West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Mar 1940, p. 6

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wiiwaiJWiiMa THE WgaST VAN NEWS i r * I § mmW'^w« Iwmmp*** I i i ,, SMITH'S MARKET f̂ iNit D tU vttf flkMrvic* • Hwtthiy Atxm m i SUCjKiKSTIONS for FltlDAY & SA'J'IJKOAY, May 15lh & 16th M E A t X S i h f ' i l}f i-j •f iJ 4"- \ i' ;.■I 'll ;;; %' Pi ̂ vs . s f i-'u i l< \ Wild H m t PAHTIty FIX)UE-- 10*lb. Bark ...... . ........... .....4I« K*d & Whilr KX raACTB-- Vanilla, l,rmon, tic., 2*ot. b<Htli» 18c & WhiU- liAKING l»OWI)HIU- 12-oa, (in .......................:........ I7c Camida (X)I(N H'rAKCH-- l-ll>, pkl. ..............................10c l(«>d & While HAKING SODA-- l«ll>, pkt. ...........................................9c Homelhinjf New! " 1̂ x1 Heal'* SHOB B'l'IGNG I'O'I'AI'OKS -- Viicuum parked, K«iUr Kcneroua ivcrvintj^a in u tin ............................2 tina 2Gc H<xi A While GKAl*KFltUIT JUICB-- I'nre Unsweetened Kloridn Juice,. r»0-o/. tin ................ 2,'jic IlwJ A While MAlfMAGADB-- Glh, tin . , 42c Auhl Mary'H COI KKK .......... .|(>. 3!k liodlund'H MKAT I'ASTIi-- :P4h Hum ....... |9c Nrthoh DICHI) HKBrB--l«-i«. tin 9c IIHinfuIi 8IIOUTKNING--Purely VeKetuble ...........2 1-lh. cartonit 26c l»roropt DeMviary rhone We^t 370 TRANSPORTATION ELEaiON DAY Phone W eat 1067 ' ■' ■■ . V ■ ^ VOTE FOR T U P P E R LIBERAL CAMPAIGN f ' Special for Friday and Saturday The speakinj? itinerary of James Sinclair, Liberal candi­ date, swung back from the northern section of the constit­ uency Monday, when he address­ ed meetings at Lynn Valley, Lynnmour and We.st Vancouver, the' three in one evening, "^es- day be spoke at K.P. HalT'lYOrth Vancouver, supported by Hon. Ian Mackenzie. All Mr. Sinclair's meetings have beC*n thronged with people. t Last week he vi.sited Britan­ nia, holding meeting.^ at | the I f w% n rt r t n H^ach and the M ine Townsite,We Kecommend James Bros. B.v. Grown Seeds enthusiasm boini? shown in i . . . i,marked degree in both places. His candidature is very, popular at Britannia, where he wof^ked as a miner in the days when h e , was working hi.s way through • the University of British Col- ........................... . umbia. tea on Friday,* Malx̂ befon; 8 a.m. on Monday, when ̂ He covered in this tour the Tea was convdi0(1 by M r s ' J N in riding his bicycle on to Marine other points on the east and (l'iili<*.s. and Mrs.' G. F/Malc()lm' ' from 23rd Street he , weSt shores of Howe Sound. During the af.terno'on Mrs J C* cnilided head-on with a munit Gibson's Landing, where he, L. Hunt entertained with « vnr-«i < hnd bus which was proexieding spent his boyhood years, turned west on the Drive. The driver, out en masse, to greet him, and ^rvice L0MBEKr Quali^ SASH A DOORS SHINGLES ..PLYWOODS LATH NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUAUTY PAINT BUILDBRS* SUPPLlKfi BOOPINQ WALLBOAED TILE Afcsntiis " CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. ^ E S T VANCOUVER LUMBER £0. LTD. 15th & M arine Drive Rhone West 11^ (*rade A, Fresh killed ROAST­ ING PUI.LE'rS -- 8 months old, 5 to G lbs. Per lb........27c BEEF--Grade A PORK--Grain fed. LA.MB--Top Quality. VEAI.--Milk fed. Fresh FISH I>aily l.l \ KLAKE.S ...........Larjfo pkt. 22c 1*10A III. SOAP ................ t cakcH 17c C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for' ClaaBlBod AdrtrtfloinenUi is 1 c®nt« per yrord, inlnimmn 25 cent*. Except itt the caee of thoM h»Ting regular accounts, all clu«i. *̂ *̂ **Roinember̂ ^̂ ̂ the Wcat Van News get Immediata result! SIXTH B. C. SEA SCOUTS AND WOLF CUB PACK WHJ.IAM SCOTT ACCTDENTAI.LY KILLED TIu; Mothers"Auxiliary to the * \vniiam Scott, of 2321 King's Gth TVoopand Pack held a bridge tally injured .shortly "GORDON ROBSON -7 & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, bey. 4199 ot West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 403. HAULING -- Manure, Septic Tanks ' and , Roekpits installed and cleaned. West 1H7R._______ ' ________ WILL PAY CASH FOR GOOD LOT. State location and legal description, price and terms. Box 40, West Van. ; News.'_______________" ------ FOR SALE--Showcase, 8 /c«t by 26 by. 30 ins. Good order- H. lOlUK. . WANTED - rock pits, I West 50Y. - Garden work- fences, general rep^j^rs. Phone, :1 \ -- '• V" f i ' . J T Ik ■ t ' solo accompanied by Mrs. R. P. (Jruchy. Two prizea, donated by Mrs. H. JL Wallace and Mns. J. C. L. Hunt, were drawn for, t h e winners b<jing Mrs, Stokes and Mrs. Gleam. Thanksliire extend- dielped to m.'ikii the afternoon so. succe.ssful on J'ejvy Hawtin, pulled his bus northward along the highway acro.SH the Drive to avoid the toward Half Mooiii Bay he re­ collision, hitting the hydrant on ceiyed" a warm , welcome from the south side of the,:,roadway in the people a t Rol>erts Creek and Iront of Geo. Gourlay'jS .office, Sechelt. From thorc he went to but.to no avail. According to re- Pender Harbor. In that litte ports^ tlui youth, who had" only'" fishing commuiiity eighty people' celebrated his twentieth birth- turned out to hear him. They re- The next meeting of the Aiix- Sunday,'hit the bus head quire a very much larger hall at iliary will be held on Thursday <>*U**id was caught under the Pender -Harbor for Sinclair March 21st, a t 2:30 p.rn:, at the s^f'fci'iug fatal in-__meetings.* , home of Mrs. G 13(55 Fulton Ave.- H. Malcolm, MUNICIPALITY O f WEST VANCOUVKIi juries. On Wednesday of this week 'Hie sympathy of the whole he was supported on the plat- community will go out to the form a t K.P. Hall; North Van- mother of the deceased,/whose couver, by lap MacKenzie and at husband, the late E. H. Scott of Powell River by G. G. McGeer, the Daily Province situff, passed K-C. The paper town the Oi,/ NO'I'ICE OP PUBI.K HEARING_ Re PrupuHed AinendmcnCto the Zoning By-law. N o l i c f in lUM-ehy g iv tm th n ( away suddenly only a few months ago, also to her other son, Jack, publicity director for GBR. . The coroner's jury at the in (luest--^yesterday-- morning re­ turned a verdict of accidental centre of a large community, people driving in to the meeting from Stillwater, Lang Bay, Westview, Cranbeifry Lake, Wildwood, Lund, and coming down-fromyBHss-Landmg--- ^ From then dn his itinerary in- WANTED--Six or seven-room hous^ above Mathers (high location). (3uote price, terms and Tocfatioii. Box 52, West Van. News. . HOUSE FOH RENT--1313 Fulton, 7 rooms. Front room hardwood floor, fireplace- Basement, new furnace, sawdust burner. Garden, fruit trees, garage. View. Vacant March 15th. West 734R. --- ---- ---- . V, ^ , Fo r RENT-^Uppdr part of house. ~~ T( $16)7-Phone ~Wesr684Y;' evenings-" FOR.SALE--B^hstein piano, reason- ablc. Phone West 419M. ^ 8-TUBE WESTiNGHOUSE RADIO, in good order. $10. West 19R. WRECKING HOUSE-- Lumber, all . kinds, windows, doors, fixtures, Ht)rick,-for sale. See Mr- Todd at Matheson's, CaulfeiLi. DUN DA RAVE LIBRARY, 2476 Mar­ ine Drive. Easter Cards and Gifts. Library subscriptions, 65c month. FLOOR SURFACING -- J. Suthw. land, 2144 Mahon Avenue, North 57g EXPERT FURRIER AND DRESS- maker--Kay Russell. West 447.L. PEMBERTON REALTY COUP. LTD. (Established 50 years) . 418 Howe .St. , TRin. 1271, Local Agent, F Bayliss (Notary Public). 2436 Bellevue. West 622-fi WESTERN WOODWOliKERS-Store and house fixtures, turning, glass glazing. West 740, We.st 443-R, CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, r ^ i Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too. big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91, CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- 01d~C^ try w ay ;,, guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. )lQ ^ I'iSrriSfa^e.' iJvelty Notions, i i f l t ant to the provi.slons of the Town Planning Act a meeting of the Coun- eil of the Corporation of the Di.striet "of Wt̂ sv Vancouver will be^iold in tlu; ('ouncil Chnmlier nt tlio death, exonerating Percy Haw- eludes a joint meeting with Tom tin, the municipal bus driver, of Reid. M.P., at Grandview all blame. They also, in express- cue Hall, Grandview Highway; ing their deepest sympathy to ?n the same, date Coquitlam and -the-mothei--and--family---of--the--^Mailard.ville;... March--~ T ^ a deceased," recommended that meeting at K.P. Hall, 2:30 p.m., HANDY ANN SHO Easter Cards, N, Wool knitted Baby Garments. FINE VIEW LOT, cleared, 64x155- A real bargain at $450. Sharpe Realty 1395. Marine Drive. Phone West 719' or -evenings West: 598b:---------- ------- si- GORDON GRAY Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et. Tele­ phone Sey. 4991 or .West 92-R-i LOVELY ROOM--Available by night, week or month. Meals if desired. --• West 686-R.------- - --------------- PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining; first class wofk, at rea- sonable rates. H. Gaines, West 167L. FOR SALE -- Stove, good condition, with new sawdust burner. : Phone West 684-Y.__________________ WANTED TO RENT -- Furnished house or opartment.---Reasonable., West 86-Yl, between 6 and 8 p.ni. WANTED--Housework ibyr. the hour. West 686-R,__________' CHESTERFIELDS REPAIRED, re- built and re-covered; Free estimates, United Upholstering, 26 Water St, SEy. 8627; evenings Wegt 845-R. - LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, pai -̂ West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 -- Marine:-------------------------- ----r -- s s.J ■■I: / M 1 ? propo.si-d Amendment By-law No. 85.3 --miOteiMwloWr- ----- _______ --------- West Vancouver "Zoning By-law No* •178, 1931." Amendment By-law No, 853. 1910 WHEUEAS after considering the recommendations of the West Vnnooii- ver Town Planning ('ommissiun it ap- j)ears ad^'lsable __and_ expedient to iuneiul "Zoning By-law-No. 478, U)3i " us follows: !li NOW THEREFORE the Koeve -md Council of the Corpdnition. of the >D i^ict of West Vancouver in open nu^m g assembled" ENACTS -V.S FOLLONVS: ,t. This by-law may k- cited for all' purnoses as **Weat Vancouver 'Zhninir y-aw No. .J78, 1931* Amendment- . B.v-lnw No- vS53, 1940T 2, The following lots,to bemadded to and made part of the "Local Busi- nes.s Districts.*' ■ l.ots o anti 6 of,.Block 5 of D 1. 53-5 Lot 13 of Block 34 of D.L j'tO **' Lot 7 of Block 30 of D.L 430' I-oi 11 of Block 36 of D.L. 430 Lot I of Block 37 of D.L, 430' (kv Council on the 1 Hh tiay of, ilarch, 'A-D. 1940 RP adoptotl by the Reeve and Clerlt- the Corporate Senl of the said Cor|x>ratlon all on the day of . A.D. 1940. Reeve. - ' Cferk: I heivby certify the above to be a ' true copy of "Zoning By-law No! ' 1940 By-law No. ' At HERRIN, HlWicipaL H olf^uim funeral home of Har- =ron-Broa7=Ltdfp^the=Revf=^;^K." Bdltd'n officiating , with ' inter­ m ent in Capilano View Ceme­ tery. HOLLYBURN HALL Tom McLaren will be the speaker a t the Children's and Young People's Service illus­ trated with lantenv views to be held a t 7 p.m. tomorrow (Fi*i- day) in Hoilyburn Hall. Next Sunday, March 17th, there will, be the following sej*vices: 10 ..... * a.m., Sunday School and Young Moody and looo, two meetings, People's Bible Class; 11 a.m„ evening of the 20th. Hon date, Recreation -Moody^-'--------- Mr. Sinclair will speak at Lochdale on* Monday, March 18 at 8 p.m., and a t the Community Hall, Lozelles, on the same eve­ ning; a t Capilano School (end of the car- line) M arch-L9,-^d 'oh the same evening a t Legion Hall, W est' Vancouver; after- ii()on meeting a t 2 o'clock Capitol Hill, March 20, while that even­ ing, .Byron Johnson, former M.L.A., and J. Gould will speak for Mr. Sinclair a t Powell River. Mr. Sinclair will be at Port Hall, Port West 759R3. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES. -""■■All-for-ms-of-documents"drawn~and- executed. Reginald R. Blower, J.Pi, Notary Public, 1405 Marine Drive,' AVest Vancouver- Phones: West 21 and 204M. HANDY MAN AVANTS WORK OF any kind. References- if required. F o il SALE--f^fwo 'Congoieum rdgs; 1 pair wine drapes, new. Phone W est 311M3. AVANTED TO BUY -- Small house with basement, within half mile ferry. SmaJI cash payment, balance- as rent- Box 22 West Van". Newt. FOR RENT- Clyde Ave. -Pour-room suite, 1257 B im king of Bread; 7:30 p.m.. Gospel Address by Eric Hunt. Prayer meeting and Bible study a t 8 t>.m. ne.xt Tuesday, , V ote a t th e M unleipal Election - S a tu rd ay 478, ^'3. All C**! 'persons who deem" thcmielves \vill 5>o nfi^orded an opportunity to be hcaH by the Council on hnv matter-? relaUng thereto. * m aiurs V..this 13th day of March, 1940. a v h e r iu n , Municipal Clerk. A. Wells Gray will be with the ^^ndidate on the platform at Port Mo(xIy. On Th,ursday„_March ,21, Jas. Sinclair and Howard Coulter will 8;^ak at North Vancouver K.P. Hall at 8 p.m., and .on Mon­ day, March 25, two meetings are scheduled: North Burnaby, Gul­ ley s Hall, and North Road.' RENTALS FURNISHED 5 rooms, year lease, $40 monthly. 5 rooms, grand piano, etc.', -$165 quarter., ] ./, -rooms, waterfront, $510 one vear UNFURNISHED $35. 5 rooms, immediate possession J35 i rooms, (4 bed); good home. \ Soo waterfront, 5 rooms, year lease- $45 8 rooms, double garage. C. J. ARCHER LTD. 1415 -Marine ________ West 225 IF YOU ARE g e n u in e l y INTER- W a small, comfortable home WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT- ---- ^RGL'-- 'Sure'̂ protection;'reasonable rates. West 927-R. _______ _ LISTINGS OP HOMES AND PR0-._ PERTY WANTED. Clients, waiting. ' . H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1447 Marine Drive______ West S46, EDWARD SEARS. Barrister. Sol- --- icitor,--1405^Marine~ Drive; Phone West 21, or West 553-R-l. WEST V A NCOU V]^' MESSENGBB Kaggage, light ■ transfer work, prompt service. West 700. __________ _ A. K. WOOD, Duitless El^tric Floor; Surfacing, e x p e r t workmanship; estimates. Phone West 1093- • FOR RENT -- Furnished Six Room House. AVest 256-Y._____ ______ GORbIo N ROBSON -- Barrister A Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 419? a t W est Vancouver ahY hime of appointment. West 403. ̂ _ .CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdnst burners installed; furnace repaW- ' G. Meldrum, 1103 Lionsdale. Nortn "822. ■ . W. EL VASS. Chiropractor. Suite Hollyburu Block. ' ,_________ for_$2,500 cash and bearjng-^nHn^-- MAR€ElHSHOP^=HFheriniqae-Steajn <«EASTER NOVELTIES GALORE i i l S l i l i i l G J - $ 2 ' ' v / , Royal Winton a»d other brands " Erigifeh China^^__^ »» used exclusively make* our novelties ii^pfni n-iu., iseason is over. 'uveuie* useful gifts long after the Easter i Cute and Artistic Designs to Pit Every Purse ALAKE YOjpR_ SELE3CION EARLY BON TON confectionery Two Doors from Hoilyburn Theatre come which pay* taxes^ water and insurance and leaves you a balance of twelve dollars a month net, then FsUows Realty, 1429 CORPORATION OF t h e DISTRICT OP WEST VANCOUVER Permanents; only best useiL Expert operators. Po0" West 304, Royal Bank BuildingL^ PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTAR J ; Real Estate. Insurance, all branW' es, Canadian Company. West PAINTING AND DECORATING'-^ Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, W 1022-L. ; --------- -------- NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical BeJtJ- Mrs. MacAuIay. 1618 EsqminaĴ W. 408^R. ; pffers will be received by the ..under- id^ a noon bn March 26th, R i^ \ ihirchase of Lot ^ock 24, D.L 555, known Manne DriveT w i t h thereon. FOR"̂ fcEt==^Oi:foot--roll chicken wire, 6 ft. wide; -un 14;; as 2515 improvements i:uiCiLen wire, o ru wiu-, book shelf; large spring and ® treivs: kitrhpn chairs and ateUtress; kitchen W est 558R1. ____ FOR SALE--Good McClary ri»g| ,a c c? |S ' ' AV.M HERRIN, Hoilyburn, B. C., Municipal Clerk, March 14, 194*. cheap. W est 49IL AVANTED--Board and room only; between West Bay 53 Cove. Havc own, furniture, ^ W est Van News- - -