWr- ----- _______ --------- West Vancouver "Zoning By-law No* •178, 1931." Amendment By-law No, 853. 1910 WHEUEAS after considering the recommendations of the West Vnnooii- ver Town Planning ('ommissiun it ap- j)ears ad^'lsable __and_ expedient to iuneiul "Zoning By-law-No. 478, U)3i " us follows: !li NOW THEREFORE the Koeve -md Council of the Corpdnition. of the >D i^ict of West Vancouver in open nu^m g assembled" ENACTS -V.S FOLLONVS: ,t. This by-law may k- cited for all' purnoses as **Weat Vancouver 'Zhninir y-aw No. .J78, 1931* Amendment- . B.v-lnw No- vS53, 1940T 2, The following lots,to bemadded to and made part of the "Local Busi- nes.s Districts.*' ■ l.ots o anti 6 of,.Block 5 of D 1. 53-5 Lot 13 of Block 34 of D.L j'tO **' Lot 7 of Block 30 of D.L 430' I-oi 11 of Block 36 of D.L. 430 Lot I of Block 37 of D.L, 430' (kv Council on the 1 Hh tiay of, ilarch, 'A-D. 1940 RP adoptotl by the Reeve and Clerlt- the Corporate Senl of the said Cor|x>ratlon all on the day of . A.D. 1940. Reeve. - ' Cferk: I heivby certify the above to be a ' true copy of "Zoning By-law No! ' 1940 By-law No. ' At HERRIN, HlWicipaL H olf^uim funeral home of Har- =ron-Broa7=Ltdfp^the=Revf=^;^K." Bdltd'n officiating , with ' inter m ent in Capilano View Ceme tery. HOLLYBURN HALL Tom McLaren will be the speaker a t the Children's and Young People's Service illus trated with lantenv views to be held a t 7 p.m. tomorrow (Fi*i- day) in Hoilyburn Hall. Next Sunday, March 17th, there will, be the following sej*vices: 10 ..... * a.m., Sunday School and Young Moody and looo, two meetings, People's Bible Class; 11 a.m„ evening of the 20th. Hon date, Recreation -Moody^-'--------- Mr. Sinclair will speak at Lochdale on* Monday, March 18 at 8 p.m., and a t the Community Hall, Lozelles, on the same eve ning; a t Capilano School (end of the car- line) M arch-L9,-^d 'oh the same evening a t Legion Hall, W est' Vancouver; after- ii()on meeting a t 2 o'clock Capitol Hill, March 20, while that even ing, .Byron Johnson, former M.L.A., and J. Gould will speak for Mr. Sinclair a t Powell River. Mr. Sinclair will be at Port Hall, Port West 759R3. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES. -""■■All-for-ms-of-documents"drawn~and- executed. Reginald R. Blower, J.Pi, Notary Public, 1405 Marine Drive,' AVest Vancouver- Phones: West 21 and 204M. HANDY MAN AVANTS WORK OF any kind. References- if required. F o il SALE--f^fwo 'Congoieum rdgs; 1 pair wine drapes, new. Phone W est 311M3. AVANTED TO BUY -- Small house with basement, within half mile ferry. SmaJI cash payment, balance- as rent- Box 22 West Van". Newt. FOR RENT- Clyde Ave. -Pour-room suite, 1257 B im king of Bread; 7:30 p.m.. Gospel Address by Eric Hunt. Prayer meeting and Bible study a t 8 t>.m. ne.xt Tuesday, , V ote a t th e M unleipal Election - S a tu rd ay 478, ^'3. All C**! 'persons who deem" thcmielves \vill 5>o nfi^orded an opportunity to be hcaH by the Council on hnv matter-? relaUng thereto. * m aiurs V..this 13th day of March, 1940. a v h e r iu n , Municipal Clerk. A. Wells Gray will be with the ^^ndidate on the platform at Port Mo(xIy. On Th,ursday„_March ,21, Jas. Sinclair and Howard Coulter will 8;^ak at North Vancouver K.P. Hall at 8 p.m., and .on Mon day, March 25, two meetings are scheduled: North Burnaby, Gul ley s Hall, and North Road.' RENTALS FURNISHED 5 rooms, year lease, $40 monthly. 5 rooms, grand piano, etc.', -$165 quarter., ] ./, -rooms, waterfront, $510 one vear UNFURNISHED $35. 5 rooms, immediate possession J35 i rooms, (4 bed); good home. \ Soo waterfront, 5 rooms, year lease- $45 8 rooms, double garage. C. J. ARCHER LTD. 1415 -Marine ________ West 225 IF YOU ARE g e n u in e l y INTER- W a small, comfortable home WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ---- ^RGL'-- 'Sure'̂ protection;'reasonable rates. West 927-R. _______ _ LISTINGS OP HOMES AND PR0-._ PERTY WANTED. Clients, waiting. ' . H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive______ West S46, EDWARD SEARS. Barrister. Sol- --- icitor,--1405^Marine~ Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l. WEST V A NCOU V]^' MESSENGBB Kaggage, light ■ transfer work, prompt service. West 700. __________ _ A. K. WOOD, Duitless El^tric Floor; Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone West 1093- • FOR RENT -- Furnished Six Room House. AVest 256-Y._____ ______ GORbIo N ROBSON -- Barrister A Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 419? a t W est Vancouver ahY hime of appointment. West 403. ̂ _ .CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdnst burners installed; furnace repaW- ' G. Meldrum, 1103 Lionsdale. Nortn "822. ■ . W. EL VASS. Chiropractor. Suite Hollyburu Block. ' ,_________ for_$2,500 cash and bearjng-^nHn^-- MAR€ElHSHOP^=HFheriniqae-Steajn <«EASTER NOVELTIES GALORE i i l S l i l i i l G J - $ 2 ' ' v / , Royal Winton a»d other brands " Erigifeh China^^__^ »» used exclusively make* our novelties ii^pfni n-iu., iseason is over. 'uveuie* useful gifts long after the Easter i Cute and Artistic Designs to Pit Every Purse ALAKE YOjpR_ SELE3CION EARLY BON TON confectionery Two Doors from Hoilyburn Theatre come which pay* taxes^ water and insurance and leaves you a balance of twelve dollars a month net, then FsUows Realty, 1429 CORPORATION OF t h e DISTRICT OP WEST VANCOUVER Permanents; only best useiL Expert operators. Po0" West 304, Royal Bank BuildingL^ PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTAR J ; Real Estate. Insurance, all branW' es, Canadian Company. West PAINTING AND DECORATING'-^ Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, W 1022-L. ; --------- -------- NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical BeJtJ- Mrs. MacAuIay. 1618 EsqminaĴ W. 408^R. ; pffers will be received by the ..under- id^ a noon bn March 26th, R i^ \ ihirchase of Lot ^ock 24, D.L 555, known Manne DriveT w i t h thereon. FOR"̂ fcEt==^Oi:foot--roll chicken wire, 6 ft. wide; -un 14;; as 2515 improvements i:uiCiLen wire, o ru wiu-, book shelf; large spring and ® treivs: kitrhpn chairs and ateUtress; kitchen W est 558R1. ____ FOR SALE--Good McClary ri»g| ,a c c? |S ' ' AV.M HERRIN, Hoilyburn, B. C., Municipal Clerk, March 14, 194*. cheap. W est 49IL AVANTED--Board and room only; between West Bay 53 Cove. Havc own, furniture, ^ W est Van News- - -