West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Mar 1940, p. 4

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it̂iiiS! • ' t mma seer* sresegs* m m li "ii'*-rft'7*: f ' I, 1i'ki-4' i >~: h fi »ww ; . i ■'<"•■K ..'K C ■]" ...n~ THE WEST VAN NEWS March 7th. 1940 SMITH'S MARKET i 4 »ttt w«it 46 . § f l l l t l l . Pre« Dctifery S«rrlc* - MoaUily Account I'lHCKS (if)01> FOH KlU. & SAT., MAKC'il 8th & 9th. A -- ' MEATSALh liUAS--K cl toe If V. î g«. pkt. I6c - < ()KN IT.AKKH--Kclloeif'* 2 Jlijf Jumbo purknecu :......... 26c JAM -- HlruwlH'rry or llaupbcrry, „ wiUi Apple ...........4-lb. tin 37c Kfd & White i'ure I'l.UM JAM-- l-lb. tin ........................„.37c l*KAH--Aylmer. Tender, Hlcvc 4 :t 10'//-oz. liriH ....25c rOOKINt; FKJH-- Hejeeled W'hile , , ,.. Ib, 14e PINHAPPl.Ii--SifiKU|Hjre Hiiced No. 2 tin ffc SOAP--SunliffliU Send H Carton endg with Hfnr and tJOr to Sunlight, Ham­ ilton, Ontario, and e<'t aix lovely ItoKern' TeaKpoona ...........ri'.Cuke !ic IftNj A Wlilfe SOUP--Tohtnio or Vegetable ............................,*J tin« 23c JiiHl Arrived! JAM PS HltOS. HKKHS U'he Ibette .BritiNh (.'olumbia ifrown and tented SeedH for beHt reaulta. , A bin variety of Veeetiible and Flower Seeda PItuae WcHt 370 BKKF . . . POltK - - I.AMli . • VKAL - . I tnVT. & CHICKEN Free Delivery Grade A and A1 / . Grain Fed w Top Quality - Milk Fed - Grade A SASH & tiOOES SHINGLES PLYWOODS LATH FKI5SII FISH DAILY DELICATESSEN Ctilunibia SALMON--Red SpritiK No. (i tin ................................ 15c Keidi CHUM SALMON--Tall tin, 11c Red A White 'I'OMATOES-- 2 Larife 2Fj tina ......... . , ......25c ( K i:A M E'iTES--Macaroni .'i pktH. ..................................... 25c MiiiiiiinK'K l.och Lomond SANDWICH CREAMS.......... Ib. 2,'lc ( a 11 ftirii ia RAISIN S-i-Seed Ichh 2 ll)H.................. ....... ;..........,.23c TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD • 'rfiti waUirfroht home of Mrft. f{. M. (Jnidy wti.s opened to (Jnild n|V('mlK*i*H and friendH oh Monday afternoon, in eompli- nienl to Mi-.s. A. M. Watt, world-traveller and lecturer who was the f^ue.st of honor. Mra. Watt de.sorihed" that part of her WLST VAN. MERCHANT'S 'J'lie Vancouver Police hud a lucky win over the' local team la,si.' Saturday by "the score of 1 ti> 0. TTie go t̂l wa.s a freak one ajid no one was to blame for it )ijij)pening, Bradbury, centre- Torward lor the Police, wujj in a CHARLES G H /tN t MACNEILr C, C. F. cundi(i.'f|t* for \ 'ancouver North, has lied this con­ stituency In' tKc^freufte of Com-' mona aince HviJ- Quoting from The North ShoFe' Press, North Vancouver, . . Every fair- minded citizen does him the ju^Uce^of recognizing the fact tha t he disoharged his duties in a manner creditable alike to him­ self and to the riding that he rep­ resented." / ! The pages (jf Hansard over the past four yciirs i-eveal the wide range of his activities in the House, where lie introduced res­ olutions and bills, and look' prominent pari in debates deal­ ing with social and international problems. Among these were- bills to amend the Criminal Code (Unlawful Assembly), Militia Act, and Naval Service Act; Mr. MacNeil was a member of a SiK'cial Committee dealing with , ---------------- the problems o f {!X-sei*vice men, -' ji,\noy ANN SHOP--2442 Mariiie. and has ■ lK3come known as a ... champion of-handicapped and un- ^ , , employed veterans. For his work ■ Garments Quality THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY ■*PAIOT-- BUILDERS* SUPPUES ROOFING WALLBOARO TILS A cuiitii CANADA FA IN T COMPANY LTD. W EST VANCOUVER LUM BER C O . LTD. 16th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 f'̂ Z2ix. r c l a s s i f i e d ADS asai. Knitting Yarns, Netnlles, Books, ('rochet Cotton, D.M»C* llund Knit "ship __ . ...___ _ _ ___ As a member f)f the Civil Service Committee he advoelrted Civil Service reform.s oh the basis of nierit hhd thh eliiti 1 nation of pat- - , „ , ronage. He also served on the j;usilion to take a pass right in Marine and Fisheries Committee, I runt ot the local goal. Willing- where ho w a s one of the leaders in this connection ho was recent- Nij.goNE COIlSEl'S, Surgical Belts, lyi awarded llonrary Life Mom- ' Mrs, MacAulay. ici8 Esquinfialt. bership in the Canadian' Legion. travels which took her from San . rni nnf fn'<-,r>vcr muR luril "Jf '■'.V ------ ---------------- ---- Hoho- V s .GORDON ROBSON - in 4n ouicciea and ju st managea and for improved conditions Solicitor^ 510 W\ Hastings, Sey, 4199Fralici.sco to Palestine, via ... lulu, New Zealand, Australia, Sa rm>a, Fiji ,('eylon,.etc., all in the int<'resls Of women's participa­ tion in the program of world ad­ vancement. (k)rsages of spring u/'Ve '̂ 7 n H i will'play the^ganie all the N orth niemlxirW att and Mrs. A, C. Bruce, Slidi-c. h;uu* been w iitin tr fur- " lVesh'l<-'nt of.lhe Cluiki: m c Z ' ̂ ""-A «n4...ini mrwa.'n.r M iviainlaiKl Uup, onquiry.A sp<?eial meeting of the'Guild has- hocn called for Mondaj^, n th , at B p.m., at the Claohan, at which all candidates for Van­ couver North in the. forthcom­ ing h'edoral election have l>een invited to .speak. lOe Book Club will moot a t the home of Mrs, E. Whit,e, 14th _iind J^awson, Monday PI th~nt 2::Uf p.m. Mr.s. ,P . M. Wallace will review "The Horoino of the N(jr(h." the .story of Mr.s. Hom- pa.s, wife of the first Bishop of Afhabaska. o j'oll .slowly into the goal, The 'Among B. C. fishermen, locals tried hard to make up for The motion to refer the Bren t ins oiie.bad break, but the Police Gun Contract to the Public Ac- delended their lead by long counts Committee was introduc-' range kicking. Saturday the boys ed by Mr. MacNeil, and as a of that Committee he prominent part in the . enquiry. : Hi.s refusal to be in- North Shore United ' vs. West timidated in this regard is only ■\ ancouyer. On the strength of another sarnple of the determina- their will against St. Saviours, ̂ tion-which has characterized his the localswill be no soft-touch entire career "In ■'■/"""W ■ Born a son of the Manse in r ' . Ihcie Mc a lot Uptergrove, Ontario, the C. C. F. ; . 'i " i t" 'I .'!>'«t " candidate for Vancouver North i'l l . ■r.itii.i i *■*'̂ 'D'oouvei to see enlisted in 1915, in the Cameron ' HiRhlmdcra, later transferring t>iio tan take a few passengers to the Canadian Motor Machine Th«» rate for Claaslfloo' Adrartiaoinenta la * centa per word, miaimuoi 25 conta. Except in the caao of tlu»e boring regular accounts, alt cl in tbe^WeS Van Nows get immodiato rcsultB. GORDON ROBSON ^ ?n T 2H 4 M^hon A^^ Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, bey. 4199 -------- EXPERT FURRIER AND DRESS- uppoin-tment. West 4 ^ ----------------- maker--Kay Ruasell. W est 447-L. PEMBERTON REALTY COUP. LTD. (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St. » , TRin. 1271. Local Agent> P Bayliss (N otary Public). 2436. Bellevue, West 522-U HANDY ANN SHOP-- 2442 Marino. Marshall - W ells Paints, Varnishes, ' Enamels, etcl Special discount for 'Orders.. " w M fE R li" W Q 6B w b K and house' fixtures, turning; glass, glazing. W est 740 ̂ W est 443-R. GASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, .Purniturcj Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big of too ̂ small. Burrard Junk Go., West 91. W. 408-R. 4r PERCY T. MASTERMAN, NOTARY, Real Estate. Insurance, all branch­ es, Canadian Company. W est 111. PAINTI-l^G AND DECORATING -- Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, W est 1022-L. Barrister & please be at Ambleside Park at 2 p.m. Let's'm ake this a gala day for the North Shore'-and everyone turn out and give the local boys their support, -_______ - No. Gun Brigade. On being severely •wounded Mi\ MaoNeil returned to hospital ill Moose Jaw,, Sask., where he became Secretary of that Branch of the G.;W. V,. A. He later became Provincial S,eĉ rotary for Saskatichewan, and in 1919 was appointed"" Dominioh Secretary of the G. W. V. A., which post he occupied till 1926, OUllCItV/i 4 UXV f? • XAC»ov***fiL»f at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. ' CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs. G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North, 822. ■' ' V ■ •, ' W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, S u ite , 4, Hollybum Block. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam 'Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building; LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts- . W Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 . Marine. WEST VANCOUVER NIGHT PAT­ ROL ---r Sure protection; reasonable rates. West 927-R. LISTINGS OF HOMES AND PRO­ PERTY WANTED. Clients waiting. _______ H_A.-^OSERTS-fcm--------- r W est -546.1447 Marine Drive WANTED, MOTHER'S HELP--; with housework and care of one child. Phone W esU 75-Y l. _____ _ CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun- try I way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. NOTARY PUBLIC (Complete Notarial Service) Reginald P. Blower, J.P.; 1405 Marine. W est 21, 204-M. --------------i'C................ ' ' ■'------------- GORDON GRAY •-- Insurance, Fire, Burglary, Automobile, Et; Tele­ phone Sey. 4991 or W est 92-R-2. FOR SALE-- C.G.M.-^Bicycle, good - condition, $10. W est 963-L. ;FC)R SALE1--Walker Hydraulic 1-ton jack, 8-in .lift, excellent condition. W est 63-L2. Lo v e l y r o o m ---A vailable bv night, w eek , or month. Meals if desirei W est 686-R. ■ J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister. Sol­ icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone W est 21, or W est 553-R-l. THE COHl»ORATION OF THE DLSTUICT OF WEST VANCOUVER REVISION FEDERAL VOTERS' LIST The Court of Revision for the .UdyuolistjlatJ^ __^tvhSi-he^conduSe^ lecture tour ^ ' ^ " 7 7 ^ 7 8 organizat ion, which had be- I f ' come-the-Canadian Legion. A s ____________________________held in the oil ice of R. P. Blower,, Secretarv of tĥ ̂ Domininn Vot 1405 Marine Drive at 10 m mi ̂ SALE--Piano, cheap for cash,i ivu ivnuiiic ijin e , ai lu a.m. on t ^>rans' Alliance, which office he Apply, 2452-B Haywood. F also held during part of this -VANCOUVER "MESSENGER- SERVICE-- Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. 1 n ' ,|l |i-zL ̂J ■■?!■' -J' I ^ 11 I- iiil 5 .r:,I' ;i5 I I' ! 5 ' Public Notice l,s hereby givtMi to the Electors of the Muhitupulity of the Corporhtion of _ the District ot_W.est_Vuiu* that I require the preseiuM Electors at the Council Municipal llail. West Vancouver, H. C ON ftlONDAY the 11th day of March, UMO, at 12 o'clock noon,' for the purposv' electing one person to represent thorn as Council!or fur the une.\psrct! portion of Oouncillur T, J, Brown's period, i.e. the Kunainder of the HMO term. The Minle of Nomination of Candidates »Kball-Ue ri**s follows: • The candidates shall be nominated in writing; the writing shall be siib- " scribed. >̂y t wo. elec to r .o f tho Muni- cipality7\s proposer and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Keturning Of- hcer at any time between the date of -th e ' notice- nmU 2 p.mr of^he~day of mmiination. The said writing may be in the fonh numbered 3 in,the Sekod- ule of the "Municipal Ejections Act," and s|jall state the names, re.sidence and occupation or description of each person projHised. in such manner as sufliciently to identify"^ such can­ didate; and in the event of a Poll be- ] ing nece.ssary. such Poll shall bo o])cn. ed on SATUKDAY. THE 16th DAY OF ' ■ --MAitcH. 1940. r ----------- between the hours of 8 o'clock a.m. ami 8 o'clock p.m. of said dav ai tho Ambleside Hall, corner of Mtk Street and Marine Drive, West Vancouver. 1T7~C., of which every person is here­ by required to take notice and gov­ ern him self accordingly. Given under, my hand" at the Muni­ cipal Hall. DivStrict o f West Vancou­ ver, this 2t»th day o f February," 1940. WM. HERIUN, 1 « Returning Officer, Hollybum, B. G., 29th February, 1940, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day. March 11th. 12th and 18f.h Harry"^ Richmond will be the -.re- vising office! thcTe. A rthur Wright, 3183 Travers Avenue, as-rural enumerator of . V 1 M V'X . ,-------------- WlLll UtJW a period--h e w a s required-tO '-fulffll ^FOIl SALE--Majestic Range--$10;00;------ W est-684-Y4:1̂ '....' >3 4 . 4. ? _■ --■ ; i* 1 _ ■ y ■ ■ 1 .. J•.* Cj>v\ « 11 ■ rivs ■. . T J .■ .'..tf O ■.C T ) A ■ FOR SALE -- Baby Carriage, good condition. Apply. 2544 Marine.___ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso- mining-;~first-rclass--^worky--at---rea-- sonable rates. H. Gaines, West-167L. WANTED •-- A position as mother's help, or housekeeper for an invalid. W est 708-R.-_______________ - FOR SALE ■-- Stove, good condition, with new sawdust burner. Phone Caulfeild. Dan Sewell, as rural enum erator of Poll 84 a t Whvte- .cliff, will revise the lis t'fo r 4he Why tecliff. ■ Poll and will be found a t Whytccliff Hodge, Horseshoe Bay. For all suburban polls from Poll 82 to Poll 84, both inclusive, the revising officers will sit be­ tween the, hours of 10. a.m. and 10 p.m. on Tuesday. March 12th Anybody not on the list should be sure to visit one of the com­ m ittee rooms or appear before the iw ising officers on the dates mentioned above. - -------- - the duties ^f legislative repre­ sentative for organized ex-ser­ vice men. He also served for two years-~as Chiiiimian "of the Em- . _ specially membered during this time for having l.qid charges "against, the Pensions Board; and suffstanliat- ing-'such charges before a Royal Commission. Coming to 'Vancouv^er as Dis­ trict Sales Manager for the Ford Motoi- Company, Mr. MacNeil later identified himself with the West Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Liegion, the West Van­ couver Unemployment Associa­ tion and the C- C. F., being first .President o.f the local' clubj and Pronneial Secretary. , Small Open Heater, $3.50; Round Top Diner, $2.00; 4 Mahogany fin­ ished Windsor Chairs, $6.00. Apply, 2403 Haywood Avenue. - A. K. WOOD, Dustless Electric Floor Surfacing^ e x p e r t workman.ship; estimates. Phone W e s t '1093. • FOR RENT,-- Furnished Six Room House., West 256-Y. FOR SALEl----Grey, full ^animal Fox Fur. very reasonable; Phone morn­ ings or evenings. West 462-Y. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF We s t VANCOUVER- Offers will be received by the under- FOR SALEl--iDouble bed spring^and 2 , mattresses; good condition, '$7.50. W est 521-L.______________ • FOR RENTt?--F ive room bungalow at Gleneagles. $25. W hytecliff 341. WANTED--Light housekeeping room,. . reasonable. W. 1007. _________ WANTED TG r e n t -- Furnished house or opartment.. Reasonable. W est 86-Y l, between 6 and 8 p.m. W ANTED-^Housework by the hour. W est 686-R. ' FOR SALE -- Elnterprise Range with latest Imperial Oil Burner with cop- per coil. Cheap fo r cash. West 321.' LADY TEACUP READER available - for afternoon teas, parties,' etc. Very reasonable rates. Phone 927-L, WORK WANTED by capable young woman, hour or day. Box 30 West Van. N ews_______ _____ -̂--------------- , c c r . Election Campaign M eeting _____ LEGION-Ha Ll THURSDAY, MARCH 14th -i-Speakers4--- 8 p,m. tir A r » * C.C.F^ Ydtith Group WALLACE LEPEAUX, C.C.F. Candid.ite Vancouver Centre AFTE^OOM MEETING ' " in Claohan Hotel .r THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 14th, a t 2:30 p.m. J* •. r-r 'O'-y-ys:/a:. MRS. LAURA JA]\nESON, M.L.A. Tea :A\dIl be served signed up to noon on March l l t h , 1940, rHP.«iTl?Rit'Ti?i tyc oi?DATDi?n rn. for the Durchasp nf T.nf aa > ^K FlELDS REPAIRED, re-for the purchase o f Lot 33, Block 6W%, D.L. 775W100 Acres, known as 1009 Twentieth Street, with improve­ ments thereon. Highest or any offer not necessarily - accepted. WM. HERRIN. tr 11 u r, ^ Municipal Clerk.Hollybum, B; C., 29v2-1940. built and recovered; Free estimate.?, 'United Upholstering, 26 Water St, SEy. 8627; evenings W est 845-R- ^ WATERFRONT BARGAIN! 2 Cottages, rented; fu ll price $2500.00* Terms can be'arranged. C. J. ARCHER LTD. 1415 Marine West 225 SPEGIALI -Sawdust ................ $3.50 j^r-uhit Dry Slabs ........„,.$5.00 per cord Inside Fir:-- from sb^ -- $6.00 per cord from mill .j...--$5.50 per cord Slabs yite Bark $4.00 cord Slabs & Edgings $3:76 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 SEWING MACHINES of all makes repaired. < SINGER SEW ING MACHINE CO. 1529 Marine Drive '...... West lOfl SN A P ,, $575 Lovely-view lot 100 X 160,' excelfent location;. veri/ easy clearing. , SH ARPE REALTY 1395 -Marine Phone West 710^ t w i n FOUR-POSTERS, with springs and mattri^itelE^ 3, lamps, 1 Eastern Maple Chesterfield, 1 Arm Chair to match, 1 Oak Chest o f Drawers, W est 558-R l.