West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Mar 1940, p. 2

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... ' # :, i; ■ ' il I :!'; IIT"I j| 1 li U t'v ,f'H -I'. f'ff i- .' & -r 5 lii. ■ : ■, # k 'i ̂ ■ W'M 'h iî : iis i f ' 1 f.i WEST VAN. UNITED CUUBCK Car. 2I*t & E»q«lm»It Ave^ HEV. W. VANCE, a A ,, Miadirtar 2047 Gordon Avonuo Sunday Servlcoa: lln .w . A 7;S0p.m. Stranger* and Viaitor* are weleotna BAPTIST CHURCH Miniater B*r. W. L McKay. HD. Sunday 8«rrtc«a lOiOO a.m,--Chorch School In* cloding Adult Claaa ]] a.i». A 7:80 p.m.--PraachJiur Servleea. A hearty welcome to all Start Your Easter Beauti) Programme with a Duarl OjT |*t>rniaiivnt. Duart Jh-rmana/itM give you (h'<'p imtural 'wavi-H with Boft IuhUouh rut'lH wiliiuut H|ioiU iiig (iu* *luMtn.* of your huir. I/<'t UK design a Kja'cial huir- Btyl/; 1.0 suit the litU'B of your new I'iuHler liat. Qwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe CreatorH of ExcIuhIvc Permanenta. 1540 Marino Drive WcHt 117 HOLLYBURN HALL 14tb and Ducbeas I'HiDAy, MarcK 15th, at 7 p.m. CliilJren and Young People'* Service with Lantern SllueB.■ * - Speakor: Tom McLaren SUNDAY, March 17th 10 u.rn. Sunday School and Young People's Bible GIobh. ] I a.ni. Breaking of Bread, 7:110' p,in. GoHpel AddrosH. Spoakor: Eric Hunt T(JKSi)AY, March 19th; 8 p.m. Prnver Meeting and Bible Study ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH .itov. F. A. Ramsey; Rector DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-ltay ilay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Iloura 9 to 0 p.m. UvuningH by appointment. Plwne WcHt 72 EatubliBhed on North Shore 26 Year* (Lady AaBiatunt) HAHRON BROS. LTD. ^iiiietal S irectors lloliyburn Piinerol Home IHth and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 134 Vancouver Parlore 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair, 1^4 TIIE UNITEI) CHURCH 2lHtand Esquimau Avenue Rev. William Vance, Minister The French Beauty Salon For Permanents -- of ias^ng beauTŷ -- VVe npecializo in flno, grey and . white hair. ' 1562 Marine Drive Phone W. 212 ■ Sunday, March 17lh 10 a.m,---The Sunday School. ■11 a.m,--Morning- Worship. Subjpet: "The Three Crosses," 3, "The Cross Between." 7 :30 p.m.--Evening Service. Subject: "Palm. Sunday Re­ ligion." , Mon., 18th, 8p.m.--The Cantata, "From Olivet to QalvfU'y," will . be sung by the jo iiir Anglican - and United Choirs. Everyone Welcome. THE JAI'AN RESCUE .Wood, Coalf-Sawdust FUEL SUPPLIES Wc.st 582--1'HONIi--We.st 582 SPENCER'S FUELS 812 Kith Struct The - Women's Mission--Circle- will be in charge of the Mission- :tu'y prayer meeting Wednesday, March 20th, when Miss Edith Mann, on furlough from India, will be the speaker. Everybody welcome. VERNON FEED STORE A, C. SKAIILK Phone Wcat 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADjeO Wood,: Coal, J Builders* Supplies BAPTIST CHURCH llev.JW. L. McKay 1545 Duchess Avenue 11 a.m.--Subjest, "The Road to Jerusalem." Story and hymn for the young worshippers. 7:30 p.m .-^ubject, "The Three ̂ Ci'OsSes." The sermon will be illustrated with lovely colored pictures. 10 a.m .-- Church School a n d Adult Bible Class, ON BROWN & MUNTON -iM*-MARiMc-oRiVK .~wtav̂ aod~nt an. WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Cor. Marine, and 25th Ave. Pastor: Rev. Robert H .Birch .Services. THE West Van News Publiahod Every l^uraday Publisher JEUFliiLDVRGRav^ Sunday School--9 :45 a.m, Sunday Sei*vices-- 11 a.m. anM 7:30 p.m. Evening Subject -- "Palestine, God's Monument of Pro^ phecy.*' Wednesday Pi^ayer F^lowship 7:30 p.m. ' ̂ i T t e W l ^ VAN NEWS W ^ T VANCOUVER Chrisi^ Science . . - _ . , .^ * .S o c i e t y , . . .... ... CHURCH EDIFICE 20Ui aad £bi|ttinialt. UoUybura Tbia Society is a Branch of The Mother Chu,rch The Firat Church of Chnst, Sdeiitiit, in Boston, Maasaebusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. SUNDAY, March 17tli ̂ SUBJECT: ' "SUBSTANCE" I . Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. . 'I'eatimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.̂ Young moved recently from 2l.st and Marine Drive ami are now occu­ pying one of the Bennett Apart­ ments at 1466 Marine Drive. ' G. jS. Brealey, 1 29 5 Fulton Ave., is having a new house built at 14th and Haywood Ave. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Aver Rev. Father Van ^astor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. - a ..,- High Mass and Sermon 10,15 B.ITls Rosary and Benediction • 7.45 Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. l>iaays--Rosary, Benediction 7:46. Saturdays -- Confessiori.4; 7:30 ■ to 8:30 p.m. ■4.EGION NOTES N o ,(^ s not a smoker but a night of real fun that the Legion \yill be having on Friday next, the I5th' inst, and they invite any ex-service rhan in West Vancouver to come" along a n d have a good time. Members will please turn out"in ful force a t 8 p.m. Maith 14th 1QAO S U N R I S E S E R T ^ EASTER SUNDAY MORNINg A committee repMsentativ, of the Christian people of WeJ Vanoouver is planning an E m l Sunday Mbrhinig Sunrise Smicp There are. indications that tb Christian people of We.st Van ebuver will respond heartily in such a service bommemoraiivp of the resurrection of our Sâ viour. While i t is essential that such' a gathering be kept free from denominational o r sectarian bias yet each of the churches will hi asked to co-operate. ® The committee has not yet made final arrangements, but plans are being made to have the Salvation Army in attendance and to have a short, foi'oeful message. ' Full details will appear in the next issue. The Tuck Shop 2472 Marino Driv<v_„.----- , NOW OPBN*'"̂ Ice Cream . . . Dairy Producta Confectionery . . . Tobaccos Cigarettes, Etc. Halm Sunday 8 a.rn.--Holy Communion.- 11 a.m.--Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:30 i).m.--Evensong and Ser­ mon, !' Holy Week, Daily, J0:15 a.m.-- lioly Communion, 2:30 p.m. Wednesday -- Ingle­ wood W.A. Meeting. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Lenten ser­ vice, St, Francis-in-the-Wood, Caulfeild 3, p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. Phone \Veat 363 Business .and Editorial Office: -̂------- 1704 MhVine Drive _ _ __Hhone-West 55 " ^ o rsesh o ^B ay ^ ^d 'V ic in itV Bible Fellowship Thursday,. 7:45 p.m. - ___ Evangelical -- Independent REP CROSS NOTES Norih Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Aveu ll.OO a year by carrier: 82.00 a year by m ail. ' ^ A meeting of the executive of. the West Vancouver Branch Red Cross Society will ,be held a t 8-p.m., Wednesday; March 20th, a t Red Cross Headquarters. FORWARD W IT H MACKENZIE KING Settle of the Mackenzie King Administration Wartime Accomplishments: It united Canada as never before--every province is_ heart and soul behind the Em- War effort this time, thanks to the administration's truly National Policies. The First Division, completely equipp^, has been sent overseas to a Mother Country prepared to receive it. ; ' _ The Second Division is recruited, equip­ ped and ready to go over. Plans are carefully prepared! for the orgajnization of a Third Division. The Great Empire Air Training Schem e-^ sponsoreiU and i>y Canuda | P has been launched on a planned and ordered basis. K Naval Defence for both East and West C o^ts, including A ir Force, Mine Sweanafo and Convoylihgi h a s functioned-^^efficient^ ^ c e the outbreak of the War. Of it, a Senior British Naval Authority has said: "No finer . work is being done anywhere by the Rdyal Navy Itself." ̂ I rice Control of all commodities, includ­ ing such vital jiecessities as wool and sugar has been established, with prices pegged low tor the poor man. The profiteer is out, and will be kept out--in marked contrast to the free-for-all of the last war. Shipping Control and Foreign Exchange Control are firmly established on sound linis and are functioning smoothly and effectively A $200,000,0.00 W ar Loan was over-sub­ scribed within two days of its launching, a record that proves public confidence. Its reasonable ra te of 3 V4 % contrasts with .5 'A % tax-free ra te of last war. Political and Private Patronage has been stamped out. Merit is the sole basis fot" selection or promotion in our armed forces. . G ^ a t Britain's War financing problems ' ^®sf®ned through the co-operation of the Canadian Government. W over $100;- j^ 00^haye been plac'ed, stim ulating . eyery branch of Canadian industry. ' L e m p l o y m e n t has lu t an all-time nigh owing to these orders and good internal business conditions. i^m am ent deliveries are approaching full Bren gui^s. tanks, artillery accessories, ahi^is--alL ooniing ]0orwardj in impressive quantities. __ purchases of Canadian W h e a t- preventing a serious glut--^have been ar­ ranged through a. special mission *sent to London by Mackenzie Ki^g Administration. of bacon will be shipped week, as well as large quantities of flour and fish.. shipments of. steel and other ma- essential to the conduct of war have been arranged for. Make Your Vote Support Canadian Unity Such a re rn ril cimriKr i._____ ^ r e s u S **"»»*"• Ita strong admin- istratnm working on behalf of a country umted m all its parts as never before. And purpose--conspicuously ab- ^ vision, under- standing and drive of individual Canadian Umpir e s participation in the war with fb*>ir eyes wide open and with full determination to play their parts to the full. We appeal to the people of Canada for support which is essential to carry on groundwork for which h ^ been laid carefully, soundly, wisely * ,* .V ^*^h foresight, determination and res­ olute couri^ge;- -̂----------------- ---------- S W P ^ T ^ ® M A ^^N ZI^K O re^ CANDIDATE s t e a d f a s t U b era l Candidate VANCOUVER NORTH