West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Mar 1940, p. 1

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^I^VINCIAL ^vreromATEH Establiahed over 18 years. Established over 13 years. Circulating in t^e District o f West Vancouver--Ambleside, Hollyb^rn, Weston, Dundarave Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Wl^ytecliff, Etc.$1,00 per year. 5c per copy XIV H O L L Y B U R N P .O . , W E S T V A N C O U V E R . B .C ., T H U R S D A Y . M A R C H 14 th . 1940 . N o . 48 " .................. .- - . -- ---..̂ 1 MMaiMaMi-- .... ^ «■' WAA» luiTM irioAi PI K'm'inwa CONSERVAllVE CAMPAIGN ,, , „ ,WOOL MUNICIPAL LLLCIIONS lUPPTllMr: Coniiiiir EvciUk ^ ^ M b l ^ L Tuesday. April 2n(l~.West Van^ ' Canada is la) wool importing country. Normally we bring A. Harvey Smith and J. Ed- The Oranjre Hall was filled last '̂ouver United Church W.A. in from abroad every year about 10 million pounds of raw wool ward. Sears are the caiulldates Thursday night for the ConservS Uaffodil Tea. . niniw iimirt from yarns, etc., most of i t from Australasia. , 1® Council, Campaign Meeting. Dr. / , , , , , , ..AMLAinKi A«i-.i-'n'ivr> That in a nutshell IS the ^ s o n why during the past f e w 6n Saturday of this week. ;Srt --------- months the thousands of Canadian women knitting for the . a . Harvey Smith is well Don't forgot the C.C.p; Oaiii- Red Ci'DaSS have had a t times difficulty in obtaining an adequate known here, being an ex-schbol aonroval of those as- Meeting, to be helil at 8 , ̂j trustee and having been in busi- ^nmbled * ■ P>ni. tonight in the, Ixuifion Hall. ^ -P ' PDi ivpH itTTlYlpHifltplV Pfv*. 1 n 1'fDriYi's etc Edward Sears> a Vancouver bar-- Conservative candidate said the ^ne. ol the CiOih. Youth (ii oiip, amount of wool was required unmediately for uniforips, etc., rister, who ha& resided a t West t ihnimla n ̂e H concealment to !'»d , WallacAi Lefeaux, C.C.E. and the Canadian dealers and m anufacturers turned o v e r Bay for several yeaivs, was a their weak -oosition Yt eandidatu in Vancouver Centre. large stocks to the Government a t prices said to b e .fu lly -1 6 - ...candidate for reeve a t the Jast -------- *----- ------------ per cent below m arket value. The e ^ ir e woollen industry vyras election. Mr S in c la K o u W LADY LAURIER CIslJH mobilized to meet the emergency. The m anufacturers started ------------------------ ^ flcykt th^ C ^ Reirardinv the -----=-- . at once on the production of over one million yards of uniform WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Bren contract Major Hahn was Tlio regular meeting of the cloth, hundreds of, thousands of vvool 'blankets, underwear and ------- . , , Can- North Shore Lady Lmirier Club ̂: .. hosiepy', In connection with the above^ an r ^ socml evening will be held ada'a representative, w h i c h will be hold Wednesday after- 1 official publication of the la tter part of last year*: Legion Hall, 18th a 'nd forced the hand of the W ar Of- aeon, March 20thv at the home^' "Ihere has been an acute shortage of hand-knitting yarns Marine Drive, Saturday nexit, fice into accepting it. As to Ian ef Mi\s. K. A. Ray, 21st and Ar- . due mostly to the tremendous demand th a t came immediately March 16th, a t 8 o'clock. Mackenzie who had nothing to X.vle Ave. There will be a. .^peak- on the outbreak of war. Unquestionably there was a bit of A hearty invitation is extend- do with the "creation of a Na- Tea will be served. forward-buying o n 'th e part of many women'over-anxious to ed to all voters by t h e Ladies' tronarBaiTlr,^why-waE"iirhe"Wta8------ l̂-he members are invited to do their bit for the soldiers. But this situation is being met Auxiliary to the West Vancou- .loft in B. C. under wraps while the lion. Cairino Wilson fit suocessifully^and without much disturbance." . ver Conservative Association. all the other ministers were tour- tlui K.l^ Hall, NoiTh y m ico u '^ r,^ - • ■ • • ' ................-... - ....-......-...................- ....-- During the evening Mr. R. H. i„g the country, also he had been , «,t 8 p.m. on Fiiday, wpgT VAN BOYS' . RAPTK5T vriiTN r p p o p i p 'ts S'i'PP®"' demoted, hiving failed i n ,a .g iw tWLSrVAN. BOVb BAPTIST YOTNG PEOPLE S Riding, will be present. A pro- job. The Liberals should-liOf; be CaH West 55 Ira-dfefoil| ., r / BAND CONCERT SOCIETY gramme of cards land dancing r e tu r n ^ ' for four reasoipii>; 1. • 1 ho Red C r o s s sqjpeVfluity>. • --------- -- . . ^ . has been arranged and refresh- Lack of preparation fOr w i p 2, Shop is opmiing in Nortlv V̂^̂^ The tenth annual concert of 'T-Ti ^ me nts will be served. There will Apathetic conduct of t h e n a r ; couyer on Friday, March 15th. the West Vancouver Boys' Band lecture entitled: The Starry ^o charge. Cpme and have a 3 The lack of couriage of Mac- Admission, a superfluity: I t is to wil be held next Saturday, Heavens^ a Testimony to the gpo^j,tim e and meet your fu ture k^nzie King in dismissing Parlia- be located in Dr. Verner's o ld March 16th, at 8 p.m., in the "Creator, next Monday a t 8 p.m. representative. ment ra ther than face the music, home. Any one intcrosted could , Inglewood Auditorium, under m West Vancouver Baptist --------- .. . 4 ̂ ^he la tter's lost opportu^ijty both affairAS. * the baton of Conductor A. W. , Church. I t will be illustrated by. RETIREMENT OF to become a great national lead- . --------------------------- Delamont. Tickets 25;'cents. The wonderful colored pictures. Mr. CHIEF SOTIIRES er. The C.'C.F. were not art.'issue THE JAPA NRESCUE. program is as follows: Morgan is a member of the As- . because like others,"they MISSION ^ Beginners' Class g n o m ic a l Society of Canada. Chief F rank Squires has re- wished for a happier Canada, > _ -- . First demonstration by begin- ^ ' tired, a fte r over^^twenty years' their methods w e ^ 1̂1 wrong. The regular monthl^y prayer ners. Saxophone duet, ' - . service with tKe^:Wek Vancou- "̂ e i r conten^on t h a t ' o u r n,4a m eeting .on .b^alf;j)f -m ates ," . Edward -Wallace-.and'____- L ■ . _________ ver-Police. A t • last Monday should not fight in Europe seem- I^scue Mission will be held (D. . Leonai'd T a y l o r . - Serenade, ~ ^ -j j ■ 4.- -- . n ight's council meeting, there ed to be shortsighted ,as oomoe-- V.) next Saturday, March T6th, "Ferns and Flowers" ^ advertisement ap- being also"'present ' the Police racy could not be destroyed in a t 8 p.m., in the home of Mr. L. ' Timior Band' Commission and several other Europe with9ut soon being d es- Hibberd, 1.136 Jefferson. . Mî s. Mcrnh Ror,H » -RGri citizens. Reeve Leyland present- troyed on this continent. .S tan ley Smith, ;late. of Japan, March--- Honor Band.^ Ban- 7th, the statem ent was made bim with a beautiful West- ' To vote Conservative will be the speaker, All those -- tone trio,.... I^et^ Me --Cah-- You-- tbAfc-fl.-AmtA-Tnr th<̂ TJheral Can- ' r»iv.ow /.MrvAi-rA»- nin^ir snitablv meant a vote for a national gov- interested are cordially/invited " Sweethe^t, Roy W atem an, didate in the coming flection will i n c h e d on behalf of the coun- ernment, the chance to become to attend. ̂ ̂ = w 4̂ the i^olice commission and a united nation, and, when the "----------------------------^ proper information of ^he municipality. In making the war wias over, a nucleuo of meii 2ND WEST VAN. SCOUTS ^ - pering I^pe, Peter M cR ^, B. voters, the standing of the par- presentation the Reeve referred to handle successfully the after- . g j . I'ATRICK'S DANCE . and ̂ David ties in the two most recent elec- to the Chief's many years of war, problems. " . ------------ . ^^tions.jnJhej!iding^oi.Vancouvei:™,„f.ait-hf-ul-secyiC€,-:during--which___ B^igaiMr-General J , A. Cljmk____ Boo^t^forget-the-Third Annual Senior Band , North is here shown: he had proved himself to be both stated th a t any war could be lo«t. s t. Patrick's Dance of. t h T ^ d Marcti^"Cent€nmal." Echoes 1935 Federal Election ' a good citizen and a goodliolice- Disaster to the Empire would ^ e s t Vancouver Scouts which M^ ̂ Opera. ■--C.C.F. ................... 8641 man. He had been extremely mean disaster to Canada and the will take place frojcnJ) to 1 a.m. House. B ^ "P d l^ ' ■ Liberal :..'." 1 1 ." .7705 loyal-to his staff and tolerant ruin of all her trade. Mackenzie tomorrow - (Friday ) in Orange Margueri^te, Bill Simpson. BaJ- Conservative .3025 and friendly in the execution of "King for the i» s t three years Hall. The Tartan Mountaineers !, ^°®^'®°J.°'.®® . In the 1037 nrovincial election his duty. A fter conveying the would not say what he would do Orchestra will be in atlemlancp ^ S electpm :--tA y„® 4y^ | P ^ ^ ^ of Magistra:te Robson a t >" the event of wan but that no a„a refreshm ents will be .served. • T®?'- co lorise^ the federal r ^ ^ h iL aabflity to be present, the Canadian would go Overseas, and Attendance a t the dance, will; Dyi K̂ en John Peel." Xylo- y ^ ^ o ^ ^ e r N o ra r e t u r n e d K e e v e hoped th a t the Chief fought against reinloice- help the Scouts to carry mi their phone solo Snowflakes," Vera , L C ra ^ M d t w o C C F m em ^ would be spared many years in ments. And what had he done work. Admission. 50 cents; Delamont Se ection, Irish Melo- Lib^̂ (M di- which to enjoy his retirem ent. With the huge sum voted by I ar- students 35 cents. . dies. Vocal solo, selected, Watkin ^ H e then read the followine reso- liament, for our .men h a d no ---------------------------- __De date placed fa r ahead of the Con- ^bich had been passed by clothes, no equipment, 'a* n d no LIBERAI CAMPAIGN Childhood Days." March, N l- seryative candidate, t S o I i c T C o m m i S ? ^ ^ ^ ^ tional Emblem. "God Save the These facts make it obvious tention th a t he had made^ the de- ̂ ^ ^ King." ^ thad; the published statem ent is . the occas- ^ of Canada impâ gnable::i:-;k.̂ ':;'-;.i;̂ '4/,.̂ '-̂ ;̂ "■■■■■ ° - false and misleading. w i t L g r e a L m ^ A Liberal campaign meeting CHURCHES OF CHRIST Th's advertisement published (jT^^o^w erTonce'^^Forw 'This ^has. Brazier of t h e Youth will be held a t 8 p.m. next Tues- SCI-FNTKST ' by-:the W est Vancouver Liberal commission records its sincere Movement said the youngjieople day, March 19th, in the Legion SCIENTIST. .Association. a X ^ i S o rS is ihSiv were not impressed with the Lib- Hall. James Sinclair, the Liberal ..Qrmo,,,..';::----- : ---------------------- ^ e r a l campaign. King was an un- candidatp fo r th i s r id ing .w i l lbe . . *" *'*•* '. TRANSPORTATION h is ^ u u S ' M chief of T h e 'approachable student but Man- the chief speaker and .o thers , a llthnr"L * ® „ / ,? S ® IS ? 5 ? i i" " -- . . wfth io m m k d ib k ^ -e ff lc i^ ^ ^ iop? ^ e®"l « ' ^ ® «<""-®®"®"' ' .y.,, Q Christ, Soientist, Councillor Ray informed us anri Jrivnlfv and havimr nnbald ^^^®Ked to see the war wagea ... T h e ^ ^ ra „ „ T . woTd had been received by the the t o d i & s of, th a t b r a n c ^ i ^ EASTER ORATORIOS holy, holy, Lord God-Almighty! ^ u n e d from the Public Utihtaes ® j" ™ S e fo 7 " sfed ^ ""d electorate-would desire The choirs of the United aiid - was. and is, a n d is to Commission th a t another public lOcts a desire ĝ , churches will -_ (Rev._4:8)-.-- -----------------h ^ r i n g - w o u l d - b e - h e l d - i n . a b o u t o f - l a w and-order^-- This--LiberalsJiad^onducted__C^^a^,„444n j t eg iv in g ~ - tw G -E citations which ten days or so. He also stated l commission fu rther expresses ,<^ar effort. ; tOrios, "Olivet to Calvary" , by ^sson-Serm on is the ferry revenue for January the sincere hope th a t for-inany-- - iiwffrTGM tqr a ft ' covenanted with you when ye- th a t for the same two months in continued esteem of his fel- regular Monday evening Stephen's Church at came out of-Egypt, so my spirit ' Kad recommended to iqw citizens meeting a t 25th and Marine Dr., g p.m\ Good Friday, March 22nd. you: fear ye -the Council tha t a return be The Chief, in reply, made a tJjiited^ not (Hag. 2:5). made to the half-hourly ferry brief speech of thanks for the *>«.conducted by A J. A( dy,.and ^ e Lesson-Sermon, nlsjn in- seiwioe during the summer, presentation ahd the kind words nr'iver include: Mrs. Colin Mac-- fie f o f l o v d n T ^ ^ g e starting in May. . ^ e T O '^ s o aS)^eciation vofoed" by the ' ̂ ^Kristian Science t e : ^ - recommended th a t a cut be made Reeve as well as for the resolu- a?' name of A Fiddes, tenor, R. offioe. to Those desiring i t L w to ld :* ' bari1 :ne"""T h e; sT « « ? L f o ? /h e firs t q u a ^ -.C hief.'S ^ e s -w a s_ p to se n te d Jb y ^ -J l^ '^ t-2 ^ 3 0 -T T -v "OT "or-. |T n of^N ^eTm Tn"l® '^hav ras' tohPftlfift. J tne-auairors. several gifts in appreciation o f . - , c^diiver f^^nnr « t r i ^ t o 1e i h 1 h e X r e b S ^ • ------ V O U i t " S h & L L ^ J . iW d n where God is i * S i l t a cubic mile of ordinary foe> wfe" Ypung will asisst a t the organcorner^™ t 8e MumClDal EleCtlOO his thanks m a short address in donslsta of tiny drops of moiikiiK like ^ <5hpffipld at the which he also gave some advice S°n" s^a"eSains^cSs ■'®" ' "" ■ 'BIS purity." on sa tu riia y . , to the younger constables. -o f water.; piano. , i