West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Mar 1940, p. 3

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T i p WEST VAH a COHUKisPONDENCB TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE GLENEAGLES GOLF CLUB IV West Van...Newa* IK'iU' The boya us< Divkion Teams-- • P w , L T Pts. Maple Leafs ... ...18 10 3 5 24 W. V. Sizzlers. ...18 10 6 3 23 DuBe¥"'3r!.T".T.T.:.;i8 8 5 5 21 C anadiens.... . ...18 4 11 3 11 , i,„vA had every Maple Leafs 11, Dudes 7. ha( ̂ Gibson's ' W. V. Sizzlers 10, Canadiens 8. [ S u g "tnul gave Second Division K ia i-r* The natives thought i Teams-- P W L T Pts. It ^vonderliil. As a Westendera ............ ,8 6 0 2 14 L "so hot. as the sockeyes............. ......9 7 2 0 14 h S had only been organized a pjjjj 9 5^3 2 12„ low moiitlis* Norvanites ............... 7 4 2 1 9 hu siasm ami ambition which h^ .................... g 1 7 0 2 lumsell'has and to-day it IS prob- Crimpers ................9 0 9 0 0 ui)lv th e World's Champion Last week's scores: School band. It is not ^ Sockeyes 12, Hillbillies 6. music that tiie boys excel. Most Hillbillies 11, Nifties 7. of the originals are now K^ewn comets 14, Crimpers 4. me and all have done well.- A ------------------- " ........ . NORTH SHORE LOCALS proportion are now wear- i T i L King's un form. Some hive become professional mu- & s and are ' tops m their I L Mr. A. Delamont, as leader mid ilrr <!• ^^ondon, as m pager, The first annual meeting of the ' Gleneagles Golf Club was held Thursday evening, March 7th, at the Clubhouse, The meeting de­ clared the 1940 season officially open and a Tombstone Tourna­ ment has been arranged for Sun­ day, March 17th. All members and prospective members wish­ ing to enter t h i s lournument please phone their names into the secretary, L. G. Hughes, West 98-M3 before Saturday, Maixih 16th. S tarting time will be 9:30 ami:' Entrance fee, 25c. Ladies are alsb invited to partici­ pate. Tombstone markers will be available a t , the Clublioiise. Sunday morning golfers who nn- ticipule joining the club a r e especially in v i t^ to be on hand. Application forms are now avail­ able a t the Clubhouse or from present members. HOLLYBURN "'-'BuSniiSS'COLLEGE Phone West 341 . I4di"ttnd Marine R E V O L U T IO N A R Y MEDUSALITE C EM EN T PAINTS Imorior Wnll Kini«h fur North Shore Agent. T E A R O E 8 c S O N S W E S T 4 COUNCIL OF WOMEN The Annual Meeting of t h e ' North Shore Local Council of Women will be held on Monday:are an unbeatable combination. They liayo Vancouver Club Assembly Room, into hundreds of S a t 10 :45 a.m. Please note the will dicnielit them thr̂ ^̂ ̂ chaijge^ of date on account of , their livds. West Vancouver has fa s te r . The Devotional Period WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works FurnacjB and RanKo Repairs, Sawdust Burners Phone West 39 A tten tion Builders! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT 1'RKMIX. ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phono North 1141 . or AI.F ELLIS, Wost IGO-Y Place Your Job Printing with The West Van News never quite given the Band the support it deserves. We have a chance to hear them at their annual concert on will'be from 12-12:30, and the afternoon session . will s ta rt at 1:30 p.m. Conveners and representatives "MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS A(T" Eonn I, Sodloii l.'> I inem a i int;u --- v^onveiiers hjau i«iJtcocjiL«,i.Avv.o | 'Saturday, March 16th, a t t h e , of Affiliated Societies are asked ' 'High Schpol Auditorium. Those ^o have their reports ready to that come and' hear them will jj^nd to .the ^ c r ^ a r y for filing. N O T I C E M unicipality o f the District Df WesVvancDuver TO WIT: enjoy it and th the first time w QSe tJ .v5w b th a t listen fo r' be surprised. ■T . R . The public is invited to attend. "co n tem po r a r y BRITISH^ ART COMES TO VANCOUVER GBC CARRIES FAREWELL IS^ESSAGE OF LADY TWEEDSMUIR PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby Kivon to the Electors of the Mimidpality aCoi-eHiiiil Unit n, poll has become necessary a t the Election, novr pendingf for, the saino, and th a t I havo gnuKeil sucli poll* and, , further, tha t the persons duly nominated as candidates at the said Election, and for whom only voles will be received, are: Featured at the Vancouver AiH: Gallery from March 6th to 21st is an exhibition of Contemporary Briti.?h Art, w h i c h - a t t r ^ te d great public interest when shown last year at the World's Fair, •Ndw York. The works of a r t in this ex-: On th e eve of her departure for England, Lady Tweedsmuir. will give a farewell message t o ' Canada oh Sunday, March 17. The wife of the late Governor- General will be heard on t h e coast-to-coast network of t h e Canadian Broadcasting Corpor­ ation, from 6 :30 to 6 :35 p.m. SURNAME OTHER'NAMES ' For Rbeve, Councillor, or . School T 1 astee ABODI-: y \ Riuik, I'roression, * Occupation SEARS. John Edward T, - SMITH, Alfred Harvey ■ Councillor^ Councillor* 3120 Travers Ave., WchI, Vancouver 259 Fifteenth Street, West Vancouver' • L. * ■ ■ ■ . . * ' . HarriHior Merchant Of which all persons are hereby required to 'tak e notice and to govern' thomselves accordingly. . Given under my hand a t West Vancouver, B. C-, this l l th day of March, 1940. hibition were selected by a com- psT , speaking from Ottewa.^ mittee of distinguished;.British" tx*--*- *̂ connoisseurs including Sir Liontel Hollyburri, B. C. WM. HERRIN, Returning Officer. Faudel-Phillips, Bart., Sir Ken­ neth Clark, K.C.B., Campbell Dodgson Esq., C.B.'E,, S i r Ed- l-ward Map'sh, K.C.V.O., C.B., OikLG., John Rothenstein, Esq., -thedBarl-ot-Smidwicin . A t an elevation of 5 feet, one can see 2.6 nautical miles; a t 20 feet 5.1 miles; a t 35 feet, 6.8 miles; a t 50 feet, 8.2 miles; and a t 100 feet, 11.5 Consisting of 278 p i c t u r e s comprising- oil paintings, .water ̂ colors, engravings, lithographs and other ;media, this- exhibition' is representative of the m o s t ' significant w^orlf achieved in [-England during the past-two de- ̂cades.' . , Among artists of distinction whose piotures are included may be mentioned Stanley Anderson, rA.R.A., Sir Muirhead Bone, Ger­ ald'Brockhurst, R.A., S ir Greorge Clasen, R.A., Sir David Cameron, R.A., Eric Gill, A.R.A., Duncan Grant, Augustus John, Wynd- ham JUwis, Paul Nash; Thei Late Sir William Orpen, Henry Rush- buiy, R.A., W..R. Sickert, Stan- je.ŷ Spencer, P. Wilson Steer,' Practically every trend in the ' G I V E S M O R E P E R R O liliA R THE CORPORATION OF THE d is t r ic t OF WEST VANCOUVER Is hereby given to the Electors of the Miinicipality of the C orpora tion '^ f : the District Of W est'Vancouver, H t̂hWt I? rOquirephA p re s e n t Electors a t the Council. Cnaihb^, Municipal Hall, WestVa:ncouyer, B. e.; ON MONDAY the l i th day of March, 1940, cvtjxy t ic i iu 111 Lxit: a t 12 o'clock noon, 3.1't of today finds its placd in . for the purpose of electing one person this show, which is the largest to represent them as : and m ost coirmrphpfn<»iv<i o-roiin the-unOxpired portion of Councillor i . of Brit .To; J . Brown's period, i.e., the remainder of. the w 4 term. _ ,Played m British-Columbia. The Mode of Nomination of Candidates While most of the work is the Shall Be as follows: property of private collators, The candidates shall be nominated several important A rt Galleries, in wrffing; the writing liaye also assisted w ith loans of electors of the Muni; MORE STYLE! Everyone recognizes in* Oldsmobile the Styleader car of the year. Grace­ fully streamlined from front end to rear, Olds refleSts smartness from any angle--standsijout from all the rest as a beauty I MORE PERFORMANCE! With a big, powerful, performance- packed engine in the Olds Sixty, you get finer performance-- from getaway to cruising speed. There's smoother action, too, in the Olds Seventy and Custom 8 Cruiser! MORE COMFORT! O ldsm obile'rf " alLcoil-spring " chassis, combined with wide, roomy -Body by Fisher, brings you today's last word in riding case-- either in the driver's seat or rear compart­ ment. Olds is tope in comfort!. C O S T S M R S S F E R n i l E E S ¥¥ii/ix x\fci.ixo vx eipality as proposer and seconder, Md paintings. Among these may; be shall be delivered to the Returning Of- inentioned The National Gallery fleer a t any time between the date of be delivered to the Returning Of- ----- xT^xCional Gallery fleer a t any time between the date of Ireland, The T a t e Gallery, the notice. and 2 p.m. of the day of London,/The--BirmiriP-hflTTi C itv --^nomiiiation. _'lTie, said_wnting may be Art mu T f nS , - A 4. in the form numbered 3 in the Sched- Gallerir uie of the "Municipal Elections Act, together w i t h several and shall state the names, residence private galleries. - and occupation or description of each . /n anticipation of wide public person proposed, in such manner as interest the Cnmioil nf*+hr¥'Vn-n sufficiently to identify _such , câ ^̂ ̂ oouver ^ didate; and in the event of a Poll be- t o ^ r T ^ U arranged ing.necessary, such Poll shall,be open- ^ oi^n the building, eacK week-' ed on 'aciy„ -I Aj . .- t'oni 1 Oto 5 and again in SATURDAY. THE leth DAY OF n̂e evenings from 8 to 10.' The ' MARCH, 1940,V iro n i o XO Xu* Xll€ ̂ ̂ ̂ l . a a m S ^ r p i ic e o r a u n d a y opening ,an?S®S}?dt p.Silf'pf sS d ^ ay -.at the ] ,, .* ^ ^ ^ ^ v e r be discontinued A m b l e s i d e H all corner of 14th: Street luring th e period of the exhibi- and Marine Drive, West Vancouver, "On. ' B. C .,'of which every person is here­ by required to take notice and goy- em himself accordingly. , Given under my hand -,at the Mum- , ---1- cipal Hall, District of W est V a n ^ ; ^What kind of figllter is ^er, this 29th day of February, 1940.' WM-* HERRIN, . Returning Officer. Hollyburnj B. C: LESS TO BUY! Considering its size, power and qu^ity, Olds costs you Jesa be­ cause it gives you m ore--and at that, Oldsmobile prices start right- down in the low-price field. Buy big ̂npw Olds and you save LESS FOR GAS! Six or Eighty Oldsmobile's precision- built, pressure- lubricated engines are marvels- in economy. Records show that all Olds models for 1940- save more on gas than ever---cost to run per mile l__________ __ LESS FOR UPKEEP! Oldsmobile's quality ,standards in materials* and workmanship are reflected in long life ancj minimum repair- and replacement expepse. Come in and sec how you tfef more and save more with Olds I o l i l i s i i c o B I x s : Jack:- "He i&hter." ■Mary: :hat?" Jack: -ai-aird s a • crossword . tpuzzle He goes in t he-jring_gerti- oomes out horizontal." 29th February, 1940. McMILLAN MOTORS LTD. N O R T H , V A N C O U V E R o-4ea a#'