West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Mar 1940, p. 5

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n th . 1940 THE WEST VAN NEWS d r . M CRAE DENTIST will be away from hu practice until April 1st while taking a post-graduate course in dentures. L i l l i C l L A L . Cam paign M eeting 111 th e Legion Hall, a t 8 p.m . TUESDAY, MARCH 19th SpeakerS'^'J ^ tn e s S in d a iP t Liberal Candidate and others. GARDENIA Cleaners and Dressmakers 2152 M arine Drive West 858 Hear G. G. MacNEIL C. J.O.R., Tuesday, March 19 th 8.30 p.m. ' CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER The attention of residents is called to ,the fact th a t the careless disposal of garbage ai-ouhd dwellings, and in receptacles'unsuitable >for the purpose, is a menace to the health of the community and particularly to those who follow this practice. ; . In tluj interests of better sanitation as much refuse as possible should be~burnt. Householders are, requested to co-operate with the Sanitary Authori­ ties by providing r-egulation garbage cans and by making arrangements', with the collectors, for the same to be emptied systematically. 5/3/40, . . - Hollyburn, B.C. W. HERRIN. ' ' / ' Municipal Clerk. JOINT CHOIRS of the UNITED and-ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCHES _____ in .the United Church__________ " O livet to Calvary" at 8 p.m., Mo n d a y , m a r c h . iSth ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH **The Grucilixioii *' , - a t 8 p.m.j GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 22nd ----- You are invited to. attend and listen to this inspiring music A. Haney Sidilk Respectfully solicits your vote ■ for COUNCILLOR Former School Trustee. Thirteen years in business in W e s t Vancouver, Planned Progress and Business A dm inistration Captain and Mrs. W. J. Kane Mr. and :Mrs. Perkins, 29th of 1253 Maririe Drive, hud n very and Mather^ Ave., have moved happy reunion and visit of four into a hous^'at 2271 Fulton Ave. generations of their family, con« sistiiig of the ir eldest daughter (Violet), Mrs. E,. C. Gordon of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and Mrs. Gordon's daughter, Jerrine, her husband, H. A, Ellingsen of Co- quille,. Oregon, ^apd their little w • w Mrs. Martin has moved .from 2271 Fultou Ave. into ta house a t Slat and Marine Drive. ' * Vi « / Hemingway-- Hardman In the Anglican Churoh, Cor- Bennett's BAKERY (formerly Sirnitona) HOT CROSS BUNS 20o doz. SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES 25c a doz. Scotch runcakes. Scones, A bernethy's and O at Cukes 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 son Dickie, who is a grcatgrand- Vallis*, Oregon, by the Rev. D. son of Captain and Mrs. Kane, Vincent Gray, George D. Hem- also Buster Gordon, who is a ingway, s o n of Commander son of Mrs. Gordon and his wife, Hemingway, U. S. Navy, and Vera. They ^stayed four days Mrs Hemingway, to M argaret had a very enjoyable,time. Roberta Chadwick, only daugh SHOWER The ho me of Mrs. A. Lashr brook, 1235 Duchess Avenue, was the setting last Thursday afternoon for a delightful sur ter of Mrs. M. PurcelUHardman, 2113 Marine Drive, Hollyburn, B.C. Philip W atts was engaged to sing the bass solos in Bach's St. prise shower given in honor of John Passion with the Victoria Miss Mairy Fraser, whose m ar riage will take place on March 21st. Little Dorset Stephenson wheeled in the gifts on a charm­ ingly arranged tea wagon. The invited guests were; Choral Union in the Cathedral of th a t city last Tuesday night. Mrs. A. J. T. Taylor enter­ tained a t luncheon recently in honor of > Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mrs. H. Twigg, Mrs. A. Steph- Ricardo of Vernon, who w e r e ensoh, Mrs. H. Jones, Mrs. C. MaoMillah, Mrs. J. Hughes, Mrs. . V. .Palmer, .Mrs. E. Cdllinson, Mrs. T. Scott, Mrs. C. Kearns, Mrs. R. Cooke, Mrs. F. Richard, son, Mrs. W. Pellowe, Mrs. R, week-end guests a t the'hom e of Mr. a n d Mrs.- Richard Bell- •W. •Irving. Hollyburo Theatre THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINEE Muivh Hth, 15lh ami l«t)» im.LY IIAHKOP "Angels With Dirty Faces" nlHO •Television" SATURDAY EVENING and MONDAY March Uitii and 18th ROIIERT TAYLOR " Lady of the . i|i . • yytropics ' ' also "THE HOOKWORM" The O'Brien trophyr a huge silver bowl, was filled with va^ Blower,. Mrs, D. Smith, Mrs;_.A.. ned spring fldwers, a centrei for the luncheon table last Friday in ■TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Marcdi lUth and 20th Matthews and the Misses Aud­ rey Richardson, D o r i s Lash- brook Dorset Stephenson ,a n d April Fraser. " Burglars broke info the resi- denie of Mrs. F. J. Patterson at 1487 Gordon Avenue last Satur­ day night during the absence of the* la tte r over the week-end an d . stole jewellery and silver. The same night the residence of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald a t Tlth and . M athers was entered, when jew­ ellery was'also taken. !|( ik l|C - Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sharpe, Capilano Golf and Country Club, when the. ladies' section enter­ tained' for the first time t h i s spring. Bowls of other spring flowers also decorated the horse­ shoe table, a t which Mrs. James Robertson, as captain, i>resided. ' Among those enjoying the party were Mrs. Angus McAllis- , ter, Mrs. F. H. ClendenningT-Mrs. W. E. Gilbert, Mrs. S. D. God­ dard, Mrs. Robert Gelletly, Mrs. H. C. Chiene, Mrs. P. A. Gurry, Mrs. Leon Ladner, Mrs. R. A. Brossard, , Mrs. Stanley Booth, "The Louis- Godoy Fight Some think Godoy won. »* •Enjoy -u o o d lauKh. also CONSTANCE HENNEl'T "SERVICE DE LUXE" ̂ 1 -n/r ( • TTi • ^ ^ ^ s . Barry Atkins, Mrs. A. M.14th and^ Î avel jvjrg a . Davidson, m o v ^ into their ̂ ew honie on ^ Highland Drive, West Bay.. Hamilton, Mrs. A. Taylor Henry, * * .J* M̂ rs. G. E. Herman, Mrs. Good- Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Elgar, 1566 Johnson, Mrs. A.' L.̂ Hager, Gordon Ave., ha,Ye moved into jyj[rs. W. B. Farris. the Brooks-house a t 16th and Mrs. J a m e s Eckman, Mrs. Duchess Ave. . Bryce Evans, Mrs. J. Vans Mac- * \ yr dbhaId,'Mrs. H u g h X McGreery, . R. A. D. Berwick of Vancou-' Mrs. ,D o,n A. MacDonald, Mrs. ver is having .a new house built Dunfcan McLean,' Mrs. George a±_1Jath flnH Mathers Ave., next MqLAii The Highlands CAFE: 1393 Marino Drive Lunch(ion» at 40c Afternoon Teas at 25c Especially Nice Dinners at 5 Phone W. 98.3. Victor S. Waram, Prop. -*"' ---- ---------- , Mrs William Mahon. to th a t which he has had already Mrs. William Mahon, Mrs. W. L. constructed. MaJcTavish, Mrs. Fred Kelly, N ellie H arrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma . Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Residence ^ iud io ; 1955 Inglewood Avenue, ---------------- -̂----------West 14150-L- TOW NSW OMEN'S GUILD Mrs. A. G. Langley,--Mrs. J. -W.-- Perry, Mrs. G. Seale, Mrs. H. A. Stevenson, Mrs. R. L. Solloway, Following the usual custom of Mrs. T. Pothill, Mrs. F. A. Turn- the Guild during elections, all bull,. Mrs. A. R. Woodhouset Mrs. candidates^were h e a rd 'f ro m a A. E. Seon and -Mrs. W. -E. eommon-platform^at-the-GJlaohan--Wright.------------------ -------- --- --̂ on Monday evening. ED. BLACK W ood and Fuel as usual ___ aL2510 _ M a r i n e ' Across the road. The speakers were James Sin- . J/N IT E D CHURCH Y.P.S.^ iclaitHi 'Liberal calndiida-te,- Hrs,- W E S T 6 8 iBaxter, speaking for Grant Mac- The society waswellrepresent- Neil and the C.C.F. party, Major ed a t a farewell party given by Reg. Tapper, ConseryaUve, and ...Ken and Stella Bruce at- their Vance home, for four well known mem-Democracy movement, i h e -4. u speakers w e r e rewarded by a bers of the community who are " capacity audience - and evidence leaving for the east in the near of. keen interest in the'̂ various future. issues. ' Three of the boys, Earnie Har- The Vancouver Symphony Or- riSon, Ed. Miller and Ted Shef- chestra's final concert of the sea- -field,- are acStive members of the .son will take place a t the Qr- society and have contributed pheum, Sunday, March 17th, a t much toward its progress.-Jack 3 p.m. Those wishing to join the Proud, though hot a member of Guild party for this event are the society, . is well k n o w n asked to immediately phone Mrs. throughout West Vancouver and J. H. Smith for reservations. Fol- wa^ a student in last year's High lowing the concert the party will School Graduating Class. i --proceed'-to-the-Geprgia for tea. time was spent in games • The- Red Cross sewing group and singing, afte r w h ich the ^ P. D. Q. CAFE 622 Howe Sjtreet (across from bus stop) Tea Cup Reading by Marchioness D'Autier de la Roebebriunt S. H. SRIGLEY F ain ter and Decorator 1706 Marine Drive Phone West 938 May Day Committee R e News T^e first meeting of the May Day Committee ..will, be held a t 8 p.m. next Tuesday, M a r c h 19tH. in the .Council Chamber. All 'organizations are requested will meet a t the home of Mrs. H." Ostrom, 1707 Esquimalt, oil Fri­ day, March 15th, a t 1:30 p,m. • Mrs. Eustace Smith of West Bay is the winner of th e table lamp raffled by the Guild; A full executive meeting will be-held-at-the P.D.Q. Citfe^JYi^ hostess served I[ovely refresh­ ments. T h e evening condluded w i t h a presentation by Mrs. Vance, of leather bill folds to each of the boys. ' BUILDING PERMITS, $53,525 Burrard Laundry Ltd. ̂ well known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or. West 691L All ; o r g ^ z a t i ^ s are reques^u \ ja y ; to have their delegates attend. -- nelsons LAUNDRIES Ltd . EXPERT : ; ! 'W atch andv C io ^ Dry Cle a n in g (Certified as advertised in the-Chatelaine r e p a ir in g and Good Housekeeping) - T. CHRISTENSON C. C. FINNEY, West Vancouver Representative (formerly with Birks Ltd.,- - 1 Montreal) ' Phone West 782 and Driver will call. .-o' 1522 Marine JDrive Twenty-three building permits totalling $53,525 were issued last month by the Municipal .Hall, this being $32,460 more than the figures for January and $1,976 in excels of the total for February, 1939. Particulars are as follows: 15 dwellings, $51,870; two gar-, ages, $200; f o u r > additions, $1,250; two alterations, $205. BUSH WOOD , ' ̂ Per Cord Second Growth F ir ........... $4.50 jrreen A ld e r .......... ............,...$5,50 Cedar Fence Posts ............. .$8,00 .Cedar Wash Line Posts, any longrths. - J. SMITH Cor, Eleventh and Mathers , ■ Phone W est 1066rR