West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Mar 1940, p. 4

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» -.J,lrf» f ̂ rtrff r <>*ii>,̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ f, p -V£̂̂,i: ll'l! ? i: ti> '•'Vir.'■K.? 1̂ S 'n. l%i: '§m' Id ' i t111 Hi: St:: ̂t̂ -, i s: hi ' S-- I -Si: is If i' I ' : si5H&- i P. I mms: •» ., V-S' . s;»;«ste .4 w h :s r V A N cotiV Eit l a w n ■■'-rTENNI^'eLllll-NOTMS J(j<lKiii}̂ from the active and by thf 'urtUBually large attend- muu> at th<* Annual Meeting of tin* WoHt V'ancouver Tennin Club recenlly, tiie dub'a courts a t 21st and Fulton will la* buzzing with activity durltjg the coming sea­ son. Idans were outline<I for the ataKing of the f'lub and North Siion* Op<*n tournanicnlH, and i t wa.H decided tiiai Uu? club should continue its membership In the H.t'.L.T.A.; also that the ladies ('pier,a team in the (ireater Van­ couver Ladie.s' la'ague. 'Duj grounds' committee rc- janded the courts would in all ^probability be reatly for play ^vvitbin tlur n<*xt ten-days. Prospective members may ob­ tain full particulars regarding nn'inbcrsliJp, fees, etc., from the dub's ju'esident, .1. U. Lidster a t ;A|V'<-Ht (l.'lli-U or the secretary, Phyllis Cliiford at West G9-R2. Flection ofoiricers resulted us ' follows: Pn;.sidcnt, J. K. Lidster; vice-president, M r s . F. II. H. Ibirkes; secretary, Miss Phyllis Clin*ord; tj-easurer, Miss E l v a McCurdy; executive, M r s . D,. Hardy, Me.ssrH, J. F. "J'illoy, F. H. H. Parkes.adid Vcrschoylc Mar­ tin. ' ■ ■' . I' MIIHM 'IMM" ' ' ' laaii^ O T E F O R J o h n E d w a r d S E A R S •V who stands for ECONOMIC and PROGRESSIVE I'iie .sum of $16 was collected for the ()versea.s- League To- latcco Fund by Mrs.' II. Wi Far-' ley. • ' / I.ADIES' BOWUNG CLUB ANNUAI. MEETING The ladies' West Vancouver Howling Club a n n ii a 1 ..general meeting was held in the Council COURESI»ONI)ENCE Tile Editor, ' West Van. News. ■ r Dear Si r: Can any one explain" why the Chamber of ' the Municipal Hall Sdu>ol Hoard gave the position on Friday last, March 8th, with .a good iiertHiJitage of .members pre.sent, Mrs, Grey, the presi-- (lent in the chair, The splendid reimrts of the various olticers showed the great progress and " fiseling of good fellow.ship which prevailed (luring t^e year ^1939. The election of oiricers being.the higlilight of the meeting the fol­ lowing were returned: Hon. president, Mrs. lx'yland; pres.i- dent. Mis.s Ilarrop; vlce-pre{ii- deiit, Mrs. F. Miles; secretary, Mrs. Bee Horam ; treasurer, Mrs. __I),_i.Iay_; inatch convener, Mrs, S. Taylor;'a.ssislaiit; match conven- . er, M]\s. Hurley; social conveners, of engineer for the Pauline John­ son School to one who h'ad no jiapers after the advert called for tho.se having a ■ ceiTificate, es- Iiecially as some of the other ap- ])li(*ants had first class papers, also children to educate arid were ' out of work while for thd "past years t h c successful applicant hud been and is now working steady. --A. J. C. IIOI.Y WEEK MUSIC TO HEARD ON CBC ; Three g i ^ will be presented u n d e r the Mesdames Crawford and P(iwell, direction, of Jean-Marie Beaudet, alul auditor, Mrs. F. Miles. Miss _ outstanding Canadian conductor, Ilarrop then took the chair and during Holy Week o il'the Can- niuch* husines.s was. attended to, adian Broadcasting-Corporation the ohief being two amcndm<?nts network.'* * onstitiition and by-laws On Holy Thursday,' Mai'oh 21, of. t he ladies' club. At a meeting a mixed choii~and organ will pie- in tciwn of the B C. Ladies' Bowl- sent the Responses s u n g tra- ing Association, Mrs. F. Miles of ditionally by the singers of St. West Vancouver was elected as Gervais in France during t h e one of the four match conveners.' Holy T l^rsday, Good Friday and It is to 1)0 hoped that many new Holy Saturday services-oU ihi^ membiTs 'inay he welcomed into Roman Catholic Church. Writ- tho l.adios' Ciub this season, any- ten by Palestrina, the works will one so (le.sirous of doing so please be broadcast from 6:30 to 7:00 get in touch with .the seci'otary p.m. PST. or any one of the mom bora for' Rossini's cantata, " S t a b a , t an 'application Jorm^and partic- Mater," wull be heard on Qood -ular. Ŝr------- Make your jEaster weekend arrangements by "long distance" If you plan on visiting out-of-town friends o v e r the E.astor holidays, wliy not call them by long-<lis- tance telephone ' tonight ? They'll appreemto y o u r thoughtftilness and it will guarantee a successful trip. The low night rates go Into etfeet each evening at 7 p.m. iV- B R IT IS H C O L U M B IA T E L E P H O N E C O . Friday, M arch-22, from 5:00 t(y 6:00 p.m. PST, with Violette De­ lisle, Anna i-Malenfant, J u l e s Jacc>b and Gerald Desmarais as soloists and with a mixed choir of 30 voices under the direction of Victor Brault. _ _ ' A musical s.e 11 i n g of a se­ quence composed by Jaoobus de B ^edictis in t h e Thirteenth Century, in commemoration of the sorrows of the Virgin Mary, Rossini'S composition belongs distinctly to the French Grand Opera School of his day. Ai*thur Honrieger's "King Da­ vid" will be presented in oratorio foi^m' on E aster Sunday, March 24̂ from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m\ PST. Beaudet will conduct the oiehes. t ra a n d choir of 50 voices. Solo-- J [s ts„ w ill be Gabrielle Panrot, Eugenie* Haviard^ and P i e r r e Vidor. T K e nan-ator will be Rupert Caplan. c FAMILY WELFARE BUREAU The regulaa* monthly meeting of the West Vancouver District Committee of Abe , Family Wel- fai'e Bureau was held a t Hie of- On Friday, March 1st, a t 3:30 p.rii. Mrs. J . Fox, vice-chairman, piesided. Miss E, Riddell and Rev.: Wm. Vance, new members of the comniittee^^yme intro­ duced. The February Work Report, which w a s piesented , by U. Knipe, distirict visitor, showed th a t 83 families were listed, for sew^ices 36 visits were made'and 32 interviews held a t the. office. SPECIAL Sawdust ........ ;.....$3.50 por unit' Dry Slabs ....... ;.,.$5.00 por cord Inside F ir:-- froiri shed .......$0.00 per cord from mill .... ;..$5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edging.s $3.75 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 ADMINISTRATION G 1̂ ' . ~/4 At tlie______^ ORANGE HALL W ESf VANCOUVER M arch 2 0 Come and see a complete.^ven dinner, pastry, muffins, salads,' la delicious ice cream. ■ ■ ..... ■ ■ . ■' M kj AV>V> V'.; dessert, created a t the B. C. Electric's Spring 'C<^king School. In fact, you'll see the newest wrinkles in almost every type of cooking, and recipe sheets tha t include all_ the recipes, demonstrated. -Attend­ ance prizes will be drawn for at each class. Make up a party, come to school for one day and learn ho.W .Miss Jean E. Mutch, B. C. Elec- Home Service Director, prepares food in n J time^a\'ing^wayr" You and your -friends are-c6rdially~invif^ TK^ class IS from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Attendance Prizes ^ T D R [ 5 STORES