West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Mar 1940, p. 3

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■«Sf 7th , 19^0 THE WEST VAN NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT! D R . M C R A E . D EN TIST will bV&WAy from his pr^actice uhtir ApHIJ I st while taking a post-graduate course in dentures. 8 CORPORATION O F THE DISTRICT O f w e s t V ANCOUVER Tlio iittontion of residents is called .to the fact, that the careless of t^irbago around dwcllini^B, and in reooiptacles unsuitable for the pmi)o."c', is a menace to tho health of the community and particularly to tliosi; wlio follow this practice. - In the interests o f hotter sanitation as much refuse as imssible shouhi be bu'hit. Householders are requested to co-operate w ith the Sanitary Authori- ties hy pioviding regulation garbage cans and by making arrangoments with the eollootors for tho spmo to bo emptied Systematically, . HoIJyburn, B.C. W. HERRIN, - ■ . Municipal Clerk. Mr. Barber, of Vanfouver, is U rg e flocks of ruby crowned staying a t the Clachan. kinglets and golden crowned • * * kiligleta have arrived fr<;>m the Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Lougheed, south, this being aboqt three of Vancouver, have purchased weeks ahead of their usual tim e the Thompson property on Ar- for m igrating north. gyle Ave., and will lake posses­ sion in the near/u tu ix \ " ' * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Black, 25th and Marine Drive, have moved across the road to 2520 Mjirinc Drive, where the former is car- rying on his wood and coal busi­ ness as usual. Oliver Burbridge, of tho Cana­ dian Bank of Commerce, a t Mis- ,,„C' E. Moon, 1313 Fulton Ave., lias purchased the E lgar house a t 1566 Coixlon Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore of Cy­ press Park, have moved to ,Van- coiiver.1 Bennett?* BAKERY (formerly Strattons) SATURDAY SPECIAL CREAM CAKES J5c o doz. BIIITERCKUST BKEAU Scotch I'ancakcH, Bconcs, Abcrnethy'g and Oat Cakva 1468 Marino Drive Phono West 27 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE A social evening is bbing held West VaAcollveir Boys* t , , •> ' < ■ I A 10 th A nnual Concert in the Inglewood A uditorium SATURDAY, M arch 1 6 th at 8 p,m. TICKET^ 25c. Sion, B. C., arrived on Saturday „ by the North Vancouver Centre to spend a three weeks' holiday of St. John Ambulance Associa- with his mother, Mrs. C. E. Bur- tioii on Friday, March 15th, a t bridge, 2309 Marine Drive. the Horticultural Hall, North , ♦ * * f Lonsdale. All holders of any St. A fter completing a three Certificates are cordially in­ years' course iiv nursing a t the vitud and certificates will be ^Vancouver . General ..Hospitial, :pr«8ented to those who were suc- Miss Mary Vance is spending cessful in passing exams last, some weeks with her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. William Vance, 1953 Fulton Ave.♦ * ♦ . , year. Cijimming--Barilcii • The wedding was solemnized in St. Stephen's Church, a t 8 p.m. AMATEUR CHRYSAN­ THEMUM ASSOCIATION .,T h e ,W estM ^ tibircbm m eiii^ the Tuesday^ of Mr. Rpbert'Boydlvic- introducing fifteen new members Crone Cumming, R.C.A.F., of who Hamilton, Ont., younger son of force, each one full of desire to Mr. and Mrs. William Cumming, make the efforts o f tĥ ^̂ ing rinks during the year, thanks to Miss Barbara May Bartlett, useful and living success. I t is CLUB to the ladies. The genial Presi- , also of Hamilton, Ont., daughter dent, Sam Fulton, in vacating of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stanley The annual general_ meeting of the ohajr, thanked all for their Bartlett. The Rev. J. P; Dingle "WEST VAN. LAWN BOWLING the West Vancouver Lawn Bowl- co-operation and help during the officiated, and the best man was ing Glub was held in the Council year and passed on a few sug- the bridegroom's brother, James Chamber of the Municipal Hall, gestions of helpfulness to his Cumming, R.C.A.F. The bride, uirFebruary^23rd-lastr--ATi-en̂ = suCcessors~Th^fulLpanera~of;^rMvh'o"w ^ given in marriage by her father, Mr. R. S. Bartlett. now certain th a t the members will have their choice of eleven hundred new plants to choose from, all grown locally. So the next show should eclipse the ■last- ; V , Hollyburn Theatre THIIRSDAY AND FRIDAY SATURDAY MATINEE March 7th, 8th ami Utli n o im v HItEEN 'Way Down South' L nlao GATEWAY TD HOLLYWOOD "CAREER" SATURDAY EVENING MONDAY March Oth-and 11th ami . * LIONEI. ItARKYMORE 'On Borrowed Time' also "THE WILUAM TELL ^ OVERTURE" ril ESDAY limrivi^WE^DA^ March 12Ui ami Uitii FLORENCE RICE UNA MERKEL "Four Girls in White" ■- (Once, only, at 8:15) also "DARK RAPTURE" successors: thusiastic rnembersbip wlais on fibers and ,Committees elected to hand under the Chairmanship of carry through th is year's pro- the President, Sam Fulton. The gramme is as follows: Honorary splendid reports of all commit- President, Reeve J .B . Ley land; tees noted progress and reflected President, A. Harvey S m ith ; credit on the officers' and mem- , Vice-President. Jas, Graiy, Secre- bership in making the last sea- taty^Treasurer,. P. C. Chapm an; son one long to be rernembered. A ssistant Secretary, Wm. A. both in the increasing pleasure HiH; Directors, M ajor D. CJodlon- _ of the grand old game and the ton and Jno. Hall, who with the„. Past Presidejnt, Sam Fulton, form the Executive Committee; WEST VAN. TENNIS CLUB wonderful condition- of th e green ■ thanks to-the greenwardeiis arid expert .advice of the club's friend, J. O'Brien. The blub comr petitions and inter-club gaines were a demonstration of . a fine spirit of sportsman .ship.. and. 'The happy couple will take up residence in Vancouver. „ Engagement ° Mr. and , Mrs. J. B urkhart of 1388 Duchess Ave., annourioe the engagement of thei^ elderi daugh­ ter, Madeline, to Robert Postle- thwaite, of North Vancouver, son of the late The annual meeting of the West Vancouver Tennis Club will be held a t 8 p.ih. tomorrow (Fri­ day) , in St. Stephen's Parish Hall Prospective members are in­ vited to attend. LEGION NOTES The Highlands CAFE 1398 Marine Drivef TEA CUP READING Every, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, commencing Tues., 27th.'- Phone reservations W est 98)1 The regular meeting of the social enjoyment of the member­ ship. Many of the novices have now become seasoned players and Jhe-club-as-a-whole-has-given-a-^ creditable, account of itself in competition play/ The finances ofThe club show all debts paid and a comfortable balance in ■hand. The co-operation between Delegates to B (LL.B.A. W. P a r^ Postlethwaite of Barrow-in-F^^^ ^ 4. vr ridge and J. W. B anks; Delegates ne&§, England. The. wedding will Canadian ^ g io n , W est Vanoou- to V , & -D.L.B.A., P. T. Master- take-place March.SOth a t 8 p.m., ver Branch, wi 1 ^ held at 8 man land W. R. Cravwford. in St. Agnes' Church, North P«m. tomorrow (Friday), in the -- At-Tar-sttbsequeiit m eeting" of--Vn.ncrtnv4ir ---- -- -- Legion-Hah- the Executive the following Committees were form ed: Green- wardens : Jas. Gray and J. W. ^ariksTMatchr^Cbmmi ttee,~Maj or- Godlonton, W. A. Hill, W. P art­ ridge-and W-r-W-right, with the President and~^Secretary ex- officio.' . Major D. (jodlonton Chairm an of the Committee, Vrincoxiverr ♦ * * (^aulfeild friends of Mr. and Mrs. A rthur T. Carroll weri^ "their guests a t tea ori' Sunday afternoon at their W est Shore home, when Mr. and ,Mrs.- Regi­ nald H./Tupper. were guests of honor. Wine-red. tulips centred A good attendance of m.em bei's is reg,uested. Nellie H arrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Residence Studio: 19.55 Inglewood Avenue^ W est 1056-L RED-GROSS the Ladip. '̂ ?^nai.rman oi uie 4̂ uiuix̂ Lt̂ 4=, the tea table in the dining room, --resultcd-in-P-ivij^o HiP t Publicity. Secretary, P. C. (3hap- while pink- -stocks, tulips and fitendlv nam^ f r i ^ m a n . T h e o p e n in g d a y w a s s e t h y a c i n t h s w e r e d l s p o s e d i n c l u s t - niendly nam e to th e -m a n y v is i t - fo r S a tu r d a y , A p r il 27th, w e t or ■' - ^ ^ Any new members will be Burrard Laundry Ltd. . known- - family laundry Phone North 1310 or W est 691L fine. welcomed and are invited to ap­ ply for application form to the Secretary or any club m em ber.. Mr. and Mrs. Londes have moved fr o m 23rd and W ater­ front into a house a t 23rd and Cowian, Miss Kathleen and Miss ers throughout the , reception rooms. Presiding a t the urns were Mrs. N. Muschamp Thornton, Mrs. Angus . McAlister, Mrs. Walter Critchley arid 'Mrs. Ver-" imn Martin, while serviteurs were Mrs. John Perry, Mrs. Geo. Attention Work .Committee, The March irieeting of the Work Committee will be held idt the Red Cross Headquarters, 1944 Mariae Drive, on Tuesday even- -ingjrMarch--12th,-at 8 p.m--M i^ H. A. Ramsden, Chairman Prov­ incial Division, will be present. Members please note change of -date. The Red Cross Headquarters -wilHe blosed-on Monday, March-' 11th, ED. BLACK W ood and Fuel as usual at 2520 Marine. Across the road. W E S T 6 8 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Marine Drive. 2nd West Van. Scout Group th ird ANNUAL . . . Joan^ Taylor, M i s s Ursula Rhodes, Miss Barbara Sulley and Miss Peggy Redden. P. D. Q. CAFE ___ 62^ Howe Street (across from bus stop) Tea Cup Reading by Marchioness D 'Autier de la Rochebriant DEATH OF HAROLD KIRBY WAITE SL PATIUCIC'S DANCE Orange Hall, FRIDAY, MARCH 15th. The monthly dinner arid busi­ ness meeting of the West Van­ couver Chamber of Commerce will, be held -at the Highlands Cafe on Wednesday, March 13th, a t 7 o'clock p.m. sharp when, in addition to necessary , items of S. H. SRIGLEY F ain ter and Decorator 1706 Marine Drive Phone W est 938 Dancing, 9:00 p.m. to. 1:00 a.m. Tartan Mountaineers' Orchestra Admission, 50c Refreshments NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. dry CLEANING (Certified a s .advertised in the Chatelaine and . Good Housek^ping) C. C rFIN N E Y , W est Vancouver.Representative Phone West 782 and Driver will calL Harold Kirby W aite Passed business to be discussed, an in aw a^L^d^nly at his home, 2120 teresting social programme will me Drive last Saturday be presented. Business and pro- mornmg, in his fifty-third year feggional citizens of West Van- _Fune^I services w^^e held _at_ llco .uver municipality -desiring - to a.m. Tuesday at the H olljJurn, associate themselves with this ' progressive group should make Teams: ' P W L T P ts. t Application through"'the .secre- Maple Leafs .... 17 9 3 5.23 tary , Bobby Seeds or other mem- : Dudes ............ ..t.....17 -8 4 5 21 bers of the Executive. W.V. S izzlers........17 9 5*5 21 ---------------------------- Cai^diens«............17 4 10 3 11 L ast week-s scores: t a b l e TENNIS LEAGUE F irst Division ficiated, and interment was made in Capilano Vievv Cemetery. 'The deceased, who was bom .in India and had Jived here for twelve years,' is survived by his-w ife, two daughters Eva of Vancou- ' ver, and Jeannine, a t home; also two sons, Donald, of Port AI- berni, and Peter, a t home. gardenia cleaners & DRESSMAKERS ̂ 2152 M arine Drives West 858 Neat Repairs and Sm art A lterations EXPERT W atch in d O ock ■ REPAIRING - f . CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) ; 1522 Marine Drive W.(5,T.U._ ^The regular meeting will be held on TTiursday, March 14th at 2:15 p.m. in the home of Mrs., J.'. Gillies ̂ Clyde Ave. Mrs. R. Boyer of Vancouver will be the and Mrs. Elmer Bell,speaker soloist :2T1(T The New* Maple Leafs 14;̂ Caniadiens 4. W.V. Sizzlers 13, Dudes 5, * ' Second Division " Teams: . P W L T P ts / W estenders ..........8 6 0 2 14 S ^ k e y e s - ............... 8 6 2 0 12 -Hillbillies i.......... .N orvanifes....... :.-....7 4 2 C om ets....................7 2 4 Nifties .................. 7 1-^6 O im pers ........... ...8 0 8 L ast w^k-'s scores:. W estenders 9, Norvanites 9. Cockeyes 14, Nifties^4. ' Sockeyes 17, Crimpers 1. 1 1 0 0 9 5 2 0